disaster preparedness and management

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==== ==== Get more information about Disaster Preparedness here: http://www.disasterpreparednesstest.com ==== ====

Is it just me or does there seem to be more and more disasters in the world? Tsunamis in Asia, wildfires and earthquakes in the western U.S., tornadoes in the Midwest and South, and hurricanes in the Southeast to only name a few. Nobody ever sees any of this coming and most are not prepared in any way. You can never fully prepare for all emergencies that can come your way and in some cases there is nothing you can do, but there are things you can do to help give you some kind of a chance. Those of you that are the most prepared for emergencies and may not even know it are campers. They are already prepared for the loss of electricity, keeping warm, and the loss of fundamental essentials we normally take for granted. Think about it, those who rough it in the great outdoors usually have plenty of camping supplies to not only survive, but also to make the outing a little easier. There really is not much difference between camping supplies and emergency or disaster supplies. Let's take a closer look at how this happens. Campers usually have a stash of warm and all-weather clothing and footwear available to grab and go. Nice idea for disaster preparedness. Campers usually have a tent and sleeping bags ready to grab and go. Another very nice idea for disaster preparedness. Campers have plenty of flashlights or lanterns to provide light without having electricity. A definite must for disaster preparedness. Campers have heaters, cooking equipment, and/or all-weather lighting instruments to make a fire without the need for electricity. A very good idea for disaster preparedness. Campers have a small portable first aid kit with all items together and ready to go. Are you getting the idea? None of this is something that you need to go overboard on and spend an insane amount of money to be prepared. If you do not have time to put a bunch of stuff together or feel that this is overwhelming, you can buy kits that are ready to go. They are called earthquake kits (good for all emergencies), bug out

bags, 72-hour kits, and other names. Most carry essentially the same items and will greatly help you to be ready. Campers, you are basically ready for most emergencies. Just periodically check your gear to ensure things are still working. For those who don't camp, now is the time to prepare. No matter where you live you are susceptible to some kind of disaster. Once disaster strikes, it is too late to prepare.

Tim Brodt operates a very informative website about the importance of emergency planning for you and your family. On this site you find information and supplies for both emergencies and for camping. You can visit the site for emergency/disaster/camping supplies/ and disaster preparedness planning

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tim_Brodt

==== ==== Get more information about Disaster Preparedness here: http://www.disasterpreparednesstest.com ==== ====

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