Digestive System Essay

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Andres Nogales

Professor Dr. Felton

Essay 1: Since this student had a bag of chips which is carbs and turkey sandwich which is considered protein and fat and water. The first stage in the digestive system is ingestion when the student enters his lunch in their mouth. In this stage there is mechanical and chemical digestion taken place. The mechanical digestion is take place by biting and tearing the food into smaller parts which would then be known as bolus. Chemical digestion is occurred when the three salivary glands sublingual, submandibular, and paratoid gland that secretes saliva which contains amylase. Amylase is used in this case to breakdown starch. In the mouth the carbohydrates and fat are broken down. In carbohydrates the starch and disaccharides are mixed with the salivary amylase, and in fats the unemulsified triglycerides are mixed with lingual lipase. Once mechanical and chemical digestion is complete in the mouth food continues its route to the digestive system going through deglutition. In deglutition the esophagus sphincter begins to contract in which the tongue forces the bolus upward towards the hard palate making the bolus to enter the oropharynx. Once it enter the oropharynx in order to prevent the bolus to enter the trachea the uvula and larynx rise upward and the superior esophageal sphincter starts to relax which would then allow food to enter the esophagus. Once that occurs the muscles of pharynx contract making the bolus to travel down the

A Report On The Digestive System
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Digestive System After dissecting the rat, we learned that the rat's body has many complex systems. To begin, the digestive system contains a group of organs that work together to convert food taken in from the body and converts it to energy and basic nutrients to feed the cells in the body. The digestive system includes the mouth, pyloric valve or sphincter, caecum, small intestine, colon (large intestine), duodenum, retrum, and stomach. The salivary glands, liver, and pancreas are glands that are laid outside of the digestive system, but they are associated with contributing to the system's function. The mouth processes the food so that it is easier to swallow. From the mouth, it moves to the back of the mouth.


The pharynx is where the food moves into from the back of the mouth. It is separated into three pathways. The nasopharynx is a pathway for only air, the oropharynx is a pathway for food and air, and the laryngopharynx is where both food and air pass by penetrating through the nose.


After successfully passing through the pharynx, it moves to the esophagus. The esophagus links together the stomach and the pharynx so when food is consumed by the organism, it moves into the stomach.


The stomach muscles work together to break down food so part of digestion takes place here. It also produces acids (hydrochloric acid) and enzymes (pepsin) and mucus which work together to break down proteins. The stomach also functions to portion food into

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Digestive System Of The Digestive System

Digestive System Case Study


Produce a written account of the digestive system, explaining the structure (P6) and the function (P7) of each of these sections of the digestive system:

Mouth (including teeth and tongue) Pharynx Oesophagus Stomach Gall bladder Liver Pancreas Small intestine Large intestine

Digestive System: We need a continuous supply of nutrients to maintain the proper functioning and structure of our body. Digestive system ensures that these nutrients are made available for the body. These nutrients are derived from the food we eat. Food comes from water, organic molecules such as fats, carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins etc, and inorganic salts. Food provides fuel to the body in the form of calories which are required by the body to carry out daily activities. These calories mainly come from carbohydrates and fats. Proteins support the growth and repair functions of the body. Inorganic salts are important to keep running many of the body processes e.g. sodium, potassium, and chloride act as electrolytes and maintain fluid balance and normal blood pressure. The digestive system consists of a group of organs which help in the ingestion, breakdown, digestion, absorption, and egestion (excretion) of the food. These organs make up the Digestive Tract and the Accessory Structures that lie outside the tract but are connected to it through tubes or ducts. The Digestive

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1/What is the purpose of digestion? * Break down food, absorb nutrient from food into body tissues and systems in body

2What is the name given to mammal only eat meat ? * Carnivores

3/What is the name of mammal only eat plant? * Herbivores

4/What is the difference between a fore–gut fermenter and hind–gut fermenter? Example?

Because plant cells have tough cellulose cell walls and herbivore are not able to digest, they use micro– organisms that live symbiotically to break down cellulose in fermentation process into nutrients | Fore– gut fermenter| Hind–gut fermenter| Location of caecum| Carry out digestion in a chamber– rumen, before the true stomach (abomasum). The ruminant stomach consists...show more content... They can produce cellulose enzyme, which cannot be produce by cow's digestion. They help to break down cellulose into glucose. When cow have a break, they regurgitate or "cud" food from their stomach back to their mouth to chew again and mixing with saliva. At that time, food partly broken down by bacteria, mixed with bacteria and chewing again makes the cow gain nutrient from the food maximally. After chewing again, the food and bacteria will pass to abomasum (the true stomach). The food will be broken down into nutrients and the cow can gain amount of protein from digesting bacteria.

–The cow didn't have time to chew when they are busy eating , so "sitting quietly and chewing" help cow grinding grass again and again, make food become smaller pieces. Also the food mixed with bacteria, the cow can maximise nutrient which they get from the poor– nutrient food(grass).

6. Compare the size and shape of the stomach of 3 mammals | Dog| cow| Honey possum| Size| Smaller than the cow, one–chamber stomachThe stomach's volume takes 60–70% of the total capacity of digestive system| Biggest and longest in 3 mammalsFlexible wall to expand easily.The rumen itself can contain liquid about 30 litres| Two–chamber stomachThe main chamber is 11mm in lengthThe second chamber is about half of the main one * total size is about 16mm * smallest stomach in 3 mammals| Shape|

Essay on Purpose of the Digestive System
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Digestive System

The Digestive system:

The stomach related framework is comprised of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract–likewise called the stomach related tract–and the liver, pancreas, and gallbladder. The GI tract is a progression of empty organs participated in a long, bending tube from the mouth to the butt. The empty organs that make up the GI tract are the mouth, throat, stomach, small digestive system, internal organ–which incorporates the rectum–and butt. Sustenance enters the mouth and goes to the rear–end through the empty organs of the GI tract. The liver, pancreas, and gallbladder are the strong organs of the stomach related framework. The stomach related framework enables the body to process nourishment.

Why is digestion important?

Digestion is critical for separating nourishment into supplements, which the body utilizes for vitality, development, and cell repair. Sustenance and drink must be changed into littler particles of supplements before the blood retains them and conveys them to cells all through the body. The body separates supplements from sustenance and drink into starches, protein, fats, and vitamins....show more content...

Processing works by moving nourishment through the GI tract. Assimilation starts in the mouth with biting and finishes in the small digestive system. As sustenance goes through the GI tract, it blends with stomach related juices, making substantial particles of nourishment separate into littler atoms. The body at that point ingests these littler particles through the dividers of the small digestive system into the circulatory system, which conveys them to whatever remains of the body. Squander results of assimilation go through the internal organ and out of the body as a strong issue called Get more content

Explain The Structure Of The Digestive System

The structure of the digestive system consists of organs that help break down food, absorb nutrients, and eliminate wastes. Organs that contribute to the breakdown of food include the mouth, esophagus, and stomach as well as the pancreas and gallbladder. Nutrients are absorbed through the small intestine, and remaining waste is eliminated through the large intestine and

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The Digestive System Why is it that 1 in 3 people perhaps even more regularly battles some kind of digestion problems? Understanding how the digestive system works will help to understand why digestive problems are so common. The digestive system is more than stomach and intestines. It is a system of organs that turns food into energy and is one of the most important functions the body performs. There are many reasons that cause so many people to suffer with digestive problems. Three of the most common reasons are the lack of knowledge of how the digestive system works, poor nutrition and undiagnosed medical conditions. Lack of knowledge of how the digestive system works is one of the many reasons that cause digestive problems....show more content...

The large intestine is to remove water and salts from the undigested material and to form solid waste that can be excreted. Bacteria in the large intestine help to break down the undigested materials. The remaining contents of the large intestine are moved toward the rectum where feces are stored until they leave the body through the anus. The anus is the last part of the digestive tract. Accessory digestive organs which include the pancreas, liver and gall bladder are not part of the digestive tract or also known as the alimentary canal, but play an important role in the digestive process. The pancreas produces enzymes that help digest proteins, fats and carbohydrates it also makes sodium bicarbonate which neutralizes stomach acid. The liver produces bile, which helps the body absorb fat and it also regulates substances in the blood cells. The gallbladder stores bile until it is needed. The enzymes and bile produced by these organs move through ducts into the small intestine where they help breakdown food. The nutrients from the small intestine travel through the blood to the liver, which help process the nutrients. Digestive problems results from poor nutrition. Good nutrition is essential for maintaining proper functioning of the body systems especially the digestive system. Eating a well–balanced, nutritious diet and maintaining a healthy lifestyle are the best ways to prevent digestive problems and diseases (Lipski, 2005). The kinds and Get more content

The Digestive System Essay

Matilda Her Hour: 7


Digestive System Essay

The digestive system begins with the mouth and extends through the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine, ending with the rectum and anus. It's a made up gastrointestinal that tracts the liver,pancreas, and gallbladder. Thedigestive system helps the body to digest food in it.

In the mouth, the saliva acts to break down carbohydrates. Which enzyme comes by and helps but is also called a amylase. The esophagus is a tube that controls the muscles and the autonomic nerves, and helps food to travel through the mouth to the stomach. The mouth contains coats of the food that mixture the acid of the digestive enzymes to help break the food down, and another layer of mucous

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Digestive Systems And The Digestive System


The digestive system provides for the function of the human body to take in consumptions, ingest those consumptions, break down complex molecules that make up those consumptions, absorb the necessary components our bodies need to function, and proceed to remove the waste product. This process is performed through means of complex mechanic and chemical digestion, and uses several major organs and components of the body to perform these processes. Additional functions are performed by hormones and enzymes secreted through various parts of the digestive organs as well. As a result of these functionals, the body is enabled to maintain homeostasis, and live ultimately healthier lives. However, health risks from various forms of problems and disorders within the digestive system can be altered significant amounts from consuming foods and substances that will have a negative affect on our bodies. Fortunately, we have the ability to pick and choose what goes into our digestive tract, and what does not.

The Digestive System As living and breathing human beings, we have all sorts of necessities that need to be fulfilled in order to maintain our health, chemical balance, and survival. Many of these necessities account for the various bodily parts and functionals that reside within us. The body consists of eleven organ systems which all perform specific functions that allow us to fulfill, maintain, and monitor these necessities through out our life span.

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Digestive system and Urinary System

The digestive system is a group of organs working together to convert food into energy. The food digested is also tied into basic nutrients to feed the body. The digestive system is something called the tube within a tube. This is because it is a hollow structure with two openings that run the height of your body. The digestive tract consists of two parts the gastrointestinal tract known as GI tract and a set of accessory organs. GI tract starting at the oral cavity, through abdominal cavity and end at the anus. Major accessory organs include pancreas,liver, and gallbladder. There are 5 basic processes the digestive system have. The processes include and ingestion, mixing digestion, absorption, and defecation. Ingestion is the first step which is when the food and liquids are taken in the mouth and eaten. Mixing is when the smooth muscles in the walls of the GI tract mixes the food and send it through the tract. Next is digestion where the food is broken down by mechanical and chemical processes. Absorption is the epithelial...show more content...

It is composed of four layers: The innermost layer is composed of a mucous membrane, or mucosa . This slippery, smooth layer allows ingested food to move along the tract without tearing it. оЂЂ Under the mucosa, the submucosa includes the glands, nerves, and blood supply for the tract itself.

The muscularis gives the tract the ability to move substances lengthwise. For most of the tract, the muscula–ris is composed of one layer of longitudinal muscle above another layer of circular muscle. The outer layer of the GI tract, the serosa , is a slippery membrane that permits the tract to move inside the abdom–inal cavity without catching or causing discomfort. Your digestive system is always active, as muscular contractions shift, lengthen, and shorten the tube. Although this move–ment is constant, you normally neither see nor feel Get more

Digestive System Research Paper

The purpose of this lab was to see how the digestive system length of my body compares with a rabbit, dog and koala. This is a dilemma to find out without prior knowledge because of the small sizes of the animals and our large size in comparison. My data shows the lengths of these animals and my own digestive system. I found my own digestive system length by measuring the body parts that are associated with the digestive system. The measurements began at the mouth, where the digestion process begins. It is where the food gets crushed up into smaller pieces for easier swallowing. In centimeters, we measured the length of our mouth from the jawline to the front of the mouth giving us 13.5 cm. Next we measured the next body part in the digestion system the esophagus. We...show more content...

The esophagus is what connects the mouth to the stomach which will be the next thing we will be measuring. The stomach was measured by using the measuring the tip of our picky to the tip if the thumb, making it 17.0 cm. To find the stomach length we multiplied our height by 4 which gave me 630.8 cm because my height is 157.7 cm. The long intestine is simply your height which means my long intestine is 157.7 cm. If you total all of these measurements up it equates to 840.2 cm making this the size of my whole digestive system. The next step in the lab was to measure the other animal's digestive system. We did this by using yarn on a piece of paper that had a picture of the other animals systems in it. For all of the animals we traced the system with a piece of yarn then measuring it. We measured the system using centimeters and excluding the length of the caecum. So we just measured the length of the stomach, small intestine and the large intestine and later on added the length of the caecum with it. When I measured the rabbit, the measurement of the major parts of the system was 63.0 cm and the caecum was 9.7 cm. We added that together making it equal 72.7 cm. I multiplied it

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Lab Report
Digestive System

Digestion is the breaking apart of foods into smaller and smaller units and absorbtion is the movements of those small units from the gut into the bloodstream or lymphatic system for circulation. (1) The digestive system is what keeps you going from day to day because without the digestive system you wouldn't be able to consume anything. You also wouldn't be able to absorb the necessary nutrients you need for your body to keep functioning correctly. The organs that play a role in thedigestive system is the mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, appendix, rectum, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, and the anal canal. The mouth is where it all starts. Before you even take a bite of your food, the smell of the food is what triggers your salivary glands which include the parotid, sublingual, and submandibular glands in your mouth making it start to water. Your saliva increases when you taste the food. When you chew the food into smaller pieces the enzyme amylase breaks food into small sugar molecules. To start fatdigestion another enzyme is released at the base of the tongue called lingual lipase. A bolus is easy to swallow and is formed when saliva and other fluids in the mouth mixed with mucous. Bolus slides past the epiglottis and then goes through the esophagus and to the stomach where it is then digested. The esophagus is a muscular tube connecting the pharynx to the stomach that is part of the upper gastrointestinal tract. (4) This organ carries the

The Digestive System Of Digestion Essay
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The Function Of The Human Digestive System

The human digestive system is like a machine composed of many parts of the body that work together to turn foods and liquids into energy that the body requires to function.

The digestive tract begins with the mouth. This is where the enzyme amylase is released to initiate the process of digestion.

The epiglottis is a small piece of tissue that covers the opening of the larynx. Once food passes through the epiglottis, it goes to the gallbladder, a small pouch that stores bile. The gallbladder releases bile into the duodenum to help digest fats in the food you eat.

The first part of the small intestine is called the duodenum. The word duodenum comes from the Latin word duodeni and means "12 each." The duodenum was thought to be as long as the width of 12 fingers. The middle section of the small intestine is called the jejunum, which is about 5 to 8 feet (1.5 to 2.5 meters) long. The third part of the small intestine is called the ileum. It's also the longest tube, measuring 16 to 20 feet (5 to 6 meters) long. It is called small intestine because of its width, not its length. The small intestine is actually much longer than the large intestine. The small and large intestines form one continuous tube. The large intestine consists of three parts, the cecum, the colon, and the rectum. The cecum is the pouch–like beginning of the large intestine. The colon is the largest part of the large intestine and has three parts – the ascending colon, the transverse colon, and the

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Keys Words & Command

WordsIs your evidence accurate/Tasks


Describe nutrition, including nutritional requirements using recommended guidelines from public health sources associated with nutritionNutrition & macronutrients

carbohydrates, proteins, fats

Nutrition & micronutrients

vitamins, fibre

Research and define nutritional requirements

Recommended Daily Allowance, RDA

Optimum Level, OL

Safe Intake, SI

Estimated Average Requirements, EAR

To achieve P1:

Structure your essay using the sub tittles adjacent. Explain Macro and Micro Nutrients

Write a report or essay that describes nutrition. Part 1

You must ensure you research define nutritional requirements. What do various agencies recommend and why? P2

Describe the structure and function of the digestive system in terms of digestion, absorption and excretionDigestion structure

buccal cavity, oesophagus, stomach, duodenum, pancreas, liver, gallbladder, small intestine, large intestine, kidneys, digestive juices & enzymes

Function of digestive system




To achieve P2:

Write a report or essay that describes Digestion structure & Digestive function

Include diagrams: No bullet points. Keep to an essay style


Describe energy intake and expenditure in sports performance

Energy measurements


Part 2
joules, kilocalories, kilojoules Energy Get more content

2. What Is The Digestive System?

What is the digestive system?

Why is digestion important?

How does digestion work?

How does food move through the GI tract?

How do digestive juices in each organ of the GI tract break down food?

What happens to the digested food molecules?

How is the digestive process controlled? Points to Remember

Clinical Trials

What is the digestive system?

The digestive system is made up of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract–also called the digestive tract–and the liver,pancreas, and gallbladder. The GI tract is a series of hollow organs joined in a long, twisting tube from the mouth to the anus. The hollow organs that make up the GI tract are the mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine–which includes the rectum–and anus. Food enters the...show more content... Digestive juices contain enzymes that break food down into different nutrients. The small intestine absorbs most digested food molecules, as well as water and minerals, and passes them on to other parts of the body for storage or further chemical change. Hormone and nerve regulators control the digestive process.

Clinical Trials

The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) and other components of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) conduct and support research into many diseases and conditions.

What are clinical trials, and are they right for you?

Clinical trials are part of clinical research and at the heart of all medical advances. Clinical trials look at new ways to prevent, detect, or treat


disease. Researchers also use clinical trials to look at other aspects of care, such as improving the quality of life for people with chronic illnesses. Find out if clinical trials are right for youExternal NIH Link.

What clinical trials are open?

Clinical trials that are currently open and are recruiting can be viewed at www.ClinicalTrials.govExternal Link

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When we eat, the nutrients and energy we need in order to function have to be extracted from food and absorbed into the body. The process responsible for this is known as digestion. The human digestive system has to be able to process our omnivorous feeding habits and diet, and has adapted this to function at an optimum level and is controlled by our autonomic nervous system by the brain. The digestive system is a collective of automated processes and organs, enzymes, secretions, some accessory organs and a pipework (or tube) that starts at the mouth and ends at the anus, known as the alimentary. The processes that take place along the alimentary canal are how we take in these various nutrients, differentiate what that body can use for...show more content...

The sphincter prevents the fodd from travelling back up the oesophagus, except in the event of vomitting. The stomach is a sack positioned within the abdominal cavity, just below the diaphragm. The purpose of the stomch is to hold, reduce and process food before it is passed through into the colon for absorbtion of nutrients, minerals and other necessary properties, before passing out of the body as waste. Within the stomach, the food is 'churned' up by peristaltic muscle contractions, and is liquidised further by the addition of gastric juices. These gastric juices contain water, salts and an enzyme called Protease. Protease helps to convert the protein in food into amnio acids which are then absorbed through the walls of the stomach and further down through the digestive tract. The stomach also contains hydrochloric acid which destroys any bacteria in food. It is highly acidic and would cause a chemical burn if in contact with the skin. The stomach contains a mucus which prevents this acid from burning the internal lining of the stomach, and stop it from digesting itself. When this fails, the stomach develops ulcers. The acidity level of the stomach is so high that it literally burns the stomach lining if these ulcers occur. When the food has been reduced within the stomach, it leaves by another sphincter and enters the small intestine (or duodenum) as chyme, the name given to this

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The Human Digestive System Essay

Digestive System Journey

The digestive system is the process of turning food that we eat into nutrients that the body uses for energy. This system also creates waste that the body needs to eliminate. We are now going to talk about the journey of food through the digestive system to see how everything works together to reserve the nutrients of the food we take in everyday and how the body removes all the remaining substances from our body. As I enter the mouth, there is already I liquid that the salivary glands have produced because of the scent of my delicious smell. The teeth begin to chop and grind me up into smaller pieces and with the help of the saliva, it breaks down the chemicals that created from , making it easier for them to swallow me. The saliva will help me through my twelve hour thirteen foot journey in the digestive system. The tongue then starts forming me into a small ball like shapes, and once it begins contracting it sends me back into the pharynx, also called the throat, and into the opening of the esophagus. The esophagus is a stretchy like tube that is about 10 inches long that I travel through to get to the opening of the stomach. Once I reach the stomach, I am accompanied with other processed food. The stomach then used its gastric juices to make us thinner. We are now sitting...show more content...

What remains of us is now being moved into the large intestine through the ileocecal sphincter, which is a valve that separates the small and large intestine and keeps us from going back to where we came from. What is left of us is a mix of waste that the small intestine didn't need and dead cells of the wall of the gut. The large intestines main job is to remove all the water of our composition and is sent off into the bloodstream. Once the water is removed, bacteria suuround us and produce enzymes that break down our complex carbohydrates that the body could not Get

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How is it so that something as simple as a piece of steak can be turned into fuel for our bodies once it is consumed? It happens through this one system with many functioning parts known as the digestive system. When it comes to the human body the digestive system is very important. It gives our bodies the ability to process foods, extract the nutrients we need from the foods, and eliminate the wastes (smartlivingnetwork). Without these abilities our bodies wouldn't be able to function. So what is the digestive system exactly? It is a complex series of organs that processes the food we eat. Altogether this system is about 6–9 meters of muscular tubes running from the mouth to the anus. According to Robert Sullivan, the organs of this...show more content...

Nucleases are enzymes that split nucleic acids into nucleotides and other products. Protease is an enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolytic breakdown of proteins. Amylase is an enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis if starch to sugar to produce carbohydrate derivatives. Trypsin is an enzyme produced by the exocrine pancreas that catalyzes in the small intestine the breakdown of dietary proteins to peptones, peptides, and amino acids. Lipase is an enzyme that splits the fatty acid residue from the glycerol residue in a phospholipid. Collagenase catalyzes the hydrolysis of collagen and gelatin. Elastase catalyzes the digestion of elastic tissue. Chymotrypsin catalyzes the hydrolysis if casein and gelatin. The Process of the Digestive System This complicated process begins in the mouth as soon as you put the food in your mouth. Salivary amylase, which is found in saliva, starts the chemical digestion of starch by converting it from a polysaccharide to the disaccharide maltose. It functions best with a pH 6 or 7 which is slightly acidic. It then enters the pharynx and travels down the esophagus and into the stomach. The stomach is lined with strong muscular walls that contain millions of gastric glands. Our food is mechanically digested by our stomach's walls while its enzymes and acids chemically digest it. Just about everything then goes into the liver to be metabolized except for fats.

Essay about The Importance of Digestive System
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When choosing between what system to write about, I thought the digestive system would be a good topic because food is probably one of my favorite things, not only cause it tastes good but because it gives me the energy to do all the things I need to do throughout the day. We talked in class about how you should always get the nutrients from food and never from supplements, which I've always tried to do. So, what is the digestive system? The digestive system is an assortment of organs that performs the process ofdigestion. The process of digestion involves food, containing nutrients, which is eaten and broken down into different segments. The digestive system also works with additional important systems in the body such as the circulatory system and the excretory system. The circulatory system receives all the absorbed nutrients through your body, and your excretory system filters compounds from the blood stream and collects them in urine. This whole system is designed distinctively, with the ultimate goal of turning food into the energy that you need to survive. The digestive system starts with the mouth and ends with the anus. (Studios, A. R, n.d)

The mouth is the very beginning of the digestive tract, and is literally where the first bite of food is taken. Chewing food breaks down the food into little pieces, while saliva mixes with the food to assist with the process of breaking it down. After the food has been broken down, it enters the esophagus, which is in essence,

Digestive Systems And The Digestive System Essay
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Reflection On The Digestive System

Once upon a time, I was visiting with my friends just shooting the breeze. My name is C.B., and I'm a cheeseburger. I was with my best friend PC, also known as potato chip, and then of course, my girlfriend Cookie. We are a great pack and always do everything together. Sometimes we like to explore, but on this particular night, we ended up in a room among a bunch of adults laughing and drinking. Now, we've all heard stories about this object called a hand. Supposedly, once this hand picks you up, you will never come back. Of course, we thought it was all a big joke until this night. Brace yourself as you follow my journey. Although I have read about a digestive system, I never thought I would enter one. All of the organs in a body have a job to do, and they rely on each other to do their part as a team, similar to working on a long conveyor belt. Besides breaking food down into smaller components, the digestive system also has to absorb In order for these components to fit into the bloodstream. There are two parts, the mechanical and the chemical digestion. Between my friends and I, there's cheese, bread, butter, eggs, flour, potatoes, sugar, and other ingredients. Do you know what this means? Bread has carbohydrates and fiber, cheese has fat, and butter has mostly all fat. We are all in big trouble, and we are about to face the same fate. Immediately after being spotted, I'm picked up and placed inside this mouth where I know mechanical digestion Get

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