Lenton Flats Masterplan Phase (1) Practice Bid : Warden Aided Complex for Elderly Residents

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desn30117 professional practice lenton flats masterplan phase (1) practice bid

warden aided complex for elderly residents

table of Contents 1.0

Introduction + Backbrief + Curriculum vitae + architect’s services

2.0 preliminary budget costs + Total expenditure + fee bid/practice costs + total professional fees

3.0 preliminary programme + fee bid programme + design period programme + construction programme

4.0 a review of stakeholders + professional consultants

+ contractors + contractual relationships -traditional procurement + extent of statutory controls -mandatory -advisory

5.0 statutory 6.0





december 12, 2012 P & CO ARCHITECTS LTD 92, Carlton Street, NG1 5AG Nottingham United Kingdom ntu.associates@hotmail.com www.ntuassociates.com MR. GAVIN TUNSTALL Newton Building, Burton Street, NG1 4BU Nottingham United Kingdom Dear Mr. Tunstall: Thank you for inviting our consultancy for the tender bids of the masterplanning for lenton flats. We are pleased to present you with our fee bid for Lenton Flats Masterplan Phase (1) [attached herewith letter]. Our design consultancy has developed a scheme for a 52-unit warden aided complex for elderly residents in conjunction with the Lenton Flats Regeneration Scheme. We believe that the new proposal will provide a better quality affordable homes for elderly people. it also offers the opportunity to transform the Lenton neighbourhood through providing new homes & spaces that cater to community needs. The brief outlines the planning and construction process of the project and includes the list of services we provide for your review and reference. The list of services include: +preliminary budget costs +preliminary programme +stakeholders involved +statutory constraints this bid assumes that if it is granted, all parties will collaborate to develop a mutually agreeable construction schedule. We look forward to building a strong business relationship with you in the future. Should you have any further enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to hearing for your feedback. Thank you. yours faithfully, ___________________ (Pao Yee, Lim)


pao yee lim

8 Carlton Buildings, 1b Heathcoat Street NG1 3AF Nottingham United Kingdom +44 7825 441 442 paoyee_lim@hotmail.com

Name Age DOB Nationality Location

Pao Yee, Lim 22 04.04.1990 Malaysian United Kingdom

WORK EXPERIENCE march 2012 - present

NI No.

Student Ambassador | Nottingham Trent University To actively promote the undergraduate and postgraduate experience within CADBE, working closely with the marketing department in delivering successful open days and other recruitment initiatives to include assisting at student interviews.

SN 77 73 59 D

Personal Statement I am a person who is highly motivated and diligent. I am capable of working indepedently and also in a large team. Having worked in diverse work environments, I have gained skills from different aspects required in the workforce - from data filing to drafting to interaction with different parties. My studies as an architecture student has trained me to be observant and to be familiar with various presentation skills- graphically & verbally. I am fortunate enough to have the opportunity to travel extensively around Asia, Europe & Central America throughout my life as a student, through them, I am constantly immersed in different cultures and they have taught me to be flexible in different circumstances. I have a deep passion for design, architecture & photography and aspire to construct a career out of my passions.

july - september 2012 Au Pair | Martinique, the Caribbeans Childcare & Housekeeping

june 2011 DATUM:Kuala Lumpur Architecture Festival | Malaysia Leader at the Registration & Ticketing Counter


Sunrise Berhad (Property Developer)| Malaysia Architectural Drafting Services- Drafting on Autocad, data filing & working coordinately with a large team involved in a construction project


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 



The Architects Registration Board informs that architects are subject to the disciplinary sanction of the Board in relation to complaints of unacceptable professional conduct or serious professional incompetence. We confirm that we will maintain professional indemnity insurance cover for the amount and time as shown in Articles 7 and 8 in The ACA Standard Form of Agreement for the Appointment of an Architect. The amount in Article 8 is related to our reasonable approximation of the Construction Cost based on the information you have provided us. Our liability will be limited to this amount and will expire at the end of the period shown in Article 7. Should a dispute arise that cannot be resolved by negotiation, it might be resolved by involving a third party under a rapid adjudication procedure, by arbitration in a private process or in courts.


P & Co Architects is a RIBA Chartered Practice and we can help you realise the project and guide you through the design and construction process. The services that we provide range from producing drawings and handling paperwork throughout the construction. We promise to bring value for your money, vision and peace of your mind to your project, while ensuring that the projects follows on track and on budget.

quality assurance

We can provide assurance that our expertise in the building industry is highly reliable with the num ber of years we are involved in the building industry. We are awarded the “RIBA Chartered Practice”, which is a mark of excellence and an assurance of the practice’s quality, design excellence and service.

Our company also complies with both RIBA and CIAT Code of Conduct and has both ISO 14001 accreditation and ISO 9001:2008 accreditation.

By appointing a RIBA Chartered Practice, you can be assured that we have been accredited in meet ing key quality standards, such as Professional Indemnity Insurance (PII), an effective quality man agement system, a comprehensive health and safety policy and a sound environmental policy.

Value for Money


Our experience and insight can help extend what can be achieved within your budget and add value to your project. We can propose design solutions that will reduce your overall running costs whilst maximising the efficiency of the project. An architect’s fees will prove a sound investment.

We can help you achieve your aspirations and vision. We have a team of trained designers who will explore your needs and desires and find inventive and practical ways of enhancing your project.


In addition to the role as the designer of your project, we could be invited to your project team and could also provide complementary management services such as:


project manager, who facilitates the appointment of the design team and manages the project to meet programme, cost and quality requirements +

lead consultant, who leads and co-ordinates the preparation of programmes and reports regularly on progress


lead designer, who co-ordinates the design by consultants, specialists and suppliers, and communicates with you on signicant design issues

+ contract administrator or employer's agent, who invites and appraises tenders, administers the building contract and reports on progress and certifies payments due.

ARCHITECT'S SERVICES RIBA PLAN OF WORK 2007 The Plan of Work outlines what we can do for you. It organises the progress of designing, constructing, maintaining and operating building projects into key work stages sequentially: // Preparation

// Design // Pre-Construction // Construction // Use

Figure 1 Mapping of RIBA Plan of Work 2007

Figure 2 Overall framework and proposed stages of RIBA Plan of Work 2013





Based on the tables above, the following information informs in-detail the preliminary and basic services of what P & Co Architects Ltd provides through the work stages outlined on RIBA Plan of Work.

Work Stage A: Appraisal


/Commence work stage /Receive initial statement of requirements


/Check that you are aware of CDM duties


/Evaluate initial brief. /Identify options and advise on programme


/Identify surveys required /Carry out or arrange and supervise agreed surveys /Validate payments arising


/Prepare design, provide information for initial capital and facilities management costs. /Consult local/ statutory authorities


/Contribute to appraisal of options


/Develop preferred solution


/Consider need for outline planning permission and make submission (if instructed)


/Provide information for outlines business care



Work Stage b: design brief


/Commence work stage /Receive outline business case


/Advise on scope of design content of Design Brief


/Advise on data required for the Design Brief including sustainability policy


/Gather data required and carry out relevant design studies

5 /Receive draft Design Brief, discuss and agree with


client and specialists revisions and additions

/Revise on prepare additional design-related data



Work Stage C: CONCEPT


/Receive Design Brief /Commence work stage


/Check client is aware of CDM duties


/Receive site information, visit site, appraise constraints


/Evaluate Design Brief /Advise on environmental and sustainability issues


/Identify surveys required



-If instructed carry out or arrange and supervise agreed surveys -Validate payments arising

/Advise on programme and design quality /Implement programme and agreed procedures /Prepare initial design studies /Consider comments on design studies

8 /Identify requirement for additional consultants and/or specialists 9

/Initiate preliminary consultations with statutory authorities (or others)


/Participate in development of Project Brief /Advise on enery conservation and energy targets


/Review design risk management and co-ordination with CDMC

12 /Prepare Concept Design

/Advisement on procurement options


/Review compliance with brief and procedures


/Contribute to work stage report



Work Stage d: design development


/Commence Work Stage /Implement work stage procedures and programme


/Evaluate Concept Design, complete studies and establish compliance with developing Brief


/Receive design/cost input from Consultant Team and develop detailed design


/Participate in completion of Project Brief

5 /Identify requirement for additional consultants and/or specialists 6

/Develop approved design and outline specification /Provide information for elemental cost plan


/Consult/negotiate to establish statutory and other requirements


/Review design risk management and co-ordination with CDMC

9 /Sign off Project Brief 10

/Consolidate Developed Design and outline specification /Update procurement advice


/Review complaince with Brief and procedures


/Contribute to work stage report. Identify risks and any instructions required


/Prepare detailed planning application including design and access statements. Make submission when instructed

ARCHITECT'S SERVICES Work Stage e: technical design


/Commence Work Stage /Implement work stage procedures and programme


/Receive and incorporate design information from CT /Complete final layouts


/Review procurement method and contingency plans /Identify components or elements to be designed by contractor or specialist contractors


/Review design risk management and co-ordination with CDMC

5 /Prepare Technical Designs and specifications 6

/Review design and cost plan


/Review compliance with Brief and procedures


/Contribute to work stage report; identify any instructions required

9 /Provide information for and make applications for statutory and

and other approvals


ARCHITECT'S SERVICES Work Stage f: production information


/Commence Work Stage /Implement work stage procedures and programme


/Prepare co-ordinated production information


/Review design risk management and coordination with CDMC


/Provide information for cost checks

5 /Complete all statutory and other submissions 6

/Review compliance with Brief and procedures


/Contribute to work stage report; identify any instructions required

Work Stage g: tender documentation


/Commence Work Stage /Implement work stage procedures and programme


/Prepare co-ordinated production information


/Review design risk management and coordination with CDMC


/Provide information for cost checks

5 /Complete all statutory and other submissions 6

/Review compliance with Brief and procedures


/Contribute to work stage report; identify any instructions required


ARCHITECT'S SERVICES Work Stage h: tender action


/Commence Work Stage /Implement work stage procedures and programme


/Assist with pre-tender enquiries, EC or other advertisement


/Provide tender documents /Receive, collate and despatch tender documents for any contracts


/Assist with preparation of tender short list

/Assist with appraisal of tenders /Review any Contractor’s Proposals


/Assist with authorised negotations with tenderer(s)


/Review with compliance with Brief and procedures


/Contribute to tender report; identify any instructions required




Work Stage J: mobilisation


/Commence Work Stage /Implement work stage procedures and programme


/Contribute to preparation or assembly of main contract or sub-contract documents


/Provide and issue production information


/Complete outstanding production information in accordance with agreed programme when instructed

5 /Brief site inspectorate 6

/Review compliance with Brief and procedures


/Contribute to work stage report; identify any instructions required



Work Stage K: construction


/Commence Work Stage /Implement work stage procedures and programme


/Provide additional information reasonably required, review design information provided by contractor; advise on the need for variation


/Advise on work included in interim certificates


/Assist with evaluation of claims

5 /Review compliance with Brief and procedures 6

/Make site visits as necessary and report to CA /Contribute to progress and performance review meetings /Attend contractor’s meetings as appropriate


/Make pre-practical completion inspections. Discuss findings with contractors


/Prepare and/or receive from contractor specified data and incorporate in Building Owner’s Manual


/Attend hand over meeting, complete completion of outstanding items


/Contribute to work stage report, identify any instructions required



Work Stage l1: rectificaiton period


/Commence Work Stage /Implement work stage procedures and programme


/Advise on necessary action for defects /Advise CA on extensions of time review


/Make pre-final inspections and prepare schedule of defects and incomplete work


/Make final inspections and confirm that all works are complete

5 /Contribute to final work stage report 6

/Provide information for agreement of final account


/Advise client that professional services are complete



The agreement will record details of your project and services to be provided; calculation of fees and expenses; confirmation of appointment of any other consultants; the architect’s insurance cover and period of reliability; and dispute resolution procedures. RIBA Standard Agreement 2010 will be suitable for this purpose. This states, in simple terms, the basic responsibilities of the architect and your role as a client:

We undertake to: +

Use reasonable skill and care in performing the services in conformity with the normal standards of the architect's profession

Keep the client informed of progress and on issues affecting time, cost or quality



Co-operate with any other appointed designers and/or the co-ordinator appointed under the construction (Design and Management) Regulations (the CDM co-ordinator)

Obtain appropriate professional indemnity insurance cover


+ Only make material alteration to the services or the approved design with the client's prior approval

You undertake to:

+ Advise on the relative priorities of your requirements and to provide necessary and accurate information


Appoint other consultants and specialists required under separate agreements


Comply with CDM Regulations where applicable


Take decisions and respond promptly to approvals sought by your architect


Pay the fees, expenses and disbursements due and value-added tax where applicable

+ Employ a building contractor under a separate contract if proceeding with construction work




P & Co Architects Ltd acknowledges and understands that the maximum available budget for this project is ÂŁ6,000,000 and this includes design costs, statutory submission costs and construction cost for the entire length of Lenton Flats Masterplan Phase 1.

fee bid / practice COSTS

The following table demonstrates a cost calculation table based on salary costs of professionals involved in relation to the 20-day fee bid programme. It is calculated on a time charge basis.

fee bid / practice COSTS

Based on the cost table generated, the total salary cost is calculated to be a total of £11102.50, excluding VAT. The overhead cost is 30% of the total salary cost and the expected profit return is 10% of the total revenue. Hence, total cost = Fee bid cost = £11102.50 + overhead [30% x 11102.50] = £44410 = £44410 x profit [10% x £44410] = £48851.00 + VAT 20%

However, the construction industry in UK is affected by the recent economy recession. A 13% reduction is applied to the cost for scheduled works to ensure a competitive fee bid. The final fee bid cost is calculated to be:

Fee bid cost = £48851 - [13% x £48851] = £48851 - £6350.63 = £42500.37 + VAT 20%


DESIGN & CONTRACT SUPERVISION FEES ARCHITECTS DESIGN FEE Buildings are divided into five classes for fee calculation purposes. The 52-unit warden-aided complex for elderly residents falls under [Residential] Class 4 - Houses for the Frail & Elderly. This information is used to find out about the indicative percentage fees for this class of building.

Classification of Building Types A budget of £6,000,000 is given for the construction of Phase 1 of the Lenton Flats Masterplan. In the new works ~ indicative percentage fees table provided, the proposed construction falls under the cost construction band for [new works from £5-£7.7 million]. The table recommends a percentage of 6.5% for Class 4 Building types.

new works-indicative percentage fees



In consideration of the project budget of £6,000,000, the fixed fee is counted as below:

£6,000,000 x 6.5%



Similarly to the calculation of the fee bid programme, with the decline in the UK economic climate, our firm will apply a reduction of 32.5% from the fixed fee. The final fee is counted as below: £390,000.00 - [32.5% x £390,000] = =

£390,000.00 - £126,750.00 £263,250.00

In conclusion, the calculations generated a percentage of 4.38% for the fee provision of design services, hence £263,250.00 for the design fee. This fee is inclusive of all the design works carried out by P & Co Architects Ltd.


The fee percentages for the professional consultants involved in the Lenton Flats Masterplan Phase (1) Project is shown as follows: (Note: a 32.5% reduction is applied to the consultant fees as well)

Quantity Surveyor

1.5% of project budget

1.5% x £6,000,000 = £90,000.00 After -32.5%: £90,000.00 - [32.5% x £90,000] =£60,750.00

Structural Engineer

This is 1.13% of the project budget.

1.5% of project budget 1.5% x £6,000,000 = £90,000.00

After -32.5%: £90,000.00 - [32.5% x £90,000] =£60,750.00

Services Engineer

20% of the project budget.

This is 1.13% of the project budget.

4.8% of M&E works

Based on the data provided by the Fees Bureau, M&E works account for 4.8% x (20% x £6,000,000) =£57,600.00 This is 0.96% of the project budget.


Nottingham City Council provides a fee calculator on its planing portal website. Based on the project brief, the total cost calculated for a full planning application for the project is £19,279. Fee for new dwellings:

[£19049 for first 50 dwellings] + [£115 x 2 dwellings] = £19,279.00

Besides the planning application fee, the Building Control Application Fee is also taken into account. The calculation of fee supplied by Nottingham City Council for this project is £7500.00


The table below calculates the total fee for professional services for the works to Phase 1 of the Lenton Flats Masterplan.

total professional fees

Our firm has calculated the total professional fees to be £562,954.80 including VAT.











a review of stakeholders

professional consultants KEY DUTIES A consultant team will be appointed for the development of the project of Phase 1 of the Lenton Flats Masterplan. The team will comprise of : + architectural designer + cost consultant (quantity surveyor) + structural engineer + building services engineer + CDM Co-ordinator.

The roles of the professional consultants are outlined as below:

Architectural Designer - Carries the responsibility for directing and co-ordinating the design process. Usually the lead consultant, lead designer and Contract Administrator/Employer’s Agent. cost consultant - quantity surveyor

The consultant responsible for cost advice, valuation of works etc. with duties under JCT Building Contracts

structural engineer


The consultant responsible for structural matters

building services Engineer


The consultant responsible for mechanical and electrical services

cdm co-ordinator - The person appointed by the client to fulfil statutory duties under the CDM Regulations 2007. Co-ordinates health and safety aspects of design work. The provision of a CDM co-ordinator is a lesgislative requirement.

CONTRACTORS KEY DUTIES The project will require the input of several contractors too. We will contribute to selecting the consultants if instructed. The professionals include:

+ construction manager + trade contractors + finance and administration

The roles of the contractors are outlined as below: construction manager - Manages trade contractors. Appointed early in the design process site engineers to improve the buildability and packaging of proposals as they develop. May programme construction to begin before the comple tion of design. trade contracts - On construction management contracts, a construction manager is appointed on a consultancy and management basis to provide advice to the client pre-construction and then to manage the construction of the works. The works are then divided into packages which are each contracted separately. These contractors are referred to as trade contractors finance - They are appointed to ensure to construction costs is kept within its administration budget. The team consist of Estimators, buyers, programma planner and valuation surveyors. health and safety - These are contracted to ensure all aspects of construction operate safely, officers They are also responsible for preparing the health and safety handbook and implementing the programme.

contractual arrangements

traditional procurement The project takes the Traditional Procurement Route. Based on a JCT Standard Building Contract ( JCT 2011 SBC/Q) agreement, any consultants must be employed directly, whereby they will be fully responsible for their own work. This form of procurement will benefit your company as the full development of the design before tender actions assures certainty for design quality and cost. It is considered to be a low risk method of contracting, as the contractors take the financial risk for construction. Cost to the client can only be affected if design information is incomplete at tender which P & Co Architects Ltd will make sure does not happen.

contractual arrangements

There are certain implications that your part must be aware of : +

the client accepts that consultants are appointed for design, cost control, and contract administration, and that the contractor is responsible for carrying out the Works. The responsibility of the latter extends to all workmanship and materials, including work by sub-contractors and suppliers.


This form of procurement method takes a longer time than other forms of contracting as the contractor is only appointed once the design is complete. This also means that they are not able to contribute to improving the buildability and packaging of proposals as they develop.

EXTENT OF STATUTORY CONTROLS MANDATORY Throughout the course of the project, the design and construction will be subjected to a number of mandatory controls. External organizations will be involved in the project to speculate of the design and construction standards and regularions are adhered to. Advisory controls will also be involved- These organizations provide external design guidance to cater to the users of the building, in relevance to this project, the elderly resudents. The following displays a list of organisations that will be involved;

1. Nottingham City Council


The design may be require approval by a ‘Secure by Design’ officer, who will assess the proposed design for security risks and issue instruction or advice on certain security solutions for the works.


The fire officer’s duty is to ensure the design proposal meet the guidelines set out Approved document B of the Building Regulations (Fire Safety) to satisfy the British Standard BS9999. They are also required to carry out a fire safety audit.


Nottingham City council is responsible for approving the Planning Application and Building Regulations Application. Planning officers and Building Control officers will also offer pre application advice to the Architect and other Designers.

The environment agency will provide guidance to resolve issues that may affect ground water and affect existing watercourses.


CABE Design council provides guidance documents to assist projects in achieving specific design standards. Building for Life guidance will be constructive for this project. It is based on the new National Planning Policy Framework, and outlines the expectations for new housing developments to be attractive, functional and sustainable.

EXTENT OF STATUTORY CONTROLS ADVISORY There is range of local organizations established for older people to improve their quality of living. Listed below is a range of national and local organizations providing social care services to support people aged 65 and over, their families and carers and also organizations that provide housing services for older people to help them feel more comfortable and independent in their own homes or to assist them in finding accommodation that is more suited to their needs. Their design guidance will be valuable in the project.

1. Nottingham City Homes

Nottingham City Homes is a non-profit making organisation run by a Board of non- executive directors made up of councillors, tenants, leaseholders and independent members manages Nottingham City Council’s rented and leasehold homes. They also manage the sheltered housing properties in different areas of Nottingham. 2, Nottingham Housing Strategic Partnership Nottingham’s Housing Strategic Partnership (HSP) brings together organisations involved in housing across the city; the members include: Nottingham City Council; Nottingham City Homes; The Homes and Communities Agency (HCA); private sector landlords; registered providers of social housing; community and voluntary sector groups; and developers.

3. Age UK

Age UK is the joint organization of Age Concerns and Help the Aged. It assists older people through information and advice, services campaigns, products, training and research. A local committee is set up in Nottingham. 4. Adaptations Agency Adaptations Agency is a partner agency of Nottingham City Council. It provides the Preven tative Adaptations (PAD) scheme for older people aged over 60+, offering a comprehensive range of minor adaptations in the home to reduce the risk of fall and to increase personal safety.

statutory constraints

statutory constraints Statutory Controls has an effect on building design as there are many legislations and acts and standards to be taken into account throughout the process of construction. This is to ensure the construction is carried out in a safe environment, and also to ensure that the workmanship are reached to a required standard so that the final building will be fit for use. The government acts and legislative documents are categorised into the primary levels of control. The secondary level of control consists of statutory instruments imposed by local authorities while the final level of control is found through practical guidance from the British Standards and the Building Regulations Approved Documents.

The Building Act 1984

It is a primary legislation that determines the commonly used documentation within the construction indutstry- Building Regulations, Approved Documents and their updated revisions.

The CDM Regulations 2007

This document provides measures and guidelines to ensure a safe working environment for the construction and will be enforced by a CDM coordinator. This will ensure that the construction of the Masterplanning of Lenton Flats to follow the Health & Safety Regulations.

The Building Regulations 2010

This contains a set of specific design and construction standards to assure the building is safe for occupancy and that all construction works meet the government’s environmental goals.

The Party Wall Agreement 1997

The new proposed complex containts multiple occupant units, certain design standards must be met for party walls and floors between neighbouring flats and communal areas. It also acts as a framework to prevent and resolve disputes related to party walls, boundary walls and excavation works taking place near neighbouring buildings.

statutory constraints

The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005

The Fire Authority maintains a record of the building and issue it with a valid Fire Certificate upon completion of construction to necessary standards. This Act also ensures that that appropriate fire controls and precautionary measures are taken to minimize the outbreak of fire and also reducing the spread of fire.

SAP (Standard Assesment Procedure) for Eneregy Performance

This ensures the energy efficiency for proposed developments and redevelopments. In relevance to the Lenton Flats Masterplanning project, the SAP will assess the new build designs given material specifications to determine the energy efiiciency of the building and its environmental impact. A SAP assessment is a general requirements and certain standards of specification must be used to ensure that the design proposals pass this procedure.

Town and Country Planning Act 2004

This Act is designed t control development within the UK. It is to refrain the merging of town and cities by introducing ‘Green Belts’ to preserve natural landscapes and rural areas within the UK. It also preserves the character of historical urban landscapes and buildings surrounding development sites and to maintain a level of control over development proposals.

Lenton Flats Masterplanning will have to take into consideration their surroundings, considering issues such as listed buildings, wildlife and adjacent land owners.

The British Standards

The British Standards is a primary level of control that covers a number of specific subject areas in the acts, control measures and procedures mentioned above. Most of the legislations and acts are designed to support the clarity and categories of the BS.



P & Co Architects Ltd is a company dedicated to ensure the satisfaction of its clients by providing a consistent, competent and professional service focused on the requirements and expectations of clients and end users. We work hard to maintain a positive working relationship between professional colleagues and other members of the construction team on a day to day basis. We are a firm accredited by the ISO 9001: 2008. Our service is further supported by following the policies as outlined below: - Management Policy -Staff Policy -Environmental Policy -Health and Safety Policy -Quality Assurance Processess By carrying out work based on the policies, it is made sure that the clients will be involved in all CPD meetings; materials and components will be inspected as they arrive on site; samples of assembles are considered to check workmanship; all information given by contractors will be reviewed; every process will be conducted to British Standards; conduct in keeping with contracts, RIBA, CIAT; ensure that all contractors used by ourselves have the relevant accreditation confirming their own ability to deliver a high quality service. We believe that with our diligence will bring out the best service for our clients and develop successful prohects which will be creative, smooth and on time-budget.


Books Jaggar, D., Ross A., Smith, J., Love, P., 2002. Building Design Cost Management. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing RIBA, Plan of Work : Multidisciplinary Services. London: Riba Publishing Tunstall, G., Managing the Building Process. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann

Websites Moir, K., 2009. Cost & Process Guidance- Appendix 1. [pdf ] Available at: <http://www.kmeconsultancy.co.uk/doc/Appendix%201%20Cost%20and%20Guidance.pdf> RIBA, 2009. A Client’s Guide to Appointing an Architect. [pdf ] Available at:< http://arbarchitecture.com/pdfs/engaging_an_architect.pdf> [Accessed 15 December 2012] RIBA, 2012. RIBA Plan of Work 2013: Consultation Document. [pdf ] Available at: < http://www.architecture.com/Files/RIBAProfessionalServices/Practice/FrontlineLetters/RIBAPlanofWork2013ConsultationDocument.pdf> [Accessed 15 December 2012] RIBA, 2008, Explaining an Architect’s Services. [pdf ] Available at:<http://www.architecture.com/Files/RIBAProfessionalServices/ProfessionalConduct/DisputeResolution/PracticalMatters/ExplainingServices.pdf> [Accessed 18 December 2012]

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