Pentaton January 2010

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Vol. 21, Issue 2


chil Newsletter of AOSA Chapter #5

January 2010

Spring 2010 Workshops

2 President’s Note 3 Letter from the Editor 4-5 Workshop Previews 6-7 Teaching & Grant Resouces 8 Workshop Review 9 Leadership Notes & Get Inspired 10 Directions 11 Membership Form

January 30, 2010 OrffOrff-InIn-Action A Pageant of Puppets February 27, 2010 Danai Gagne* Gagne* The Sound of Dance—the Color of Song *Brigitte Warner Memorial Fund Workshop April 10, 2010 Joyce Stephansky Inviting Spring with Joyful Sounds June 5, 2010 Chapter Sharing Workshop All workshops are held at the Abington Friends School in Jenkintown, PA.

For workshops, bring a bag lunch or $5 for pizza and a drink.


Visit for directions, workshop descriptions, membership and other information.


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President’s Note Dear PAOSA members and friends, Happy New Year, everyone! I hope you all enjoyed a holiday break and are back making music with your students. Thanks to all who helped with and participated in our fall workshops—they were a terrific start to our ’09-’10 workshop season. Janie Vance and Nick Wild presented wonderful sessions that were very well attended. Looking ahead to four more exciting workshops, please mark your calendars for Saturdays January 30, February 27, April 10 and June 5. Check our chapter newsletter and/or website for details about these workshops and presenters—from drama in the classroom, dance, creative movement, everyday Orff, chapter sharing—lots of fun and useful classroom material for everyone! Please share your interests and talents with us—involvement in our chapter is an opportunity to contribute new ideas and perspectives. Don’t hesitate to approach PAOSA chapter members and ask questions, make suggestions. We value your input! Chapter involvement and service brings many rewards— lasting friendships, professional contacts and networking, inspiration and more! Wishing you all a very joyous 2010— Martha Glaze Zook

Photos of September 2009 workshop by Dolores Williams.


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Letter from the Editor… Dear PAOSA friends, After editing the Pentaton for the past five years, I feel it is time to turn stewardship of this publication over to a new editor. I have enjoyed the opportunity to serve PAOSA in this capacity, getting to know more of you as you have contributed to the newsletter as well as by being involved on the Board of Directors. This is indeed a special organization. As the board looks for my replacement, let me encourage anyone with an interest in writing to consider this position. The newsletter is published three times per year, once in hard copy and twice online. It is currently created via Microsoft Word, and I would be happy to provide you with my template and any “training” I can offer. Many individuals are very generous about sharing their teaching ideas and resources or writing workshop reviews, as well as helping with the summer mailing. This is a great way to make connections and serve in a unique capacity within the organization. Thank you for letting me be involved with PAOSA as editor of the Pentaton. Sincerely, Roxanne Dixon

PENTATON Editorial Deadlines Summer Issue: June 15 Spring Issue: March 15 Winter Issue: November 15

Send chapter member highlights, lesson and technology ideas, or other contributions to Roxanne Dixon:


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OrffOrff-InIn-Action: Action: A Pageant of Puppets Deb Pizzi, Samantha Matlock & Karolye Elderidge January 30, 2010 8:30 coffee & registration, 9:00-1:30 workshop

Abington Friends School, Jenkintown, PA

Presenters: Deb Pizzi, Music Teacher at Abington Friends School (AFS) for 29 years Samantha Matlock, Art Teacher at AFS for 13 years Karolye Elderidge, Assistant Teacher for 7 years

From Our Presenters: The three of us travelled to Morinesio, Italy to participate in a 10 day workshop preparing for a procession and pageant to honor the Summer Solstice. We made giant puppets, lanterns and banners and processed with the residents of the town, ending the day with food and dancing. Last spring, we used what we learned and developed a Pageant of Puppets that processed throughout our campus honoring the Quaker principle of stewardship. Our workshop will introduce the building techniques and framework for musical performance we used. We hope, by participating, you will be inspired to create community celebrations. ** PAOSA will hold a chapter “Yard Sale� during the January workshop. Feel free to bring any pre-priced items to donate to the sale, as well as your checkbook to take advantage of some great deals to benefit our organization.


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Danai Gagne The Sound of Dance—the Color of Song February 27, 2010 *Brigitte Warner Memorial Fund Workshop 8:30 coffee & registration, 9:00-1:30 workshop

Abington Friends School, Jenkintown, PA

Check out the great interview by Judith Thomas-Solomon of Danai Gagne on the AOSA website! Video at

Artwork, color songs, folk tale and stomping dances will engage the participants in a multi-sensory experience, particularly the senses of sight and hearing. The seasonal overtones of the workshop will also offer ideas and opportunities for developing artful school assembly programs. Materials will be appropriate for grades K-6. Bring your recorders and wear comfortable clothes. Danai Gagné is a composer, music and dance educator, and director of the Orff Certification Program at the Trevor Institute for Lifelong Learning in New York City. She holds a diploma from the Orff Institute in Salzburg, Austria and is a direct link to Carl Orff and Gunild Keetman. Ms. Gagné holds a BA from Empire State College in Interdisciplinary Studies in Music and Dance Education, and diplomas from the Yvonne de Kiriko Modern Dance School and the Helenic Conservatory in advanced piano studies in Athens, Greece. Danai is a well known presenter in numerous workshops throughout the United States, Canada, Europe, and Asia, including the national conferences for the American Orff Schulwerk Association. Most recently she was the recipient of The Distinguished Service Award from AOSA, and she became one of the founding members of the Hong Kong Orff Association. She currently teaches music 1-5 at Trevor Day School in Manhattan.


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2009-2010 BOARD President Martha Glaze Zook 1040 Pine Street Philadelphia, PA 19107 215-925-8948 Vice-President Dawn Pratson 253 N. 3rd Philadelphia, PA 19106 267-971-0926 Treasurer Dolores Williams 439 Lawrence Rd. Broomall, PA 19008 (610) 325-3136

Teaching Re Resource Several years ago the song "Somagwaza" was introduced at an Orff meeting. This is a great hand clapping pattern to accompany the song. OTTUw&feature=related Thank you to Ken Peters for this tip!

Program Chair Michelle Fella Przybylowski 399 Cinnamon Drive Huntingdon Valley, PA19006 215-938-7438 Membership Janet Tebbel 431 W. Walnut Lane Philadelphia, PA 19144 215-848-3915 Secretary Britt Marie Dominick 133 East Gorgas Lane Philadelphia, PA 19119 267-335-3892 Act 48 Administrator John F. Bednar Jr. 27 S. Trooper Rd. Norristown, PA 19403 610-539-6295

about the PAOSA Founder’s Library‌ The chapter has a collection of Orff materials (mainly books) available for loan to PAOSA members. A list of items is available at To borrow an item, contact Michelle Przybylowski


Historian Karen Markey 701 Willowdale Lane Kenneth Square, PA 19348 610-444-2835 Newsletter Editor Roxanne Dixon 204 N. 17th St. Camp Hill, PA 17011 717 737-4961 Hospitality Deborah Pizzi 804 Valley Road Melrose Park, PA 19027 215-635-2123 Fundraising Marlis Kraft 7846 Montgomery Ave. Elkins Park, PA 19027 215-782-8280 Website Linda Wardell 2601 Newell Drive Wilmington, DE 19808 302-998-7020 At Large Member Rose M. Grelis 409 Granite Terrace Springfield, PA 19064 610-328-9784

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Grant Opportunities for Teachers You all know about the AOSA scholarship and grant opportunities, right? (If not, check out to find out more about our national organization and the great membership opportunities.) So what other resources are out there to help you in funding the special project you envision or to make it easier for you to take your next Orff level course this summer? Here are a few good resources… The Mockingbird Foundation ( is a non-profit organization founded by fans of the band Phish which fundraises among Phish fans to support music education. Their staff is entirely volunteer, and they fund music education projects with grants from $50 to $5,000. Kids In Need ( funds K-12 teacher projects with mini grants of $100 to $500. National businesses fund the grant program, and applications are available from July 15 to September 30. Target Corporation (google “target store grants”) has awards arts grants on behalf of local Target stores to “bring the arts to schools or make it affordable for youth and families to participate in cultural experiences, such as school touring programs, field trips to the theater or symphony, or artists residencies and workshops in schools.” Visit their site after March 1 for more information.


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Workshop Review: Review Janie Vance, Movement in the Orff Classroom— Building Blocks and Processes September 2009 reviewed by Theresa Sundwell

Janie Vance presented this workshop about creative and fun ways to encourage students to explore movement and create a movement vocabulary in the classroom. The activities followed a logical progression from simple imitation to more the complex concepts of levels, body design and quality of movement. Each concept was introduced with examples of activities to teach the skill and inspire student creativity. The movement game, “Syncopated Cyril” focused on the concept of imitation. Music from the Shenanigans CD, “The Best of Shenanigans’ Dance Music from 1980 - 1990, Volume 1” provided directions and a lively accompaniment for the game. The game provided a structured, yet fun, way for students to create movements to be imitated by others. We then experimented with isolating and moving individual body parts. The activity was extended by adding imitation, creating body part conversations, having two body parts doing the same thing simultaneously and then having one body part do one thing while a different body part does another. Janie also shared a rhythm game from Ghana, “Hands Like This” and the dances “Seven Jumps” and “Jump Jim Joe”. Space and travel were the next concepts explored. The song, “Sorida” was the springboard for a hand clapping and partner changing game. We were challenged to explore different pathways: straight, curved, zig-zag, etc. A rhythm piece from Music for Children, Murray Edition, Volume 1 was the starting point for an activity that taught direction change while incorporating poetry, rhythm, drumming and literacy. The folk dance, “Fjaskern” provided an example of circular pathways with direction changes and accelerando. Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak provided the context for a lesson on levels and body design. We were challenged to explore levels while creating a three headed monster and a monster dance. The books, Crocodile Beat by Gail Jorgensen and Patricia Mullins and Saturday Night at the Dinosaur Stomp by Carol Diggory Shields were used to demonstrate the concept of quality of movement based on the Laban movement vocabulary. In creating movements to represent a variety of animals, the concepts of weight, level and sudden versus sustained movement were studied. Thank you, Janie for challenging us to examine our comfort level with teaching movement in the Orff-Schulwerk music classroom and providing an excellent framework to teach movement concepts along with excellent exemplars of Orff-Schulwerk teaching process.


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PAOSA Leadership Notes! Welcome Britt Marie Dominick to the position of Secretary. Thank you for your willingness to serve in this important position! Roxanne Dixon is stepping down from the position of Editor of the Pentaton. Interested in the position? Contact Martha Glaze-Zook for more information. All Board meetings are open to the general membership of PAOSA. Upcoming meetings are January 24 and March TBA. Contact Martha Glaze-Zook for specifics.

Get Inspired!

Check out…

Did you know… You can download recordings of many of the Music for Children Orff-Keetman pieces on iTunes? Orff Research Webliography—the University of Kentucky has a great annotated index of Orff-related research publications at The Winning Way video—If you have not viewed it, watch AOSA’s promotional video. Consider linking to it from your own teacher page to help your parents better understand what you do.


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Directions to Workshops Using Pennsylvania Turnpike - From the East: Get off the PA Turnpike at the Willow Grove Exit, Rt. 611 (exit #343), go South on 611 (Old York Rd.) about 4 or 5 miles until you get into the Jenkintown shopping district (small shops right along sidewalk). The first light is Greenwood - turn left. The first light on Greenwood is Washington Lane – turn left, second driveway, turn right into Abington Friends School. - From the West: Exit the PA Turnpike at PA-309 (exit #339), South. Follow 309S for 5.4 miles. Take a slight left onto W. Cheltenham Ave. Turn left onto Washington Lane. School is 2 miles up the road. From the north - take the Northeast Extension of the PA Turnpike South to Rt. I-276 east. Follow directions above. From the State of Delaware and Delaware County, PA Take I-95 North to Chester and exit at Rt. I-476 Plymouth Meeting (Blue Route). Stay on I476 and go onto the PA Turnpike East. Follow PA Turnpike directions above. From Chester County, PA Take Rt. 202 to the PA Turnpike East. Follow PA Turnpike directions above. From New Jersey - From Central Jersey - Take the New Jersey Turnpike to the Pennsylvania Turnpike. Follow PA Turnpike directions above. - From Tacony Palmyra Bridge - Cross the Bridge and follow Rt. 73 north through Philadelphia (becomes Cottman Ave.) and into Montgomery County where it is called Township Line Road. Turn right onto Jenkintown Road, which becomes Greenwood Ave. Turn right onto Washington Lane. Abington Friends is on the right. - From Ben Franklin and Walt Whitman Bridges - Take Schuylkill Expressway I-76 West and bear right at Roosevelt Boulevard Extension. Exit at Broad Street Rt. 611 North and follow directions below. From Philadelphia Take Broad Street North (Rt. 611) and bear right onto Old York Road. Turn right at the end of “The Pavilion” shopping center onto Washington Lane. Abington Friends is 1 1/2 blocks on the right.


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Membership in AOSA & PAOSA American Orff Schulwerk (AOSA) National Membership Benefits: The Orff Echo - Quarterly journal that contains articles, reviews and materials of interest to Orff Schulwerk practitioners. Reverberations - This quarterly newsletter includes information and news about AOSA's members, projects, conferences and activities of the National Board of Trustees. Scholarships and Research Grants- (see for more information) The AOSA Video Library - Members may borrow recordings of master teachers. The Isabel McNeill Carley Library Collection -The definitive collection of materials related to Orff Schulwerk in the United States. Orff Schulwerk Professional Development Information & Employment Information The Annual National Conference

Philadelphia Area Orff Schulwerk Association (PAOSA) Membership Benefits: The Pentaton: Local newsletter issued 3 times a year PASOA workshops: Free admission to all 6 workshops Chapter Directory: Provides contact with other PAOSA members Complimentary admission to workshops for your administrator

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------2009-2010 PAOSA Membership Form Option One: National and Local dues. One year of AOSA national membership, one year local membership. THIS OPTION IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE FOR THIS SEASON. Check back for next year!

Option Two: Local dues only. This option is for teachers who are either already national members or are not going to join national AOSA. ___ First Time Member Teacher $60 ___ Teacher $70 € I am a national member € I am not a national member but wish to join only PAOSA ___ Retired Teacher $40 Note: Because workshops are free to students, they need not become local members. Spread the word!

Name: ________________________________________

Phone: _______________________

Address: ______________________________________

Cell Phone:____________________

City: _________________State___ Zip Code_________ School District: ________________________________________________________________ School: ______________________________________________________________________ Email Address: _________________________________________________________________ € Check here to receive workshop reminder postcards (in addition to email reminders). € Check here if you need to receive the Pentaton newsletter via US post rather than email. Make check payable to: PAOSA Send to: Janet Tebbel , 431 W. Walnut Lane, Philadelphia, PA 19144 Email Questions to: .


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Philadelphia Area Orff Schulwerk Association

is a chapter of the nonprofit American Orff-Schulwerk Association dedicated to the advancement of music education through the techniques of Orff Schulwerk. This is a tri-annual publication of PAOSA keeping the members informed about activities, policies and workshops.

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