Pentaton August 2010

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Volume 22, Issue 1

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PENTATON chil Vol. 22, Issue 1

Newsletter of AOSA Chapter #5


2010-2011 Workshops


Presidents’ Notes

3-4 Workshop Previews 5

National Conference!


Why Join AOSA?




7-8 Levels Training: A perspective from a recent graduate Act 48 and NJ Professional Development hours information 9

Directions to workshops


Membership Form

For workshops, bring a bag lunch or $5 for pizza and a drink.

August 2010


 GOOD NEWS! Raffles are back … a chance to win new resources and materials for your classroom at every workshop! 


informa‐ tion.


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President’s Notes

Greetings PAOSA colleagues and friends— I hope your summer has been fun, productive, or just plain relaxing, despite the wilting heat! Many of you have enjoyed travel and family visits during the summer vacation—a valuable time to regroup and refresh. For those of you who took Orff levels and other courses for professional development, may the inspiration you gained propel you forward into the new school year. We’ve had some changes on the PAOSA Board. Janet Tebbel and Marlis Kraft have stepped down from Membership Chair and Fundraising Chair, respectively, and Roxanne Dixon has stepped down from editing the PENTATON. Thanks and kudos to Janet, Marlis and Roxanne for their years of service and dedication to these important positions. Rose Grelis and Helene Furlong are the new Membership coChairs, Dawn Pratson is acting Fundraising Chair and Britt Marie Dominick is the new PENTATON editor. We also welcome new Hospitality Chair, Sharon Steward. Many thanks to all of them for their willingness to serve! We also extend a warm welcome to Jason Novack, the new music teacher at Abington Friends Lower School. We are grateful to Jason and AFS for continuing our long and cordial relationship as host of our workshops. There is a line up of outstanding presenters for our 2010-11 Saturday workshop series. Get your teaching year off to a great start with our first workshop on Saturday, September 11, 9 am—1:30 pm, with veteran presenter Rick Layton. You will come away inspired with lots of helpful Orff process ideas, teaching resources and much more. On October 23, Beth Melin Nelson will present a “Basic Orff” session. Both Rick and Beth are well-known and seasoned levels teachers. The AOSA National Conference, “Rhythms of the River – Flowing from the Source,” will be in Spokane, WA, Nov. 3-6. Look for a brochure at our registration table or visit the website Please let us know if you are interested in going. Please consider taking advantage of PAOSA chapter involvement. If you are a member, you may come to any and all Board meetings—we welcome new faces to contribute fresh ideas and talent. Make sure to visit our website to see the complete line up of this season’s presenters, membership information, photo gallery and more. Thanks to Linda Wardell, PAOSA webmaster! Hoping to see you at our workshops and wishing you all joy and success in the coming school year— Martha Glaze Zook, PAOSA President


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Rick Layton Singing and Saying, Moving and Playing September 11, 2010 8:30 coffee & registration, 9:00-1:30 workshop

Abington Friends School, Jenkintown, PA

Participants will be actively involved in a number of experiences including working with riddles, dancing (and playing) an Israeli folk dance, and playing/dancing two Renaissance dances. The music used during the workshop will focus on the elemental style of MUSIC FOR CHILDREN, by Carl Orff and Gunild Keetman. Participants will not only learn and create music, but will also be involved in discussions of the musical basis for teaching this elemental style to children, and (perhaps more importantly) how this elemental teaching approach can be applied to other music as well.

Dr. Richard Layton (“Rick”) is the Upper School Performing Arts Chair at The Key School in Annapolis, MD. He holds Level III Orff Schulwerk Certification, and Master and Doctorate degrees in Music Theory. In addition to his work with students at The Key School, Rick also teaches music theory at the University of Maryland, and Orff Schulwerk levels training courses. He has been a clinician at numerous state music conferences, and presents regularly at the national conference of the American Orff Schulwerk Association since 1988. Rick’s international teaching includes the Orff Institute in Austria, Canada, Taiwan, and Australia.


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Beth Melin Nelson Basic Orff October 23, 2010 8:30 coffee & registration, 9:00-1:30 workshop

Abington Friends School, Jenkintown, PA

A back to basics workshop, participants will have a wonderful opportunity for hands-on music making activities, games and songs. With emphasis on process, Beth will guide workshop attendees through a myriad of inspirational and usable ideas to bring right into the classroom. Beth Melin Nelson teaches elementary music classes at St. Paul Academy and Summit School in St. Paul, Minnesota where she also serves as the Assistant Principal. She received a bachelor of arts in music education from the University of Minnesota, in Minneapolis and a master of arts in music education with an Orff Schulwerk concentration from the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minnesota. In addition to her work with children, Beth is an adjunct faculty member and Director of the Orff Schulwerk Teacher Education Program at the University of St. Thomas and is a faculty member of the Orff Schulwerk Teacher Education Course at Southern Methodist University in Dallas. With over 20 years of experience, she has taught music and movement to students in early childhood classes, elementary schools, and high schools. Beth has presented and performed at national AOSA conferences, state MENC conferences and is a frequent clinician at chapter workshops around the country.


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2010 - 2011 BOARD President Martha Glaze Zook 1040 Pine Street Philadelphia, PA 19107 215-925-8948 Vice President Dawn Pratson 253 N. 3rd Philadelphia, PA 19106 267-971-0926 Treasurer Dolores Williams 439 Lawrence Rd. Broomall, PA 19008 (610) 325-3136 Program Chair Michelle Fella Przybylowski 399 Cinnamon Drive Huntingdon Valley, PA19006 215-938-7438 Membership Co-Chairs Rose M. Grelis 409 Granite Terrace Springfield, PA 19064 610-328-9784 Helene Furlong 610 Gilbert Road Ridley Park, PA 19078 610-521-7668

2010 AOSA National Conference Spokane, WA November 3 - 6, 2010 Visit for more information.

Member Highlights Michelle Fella-Przybylowski, our current Program Chair, has just finished serving a two-year term as Region V Representative to the AOSA National Board of Trustees. Michelle is a certified instructor for Orff Levels I and II; teaching courses at Baldwin-Wallace College, Brea, Ohio, Villanova University, University of Massachusetts. She is an adjunct Professor at The University of the Arts, and Chestnut Hill College. Michelle is a full-time elementary music teacher in the Cheltenham School District grades kindergarten through fourth grade. She is a Past-President of PAOSA. Michelle is a workshop presenter for local, regional and national conferences for AOSA, MENC, PMEA and various school districts. She is a National Board Certification candidate. Michelle is a harpist.

PENTATON Editorial Deadlines Summer Issue: June 15 Spring Issue: March 15 Winter Issue: November 15

Send chapter member highlights, lesson and technology ideas, or other contributions to Britt Marie Dominick:


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 Acting Secretary/Act 48 Administrator John F. Bednar Jr. 27 S. Trooper Rd. Norristown, PA 19403 610-539-6295 Newsletter Editor Britt Marie Brown Dominick 133 East Gorgas Lane Philadelphia, PA 19119 Website Linda Wardell 2601 Newell Drive Wilmington, DE 19808 302-998-7020 At-Large Members Terri Cocci 4723 Alisan Road Reading, PA 610-582-7448 Sharon Steward Hospitality Chair 4927 Central Avenue Trevose, PA 19053 215-355-0934

By Michelle Przybylowski, reprinted from Reverberations Why National Membership? I asked myself that question before taking the plunge to find out why others felt as I do. I decided to ask a few simple questions of the Region V membership. The informal survey polled local chapter members ranging in membership from seven months to 33 years. Many had heard about AOSA from friends and colleagues while others had received mailings from area teacher training courses. The majority, 85 percent of those surveyed, were national members. In fact, across the country, only about half of all chapter members are national members. How can we encourage 100 percent of chapter members to become national members? At the time of printing, AOSA national membership is nearing the 4,500 mark, down from a peak in 1997-1998 of 5,000. If these figures are any indication, there are thousands more Orff Schulwerk teachers across the country who are potential national members. So, now we are back to the original question: Why National Membership? From my personal point of view as a member, some of the benefits are obvious. AOSA publishes two quarterly publications. The Orff Echo covers topics relevant to Orff Schulwerk teachers and general music teachers and its companion publication, Reverberations, keeps the connection among chapters and members alive through Chapter News while also offering practical applications such as the Lesson Ideas column. The AOSA library offers national members the opportunity to borrow professionally produced videos of well-known presenters while books such as Orff ReEchoes, a collection of articles previously published in The Orff Echo, are available for purchase at a discount. AOSA grants thousands of dollars annually for teacher training, special projects, research and the purchase of instruments. Only AOSA members are eligible for these grants. Our website,, continues to grow and improve. Have you visited the “members only” section lately? Copies of Reverberations are now being posted for your perusal as well as notes from conference sessions, the member e-mail directory and a job clearing house. (cont.)


Volume 22, Issue 1

In addition, AOSA hosts a three-day professional development conference each year in various regions across the country to make it accessible to more of its members. AOSA members receive deep discounts on conference registration.

Levels Training at Villanova University—a perspective from a recent graduate By AnnaLisa Mariani—PAOSA member, recently certified Orff Schulwerk teacher "Rain clouds form!" Such was my introduction to Orff-Schulwerk Teacher Education at Villanova University. Class had begun about a half hour earlier with rounds and introductions, but it wasn’t until that moment—the moment Michelle began her dramatic reenactment of Vol. I, pg. 69, no. 3—I began to understand what an amazing journey I was embarking on. In 2008, I consulted the AOSA website and discovered, to my delight, that Orff Level I was being offered at Villanova University. Not only is Villanova about 20 minutes from my residence, but also the cost was much more reasonable than other institutions within driving distance of Philadelphia. It didn’t take me long to register. I arrived for the first day of class and took a seat with my 29 (yes, 29!) classmates and three teacher-educators who didn’t waste time getting started. Our instructors, Michelle Fella Przybylowski (Basic), BethAnn Hepburn (movement), and Nick Wild (recorder) were full of energy and happily provided us with ideas and inspiration, which we then took and made our own. I remember one particular activity that involved about half the class using movement to imitate spaceships that were landing and making crop circles while everyone else played "Hiya" from Murray Edition Volume I. We spent two wonderful weeks together and when we parted, we were true colleagues. The following summer, Level II was added to the course schedule and Janie Vance was added to the staff to do movement while BethAnn took over Level I Basic. We had 20 in Level II, 19 of whom were returning students from the year before. In Level II, we went modal, which was a challenge for our ears that were used to hearing pentatonic from Level I. When we got frustrated and discouraged, we turned to our wonderful teachers who were always full of suggestions and encouragement. We also turned to each other and when the course was done, colleagues left as friends. In 2010, Level III was added and 19 students registered, a number rare to see in a Level III. Fourteen of that 19 were from the original class. Judith Thomas-Solomon was our Basic teacher, and with her expertise added to Nick's recorder and theory tutelage and Janie's movement instruction, we finally began to understand the big picture that is Orff Schulwerk. On our first day, our opening (cont.)

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speech piece, which turned into a hand drum canon, summed up what Level III is all about. “This is Level…three. This is Level…three. To make us wise, we’ll learn a lot of things and synthesize.” Truer words were never spoken. There were frustrating moments but many funny ones as well. One moment that was cause for much laughter happened when we were asked to sing an Ionian scale and we had trouble because we had been singing in the other modes for so long! A favorite after dinner activity was playing recorder in the stairwells of the dorm, which provided a resonance similar to singing in the shower. Level III was intense, fast paced and at times, difficult and at the end of our time together, now certified, we had become a family. My Levels at Villanova were full of experiences I will cherish forever for many reasons. It was the first time that I was regarded as a colleague even though I was a student. The instructors never forgot that we were teachers too. I have also made friendships that will last far beyond my professional career. I will always remember the words that one of the professors said to me after my Level I…go out there and change the world! Here goes!

Professional Development Hours Remember, when you attend any of our workshops, you can earn 4 hours of professional development credit … here’s how:

Pennsylvania Act 48 Procedures 1. “Sign In” for Act 48 credit with John Bednar as you enter the building before the workshop begins 2. You must remain for entire workshop to receive the 4 hours of credit 3. At the end of the workshop, before leaving: a. Participant must hand John Bednar their signed Pennsylvania Department of Education Evaluation Form. Please fill out as much information as possible. b. An Act 48 letter stating that you attended the workshop for 4 hours will be given to you. 4. If the above procedures have not been meet and/or if the participant leaves the workshop early their name will be crossed off the “Sign In” sheet and their name cannot be submitted for credit. NJ Professional Development Procedures: 1. “Sign In” for Professional Development before the workshop begins 2. You must remain for entire workshop to receive the NJ Professional Development Certificate 3. At the end of the workshop, before leaving, pick up NJ Professional Development documentation 4. If the above procedures have not been meet and/or if the participant leaves the workshop early their name will be crossed off the “Sign In” sheet and will not receive a certificate.


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Directions to Workshops Using Pennsylvania Turnpike - From the East: Get off the PA Turnpike at the Willow Grove Exit, Rt. 611 (exit #343), go South on 611 (Old York Rd.) about 4 or 5 miles until you get into the Jenkintown shopping district (small shops right along sidewalk). The first light is Greenwood - turn left. The first light on Greenwood is Washington Lane – turn left, second driveway, turn right into Abington Friends School. - From the West: Exit the PA Turnpike at PA-309 (exit #339), South. Follow 309S for 5.4 miles. Take a slight left onto W. Cheltenham Ave. Turn left onto Washington Lane. School is 2 miles up the road. From the north - take the Northeast Extension of the PA Turnpike South to Rt. I-276 east. Follow directions above. From the State of Delaware and Delaware County, PA Take I-95 North to Chester and exit at Rt. I-476 Plymouth Meeting (Blue Route). Stay on I-476 and go onto the PA Turnpike East. Follow PA Turnpike directions above. From Chester County, PA Take Rt. 202 to the PA Turnpike East. Follow PA Turnpike directions above. From New Jersey - From Central Jersey - Take the New Jersey Turnpike to the Pennsylvania Turnpike. Follow PA Turnpike directions above. - From Tacony Palmyra Bridge - Cross the Bridge and follow Rt. 73 north through Philadelphia (becomes Cottman Ave.) and into Montgomery County where it is called Township Line Road. Turn right onto Jenkintown Road, which becomes Greenwood Ave. Turn right onto Washington Lane. Abington Friends is on the right. - From Ben Franklin and Walt Whitman Bridges - Take Schuylkill Expressway I-76 West and bear right at Roosevelt Boulevard Extension. Exit at Broad Street Rt. 611 North and follow directions below. From Philadelphia Take Broad Street North (Rt. 611) and bear right onto Old York Road. Turn right at the end of “The Pavilion” shopping center onto Washington Lane. Abington Friends is 1 1/2 blocks on the right.


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Membership in AOSA & PAOSA American Orff Schulwerk (AOSA) National Membership Benefits: The Orff Echo - Quarterly journal that contains articles, reviews and materials of interest to Orff Schulwerk practitioners. Reverberations - This quarterly newsletter includes information and news about AOSA's members, projects, conferences and activities of the National Board of Trustees. Scholarships and Research Grants- (see for more information) The AOSA Video Library - Members may borrow recordings of master teachers. The Isabel McNeill Carley Library Collection -The definitive collection of materials related to Orff Schulwerk in the United States. Orff Schulwerk Professional Development Information & Employment Information The Annual National Conference

Philadelphia Area Orff Schulwerk Association (PAOSA) Membership Benefits: The Pentaton: Local newsletter issued 3 times a year PASOA workshops: Free admission to all 6 workshops Chapter Directory: Provides contact with other PAOSA members Complimentary admission to workshops for your administrator

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------2010-2011 PAOSA Membership Form Option One: National and Local dues. One year of AOSA national membership and one-year local membership (available through October 23, 2010). ___ First Time Member Teacher $125 ___ Teacher $135

Option Two: Local dues only. This option is for teachers who are either already national members or are not going to join national AOSA. ___ First Time Member Teacher $60 ___ Teacher $70 ___ I am a national member ___ I am not a national member ___ Retired Teacher $40

____Full-time Student $35 ___ Retired Teacher $90

Note: Because workshops are free to students they need not become local members.

Name: ________________________________________

Phone: _______________________

Address: ______________________________________

Cell Phone:____________________

City: _________________State___ Zip Code_________ School District: ________________________________________________________________ School: ______________________________________________________________________ Email Address: _________________________________________________________________ ___ Check here to receive workshop reminder postcards (in addition to email reminders) Make check payable to: PAOSA Send to: Rose Grelis, 409 Granite Terrace, Springfield, PA 19064 Email questions to: Discounts: $5 off before July 3, 2010; $10 off for first-time members.


Volume 22, Issue 1

Mark Your Calendar! 2011 AOSA Professional Development Conference November 9-12, 2011 Pittsburgh, PA The Pittsburgh Golden Triangle Chapter of AOSA is inviting you to be part of the 2011 AOSA Professional Development Conference in Pittsburgh, PA. The blending of the talents and energy of neighboring chapters makes the bond of music and movement even stronger. Our chapter (PAOSA) is planning to reserve a block of rooms for this conference … start planning now—we hope to have a good showing from our chapter!

What’s going on with nearby chapters? Some upcoming workshops from chapters in the area … check the, click on “Membership and Local Chapters” for complete details and direct links to their websites and many others across the country.

Central NJ AOSA: Rob Amchin Sept. 25, 2010 Journeys of Singing, Dancing, and Playing with Orff Process-Stepping Stories to Start Your Year! Mary Knysh October 23, 2010 Ethnic Influenced Music, Drumming, and Movement Improvisation

Pittsburgh Golden Triangle Chapter: Wesley Ball September 25, 2010 Lynn Huenemann October 23, 2010

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Philadelphia Area Orff Schulwerk Association is a chapter of the nonprofit American Orff-Schulwerk Association dedicated to the advancement of music education through the techniques of Orff Schulwerk. This is a tri-annual publication of PAOSA keeping the members informed about activities, policies and workshops.

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