3 minute read
To Call Home
By Carbondale Mayor John “Mike” Henry
Carbondale leaders have long been focused on downtown developments. In recent years, we completed the first two phases of the Illinois Avenue Streetscape project, transforming the look of our downtown. An even more exciting and transformative project is the design of a regional transportation center that will sit in the heart of Carbondale! Architects are currently designing the Southern Illinois Multi Modal Station, which will include Amtrak and local bus services, and space for other amenities we may need. All of these developments will funnel people to Carbondale, which is good news for all of our businesses in each corner of town!
Over the past year, if one thing is certain, it’s that Carbondale businesses know how to adapt. Despite the struggles brought on by the pandemic, many existing Carbondale businesses grew, and new businesses opened.
I am excited to share that there are a number of exciting projects taking shape in Carbondale. This includes the following: • Cedar Lake will soon receive muchneeded improvements at the boat launch. Grant funding from IDNR will allow the City to construct an accessible floating dock at the existing boat launch, install a floating dock for canoe and kayak use, install new restroom facilities, and build a picnic pavilion! • Park Improvements has been our labor of love. The City of Carbondale recently took over maintenance of Turley Park and Tatum Heights Park. City crews have spent nearly a year removing dead trees, repairing water fountains and bathrooms, and refurbishing a popular gazebo. Thanks to the Kiwanis Club, Turley Park also has a new playground accessible for parents, grandparents, and children of all abilities! • Solar Installation – The City completed its installation of solar panels at three City-owned properties – the Civic Center, Public Safety Center, and Southeast Waste Water Treatment Plant. The new solar panels will provide approximately 1.875 million kilowatt-hours of renewable energy to the City. (Pictured is an aerial view of the solar panels at the Public Safety Center) • As mentioned, the Southern Illinois Multi Modal Station will soon be built in downtown Carbondale. The City received more than $16.5 million dollars in grant funding from the US Department of Transportation and IDOT to build the regional transportation hub. This will transform public transportation services for all of southern Illinois! (Pictured is the preliminary design of the Southern Illinois Multi Modal Station)
As far as new or expanding businesses, Bake Me Happy Food Co. recently announced they’ll be opening on the south side of Carbondale on South Illinois Avenue. This will be the dessert shops’ first physical location, and we couldn’t be more excited they chose Carbondale! • Jen’s Joe expanded and moved locations in Carbondale. They are now serving coffee and tea inside Buckwater Brew Works and Whiskey House. • Kat’s Krab and Go offers a unique dining experience. This restaurant is new to our downtown and serves a variety of seafood with your choice of sauce and seasoning. • Scooter’s Coffee is our newest edition to the west side of Carbondale! The drive-thruonly coffee shop offers espressos, smoothies, and breakfast food daily from 6 a.m. until 8 p.m. • Starbucks opened a stand-alone store on East Main Street. The store offers a community room to accommodate local organizations that need a professional meeting space. • Smoothie King and T Mobile will soon open! Contractors are currently constructing both storefronts near the University Place Shopping Center on East Main Street. • OPTIONS at Brehm recently opened a new facility which will serve as a place for students with complex learning disabilities and differences to be supported in a collegiate atmosphere.
Mayor Henry
This activity indicates that investors and business owners have confidence in Carbondale’s economy and business-friendly attitude.
As I have said before, by working together, we are making Carbondale the place you and I, our children and grandchildren, are proud to call home. Sincerely,
Southern Illinois Multi Modal Station