Distracted Driving Essay

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Persuasive Essay Marlen E. Pew once said, "Recklessness is a species of crime and should be so regarded on our streets and highways." In today's world, technology is evolving at a rapid pace and it has revolutionized how people communicate with each other. Because of this, it has been a lot easier for drivers to get distracted behind the wheel, especially by their mobile phones. Since Americans have busy lives, it has been seen that people do not have the time to get the things done they need to. This then leaves them with their time behind the wheel, where they believe using a mobile device is okay. With more advanced phones and a progression of people engaging in using their mobile devices while driving, the risk of having an accident is...show more content...

Although the use of a cell phone behind the wheel is a major distraction in itself, text messaging is the worst distraction while driving because it calls for visual, manual, and cognitive attention from the driver. Instead of being focused on the road while driving, drivers become unfocused by their phones and are not aware of their surroundings. While driving the driver should be concentrated on the road at all times. Although it takes only seconds to open, read, and respond to a single text, a car accident can occur within even a shorter amount of time due to distracted

Distracted Driving Persuasive Essay
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Your Phone or Your Life?

Have you ever had a time when driving where there is a person who doesn't know what they are doing and they almost hit you? And when you go up to to see what in the world they were thinking you see them on their phone not paying any attention to the road or how they are driving. If so then you are definitely not the only one. Every year thousands of people lose their lives as a result of reckless drivers on the road. Many of the people responsible for these accidents say that they were distracted by either their phones or some other form of technology. Nowadays people are so consumed with their social lives and what's going on social media, that they feel the need to check these things at the wrong times. More specifically when they are driving. Distracted driving should be stopped because it takes the life of thousands of people every year.

Distractions while driving is the result of the majority of car accidents and it is a direct violation of the law. Distracted driving is a broad term to describe all of the distractions one can experience while behind the wheel of a vehicle. There are several distractions that can happen inside a vehicle. A common example of a distraction that can be experienced is texting while driving.The concept of people getting distracted while driving is certainly not a new one. There have been reports of accidents occuring as a result of a distracted drivers ever since the time of the first car. Though granted that Get more content

Persuasive Essay On Distracted Driving

What is texting and driving? It is the act of creating, sending, and reading emails, or text messages or doing similar things on your phone while operating a vehicle. The use of a mobile phone has had some unexpected and some deadly consequences. A high number of accidents are caused by distracted driving and this results in injury and loss of life. What is distracted driving? Distracted driving is any activity that takes a person's attention away from the main task of driving. Some people don't know how dangerous distracted driving is but other do know and they still choose to do so anyway. All distracted driving puts the life of a driver, pedestrians, or passenger at risk. The main distractions are mostly texting and driving but there are other thing people do while driving. There is also eating and drinking, combing your hair, reading, using any type of navigation system, watching a video, and adjusting a radio, CD player or a radio. Texting and driving has become a normal thing in society since the early 2000's since the rise of popularity in smartphones. There have been many studies that shows texting and driving is the cause of life threatening accidents due to distracted drivers. The international telecommunications union states that texting or making calls or any other interactions while driving...show more content...

This project in Belgium tricked teenage drivers into that in order to pass their driving test, they had to be able to successfully text and drive on a closed course. Later on in the video, some of the reactions were surprising, They would say, ''it is impossible'' or " if this becomes law, I will stop driving.'' At the time they may say this, but sooner or later they will forget and start using their mobile devices again. There was another one back in 2010, which took place on a deserted air strip and showed that driving and texting is worse than driving while Get

Research Paper On Distracted Driving
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The Dangers of Distracted Driving

No matter the age a person may be, his/her actions affect others; especially when they're operating a vehicle capable of injuring or taking one's life. Many people drive distracted which causes a serious issue. Drivers have to be more aware since distracted driving poses great risks to the driver's life and others on the road as it increases the probability of a tragic accident. Numerous lives are being lost each day due to distracted driving and not abiding by the laws. In today's society, people need to focus on driving as there has been an increase in the possibility of death; influenced by both alcohol and drugs in addition to technology.

Driving dangerously due to distractions is extremely hazardous...show more content...

Looking out for hazards on the road is extraordinarily important. Overall, pay attention when driving as people are dying due to reckless driving, but they are also being injured from the result of a collision. Hazardous driving creates the potential risk of a crash considering drivers are not paying attention. While some believe they are not a threat when driving distracted, careless drivers cause other people danger as well as themselves. Putting anyone 's life in danger for recreational purposes may be higher–risk than one may think no matter how fast they look away from the road. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration indicates, when traveling at 55 mph, taking your eyes off the road is like driving through an entire football field without opening your eyes (Distracted Driving n.p.). Thinking twice before taking a peek at a text message is a wise option because it could result in something fatal. Also, people less experienced with driving are more likely to injure or kill themselves in an accident. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, drivers under the age of 40 are more commonly a part of fatal accidents due to distractions (Distracted Driving 2013 2). The lack of knowledge and understanding increases the likelihood of a collision due to interferences when driving. Not only do drivers, especially inexperienced one, cause accidents, they also Get

Dangers Of
Driving Essay
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The Causes and Effects of Distracted Driving Distracted driving is one of the fastest growing problems in the United States. It is starting to be considered as serious as drunk driving based on the dangerous outcomes. According to the Department of Transportation (2012), "distracted driving was a cause of roughly 450,000 accident–related injuries and nearly 5,500 fatalities in 2009 alone" (para. 1). Drivers who allow themselves to become distracted while driving are not only endangering themselves, but other innocent bystanders. According to Esurances' website (2013), "there are three main categories of distracted driving; cognitive, manual, and visual" (para. 1). Anything that prevents these three skills from...show more content...

5). Drivers have been listening to music, podcast, and talk radio for countless years; however, as of late, drivers have been starting to use headphones instead of their vehicles speakers. When a driver does this, it decreases their awareness and limits their hearing enough to where they would not hear the warning signs and could cause serious accidents. Manual distractions are when the driver takes their hands off the wheel to do something other than driving. Manual distractions are the easiest to avoid, because the driver can make the choice to not do something. People do not think that messing with an iPod can cause dangers. Although, if the driver thinks about it, it is just the same as messing with a cell phone which is the same distraction. According to the Department of Transportation (2012), "sending or receiving a text takes a driver's eyes from the road for an average of 4.6 seconds. This is the equivalent to driving at 55 mph–of driving the length of an entire football field blind" (para. 8). There are so many distractions out there that people do them everyday without even thinking that they are endangering themselves and innocent bystanders. Using a cell phone while driving has become the biggest manual distraction while driving. According to a study, conducted by The University of Utah (2013),

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Driving is a method of transportation most people use every day that involves heavy concentration. Whether it is from you behind the wheel, riding with a friend, or on a bus/taxi cab, we all have experienced this in our lifetime. Many people who drive or ride tend to be very focused on the task at hand, tune out buildings or other things that they pass by, or they multitask by listening to music, talking with passengers, or are on their phone. These distractions have caused many problems on the road. With technology growing faster every day and new developments created, people have become more and more distracted and are dying. Because of this growing problem, should the use of any devices such as phones, tablets, gaming devices, etc be banned all together in vehicles?...show more content...

This change has made people able to access and communicate information and entertainment with ease and move on without a thought. People most likely carry their device from room to room, car, office, etc less aware of the things going on around them. The most common devices used are phones and tablets. These devices are used almost everyday all day by people and have become a problem among teenagers and adults. Phones are a big problem in classrooms or work, but it has not had much of an effect compared to on the road distractions. These problems have now carried on into vehicles with teenagers and adults alike all distracted by a handheld device. More and more accidents have occurred from new teens driving (distracted) causing quick actions to be taken by the government. At one point, it was only allowed for adults to use the phone while driving until problems developed that had to be resolved. The result of the fast growing deaths from texting while driving called for a new law to be made. In Virginia and a few other states, texting while driving has been banned for all Get

Essay On Distracted Driving
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The Government Did enough by making the law against the distracted driving but what they didn't do was make the laws consequences enough to stop the distracted driving. Like stated earlier in the reading the law that was made to stoop distracted driving was a secondary law. Meaning that the law is really only in effect when you are pulled over for a primary offense. In saying this the law is only really a consequence of only a $30 fine stated in the article "distracted Driving" which really doesn't put the point across that it's wrong. Distracted driving is just as bad as speeding this because it puts not only the driver's life in jeopardy but also the other drivers on the road along with the passengers who may be in the car as well. Saying...show more content...

With increasing the repercussions by the law it will slow down the distracted driving in the state. The consequences I mention earlier like drivers school would be good for the driver who have been caught not only to save them from getting points on their license also will teach them a lesson and help them to be safer drivers. Also with the speeding ticket with the fine it effects your points on your license and with these points it can increase your car insurance payment. With that in mind it stops people from speeding because they don't want to have a super expensive car insurance bill. These are the kind of consequences that the drivers should have for distracted driving and should be even worse when it results in a car accident or death of other drivers or pedestrians. Distracted driving hurts those around the drivers as well as their families for example in the article entitled "Mother Shares Horrifying Distracted Driving Story in Hopes of Saving Future Lives." Tells about a mother spreading the dangers of distracted driving and what experiences she has had with her own family and how much it hurts for a family member to be killed from distracted driving as well as the burden put on people who have killed others because of distracted driving. In this being said the government in Florida has not done enough to stop distracted driving the

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Essay On Distracted Driving

The term distraction is defined as the diversion of the mind and the attention form a particular course; the fact of having one's attention or concentration disturbed by something" (Shorter Oxford English Dictionary, 2002). The distraction may also be defined as a delay of the recognition of the information which is needed to safely maintain control to the vehicle. In other words, it means the inattention or failure to pay attention or take notice. Based on a study conducted in 2011 using results from the NMVCC (National Motor Vehicle Crash Causation) Survey found that 19% of crashes involving teens were attributed to distraction. In general, there is two groups of tasks that the driver should take care of while driving: immediate and peripheral. So the immediate tasks are the most important, which like staying on the roadway and reacting to the changes that may impact you. As for the Peripheral tasks would be considered as less important like: monitoring the speed and viewing the surrounding environment to the vehicle. Practically, both the immediate and peripheral driving tasks are going to be affected in case of engaging in any phone conversation while driving. Technological...show more content...

According to the center for disease control and prevention, in 2010 there is more than 660,000 and 4054 injuries and deaths to the adolescents aged 13–19. Effectively, distracted driving causes up to 10% of fatal and 17% of non–fatal injury– causing crashes (Distracted Driving, 2013). If this complex task is attempted by a distracted driver, lane changing can be quite dangerous and could potentially be the cause of MVCs. That is simply because if you distracted, you are simply more likely to navigate at slower speeds and have longer reaction times (Horrey and Wickens, 2006). Then, the driver distraction may have important implications not only for safety but also for the traffic Get

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Argumentative Essay On Distracted Driving

Many states have laws about distracted driving such as no handheld devices are allowed to be used, bus drivers are not allowed to use cell phones while driving, while other states do allow cell phone use. Some states allow "all drivers (regardless of residency) must use hands–free devices, except for emergencies and on–duty emergency and police personnel," in D.C. (Weir). The difference in opinion in the different states because of their different views on cellular use while driving. According to Opposing Viewpoints statistics "School bus drivers may not use cell phones while operating a school bus, except for emergencies," and this was a common theme for many of the different states. Many states agree with this laws though there are some that have a difference in opinion. Some states permit cell phone use "as long as it provides sound through one ear and allows surrounding sound to be heard with the other ear,"(Weier). The different states opinions on the cellular usage and cell phones while driving a vehicle. In conclusion, different states have different viewpoints on laws about distracted driving with cell phones, such as bus drivers aren't allowed to, some states allow Bluetooth devices, while other states allow cell phone use. Law...show more content... Another solution to the huge problem of distracted driving is people could have the passenger, if they have one, to send the text for you. You could also use a bluetooth device to talk to people so it isn't as distracting, or even better yet you could wait until you get home to send the text. Another solution is law enforcement could make laws more similar so people know whether it is illegal in their state so they know not to do it. These are all reasons and solutions to why people shouldn't text while drive and why law enforcement should be stricter when it comes to distracted

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Summary Driving is one of the many luxuries we have available in this country. According to the Federal Highway Administration, there are over 210 million licensed drivers in the United States. Of those 210 million motorists how many do you think are distracted right now? It is true that the number one cause of distracted driving stems from hand held devices such as: cell phones, radios, iPad, food, make–up, books, and ect. According to the National NPA, 80% of drivers rate distracted driving as a very serious threat to their safety; texting while driving has the highest crash risk of all forms of distracted driving; drivers using a hand–held device are four times more likely to cause a crash serious enough to cause injury; an estimated...show more content...

Distracted driving is a common characteristic many licensed individuals have. Think about how many times you've seen drivers on their electronic devices. In a statistical report conducted by the U.S National Highway Administration (FHWA) states that, about 660,000 drivers are handling cell phones or other electronic devices while driving in the United States. Licensed drivers take on the role and responsibility to avoid being distracted behind the wheel. The New England Journal of Medicine hypothesized that, "Driving requires the integration of high level cognition, vision, many physical and cognitive changes affect driving amongst the elderly, such as slower reaction time, hearing and vision problems, decreased ability to function and medical problems, including age associated cognitive decline and the use of drugs affecting cognitive performance. In addition, with the hypothesis above adult drivers 65 years of age through 69 years have a 30% higher risk of being involved in a fatal car accident. However, drivers who were 85 years of age or older endured a risk that is 3–4 times as high as adult drivers between the ages of 65– 69 years ("Distracted Driving and Crash Risk," 2014). Distracted driving is a global epidemic that that must be corrected to ensure the safety of everyone on the road. We all fall guilty of taking our eyes off the road to check that text message, or changing the radio station or even taking in the

Distracted Driving Essay
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Distracted Driving


Being the cause of a cell phone related accident can leave a person unable to handle the consequences of their actions. There is great concern regarding the dangers of distracted driving. This is made evident by legislation that has been put in place in the United States. According to the U.S. Department of Transportation (2011), nationwide, 34 states, the District of Columbia, and Guam have enacted texting bans. Current data from the National Safety Council (2010) suggest that each year, at least 1.6 million traffic accidents (28% of all crashes) in the United States are caused by drivers talking on cell phones or texting. The U.S. Department of Transportation (2011) states that nine states, the District of Columbia, and...show more content...

Bluetooth technology has made cell phone usage while driving possible. In many countries Bluetooth's fortuned were boosted by new legislation banning the use of mobile phones without a hands–free kit while driving (Economist, 2006). As a result of the bans, people started buying Bluetooth enabled ear pieces and headsets. Several carmakers began to incorporate microphones and speakers, capable of connecting to a handset via Bluetooth, into their vehicles. Quain (2010) states drivers can buy a simple wireless earpiece for under $30 to stay in compliance with local laws. There is a more comfortable in–car solution: a wireless Bluetooth speakerphone that clips onto your car's sun visor (Quain, 2010). It allows the driver to talk with both hands on the wheel. Cell phone bans make a hands–free Bluetooth device a must for anyone who lives or drives in a state where such bans

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Distracted Driving

Distracted driving accounted for more than 3,100 deaths in 2013. The U.S. Department of Education has taken several steps to control the number of distracted driving incidents. The organization has held summits and pushed to enforce strict texting and driving laws. Technology manufacturers are starting to get involved in the nation's effort to save lives. The ComSonics company is currently producing a device that can potentially track a person who is sending texts from a cell phone while driving. Police already have technology that detects speeding. They have nifty radar guns and standalone speed stations that tell the truth about the driver's speed. The ComSonics company is designing a radar gun that can read cell phone frequencies to see

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Each one of us is surrounded by many different distractions each day, hour, minute, and even every second. These distractions become an issue when they affect the safety of other people, which can especially happen while driving. Distracted driving is a major problem today, mostly because of cell phones, but there are many other activities or objects that can be distracting to a driver, impacting themselves and other drivers on the road. Distracted driving causes many deaths and injuries each year, and could easily be avoided if drivers took more responsibility for their actions while driving, avoiding any distractions that take their attention away from driving, which threatens the safety of other drivers. "Distracted driving is any...show more content...

There is a variety of different of distractions, but the most dangerous out of all of them is the cell phone. When texting, the user's mind is on the message, their hands are typing, and their eyes are on the screen. All three of the main forms of distractions are in effect. Hands–free calling can be just as distracting. "It delays the driver's reactions more than a blood alcohol content of 0.08% and increases the chance of crash four–fold" (Redwoods). Even with the help of hands–free calling, cellphones are a distraction and impair driving. (http://www.redwoodsgroup.com /safety–resources/transportation–guidance–and–tools/safety–guidance/distracted–driving–significant–problem–jewish–organizations/) The United States is looking for ways to keep traffic safety in order. Distracted driving takes a big chunk in all fatal crashes, at sixteen percent. That is estimated to be five–thousand deaths each year. A study found that people are not fully focused with the task of driving even after they put down their phone. On average, it takes about twenty–seven seconds for someone to have or regain all focus on the road. Teenagers were the main reason the average was high, because they are most affected by distractions. A quarter of the time teenagers are behind the wheels, they are distracted. (https://www.aaafoundation.org/distracted–driving) Like with any problem, there are solutions. The solution to changing the

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Distracted Driving Essay

Distracted Driving Research Paper

"Driver distraction is identified as one of the main causes of road crashes, estimated to account for approximately one quarter of car crashes."

(CARRS – Centre for Accident Research and Road Safety)

Distracted driving is anything that takes the eyes off the road even for a moment. It can include things such as looking after children, texting, talking on the phone or to a passenger, adjusting the CD or radio, watching videos, eating, looking at the GPS or reading. It is one of the biggest killers on Australian roads, because drivers are not aware of the risk they are taking and the danger it puts others in.

A person using a hand–held or handsfree mobile phone while driving is four times more likely to have a serious crash resulting in hospital

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In 2011 alone, 1.3 million car crashes involved the driver being distracted because they were using their phone. This is a shocking statistic and what's even more frightening is that even though it is a big problem, people continue to drive while distracted. There are plenty of methods that the public has tried for these distracted drivers to stop. One way is through a PSA, or a Public Service Announcement. PSAs are just what it sounds like. They notify the public about a certain topic that is critical to be heard. Even though PSA's are have not been proven to be helpful according to recent statistics, I believe that it is just a good method that takes time. Public Service Announcements have been airing since the 1970s to the 1980s. The topics we mainly hear about are anti–drug/smoking and pollution/littering. However, there has been a recent topic that has been brought up by the public, and that is distracted driving. Distracted driving is just what it sounds like, it is when the person driving the car takes their focus off the road for something else. When people think of...show more content... Public Service Announcements do as little as saying that it is an issue, nothing more. After that, it is up to the person to listen to the message or ignore it. There always has been a problem of how impactful PSAs can be. There has been controversy on how graphic or emotional it can be due to people becoming traumatized. Although it is true that PSAs haven't made a big impact on the statistics, people would argue that having a video talking about it is better than not doing anything about it. The public needs to know how important it is and that is what the job of a PSA is. The problem is, most people think they are invincible, that it cannot possibly happen to them. It can happen to them, and it will. PSAs are beneficial even if it takes time to make an impact. A country wasn't built in a

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Driving (PSA)

Cause And Effect Of Distracted Driving

To start off and elaborate more on the subject, distracted driving does not just affect your driving, but it also affects the way you focus and think. A study that was conducted by Marcel Just and Tim Keller has shown that the driver's focus decreases when being spoken to in the article "How the Brain Reacts". For example, In the article, it says that "listening comprehension tasks drew mental resources away from driving" (Just and Keller, Paragraph 2,). The reason why listening to basic sentences drew mental resources away when you drive, is because the driver'sbrain needs to process language. If listening to sentences and answering true or false questions disorients driving, then, in theory, other basic activities in a car can cause the

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Recently, we talked about some of the driving distractions plaguing drivers, including electronics and food and drinks. Unfortunately, distracted driving, which is anything that takes your eyes off of the road, your hands off of the wheel, or your mind off of driving, goes beyond just electronics and what you consume while driving. We would like to discuss two other types of distractions you may encounter as a driver and what you can do to safely deal with these driving distractions. Passengers Passengers can cause a huge driving distraction in an assortment of forms, and avoiding being distracted by your passengers can be difficult. In most cases, you cannot just have them get out and walk to wherever you are going. Unfortunately, as long as they are in the vehicle with you, your passengers pose a potential driving distraction for you. One of the most important things you can do is to make sure everyone is securely fastened in their seat belts. Make sure any small children are in car seats or booster seat. Refuse to drive until everyone is safely buckled–up. This includes any pets. Then you will at least not have children or pets roaming around your vehicle while you are trying to drive. ' With younger children, especially on a long road trip, providing them with items to keep them entertained will help eliminate some of the distractions they...show more content...

Your reflexes may be slower. You may not see potential dangers until it is too late. You may even fall asleep at the wheel. According to information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in a study they conducted, one in every 25 adult drivers admitted to having fallen asleep while driving within the last 30 days. If you find that you are often driving tired, do something about it. If you suspect that you have a sleep disorder, visit a physician or a sleep specialist. If you are not getting enough sleep, do something so you can get more

How To Write A Distracted Driving Essay
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Tom Vanderbilt, author of "Traffic: Why We Drive the Way We Do (and What it Says About us)" claims that text messaging while driving, or "distracted driving" is comparable to drunk driving in the 1950s. He says "The Science is clear, the laws were becoming clearer, but the culture against drunken driving hadn't manifested" (Politico). I agree with Vanderbilt; it's clear that distracted driving puts drivers and passengers at significant risk, yet laws are only now starting to appear concerning the issue, and it's not yet culturally unacceptable. The fact that distracted driving poses a significant risk is undisputable. According to Janet Froetscher, president and CEO of the National Safety Council, "driver inattention causes 80% of...show more content...

This suggests the conversation itself, the mental distraction, not the physical one, matters most. Common sense dictates that texting providers an even bigger distraction. Not only does the driver have to carry on a conversation (or several, it's not uncommon for an individual to be holding multiple conversations simultaneously, especially among teenagers,) but they also must move their visual focus from the road, and type into their phone. Any activity requiring the visual, cognitive, and physical attention of someone controlling a steel cage that is hurtling down the freeway at 65 miles per hour should be avoided. Things are not all bad, though. Laws concerning the use of phones in cars, and more specifically texting while driving are finally starting to see the light of day. According to Anne McCartt, the senior vice president of research at the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, a ban on hand–held phones in New York reduced use of such devices by about fifty percent. That was until use was re–measured the next year, finding that the "decline had dissipated substantially" (Politico). McCartt speculates this is due to poor enforcement, as a similar ban in Washington D.C. resulted in another fifty percent decline, only this one was sustained for more than a year after the law was put in place. Clearly strong enforcement is important, and well worth it; a fifty percent reduction in use of cell phones while driving is

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Distracted Driving: A Menace to Safety Essay

I believe that distracted driving is a problem. I also believe that teenage drivers are more of a risk than other adult drivers. The reason teenage drives are more risky is that teens don't follow rules well, and they are not patient enough, teens make driving more dangerous than it should be.

However, many adult drivers are risky and aren't the best drivers, but their numbers of risky drivers don't compare to the number of teenage risky drivers. Teenagers like to speed whiledriving. In the first article it says that of the top five leading causes of death on Utah highways, just for teenagers: Number 1 is following too closely at 20%; Speeding is number 2 at 22%; failing to yield (right of way) number 3 at 18%; Failure to keep in...show more content...

They like to just go go go, no stopping to take a minute to think thru their situation. This is also a cause to accidents while driving because teenagers want to rush things, speed, and risk their lives and everyone lives that are on the road. Teens are also show offs when they are with their friends and they want to look cool. In one of the articles, it says, "Teens driving with teen passengers: the presence of teen passengers increases the crash risk of unsupervised teen drivers. The risk increases with the number of teen passengers." This can be very true because the other teens pressure you into speeding or trying to go into an opening that you can't make, but you do it anyway to look better. New drivers already have such a high chance of crashing that they need to pay more attention, slow down, and follow the rules to not add any more risk to themselves and others. The same article says, "Younger, inexperienced drivers under the age of 20 may be at increased risk; they have the highest proportion of distraction–related fatal crashes" If everyone, not just teens, would pay more attention and slow down, driving would not be so dangerous. Teens are not the only problem with driving but they are a big part of it because they aren't

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Essay On Distracted Driving

Distracted driving is very dangerous to everyone on the road ways. Distracted driving is engaging in non–driving activities that distracts the driver from the primary task of driving (SIRS). In 2015, 3,477 people were killed in crashes involving a distracted driver (CDC). Each year about 421,000 people are injured in crashes involving a distracted driver (Edgar Snyder). Drivers would not be texting if their message was not very important. Distracted driving should be illegal and security devices in vehicles should be implemented in order to save lives.

Texting while driving is a growing trend, and a national epidemic (Texting Thumb Bands). It is quickly becoming one of the nation's top killers. Young drivers are at the greatest...show more content...

Virgin Islands prohibit all drivers from using cellphones while driving. The next law is the All Cell Phone ban. Thirty–eight states and D.C. ban all cell phone use by teen drivers, and twenty–one states and D.C. prohibit any cell phone use for school bus drivers. The final law is the Text Messaging ban. Forty–seven states, D.C., Puerto Rico, Guam and the U.S. Virgin Islands ban text messaging for all drivers (Essex). Amazingly, people still disobey the laws and continue to text and drive. Crossing the center–line and hitting an eighteen–wheeler while texting is a great way to die.

Drivers can practice several safety tips to help them navigate the road more safely. First, use your cell phone for emergency situations only. Pull over to the right shoulder to make the important call. Next, limit the number of passengers in the car. It is a good idea after a football game for a group of teenagers to drive around town texting and driving. Driving with friends can create a dangerous driving situation because drivers are focused on their friends rather than on the road. Finally, avoid eating while driving. Food spills are a major cause of distraction. Pick up a big Mac and fries on your way home and eat it while you navigate the heavy traffic. Finding the extra fries in the bottom of the bag will taste good as you rear end the car stopping suddenly in front of you. Voice control/hands free devices were promoted to Get

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