Panther Protection Services, LLC is a full-service protection agency performing threat assessments, risk and crisis mitigation, protective services, self-defense training, and firearms instruction. We understand the distinction between protecting people and protecting property. Our primary focus is on effective, discreet client protection-- thus our motto “swift but silent.” Our team members are disciplined, dedicated professionals who possess the most important personal protection skill – threat avoidance.
Our goal is personal risk mitigation for our clients, while enhancing their ability to function safely within their business and social environments. Our commitment is to deploying protection of the highest industry standard on all assignments.
Through our training division Panther University our goal is to make our students instructor independent vs. instructor dependent. We realize training exposes you to concepts but only practice can build skills. Therefore, as instructors we feel it is our responsibility to help ground you in strong fundamentals. The programs in this catalog are designed to help raise your self-defense IQ by enhancing your situational awareness skills coupled with efficient self-defense principles to help you prevail in the event of an attack. We employ a very simple two step philosophy which has served the US Secret Service well:
1. An escape beats an encounter every time. Don’t make it be a fight unless it needs to be a fight.
2. When we can’t escape and are forced to engage, we fight ferociously.
To enhance your ability to escape we help you readily identify pre-incident indicators. By recognizing behavioral triggers, you will learn to better avoid conflict and how to increase your control during dangerous situations. Situational awareness is the most powerful protection tool that we can pass on to participants in our training seminars.
We also understand that sometimes despite our best de-escalation and avoidance attempts, some situations will unfortunately deteriorate, and a physical confrontation is unavoidable. When we are forced to engage, we employ fundamental principles of traditional martial arts and combatives. Put something hard on something soft. Thumb to the eye, palm heel strike to the button of the nose, elbow to the solar plexus or trachea, breaking a finger etc.
The human body can take a lot of nonspecific trauma, but it doesn’t do well against focused aggression. It is that focused aggression targeted against vital strike areas that cause injury to the attacker. It is injury that allows us to defeat larger, faster assailants. Our goal is to provide you with a solid platform in which to build your skills and provide you techniques that you can deploy immediately upon leaving the training. We teach you how to become your own first line of defense.
Self-Defense Training Catalog www.pantherprotectionservices.com
Mark “Six” James is the Founder and Executive Director of Panther Protection Services, LLC he is a seasoned Close Protection Operator/Executive Protection Specialist with over 30 years of firearms, martial arts and celebrity/executive protection experience.
No stranger to building high performance teams, prior to starting Panther Protection Services, he was a former corporate executive and ran business units for such distinguished brands as Coca-Cola, Nike, and Miller Heiman. He got started in the security and protection business by providing firearms training to legislators, judicial members, and several business executives. He later became the Chief Security Officer and personal bodyguard for many of those same clients. He has performed protective services in over forty (40) countries across five (5) continents and regularly protects government officials, corporate executives, entertainers as well as professional athletes. As a crisis and risk mitigation specialist, he specializes in enhancing individual as well as corporate safety protocols through evidence-based threat assessments. He regularly provides situational awareness, crisis management, deescalation, firearms and combatives training to a number of bodyguard training academies, security companies, executive protection agencies, law enforcement officers as well as private citizens.
He is also a member of the British Bodyguard Association, North American Bodyguard Association, The Summit Group, The Academy of High Threat Protective Studies, Anti-Terrorism Accreditation Board (ATAB), honor graduate of the International Academy of Executive Protection Agents, recipient of the prestigious Golden Gun Award, honor graduate of ICON Services Celebrity and VIP Training and Advanced Executive Protection Course, International Close Quarters Protection Operators Association, International Association of Close Quarter Combat Specialist, International Defensive Pistol Association, Greater Atlanta Defensive Pistol Association, Kuroshi-Do Martial Arts Hall of Fame, and the Sikaron Karate Federation where he holds the rank of 6th Dan and Kenpotaijeetsu RB MMA where he holds the rank of 4th Dan. He received his Bachelor of Science Degree in Public Relations from Florida A&M University.
He is an internationally published author, keynote speaker, security consultant to educational institutions and frequent contributor to a number of print, broadcast and online media, and the author of a number of security, firearm and protection publications:
• Common Sense Self-Defense - A Woman’s Self-Defense Survival Guide
Self-Defense Training Catalog www.pantherprotectionservices.com
Self-defense is not a sport or an exercise video, it is a way to protect you and potentially survive an unwelcomed encounter. Most women who are attacked are not prepared to defend themselves. Our instruction is designed to give you the basic skills and confidence to stay safe and alive in the case of an attack. The main objective is to stop the assault and get away.
Our defense concepts are simple and focus on the tried-and-true elements of traditional martial arts training; attack the weaker parts of the aggressor's body with the stronger parts of yours. Our defense strategies are strength, size and gender neutral. The main focus of our training centers on vital strike areas (eyes, nose, ears, throat, groin, solar plexus etc.) –These are highly sensitive parts of the body that remain vulnerable no matter the size and strength of the potential attacker.
Common Sense Self-Defense:
• Avoiding an Abduction
• Characteristics of an attacker
• Characteristics of a victim
• Strategies to decrease the odds of you being attacked
• Strategies to increase your odds of survival if you are attacked
• Understanding the Perpetrator
Risk reduction is like self esteem, it doesn’t require anyone’s permission but yours. Take control. Empower yourself, confidence is sexy!
Requirements: Jeans, Tee or Sweatshirt, Sweats, Warm Up Suit and Athletic Shoes
Additional Considerations: Bring a snack for energy, water, Gatorade etc.
Course length: 2 - 3 hours
Risk reduction is like self esteem, it doesn’t require anyone’s permission but yours. Take control. Empower yourself, confidence is sexy!
In today’s economic times, the prototypical bad guy is harder to recognize. Today's threat is not confined to the image of a deranged individual or an overzealous fan. He or she may be the person next door who lost a job, and along with it the capacity to feed the family. He or she may be the seemingly harmless stranger profiling you in the airport, hotel or restaurant. Today’s bad guy is calculating and equipped to do harm to the unsuspecting and ill prepared.
Executives are considered easy targets because often they inadequately prepare to mitigate their own personal safety risks. Self-defense training is serious business that executives should make part of their ongoing calendars activities.
Bad guys are honing their criminal element skills every day. In contrast, executives are usually focused on critical issues such as meeting customer demands, driving company initiatives and growing marketshare. Your life or family’s well being may depend on changing that pyridine. Panther Protection Services helps business executives build self defense skills that are essential to minimizing personal security risks.
With situational awareness and self-defense instruction from Panther Protection Services, executives and travelers are better prepared to handle unforeseen personal security threats.
Self-defense training is designed to lessen an executive’s potential for being targeted and maximizing the opportunity for surviving an assault. For executives conducting business domestically or abroad, Panther Protection Services is a resource that delivers special coaching with the objective of showing how to stop an assault and move from harm’s way.
Our defense concepts are simple yet effective- which make application easier under stress. They are strength, size and gender neutral. Founded on the tried-and-true elements of traditional martial arts techniques; our training centers on balance disruption, body mechanics and vital strike areas – the highly sensitive parts of the body that are vulnerable no matter the size and strength of the potential attacker.
You are your company’s and your family’s greatest asset. Make an executive decision to enroll or sponsor a Travel Smart” session today!
Additional Considerations: Bring a snack for energy, water, Gatorade etc.
Course length: 8 hours
You are your company’s and family’s greatest asset. Make an executive decision to enroll or sponsor a ‘Travel Smart” session today!
Students aren’t the only ones getting an education to increase the probability that they will indeed achieve their life aspirations. Panther Protection Services is teaching educators the art of protecting students and themselves against violence and mayhem through their new seminar “Dealing with Challenging Students.” Unique to the personal protection seminar is training on behavioral triggers.
We teach professors and other campus personnel how to recognize behavioral patterns among themselves that can elicit threatening actions by a student. Educators will learn to better avoid conflict and how to increase their control during dangerous disturbances. “Situational awareness is the most powerful protection tool and people leave our seminar with that knowledge and much more.
Outbreaks of hostile student behavior and active shooter incidents are in-your-face reminders that educational institutions are a microcosm of the real world. While school administrators place high value on protecting students and their learning environments, Department of Justice statistics warn that an aging safety plan, coupled with lack of situational awareness training exposes an entire school site to unnecessary risks. Security protocol that lacks updated best practices and fails to give realistic guidance to classroom instructors puts lives at higher risk. "Dealing with Challenging Students" also includes information on generational communication differences that can lead to dangerous conflicts.
It's time for the academicians to take notes on their iPads and learn non-defensive, safe interactions with students who present potential challenges not only to the learning environment but to the well being of others. We are working with colleges to train employees on situational awareness and pre-incident indicators as a key component of safety protocol. Professors who develop skills in quickly discerning the difference between signs of dangerously challenging behaviors and non-threatening distractions can promote an environment of learning and safety where students flourish.
We also understand that sometimes despite an educator’s best de-escalation attempts, some situations will unfortunately deteriorate and physical contact by a student occurs. We teach educators how to minimize their chances of injury during a violent assault, whether it is a student against teacher or a student-on-student attack. “Dealing with Challenging Students” covers strategies especially applicable to school environments and shows those closest to the threat how to become their own first line of defense. Our primary objective is teaching educators how to maintain calm in the face of anxiety.
Self-Defense Training Catalog www.pantherprotectionservices.com
An Active Shooter is an individual actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined and populated area; and continues to do so while having unrestricted access to additional victims. “Active shooter situations are often over within 10 to 15 minutes, before law enforcement arrives on the scene, individuals must be prepared both mentally and physically to deal with an active shooter situation.”
Active shooters often look for soft targets like malls, churches or schools due to their low presence of security and high access to potential victims. The active shootings at Columbine High School, Omaha Mall, Virginia Tech, and Fort Hood left a trail of victims because the shooters were far more prepared than those who suffered in those ordeals. Financial or emotional stressors, forced separation from a lover or a job, bullying or an overly aggressive manager or insensitive instructor may create the flashpoint which triggers workplace or school violence.
As protection specialist we understand first-hand a school or universities challenges associated with a changing reality. High profile crime incidents on campuses across the nation communicate to parents that the campus environment can be as risky as ‘the real world.’ Because active shooter situations are quick and incredibly violent active shooter training is a necessity for school and university administrations to understand immediate actions needed even before police arrive on a scene. Individuals must be prepared themselves with strategies to increase their chances of survival while awaiting help.
At Virginia Tech, student Seung Hui Cho killed 32 people and injured 15 others. At Sandy Hook, Adam Lanza killed 26 people and injured 2 others. The active shooters didn’t discriminate – students both young and old as well as administrators were shot. Both ordeals were over within 11 minutes.
At Panther Protection Services we help you:
• Identify your security challenges
• Develop proactive risk reduction strategies
• Identify pre incident indicators
• Help your administrators, teachers and students understand the appropriate sense of urgency in response
• Learn survival tactics for school officials and students during an actual attack
• Learn how to engage with first responders
• Learn how to assist victims post attack
When agencies, departments, educational institutions and employers try to avoid high-risk situations at all costs, and wait for SWAT to arrive, history has shown us the cost will be innocent victim’s lives. Let us customize and active shooter survival plan for your institution today!
Everyone benefits when each member of a community has hope for leading a safe, productive life. Our collective community is deprived of talent and service contributions when women are robbed of the personal security needed to work, attend school, give care to loved ones, or develop special talents. That’s why Panther Protection Services is creating partnerships with public entities, non-profits, and corporations to surround battered and abused women with a powerful resource: training and vital information about situational awareness and self-defense techniques for women. We deliver training and vital education customized for women in protective shelters. We believe working together to provide training and information that meets the unique needs of abused women can help reduce the cycle of abuse against women. Our partnerships make it possible for women in shelters to access training at no cost to them. Everyone benefits. At Panther Protection Services, we call this our Angel effect and it’s our way of giving back.
Self-help through enhanced personal protection can be an effective component of longer-term solutions against rape, abuse, and battering of women. As protection specialists, our strategies begin with teaching women in shelters how to recognize behaviors that can readily turn into a physical assault. We train women on defensive tactics such as how to escape chokes, how to increase chances of surviving attack by an armed aggressor, and how to prepare for a safe escape when faced with threats in the future.
Panther Protection Services applauds the accomplishments of women’s shelters and sponsored programs that nurture abused women’s ability to lead safe, productive lives. Those organizations grant hope to families and communities for better tomorrows. We serve as a resource for them and others that invest in protecting women against abuse. In concert with partners we gift battered women with vital training. This is Angel, by Panther Protection Services.
Self-Defense Training Catalog www.pantherprotectionservices.com
FOR GENERAL INFORMATION: info@pantherprotectionservices.com P: (404) 607-9003
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FOR PRESS INQUIRIES: Renee.gilmore@pantherprotectionservices.com P: (813) 220-9782 http://www.youtube.com/user/TRPOperator6
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Self-Defense Training Catalog www.pantherprotectionservices.com