1 minute read

Women United Dinner

Wednesday, March 16

DoubleTree Hotel and Conference Center, Bloomington Photos by Carlos T. Miranda


The first Women United event in 2022 featured McLean County Coroner Kathy Yoder speaking on “The Opiod Crisis—Did Healthcare Turn us into Addicts?” Dr. Yoder offered fascinating insights on the subject, from how it started to what we can do about it.

WOMEN UNITED mobilizes a powerful network of women who strengthen our community through an investment of talent, compassion, and philanthropy. WOMEN UNITED is fighting for women’s health, education and financial stability.

For more information on WOMEN UNITED, please contact Pat Grosso, United Way Resource Development Director and Staff Liaison at pgrosso@uwaymc.org

More photos at pantagraph.com/limited

Marissa and Maria Casella, Kelly Mapugay, Mary Bynum

Keyaria Crider, Nayoka Griffis Heather Miller, Alicia Brown Laura O’Connor, Pat Grosso

Melanie Shellito, Sue Seibring, Heather Young, Jeanette Collier

Sue Seibring, Laura Pritts, Cat Woods

Ann Harding, Cheryl Magnuson, Honorable William Yoder

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