Re-connection, transported

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The case of the Cyprus Problem and the TC and GC communities.

ARH - 501 Introduction to Diploma Thesis

ARH - 503 Diploma Thesis

Pantelis Hadjigeorgiou

Academic Year : 2023-2024


1st Advisor

Dr. Phocas Marios C. Department of Architecture UCY

2nd Advicor

Dr. Stratis Socratis Department of Architecture UCY

3rd Advisor

Dr. Gkatzogiannis Stefanos Department of Architecture UCY Academic Year 2023 -2024

Dr. Phocas Marios C. 1st Advisor June 2024

The architectural world comprises of multiple different aspects and subjects that give attention to multiple factors of different fields all under the umbrella of architecture. With this research my goal is to blend and connect two different aspects. The first one being the social & urban aspect architecture can have and the second being the technological and transformational aspect of my architectural proposal.

In the multi-cultural cities of today, architecture transcends structures and materials. It becomes a vessel of human experiences, emotions and memories. Beyond blueprints and technicalities, Social & Urban Architecture focuses on narratives that resonate with the pulse and co-existence of communities. Designing the feelings, memories, and connections is as important, if not more, as the form and function of a structure. In the digital age, architecture transcends its traditional boundaries. It becomes a dynamic force, shaped by technology, innovation, and adaptability. Technological architecture embraces smart materials and sustainable systems. It’s about harnessing data, optimizing energy efficiency, and creating responsive environments.

My diploma thesis objective is to combine both aspects and provide a technological view to social and urban problems that affect communities, making it easier for the communities to interact and create memories. Cyprus has been divided for now 50 years and the two communities (Greek Cypriots & Turkish Cypriots) have since drifted apart year by year. The communities hardly interact with each other making the objective for a mutual solution much less likely.

Research that ranges from interviews, site analysis and online articles are used to identify the existing activities that are happening and to conclude in ways and sites that are relevant cases for my project. In addition, online research is being done on multiple tranformational technologies that can provide alternatives to the usual scaffolding structures that hopefully provide much more flexibility and a better result for bi-communal events.

The final concept concluded on an electric truck that has the ability to include structures of multiple uses (kitchen, kiosk, stage, shade). Each structure works independently with its own flexible solar panels and battery packs. The scissor structures also include a flexible joint that is used in both section views as well as plan views. In section view the flexible joint, which is 100% recyclable and is created from natural materials, connects the wall floor and ceiling of the structure. In plan view we have inbetween each scissor the flexible joint to be able to bend them and create multiple plans to accomodate different sites.

Let’s take together the this journey, building bridges along the way.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the following individuals who contributed significantly to the completion of this thesis:

Dr. Phocas Marios C., my primary thesis advisor, for his unwavering guidance, insightful feedback, and encouragement throughout this journey.

Dr. Stratis Socratis and Dr. Gkatzogiannis Stefanos, my committee members, for their valuable insights and constructive criticism during the defense process.

Paparoditis Giorgos and Veshiaris Giorgos, who played a crucial role in creating the intricate scale model that visually represents my architectural vision.

Andri Christofides, the General Director of Home for Cooperation (H4C), with whom I had the opportunity to talk and interview. Her expertise and insights enriched my research.

Eirini and Marino, for their thoughtful discussions and intellectual exchanges that enriched my research.

I am also deeply grateful to my family: my father, who tirelessly assisted with the model construction, and my mother, whose unwavering encouragement sustained me during challenging moments.

Thank you all for being part of this remarkable journey.


Social & Urban Aspect

Transformational Aspect

Examples & Categorization

Proposed Concept

Flexible Joint Trials

Scale Model

Instruction Manual

Printed Panels



This year marks the 50th anniversary of the Turkish Invasion and until this day no common solution has been achieved. A lot of trials were made and are actively made to achieve the most optimal outcome for all the communities involved. Of vital importanceare the organizations that keep the connection between the communities alive trying to normalize the daily interaction between them. They provide multiple events such as cultural, educational, leisure, and community service. These events are learning workshops, marathons, coffee shops, exhibitions, tradicional dancing groups, communal kitchens.

These events are in the hundreds and are taking place all across Cyprus. There are a lot of facilities around Cyprus (Limassol, Famagusta, Larnaca, Kormakitis) but the majority of them are being organized in Nicosia where not only do we have the divided capital but a couple of easily accessible crossing points.

My project aims to create a way to plan and organize these events taking into considerations multiple factors.

Community Service

Tutors : Dr. Phocas Marios, Dr. Stratis Socratis, Dr. Gkatzogiannis Stefanos
Pantelis Hadjigeorgiou Academic Year 2023-2024
Ledras Palace
Home for Cooperartion
Goethe Institut
Eleftheria Square
Rüstem Kitabevi
Buyuk Han
Gardens of the Future

Through the initial introductory research, essential was deemed to analyse a lot of locations that bi-communal events occur. These locations are scattered across Cyprus and have their own advantages and disadvantages. The information acquired were in terms of :

1. any nearby sites and organizations

2. Accessibility of the site

3. Size of the site

4. General conlcusions

On the second part of the Social & Urban aspect of the research an interview was completed with the General Director of the Home4Cooperation.

Events Locationts





An iconic location where a number of activities already take place.

Historic building is Ledra palace which used to be a hub for events.

Connection with many organisations as well as a checkpoint for the 2 communities.


-Strong location

-Already highly active

-Organisations that can provide help -A small existing outdoors area

-Historic building





A location that can facilitate outdoor events and exhibitions easily. Close to many existing hubs of events and ideally located next to a public transport station.

Next to Ledras street that a walking checkpoint exists.


-Central location

-Already highly active

-Organisations that can provide but maybe limit as well -A large outdoors area






A location that can facilitate outdoor events and exhibitions easily. Close to many existing hubs of events and ideally located next to a public transport station.

Next to Ledras street that a walking checkpoint exists.


-Central location

-Already highly active

-Organisations that can provide but maybe limit as well -A large outdoors area



A location that has a limitation of space but has both outdoors and indoors space. A promising garden and a central location next to many attractions.

Close to Ledras street and near public transport.


-Central location

-Already active -A welcoming spirit for activities -A small location in general




An active location as a market with a beautiful and historic outdoors area. It is close to many attractions and near the ledras walking checkpoint.

Close to public transport and easily accessible.


-Central location

-Already active with different kind of activities -A historic building

& Urban

Aspect Tutors : Dr. Phocas Marios, Dr. Stratis Socratis, Dr. Gkatzogiannis Stefanos

Events Locationts




A location that is the closest to the Deryneia crosspoint. It is limited to the indoors because there is not much space there.

There is an advantage in being next to a crosspoint and connecting Deryneia with Famagusta town.


-Near the Deryneia crosspoint

-Some other venues nearby

-Limited space both in and out

-Not many activities happening

-Lack of public transport



It is located inside the town of Famagusta next to the sea. It has a lot of nearby parks and avenues that can accomodate temporary structures.

Not far from the Deryneia crosspoint.


-Central location in Famagusta

-Very historic castle

-Limitless outdoors area both inside the castle as well as outside

-A bit distant from Greek-Cypriots



At the center of Larnaca city next to many social attractions. Near public transport and a lot of outdoor areas that can accomodate activities. A bit away from any crossing points.


-Central location in Larnaca

-Already active location

-Near a lot of facilities

-A bit away from any crosspoints



A secluded location that has a new cultural bicommunal centre. Not many attractions and not many activities. A new location with a lot of possibilities to evolve.

No public transport and not close to any crosspoints.


-A newly constructed facility

-A lot of outdoors space

-A secluded location

-Not many activities being done at the moment

Tutors : Dr. Phocas Marios, Dr. Stratis Socratis, Dr. Gkatzogiannis Stefanos

Three concluded Locations

RE-CONNECTION (transported)

Different scale Locations

After the site analysis a conclusion was made on 3 indicative sites that can accomodate bi-communal events. Different scales are being offered. The locations were chosen to satisfy a location in the occupied territory, a location in the buffer zone and a location in the Republic of Cyprus control area while being close to checkpoints and in the Nicosia area.

Nicosia Airport is located in the buffer zone and has been abandoned for 50 years. It is the largest location and can show the full flexibility of the events.

Liberty monument is the middle ground in terms of the scale of the square present next to it.

Ataturk Myd Square is the smallest square that events could occur.

Ambandoned since the invasion of 1974. It’s located inside the buffer zone and facilitates the UN.

A large untouched area that has the ability to host some of the largest events due to the runway.

An abandoned Cyprus Airways plane also prenent.

It is a monument that honors the Greek Cypriots who fought against the British colonial rule in the 1955-59.

It was erected in 1973 and has several statues depicting the struggle for independence. Has a decent size square able to accomodate events. Nearby the church and theological school.

The square is home to the Venetian Column, which was erected in 1550 and topped with a Lion of St. Mark to symbolize Venetian rule.

The square has a central location but is the smaller available space.

Nearby are also some organizations that might be an obsticle to the organization of events.

Nicosia Aiport
Libarty Monument Nicosia
Ataturk Myd Square
Tutors : Dr. Phocas Marios, Dr. Stratis Socratis, Dr. Gkatzogiannis Stefanos
Pantelis Hadjigeorgiou Academic Year 2023-2024


What is the vision and history of Home For Cooperation ?

The HomeForCooperation (H4C) first opened its doors the year 2011 from the already existing group AHDR. AHDR was introduced in 2003 in order to accomodate and produce scientific research on common culture and heritage. The H4C was part of ahdr until 2014 which became its own entity that evolves around culture and the society in general being closer to the community. The vision is to connect people.

What are some characteristics of locations for events ?

There are some points that we want to be able to tick when finding a location. First of all is to be an open space, then is to be accessible to everyone and lastly is to be near crossing points so that can anyone can join without the need to drive your car from the one community to the other. We try to find locations that are also related with certain other organisations that would like to act together.

In the research phase of the project I had the chance to participate in multiple events organised by the Home4Cooperation one of the largest organizations for bi-communal events. Events ranging from small cooking events to week long workshop events. [1]

In the research phase of the project I had the chance to participate in multiple events organised by the Home4Cooperation, one of the largest organizations for bi-communal events. Events ranging from small cooking events to week long workshop events.

I had the chance to talk and Interview Andri Christofides the Executive Manager of Home for Cooperation.

I had the chance to talk and Interview Andri Christofides the Executive Manager of Home for Cooperation.

We discussed multiple subkects but there were a few conclusions after the interview.

We discussed multiple subjects but there were a few conclusions after the interviews.

1. A structure offering flexibility and transportation could be useful.

How is an event usually organised ?

It depends on the size of the event of course with the smaller ones (communal kitchen, workshops) having the orginisation of it start a couple of months prior and the promotion starting 2-3 weeks before the event. At the day of the events they usually need minimal set up that can be done in a couple of hours. The largest event is buffer fringe and it needs a planning 8 months prior and the structures start to be assembled some days before.

What are some ways that you ensure the economic sustainability of H4C ?

As you can see here we have an active cafe that provides some help but as well we have fully equiped meeting rooms that the community can rent. In addition to that we also rent some office facilities to multiple organisations in the same spectrum as our own. We always want our events to depend on the yearly budget and we do not want to exceed it.

What are some challenges and difficulties the organization faces ?

2. The affordability should be a priority as well as the self-suficiency of a structure.

1. A structure offering flexibility and transportation could be useful.

2. The affordability should be a priority as well as the self-suficiency of a structure.

3. The structure should accomodate events that may largely vary in size.

3. The structure should accomodate events that my largely vary in size.

The HomeForCooperation (H4C) first opened its doors the year 2011 from the already existing group AHDR. AHDR was introduced in 2003 in order to accomodate and produce scientific research on common culture and heritage. The H4C was part of ahdr until 2014 which became its own entity that evolves around culture and the society in general being closer to the community. The vision is to connect people.

If a solution becomes a reality, what do you think the role of H4C will be ?

A solution, however that looks, is of course hard to define. The only sure thing is that the need for organisations with the same goals as us will be more in need. Building peace is very challenging and it is one thing to achieve a solution on paper and another to achieve peace amongnst the community. For the part of H4C we will be doing everything possible to achieve a peaceful solution, against bullying and any kind of discrimination.

Tutors : Dr. Phocas Marios, Dr. Stratis Socratis, Dr. Gkatzogiannis Stefanos

Linkage structures

Linkage structures

The research about linkage systems and deployable tensegrity structures started about 20 years ago. In numerous applications then, a major part of the structure can be reduced through the ability of a singular system to facilitate different uses via transformable adaptability. [2]

Advantages :

1. Modular assembly on site.

2. Deployability at the unit level.

3. Re-usability of modules for various configurations.

4. Structural reliability.

The research about linkage systems and deployable tensegrity structures started about 20 years ago. In numerous applications then, a major part of the structure can be reduced through the ability of a singular system to facilitate different uses via transformable adaptability.

Advantages :

1. Modular assembly on site.

2. Deployability at the unit level.

3. Re-usability of modules for various configurations.

4. Structural reliability.



Tutors : Dr. Phocas Marios, Dr. Stratis Socratis, Dr. Gkatzogiannis Stefanos

Tensegrity structures

Tensegrity structures

The tensegrity structures dont have a strict definition. There are though some needed characteristics for a structure to be indentified as such.


Characteristics :

1. Free-standing, without any support.

2. Structural members are straight.

3. Only struts carrying compresion and cables carrying tension.

4. The struts do not contact each other

The tensegrity structures dont have a strict definition. There are though some needed characteristics for a structure to be indentified as such.

Characteristics :

1. Free-standing, without any support.

2. Structural members are straight.

3. Only struts carrying compresion and cables carrying tension.

4. The struts do not contact each other at their ends.

Tutors : Dr. Phocas Marios, Dr. Stratis Socratis, Dr. Gkatzogiannis Stefanos

Scaffolding structures

Scaffolding structures

Scaffolding has the ability to be constructed easily without much professional asisstance and can be transfered to different locatins. Significant is also the space that occupies when it is disassebled which is minimal due to the structures created only having the essential structural elements.

Scaffolding has the ability to be constructed easily without much professional asisstance and can be transfered to different locatins.

Significant is also the space that occupies when it is disassebled which is minimal due to the structures created only having the essential structural elements.

Tutors : Dr. Phocas Marios, Dr. Stratis Socratis, Dr. Gkatzogiannis Stefanos

Pneumatic structures

Pneumatic structures

The benefits of pneumatic structures mainly consist to their flexibility of shape as well as the compact factor when deflated. In addtion those structures are not demanding in terms of construction time and labour. [4]

Pneumatic structures categories :

1. Insufflated structure

2. Aspirated structure

3. Inflated structure

Tutors : Dr. Phocas Marios, Dr. Stratis Socratis, Dr. Gkatzogiannis Stefanos

Scissor structures

Scissor structures

Structures that can vary in shape. The connection of the scissor like element is the one that sets the shape of the structure. [5]

These are some of the most well-known deployable structures with great structural strength and flexibility.

They offer:

1. ability to move the srtucture due to the small footprint when closed

Structures that can vary in shape. The connection of the scissor like element is the one that sets the shape of the structure.

2. huge lightweight structure when open.

These are some of the most well-known deployable structures with great structural strength and flexibility.

They offer:

1. ability to move the srtucture due to the small footprint when closed and 2. huge lightweight structure when open.

Tutors : Dr. Phocas Marios, Dr. Stratis Socratis, Dr. Gkatzogiannis Stefanos

The examples are a variety of all the above categories (scissor, tensegrity, pneumatic, linkage, and scaffolding). The examples were categorized using 4 different criteria. These criteria are : typology, usage, timeframe, and materiality. The examples range from small scale to large and some of them remained in concept phases. Social examples were also found.

Examples &Categorizations

HOBERMAN ARCH (2002,Winter Olympics)


Coop Himmelb(l)au (1968,Concept)

Typology: Scissor

Usage: Leisure

Timeframe: Permanent

Materiality: Metal

Materiality: Metal, Fabric, Wood Chosen Examples

The examples are a combination of scissor, tensegrity, pneumatic, linkage, and scaffolding. The examples were categorized with 4 different criteria. These criteria are : typology, usage, timeframe, materiality. The examples range from small scale to large scale and some of them remained in concept phases.


Typology: Scissor

Usage: Leisure

Timeframe: Temporary

Materiality: Wood, Fabric

AIRTEXTURE AIR HALL (1996-1999,Germany)

Typology: Pneumatic

Usage: Leisure

Timeframe: Temporary

Materiality: Metal, Fabric

Typology: Pneumatic

Usage: Residence

Timeframe: Permanent

Materiality: Metal,Fabric


Typology: Scaffolding

Usage: Leisure

Timeframe: Temporary


Typology: Scaffolding

Usage: Emergency

Timeframe: Temporary

Materiality: Metal, Fabric

Examples & Categorization

Tutors : Dr. Phocas Marios, Dr. Stratis Socratis, Dr. Gkatzogiannis Stefanos

Examples &Categorizations


Typology: Container

Usage: Culture, Leisure

Timeframe: Temporary

Materiality: Metal, Wood


Typology: Container

Usage: Emergency

Timeframe: Temporary

Materiality: Wood, Metal


Typology: Container

Usage: Office, Leisure

Timeframe: Temporary

Materiality: Metal


Typology: Pneumatic

Usage: Culture, Leisure

Timeframe: Permanent

Materiality: Fabric


Typology: Pneumatic

Usage: Culture, Leisure

Timeframe: Temporary

Materiality: Fabric, Wood


Typology: Scissor

Usage: Culture

Timeframe: Temporary

Materiality: Wood, Fabric

Examples & Categorization

Tutors : Dr. Phocas Marios, Dr. Stratis Socratis, Dr. Gkatzogiannis Stefanos

The Social & Urban aspect of the analysis concluded to a transportational design that will have to take into consideration many outside factors, organizations, and sites to have the optimal outcome. The structure is going to host different kind of events from social kitchen to dance events and education programmes.

The Technological aspect of the research provided to the design the flexibility of a folding structure, an autonomous structure, and one that will have the ability to be cutting edge while being easy to assemble and disassemble, so that every volunteer is able to help.

The moving electric truck will have solar panels and sufficient battery packs in order to not need any additional funds other than the initial construction funds that will be provided from E.U. funding programs for bi-communal events.

RE-CONNECTION (transported)


Use technology, VR and facilities that can merge the future with the present and attract the youth with the organisation.

Culture activities that will use a stage for theatre, music, movies. Facilities that support the rental of them to accumulate more income.

Funds from EU, Under-ministry of culture,profits from current activities, profits from future activities.

Information and awareness facilities, that will provide cultural inclusion, information and workshops.

A truck structure that is able to work as a storage as well as a transportation for all the activities. Each activity is able to work independently and be removed from the whole system.

Tutors : Dr. Phocas Marios, Dr. Stratis Socratis, Dr. Gkatzogiannis Stefanos
Pantelis Hadjigeorgiou Academic Year 2023-2024
Autonomous system that provides electricity for all the activities.
Cooking facility for a movable restaurant or cafe that has a goal to inform about food culture or act as secondary facility for a larger event.


Public transport

Pedestrian accesibility

Difficulties to access

Nearby sites

Proposed Concept

Engomi Cemetery
UNPA Swimming Pool
Nicosia Airport
UNFICIP Cross Country Driving Training Circuit
British Forces Retail / Ermes Retail
Nicosia - Troodos Highway

Proposed Concept

Monument Site Analysis

Sites Analysis


Public transport

Pedestrian accesibility

Difficulties to access

Nearby sites

Archibishop’s Palace
Kolokasi Parking Location Park
Theological School
Nicosia old Aqueduck
Tutors : Dr. Phocas Marios, Dr. Stratis Socratis, Dr. Gkatzogiannis Stefanos
Tutors : Dr. Phocas Marios, Dr. Stratis Socratis, Dr. Gkatzogiannis Stefanos

Ataturk Myd Site Analysis

Sites Analysis


Public transport

Pedestrian accesibility

Difficulties to access

Nearby sites

Ataturk Myd site

Proposed Concept

Rauf Denktas University
Sarayönü Mosque
Venedik Sütunu
Rustem Kitabevi
Girne Cd
Mahmut Pasa Sk
Abdi Cavus Sk
Tabak Hilmi Sk
Tutors : Dr. Phocas Marios, Dr. Stratis Socratis, Dr. Gkatzogiannis Stefanos

Ataturk Myd Trials

Proposed Concept

Tutors : Dr. Phocas Marios, Dr. Stratis Socratis, Dr. Gkatzogiannis Stefanos

General structure & Flexible Joint

General Structure & Flexible joint

Canopyandflexiblesolarpanels configurableTilewithstructuralsupportand fortechnicalservices



YOGA Flex is a compostable semi-flexible filament made from a blend of green materials, including cornstarch, glucose, lignin, and cellulose from wood, as well as starch from potatoes.


Proposed Concept

Tutors : Dr. Phocas Marios, Dr. Stratis Socratis, Dr. Gkatzogiannis Stefanos
Flexible Plans

Electric truck (ISUZU)

Electric truck specifications

Proposed Concept

Electric trick ISUZU NNR 45 - 150

Towing Capacity : 4 tonnes

Range : 370 km

People : 3

Power 110 kW

Charging ports : DC Charging (CCS1), AC Charging (J1772)

For the full range of the truck 9 battery packs are needed but you can modify them according to needs.

Tutors : Dr. Phocas Marios, Dr. Stratis Socratis, Dr. Gkatzogiannis Stefanos
Stage Kitchen


RE-CONNECTION (transported) Pantelis Hadjigeorgiou Academic Year 2023-2024


Shade Stage Shade

The shade structure is mainly used to provide participants with shade throughout the day. It can also facilitate small kiosks inside for people that do not want to have a seperate kiosk structure or there exhibition does not need one.

At the ground this structure might need to be ancored with screws to ensure stability.

Tutors : Dr. Phocas Marios, Dr. Stratis Socratis,

The stage structure is the most unique that uses the truck as part of the stage. The stage is functional only when every structure is unloaded from the truck. It is prefered to use the stage only for medium and large sized events. The stage is the only structure that due to the high electricity output both solar energy and energy from the truck batteries are used to provide sufficient power.

This is the only other structure along the shade that might need some anchors to the floor for maximum stability.

Structures Stage

The kitchen uses the same general structure but now included are some needed facilities (fridge, cooker, oven, coffee machine, bins). It contains more than usual battery packs and solar panels to ensure the smooth operation during the events.


Academic Year 2023-2024

Kiosk Structure


The kiosk is the most basic form of the scissor structures containing the least amount of equipment. It can be assembled the fastest and provides information point for multiple activities and events. It is the most flexible that can even accomodate people that want to sell.

Tutors : Dr. Phocas Marios, Dr. Stratis Socratis, Dr. Gkatzogiannis Stefanos

Nicosia Airport Plan

Nicosia Airport

The airport is a historic landmark that has been abandoned since 1974. It was constructed in the 1930s and was initally used as the main Royal Air Force station for Cyprus.

Nowdays, it is used as the UN Headquarters. UN Helicopters are based there, and recreational facilities that cater the UN personnel. [6]

The proposed plan is of the largest scale and has a free movement. It is seperated into two sections, the stage and the general area. The sections are seperated so the loud music and noise does not interupt the rest of the event.

Proposed Concept

Tutors : Dr. Phocas Marios, Dr. Gkatzogiannis

Nicosia Airport Section A-A

Nicosia Airport

Tutors : Dr. Phocas Marios, Dr. Stratis Socratis, Dr. Gkatzogiannis Stefanos
Nicosia Airport Section

Nicosia Airport Perspective

Nicosia Airport

Tutors : Dr. Phocas Marios, Dr. Stratis Socratis, Dr. Gkatzogiannis Stefanos

Liberty Monument

The second site of medium size is the Liberty Monument Plan. It is located in the Republic of Cyprus controlled area and has a monument build to celebrate the fight for recognition from 1955-59. [7]

Now it is a large square with minimal shading that is not occupied or used most of the time. There is a bus stop nearby and is highly accessible.

The event now while taking advantage of all the shades provided in the structure is of smaller scale. Not all kiosks are used and everything is closer together. The event is also seperated into 2 sections to differentiate the noisy area from the general event.

Proposed Concept

Tutors : Dr. Phocas Marios, Dr. Gkatzogiannis

Liberty Monument Section C-C

Liberty Monument

Tutors : Dr. Phocas Marios, Dr. Stratis Socratis, Dr. Gkatzogiannis Stefanos

Liberty Monument Perspective

Liberty Monument

Tutors : Dr. Phocas Marios, Dr. Stratis Socratis, Dr. Gkatzogiannis Stefanos

Ataturk Myd Plan

Ataturk Myd

Ataturk Myd Plan is the smallest square located in the occupied area of Cyprus, near the Ledras crosspoint. It has a venetian column built in the 1500s and is an active square with multiple shops trees and shade everywhere.[8]

This event is the smallest and most compact. It only needs a couple of shade structures and 3-4 kiosks to opperate and has a more open character. It is a central location that will attract many visitors to get informed about the nature of the events.

Proposed Concept

Tutors : Dr. Phocas Marios, Dr. Dr. Gkatzogiannis

Ataturk Myd Section F-F

Ataturk Myd

Tutors : Dr. Phocas Marios, Dr. Stratis Socratis, Dr. Gkatzogiannis Stefanos


The flexible joints are an integral part of the structure. A lot of trials to understand the different properties where made and trialed using two pieces of wood that slid into each opening of the joint. The most optimal one ended up being the one that was without any ridges or openings but just the thinnest. That was due to the 3d printed nature of the material that made the rest of the prints not so resistant to usage.

These trials were made to find the optimal connection between the wall, floor and roof.

To find the most flexible in terms of bending we trialed different infills at two different densities (5%,25%). At the bottom right image idicated is the scaled Gyroid infill, that was chosen, scaled to be observed.

The model is 1:20 scale and an indicative kitchen structure was created. Visible is the light-weight structure and the equipment used for the kitchen. Also noticable are the canopies that act as shade and protection from sun and rain.

The same scale was used for the truck that is shown in the next page. On the truck you can distinguish each different folded structure with different colour boxes. The brown wooden box is the folded kitchen and shows the size difference in size between the completed/ constructed structure and the packaged one.

Scale Model
Scale Model

The goal of the project is to be easily constructed by individuals with no prior expertise. The truck has a maximum capacity of 3 people, something that was taken into consideration to achieve an easy assembly of the structures. It was deemed necessary to create A5 Instruction Manual Booklet.

The instruction manual includes all the information that a volunteer needs to create an event, from the selection of the site to the construction of the individual structures. Inside you will also find everything that is included in the truck and structures so you are able to plan accordingly and request from the ventors to have anything extra they need.



Instruction Manual


Introduction to the Project

1. Introduction to the Project

2. Choosing the site

3. What is included

4. General assembly

A team of volunteers trying to re-connect communities and bridge the gap of cultures while using different locations. Locations that will have new memories attached to them after our events. A simple set of structures was created, keeping in mind the affordability, easy of construction, and flexibility while the whole package is easily and sustainably transportable. Everyone is welcome to join and help with our objective of creating bridges .

Choosing the Site

*The events are completely autonomous. You should not use any of the facilities around you other than the site because that might show a bias towards a community.*

1. Identify the local communities you would like to attend the event.

2. Decide the scale of the event being organised.

4. Examine the modes of transportation for each site as well as the accessibility.

P5. Identify nearby organisations or groups of people that might be an obsticle towards the event.

3. Find multiple sites that are relevant to the locals.

6. Make sure there is enough space for the truck to be transfered from and to the site.

General Assembly

For the assembly a minimum of 3 people are required without any previous knowledge except this instruction manual. Each structure should take no more than 2 hours to be completed so plan your time accordingly.

1. Open the scissor structures and add the floor connectors. After that add the flooring.

3. Repeat the same procedure for the wall and roof but now add the strcutural supports and canopy.

2. Take the flexible joints and connect them to the back side of the structure.

4. Connect the 3 pieces (floor, wall, roof) and at the two ends add the joints and flexible joints as well as the large metal poles .

5. Hold the roof and bend it and add the small poles to hold the structure at a right angle. Repeat for the wall and add the 2 scissor to complete the structure.

6. Add the canopy and the tables, shelves and battery to complete the structure.

*Carefully repeat the same steps in reverse to disassemble the structures and store them in the respective boxes*


,ARH 503
Tutors: Dr. Phocas Marios, Dr. Stratis Socratis, Dr. Gkatzogiannis Stefanos



The proposed structure and concept is a combination of social and technological co existing. The truck which will initially be funded by the European Union will function as an independent party that will organize bi-communal events autonomously. The uses will depend on the size of the event as well as the needs of each one. Kitchen, kiosks, stage and shading structures all provide an all in one experience that will bring communities together. The use of the scissor mechanism as well as the flexible joint provides a flexibility and transporatbility giving the ability to accomodate events of all scales.

Pantelis Hadjigeorgiou Academic Year 2023-2024

Nicosia Airport Plan
Nicosia Airport Plan Liberty Monument Nicosia Plan
Ataturk Myd Plan
ARH 501 ,ARH 503
Tutors: Dr. Phocas Marios, Dr. Stratis Socratis, Dr. Gkatzogiannis Stefanos

Three different cases were shown of the concept being implemented to reconnect cultures and communities. It is important to note that the cases are limitless and can adapt to multiple sites and timeframes.

The three case studies show three different scales that the structure is able to take creating different site specific qualities.

The portability and reconfigurability becomes a reality though the truck which is able to transfer all the structures in a compact space that takes part in events. The truck is autonomous and self powered.

The different structures are realised on a flexible joint concept. The flexible joint which is 100% recyclable is responsible for the transformability of the components and the stiffness of the structure while its operational.

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Available at: [Accessed 16 March 2024].

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