T embisa Hospital bosses spent R500 000 on a shipment of girls’ skinny jeans. This rev elation came to light following a forensic report by the late chief finan cial officer at the Gauteng Provincial Government Department of Health, Deokaran Babita. Babita’s death was linked to a corrupt COVID-19 PPE procurement scandal that cost the state R332 million. Besides skinny jeans, it is alleged that the hospital spent money on lux ury armchairs and hand towels. With the hospital buying 2000 handtowels that cost R230 each, Deokaran’s report revealed 200 suspicious payments by the Tembisa Hospital. Her investigation uncovered 217 companies doing business with the hospital that scored thousands of “possibly fraudulent” contracts. In 2020, the SA Human Rights Commission was informed of numer ous challenges faced by the hospital that led to the death of babies. “If you look at the resources, there is a disparity in terms of the alloca tion of resources and the demand for services, so we are calling on the [health] department to look at resource allocation, particularly for Tembisa Hospital,” the SAHRC’s act ing legal head, Buang Jones, said. A few months later, Shonisani Lethole was admitted with breathing complications. His family claimed that two days after his admission, the 35-year-old asked for food but wasn’t given any food. “I wish you guys could see how bad things are at Tembisa hospital. The casualty wards are full of people with stab wounds sitting unattended with older adults. The ICU only consists of 4 beds. The maternity ward has no showers & no blankets for both mother & baby. Kubi,” said one of the“Corpsesresidents.are left in a white con tainer behind the ER. That’s where loved ones pick them up. Ill and heav ily pregnant women sleep on the cold floors, and if you’re lucky, you’ll find a stretcher if it’s not occupied by what seems to either be another ill patient or a corpse,” she added.
The DA has called for the sus pension of the department’s chief financial officer and Dr. Ash ley Mthunzi, the CEO of Tembisa Hospital.OnThursday, Mthunzi broke his punched in. The Gauteng provincial govern ment has placed Tembisa Hospital CEO Ashley Mthunzi on precau tionary suspension following his explanation of why the hospital reportedly spent R500,000 on skinny jeans. All questions sent by The Oli fants News to Tembisa Hospital were not answered. silence on the skinny jeans scandal, saying it was a typing error. Mthunzi claimed that the money was actually for sutures required by surgeons, but the wrong material code had been
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Tembisa Hospital blows half a million on skinny jeans
By Dumisani Hlatswayo
Olifantsfontein SAPS South African Police Service Follow us for community!happeningonupdateswhat’sinyour
The Olifants News | www.theolifants.co.za2 Issue 57 | Friday, 30 August 2022 2 The OlIfanTs news www.theolifants.co.za Issue 02 - 2018news
Journalist Sibusiso Masango Tel. 0861 744 674 Fax: 086 611 4478 Email: sibusisom@papashamedia.co.za
Police Service 086 000 10111 /112 Olifantsfontein Saps
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Dennis Vundla (29) owner of Services (PTY) LTD Tel: 010 023 1845 Fax: 086 611 4478 m 010 023 086 611 uma sigxila emshadweni lapho kukh ishwe khona amalobolo, futhi engakaqedwa.Umshadowesintu wenziwa ngez indlela ezehlukile. Noma kunjalo, kuyona yonke imishado yesintu umkhwenyana kufanele alobole ngezinkomo. Izinkomo kufanele kube yizinkomo ezihambayo noma imali. Ilobolo Ilobolo mandulo kwakulisiko olwabe lwenziwa ukuhlanganisa imindeni emibili eyabe ifuna ukuba zihlobo ngokushadiselana. Izink omo zamaloboloke zimele izipho ezivela kumkhwenyana, lapho ebonga abazali bentombi afuna ukuyithatha ibe ngumfazi. Lapho umkhwenyana esuke ethi, ngiyabonga Mkhwekazi noMkhwe wami ngokungizalela intokazi eyongitholela abantwana, ngikhulise umuzi kababa. Man dulo amalobolo kwabe kuyizipho
The Olifants News subscribes to the South African Press Code, which prescribes news that is truthful, accurate, fair and balanced. If we don’t live up to standards set out in the Code, please contact the Press Ombudsman at the Press Council on: Tel: 011 484 3612/8 Fax: 011 484 www.presscouncil.org.za3619 011 316 8022
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● Kufanele bavumelane ngomshado wesintu.
SAPS Crime Alert for Oakmore ISSUE 2 2018 Published by PAPASHA MEDIA
theolifants@papashamedia.co.za Publisher Saki Mabhele Tel:
By Staff Writer ezazimelwe zinkomo. Ngesiman jemanje kodwa izinkomo kwesiye isikhathi sezamelwa yimali, kodwake, noma sekuyiyo imali, isamele zona izinkomo ezazikhishwa kusadliwa ngoludala.Ukuvuma noma ukukhokhwa kwelobolo akuyona into edingekayo ekutheni umshado wesintu ube semthethweni.Uma umshado wesintu usubhalisiwe ehhovisi yomnyango wezasekhaya (eHome Affairs), lowo ophathelane nezomthetho uzobhalisa ukuthi ilobolo libe yisivumelwano phakathi kwemndeni yalabo aba zoshada nokuthi bebevumelane ngayiphi imibandela. Kodwa ke, uma bekungenasivumelwana mayelana nelobolo noma belingakhokhiwe, lowo ophathelene nezomthetho usamele awubhalise lowo mshado. Yini edingekayo ukuze umshado wesintu ube semthethweni?
Publisher Saki Mabhele Tel: 0861 744 674 Fax: 086 611 4478 Email: saki@papashamedia.co.za
Sethopane Kodibona (33) from Tembisa started an unconventional business washing shoes for cash. Kodibona started his business in 2017 after years of unemployment. Employment is hard to find in Tembisa and the surrounding areas and this affected the entire household and it is what drove Kodibona to start this type of a business to make a living. “No one is working at home, one day I saw a guy washing shoes for cash I took the idea and started my own business so that I can be able to feed my family, said Kodibona. Kodibona makes about R200 on a busy day which is on weekends mostly, he charges his customers according to shoe size kids pay R10 and adults R25 and all suedes shoes are R35. “My clients are the community, police, nurses and everyone who would love to support my business is welcome. Kodibona uses a big board which he places by the main road to market his business. “My wish is to see my business grow and employ other people, who are unemployed like me, said Kodibona currently providing employment to 3 people and has a monthly turnover of about R12 000. “The business can sustain itself, however I want it to grow even more,” said Vundla. Eyethu Hygiene provides a number of services including Wash, Iron, Folding and house cleaning. Eyethu’s clients range from businesses to households. Vundla’s long term plan is to see the co panding and providing more employment opportunities. “I want to see my businesses growing with branches in other areas which will in turn provide employment to the youth of South Africa,” said Vundla.
● Kufanele umshado ubha liswe ne-Home Affairs.
● Kufanele basayinde ukuthi bafuna ukushada.
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Puleng Malete Tembisa -
4478 m saki@papashamedia.co.za Interviews Dumisani Hlatswayo 010 023 1845 m olifants@papashamedia.co.za Advertising Sales Georgina Phosa Zandile VusumziMankayiMelane0100231845 Art Director Liza Mijburgh m info@papashamedia.co.za The Olifants News subscribes to the South African Press Code, which prescribes news that is truthful, ac curate, fair and balanced. If we don’t live up to standards set out in the Code, please contact the Press Ombudsman at the Press Council on: Tel: 011 484 3612/8 Fax: 011 484 www.presscouncil.org.za3619 Ingabe umshado wesintu uyini? K uningi intsha yanamhlanje engakwazi ngomshado wesintu. Ikakhulukazi
● Labo abazoshada bobabili kumele babephezu kweminyaka eyi shumi nesishiyangalombili.
Since its launch in 2020, at least 600 000 young people have par ticipated in the programme and according to the President, most of those young people have gone on to improve their living conditions beyond the programme.
“As we build on the successes of this programme and bring opportu nities to more young South Africans, I call on all of society – whether as businesses, community-based organ isations or places of learning – to be part of building a new future for our young people.
“Let us all do what we can to help these young people build their con fidence, find decent work and bring dignity to their lives,” President Ramaphosa said.
Government school assistant programme trains 245,000 young people
One young participant with a mild men tal disability said that he had been surviving off a disability grant and never thought he would be consid ered for the programme.
P resident Cyril Ramaphosa has commended the impact made by the Youth Employment Programme not only in terms of job creation but also in how it has added value to the school sector. At the end of this month, at least 245 000 youth By Staff Writer will complete their 10-month stint in government’s school assistant programme.“Theschool assistants have either supported teachers in the classroom or performed school maintenance, security, food garden production, and other upkeep activities.
The President called on the private sector to participate in the growth and recovery of the economy by har nessing “the energies, talent, skills, and experience of these young people”.“Thequality work experience and training provided by this pro gramme addresses the concerns of many businesses that young appli cants lack skills and experience. We call on businesses to participate in this process by taking advantage of the Employment Tax Incentive to hire more young people and create learnerships.“Theycanuse the SAYouth.mobi platform to publicise opportunities that exist in their companies.
“Updates sent by participants to the Department of Basic Education show the impact the initiative has had on more than 22 000 partici pating schools around the country. There are images of new libraries and reading corners. “There are before-and-after pic tures of barren school grounds now bursting with cabbages and of once dilapidated classrooms gleaming with new paint. There are videos of newly-trained sports enrichment coaches running exercise classes and participants at laptops doing school administration,” the President said in his weekly newsletter.
“There are stories of young South Africans who had been struggling to find work and now have been able to make modest extensions to their homes, start small busi nesses or further their studies.
President Ramaphosa explained that following their time in the school assistant programme, government – through the Youth Employment Ser vice – strives to place participants in “work experience positions” in the private sector. For those who are entrepreneurial, the National Youth Development Agency assists them with their business ideas. “Participants [also] get information on scholarships and bursaries for fur ther study and organisations in the wider education sector are looking to absorb participants into literacy and library programmes,” he said.
www.theolifants.co.za | The Olifants News 3Friday, 30 August 2022 | Issue 57
“Beyond the monthly stipend, the programme has provided young people with work experience and skills. They have received accredited training across several disciplines, ranging from digital literacy to basic bookkeeping, from child and youth care to bricklaying, plastering and plumbing,” he said.
The Olifants News | www.theolifants.co.za4 Issue 57 | Friday, 30 August 2022
By Staff Writer By Dumisani Hlatswayo
Unemployment rate decreases to 33.9%
The Department of Women urges South Africans to take up the GBV fight. Speaking at a virtual media briefing to assess the impact of 100day challenges, the Director of the department, Nomsa Nabo, said: “They need to be accountable. They need to identify exactly what they are supposed to be doing and be account able in ensuring that they achieve the targets they identified in ending gender-based violence,” said Nabo. The briefing illustrated how using 100-day challenges as focused inter ventions in specific locations has accelerated the implementation of the NSP on GBVF at a municipal level. Nabo said it is important that departments not implement their interventions on GBV in isolation. Instead, they should “plan together and hold each other accountable.”
Taking action against gender-based violence
he country’s unemployment rate decreased to 33.9% between April and June, the Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS) for Q2: 2022 has revealed. Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) released the figures on Tuesday. These results indicate that 648 000 jobs were gained between the first quarter of 2022 and the second quar ter of Stats2022.SA said the changes in employment and unemployment resulted in the official unemployment rate decreasing by 0.6 of a percentage point from 34.5% in the first quar ter of 2022 to 33.9% in the second quarter of According2022.to the expanded def inition of unemployment, the unemployment rate also decreased by 1.4 percentage points to 44.1 % in Q2:2022 compared to Q1:2022. Releasing the QLFS, Statistician General Risenga Maluleke said the biggest job gains were recorded in Community and Social Services (276 000), Trade (169 000), Finance (128 000), and Construction (104 000). He said: “However, there were job losses in Manufacturing (73 000) and Transport (54 000). The total number of persons employed was 15.6 mil lion in the second quarter of 2022.
www.theolifants.co.za | The Olifants News 5Friday, 30 August 2022 | Issue 57
“The number of unemployed per sons increased by 132 000 to 8.0 million in the second quarter of 2022 compared to the previous quarter.
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“[Municipalities] also need to ensure that they lead initiatives to fight GBV and that stakeholders within municipalities can account for their interventions and get sup port from the municipalities and the departments in their area,” she added. Nabo acknowledged the role played by the civil society organ isations, as they are on the ground and know what is happening at a community level. “They make a very important contribution to ensur ing that even the plans developed at that level deal specifically with the challenges expressed by that community. My vision is a community that is organ ised against GBV,” she said.
The number of discouraged workseekers decreased by 183 000 (4.9%), and the number of people who were not economically active for reasons other than discouragement decreased by 452 000 (3.3%) between the two quarters resulting in a net decrease of 635 000 in the not economically active population.”
Criminals attack a G4S Motor vehicle in Tembisa
By Dumisani Hlatswayo
The Olifants News | www.theolifants.co.za6 072 864 tembisa@royalts.co.za1021 Cnr Botswana Road & Algeria Road, Tswelopele, Tembisa, 1632 Quality, TombstonesAffordableavailablein a variety of colours! Royal Palace with kerbs Baron with tiled slab Big Bible with open borders Mini Royal with bible slab Queen Bible with flat slab Royal curvedwithslab Policies available Laybys accepted Issue 57 | Friday, 30 Augusr 2022
AG4S motor vehicle was shot at by unknown suspects driv ing a white Mercedes Benz at Liliba section, Tembisa, opposite sports ground on the new road. A 51-year-old male complainant alleged that he was with his 31-yearold crew driving from Tembisa on the way to Kaalfontein, Kempton Park, on the above-mentioned date and time. When they were passing Liliba section Tembisa, opposite sports ground, a white Mercedes Benz without registration approached them from the front side on the driv er’s side and bumped their vehicle. One bullet hit the front windscreen in a corner, and the other hit the right side next to the driver. The driver managed to drive the vehicle until the evergreen market. Both driver and his crew didn’t sustain injuries. The vehicle was riddled with bullet holes. No money was taken, and no suspect has been arrested. The Mercedes Benz was later found burned next to Emfihlweni cemetery, Tembisa, allegedly by the suspects. The police are appeal ing to anyone who has information that might lead to the arrest of the suspects to come forward or report anonymously on 08600 10111 or to cal Tembisa Saps on 011 920 8000.
Over 60 suspects arrested in Ivory Park
T he police nabbed at least 60 suspects in Ivory Park. Accord ing to a statement issued by the police, some of those people were undocumented foreigners driving under the influence of alcohol or possessing an unlicenced firearm. The South African Police Service’ (SAPS) Lieutenant Colonel Mavela Masondo said that during the oper ations, 485 suspects were arrested in Ekurhuleni, where the Provin cial Commissioner of the police in Gauteng, Lieutenant General Elias Mawela, led the integrated “Opera tion O Kae Molao”. “This operation included the road blocks in Ivory Park on Saturday evening, 20 August 2022, where 32 suspects were arrested for being undocumented foreign nationals, 28 for driving while under the influence of alcohol, one for possession of an unlicensed firearm, three vehicles [were] impounded, three unlicensed shebeens [were] closed down and seven [were] arrested for dealing and possession of drugs. “Other suspects were arrested dur ing the tracing of wanted suspects who committed offences that include rape, murder, assault, housebreaking and theft, armed robbery, fraud, sex ual assault, and assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm,” said Masondo.Over2000 suspects were arrested in police operations to root out crime across Gauteng. Police officers were hard at work at the weekend trac ing wanted suspects, conducting roadblocks, raiding taverns, and per forming stop and searches, among other crime prevention initiatives.
Fire damages 8 shacks in Ivory Park Ext 2 F
ire has damaged at least five shacks in the back yard of house number 3971 in Ivory Park, Ext 2. The fire allegedly was ignited by a stove around 6:00 p.m. According to residents, luckily there were no injuries or deaths caused by theOnefire.of the residents, Sibongile Botha said the fire was caused by a two-plate stove. All attempts to put out the fire were not successful. “All the shacks have burned. The fire also destroyed the electricity and furni ture. All our clothes have burned down and we are left with nothing,” said Botha.
By Dumisani Hlatswayo
Botha has pleaded with the com munity of Thembisa to help with food, clothing, or anything. For donations, you can contact Sibongile Botha at 073 166 4549.
By Dumisani Hlatswayo
Team Ekurhuleni participates in the 2022 Comrades Marathon
T he City of Ekurhuleni Athlet ics Club sent 23 athletes to this year’s Comrades Mar athon, which took place on Sunday, 28 August 2022. Among the athletes that participated in this year’s race, “dubbed the Ultimate Human Race”, are three novices and one member who has done the comrades 16 times. “You have had to adjust to the hybrid Comrade races because of Covid. Some of you were ready and oth ers despondent; that notwithstanding, you are here now. You have put all you have into preparing for this race, and the City wishes you all the best in your endeavour,” said HOD for sport in Ekurhuleni, Zanele Katembo. “We are 100% behind and beside you. As the City, we encourage, develop and enable the alignment of body, mind, and soul. Your resolve will encourage others, your loss will encourage you to try harder, and your win will glorify all of us. Hoist the City of Peace, Ekurhuleni, emblem high, by putting your best foot for ward and make us proud,” she said. The club chairperson, Vusumuzi Applegreen urged his teammates to run the ‘race of their lives’ on Sun day. “Run and finish the race, do not run for the position. I have done this 16 times and I know what to expect from the Comrades. Take your time. Make sure you cross the line within the stipulated time,” Applegreen said. The team left Ekurhuleni for the race on 25 August. Northwest’s for mer security guard from Mahikeng, Tete Dijana, became the 2022 Com rades Marathon winner. Dijana crossed the finish line at the Moses Mabhida Stadium in a time of 05:30:38.
ISSUE 57 – 30 August 2022 Email: olifants@papashamedia.co.za Tel: 010 023 1845 www.theolifants.co.za Find us on Share your sport story with us! Call us on 010 023 1845
By Dumisani Hlatswayo