College Essay Titles

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It is often said that people who go to college are more likely to succeed than the people who don't go to college. The ones who further their education after high school are usually the ones expected to go far in life and get better prepared in the real world. College is not for everyone and the ones who do go end up dropping out and not graduating. I do not believe it is beneficial to go to college. If you go to college, it is not guaranteed you a get a job right after, you stay indebt for maybe the rest of your life, and it is time consuming. If college is not right for you, don't spend all the time and money because at the end it will not be worth it. To begin with, many people who go to college believe that right after college they will get a job in the major they more content... College is way too expensive. Some people can't afford college on their own so they apply for scholarships. Sometimes that is not enough and they are forced to take out loans. Depending on how much you need is how much in debt you will be. If that person does not find a job right after college, they will not be able to buy a car, house, or anything. Most importantly, they will not be able to pay off their loans. Some end up moving back in with their parents after college because they cannot afford anything. They are in debt, jobless, and do not have money for anything. According to this article, "Between 2003 and 2012 the number of 25–year–olds with student debt increased from 25% to 43%," (Is a College Education Worth it, 2016). In other words, they are saying that each year the amount of people that are 25 years old are in debt due to that fact that they took out student loans. They stay in debt for a very long time or the rest of their lives. Once you finally got a job, you will delay the chance to get income due to the fact that you owe money and all the money you are making will disappear because of

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Essay About Going To College

The next step of our lives

You're in your last year of college about to graduate, but first, the administration tells you that a 500–word exit essay is required. They want to see how you justify and articulate your preparation for a post–graduate world and to demonstrate final evidence of your written communication skills, but who seriously has time for that? I personally feel like it doesn't make sense for graduates to write an exit essay on top of buying caps and gowns, preparing for their future, and also dealing with other problems.

Even though it's just a simple task , some college students try their hardest to avoid those types of things, especially during graduation week. During graduation week, students are looking forward the time Get

500 Word Exit Essay For College Students
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Free Speech on College Campuses Essay

Due: May 16th 2011

WR 122/ Wilde

Final Essay #2 Importance of 'Free Speech'

College is a time when most individuals are experiencing major changes and begin to explore new perspectives. The transition in becoming more independent, creating new insights and peer influence are key factors in changing the perspective of an individual. Students are faced with new ideas from their professors, family and fellow peers. Through that acquired knowledge many students decide that they either agree or disagree with the perspectives that they are taught. Allowing the right of 'Free Speech' on public college campuses has become an important issue that many public colleges are starting to address. In college students are capable more content... Despite their opinions, free speech was a great way in this situation for students to rally together and publically inform the rest of campus of their beliefs. In the school newspaper, The Daily Emerald, CJ Ciaramelle wrote "About 300 students from across the campus community– student unions, Greek Life, the ASUO, the Survival Center, the Women's Center– showed up at the meeting to protest the Forum" (1). Although the majority of people protested against the forum the right to free speech, it is important because it allows students to make decisions on their own and invite students to do the same.

"Free speech" often has negative connotations because the negative outcomes are publicized more than the positive outcomes. 'Free Speech' is a time for individuals to express their beliefs and topic on an important issue. People chose to present themselves in a vast majority of ways such as, holding signs, making t–shirts, shouting, etc. People who chose to present themselves in disrupting ways such as, foul language, inappropriate attire are more likely to be noticed than another student that is holding a simple and respectful sign. Schmidt states, "Universities cannot censor or suppress speech, no matter how obnoxious in content, without violating their justification of existence" (2). There is no definition of what type of 'free speech' should be censored and not allowed. With that said, there should not be a limit on 'free speech'

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Title IX

Great inequalities in the educational system between the sexes have occurred for many years and still occur today. Efforts have been made to rectify this disparity, but the one that has made the most difference is Title IX. Passed in 1972, Title IX attempted to correct the gender discrimination in educational systems receiving public funding. The greatest correction it made was in the area of athletics, but social justice of Title IX applies to many other areas as well. Title IX has an effect on women who are not athletes in many ways, including quality of education, receptivity to education, empowerment and creation of ideals.

Title IX qualifies as a social justice issue because it addresses social inequalities. more content... They could still receive a quality education from their school and thus have the opportunity for further advancement in life. Pregnant students could still enjoy normal student involvement and not be stigmatized, as teenage mothers often are. For pregnant students, Title IX could change their lives.

Sexual harassment has been a problem in school situations; it inhibits a student's ability to learn since the student concentrates on the problem of dealing with the harassment instead of concentrating on her education. This occurrence of harassment can make a student fearful of going to school, fearful of authority figures and distrustful of adults in general. A woman who either is fearful or distrustful of men or women at an early age can suffer social inhibitions prohibiting her advancement through life. Title IX's prohibition on sexual harassment frees students from these fears and leaves them able to lead a normal life. Although Title IX does not eliminate the possibility of sexual harassment altogether, it does provide recourse to the student and the student's family through means of liability damages. Restrictions are placed on when the liability comes into effect, but it is a step forward in dealing with sexual harassment.

The benefits to female students interested in athletics are obvious, but a secondary benefit to the rest of the female community is

Title IX Essay examples
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When I Grow Up..

Remember when we were young and all we could think of was growing up and getting to do 'grownup' things? We spent our whole childhood thinking of what we would do when we finally 'grew up', and here we are, almost completely grown up and we still haven't made up our mind of what it is we will do when we grow up. We've painted this pretty little picture in our head of what it'll be like when we eventually do grow up, and when it finally comes for the picture to be taken off the wall and put into action, it's not nearly as fun as creating the painting. "Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional."


We all have the more content...

"The day the child realizes that all adults are imperfect, he becomes an adolescent; the day he forgives them, he becomes an adult; the day he forgives himself, he becomes wise." –Alden Nowlan As we continue to grow up, we learn that being grown up is not as we imagined it. We once convinced ourselves that growing up was the goal to achieve, and life would be much better once we were in fact grown up. When we in fact do grow up, we think back at our youth and laugh because we thought growing up was the most wondrous thing to accomplish, but now, more than ever, we crave for our youth; for the days we would sit in the grass and daydream of what we are to become when we grow up; and finally for the days when life was simple and we could imagine it any which way we wanted it and no one could do a thing about it. "A grownup is a child with layers on."–Woody

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Essay Growing Up
'grown up' isn't as fun as the idea of growing up."

Kelley V. University Of Illinois: Case Study

Titles and Citation: Kelley v. Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, 1993


Members of the University of Illinois's men's swim team filed a lawsuit in 1993 claiming that the school was discriminating against them by cutting their team and not the women's swim team. The members claimed that this decision was in violation of Title IX, a law that prohibited discrimination on the basis of gender, along with the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. The University of Illinois made the decision to cut the men's swim team due to budgetary limitations. Along with the men's swim team, the men's diving, men's fencing, and women's diving team were also cut for the same reason. There were many instances previous to this case where female athletes have filed lawsuits claiming that they were being discriminated against, and that the institution was in violation more content...

In 1993, the law was converted from a statute that outlawed discrimination on the basis of gender, largely exclusion from participation opportunities (athletics), to one that provides "equal opportunity for members of both sexes." Title IX is largely statistical, as most higher learning institutions strive to have very close to an equal percentage of women and men involved in athletics with respect to enrollment. Many decisions regarding Title IX are made for statistical purposes only.

Fourteenth Amendment (Equal Protection Clause): For one to file an equal protection claim, one has to prove that the "government intentionally discriminated against the plaintiff by classifying him or her for different treatment under the law than one similarly situated." For the equal protection clause to be violated, a government has to group individuals in such a way that denies them certain rights or provides different treatment on the basis of traits they have no control over.

Constitutional Issue and Legal

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High School vs. College A very important part of life is education. In order to acquire a satisfying education, one should complete high school prior to college. College and high school have two different levels of education, but both are trying to further student's knowledge. As recent high school graduates and college freshman's many can clarify similarities and differences between the two. Some obvious similarities are that both have assignments, classrooms, and students. Although college and high school have many differences three of the main ones are the teachers, classes, and responsibilities. Teachers and college professors are one main difference. Teachers in high school often write notes on an overhead and tell you more content...

Classes are the second main reason high school differs from college. Classes in high school generally consist of no more that 25 students. Counselors usually arrange your schedule the way they think is best for you. You are not responsible for knowing what it takes to graduate. Usually the school year is 26 weeks long; classes may have to be taken the whole year in order to get credit for them. You are graded on most assignments done in class. In college some classes may have from 75–100 students. It is your responsibility to enroll in the classes that are required for your major, plus a week for final exams. The year is divided into two 14 week semesters; most classes need to be taken the complete semester in order to get credit. College professors tend to grade students on tests and major papers. Responsibility has a lot to do when it comes to high school and college. When you attend high school you are provided textbooks for each class. Your time is usually structured by others (parents and/or teachers). Many parents are there to wake you up in the morning before school starts. In high school you are required to go to school everyday. You often read or hear presentations once in order to learn what you need to know. Students are expected to read short stories at home which will be re–taught in class. When in college you must pay for each textbook necessary for class.

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High School vs. College Essay examples

Many high school students succeed with a little leniency through their four years. The transfer from high school to college becomes overwhelming and a struggle for some. For students do not comprehend the importance of changing more than their location during the transition. A student must be psychologically, physically, and emotionally mature to pursue college and not venture into a point of no return. Dropping out of college makes the outlook of the conversion difficult to acquire. Individuals should take their time on deciding which college and/or university is the best match for them. There are various reasons that cause persons not to prosper. Issues that individuals may come upon might leave a lifelong scar. Matters such as more content...

Often students take high school for granted; consequently it shows when they reach college. For example, in high school, teachers may accept late work, tardiness, and continuous inappropriate behavior. The college classes that they will have to face will not tolerate such things as this. Preparing for the work load and lifestyle is the two most important objectives to grasp early. Furthermore, many people want to progress in their work, some simply want to gain in depth education on the particular field they want to achieve. However, individual's bosses do not always understand. Having a job while in college is a huge demand. Depending on whether students have families or not will put them in a tight position. Ultimately the demand for both will result in them dropping out of college. Mark Kantrowitz says, "Many students who drop out of college has to work while enrolled in college (Why Do Students Drop out of College Kantrowitz)." He follows up by saying that "they often find it very difficult to support themselves and their families and go to college at the same time (Why Do Students Drop out of College Kantrowitz)." In most homes, one's family always comes first no matter what. For example, the desired accomplishments of the mother are not greater than the needs of her children. School work and the work one puts into he/she's job alone are hard to manage. Having to

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College Dropouts Essay

Determining college readiness is an essential part in determining who will qualify as a good candidate for admission into a college or a university. The last thing that colleges want is for students to qualify for admission and drop out, this affects drop out rate and graduation rate. According Robin Chait and Andrea Venezia (2009), to about 83 percent ofhigh school graduates enroll in some form of postsecondary education, but only about 52 percent of students complete their degrees. Further, a very small proportion of students complete a degree in four years–"among students starting at 'four–year' institutions, only 34 percent finish a B.A. in four years, 64 percent within six years, and 69 percent within eight and a half years." more content...

According to David Conley, readiness forcollege contains four key principles: key cognitive strategies, key content knowledge, key self management skills, key knowledge about post and secondary education. Although college readiness can be measured sing ACT andSATscores, which developed a college readiness benchmarks to see whether a prospective college student has a high prospect of success in college courses of English, social sciences, Algebra and biology. However, if your test scores are not meeting the typical benchmarked standard does that truly determine I you are ready for college. No. One thing we have to take under deep consideration is that each student is different and some don't test very well. What happens to a child who has a really good GPA, high determination and a low test score? College recruits deem that these children are not college ready. College readiness should be measured with a more natural eye, because some students may not be good in particular subject areas, however, what would be the likeness of high school students completing and earning a degree in a field that they enjoy. The nature of humans is to do things that they enjoy, to read stories that they can relate too, to complete a task that means a lot to them. This is the natural eye that we should look at college readiness with. How determined and passionate are the students on furthering their education. How Get

College Readiness Essay
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Deciding on a college is a stressful time in any student's life. All students deal with stress about their future after high school, regardless of whether they plan for college or not. Some may think that students are making the decision into something more difficult than it has to be; however, this is an incredibly important time in any student's life. It entails a lot of thought. Like putting on makeup, deciding on a school requires effort and creativity, but both can show who a person is. Choosing a school requires hard work and preparation, creativity for students to express themselves, and freedom to decide exactly what they want. To qualify for certain colleges, students must be focused throughouthigh school. Some schools can be selective on who they accept while others have high acceptance rates; some schools require classes that others do not. Students need to put in the effort and dedication to qualify for the schools they believe would be the best fit. For these students, grades are not something they can only put partial effort into. To maintain their grades, students keep track of their assignments and work hard throughout all of high school. Students get the option to be creative while choosing their schools because whatever school is chosen will be used to express themselves. After choosing a school, the student will strongly align themselves with that school. Schools offer merchandise because when students like a school they want to represent it; thus proves that many people use schools' names or logos as a means to express themselves. However, for prospective students finding a school to align with can be stressful. They have to know exactly what traits they desire. One thing people may consider: community college or university. Some go to community college because they are unsure of their major; some go to trade schools because they only want to learn skills for a certain job; some go straight to a four–year university; some students do not go to any college. A person's choice in their education depends on their personal preferences: how much work they are willing to put in, who they want to align with, and freedom to choose what they want to do. Similarly, makeup requires a lot of Get more content

Persuasive Essay On Choosing A College

Currently, the count of homeless students that are attending schools in the United States are over 1.3 million. The number, according to reports, has doubled since ten years ago.

And if this is not stopped, the number is expected to grow. What is needed is that school administrators are being pushed to find out the particular individuals who are actual homeless students. Homeless students, according to ABC News, are considered but are not limited to those who are living in other people's homes. Some kids and their families are staying in places such as motels, cars and even campgrounds. They still attend school even if they do not have a permanent address. The struggle is when they move around and they do not have the paper work to show for when it comes to transfer processes.

Now, school administrators are being urged to keep them in school even if they lack the papers. Schools will relax enrollment procedures and it is critical that they connect these homeless students with their school services as soon as possible.

Starting October 1, 2016, a new education law more content...

After the big recession that hit America, the number has risen.

These kids find it difficult to succeed outside school. They do not have the paperwork and identification that will help them build a future. Some do not even have a birth certificate and other government records. It makes it impossible for them to get a job. Some homeless students do not have legal guardians as well.

However, soon, more homeless students will see a positive graduation rate and enroll incollege. Because under the new education law, the provisions will enable schools to be stable. Students will get credit for the work done.

To make this possible, the 2017 budget proposes a 21% increase for homeless education, according to the U.S. Education

Homeless Student Essay
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College is not for Everyone One question that comes to mind when graduating high school is, "should I attend college?" For many graduates this question have a very obvious answer. A high school graduate may state that, "college is the best option if one is trying to get a higher level of education, and will help one compete for a higher paying job." However, in my opinion most graduates do not consider the fact that going to college is a very big decision to make and that the schoolwork will not be easy. Going to college is not the best choice for everyhigh school graduate because many students cannot handle college, colleges' lower standards, and not all jobs require a college degree. First of all, many high school graduates more content...

The statement is also important because it is true that many high school graduates are not ready for college. The academic and financial challenges must be taken seriously, and the new college student must realize that he needs to be responsible in order to succeed in college as well as be able to financially support himself throughout college. The last part of the statement is perhaps the most important because it is true that many college students do not have the desire to learn, instead many attend college because of the social aspect, or simply because of the pressure to attend by the parents. The desire to learn is what determines how much effort one puts into his schoolwork. If the student does not want to learn that will reflect on his schoolwork and it will make it hard for him to succeed. The second reason as to why not all students should go to college is because colleges have begun to lower standards. ACTs, SATs, and high school transcripts are all being looked at by colleges in order to decide whether or not a student is qualified to get into the college. However, are these scores actually being looked at and examined how they should be, or are the colleges admitting underqualified high school students into college because of the tuition fees that student would have to pay? College is very expensive, with the tuition costs, book fees, meal plans, and room and board costs. It could be

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College is not for everyone Essay

Trade School vs. College

People are told from a young age that the only way to lead a successful life is to go to college. Although there is no denying of the economic advantage post secondary learning can provide for a student, college isn't necessarily the only available option. Options like trade school or vocational training are other reasonable choices. However, trade school is not seen as legitimate as a traditional four year college, and a trade school student is not seen as having a secure future. The majority of people fail to realize there are hundreds of well paying employment opportunities that do not require the time, money, and effort needed to get a college degree. Not only does the negative perception of trade school hurt the futures of students, it ultimately hurts the nation's economy. In order to eliminate the stigma surrounding non traditional schools, students and parents should be exposed to trade schools and the benefits of pursuing a vocational career. Trade schools, vocational schools, and technical schools are all educational institutions that teach skills related to a specific job (Hamm). Some schools provide education as that provided at other colleges and universities. Many schools specialize in particular lines of work that range from broadcasting to beauty. The skills acquired in trade schools are sometimes referred to as middle skills and are seeked out by employers and jobs that require more education than a high school diploma, but less

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Trade School Vs. College Essay

We are told to "go to college" by family, media, and teachers, but we are never given an explanation on why it's important for us to get a higher education. The importance of higher education is so we can obtain a career that can support our needs and wants. It's also important because it gives you an advantage when trying to get a job. Employers require a higher form of education, which is necessary for our society to advance. There aren't many jobs that accept people with a high school diploma as their highest form of education. Employers want people that know what they're doing, and so does our society. In order for people to go into the career field they want, they need to go to college to learn everything that comes with that more content...

What we get out of the college experience, we use in our day to day lives. Even the things we think aren't important or useful end up becoming helpful. The material we learn in college is fundamental when it comes jobs and life in general. We are taught to make choices. We are taught how the real world works, and how to turn our education into our way of life. "...the really significant education in thinking that we're supposed to get in a place like this isn't really about the capacity to think, but rather about the choice of what to think about." (Wallace 199). Not only do we get a lot out of getting a college degree in what we want to do, but so does our society. There are requirements for every job for a reason. Jobs need people that specialize in just that career field. They want us to be passionate about what we do and more importantly know exactly what we are doing. For example, hospitals have no room for mistakes because not only may it cost a life, it can also costs them money. We feel safer knowing people know how to do their jobs right. College education is necessary whenever there is a shortage in certain careers. It's important to have higher education so there can be growth and competition in our society. It takes money to make money. It does cost a lot to pay for college, but in the end it's worth it. By the end of the college process, we can have a college degree and could be getting

College: Is It Worth It? Essay
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To be lonely is an easy thing, being alone is another matter entirely. To understand this, first one must understand the difference between loneliness and being alone. To be alone means that your are not in the company of anyone else. You are one. But loneliness can happen anytime, anywhere. You can be lonely in a crowd, lonely with friends, lonely with family. You can even be lonely while with loved ones. For feeling lonely, is in essence a feeling of being alone. As thought you were one and you feel as though you willalways be that way. Loneliness can be one of the most destructive feelings humans are capable of feeling. For loneliness can lead to depression, suicide, and even to raging out and hurting friends and/ more content...

Generally almost all loneliness can be traced back to low or below "average" self–esteem. Chronically lonely people will usually have low opinions of themselves. They may think of themselves as unintelligent, unattractive, broken, unwanted, not worthy of good things, no good, unable to do anything right, and/or socially isolated. Unlike many other emotionally hurting people, the chronically lonely usually know what is wrong, but like many others they don't believe they can do anything to fix it, or, circling back to the low self–esteem, they may also believe they are not worth of happiness.

It takes the strong support of a good friend(s) or other loved one(s) to help the lonely conquer their feelings. Simply trying to counteract the low self–esteem verbally will not do it, though, for in their down state, they will see the person as just trying to be nice or spare their feelings. The lonely must be shown in more subtle, yet clear ways that they are not the useless person they perceive themselves to be. For example, with a person who feels particularly unloved and unwanted, someone close to them should try to take a little extra time to spend with that person and try to set aside a little extra time to talk to the person.

Nothing special needs to be said or done, simply spending time, willing and without having been asked, allows the lonely one to see that they are loved. That they are worthy of being associated with and that there are

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Loneliness Essay

Women In College Sports

The articles, "Title IX Under Fire As Colleges Cut Teams" by Jean Marbella and Carrie Wells and "40 Years Later, Title IX Is Still Fighting Perception It Hurts Men's Sports" by Gloria Goodale, share different viewpoints on Title IX. Marbella and Wells share details and statistics showing that men's teams are sometimes cut in order to meet Title IX's requirements. However, Goodale counters that the reasons for the teams being cut was not Title IX, but the budgets of theuniversity. She explains that Title IX is being framed for these incidents (Goodale). Goodale and Marbella and Wells argue two different viewpoints on the Title IX.

Title IX is beneficial to women in college sports. For starters, Title IX focuses on access and more content...

It is true that some men's teams have been cut due to the inability to meet the requirements of Title IX. In actuality, It is not because of Title IX, but because of low budgets and administrative decisions. An alternative would be to reduce the funds that go into publicity sports, such as football and baseball. Many argue that adding women's teams does not work. While it is true that some schools have been unsuccessful in the past, A lot of schools have managed to accomplish this. Even Marbella and Wells cite that ВЁSchools such as the University of Maryland Eastern Shore have started women's bowling teamsВЁ. Though some people may argue that it does more harm than good, Title IX should remain in action. Goodale and Marbella and Wells share two differing viewpoints on the effects of Title IX. Marbella and Wells argue that Title IX puts men at a disadvantage. Goodale refutes their claim with evidence that Title IX gives women a fair opportunity. Although some men's teams have been cut, women have been given a fair chance. Title IX gives women exactly want they need, a fair chance to join college Get

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Differences Between High School and College Essay

It is often said, that high school, prepares a student for college. For certain, a student is being prepared, but only for what the world has to offer, and that is making choices on what to pursue. Certainly, most people would concur with this statement. But, the fact to consider is, that high school does not prepare a student for the major difference in the challenge. One difference in the area of challenge is the work. In high school, students are not challenged with assignments. Generally, an assignment in high school does not require much depth. When it comes to homework in high school, students are not assigned homework often. As well, in high school, most instructors do not promote the proper grammar, punctuation more content...

In college, there is a definite difference in expectation, and this is a major challenge. In high school, students are cradled by the teachers and administration. If a person is to fail an assignment, the students have as many chances possible to pass. In addition, if a student fails an exam, this will not mean that the student fails the course. Therefore, this causes major problems going to college. In college, most courses require that the student passes the exam with a certain grade determined by the school. In addition, for most courses in college, it is expected that the student gets a 55 or 60 percent in the course, depending on the course. Furthermore, in college, students are expected to learn quicker. What is meant by this is, that in high school, students are taught at a slower rate. Therefore, it is definite that in high school, having less expectation reflects in college, by causing more of a challenge for the student to adjust. Finally, achieving a high grade in college is more difficult than in high school. In high school, grades are easier to achieve and there are greater opportunities for marks. Usually, a student is graded on many different areas, including; attendance, participation, effort, and organization. Also, students are graded on evaluations and assignments. These are the areas which are graded, and these account for a large portion of the final

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As pounded in our heads by teachers and adults, after high school the best idea is to go to college. This may not be the case for everyone. There are many pros and cons for college. College is not for everyone, and I believe students should have the freedom to choose the path they take. For people who desire to acquire a well paying job, a degree may be required. Most data points that the fastest growing job categories require at least a college degree. Getting a degree can be as simple as going for 2 years or even 6. Getting a college degree will draw employers attention and gain respect. Some people who have a degree may get paid more at their job than others who do not. Expanding your knowledge is important as there is always more to learn. In my opinion, college is the best idea for any age student.

When planning your future, you can decide between a two–year community college or a four–year university. You can base your decision depending on your career field or job you want to pursue. Some jobs may not even require a degree, in which college is unnecessary. Some jobs may only require an associate's degree, so why waste your money at a university. Some may say that the experience at a four–year university is critical to growing up. Mr. Perlstein states, "the college experience– a rite of passage as it was meant to be– must have come to an end." Rick Perlstein believes that the four–year experience is meaningful. At a four–year, you may experience more diversity, and Get

Pros And Cons Of College Essay
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College Education is most important because its knowledge that can never be taken away from you and you will always have your college education to fall back on. First of all, the value of a college education can be taken in all different kinds of aspects. When enrolling in school I look at it like this is my pride and glory and no one can take this from me. You can lose all your fame and fortune but if you have a college education it remains the same. In my prospective college education is valued. College is a goal of mine that I'm going to achieve. With my Bachelor of Health Administration degree I plan on working in children's hospitals one of my biggest dreams. When attending college you have to truly be a level headed person and more content...

With the economy being so low now it makes me take a lot more value in my education as I did when I was growing up. Growing up I didn't care much about going to college if I made out of high school I was fine. Now attending college and learning more and more makes me appreciate how important education is to me. School is very timely and precise everything is done differently. Little mistakes you make can mean a big deduction off your grade. School is my main priority because it means so much to me. Everyone should value there education and get all the knowledge while they can. Education is the most important part in your schooling because it leads to your success. Education holds the key to a successful future. Education can also help an individual to reach his/her life goals and dreams. The more education I receive the more choices and opportunities I will have. With an education, I have more options, which often lead to greater success and happiness in life. By going to college, I can choose what I want to do in life. A student will also be able to choose a career that interests them and that will enable them to achieve there dreams. Education starts in grade school and up. The more education you receive, the more money you may be able to earn. On average, a person with a four–year college degree earns more money as a person who graduated from high school but did not attend college. . By going to Get more content

Why College Is Important Essay

Motivation : Motivation For College Students

Motivation for College Students

Isaiah Hernandez

Estrella Mountain Community College

Psychology 101

March 10th, 2017

Motivation for College Students Introduction Motivation is defined as the process that initiates, guides, and maintains goal–oriented behaviors. Motivation is what causes us to act, whether it is getting a glass of water to reduce thirst or reading a book to gain knowledge. (Cherry, 2016)

Motivation plays the role in everyday lives. Ones motivation to do something differs from ones feels and the type of motivation towards the action that is being done. By studying motivation, we learn what gives our behavior its purpose, direction and sustainability. (Bond & McConkey, 2001, p. 6.3).

School and motivation go hand more content... For instance, if a child doesn 't respond at all to external motivators, and he or she needs to do something unpleasant and undesired, that child is unlikely to engage in the desired behavior. (Frank, 2017) College Students motivation The life of many college students is stressful and challenging. (Medora & Woodward,1986) For college students being forced to go to school is never the case but it is a choice by the student whether to attend or not. Motivation then plays a huge factor for student. Motivation is needed to pursue the certain major the college student chooses by interest and the success to graduate college.

Students who are intrinsically motivated can experience greater pleasure and emotional intimacy because being intrinsically motivated are usually positive degree feelings such as enjoyment, pleasure, satisfaction, and self–leniency. Students can be always motivated by those internal rewards from the learning itself. While for other students who are extrinsically motivated, they "may work efficiently in the short term in response to external wages and inducement , but their motivation is unlikely to sustain itself autonomously if the learning experience does not generate internal or intrinsic rewards" (ibid.22). Those students that work for extrinsic rewards are passive because if the external reinforcement isn 't available, then they have no reason to do it and they may remain stagnant with no motivation. Although college is by choice

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