Pentaton January 2011

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Vol. 22, Issue 2



3-4 Workshop Previews

5-6 Workshop Reviews

NEW! Technology Corner


Member Spotlight in Memoriam: Remembering Rida Davis


Directions to workshops


Membership Form

January 2011

Spring 2011 Workshops

Presidents’ Notes


chil Newsletter of AOSA Chapter #5





For workshops, bring a bag lunch or $5 for pizza and a drink.



Volume 22, Issue 2

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President’s Notes

Dear PAOSA members and friends, As we begin a brand new year, it's good to pause and reflect on the many changes in our chapter this season. The Board has welcomed several new members who have stepped forward to serve PAOSA. Lori Arner is now our Recording Secretary and At-Large member Sharon Steward is our new Hospitality chair. We also have a new host at Abington Friends, Jason Novak, the music teacher for AFS Lower School. Rose Grelis and Helene Furlong are co-chairing Membership and Dawn Pratson is acting Fund Raising chair. Britt Dominick has ably taken the reins as PENTATON editor. I am ever grateful to them and all the other continuing Board members who make our chapter so outstanding. There will be elections for two important PAOSA offices this spring, Vice President and Treasurer, as required by Article III of our Bylaws. The nominating committee will consider all requests, so members may nominate those they believe will be good candidates for these important offices. Looking ahead to four more exciting workshops, please mark your calendars for Saturdays January 29, March 12, April 30 and June 4. Check out our chapter newsletter and/or website for details about these workshops and presenters—from world drumming with student participants, Orff process and recorder, dance and creative movement, chapter sharing—lots of fun, activity and great classroom material! Remember that all PAOSA members are welcome to attend chapter Executive Board meetings—we welcome your interest and input. Our next meeting will be March 12 at AFS, after the workshop. Happy New Year to all and warmest wishes for a wonderful 2011! Martha Glaze Zook


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Mark Seaman Orff in Action Earth Rhythms—World Drumming January 29, 2011 8:30 coffee & registration, 9:00-1:30 workshop

Abington Friends School, Jenkintown, PA

Working with fourth through seventh grade students from local schools for a portion of this workshop, Mark Seaman will take his participants on a journey of sound and rhythm from ancient Australia to Africa and beyond. Using world drums, percussion, and storytelling we will use group participation to create a global rhythm ensemble that will bring all of the participants together as one community. Participants will learn processes of leading world drumming ensembles in their own school settings through participation and observation of Mr. Seaman working with school-age children. A special note, workshop attendees will have the opportunity to win a drum purchased from Todaro’s Music ( in Lansdowne, PA.

MARK SEAMAN is the owner and operator of Earth Rhythms in West Reading, Pennsylvania. Mark has studied with Glen Velez, Pete Barnhart, Arthur Hull, Barry Bernstein and Paulo Mattioli. He has also completed training courses through Rhythm for Life and Unity with a Beat. He has presented his programs for nationally known social, corporate and community agencies. Mark's programs have received rave reviews and have been featured in the national media.


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PROCESS! March 12, 2011 8:30 coffee & registration, 9:00-1:30 workshop

Abington Friends School, Jenkintown, PA

When students are engaged with hands-on learning that is developmentally appropriate and carefully guided, sophisticated musical results can be achieved starting with the simplest of materials. Clear teaching process in combination with elemental music-making allows the learner to engage from introduction to culmination. Workshop will focus on original source materials (Keetman & Orff), folk songs and other musical resources. Please note: The activities in this workshop will focus on lessons for grades 4 - 7 and include singing, moving, barred instruments, untuned percussion and recorder. Participants should bring all available voices of recorders. Jo Ella Hug is a teacher in a large Middle School in Missoula, Montana. Although her current specialty is using Orff Schulwerk in grades 6, 7 & 8, she has taught all ages of learners from Kindergarten through adult. In the summer, she teaches Orff Schulwerk Teacher Education at various Universities including the program at the University of St Thomas in St. Paul, MN. Jo Ella has been included 4 times in the annual publication of Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers. She has presented numerous workshops around the USA and Canada as well as many AOSA National Conference Sessions. Jo Ella has been a headliner at the National Conference of Carl Orff Canada in 2000 and 2010; has presented for MENC All-Northwest and the MENC 2008 National Conference in Milwaukee. She is the immediate Past President of AOSA.


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2010 - 2011 BOARD President Martha Glaze Zook 1040 Pine Street Philadelphia, PA 19107 215-925-8948

Workshop Review Rick Layton Singing and Saying, Moving and Playing September 11, 2011 Reviewed by Britt Dominick

Vice President Dawn Pratson 253 N. 3rd Philadelphia, PA 19106 267-971-0926

Rick Layton presented this year’s Brigitte Warner Memorial Fund workshop on a gorgeous, sunny September Saturday at Abington Friends School. With over 50 participants attending and a relaxed and engaging presenter, this workshop was an excellent experience to enlighten, engage and inspire everyone for a new school year.

Treasurer Dolores Williams 439 Lawrence Rd. Broomall, PA 19008 (610) 325-3136

The overriding message to everyone throughout the workshop was to remember to allow our students to be active participants throughout the music-making process. So many times we music teachers are so determined for a specific outcome in a lesson that we forget to be open to students’ ideas and contributions. The opening activity challenged the group to play with the meter of a simple poem. Where were the accents? How should we say it? Is there another way to say it? What meter is that? One participant found a way to recite the poem in mixed meter! The pure form of play, creation, improvisation and freedom were present throughout this workshop. Rick’s sense of humor, adventurous spirit and his passion for teaching were evident throughout the workshop.

Program Chair Michelle Fella Przybylowski 399 Cinnamon Drive Huntingdon Valley, PA19006 215-938-7438 Membership Co-Chairs Rose M. Grelis 409 Granite Terrace Springfield, PA 19064 610-328-9784 Helene Furlong 610 Gilbert Road Ridley Park, PA 19078 610-521-7668

The final, crowning piece of the day was a Renaissance Sword dance Mr. Layton’s students learn and perform each year at the Maryland Renaissance Faire. He discussed teaching ideas, ways to break down the steps and his trial-and-error journey of perfecting the swords used by his high school students —quite adaptable to lower and middle school students. Many of the ideas and activities Rick shared with us I have used and plan to use in my elementary k-5 program. A delightful, informative day and I am so glad to have been a part of it. Thank you, Rick!


Volume 22, Issue 2

Workshop Review Beth Melin Nelson Basic Orff

Secretary Lori A. Arner 15 Plumly Way Holland, PA 18966 Act 48 Administrator John F. Bednar Jr. 27 S. Trooper Rd. Norristown, PA 19403 610-539-6295 Newsletter Editor Britt Marie Brown Dominick 133 East Gorgas Lane Philadelphia, PA 19119 Hospitality Co-Chairs Sharon Steward 4927 Central Avenue Trevose, PA 19053 215-355-0934 Marni Berkowitz 413 Aspen Lane Hatboro, PA 19040 215-441-4187 Website Linda Wardell 2601 Newell Drive Wilmington, DE 19808 302-998-7020 At-Large Member Terri Cocci 4723 Alisan Road Reading, PA 610-582-7448

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October 23, 2011 Reviewed by Lori Arner On October 23rd, Beth Melin Nelson shared with our PAOSA chapter an engaging workshop about creative ways to explore music. The activities were varied in theme and nature, but all of her presentation was an inspiring use of the Orff approach. The workshop opened with application of a poem, "The Lion and the Unicorn" as an impetus to improvising rhythmically on hand drums and through movement. The theme of royalty continued with melodic composition using another poem, "Queen, Queen Caroline." The exploration allowed participants to venture into the realm of pentatonic vocal improvisation, an area of challenge for many people, students and teachers alike! Next Beth shared some "Monday morning" ideas ready for immediate implementation. A stick passing game for students to share their costumes segued into a more complex activity. Drawing inspiration from Keetman's Spielbuch fur Xylophone I, Beth then shared a fun Halloween speech piece titled "Little Goblins," in which participants chanted a verse to explore vocal tone color and body percussion. The piece generated a lot of laughter as we moved and chanted in canon like goblins around the room! It was a very natural progression as participants then moved to barred instruments to generate an accompanying piece in a la based pentatonic. Always a favored topic among elementary teachers, the concept of rain and storm guided group work and exploratory movement. Groups enjoyed working on playing, moving, and improvising musical ideas based off of three different storm ostinati. A big "thank you" to Beth for providing us with innovative takes on the Orff-Schulwerk teaching process and providing us with numerous ideas to take back to our children!


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A new addition to the Pentaton, this forum is for our members to share information and ideas about various technologies they bring into their music room. This issue’s technology focus is on using an interactive whiteboard in music education. Below are some websites to use with whiteboard technology as well as useful links for further investigation! If you have experience with a whiteboard in your classroom and are willing to submit an article or share some teaching ideas, please send it to Britt Dominick at by March 19, 2011 for inclusion in the Spring 2011 Pentaton. Below are some interactive sites for kids that translate well onto a smartboard as well as a site to create your own unique smartboard lessons: San Francisco Symphony’s website for kids Activities include a music match game, orchestration station, composer gallery A site to develop lesson plans and presentations beyond the standard powerpoint format. HAVE FUN!

PENTATON Editorial Deadlines ° ° °

Spring Issue: March 19, 2011 Summer/Fall Issue: July 16, 2011 Winter Issue: December 15, 2011

Please send submissions to Britt Marie Dominick at     

Chapter Member Highlights Workshop Reviews Lesson Plan Ideas Five-Minute Fillers Technology Tips


Volume 22, Issue 2


Rida Davis Member spotlight in Memoriam On behalf of all the members of PAOSA, past and present, the PAOSA has made a donation to AOSA’s Endowment Fund in memory of our dear member, Rida Davis. We all miss Rida and appreciate her dedication to PAOSA. She was an active member of our chapter for many years. Rida C. Davis, 72, of West Chester passed away on October 7, 2010. Born in Darby and raised in Folcroft, she was the only child of the late Guy and Jane Davis. Miss Davis earned bachelor of science and master of music education degrees from Temple University. She taught elementary music in Cheltenham, West Hartford, Conn. and West Chester, Pa. Miss Davis was a specialist in the Orff-Schulwerk music teaching process. She received certifications in Orff-Schulwerk from the University of Toronto and Memphis State University and completed a year of study at the Orff Institute in Salzburg, Austria. Miss Davis served as the Orff consultant to the Title III Project for Memphis City Schools. She taught music methods and Orff levels classes at West Chester University and conducted numerous workshops in Orff-Schulwerk for music teachers across the country. She was affiliated with the American Orff-Schulwerk Association and served as a past board member. Earlier in 2010, she was honored with an award from that organization for her many contributions within the profession and her involvement in the Orff process in music education. Miss Davis was a member of Westminster Presbyterian Church where she sang in the chancel choir and played in the hand bell choir. Rida is survived by many loving friends and colleagues.

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Directions to Workshops Using Pennsylvania Turnpike - From the East: Get off the PA Turnpike at the Willow Grove Exit, Rt. 611 (exit #343), go South on 611 (Old York Rd.) about 4 or 5 miles until you get into the Jenkintown shopping district (small shops right along sidewalk). The first light is Greenwood - turn left. The first light on Greenwood is Washington Lane – turn left, second driveway, turn right into Abington Friends School. - From the West: Exit the PA Turnpike at PA-309 (exit #339), South. Follow 309S for 5.4 miles. Take a slight left onto W. Cheltenham Ave. Turn left onto Washington Lane. School is 2 miles up the road. From the north - take the Northeast Extension of the PA Turnpike South to Rt. I-276 east. Follow directions above. From the State of Delaware and Delaware County, PA Take I-95 North to Chester and exit at Rt. I-476 Plymouth Meeting (Blue Route). Stay on I-476 and go onto the PA Turnpike East. Follow PA Turnpike directions above. From Chester County, PA Take Rt. 202 to the PA Turnpike East. Follow PA Turnpike directions above. From New Jersey - From Central Jersey - Take the New Jersey Turnpike to the Pennsylvania Turnpike. Follow PA Turnpike directions above. - From Tacony Palmyra Bridge - Cross the Bridge and follow Rt. 73 north through Philadelphia (becomes Cottman Ave.) and into Montgomery County where it is called Township Line Road. Turn right onto Jenkintown Road, which becomes Greenwood Ave. Turn right onto Washington Lane. Abington Friends is on the right. - From Ben Franklin and Walt Whitman Bridges - Take Schuylkill Expressway I-76 West and bear right at Roosevelt Boulevard Extension. Exit at Broad Street Rt. 611 North and follow directions below. From Philadelphia Take Broad Street North (Rt. 611) and bear right onto Old York Road. Turn right at the end of “The Pavilion” shopping center onto Washington Lane. Abington Friends is 1 1/2 blocks on the right.


Volume 22, Issue 2

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2010-2011 AOSA and PAOSA Membership Information American Orff Schulwerk (AOSA) National Membership Benefits:       

The Orff Echo - Quarterly journal that contains articles, reviews and materials of interest to Orff Schulwerk practitioners. Reverberations - This quarterly newsletter includes information and news about AOSA's members, projects, conferences and activities of the National Board of Trustees. Scholarships and Research Grants- (see for more information) The AOSA Video Library - Members may borrow recordings of master teachers. The Isabel McNeill Carley Library Collection -The definitive collection of materials related to Orff Schulwerk in the United States. Orff Schulwerk Professional Development Information & Employment Information The Annual National Conference

Philadelphia Area Orff Schulwerk Association (PAOSA) Membership Benefits:    

The Pentaton: Local newsletter issued 3 times a year PASOA workshops: Free admission to all 6 workshops Chapter Directory: Provides contact with other PAOSA members Complimentary admission to workshops for your administrator

Option One: National and Local dues. One year of AOSA national membership and one-year local membership (available through October 23, 2010).

Option Two: Local dues only. This option is for teachers who are either already national members or are not going to join national AOSA.

___ First Time Member Teacher $125 ___ Teacher $135 ____Full-time Student $35 ___ Retired Teacher $90

___ First Time Member Teacher $60 ___ Teacher $70 ___ I am a national member ___ I am not a national member ___ Retired Teacher $40 Note: Because workshops are free to students they need not become local members.

Name: ________________________________________

Phone: _______________________

Address: ______________________________________

Cell Phone:____________________

City: _________________State___ Zip Code_________ School District: ________________________________________________________________ School: ______________________________________________________________________ Email Address: _________________________________________________________________ ___ Check here to receive workshop reminder postcards (in addition to email reminders) Make check payable to: PAOSA Send to: Rose Grelis, 409 Granite Terrace, Springfield, PA 19064 Email questions to: Discounts: $5 off before July 3, 2010; $10 off for first-time members.


Volume 22, Issue 2

What’s happening in our area this winter with other chapters? Central Jersey ( February 12th Sharing workshop with Kodaly NJ North Jersey ( February 5, 2011 - NNJOSA Chapter Sharing (Snow Date: February 12) March 5, 2011 - Michael Chandler "Back to the Basics: Using Keetman's Elementaria" Pittsburgh ( January 22, 2011—Brian Burnett March 12, 2011—Martha Riley




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Philadelphia Area Orff Schulwerk Association

is a chapter of the nonprofit American Orff-Schulwerk Association dedicated to the advancement of music education through the techniques of Orff Schulwerk. This is a tri-annual publication of PAOSA keeping the members informed about activities, policies and workshops.

Publish YOUR business card size music ads in PENTATON $10 per issue

Web publishing, design, programming, graphics, maintenance, and hosting or

2011 AOSA Professional Development Conference November 9-12, 2011 Pittsburgh, PA

$25 per publication year


Volume 22, Issue 2

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