sand media filters

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Clean clear beautiful water is every pool enthusiast's desire. And with a little help and knowledge an above ground sand filter system is a great way to help keep the pool as clear as the day you initially placed the water in. If you want that blue water look and feel there are a couple of simple things you need to know and do. One is purchase a good sand filter to achieve that clean pool filter look. There are many brands to choose from, but some of the best priced filters are the Pentair sand filer and for an above ground sand filter the brand Intex sand filter is a great buy for the money. An above ground system makes maintenance very easy compared to some of the more tightly enclosed pool filtration systems. Moving water is a difficult environment for bacteria to get growing in, so, if possible, it is always a good idea to keep your pool water moving. And if you are going to be spending the money to move the water through a pumping system you might as well-run the water through a pool filter to help maintain the integrity of the water. Using a pool filter will help remove sediment, small particulates, oils and even hair from the water. If you are willing to spend a little extra, but save yourself a ton in chemicals and work, the Intex 2650 Krystal Clear Sand Filter & Saltwater System Pump is a fantastic machine for the money. It is a very reliable and durable above ground sand filter that not only uses an environmentally safe method of cleaning water with sand but also uses salt rather than some of the more harsh environmental challenging chemicals as used in a chlorinated type of pool. Not only is the water more environmentally safe, but when incorporated with a sand filter it eliminates the waste of paper filters not to mention the hassle of changing out the filters on a fairly frequent basis. Sand in most filters like the one mentioned above will last an average of seven years. This depends greatly upon maintenance as well as the environment the pool is in. Massive amounts of leaves or other foreign material will obviously shorten the life of a sand filter system. But a sand filtration system, when properly maintained and used, is easier and much more environmentally sound in comparison to a paper filtration system. Sizing the filtration system is easy. Just calculate the pool size in terms of gallons and purchase the appropriate recommended sized unit and get it hooked up. Most people with a little knowledge of mechanics can get one up and running in a matter of a few hours. For those of us that are mechanically challenged we may need to employ the help of a professional or a handyman to get the job done. In either event, the job should not take more than a few hours work. If you intend on doing the maintenance yourself, it may be a good idea, if you are going to have help put the system in, to assist in the initial installation so you can become

better acquainted with this system. And always, read the pool filter instructions, and follow their guidelines for starting and running the system. This step will save you a ton of time in the long run. Some of the items covered will be installation and maintenance including recommended operating pressure. It will explain when you will need to do the backwashing of the sand filter system to clean it so the system can operate at its maximum efficiency. Generally the reading of pressure of between eight and ten will require the backwashing to eliminate the built up debris, hair and other particulates from the sand filter. This requires only a few minutes and the moving of a simple lever to alternate the water flow. In a few minutes you will be done easily. There is simply no comparison to using a DE or diatomaceous earth filter or to that of a paper filtration system. To give you an idea as to how efficient and accepted the use of a sand filter is, in many parts of the country, there is a good chance that the water that runs from our home faucets may well have been filtered with sand, too. Once the sand becomes too saturated with oils or debris, the entire system does not need to be replaced, just the sand needs to be replaced. And average of seven years is a good expectation and a few pounds of sand is not a very expensive solution to getting your system back up and running at it maximum efficiency after a few years of service. To change out the sand requires a good shop vac, a few simple tools, and new sand for the model and about an hour. Now you are done and ready to go for another good period of years.

Bill J. James is a writer who specializes in easy remedies for home and office use. You can check out his latest information to see which solution may work best for your pool at General Sand Filters For A Pool. And if you are looking for information on understanding sand for above ground sand filters

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