2 minute read
Local girls vie for Miss Teen Bagelfest, court
from Bagel Gazette 2019
by Panta Graph

Pictured with 2018 Miss Teen Bagelfest Kandice Dyer are, clockwise from upper left, Alivia Badeaux, Avery Smith, Alexandria Wells and Tehya Cloyd.
Pictured, back row, from left, Lucy Bagwell, Ariana Dunne, Kira Gabbard, 2018 Little Miss Bagelfest Layna Adele, Teagan Badeaux-Sanders, Macie Runner, Reece Lindley. Middle row, Kaydence Perry, Cameron Wells, Kylee Walker, Braylee Hensley. Front row, Anslee Stone and Harlee Runner.
Opening night to feature crowning of Miss Teen Bagelfest, court
The Miss Bagelfest royalty is scheduled to be crowned on Tuesday, July 16, during the opening night of this 34th annual festival.
The Little Miss Bagelfest pageant (ages 5-7) is scheduled to be held from 6 to 7 p.m., followed by the Preteen (8-10), Junior Miss (11-14) and Miss Teen (1517) pageants at 7:30 p.m. at Williams Elementary School, 1709 S. Ninth St. Participation is open to preregistered youths from the Mattoon School District.
During the pageant, Little Miss contestants individually answer questions in front of the judges and join together to sign a song or perform a dance. The older contestants give themed presentations and also team up for a performance.
In addition, the Mattoon Exchange Club will once again present its annual Book of Deeds honor for community service at 5:45 p.m. just prior to the Little Miss Bagelfest pageant.
Members of the Miss Bagelfest court and the Book of Deeds honoree will be featured in the Bagelfest parade that will start at 10:30 a.m. Saturday, July 20.

From left, Kaydence Drummond, Elizabeth Anderson, Roxana Cloyd, 2018 Junior Miss Bagelfest Alphia Vatalaro, Madison Cusick and Shaylee McGahey.
Back row, from left, Serenity Childress, Arely Gonzalez, Jazzy Gordon, Gracie White and Kyndel Evans. Front row, Ava Beachy, Gracie Wilson and Khloe Frederick. 2018 Preteen Miss Bagelfest Audrina Gordon is not pictured.

MissBagelfest WilliamsSchool LittleMiss6-7pm Pre-teen,Jr.Miss&MissBagelfest7:30pm July16th/17th
Carnival opensat6pm,armbandnight July18th
Carnival opensat6pm Bingo intheDemarsCenter6-9pm Vendors openat5pm RotaryBandShell ScottWattlesRockand RollplusGospelShow5-7pm 7evnthTimeDown onthemainstage8pm, FreeConcert withdonationsacceptedfor OneStopCommunityChristmas Carnival open1-11pm,armband1-5pm Vendors openat1pm RotaryBandShell Amplified,Anyone’s Guess,Vulfspieler,5-7pm Bingo attheDemarsCenter6-9pm THEOAKRIDGEBOYS onthemainstage at8pm,Ticketsare$20forreserved and$15forlawnseating.

RunfortheBagel 6:30am World’sBiggestBagelBreakfast inthe DemarsCenter8-10am RotaryBandShell EastCentralHarmony Chorusinthe9-10am Parade 21st andWesternAve.,along BroadwayAveto1st Street.10:30am Bingo intheDemarsCenter1-5pm BagelBowWow dogcontest2pmatthe RotaryBandShell,registrationat1:30pm. Carnival opennoon-11pm,armbandnoon-4pm Vendors openat8am 1964TheTribute onthemainstage8pm. Ticketsare$10forreservedseatingand $5forlawnseating.