Princeton Architectural Press Spring 2016 Catalog

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fine books since 1981

Publisher’s Note Thirty-five years ago this spring, I started Princeton Architectural Press. Though it was a new enterprise, I’ve always shrugged off the label “entrepreneur,” since the Press’s beginnings were more happenstance than the result of planning I associate with would-be impresarios. There was no business plan, capitalization, investors, or detailed budget: the business took root at the intersection of two passions—one for books and the other for architecture—and I’ve often remarked that ignorance was, then (if not now), my biggest asset. If I’d followed the kind of spreadsheet analysis of most entrepreneurs, I probably wouldn’t have started the Press, and by the time I realized this is not the most lucrative business, it was already up and running, so too late. I was helped by doing everything on a shoestring (no surprise to those who know me), including setting up office on the back porch of a shared grad-student house (occupied by extremely tolerant housemates) and warehousing books in the garage. My move to a real office in Princeton, New Jersey, was to a dirt-cheap space above the local barbershop. If I had been a more careful budgeter, I would not have moved my budding operation to New York City, with the highest cost of doing business and living in the United States. Here, I lucked into an affordable East Village rent on a residential street, but this luck, like most, ran out recently when we lost the lease on half our space. Needing new space, this time with a sharper pencil and sky-high rents in Manhattan, I looked outside the city, as far north as Hudson, New York, a small town that fashions itself, like so many others, as “the new Brooklyn.” Indeed, with growing art, music, and food scenes, and many city expats, it reminds me of the East Village when we opened here in the mid-1980s. This new location, along with the remaining space in Manhattan, will allow us to add to our overall square footage and experiment with some long-dreamed-of projects, like a small retail store to sell books and our increasingly popular Paper + Goods products (pp. 44–62), and some exhibit space for shows related to our publications. We see great potential in opening this second office in a vibrant community filled with selfdescribed “creatives,” and we hope you’ll drop by for a visit if you find yourself in the Hudson Valley. To me, it feels like an energizing new chapter to this business that’s thrived, through thick and thin, even if, truth be told, not always with the most meticulous planning. In these past three and a half decades, with now over a thousand titles and more than a hundred employees LTD (Lifetime-To-Date, as I’ve learned real entrepreneurs would say), each book and each person is making a unique contribution to the culture of ideas, our ongoing project that feels like it’s only just underway.

Kevin C. Lippert Publisher

Spring 2016 — 2 4 6 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

GoatMan The Electric Pencil Fries! Pen to Paper Cartographic Grounds Design/Build Handbook Interactive Architecture Digital Design Theory Infrastructural Monument Scaling Infrastructure Gates of Harvard Yard MIT: The Campus Guide Paris Changing Edifices de Rome Moderne Paul Rudolph: The Florida Houses Michael Graves: Images of a Grand Tour Cuba Style


24 26 28 30 32 34 35 36 37

What Can I Be? Strange Trees In the Age of Dinosaurs Butterflies of the World At the Seashore It was so quiet I could hear a pin drop The Pancake King Vincent van Gogh: Meet the Artist! Arts & Kids Backlist


42 43 44 46 47 48 49

Grids & Guides Pencils Sigrid Calon Memory Game Curious Feast Thoreau Notecards San Francisco: Portrait of a City Notecards Redstone Diary 2017 Paper + Goods Backlist



Featured Backlist Titles —

81 129 134 136

Complete Backlist Index Order Information Rights Information

v i s ua l & p op u l a r c u lt u r e

The latest adventure from the author of the bestselling The Toaster Project GoatMan How I Took a Holiday from Being Human Thomas Thwaites May 2016 5.5 x 8.25 in / 14 x 21 cm 208 pp / 135 color Hardcover 978-1-61689-405-4 $24.95 / £14.99 r i g h ts : w 52495 9 781616 894054

Also Available . . . The Toaster Project 978-1-56898-997-6 $19.95 / £12.95 r i g h ts : w

The dazzling success of The Toaster Project, including TV appearances and an international book tour, leaves Thomas Thwaites in a slump. His friends increasingly behave like adults, while Thwaites still lives at home, “stuck in a big, dark hole.” Luckily, a research grant offers the perfect out: a chance to take a holiday from the complications of being human—by transforming himself into a goat. What ensues is a hilarious and surreal journey through engineering, design, and psychology, as Thwaites interviews neuroscientists, animal behaviorists, prosthetists, goat sanctuary workers, and goatherds. From this, he builds a goat exoskeleton—artificial legs, helmet, chest protector, raincoat from his mum, and a prosthetic goat stomach to digest grass (with help from a pressure cooker and campfire)—before setting off across the Alps on four legs with a herd of his fellow creatures. Will he make it? Do Thwaites and his readers discover what it truly means to be human? GoatMan tells all in Thwaites’s inimitable style, which NPR extols as “a laughout-loud-funny but thoughtful guide through his own adventures.” Thomas Thwaites studied biology and economics at the University College London, and completed his masters in design at the Royal College of Art. He is a designer (“of a more speculative sort”) in London, where he ponders technology, science, and futures research.


Forthcoming Titles | Spring 2016


Buttercups Sanctuary for Goats (a bright new day)

I need to get back to reality and approach the problem of goat perception from solid scientific bedrock. And who better to ask about the mental life of goats than Britain’s foremost goat behaviour expert, Dr. Alan McElligott? 1 He and his Ph.D. students study the goats at Buttercups, the United Kingdom’s (if not the world’s) only sanctuary for abused goats, which happens to be located just down the road from where I live. Visiting Buttercups is so exciting. There are goats everywhere! Wandering around the yard, butting heads, eating, clanging their horns against the metal feeding troughs just for the sheer joy of it, standing on things, sitting on things, chewing on things, pooing on things . . . doing all the things goats like to do. Buttercups Sanctuary for Goats is heaven on Earth for goatkind, or at least a luxury spa resort. If you’re a goat at Buttercups, upon waking in your own warm and comfortable stall (which you can have all to yourself or enjoy with a close companion or two), 1 Dr. McElligott’s goat expertise has more to do with pragmatics than an overriding passion for goats. As an ethologist (a scientist who studies animal behaviour), he’s chosen to work with goats because they’re

Chatting to Bob and the Goats at Buttercups.

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The placing of thought purely in the brain has been called “cortical chauvinism,” emphasising just how overemphasised the brain has been in efforts to understand intelligence. It’s all very well trying to effect goat states of consciousness through mucking about with my brain, but without embodiment I’m never going to feel like a goat. Nowadays I’m firmly anti–powerful hallucinogens, and Dr. Devlin’s goat-perspective brain machine won’t be ready for another fifty years; so the only way I’m going to be able to achieve the shift in perspective required to look at a bolt on a door and not think of using my hands to unlock it, or a bolt on a nut and not think of using my hands to unscrew it, is to not have hands in the first place., I believe, to have no hands. I need to turn my arms into legs and my hands into feet, aka hooves. My first attempt at metamorphosis resulted in something that I was quite pleased with—until I actually tried to get inside it. It was basically a human-size pair of scissors, with the added feature of many protruding bits of hacksaw-burred metal rod. It endangered things that humans consider nice to have: eyes, fingers, unpunctured neck, and such. Taking a step in this thing was out of the question; it was terrifying just being in it. Its numerous joints made for an overriding tendency to fold up and collapse. Thus it was exhausting just to hold myself upright, requiring all my not inconsiderable strength to avoid ending up as a crumpled heap of wood, metal, and severed digits. Galloping was out of the question. The more joints there were, the more muscles I needed to engage to keep myself and my exoskeleton from crumpling, so for Prototype Number 2 I went to the other extreme and eliminated all joints. I focused on conservation of energy: if taking a step as a quadruped was going to be so energy intensive, I damn well wanted as much energy back from that step as possible to help with taking the next step. Prototype Number 2 was essentially two large, homemade laminated springs, like giant bows, between which I was to be suspended in a girdle. This I’d imagined would allow me to shift my weight like the pilot of a hang glider as I galloped along, my springy legs enabling me to bound over the landscape. However, once again, getting into the thing was a somewhat terrifying experience. Although the total lack of joints meant that technically I


neophilic. That is, when presented with a novel situation (like the specially constructed equipment he uses in various experiments), they’re less inclined to just ignore the experiment and cower in the corner than, say, sheep. This curiosity makes them interesting from a cognitive point of view and easier to study.




Prototype Number 1: wood, steel rod, elastic bands, cardboard tube, found objects.

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Goat Life


able to match the range of movement of my biological ones, so will in fact restrict my movement: the more there are, the more encumbered I become. My vision is scaling back from a sort of full-body exoskeleton to something a little . . . simpler. Geoff brings out a dusty box of prosthetic joints, which he calls “the art deco of the prosthetics world.” They have a lot of them gathering dust in the stores, because they’re for a style of prostheses once very common, “just after the war.” He’s not talking about the latest Middle Eastern war, either. Basically, they’re the type of joints used for making wooden legs. “You get the odd old boy who still wants them,” he says, and he reckons they’re also almost perfect for human-goat prosthetic legs. Simple, strong, able to withstand the toughest Alpine conditions. “How fast do you think I’ll be able to gallop then?” I ask hopefully. “I don’t think you’ll ever be able to gallop—” “No, you’ll never gallop,” Dr. Heath confirms. Cue sorrowful violins. However, as I get back to pacing around as a quadruped with my sawn-off crutches, to Dr. Heath’s absolute amazement I’m able to break into a trot. It’s difficult physically, but mentally, coordinating my four legs in a trotting pattern seems to come naturally. Dr. Heath wonders out loud if there is some residual feedback in my body from when we diverged from quadrupeds. If he were a younger man, he says, he’d want to write a paper on me! Later he gets me to demonstrate “my trot” to the other clinical staff. I feel quite proud. *

Glyn making plaster casts of my limbs.


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I’m back at Dr. Heath’s clinic a couple more times in the next few days so he can take plaster casts of my limbs. He warns me: “You’ll only ever be a human in a goat walking position, constrained by your own natural anatomy. While Geoff and I make these, I think you need to do some stretching exercises to try and get more range in the pelvis and stretch your hamstrings and get your knees toward your chest.” And that is when I decide to take up yoga. *


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Spring 2016 | Forthcoming Titles


v i s ua l & p op u l a r c u lt u r e

The remarkable story of Edward Deeds, an “outsider” artist who spent most of his adult life inside Missouri state institutions The Electric Pencil Drawings from Inside State Hospital No. 3 James Edward Deeds Jr. Introduction by Richard Goodman / Foreword by Harris Diamant April 2016 7.5 x 9.5 in / 19 x 24 cm 272 pp / 290 color / 5 b+w Paperback 978-1-61689-454-2 $29.95 / £18.99 r i g h ts : w 52995 9 781616 894542

Also Available . . . Blackstock’s Collections 978-1-56898-579-4 $24.95 / £14.99 r i g h ts : w

Deeds’s subtle, meticulous, and wildly imaginative pencil and crayon drawings portray an unusual cast of characters: nineteenth-century dandies, Civil War soldiers, antique cars, fantastic boats and trains, country landscapes dotted with roaming animals, and fanciful architecture. None of these existed in the actual mid-twentiethcentury landscape of Deeds’s own life, but rather were representations of his inner world—an artist’s poignant tribute to a faded past. Deeds lovingly bound his artwork in a cardboard and leather portfolio, a present for his mother. After being accidentally discarded in 1970, the album was rescued from the trash by a young boy and, thirty-six years later, came into the hands of artist and collector Harris Diamant, who provides the book’s foreword. The Electric Pencil features all 283 of Deeds’s arresting drawings—now avidly collected—done on ledger sheets from State Hospital No. 3 in Nevada, Missouri, and reproduced in the sequence of the original album. The Electric Pencil introduces readers to an astonishing record of one man’s unwavering artistic vision in the face of the most inhospitable conditions. Richard Goodman is the author of French Dirt and The Soul of Creative Writing, as well as articles published in the New York Times and Vanity Fair, among other publications. He teaches creative writing at the University of New Orleans.


Forthcoming Titles | Spring 2016

Spring 2016 | Forthcoming Titles


v i s ua l & p op u l a r c u lt u r e

The fun-filled story of fries, from a celebrated master of the fry Fries! An Illustrated Guide to the World’s Favorite Food Blake Lingle May 2016 5 x 7 in / 13 x 18 cm 144 pp / 55 color / 20 b+w Hardcover 978-1-61689-458-0 $16.95 / £9.99 r i g h ts : w 51695 9 781616 894580

Also Available . . . The Chef Says 978-1-61689-249-4 $14.95 / £8.99 r i g h ts : w

Imagine a plate of crisp, golden, salted fries, and you’ll know why this is the world’s favorite food. Who better to write the consummate cultural history and user’s guide of the fry than Blake Lingle, whose fries were recently voted the best in America by U.S. News & World Report? In this lighthearted ode, Lingle offers a 360-degree look at fries, from their roots in antiquity, to the long-standing debate as to whether the Belgians or the French created the first true frites, to their current status as a gourmet treat (whether dusted with truffle salt or slathered in gravy and cheese curds in that outrageous Canadian delicacy, poutine). The pop culture and lore of fries includes a look inside a potato farm and fry factory. Lingle catalogs the many varieties—of shapes, oils, vegetables, coatings, seasonings, sauces, and pairings—describing what to eat and drink with your fries. Detailed instructions are given for how to cut, fry, and serve your own Platonic ideal of the fry. Additional fry know-how is combined with archival images and new color photography to showcase the glorious tastiness of fries, in this ideal gift for anyone who can’t get enough of the world’s favorite food. Blake Lingle is the cofounder and co-owner of the Boise Fry Company, headquartered in the heart of potato country: Boise, Idaho.


Forthcoming Titles | Spring 2016

Spring 2016 | Forthcoming Titles


a r t s & pho to gr a ph y

Letters as intimate art, from the archives of the Smithsonian Institution Pen to Paper Artists’ Handwritten Letters from the Smithsonian’s Archives of American Art Mary Savig, editor June 2016 7 x 10 in / 18 x 25.5 cm 208 pp / 120 color Hardcover 978-1-61689-462-7 $27.50 / £16.99 r i g h ts : w 52750 9 781616 894627

Also Available . . . Artists Unframed 978-1-61689-295-1 $24.95 / £15.99 r i g h ts : w

Even in this age of emails, texts, and tweets, there is an ongoing fascination with the simple act of putting pen to paper. Associations such as the International Association of Master Penmen and the Society for Italic Handwriting keep the traditions of calligraphy and penmanship alive, hand-writing typefaces continue to sell, and hand-drawn display type and packaging of all sorts enjoy a renaissance. Pen to Paper, a collection of letters by artists from the Smithsonian’s Archives of American Art, reveals how letter writing can be an artistic act, just as an artist puts pen to paper to craft a line in a drawing. Brief essays explore what can be learned from the handwriting of celebrated artists such as Mary Cassatt, Frederic Church, Howard Finster, Winslow Homer, Ray Johnson, Rockwell Kent, Georgia O’Keeffe, Claes Oldenburg, Maxfield Parrish, Eero Saarinen, Saul Steinberg, and many others. Each letter is accompanied by an archival image of the artist or a related artwork, with a full transcription. Pen to Paper provides a fresh way to think about artists and their creative work and is sure to inspire your next handwritten note or letter. Mary Savig is curator of manuscripts at the Smithsonian’s Archives of American Art.


Forthcoming Titles | Spring 2016

Spring 2016 | Forthcoming Titles


l a n dsc a pe a rc h i t ec t u r e

A veritable atlas of contemporary and historical maps and techniques that is as beautiful as it is useful Cartographic Grounds Projecting the Landscape Imaginary Jill Desimini and Charles Waldheim, editors June 2016 8.5 x 10.5 in / 21.5 x 26.5 cm 272 pp / 200 color Hardcover 978-1-61689-329-3 $50.00 / £30.00 r i g h ts : w 55000 9 781616 893293

Mapping has been one of the most fertile areas of exploration for architecture and landscape in the past few decades. While documenting this shift in representation from the material and physical description toward the depiction of the unseen and often immaterial, Cartographic Grounds takes a critical view toward the current use of data mapping and visualization and calls for a return to traditional cartographic techniques to reimagine the manifestation and manipulation of the ground itself. Each of the ten chapters focuses on a single cartographic technique—sounding/ spot elevation, isobath/contour, hachure/hatch, shaded relief, land classification, figure-ground, stratigraphic column, cross-section, line symbol, conventional sign— and illustrates it through beautiful maps and plans from notable designers and cartographers throughout history, from Leonardo da Vinci to James Corner Field Operations. Mohsen Mostafavi, dean of the Harvard Graduate School of Design, introduces the book. Jill Desimini and Charles Waldheim are professors of landscape architecture at the Harvard University Graduate School of Design.


Forthcoming Titles | Spring 2016

a rc h i t ec t u r e br i e f

Design/build locations now extend internationally, from Finland to India to Mexico Design / Build with Jersey Devil A Handbook for Education and Practice Charlie Hailey July 2016 7 x 8.5 in / 18 x 21.5 cm 144 pp / 80 color / 20 b+w Paperback 978-1-61689-356-9 $24.95 / £15.99 r i ghts : w 52495 9 781616 893569

Also Available . . . Rural Studio 978-1-56898-292-2 $34.95 / £25.00 r i ghts : w

Steve Badanes, Jim Adamson, and John Ringel believe an architect’s job does not stop at designing a building, but that it extends to constructing it as well. Now working into their fifth decade, Jersey Devil, the loose-knit group they founded in 1972, bands together under this design/build ethos that an architect’s place is just as much on the job site as it is at the drawing board. The trio pioneered design/build practice and their influence has spawned more than one hundred design/build programs. Jersey Devil’s process and expertise are unpacked in this Architecture Brief, providing students and teachers with a toolkit for design/build education. Through stories, didactic commentary, and sample exercises, the Design/Build complements nuts-and-bolts content with Jersey Devil’s philosophy and perspective, allowing the book to impart practical instruction while acting as a valuable guide for navigating the elusive challenges of design/build. Themes touch on socially responsible architecture, intuition and intentionality, detailing and fostering craftsmanship, group work and collaboration, off-the-shelf components and nonstandard applications, educational reform, ethos and risk, good life and play, the politics of building, and university-community relations. Charlie Hailey is an architecture professor at the University of Florida, where his favorite course to teach is a design/build studio.

Spring 2016 | Forthcoming Titles


a rc h i t ec t u r e br i ef

Interactive Architecture Adaptive World Michael Fox, editor June 2016 7 x 8.5 in / 18 x 21.5 cm 176 pp / 200 color / 47 b+w Paperback 978-1-61689-406-1 $24.95 / ÂŁ15.99 r i g h ts : w 52495 9 781616 894061

Recent technological developments in biology, computation, cybernetics, engineering, industrial design, materials, and robotics allow architecture to evolve beyond static functionality and become an active participant—with the capacity to perceive, react to, and connect—with humans and the natural world. The first process-based guide by Michael Fox and Miles Kemp introduced interactive architecture in 2009, and the past few years have seen its prototypical potential unleashed, manifest in the eighteen inventive projects featured in this follow-up, the latest in our Architecture Briefs series. Interactive Architecture: Adaptive World illustrates how structures can process information, make observations, and utilize tools to translate natural systems and create seamlessly integrated environments, from data-driven light installations, responsive sculptures, and performative materials, to smart highways, dynamic spaces, kinetic facades, and adaptive buildings. Ambitious projects from around the world, including Abu Dhabi, Indianapolis, Los Angeles, New York City, San Francisco, Frankfurt, London, Paris, Sochi, and Zurich, are illuminated by photographs, diagrams, and renderings. Michael Fox is one of the leading experts in interactive architecture. He has won numerous awards, and his work was exhibited at the 2013 Venice Biennale. He teaches at Cal Poly Pomona.


Forthcoming Titles | Spring 2016

de sign br i ef

Digital Design Theory Readings from the Field Helen Armstrong, editor Foreword by Keetra Dean Dixon June 2016 7 x 8.5 in / 18 x 21.5 cm 152 pp / 33 color / 30 b+w Paperback 978-1-61689-308-8 $24.95 / £15.95 r i ghts : w 52495 9 781616 893088

Also Available . . . Graphic Design Theory 978-1-56898-772-9 $24.95 / £15.99 r i ghts : w

Digital Design Theory bridges the gap between the discourse of print design and interactive experience by examining the impact of computation on the field of design. As graphic design moves from the creation of closed, static objects to the development of open, interactive frameworks, designers seek to understand their own rapidly shifting profession. Helen Armstrong’s carefully curated introduction to groundbreaking primary texts, from the 1960s to the present, provides the background necessary for an understanding of digital design vocabulary and thought. Accessible essays from designers and programmers are by influential figures such as Ladislav Sutnar, Bruno Munari, Wim Crouwel, Sol LeWitt, Muriel Cooper, Zuzana Licko, Rudy VanderLans, John Maeda, Paola Antonelli, Luna Maurer, and Keetra Dean Dixon. Their topics range from graphic design’s fascination with programmatic design, to early strivings for an authentic digital aesthetic, to the move from object-based design and to experience-based design. Accompanying commentary assesses the relevance of each excerpt to the working and intellectual life of designers. Helen Armstrong is a practicing designer and author of Graphic Design Theory. She teaches at Miami University.

Spring 2016 | Forthcoming Titles


u r b a n i sm

A new series from the MIT Center for Advanced Urbanism Infrastructural Monument MIT Center for Advanced Urbanism January 2016 6.5 x 9 in / 16.5 x 23 cm 168 pp / 80 2-color Paperback 978-1-61689-420-7 $29.95 / £18.99 r i g h ts : w 52995 9 781616 894207


Infrastructural Monument presents the proceedings of the first of two conferences organized by MIT’s new Center for Advanced Urbanism around the biennial theme of infrastructure. Held in the spring of 2013, the “Infrastructural Monument” conference gathered designers, developers, policy experts, and scholars to address the potential to leverage infrastructure design beyond the realm of transportation of goods and labor into the realm of culture, public space, architecture, and landscape form. In other words, can infrastructure transcend mere practicality and fulfill a role that is profoundly cultural? Can targeted infrastructure projects transform a city from a collection of fragments to one with a common and cohesive regional identity?

Forthcoming Titles | Spring 2016

u r b a n i sm

Includes case studies from Caracas, Venezuela; Detroit, Michigan; and SaxonyAnhalt, Germany Scaling Infrastructure MIT Center for Advanced Urbanism January 2016 6.5 x 9 in / 16.5 x 23 cm 180 pp / 80 2-color Paperback 978-1-61689-416-0 $29.95 / ÂŁ18.99 r i ghts : w 52995 9 781616 894160

Scaling Infrastructure presents the proceedings of the second and final conference of MIT’s Center for Advanced Urbanism biennial theme of infrastructure. The conference brought together political leaders, engineers, designers, and academics to investigate how critical the issues of appropriate infrastructural investments and scales have become to the future of urbanized territories when faced with new economic, political, and environmental challenges. This companion volume to Infrastructural Monument explores the phenomenon of growing and shrinking cites in response to population shifts. How do we deal with cities like Detroit, whose once thriving population and economy have been drastically reduced, leaving a city built for a large capacity to adjust to this decline? Or how do cities grow quickly in response to greater demands for housing and transportation?

Spring 2016 | Forthcoming Titles


a rc h i t ec t u r e

A richly illustrated guide to the most famous, and visited, college gates in the world Gates of Harvard Yard Blair Kamin, editor May 2016 5 x 7 in / 13 x 18 cm 144 pp / 100 color / 20 b+w Paperback w/flaps 978-1-61689-464-1 $15.95 / £9.99 r i g h ts : w 51595 9 781616 894641

Also Available . . . Harvard University: The Campus Guide 978-1-56898-280-9 $34.95 / £17.95 r i g h ts : w


Offering the complete, never-before-told story of the twenty-five gates that form portals to Harvard Yard, this beautiful gift book recounts the aesthetic vision for America’s preeminent university, developed by renowned architecture firm McKim, Mead & White. The book discusses the architectural intentions of the gates, as well as the human drama behind their fruition—tales of wealth, power, and institutional and personal ambition. Illustrated with previously unpublished sketches by Roger Erickson, architect and landscape architect; stunning color photographs of each gate by Ralph Lieberman; and a beautiful hand-drawn three-dimensional aerial map of Harvard Yard that denotes the location of each gate by RISD graduate student Christopher Beck. Blair Kamin is the Pulitzer Prize–winning architecture critic for the Chicago Tribune. Kamin’s previous books include two collections of his columns published by the University of Chicago Press, Why Architecture Matters: Lessons from Chicago and Terror and Wonder: Architecture in a Tumultuous Age.

Forthcoming Titles | Spring 2016

t h e c a m p us gu i de s

The latest in our acclaimed series The Campus Guides MIT The Campus Guide Douglass Shand-Tucci August 2016 6.5 x 10 in / 16 x 25.5 cm 400 pp / 132 color Paperback 978-1-61689-274-6 $34.95 / ÂŁ21.99 r i ghts : w 53495 9 781616 892746

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, one of the nation’s most beautiful and technologically advanced campuses, is the focus of this colorful cultural and architectural history. Sited along the Charles River in Cambridge, MIT has a history that spans more than a century, from its original location in Copley Square to its current home. In this two-part volume Douglass Shand-Tucci recalls the intellectual trajectory of the institution and the innovators who developed the campus, starting in 1861, including Alexander Graham Bell, William Welles Bosworth, Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr., and William Barton Rogers. Tracing the legacy, Shand-Tucci provides a captivating tale of the campus that led not only to technological inspiration but also to the best collection of architectural tourism on a university campus, with masterpieces by architects including Jonathan and William Preston, Eero Saarinen, Kevin Roche, I. M. Pei, Steven Holl, and Frank Gehry. Sculptures by significant artists, such as Alexander Calder, Henry Moore, Louise Nevelson, and Michael Heizer, adorn the campus and are described in five walking tours. Douglass Shand-Tucci, a historian of American art and architecture, is the author of Harvard: The Campus Guide and The Art of Scandal: The Life and Times of Isabella Stewart Gardner.

Spring 2016 | Forthcoming Titles


a r t s & pho to gr a ph y


in paperback

“ Paris Changing is an invitation to a nostalgic voyage, or, to a long Paris weekend, during which you can use the photographs as a guide and return home with fresh eyes.” —New York Times

Paris Changing Revisiting Eugène Atget’s Paris Christopher Rauschenberg, with essays by Rosamond Bernier, Alison Nordström, and Clark Worswick May 2016 7 x 9 in / 18 x 23 cm 192 pp / 172 duotones Paperback 978-1-61689-467-2 $24.95 / £14.99 r i g h ts : w 52495 9 781616 894672

Between 1888 and 1927 Eugène Atget meticulously photographed Paris, capturing in thousands of photographs the city’s parks, streets, buildings, and diverse inhabitants. His images preserved the vanishing architecture of the ancien régime as Paris grew into a modern capital, and established Atget as one of the twentieth century’s greatest photographers. Christopher Rauschenberg spent a year in the late 1990s rephotographing many of Atget’s locations. By meticulously replicating the emotional and aesthetic qualities of Atget’s images, Rauschenberg vividly captures the changes the city has undergone and its enduring beauty. His work is both an homage to his predecessor and an artistic study of Paris in its own right. Each site is indicated on a map of the city, inviting readers to follow in the steps of Atget and Rauschenberg themselves. If a trip to the City of Lights is not imminent, this luscious portrait of Paris then and now is the next best thing. Essays by Clark Worswick and Alison Nordström give insight into Atget’s life and Rauschenberg’s work. The book concludes with an epilogue by Rosamond Bernier and a portfolio of other images of Paris by Rauschenberg. Oregon-based photographer Christopher Rauschenberg, the son of artist Robert Rauschenberg, is a founding member of the Blue Sky photographers’ collective and gallery.


Forthcoming Titles | Spring 2016

c l a s sic ser i e s

A new series format for students of architecture Edifices de Rome Moderne Paul Letarouilly July 2016 8 x 10 in / 20 x 25.5 cm 368 pp / 354 b+w Paperback 978-1-61689-483-2 $45.00 / £30.00 r i ghts : w 54500 9 781616 894832

Paul Letarouilly’s masterpiece, Edifices de Rome Moderne, has been hailed as the most beautiful book on Renaissance architecture ever published. Letarouilly (1795–1855) devoted thirty-five years to drawing the plans, sections, elevations, perspectives, and large-scale details of gardens, convents, palaces, and churches of Renaissance Rome. His keen observational ability and immaculate drawing skills make this work an indispensable sourcebook. In many cases his etchings remain the only measured plans or elevations available; he also recorded buildings destroyed by later demolitions. Our 1982 reprint of Edifices de Rome Moderne has been recognized as a classic in its own right: razor-sharp reproductions of the original plates in a usable format. Now we’re delighted to offer the Edifices in an even-easier-to-use size, and in a sewn paperback binding to make it an affordable cornerstone of any architecture student’s library.

Spring 2016 | Forthcoming Titles


a rc h i t ec t u r e

“Every aficionado of mid-century modern should buy this elegant volume.” —LA Architect

Paul Rudolph The Florida Houses Christopher Domin and Joseph King Available Now 10 x 8 in / 25.5 x 20 cm 248 pp / 150 duotones Paperback 978-1-56898-551-0 $40.00 / £25.00 r i g h ts : w 54000 9 781568 985510

Paul Rudolph is best known—and most maligned—for his large brutalist buildings, like the Yale Art and Architecture Building. So it will surprise many to learn that early in his career he developed a series of houses that present the unrivaled possibilities of a modest American modernism. With their distinctive natural landscapes, local architectural precedents, and exploitation of innovative (and low-cost) construction materials, the Florida houses, eighty projects built between 1946 and 1961, brought modern architectural form into a gracious subtropical world of natural abundance. Rudolph’s Florida houses represent a distillation and reinterpretation of traditional architectural ideas developed to a high pitch of stylistic refinement. Paul Rudolph: The Florida Houses catalogs the best of Rudolph’s early residential work. Along with Rudolph’s personal essays and renderings, the book features duotone photographs by Ezra Stoller and Joseph Molitor and conveys the lightness, timelessness, strength, materiality, and transcendency of Rudolph’s work, available again with a new foreword from the authors. Christopher Domin is an architect and a professor at the University of Arizona. Joseph King is an architect in Bradenton, Florida. He is also the construction manager of the Walker Guest House replica on display at the Sarasota Architectural Foundation through fall 2016.


Forthcoming Titles | Spring 2016

a rc h i t ec t u r e

SPECIAL slipcased limited editon

Michael Graves Images of a Grand Tour Brian Ambroziak January 2016 7 x 9 in / 18 x 23 cm 272 pp / 90 color / 210 b+w Hardcover / slipcase / ribbon marker 978-1-61689-473-3 $55.00 / £35.00 r i g hts : w 55500 9 781616 894733

In 1960, before his skyscrapers and teapots made him a household name, Michael Graves set out on a journey once considered obligatory for a young architect: a grand tour of the great monuments of Europe. Recipient of the prestigious Prix de Rome, Graves traveled through Italy, Greece, Turkey, Spain, England, Germany, and France, studying and recording the masterworks of ancient and modern architecture. Michael Graves: Images of A Grand Tour collects the stunning artwork produced during this trip. Delicate pencil sketches, striking ink washes, and colorful photographs show the deep connection between Graves and the places he visited, from the Roman Forum to the Grecian Acropolis to Wiltshire’s Stonehenge. They also tell something of the education of an architect, bringing to light the classical buildings and painterly instinct that led Graves to reexamine his early devotion to modernism. A foreword by Graves reflects on these travels from the distance of forty years, while author Brian Ambroziak puts the tour into the context of Graves’s career. This special slipcased edition is printing in a limited quantity of only 1,500 copies in honor of Graves, who died in March 2015 at the age of eighty.

Spring 2016 | Forthcoming Titles


v i s ua l & p op u l a r c u lt u r e

“A stunning invitation to the party that never was.” —Los Angeles Times

Cuba Style Graphics from the Golden Age of Design Vicki Gold Levi and Steven Heller Available Now 8 x 8.75 in / 20.5 x 22 cm 168 pp / 250 color Paperback 978-1-56898-360-8 $24.95 / £15.99 r i g h ts : w 52495 9 781568 983608

In the wake of the recent thawing of relations between the United States and Cuba, Steven Heller and Vicki Gold Levi present hundreds of vintage graphics of Cuba from the 1920s to the 1959 revolution. Cuba Style recalls the days of glory when the island was a veritable resort colony for Americans and Europeans who came in search of music, dancing, gambling, tropical romance, and the best beaches in the Americas. To advertise these attractions, Cubano graphistos combined elements of art nouveau, art deco, Bauhaus modernism, and Vegas-style kitsch in a distinctly Cuban sensibility. Cuba Style, the first book of its kind, reproduces a treasure trove of graphics from popular magazines, packaging, posters, and indigenous products such as liquor and cigars. It is a visual history of Cuba in its golden age as well as a wellspring of capitalist extravagance, seen here through the rare graphics of its extraordinary and now lost popular culture. Steven Heller is cochair of the MFA Design department at the School of Visual Arts and the author of many books on art, popular culture, and design, including Typography Sketchbooks and Presenting Shakespeare. Vicki Gold Levi is a picture editor, photography curator, and writer. She served as a historical consultant to HBO’s Boardwalk Empire. In 2002 she donated a major collection of Cuban art to the Wolfsonian–FIU museum in Miami Beach.


Forthcoming Titles | Spring 2016

Arts & Kids

Spring 2016 | Forthcoming Titles


a r t s & k i ds

What Can I Be? by Ann Rand & Ingrid Fiksdahl King

A treasure unearthed after nearly forty years What Can I Be? Ann Rand, illustrated by Ingrid King May 2016 7 x 9.5 in / 17.8 x 24 cm 32 pp / 16 color Hardcover Ages: 3–6 978-1-61689-472-6 $17.95 / £10.99 r i g h ts : w

Unearthed after nearly forty years, What Can I Be?, a stunning concept book written by Ann Rand and illustrated by Ingrid King, is sure to delight children with its superb graphics and vivid palette. Triangles, squares, circles, lines, and colors spring to life in various and creative formations as they ask, “What can I be?” A green triangle asks to become a tent, a kite, a Christmas tree, or the sail of a boat, or why not all of these things?

51795 9 781616 894726

Ann Rand (1918–2007) trained as an architect at IIT, where she studied with Mies van der Rohe. She was the author of several children’s books: Little 1, Sparkle and Spin, and I Know a Lot of Things. Ingrid King is a painter who also trained as an architect. She is a coauthor of A Pattern Language, first published in 1977 and still one of the most influential books on architecture and planning ever published. She lives in Berkeley, California.


Forthcoming Titles | Spring 2016

an apple that’s ready to eat


I’M RED or a






the mast of a ship


a toy engine on a string LET’S SAY I’M ANY SHAPE OR COLOR

or a puppy you just found?


Spring 2016 | Forthcoming Titles


a r t s & k i ds

Strange Trees And the Stories Behind Them Bernadette Pourquié, illustrated by Cécile Gambini April 2016 8.75 x 12 in / 22 x 30.5 cm 40 pp / 30 color Hardcover Ages: 6 and up 978-1-61689-459-7 $16.95 r i g h ts : na m 51695 9 781616 894597

Have you ever heard of the Strangler Tree? The Bubblegum Tree? The Upside-Down Tree? How about trees with horns, bottles, sausages, crowns, and ones that walk or even explode? Crazy, maybe, but true. Find out more about these, and many others, in this colorfully illustrated collection of the most bizarre—but real—trees from around the world, once again reminding us that the art of nature is far stranger than fiction. The perfect book for inquisitive naturalists with imaginations, Strange Trees also includes a map of the world showing where the trees grew. Bernadette Pourquié lives in Paris and has worked in publishing and written prior books for young readers. Designer Cécile Gambini has illustrated numerous children’s books and lives in France near many beautiful, if ordinary, trees.


Forthcoming Titles | Spring 2016

Spring 2016 | Forthcoming Titles


a r t s & k i ds

• New series • Includes 84 stickers and 24 activities • Teaches children about dinosaurs • Includes a quiz at the end

my n at u r e s t ic k er act i v i t y book

In the Age of Dinosaurs Olivia Cosneau April 2016 8.7 x 11.8 in / 22 x 30 cm 24 pp / 25 color Paperback Ages: 5 and up 978-1-61689-469-6 $7.99 r i g h ts : ns a m 50799 9 781616 894696

Did you know that the word “dinosaur” means “great lizard”? Have you ever heard of an animal that had to swallow thousands of pounds of plants every day to feed itself? And do you know the name of the largest known flying animal of all time? In the Age of Dinosaurs will answer all of these questions and many more, presenting a range of interactive activities, stickers, and fun facts for children. Lovingly illustrated by Olivia Cosneau, this book introduces children to the world of dinosaurs and keeps them entertained for hours through fun activities, such as sticking on the missing bottom teeth of a Tyrannosaurus rex or coloring in the back plates of a Stegosaurus. In the process children learn about the different types of dinosaurs that existed, their diet, how they hunted, how they protected their young, and other interesting facts. A quiz at the end of the book tests their knowledge. Olivia Cosneau lives in France and has illustrated several children’s books. She obtained her diploma in fine arts at the University of Nantes.


Forthcoming Titles | Spring 2016

Spring 2016 | Forthcoming Titles


a r t s & k i ds

• New series • Includes 56 stickers and 24 activities • Teaches children about butterflies and moths • Includes a quiz at the end

my n at u r e s t ic k er act i v i t y book

Butterflies of the World Olivia Cosneau April 2016 8.7 x 11.8 in / 22 x 30 cm 24 pp / 25 color Paperback Ages: 5 and up 978-1-61689-465-8 $7.99 r i g h ts : ns a m 50799 9 781616 894658

Butterflies, with their transformation from hungry caterpillar to beautiful flying flower, are among the most fascinating animals for children. Observing butterflies and moths introduces them to a wide range of colors and patterns, to the concept of camouflage, and to a colorful habitat of flowers and other plants. Butterflies of the World introduces different types of butterflies and moths through a range of interactive activities and stickers. This activity book will keep children entertained for hours through fun activities, such as sticking on the missing wing of a comet moth or coloring in the wings of a Large Blue butterfly. In the process children learn how caterpillars turn into butterflies, what they eat, how they trick predators, and other interesting facts. A quiz at the end of the book tests their knowledge. Olivia Cosneau lives in France and has illustrated several children’s books. She obtained her diploma in fine arts at the University of Nantes.


Forthcoming Titles | Spring 2016

Spring 2016 | Forthcoming Titles


a r t s & k i ds

• New series • Includes 120 stickers and 24 activities • Teaches children about flora and fauna at the seashore • Includes a quiz at the end

my n at u r e s t ic k er act i v i t y book

At the Seashore Olivia Cosneau April 2016 8.7 x 11.8 in / 22 x 30 cm 24 pp / 25 color Paperback Ages: 5 and up 978-1-61689-461-0 $7.99 r i g h ts : ns a m 50799 9 781616 894610

At the Seashore is the next best thing to roaming the beach. What child doesn’t love collecting shells and pieces of driftwood or observing animal life in tidal pools and shallow water? Beautifully illustrated by Olivia Cosneau, this book introduces children to the plant and animal life at the seashore through a range of interactive activities and stickers. Children are encouraged to color in jellyfish and anemones, to stick on the missing body of a crab, and to draw shells and reeds. In the process children learn about the rich life at the beach, including starfish, jellyfish, seagulls, shellfish, algae, and other animals and plants. A quiz at the end of the book tests their knowledge. Olivia Cosneau lives in France and has illustrated several children’s books. She obtained her diploma in fine arts at the University of Nantes.


Forthcoming Titles | Spring 2016

Spring 2016 | Forthcoming Titles


a r t s & k i ds

It was so quiet I could hear a pin drop Andy Goodman May 2016 8.5 x 8.5 in / 22 x 22 cm 34 pp / 30 color Hardcover Ages: 3–6 978-1-61689-480-1 $15.95 / £9.99 r i g h ts: nort h ame r ic a , t h e uk , an d aust r a lia 51595

The whimsical but simple illustrations of British designer Andy Goodman invite young readers to listen as well as read aloud, hearing and making engaging sounds along the way. From quiet kites fluttering to elephants stampeding, It was so quiet I could hear a pin drop is sure to engage a toddler many times over with its fanciful flight of adventure and crescendo of sounds. Andy Goodman is the cofounder of Fivebargate, a design and illustration studio based in Bath, England. He has written and illustrated prior books for children.

9 781616 894801


Forthcoming Titles | Spring 2016

a r t s & k i ds


A beloved classic, now back in print, with Henry’s famous pancake recipe The Pancake King Phyllis La Farge, illustrated by Seymour Chwast May 2016 11.5 x 9 in / 29 x 23 cm 32 pp / 16 color Hardcover / Ages 3–8 978-1-61689-432-0 $18.95 / £11.99 r i ghts : w

Henry Edgewood loves making pancakes. He makes them every day for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and everyone in town knows his are the best. But when fame and fortune knock on the door, in the form of a TV appearance and an invitation to the White House, Henry, then far from family, friends, and school, learns that there’s a lot more to pancakes than mixing flour, eggs, and milk.

51895 9 781616 894320

Phyllis La Farge has written several books for children and three nonfiction books for adults. Seymour Chwast is one of the founders of the celebrated Push Pin Studios and is well known for his posters, typographic designs, and animated commercials. He is also the author and illustrator of numerous books, including The Twelve Circus Rings and The Alphabet Parade.

Spring 2016 | Forthcoming Titles


a r t s & k i ds

Vincent van Gogh Meet the Artist! Patricia Geis Available Now 8.25 x 11.75 in / 21 x 29.8 cm 16 pp / 48 color Hardcover 978-1-61689-456-6 $24.95 / ÂŁ15.99 r igh ts: w e 52495 9 781616 894566

Vincent van Gogh: Meet the Artist! takes young readers of all ages on a colorful, interactive journey through the work of this revered Dutch painter. Threedimensional pop-ups, removable artwork, flaps and tabs, and art activity suggestions and materials are among the many interactive components in the latest addition to the Meet the Artist! series. This book covers Van Gogh’s artistic career, focusing on his time in Arles from 1888 to 1889 when he created several of his most famous works, such as Bedroom in Arles, his series on sunflowers, and Self-Portrait with a Straw Hat. Patricia Geis is a graphic designer, illustrator, and author of numerous books for children.



The Meet the Artist! series is an exciting hands-on introduction to the most remarkable artists of the twentieth century. Featuring a mix of pop-ups, lift-up flaps, and cutouts, these whimsical books explore each artist’s creative evolution by encouraging imaginative play with the signature details of their best-known works.

Henri Matisse

Pablo Picasso

Alexander Calder

Meet the Artist! Patricia Geis 8.25 × 11.75 in / 21 × 29.8 cm Hardcover / 16 pp / 48 color 978-1-61689-282-1 / $24.95 / £15.99

Meet the Artist! Patricia Geis 8.25 × 11.75 in / 21 × 29.8 cm Hardcover / 16 pp / 48 color 978-1-61689-251-7 / $24.95 / £15.99

Meet the Artist! Patricia Geis 8.25 × 11.75 in / 21 × 29.8 cm Hardcover / 16 pp / 47 color 978-1-61689-225-8 / $24.95 / £15.99

r igh ts: w e

r igh ts: w e

r igh ts: w e

52495 9 781616 892821

52495 9 781616 892517

52495 9 781616 892258



Drawing in the Sea Harriet Russell 8.25 x 11 in / 21 x 28 cm 64 pp / 112 color / 30 b+w Paperback / Ages 6 and up 978-1-61689-418-4 / $18.95 / £11.99 r i gh ts: n o rt h a m e r i ca a n d t h e u k 51895 9 781616 894184

“How would you color in a drawing of the sea? Well, it depends on whether it is at night or at sunrise. Ostensibly an activity book, this volume is full of subtle marine-themed lessons about physics, geography, biology, and, of course, color theory.” —Metropolis

Paper Zoo Oscar Sabini 8.25 x 11 in / 21 x 28 cm 64 pp / 112 color / 30 b+w Hardcover / Ages 6 and up 978-1-61689-439-9 / $19.95 / £11.99 r i gh ts: n o rt h a m e r i ca 51995 9 781616 894399

Young artists can create colorful animal collages using this ingenious and charming activity book. Paper Zoo includes twenty sheets of brightly patterned paper, sturdy blank cards, and eight cleverly designed paper pockets with animalshaped windows.



Masterpieces Up Close Western Painting from the 14th to 20th Centuries Claire d’Harcourt 10.5 x 14.5 in / 26.5 x 37 cm 64 pp / 21 lift-up flaps / 208 color Hardcover / Ages 4 and up 978-1-61689-414-6 / $29.95 / £18.99 r i gh ts: w e 52995 9 781616 894146

Explore Western art’s most celebrated masterpieces in this exciting art history lesson cleverly disguised as a game. From Leonardo's Mona Lisa to Warhol’s Marilyn, from Michelangelo’s Creation of Adam to Monet’s Water Lilies, this engaging book gives young readers an up-close look at the best works by some of the world’s most well-known artists.

The Brownstone Paula Scher, illustrated by Stan Mack 8 x 11 in / 20.5 x 28 cm 32 pp / 17 color Hardcover / Ages 3–8 978-1-61689-428-3 / $17.95 / £10.99 r i gh ts: w 51795 9 781616 894283

“Mr. Bear and his family have just settled down for their winter naps when they are rudely awoken by Miss Cat singing across the hall in their brownstone. This reprinted tale about neighborly behavior is also about the quirks of architecture—and the illustrations from 1972 match the charm of the story.” —Metropolis



In a series of imaginative illustrations, Didier Cornille introduces young readers to the icons of architecture, whether modern houses or skyscrapers, using brief biographical sketches, colorful drawings, and fun facts to make architecture easy and appealing to understand. Cornille is a designer, illustrator, and professor at the École des Beaux-Arts in Le Mans, France.

Who Built That? Skyscrapers

Who Built That? Modern Houses

An Introduction to Skyscrapers and Their Architects

An Introduction to Modern Houses and Their Architects

Didier Cornille

Didier Cornille

6.7 × 9.75 in / 17 × 25 cm Hardcover / 84 pp / 70 color 978-1-61689-270-8 / $16.95 / £10.95

9.75 × 6.7 in / 25 × 17 cm Hardcover / 84 pp / 85 color 978-1-61689-263-0 / $16.95 / £10.95

r i g h ts: w e

rights: w e 51695

9 781616 892708


51695 9 781616 892630


Paper + Goods

Grids & Guides Pencils A Pencil Set for Visual Thinkers A sophisticated new pencil collection from the popular Grids & Guides family of notebooks and notepads. The minimalist design is sure to appeal to the design-loving audience or anyone looking for a classic gift. Contains an extra surprise—a handy die-cut ruler is tucked into the keepsake box. April 2016 7 x 2 x 0.7 in / 18 x 5 x 1.5 cm Box with lid and shrink-wrapped tray 12 single-sided, hexagonal sharpened pencils: 6 black graphite, 6 blue color; includes straight-edge ruler with die-cuts 978-1-61689-466-5 $14.95 / £10.99 r i g h ts : w 51495 9 781616 894665

Also Available . . . Perfetto Pencils Louise Fili 978-1-61689-243-2 $14.95 / £10.99 r i g h ts : w

Tutti Frutti Pencils Louise Fili 978-1-61689-337-8 $14.95 / £10.99 r i g h ts : w


Paper + Goods | Spring 2016

Sigrid Calon Memory Game This fresh interpretation of the memory game features Sigrid Calon’s fluorescent, Risographprint-inspired patterns. The stylish cube holds fifty-two mesmerizing paired cards and works as a design-savvy gift, mental challenge, and beautiful art object. Sigrid Calon is a Dutch visual artist from Tilburg, the Netherlands. She has worked as an illustrator, stylist, pattern designer, and art director. April 2016 3 x 3 x 3 in / 7.5 x 7.5 x 7.5 cm Decorative box with lid 52 cards total, with 26 pairs Artist information booklet 978-1-61689-481-8 $18.95 / £13.99 r i g hts : w 51895 9 781616 894818

Also Available . . . Sigrid Calon Notecards 978-1-61689-417-7 $16.95 / £12.99 r i ghts : w

Spring 2016 | Paper + Goods


Curious Feast 100 Postcards by 10 Artists Naz Sahin Ozcan

This delightful box features one hundred postcards from ten celebrated artists exploring the subject of food. These extraordinary cards in our popular box format offer a rich variety of imagery from various mediums, from photography and collage to painting and illustration. An accompanying booklet on the artists includes information on creative processes and cooking styles from each contributor. Perfect for correspondence or display, this newest postcard box is a must for anyone interested in food and art. • Features ten original works by ten artists April 2016 4 x 6 x 3 in / 10 x 15 x 7.5 cm 100 color postcards Includes 24-page information booklet and 10 tabbed dividers, shrink-wrapped 978-1-61689-470-2 $19.95 / £14.99 r i g h ts : w 51995 9 781616 894702

Brest Brest Brest

Caren Alpert


Paper + Goods | Spring 2016

Patricia Curtan

Mimi O Chun

Melinda Josie

Michele Humes

JoĂŤl Penkman

Naz Sahin Ozcan

Wijnand Warendorf

Alex Proba Spring 2016 | Paper + Goods


Thoreau Notecards Environmentalist, political activist, walker, tax resister, or just interested in a simpler life? If you’re one or more of these, you’re influenced by Henry David Thoreau, one of our most beloved writers and iconoclastic thinkers. This beautiful card set includes four inspirational Thoreau quotes, suitable for mailing or pinning up, and a choice of colorful photographic envelopes reflecting spring, summer, fall, and winter. • Includes a brief biographical sketch of Thoreau and notes on the quotes March 2016 5 x 6 x 1.5 in / 12.5 x 25 x 4 cm 12 notecards (4 quotes repeating 3 times) with full-color envelopes 978-1-61689-488-7 $14.95 / £10.99 r i g h ts: w


9 781616 894887


Paper + Goods | Spring 2016

San Francisco: Portrait of a City Notecards Fred Lyon

Fred Lyon captures the essence of San Francisco in this fine art photography notecard set, an extension of his book, San Francisco: Portrait of a City 1940–1960. Twelve different notecards present his stunning midcentury black-and-white photographs in a beautifully produced set. The perfect travel memento or gift for all who love the city, the notecards include highlights beloved by both natives and visitors, including Chinatown, Alcatraz, cable cars, and of course the Golden Gate Bridge. • Features twelve unique images March 2016 5 x 7 in / 12.5 x 18 cm Box with lift-off lid 12 cards with b+w photography and envelopes 978-1-61689-484-9 $15.95 / £11.99 r i ghts : w 51595 9 781616 894849

Also Available . . . San Francisco: Portrait of a City 1940–1960 978-1-61689-266-1 $40.00 / £25.00 r i g hts : w

Spring 2016 | Paper + Goods


Redstone Diary 2017 The Time Diary What better theme than time for the devoted followers of the legendary Redstone Diary, hailed by Time Out as “the company whose name has become synonymous with innovation and imagination”? This carefully curated, richly illustrated weekly calendar features artists’ images and prose, from On Kawara and Louise Bourgeois to Edvard Munch. July 2016 6.5 x 8.5 in / 17 x 24.5 cm 160 pp / Paperback, spiral bound Includes folded pockets and sections for notes and addresses 978-1-61689-475-7 $24.95 r i g h ts : w e , e xc lud in g uk 52495 9 781616 894757


Paper + Goods | Spring 2016

Grids & Guides 3 Notepads for Visual Thinkers 6 x 9 in / 15 x 23 cm Set of 3 notepads in green, blue, and red 50 sheets each, bound at top J-band, shrink-wrapped 978-1-61689-370-5 $14.95 / £10.99 r i ghts : w 51495

9 781616 893705

Grids & Guides (Red) A Notebook for Visual Thinkers 5.75 x 8.25 in / 15 x 21 cm 160 pp / Hardcover, cloth-covered, with 1/2-jacket 978-1-61689-422-1 $16.95 / £12.99 r i ghts : w 51695 9 781616 894221

Grids & Guides A Notebook for Visual Thinkers 5.75 x 8.25 in / 15 x 21 cm 160 pp / Hardcover, cloth-covered, with 1/2-jacket 978-1-61689-232-6 $16.95 / £12.99 r i ghts : w 51695

9 781616 892326



Pattern Roll Patterned Multipurpose Paper Textile Arts Center 2 x 2 x 12.125 in / 5.1 x 5.1 x 30.8 cm Roll: 2 double-sided sheets, each 12 x 144 in / 30.5 x 365.8 cm 12 illustrations Designer-information sheet and instructional diagrams Shrink-wrapped 978-1-61689-287-6 $16.95 / £12.99 r i g h ts : w 51695

9 781616 892876

Pattern Papers Stationery Set Textile Arts Center 8.75 x 6.125 in / 22.2 x 15.5 cm 18 writing sheets, envelopes, and stickers 9 designs repeating 2 times Shrink-wrapped 978-1-61689-247-0 $14.95 / £10.99 r i g h ts: w 51495

9 781616 892470

Pattern Box 100 Postcards by 10 Contemporary Pattern Designers Textile Arts Center 4.25 x 6.25 x 3 in / 10.79 x 15.87 x 7.62 cm 100 full-color postcards, 10 tabbed dividers, 24-page booklet Shrink-wrapped 978-1-61689-188-6 $19.95 / £14.99 r i g h ts : w 51995

9 781616 891886



Sigrid Calon Notecards 4.5 x 6.375 x 1.5 in / 11.5 x 16 x 3.81 cm 12 deluxe, perforated notecards (24 designs) and envelopes, artist statement sheet 978-1-61689-417-7 $16.95 / ÂŁ12.99 r i ghts : w 51695 9 781616 894177

Vintage Sparkle 15 Festive Ornaments to Fold, Fill, and Hang 5 x 9 x 1.5 in / 12.7 x 23 x 3.81 cm 15 box ornaments, with string Hinged box, bellyband, shrink-wrapped 978-1-61689-433-7 $18.95 / ÂŁ13.99 r i g hts : w 51895 9 781616 894337



Fredericks & Mae Animal Mask Notecards 5.5 x 6.5 x 1.75 in / 14 x 16.5 x 4.5 cm 12 full-color notecards (6 die-cut designs repeating 2 times) and envelopes, history and information booklet Box with lift-off lid, bellyband, shrink-wrapped 978-1-61689-367-5 $16.95 / £12.99 r i g h ts : w 51695 9 781616 893675

Fredericks & Mae Playing Cards 2.875 x 3.75 x 1 in / 7.3 x 9.5 x 2.5 cm Box with lift-off lid, foil stamping 54 full-color playing cards, 32-pp booklet Shrink-wrapped 978-1-61689-359-0 $12.95 / £9.99

Fredericks & Mae

r i g h ts : w 51295


9 781616 893590

“Keep colorful company during a game of solitaire with Fredericks & Mae’s multihued deck—it’s a pleasure to watch a rainbow of cards flutter through your fingers.” —InStyle magazine



Perfetto Pencils

Tutti Frutti Pencils

Louise Fili 7.375 x 2.25 x 0.875 in / 18.7 x 5.7 x 2.2 cm 12 double-sided pencils / Shrink-wrapped 978-1-61689-243-2 $14.95 / £10.99

Louise Fili 7.375 x 2.25 x 0.875 in / 18.7 x 5.7 x 2.2 cm 12 double-sided pencils, 6 colors red/green; blue/orange; yellow/purple / Shrink-wrapped 978-1-61689-337-8 $14.95 / £10.99

r i g hts : w 51495

r i gh ts: w 51495

9 781616 892432 9 781616 893378

Quatre Mots Français

Quattro Parole Italiane

Notecards Louise Fili 4.75 x 6 x 1.75 in / 12 x 15 x 4.5 cm 12 full-color notecards (4 designs repeating 3 times) and envelopes, artist statement sheet 978-1-61689-410-8 $14.95 / £10.99

Notecards Louise Fili 4.75 x 6 x 1.75 in / 12 x 15 x 4.5 cm 12 full-color notecards (4 designs repeating 3 times) and envelopes, artist statement sheet 978-1-61689-279-1 $14.95 / £10.99

r i g hts : w

r i gh ts: w 51495

51495 9 781616 894108

9 781616 892791



Animal Box 100 Postcards by 10 Artists Happy Menocal 4.25 x 6.25 x 3 in / 10.79 x 15.87 x 7.62 cm 100 full-color postcards, 10 tabbed dividers 24-pp booklet, shrink-wrapped 978-1-61689-348-4 $19.95 / £14.99 r i g h ts : w 51995

9 781616 893484

Keep Fresh, Stay Rad

Mark Mothersbaugh: Collected Facts & Lies

100 Postcards Friends of Type 4.25 x 6.25 x 3 in / 10.79 x 15.87 x 7.62 cm 100 full-color postcards, 10 tabbed dividers 24-pp booklet, shrink-wrapped 978-1-61689-301-9 / $19.95 / £14.99

Fifty Postcards 4.25 x 6.25 x 3.125 in / 10.8 x 15.9 x 7.9 cm Matchbox-style box, 50 full-color postcards 978-1-61689-299-9 / $17.95 / £13.99 r i gh ts: w 51795

r i g h ts : w 51995

9 781616 893019



9 781616 892999

Woodcut Notecards Bryan Nash Gill 5.25 x 6.5 x 1.75 in / 13.3 x 16.51 x 4.45 cm 12 full-color notecards (6 designs repeating 2 times) and envelopes, bellyband, shrink-wrapped 978-1-61689-147-3 / $15.95 / £11.99 r i g hts : w



9 781616 891473

Nests & Eggs Notecards 4.75 x 6 x 1.75 in / 12.1 x 15.2 x 4.5 cm 12 full-color notecards (6 designs repeating 2 times) and envelopes 978-1-61689-138-1 / $14.95 / £10.99 r i ghts : w 51495

9 781616 891381

A-Frame Notecards and Postcards Chad Randl 6.5 x 5.5 x 0.75 in / 16.5 x 14 x 1.9 cm 8 full-color notecards and envelopes 4 full-color postcards, portfolio enclosure 978-1-61689-293-7 / $16.95 / £12.99 r i ghts : w 51695

9 781616 892937

The package itself folds out to become its own mini A-frame dwelling, perfect for desktop (or lakeside) display



I Paid the Light Bill Just to See Your Face Notecards Stephen Powers 4.75 x 6 x 1.75 in / 12.1 x 15.2 x 4.4 cm 12 full-color notecards (6 designs repeating 2 times) and envelopes / 978-1-61689-238-8 / $14.95 / £10.99

Nigel Peake City and Country Notecards Nigel Peake 4.75 x 6 x 1.75 in / 12.1 x 15.2 x 4.4 cm 12 full-color notecards (12 designs) and envelopes 978-1-61689-186-2 / $14.95 / £10.99 r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

51495 51495 9 781616 891862

9 781616 892388

Birthstone Notecards

Vintage Typography

Elisa Werbler 4.75 x 6 x 1.75 in / 12.1 x 15.2 x 4.4 cm 12 full-color, fluorescent notecards (12 designs) and envelopes / Artist statement sheet, removable sticker 978-1-61689-284-5 / $14.95 / £10.99

Notecards 4.75 x 6 x 1.75 in / 12.1 x 15.2 x 4.4 cm 12 2-color notecards (6 designs repeating 2 times) and envelopes / 978-1-61689-146-6 / $14.95 / £10.99 r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

51495 51495 9 781616 891466

9 781616 892845



Animal Journals: Dogs

Animal Journals: Cats


5.5 x 7 in / 14 x 17.8 cm Set of 4 lined journals, 64 pp each Paperback with sewn spine, bellyband, shrink-wrapped 978-1-61689-434-4 $16.95 / £12.99

5.5 x 7 in / 14 x 17.8 cm Set of 4 lined journals, 64 pp each Paperback with sewn spine, bellyband, shrink-wrapped 978-1-61689-413-9 $16.95 / £12.99

r i ghts : w

r igh ts: w

Notebooks Bryan Nash Gill 5.4 x 7 in / 14 x 17.8 cm Set of 4 lined notebooks 64 pp each, paperback with sewn spine, bellyband, shrink-wrapped 978-1-61689-296-8 / $16.95 / £12.99



r igh ts: w 51695

9 781616 894139

9 781616 894344

9 781616 892968

Eat Sleep Read IndieBound Journal Set 5.5 x 8.5 in / 14 x 21.6 cm Set of 3 notebooks, 64 pp each (one ruled, one gridded, one plain) Paperback with sewn spine, bellyband, shrink-wrapped 978-1-61689-376-7 / $14.95 / £10.99 r igh ts: w 51495

Night Owl Journal Traer Scott 5.25 x 7.25 in / 13.5 x 18.5 cm 160 pp, lined, black edging Hardcover / 978-1-61689-425-2 $14.95 / £10.99 r igh ts: w

Bird Watching and Other Nature Observations Journal 5.75 x 8.25 in / 15 x 21 cm / 144 pp 20 color illos / Hardcover 978-1-61689-141-1 / $16.95 / £12.99 r igh ts: w

51495 9 781616 894252


9 781616 891411

9 781616 893767

8-pack display 90000

9 781616 894078



Van Gogh Repetitions NOISE Lined Journal Ed Ruscha 5.5 x 5.8125 in / 15.2 x 14.6 cm 142 pp, lined / Paperback, with removable sticker 978-1-61689-362-0 / $12.95 / £9.99 r i g h ts: w 51295

I AM A MAN Journal Glenn Ligon 4.375 x 7 in / 11 x 17.8 cm / 142 pp, lined Paperback / 978-1-61689-253-1 $10.95 / £7.99 ri ghts: w

Sketchbook Journals 6 x 4.8125 in / 15.2 x 12.4 cm Set of 2 blank journals, 128 pp each Paperback, bellyband, shrink-wrapped 978-1-61689-277-7 / $14.95 / £10.99 r i gh ts: w 51495

9 781616 892777


9 781616 893620 9 781616 892531

The Architect Says

Paula Scher: MAPS

Notebooks 4.25 x 5.75 in / 10.79 x 14.61 cm Set of 3 gridded notebooks, 64 pp each Foil-stamped paperback with sewn spine J-band, shrink-wrapped 978-1-61689-427-6 / $14.95 / £10.99

New York / Paris / London: Three Mini Journals 4.25 x 5.75 in / 10.8 x 14.6 cm Set of 3 journals (1 gridded / 1 lined / 1 blank) 64 pp each / Paperback, with sewn spine and back pocket 978-1-61689-143-5 / $14.95 / £10.99

r i g h ts : w

r i gh ts: w 51495

9 781616 894276



9 781616 891435


Let’s Go Letter Hunting

Blackstock’s Collections

A Field Guide for Typographic Expeditions Friends of Type 5.75 x 8.25 inches / 15 x 21 cm / 160 pp Hardcover, blind deboss, with 1/2 jacket 978-1-61689-355-2 / $16.95 / £12.99

Notepads Gregory L. Blackstock 3.5 x 8.25 in / 8.89 x 20.95 cm / Set of 3 lined notepads, 36 sheets each, bound at top, bellyband, shrink-wrapped 978-1-61689-192-3 / $15.95 / £11.99

r i ghts : w

r i gh ts: w 51695


9 781616 893552

9 781616 891923

The Pocket Dept. Notebooks Brooklyn Art Library The Shirt Pocket 3.5 x 5.5 in / 8.89 x 13.97 cm Set of 3 lined notebooks 64 pp each J-band, shrink-wrapped 978-1-61689-202-9 $12.95 / £9.99

The Messenger Bag 5.5 x 8.5 in / 13.97 x 21.59 cm Set of 3 lined notebooks 64 pp each J-band, shrink-wrapped 978-1-61689-210-4 $16.95 / £12.99

The Pocket Pack Set of 4 notebooks, 1 of each size Envelope: 7 x 9.25 in / 17.78 x 23.49 cm 978-1-61689-214-2 $19.95 / £14.99

r i ghts : w

rights: w

r i gh ts: w


9 781616 892029


9 781616 892104

9 781616 892142

The Backpack 6 x 6 in / 15.24 x 15.24 cm Set of 3 blank notebooks 64 pp each J-band, shrink-wrapped 978-1-61689-207-4 $15.95 / £11.99

The Back Pocket 4 x 4 in / 10.16 x 10.16 cm Set of 3 blank notebooks 64 pp each J-band, shrink-wrapped 978-1-61689-199-2 $12.95 / £9.99

r i ghts : w

rights: w 51595

9 781616 892074



9 781616 891992



Dates to Remember


Dates to Remember


































































































































































































Birthstone Planner

Nested Notes

Elisa Werbler 5.5 x 8 in / 14 x 20 cm / 144 pp 12 full-color, fluorescent illustrations Paperback with die-cut corners, removable sticker 978-1-61689-289-0 / $14.95 / £10.99

Egg Sticky Notes 4.5 x 4.5 x 1 in / 11.43 x 11.43 x 2.54 cm Box with acetate lid, 3 die-cut sticky notepads 60 sheets each / 978-1-61689-194-7 $10.95 / £7.99

r i g h ts: w

r i gh ts: w 51095


9 781616 891947

9 781616 892890

What Did I Eat Today?

What Did I Buy Today?

A Food Lover’s Journal Kate Bingaman-Burt 5 x 7.125 in / 12.7 x 18 cm / 160 pp, 50 1-color illustrations Paperback / 978-1-61689-240-1 / $12.95 / £9.99

An Obsessive Consumption Journal Kate Bingaman-Burt 5 x 7.125 in / 12.7 x 18 cm / 160 pp, 50 1-color illustrations Paperback / 978-1-61689-136-7 / $12.95 / £9.99

r i g h ts : w

r i gh ts: w 51295

9 781616 892401



9 781616 891367


Recent Highlights

Welcome to Marwencol Mark Hogancamp and Chris Shellen 7.5 x 9.5 in / 18 x 24 cm Hardcover / 256 pp / 550 color 978-1-61689-415-3 / $29.95 / £18.99 r i gh ts: w 52995 9 781616 894153

“A vicious assault left Mark Hogancamp with brain injuries, which he combats in an unparalleled way. He is the creator of Marwencol, a small universe filled with World War II narratives in miniature. Fight scenes, dramatic rescues and love triangles are painstakingly arranged before Mr. Hogancamp’s camera. The resulting images are startlingly lifelike and poignant.” — New York Times

Inside the Artist’s Studio Joe Fig 7 x 9.5 in / 18 x 24 cm Paperback / 256 pp / 300 color / 25 b+w 978-1-61689-304-0 / $35.00 / £21.99 r i gh ts: w 53500 9 781616 893040

What was your earliest childhood artwork that received recognition? When did you first consider yourself a professional artist? How has your studio’s location influenced your work? Do you have a favorite color? Joe Fig asked a wide range of celebrated artists these and many other questions during the illuminating studio visits documented in Inside the Artist’s Studio.



The Sketchbook Project World Tour Steven Peterman and Sara Elands Peterman 8 x 10 in / 20 x 25.5 cm Paperback / 256 pp / 500 color 978-1-61689-168-8 / $30.00 / £18.99 r i gh ts: w 53000

9 781616 891688

“The volume includes a brief history of the Sketchbook Project and of the ‘World Tour,’ as well as the headline act, selections from the sketchbooks organized by continent, with full-color reproductions of exquisite quality. The international scope and spare text make it an ideal coffee-table book.” —Library Journal starred review

Local Color Seeing Place through Watercolor with 14 Practices Mimi Robinson 7 x 8.5 in / 18 x 22 cm Paperback / 128 pp / 300 color 978-1-61689-297-5 / $19.95 / £12.99 r i gh ts: w 51995

9 781616 892975

“Mimi Robinson looks at landscapes and cityscapes in terms of tonal palettes and teaches you how to recreate them using paint. There are lots of practical tips on preparation and technique as well as illustrations and examples.” —Elle Decoration



The Ghost Army of World War II How One Top-Secret Unit Deceived the Enemy with Inflatable Tanks, Sound Effects, and Other Audacious Fakery Rick Beyer and Elizabeth Sayles 8 x 10 in / 20 x 25.5 cm Hardcover / 256 pp / 100 color / 200 b+w 978-1-61689-318-7 / $40.00 / £25.00 r i gh ts: w 54000

9 781616 893187

“Introduces readers to the very secret American Army unit whose mission was to fool the Germans—with battalions of rubber dummies and inflatable artillery—into thinking that there were huge concentrations of troops and matériel where there weren’t. . . . A chronicle of what became known as the Ghost Army, whose ‘mission bordered on the surreal.’ ” —New York Times

War Plan Red The United States’ Secret Plan to Invade Canada and Canada’s Secret Plan to Invade the United States Kevin Lippert 5 x 7 in / 13 x 18 cm Paperback / 144 pp / 30 color 978-1-61689-352-1 / $14.95 / £8.99 r i gh ts: w 51495

9 781616 893521

“The United States has plenty of adversaries in the world, but at least we don’t have to worry about Canada. That hasn’t always been the case. As this book shows, mistrust between Canada and the United States persisted for a surprisingly long time, to the point that each country historically maintained war plans for invading the other. . . .” —Boston Globe



“A charming selection of everyday snapshots depicting artists on vacation, at parties and with their dogs. . . . Merry A. Foresta’s informative text contains tidbits as surprising and intimate as the photos.” —New York Times

Artists Unframed Snapshots from the Smithsonian’s Archives of American Art Merry A. Foresta 6 x 8 in / 16.8 x 20 cm Hardcover / 160 pp / 100 b+w 978-1-61689-295-1 / $24.95 / £15.99 r i gh ts: w 52495

9 781616 892951

“One thing snail mail has over electronic messages? Doodles. For proof, see sketches by Duchamp, Warhol, and Frida Kahlo in these gorgeously detailed correspondences.” —Mental Floss

More Than Words Illustrated Letters from the Smithsonian’s Archives of American Art Liza Kirwin 8 x 10 in / 20 x 25.5 cm Paperback / 272 pp / 120 color 978-1-61689-366-8 / $24.95 / £14.99 r i gh ts: w 52495

9 781616 893668

“Lists is by turns funny, telling and mundane. There are plenty of price lists, invoices and other pieces of financial arcana that demystify artmaking, but what’s most remarkable about the book is its ability to stir emotion through something as prosaic as a list.” —Washington Post

Lists To-dos, Illustrated Inventories, Collected Thoughts, and Other Artists' Enumerations from the Smithsonian’s Archives of American Art Liza Kirwin 7 x 10 in / 18 x 25 cm Paperback / 208 pp / 115 color / 25 b+w 978-1-56898-888-7 / $24.95 / £16.99 r i gh ts: w 52495 9 781568 988887



The Architect Says

The Musician Says

The Chef Says

Quotes, Quips, and Words of Wisdom Laura S. Dushkes, editor 5 x 7 in / 13 x 18 cm Hardcover / 160 pp / 2-color 978-1-61689-093-3 / $14.95 / £8.99

Quotes, Quips, and Words of Wisdom Benedetta LoBalbo, editor 5 x 7 in / 13 x 18 cm Hardcover / 160 pp / 2-color 978-1-61689-389-7 / $14.95 / £8.99

Quotes, Quips, and Words of Wisdom Nach Waxman and Matt Sartwell, editors 5 x 7 in / 13 x 18 cm Hardcover / 160 pp / 2-color 978-1-61689-249-4 / $14.95 / £8.99

r i g h ts: w

ri ghts: w

r i gh ts: w


9 781616 892494

9 781616 893897

9 781616 890933



Each Words of Wisdom book features hundreds of quotations by fascinating creatives from all eras, in a giftable hardcover volume with ribbon marker. “Handsomely bound and stylishly typeset, The Designer Says is packed to the rafters with the wit and wisdom of luminaries from design disciplines. . . . Just buy yourself a copy— or surprise the creative you treasure most.” —Ace Jet 170

The Designer Says

The Filmmaker Says

Quotes, Quips, and Words of Wisdom Sara Bader, editor 5 x 7 in / 13 x 18 cm Hardcover / 160 pp / 2-color 978-1-61689-134-3 / $14.95 / £8.99

Quotes, Quips, and Words of Wisdom Jamie Thompson Stern, editor 5 x 7 in / 13 x 18 cm Hardcover / 160 pp / 2-color 978-1-61689-220-3 / $14.95 / £8.99

ri ghts: w

r i gh ts: w 51495

51495 9 781616 891343



9 781616 892203

Finding Home Shelter Dogs and Their Stories Traer Scott 8.5 x 9 in / 21.5 x 23 cm Hardcover / 96 pp / 20 color / 35 b+w 978-1-61689-343-9 / $19.95 / £11.99 r i gh ts: w 51995 9 781616 893439

“Photographer Traer Scott follows up her groundbreaking book Shelter Dogs with a new work of equal grace and sensitivity. The portraits in Finding Home not only showcase a collection of canines with indomitable character and spirit, they are also an eloquent plea for more adoptive families, and a tribute to all dogs everywhere.” — The Bark



Animal Box

Lost and Found Pet Posters from Around the World Ian Phillips 5.5 x 7 in / 14 x 17.8 cm Paperback / 224 pp / 110 b+w 978-1-61689-396-5 / $16.95 / £10.99

Creatures of the Night Traer Scott 7 x 8.5 in / 18 x 21.6 cm Hardcover / 128 pp / 85 color 978-1-61689-288-3 / $20.00 / £12.99

100 Postcards by 10 Artists Happy Menocal 4.25 x 6.25 x 3 in / 10.79 x 15.87 x 7.62 cm 100 full-color postcards, 10 tabbed dividers 24-pp booklet, shrink-wrapped 978-1-61689-348-4 / $19.95 / £14.99

ri ghts: w

r i g hts : w

52000 51695

9 781616 893965

r i gh ts: w 51995

9 781616 892883 9 781616 893484



Graphic Design: The New Basics, Revised and Expanded Ellen Lupton and Jennifer Cole Phillips 8 x 9 in / 20 x 23 cm Paperback / 264 pp / 400 color / 30 b+w 978-1-61689-332-3 / $35.00 / £21.00 r i g h ts: w 53500

Type on Screen A Critical Guide for Designers, Writers, Developers, and Students Ellen Lupton, editor 7 x 8.5 in / 18 x 22 cm Paperback / 208 pp / 200 color / 75 b+w 978-1-61689-170-1 / $24.95 / £15.99 ri ghts: w 52495

9 781616 893323

Thinking with Type, Second Edition, Revised and Expanded A Critical Guide for Designers, Writers, Editors, & Students Ellen Lupton 7 x 8.5 in / 18 x 22 cm Paperback / 224 pp / 100 color 978-1-56898-969-3 / $24.95 / £16.99 r i gh ts: w 52495

9 781616 891701 9 781568 989693

Outside the Box

Typography Sketchbooks

Typographic Systems

Hand-Drawn Packaging from Around the World Gail Anderson 8 x 10 in / 20.5 x 25.5 cm Paperback / 256 pp / 420 color 978-1-61689-336-1 / $40.00 / £25.00

Steven Heller and Lita Talarico 7.3 x 9.6 in / 19 x 24 cm Paperback / 368 pp / 600 color & b+w 978-1-61689-042-1 / $40.00

Kimberly Elam 7 x 8.5 in / 18 x 22 cm Paperback / 160 pp / 55 color / 400 b+w 978-1-56898-687-6 / $24.95 / £16.99

ri ghts: nam

r i gh ts: w

r i g h ts: w 54000 9 781616 893361




54000 9 781616 890421

9 781568 986876

How to be a Graphic Designer Without Losing Your Soul, New Edition Adrian Shaughnessy 7.5 x 9 in / 19 x 23 cm Paperback / 176 pp / 20 b+w 978-1-56898-983-9 / $24.95

Graphic Design Thinking

Graphic Design Theory

Beyond Brainstorming Ellen Lupton 7 x 8.5 in / 18 x 22 cm Paperback / 184 pp / 240 color / 125 b+w 978-1-56898-979-2 / $24.95 / £16.99

Readings from the Field Helen Armstrong 7 x 8.5 in / 18 x 22 cm Paperback / 152 pp / 41 color / 32 b+w 978-1-56898-772-9 / $24.95 / £16.99

ri ghts: w

r i gh ts: w

r i g hts : n a m




9 781568 989792

9 781568 987729

9 781568 989839

Grid Systems Principles of Organizing Type Kimberly Elam 7 x 8.5 in / 18 x 22 cm Paperback / 120 pp / 45 color / 200 b+w 978-1-56898-465-0 / $24.95 / £16.99 r i g hts : w 52495

Geometry of Design, Second Edition, Revised and Updated Studies in Proportion and Composition Kimberly Elam 7 x 8.5 in / 18 x 22 cm Paperback / 144 pp / 150 color / 50 b+w 978-1-61689-036-0 / $24.95 / £16.99

Visual Complexity Mapping Patterns of Information Manuel Lima 8.5 x 10.5 in / 22 x 27 cm Paperback / 272 pp / 250 color / 65 b+w 978-1-61689-219-7 / $35.00 / £21.99 r i gh ts: w

rights: w

53500 52495

9 781568 984650

9 781616 892197

9 781616 890360



Worn Stories Emily Spivack 7 x 9.5 in / 17.8 x 24 cm Hardcover / 176 pp / 62 color 978-1-61689-276-0 / $24.95 / £15.99 r i g h ts: w 52495 9 781616 892760

“The one-page mini-memoirs, accompanied by a photograph of the piece of clothing, are intensely personal and yet universal. Initially I skipped around in Worn Stories until I realized I didn’t want to miss a single story and read it straight through.” —Boston Globe

Balancing Acts Three Prima Ballerinas Becoming Mothers Lucy Gray 6.25 x 8 in / 15.87 x 20 cm Hardcover / 160 pp / 100 duotone 978-1-61689-254-8 / $24.95 / £15.99 r i g h ts: w 52495

9 781616 892548

“Follows three ballerinas over the course of 14 years, as they raise their children while continuing to flourish in their demanding careers. The book is much more than a sentimental celebration. With its intimate photos and illuminating captions, Balancing Acts brings the reader into the nitty-gritty of the ballet world.” —San Francisco Chronicle

Presenting Shakespeare 1,100 Posters from Around the World Mirko Ilić and Steven Heller Preface by Julie Taymor 7 x 11 in / 18 x 28 cm Hardcover / 320 pp / 1,100 color 978-1-61689-292-0 / $50.00 / £30.00 r i g h ts: w 55000 9 781616 892920



Just as centuries of theatrical artists have reimagined Shakespeare’s works through the lens of their own time and culture, so too have illustrators and designers. Presenting Shakespeare is the first book to showcase theater posters for Shakespeare’s plays, featuring 1,100 posters designed by an international roster of artists representing fifty-five countries.

“Whether it’s John Lennon wrestling with the future of the Beatles, Norman Mailer explaining why he wants to enter politics or James Taylor pondering oncoming fame, Howard Smith’s interviews are vivid, candid snapshots of major cultural and political figures during a tumultuous era.” —David Browne, author, So Many

The Smith Tapes Lost Interviews with Rock Stars & Icons 1969–1972 Ezra Bookstein, editor 6 x 9 in / 15 x 23 cm Paperback / 416 pp / 30 b+w 978-1-61689-383-5 / $24.95 / £14.99 r i gh ts: w 52495 9 781616 893835

Roads: The Life and Times of the Grateful Dead

A trusty companion for the everyday, The Kaufmann Mercantile Guide allows you to experience the singular satisfaction of doing it yourself. Each project, from caring for cast iron to planting with the seasons, is supplemented with expert tips to inspire and empower. This indispensable twenty-first-century how-to is organized into five sections: Kitchen, Outdoors, Home, Gardening, and Grooming.

“Tells Polaroid’s story with fluid, energetic prose that mirrors the thrilling arc of the company’s story, twining together technology, fine art, business, design and pop culture into a 175-page powerhouse.You’ll be delighted by this pithy snapshot of a true American icon.” —NPR

The Kaufmann Mercantile Guide How to Split Wood, Shuck an Oyster, and Master Other Simple Pleasures Edited by Alexandra Redgrave and Jessica Hundley 7 x 8.5 in / 18 x 21.5 cm Hardcover / 224 pp / 200 color 978-1-61689-399-6 / $24.95 / £14.99 r i gh ts: w 52495 9 781616 893996

Instant The Story of Polaroid Christopher Bonanos 6 x 9 in / 15 x 23 cm Hardcover / 192 pp / 100 color 978-1-61689-085-8 / $24.95 / £15.99 r i gh ts: w 52495 9 781616 890858



Tom Kundig: Works Tom Kundig 9.5 x 11.875 in / 24 x 30 cm Hardcover / 300 pp / 300 color / 50 b+w 978-1-61689-345-3 / $65.00 / £40.00 r i g h ts: w 56500 9 781616 893453

Manhattan Classic New York’s Finest Prewar Apartments Geoffrey Lynch 9 x 12 in / 22.9 x 30.5 cm Hardcover / 224 pp / 200 color / 175 b+w 978-1-61689-167-1 / $50.00 / £30.00 r i g h ts: w 55000 9 781616 891671

Featuring nineteen new projects from New York to Seoul, Tom Kundig: Works not only features stunning photographs of Kundig’s private residences and commercial and public buildings, but also reveals the award-winning architect’s design process through reproductions of his sketches and drawings.

“Manhattan Classic is a treasure trove of information and gorgeous images of apartments built from the 1880s through the 1930s. . . . It is also a wealth of decorating ideas for anyone who lives in a vintage apartment or just wants to pull off the look.” —Cleveland Plain Dealer

Henry Howard Louisiana’s Architect Robert S. Brantley with Victor McGee 8.9 x 12 in / 22.5 x 30.5 cm Hardcover / 352 pp / 300 color 978-1-61689-278-4 / $60.00 / £37.50 r i g h ts: w 56000

9 781616 892784

“Although Henry Howard crafted some of New Orleans’s most memorable homes, churches, and commercial buildings, he has faded into obscurity. This new monograph brings him back to the fore, transporting readers to a world of neoclassical mansions with columned galleries overlooking oaks dripping with Spanish moss.” —Architectural Digest



“It’s a strangely moving experience to flip through Woodcut… . One is struck by how Gill’s method amplifies the events in the life of a tree: lightning strikes, burgeoning burls, insect holes and, of course, the aging process.” —New York Times

“Rich imagery of libraries across the national and cultural map, from cherished landmarks of the heartland to a Death Valley trailer parked in shade to lessen the heat. Add thoughtful text from the likes of Barbara Kingsolver to Amy Tan, and Dawson’s subject goes beyond buildings to celebrate the civic realm.”

Woodcut Bryan Nash Gill 8 x 9 in / 20 x 23 cm Hardcover / 128 pp / 100 color 978-1-61689-048-3 / $29.95 / £19.99 r i gh ts: w 52995 9 781616 890483

The Public Library A Photographic Essay Robert Dawson 8 x 9 in / 20.3 x 22.9 cm Hardcover / 192 pp / 100 color / 75 b+w 978-1-61689-217-3 / $35.00 / £21.99 r i gh ts: w 53500 9 781616 892173

—San Francisco Chronicle

“The steady disappearance of Earth’s polar ice is illustrated beautifully, but devastatingly, in this largeformat book.”

Melting Away A Ten-Year Journey through Our Endangered Polar Regions Camille Seaman 10.625 x 8.5 in / 27 x 22 cm Hardcover / 160 pp / 200 color 978-1-61689-260-9 / $55.00 / £35.00 r i gh ts: w 55500

—Scientific American 9 781616 892609



Munari’s Books Giorgio Maffei 9.4 x 6.5 in / 23.9 x 16.5 cm Paperback / 288 pp / 332 color / 30 b+w 978-1-61689-386-6 / $40.00 r i g h ts: na m 54000

“The simple elegance of the book’s design underscores Munari’s bold use of color and shape, demonstrating that no matter the decade, his work was fresh, bold and modern—and still worthy of our attention today.” —Communication Arts

9 781616 893866

Bruno Munari: Square Circle Triangle Bruno Munari 6.125 x 6.125 in / 15.5 x 15.5 cm Paperback with 1/3-jacket / 280 pp / 650 b+w 978-1-61689-412-2 / $29.95 / £18.99 r i g h ts: nort h a me ric a a n d the u k 52995 9 781616 894122

“The divine circle, the dependable square, and the eclectic triangle are the objects of study in this little book, which is a collection of Munari’s work originally published in the 1960s and 1970s. The case studies travel through centuries, from Japanese decorations to works by Le Corbusier and Alvar Aalto.” —Metropolis

William Addison Dwiggins: Stencilled Ornament and Illustration Expanded Edition Dorothy Abbe and Bruce Kennett 6.75 x 9.93 in / 17.1 x 25.2 cm Hardcover / 112 pp / 24 color / 120 b+w 978-1-61689-375-0 / $29.95 / £15.99 r i g h ts: w 52995

9 781616 893750



“Typography nerds and Dwig’s fans will savor this Princeton Architectural Press masterpiece.” —Print

Elegantissima The Design and Typography of Louise Fili Louise Fili 8.75 x 8 in / 22.2 x 20 cm Hardcover / 256 pp / 350 color 978-1-61689-097-1 / $40.00 / £25.00 r i gh ts: w 54000 9 781616 890971

“Long known as something of a revolutionary in the field of book-jacket design, Fili took her distinctive old-world style to the food-packaging industry in 1989. There she brought a whole new level of sophistication to everything from candy-bar wrappers to wine bottles—and you can find many of them here.” —Entertainment Weekly

Grafica della Strada

Graphique de la Rue

The Signs of Italy Louise Fili 9 x 6.5 in / 22.9 x 16.5 cm Hardcover / 264 pp / 440 color 978-1-61689-269-2 / $40.00 / £25.00

The Signs of Paris Louise Fili 9 x 6.5 in / 23 x 16.5 cm Hardcover / 264 pp / 360 color / 24 b+w 978-1-61689-313-2 / $40.00 / £25.00

r i g hts : w

rights: w 54000

9 781616 892692


The Cognoscenti’s Guide to Florence Shop and Eat like a Florentine Louise Fili and Lise Apatoff 4 x 5.5 in / 10.16 x 13.97 cm Paperback / 224 pp / 170 color 978-1-61689-321-7 / $15.95 / £8.99 r i gh ts: w 51595

9 781616 893132 9 781616 893217



More Scenes from the Rural Life Verlyn Klinkenborg 6 x 9 in / 15 x 23 cm Hardcover / 224 pp / 24 b+w 978-1-61689-156-5 / $24.95 / £14.99 r i g h ts: w 52495

“Essays from the much-admired New York Times columnist on animals, weather, agriculture, farming and the rewards and trials of physical labor.” —San Francisco Chronicle

9 781616 891565

In the Wilds Drawings by Nigel Peake Nigel Peake 6 x 8 in / 15 x 20 cm Hardcover / 136 pp / 80 color / 18 b+w 978-1-56898-952-5 / $22.95 / £14.99 r i g h ts: w 52295

—Christian Science Monitor

9 781568 989525

America’s Other Audubon Joy M. Kiser 11 x 13 in / 28 x 33 cm Hardcover / 192 pp / 69 color / 6 b+w 978-1-61689-059-9 / $45.00 / £30.00 r i g h ts: w 54500 9 781616 890599


“Shows the whimsy behind the obsessive detail of Peake’s illustrations, from the bird tracks that circle a tree trunk to the fallen shed and hay bales wrapped in plastic—colorful reimaginings that capture an inherent joy about his surroundings.”

“If Emily Dickinson had been an amateur naturalist and painter, she would’ve been Genevieve Jones, whose life and work are lovingly resurrected here . . . a classic work of science and art, and a fascinating 19th-century life.” —New York Times


The Book of Trees Visualizing Branches of Knowledge Manuel Lima 7.5 x 10 in / 19.1 x 25.4 cm Hardcover / 208 pp / 135 color / 60 b+w 978-1-61689-218-0 / $29.95 / £18.99 r i gh ts: w 52995 9 781616 892180

“Catalogs a stunning diversity of illustrations and graphics that rely on arboreal models for representing information.” —Wired

Sign Painters

Cartographies of Time

Blackstock’s Collections

Faythe Levine and Sam Macon 7.5 x 9.5 in / 19 x 24 cm Paperback / 184 pp / 200 color 978-1-61689-083-4 / $24.95 / £15.99

A History of the Timeline Daniel Rosenberg and Anthony Grafton 8.5 x 10.5 in / 22 x 27 cm Paperback / 272 pp / 268 color / 40 b+w 978-1-61689-058-2 / $35.00 / £22.50

The Drawings of an Artistic Savant Gregory L. Blackstock 5.5 x 9.5 in / 14 x 24 cm Paperback / 144 pp / 140 color 978-1-56898-579-4 / $24.95 / £14.99

r i g hts : w 52495 9 781616 890834

r i gh ts: w 52495

ri ghts: w 53500 9 781568 985794

9 781616 890582



The Bike Deconstructed A Grand Tour of the Modern Bicycle Richard Hallett 7.87 x 10 in / 20 x 25.5 cm Paperback / 192 pp / 180 color / 40 b+w 978-1-61689-228-9 / $29.95 r i gh ts: n a m 52995 9 781616 892289

“The photos treat even mundane spokes as works of art, and the accompanying descriptions offer insightful details on everything from TIG welding to wooden rims.” —Bicycling magazine

The Toaster Project

The Guerilla Art Kit

Pinhole Cameras

Or a Heroic Attempt to Build a Simple Electric Appliance from Scratch Thomas Thwaites 5 x 7.5 in / 13 x 19 cm Paperback / 192 pp / 83 color / 60 b+w 978-1-56898-540-4 / $19.95 / £12.99

Keri Smith 5 x 7 in / 13 x 18 cm Hardcover, wire-o binding 144 pp / 70 color / 10 b+w 978-1-56898-688-3 / $19.95 / £11.99

A Do-It-Yourself Guide Chris Keeney 5.5 x 8.5 in / 14 x 22 cm Hardcover, wire-o binding 144 pp / 35 color / 175 b+w 978-1-56898-989-1 / $19.95 / £10.99

ri ghts: w 51995

r i g h ts: w 51995 9 781568 989976


r i gh ts: w 51995

9 781568 986883 9 781568 989891


The Havana Guide Modern Architecture 1925–1965 Eduardo Rodriguez 5.5 x 9 in / 14 x 23 cm Paperback / 288 pp / 16 color / 270 b+w 978-1-56898-210-6 / $29.95 / £17.95 r i gh ts: w 52995 9 781568 982106

“Intelligent introductions with key biographical details, black and white photographs, floor plans and sharp capsule histories.” —Architecture magazine

Revolution of Forms, updated edition Cuba’s Forgotten Art Schools John Loomis 7.5 x 11 in / 19 x 28 cm Paperback / 232 pp / 44 color / 134 b+w 978-1-56898-988-4 / $29.95 / £20.00

Farming Cuba

Cuba Style

Urban Agriculture from the Ground Up Carey Clouse 7 x 9 in / 17.8 x 22.9 cm Paperback / 192 pp / 100 color 978-1-61689-200-5 / $35.00 / £21.99

Graphics from the Golden Age of Design Vicki Gold Levi and Steven Heller 8 x 8.75 in / 20.5 x 22 cm Paperback / 168 pp / 250 color 978-1-56898-360-8 / $24.95 / £21.99

ri ghts: w

r i gh ts: w 53500

r i g hts : w 52995

9 781616 892005

9 781568 989884



Backlist — 84 88 89 90 91 93 94 95 100 100 102 104 107 108 110 116 117 121 122 123

Architects & Monographs Young Architects Series Architecture Briefs Buildings Campus Guides Classic Reprints Construction & Reference General Architecture Cuba Interest Landscape Architecture Urbanism Writings & Theory Conversations with Students Pamphlet Architecture Arts & Photography Book Arts Graphic & Industrial Design Design Briefs Typography Visual & Popular Culture

Architects & Monographs

54000 9 781568 980836

Adalberto Libera Francesco Garofalo, Luca Veresani 6 × 9.5 in 208 pp / 300 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-344-8 $24.95 / £16.99

Anchoring Steven Holl 8.5 × 8.5 in 172 pp / 205 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-87827-151-8 $40.00 / £28.00

Animate Form Greg Lynn 6.6 × 8.8 in 204 pp / 1472 color / 135 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-56898-083-6 $40.00 / £28.00

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w



9 781568 987569

9 781568 981949

Archigram Peter Cook 8.5 × 11 in 148 pp / 144 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-194-9 $40.00 / £21.95

Art Deco San Francisco Therese Poletti, Tom Paiva 9 × 12 in 256 pp / 210 color Hardcover / 978-1-56898-756-9 $55.00 / £35.00

AT-INdex Winka Dubbeldam 7.8 × 9 in 224 pp / 250 color Paperback / 978-1-56898-535-0 $40.00 / £28.00

Atlas of Novel Tectonics Jesse Reiser, Nanako Umemoto 5 × 7.5 in 256 pp / 16 color / 200 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-554-1 $29.95 / £15.99

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w




9 781616 892371

9 781568 989594

9 781568 988696

Beach Houses Alastair Gordon 10.25 × 8 in 128 pp / 25 color / 60 b+w Paperback / 978-1-61689-237-1 $35.00 / £21.99

The Big Idea Scott Johnson 6 × 8 in 192 pp / 75 b+w Paperback / 978-1-890449-38-4 $35.00 / £20.00

Bing Thom Works Bing Thom Architects 9 × 12 in 208 pp / 100 color Hardcover / 978-1-56898-959-4 $65.00 / £37.50

Bioreboot Giovanni Corbellini et al. 9.5 × 6.5 in 224 pp / 132 color / 105 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-869-6 $40.00 / £25.00

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w A Balcony Press book

r igh ts: w exclu di ng c a na da

r igh ts: na, c a na da, aust r a li a, phi lippi n es on ly


Backlist | Spring 2016 | Visit for our e-book selection

54000 9 781568 988290

Cruising LA Troy Fuss 6 × 11 in 96 pp / 80 color Paperback / 978-1-890449-42-1 $14.95 / £9.95

Dean/Wolf Architects Kathryn Dean 8 × 10 in 224 pp / 303 color Paperback / 978-1-56898-829-0 $40.00 / £28.00

r igh ts: w A Balcony Press book

r igh ts: w

Devil’s Workshop Susan Piedmont-Palladino, Mark Alden Branch 8 × 10.8 in 144 pp / 120 color / 45 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-113-0 $29.95 / £21.95

Eero Saarinen Antonio Roman 8.5 x 11 in 240 pp / 180 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-595-4 $40.00 r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w


52495 9 781616 890780

9 781568 983714

54000 9 781568 988665

54000 9 781568 988764

Eladio Dieste Stanford Anderson 9.6 × 11.8 in 264 pp / 104 color / 158 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-56898-371-4 $60.00 / £42.00

Everything All at Once Michael Meredith, Hilary Sample 6 × 8.25 in 176 pp / 40 color / 150 b+w Paperback / 978-1-61689-078-0 $24.95 / £15.99

Expanded Practice J. Meejin Yoon, Eric Höweler 7.5 × 9.3 in 208 pp / 300 color / 45 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-866-5 $40.00 / £25.00

Explorations John Ronan 7.5 × 10 in 192 pp / 350 color / 80 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-876-4 $40.00 / £28.00

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w


54000 9 781568 989907

9 781878 271372

Flesh Elizabeth Diller, Ricardo Scofidio 8.3 × 10.8 in 256 pp / 68 color / 300 b+w Paperback / 978-1-878271-37-2 $39.95 / £28.00

FOBA / Buildings Katsu Umebayashi et al. 6.8 × 9.3 in 224 pp / 300 color / 66 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-527-5 $40.00 / £28.00

Fougeron Architecture Anne Fougeron 8 × 9 in 192 pp / 240 color / 30 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-990-7 $40.00 / £28.00

Frank Furness George E. Thomas et al. 8.5 × 11 in 392 pp / 13 color / 655 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-094-2 $45.00 / £30.00

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

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9 781568 987361



53500 9 781616 890865

9 781616 892784

Ghost Brian MacKay-Lyons 6.3 × 9 in 192 pp / 224 color / 50 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-736-1 $35.00 / £23.00

A Guide to Archigram 1961–74 Archigram Archives 5.7 × 4.9 in 448 pp / 200 color / 350 b+w Paperback / 978-1-61689-086-5 $40.00 / £25.00

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w l a nguage: dua l english /ger m a n


Henry Howard Robert S. Brantley with Victor McGee 8.9 x 12 in 352 pp / 300 color Hardcover / 978-1-61689-278-4 $60.00 / £37.50

House Steven Holl 8.5 × 8.5 in 176 pp / 176 color / 10 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-56898-587-9 $40.00 / £25.00 r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

55000 9 781616 890285

9 781616 891220

Houses of Maine Elliott + Elliott Architecture 8 × 10 in 176 pp / 200 color / 20 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-61689-122-0 $40.00 / £25.00 r igh ts: w

Intertwining Steven Holl 8.5 × 8.5 in 176 pp / 16 color / 270 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-56898-061-4 $40.00 / £28.00

James Carpenter Sandro Marpillero 8.7 × 11 in 176 pp / 200 color / 100 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-56898-608-1 $55.00

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: na m

Jørn Utzon Michael Asgaard Andersen 8.25 × 10.5 in 312 pp / 100 color / 250 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-61689-180-0 $60.00 / £35.00

Julie Snow Architects Julie Snow, Janet Abrams 6.8 × 9.3 in 144 pp / 100 color / 40 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-56898-487-2 $40.00 / £28.00

Kesling Modern Structures Patrick Pascal 11 × 8 in 96 pp / 80 b+w Paperback / 978-1-890449-13-1 $24.95 / £17.95

r igh ts: w e

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w A Balcony Press book

The Houses of William Wurster Caitlin Lempres Brostrom, Richard C. Peters 9 × 11 in 224 pp / 150 color / 150 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-61689-028-5 $50.00 / £32.50 r igh ts: w

56000 9 781616 891800

Jones, Partners: Architecture 8.5 × 11 in 400 pp / 270 color / 305 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-56898-700-2 $60.00 / £38.00 r igh ts: w


Backlist | Spring 2016 | Visit for our e-book selection


54000 9 781568 988658

9 781616 890667

Kuth / Ranieri Architects Byron Kuth et al. 7.5 × 9.5 in 192 pp / 220 color / 20 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-865-8 $40.00 / £28.00

Leven Betts David Leven, Stella Betts 8 × 10 in 192 pp / 205 color / 20 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-782-8 $40.00 / £25.00

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

Lewis.Tsurumaki.Lewis Paul Lewis, Marc Tsurumaki, David J. Lewis 7.5 × 10 in 192 pp / 130 color / 50 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-710-1 $40.00 / £25.00

Lewis.Tsurumaki.Lewis: Intensities Paul Lewis, Marc Tsurumaki, David J. Lewis 7.5 × 10 in 192 pp / 130 color / 50 b+w Paperback / 978-1-61689-066-7 $40.00 / £25.00

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w


Made to Measure Andrea Leers et al. 9 × 11 in 176 pp / 213 color / 18 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-56898-957-0 $65.00 / £45.00 r igh ts: w



9 781568 989570

9 781568 987798

9 781568 983455

Manual: The Architecture of KieranTimberlake KieranTimberlake Associates 10 x 8.5 in 216 pp / 200 color / 100 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-313-1 $45.00

Mary Colter Arnold Berke 10 × 8 in 320 pp / 80 color / 120 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-345-5 $35.00 / £21.99

Material Immaterial Botond Bognar 8.5 × 11 in 224 pp / 460 color / 85 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-779-8 $40.00 / £25.00

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w



9 781616 890513

9 781568 987545

57500 9 781890 449551

Mehrdad Yazdani Joseph Giovannini 9.5 × 11.5 in 144 pp / 225 color Paperback / 978-1-890449-29-2 $29.95 / £19.99

The Miller|Hull Partnership The Miller|Hull Partnership 8.5 × 11 in 256 pp / 200 color / 25 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-56898-754-5 $50.00 / £30.00

Modern Modular Joseph Tanney, Robert Luntz 8.5 × 9 in 192 pp / 250 color Paperback / 978-1-61689-051-3 $40.00 / £25.00

Moody Nolan Design Curtis Moody 11 × 11 in 456 pp / 450 color Hardcover / 978-1-890449-59-9 $75.00 / £50.00

r igh ts: w A Balcony Press book

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w A Balcony Press book

Visit for our e-book selection | Spring 2016 | Backlist


54000 9 781616 892463

9 781568 988795

MOS Michael Meredith, Hilary Sample 6 × 8.25 in 288 pp / 300 color Hardcover / 978-1-61689-246-3 $40.00 / £25.00




9 780910 413800

9 781616 890247

Natural Houses Arthur Andersson, Chris Wise 8 × 10.3 in 176 pp / 225 color / 25 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-56898-879-5 $40.00 / £25.00

No Nails, No Lumber Jeffrey Head 7.2 × 7.9 in 176 pp / 100 color / 100 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-61689-024-7 $24.95 / £16.99

OneFiveFour Lebbeus Woods 7 × 10.5 in 136 pp / 100 b+w Paperback / 978-0-910413-80-0 $24.95 / £16.99

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w



9 781568 988788

9 781568 988214

Parallax Steven Holl 5.8 × 7.6 in 384 pp / 110 color / 290 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-56898-261-8 $45.00 / £30.00

Paul Rudolph: The Florida Houses Christopher Domin, Joseph King 5.8 × 7.6 in Paperback / 978-1-56898-551-0 $40.00 / £25.00 r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

Provisional Elite Kedan et al. 8 × 10 in 288 pp / 355 color / 65 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-878-8 $40.00 / £25.00

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w



9 781616 890940

9 781616 893774

Peter Rose Peter Rose 8 × 10 in 160 pp / 200 color / 50 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-56898-821-4 $40.00 / £28.00


53995 9 781568 982861

9 781890 449469

Public Natures Weiss/Manfredi 7.5 x 9.5 in 376 pp / 429 color Hardcover / 978-1-61689-377-4 $50.00 / £30.00

R. Buckminster Fuller Daniel López-Pérez 5.5 × 8 in 144 pp / 25 color / 25 b+w Paperback / 978-1-61689-094-0 $21.95 / £13.99

Radical Reconstruction Lebbeus Woods 12 × 9 in 168 pp / 109 color / 103 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-286-1 $39.95 / £24.95

Responsive Architecture Morris Newman 9 × 10 in 120 pp / 140 color Paperback / 978-1-890449-46-9 $29.95 / £16.99

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w A Balcony Press book


Backlist | Spring 2016 | Visit for our e-book selection

54000 9 781568 989990

r igh ts: w

Rural Studio Andrea Oppenheimer Dean, Timothy Hursley 8 × 10 in 192 pp / 132 color / 12 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-292-2 $34.95 / £21.00

Rural Studio at Twenty Andrew Freear, Elena Barthel, Andrea Oppenheimer Dean, Timothy Hursley 8 × 10 in / 288 pp / 150 color / 25 b+w Paperback / 978-1-61689-153-4 $40.00 / £25.00

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

Saarinen Houses Jari Jetsonen, Sirkkaliisa Jetsonen 8.5 × 11 in 224 pp / 280 color / 50 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-61689-265-4 $50.00 / £30.00 r igh ts: wor ld exclu di ng sw edish a n d fi n n ish l a nguage



9 781616 891312

9 781616 893347

Slow Manifesto: Lebbeus Woods Blog Clare Jacobson, editor 7 x 10 in 288 pp / 75 b+w Paperback / 978-1-61689-334-7 $29.95 / £18.99

55000 9 781616 892654

9 781616 891534

9 781568 982922

Rogers Marvel Architects Rob Rogers, Jonathan Marvel 8 × 10 in 192 pp / 200 color Paperback / 978-1-56898-999-0 $40.00 / £28.00



54000 9 781568 987811

The Storm and the Fall Lebbeus Woods 9.6 × 7.3 in 176 pp / 8 color / 134 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-56898-421-6 $50.00 / £35.00

Theater of Architecture Hugh Hardy 8 × 11 in 224 pp / 100 color / 55 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-61689-131-2 $50.00 / £30.00

Think / Make Andrew Bernheimer, Jared Della Valle 7.5 × 10 in 192 pp / 245 color Paperback / 978-1-56898-781-1 $40.00 / £25.00

r igh ts: w

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r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w


9 781616 893453

9 781616 890407


56500 9 781616 891015

Tom Kundig: Houses Dung Ngo 8 × 10 in 176 pp / 150 color / 25 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-56898-605-0 $40.00 / £25.00

Tom Kundig: Houses 2 Tom Kundig 9.5 × 11.8 in 256 pp / 250 color Hardcover / 978-1-61689-040-7 $55.00 / £35.00

Tom Kundig: Works Tom Kundig 9.5 × 11.875 in 300 pp / 300 color / 50 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-61689-345-3 $65.00 / £40.00

Toyo Ito Jessie A. Turnbull, editor 5.5 × 8 in 144 pp / 25 color / 25 b+w Paperback / 978-1-61689-101-5 $21.95 / £13.99

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

Visit for our e-book selection | Spring 2016 | Backlist


Young Architects Series

56000 9 781568 987330

Weiss/Manfredi Marion Weiss, Michael Manfredi 11 × 9 in 208 pp / 300 color Hardcover / 978-1-56898-733-0 $60.00 / £35.00

William L. Pereira James Steele 10 × 12 in 256 pp / 20 color / 260 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-890449-20-9 $59.95 / £40.00

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w A Balcony Press book

52495 9 781568 987439

Young Architects 8 The Architectural League of New York 5 × 7 in 176 pp / 350 color / 20 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-637-1 $24.95 / £14.00 r igh ts: w

52495 9 781568 988092



9 781568 989983

9 781568 988870

Young Architects 9 The Architectural League of New York 5 × 7 in 176 pp / 350 color / 20 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-743-9 $24.95 / £15.00

Young Architects 10 The Architectural League of New York 5 × 7 in 176 pp / 350 color / 20 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-809-2 $24.95 / £14.99

Young Architects 11 The Architectural League of New York 5 × 7 in 176 pp / 350 color / 20 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-887-0 $24.95 / £16.99

Young Architects 12 The Architectural League of New York 5 × 7 in 176 pp / 350 color / 20 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-998-3 $24.95 / £16.99

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

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r igh ts: w


9 781616 892395

9 781616 891053


52495 9 781616 893699

Young Architects 14 The Architectural League of New York 5 × 7 in 176 pp / 350 color / 20 b+w Paperback / 978-1-61689-105-3 $24.95 / £16.99

Young Architects 15 The Architectural League of New York 5 × 7 in 176 pp / 350 color Paperback / 978-1-61689-239-5 $24.95 / £16.99

Young Architects 16 The Architectural League of New York 5 × 7 in 176 pp / 350 color Paperback / 978-1-61689-369-9 $24.95 / £16.99

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w


Backlist | Spring 2016 | Visit for our e-book selection

Architecture Briefs



9 781568 989389

9 781568 988184

Architectural Lighting Hervé Descottes, Cecilia E. Ramos 7 × 8.5 in 144 pp / 177 color Paperback / 978-1-56898-938-9 $24.95 / £16.99

Architectural Photography the Digital Way Gerry Kopelow 7 × 8.5 in 144 pp / 150 color Paperback / 978-1-56898-697-5 $24.95 / £14.99

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

Digital Fabrications Lisa Iwamoto 7 × 8.5 in 144 pp / 175 color Paperback / 978-1-56898-790-3 $24.95 / £14.99

Ethics for Architects Thomas Fisher 7 × 8.5 in 152 pp Paperback / 978-1-56898-946-4 $24.95 / £14.99

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

52495 9 781568 989860

9 781616 892722

9 781568 989464

9 781568 987903

r igh ts: w




Building Envelopes Jenny Lovell 7 × 8.5 in 144 pp / 175 color Paperback / 978-1-56898-818-4 $24.95 / £16.99

Hypernatural Blaine Brownell, Marc Swackhamer 7 x 8.5 in 176 pp / 175 color Paperback / 978-1-61689-272-2 $24.95 / £15.99

Material Strategies Blaine Brownell 7 × 8.5 in 160 pp / 175 color Paperback / 978-1-56898-986-0 $24.95 / £16.99 r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

52495 9 781568 988702



9 781568 989945

9 781616 890353

52495 9 781568 989419

Model Making Megan Werner 7 × 8.5 in 160 pp / 200 color / 20 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-870-2 $24.95 / £16.99

Old Buildings, New Designs Charles Bloszies 7 × 8.5 in 144 pp / 175 color Paperback / 978-1-61689-035-3 $24.95 / £16.99

Philosophy for Architects Branko Mitrović 7 × 8.5 in 192 pp / 15 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-994-5 $24.95 / £16.99

Sustainable Design David Bergman 7 × 8.5 in 144 pp / 175 color Paperback / 978-1-56898-941-9 $24.95 / £16.99

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

Visit for our e-book selection | Spring 2016 | Backlist



52495 9 781616 890520

53495 9 781568 982809

Urban Composition Mark C. Childs 7 × 8.5 in 144 pp / 150 color Paperback / 978-1-61689-052-0 $24.95 / £15.99

Writing about Architecture Alexandra Lange 7 × 8.5 in 192 pp / 20 b+w Paperback / 978-1-61689-053-7 $34.95 / £15.99

Albert Frey Houses 1 + 2 Jennifer Golub 9.5 × 6.5 in 84 pp / 53 color / 22 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-190-1 $20.00 / £14.95

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

55000 9 781616 891374

Austin Val Verde Berge Aran 8.8 × 12 in 144 pp / 61 color / 5 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-890449-39-1 $50.00 / £30.00 r igh ts: w A Balcony Press book

Bernard Tschumi / Zenith de Rouen Todd Gannon, Jeffrey Kipnis 8 × 9 in 176 pp / 101 color / 102 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-382-0 $29.95 / £19.99

The Chrysler Building David Stravitz 9.6 × 12 in 192 pp / 170 duotone Hardcover / 978-1-56898-354-7 $45.00 / £30.00

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w



9 781568 987200

9 781616 894375

The Dakota Andrew Alpern 8 × 11 in 224 pp / 170 color and b+w 21 line drawings Hardcover / 978-1-61689-437-5 $55.00 / £35.00 r igh ts: w

Casa Alta Elizabeth McMillan 8.5 × 10.5 in 192 pp / 175 color Hardcover / 978-1-61689-137-4 $50.00 / £30.00

Eisenman Architects /The University of Phoenix Stadium for the Arizona Cardinals Todd Gannon 8 × 9 in 160 pp / 200 color / 50 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-720-0 $29.95 / £17.00

51700 9 781568 988924

Expanded View Julie Decker et al. 6 × 9 in 72 pp / 70 color / 12 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-892-4 r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w


Backlist | Spring 2016 | Visit for our e-book selection

Frank Lloyd Wright’s Fallingwater Ezra Stoller 5 × 7 in 96 pp / 80 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-56898-203-8 $19.95 / £14.95 r igh ts: w

54000 9 781568 987477

Guggenheim New York | Guggenheim Bilbao Ezra Stoller, Jeff Goldberg 5 × 7 in 80 pp / 34 color / 30 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-193-2 $14.95 / £10.95

Iron Gil Garcetti 8.5 × 11 in 144 pp / 80 b+w Paperback / 978-1-890449-28-5 $29.95 / £19.99

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w A Balcony Press book

Mies Van der Rohe’s Krefeld Villas Kent Kleinman, Leslie Van Duzer 7.5 × 10 in 144 pp / 40 color / 60 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-56898-503-9 $35.00 / £25.00

Richard Neutra’s Miller House Stephen Leet 8 × 10 in 192 pp / 120 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-274-8 $40.00 / £28.00

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

55000 9 781568 989679

Loblolly House KieranTimberlake Associates 7.5 × 10 in 176 pp / 125 color / 46 b+w with DVD Hardcover / 978-1-56898-747-7 $40.00 / £25.00

Manhattan Skyscrapers Third Edition Eric P. Nash 9 × 12 in 240 pp / 150 color / 175 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-56898-967-9 $50.00 / £32.00

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

Terragni’s Danteum Thomas L. Schumacher 5.5 × 8.5 in 168 pp / 12 color / 117 b+w Paperback / 978-1-87827-182-2 $24.95 / £17.99

Zaha Hadid / BMW Central Building Todd Gannon 8 × 9 in 160 pp / 200 color / 50 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-536-7 $29.95 / £17.00

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

Campus Guides

53495 9 781616 890735

Brown University Raymond Rhinehart 6.3 × 10 in 288 pp / 200 color / fold-out map Paperback / 978-1-61689-073-5 $34.95 / £21.99

Cranbrook Kathryn Eckert 6.3 × 10 in 208 pp / 120 color Paperback / 978-1-56898-257-1 $24.95 / £17.95

Duke University John M. Bryan 6.3 × 10 in 168 pp / 120 color / 20 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-228-1 $24.95 / £17.95

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

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53495 9 781616 892302

9 781568 982809

Duke University, second edition Ken Friedlein, John Pearce 6.3 × 10 in 192 pp / 197 color / 38 b+w Paperback / 978-1-61689-230-2 $34.95 / £21.99


53495 9 781616 892340

9 781568 987552

Harvard University Douglass Shand-Tucci 6.3 × 10 in 360 pp / 130 color Paperback / 978-1-56898-280-9 $34.95 / £21.99

Northwestern University Jay Pridmore 6.3 × 10 in 192 pp / 200 color / 20 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-755-2 $24.95 / £14.99

Princeton University Robert Spencer Barnett 6.25 × 10 in 352 pp / 250 color Paperback / 978-1-61689-234-0 $34.95 / £21.99

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

52995 9 781568 988603

Rice University Stephen Fox 6.3 × 10 in 208 pp / 120 color Paperback / 978-1-56898-246-5 $24.95 / £17.95

Smith College Margaret Birney Vickery 6.3 × 10 in 160 pp / 100 color / 20 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-591-6 $24.95 / £15.00

University of California, Berkeley Harvey Helfand 6.3 × 10 in 368 pp / 130 color Paperback / 978-1-56898-293-9 $24.95 / £17.95

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

University of California, San Diego Dirk Sutro et al. 6.3 × 10 in 224 pp / 125 color Paperback / 978-1-56898-860-3 $29.95 / £19.99 r igh ts: w


52995 9 781616 891121

University of Cincinnati Paul Bennett 6.3 × 10 in 144 pp / 130 color Paperback / 978-1-56898-232-8 $24.95 / £17.95 r igh ts: w

University of Massachusetts Amherst Marla R. Miller, Max Page 6.3 × 10 in 192 pp / 150 color / 16 b+w Paperback / 978-1-61689-112-1 $29.95 / £18.99 r igh ts: w

9 781568 988542

University of Texas at Austin Lawrence W. Speck, Richard L. Cleary 6.3 × 10 in 224 pp / 125 color / 15 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-854-2 $29.95 / £20.00 r igh ts: w


Backlist | Spring 2016 | Visit for our e-book selection

52495 9 781568 982472

University of Washington Norman Johnston 6.3 × 10 in 168 pp / 120 color Paperback / 978-1-56898-247-2 $24.95 / £17.95 r igh ts: w

Classic Reprints

52995 9 781616 890643

Vassar College Karen Van Lengen, Lisa Reilly 6.3 × 10 in 176 pp / 130 color Paperback / 978-1-56898-349-3 $24.95 / £17.95

Yale University, Second Edition Patrick L. Pinnell 6.25 × 10 in 256 pp / 200 color / 25 b+w Paperback / 978-1-61689-064-3 $29.95 / £20.00

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

58500 9 781616 892647

The Buildings and Designs of Andrea Palladio Ottavio Bertotti Scamozzi 9 × 12 in 328 pp /210 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-61689-264-7 $85.00 / £50.00

The Antiquities of Athens James Stuart, Nicholas Revett 9 × 12 in 496 pp / 400 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-56898-723-1 $125.00 / £70.00 r igh ts: w



9 780910 413039

9 780910 413008

Edifices de Rome Moderne Paul Letarouilly 9 × 12 in 368 pp / 354 b+w Hardcover / 978-0-910413-00-8 $85.00 / £60.00

L’Architecture Claude-Nicolas Ledoux 9 × 12 in 328 pp / 300 b+w Hardcover / 978-0-910413-03-9 $85.00 / £60.00

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

Pencil Points Reader Jan Cigliano, George E. Hartman 9 × 12 in 680 pp / 400 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-56898-352-3 $85.00 / £60.00 r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

58500 9 780910 413565

12500 9 781568 988757

Plan of Chicago Daniel H. Burnham, Edward H. Bennett 9 × 12 in 268 pp / 48 color / 94 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-878271-41-9 $85.00 / £60.00

Sammlung Architektonischer Entwürfe Karl Friedrich Schinkel 11 × 8.5 in 268 pp / 207 b+w Hardcover / 978-0-910413-56-5 $85.00 / £60.00

The Vatican and Saint Peter’s Basilica of Rome Paul Letarouilly 9 × 12 in 320 pp / 24 color / 243 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-56898-875-7 $125.00 / £80.00

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

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Construction & Reference

55000 9 781568 987927

The Codewriting Workbook Robert J. Krawczyk 7 × 8.5 in 416 pp / 274 b+w / with CD Paperback / 978-1-56898-792-7 $50.00 / £30.00

Detail in Process Christine Killory, René Davids 9 × 12 in 208 pp / 300 color Hardcover / 978-1-56898-718-7 $65.00 / £40.00

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

Details in Contemporary Architecture Christine Killory, René Davids 9 × 12 in 208 pp / 200 color / 100 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-56898-576-3 $65.00 / £40.00 r igh ts: w

56500 9 781568 989532

9 781568 987453

Details, Technology, and Form Christine Killory, René Davids 9 × 12 in 208 pp / 300 color Hardcover / 978-1-56898-953-2 $65.00 / £40.00

Engineered Transparency Michael Bell, Jeannie Kim 8.5 × 10.8 in 272 pp / 300 color / with DVD Hardcover / 978-1-56898-798-9 $65.00 / £40.00

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

9 781616 891664

Materials for Design 2 Victoria Ballard Bell, Patrick Rand 8.5 × 10.8 in 272 pp / 400 color Paperback / 978-1-61689-190-9 $50.00

Integrated Design in Contemporary Architecture Kiel Moe 9 × 12 in 208 pp / 200 color / 100 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-56898-745-3 $65.00 / £40.00

Materials for Design Victoria Ballard Bell, Patrick Rand 8.5 × 10.8 in 272 pp / 275 color / 250 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-558-9 $50.00

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: na m


55000 9 781616 891909


56500 9 781568 987989

56500 9 781616 890469

Permanent Change Michael Bell, Craig Buckley, editors 8.5 × 10.8 in 272 pp / 180 color / 100 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-61689-166-4 $70.00 / £40.00

Post-Ductility Michael Bell, Craig Buckley 8.5 × 10.75 in 256 pp / 180 color / 100 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-61689-046-9 $65.00 / £40.00

Remarkable Structures Sutherland Lyall 9.3 × 11.8 in 240 pp / 150 color / 150 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-56898-330-1 $75.00

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: na m

r igh ts: na m


Backlist | Spring 2016 | Visit for our e-book selection

56500 9 781568 988955

55500 9 781568 988801

Solid States Michael Bell, Craig Buckley 8.5 × 10.8 in 272 pp / 500 color / 175 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-56898-895-5 $65.00 / £45.00 r igh ts: w

9 781568 987224

9 781568 985633

Thermally Active Surfaces in Architecture Kiel Moe 8.5 × 11 in 240 pp / 250 color Hardcover / 978-1-56898-880-1 $55.00 / £38.00



Transmaterial Blaine Brownell 6.8 × 9 in 224 pp / 800 color Paperback / 978-1-56898-563-3 $35.00 / £16.99

Transmaterial 2 Blaine Brownell 6.8 × 9 in 240 pp / 400 color Paperback / 978-1-56898-722-4 $35.00 / £16.99

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

General Architecture




9 781616 890810

9 781568 987767

9 781568 988931

Transmaterial 3 Blaine Brownell 6.8 × 9 in 252 pp / 400 color Paperback / 978-1-56898-893-1 $40.00 / £25.00

After the Crash Thomas Daniell 6 × 8.5 in 192 pp / 100 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-776-7 $24.95 / £14.99

Alvar Aalto Houses Jari Jetsonen, Sirkkaliisa Jetsonen 8.5 × 11 in 224 pp / 279 color / 37 b+w Paperback / 978-1-61689-081-0 $35.00 / £21.99

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w xs

54000 9 781568 989785

The Architectural Detail Edward R. Ford 6 × 9 in 336 pp / 285 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-978-5 $40.00 / £28.00 r igh ts: w


52195 9 781568 989846

9 781568 980430

Architecture and Feminism Debra Coleman, Elizabeth Danze, Carol Henderson, editors 6 x 9 in 276 pp Paperback / 978-1-56898-043-0 $21.95 r igh ts: w

The Architecture of Diplomacy Revised Second Edition Jane C. Loeffler 6 × 9 in 424 pp / 190 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-984-6 $29.95 / £18.99

52995 9 781568 982830

The Baltimore Rowhouse Mary Ellen Hayward, Charles Belfoure 6 × 9 in 304 pp / 135 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-283-0 $29.95 / £18.99 r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

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9 781568 980157

9 781568 988344


54000 9 781616 890629

Bamboo Fences Isao Yoshikawa, Osamu Suzuki 8 × 9 in 160 pp / 250 color Hardcover / 978-1-56898-834-4 $40.00 / £23.50

Bunker Archeology Paul Virilio 6.5 × 10.5 in / 17 × 27 cm 216 pp / 124 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-015-7 $40.00 / £28.00

Citizens of No Place Jimenez Lai 7.5 × 10 in 144 pp / 105 b+w Paperback / 978-1-61689-062-9 $19.95 / £12.99

Colonial Revival Maine Kevin Murphy 8.3 × 10 in 192 pp / 60 color / 90 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-56898-449-0 $39.95 / £28.00

r igh ts: w e

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

55500 9 781616 891978

Crafting a Modern World Kurt G.F. Helfrich, William Whitaker 8.5 × 11 in 352 pp / 100 color / 340 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-56898-583-1 $75.00 / £42.00

Designing Paradise Don Hibbard 10 × 8 in 216 pp / 170 color / 84 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-56898-574-9 $50.00 / £30.00 r igh ts: w

30 Years of Emerging Voices The Architectural League of New York 8 × 10 in 304 pp / 1,250 color Hardcover / 978-1-61689-197-8 $55.00 / £35.00 r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

56000 9 781568 988139

Figure / Ground Scott Johnson, Bill Fain 8.5 × 9.5 in 240 pp / 220 color Hardcover / 978-1-890449-23-0 $65.00 / £42.00 r igh ts: w A Balcony Press book

54500 9 781568 988689

Frank Lloyd Wright Carol Bishop 6 × 8 in 144 pp / 64 color Hardcover / 978-1-890449-30-8 $35.00 / £24.00

From Autos to Architecture David Gartman 6 × 9 in 400 pp / 80 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-56898-813-9 $60.00 / £38.00

Full Irish Sarah A. Lappin 7.8 × 8.5 in 240 pp / 250 color / 50 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-56898-868-9 $45.00 / £30.00

r igh ts: w A Balcony Press book

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

52495 9 781568 989501

The Green House Alanna Stang, Christopher Hawthorne 8.5 × 9 in 196 pp / 200 color / 100 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-56898-481-0 $45.00 / £27.99 Paperback / 978-1-56898-950-1 $24.95 / £16.99 r igh ts: w


Backlist | Spring 2016 | Visit for our e-book selection


54000 9 781616 892449

9 781616 891244

The Greenest Home Julie Torres Moskovitz 8.5 × 9 in 192 pp / 250 color / 50 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-61689-124-4 $45.00 / £27.99 r igh ts: w

54500 9 781568 987590

Guastavino Vaulting John Ochsendorf, Michael Freeman 8.3 × 11 in 256 pp / 174 color / 161 b+w Paperback / 978-1-61689-244-9 $40.00 / £25.00

Hill-Stead James F. O’Gorman et al. 8.3 × 10 in 192 pp / 63 color / 98 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-56898-759-0 $45.00 / £30.00

A House for My Mother Beth Dunlop 8.5 × 9.5 in 192 pp / 150 color Paperback / 978-1-56898-173-4 $34.95 / £24.95

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w



9 781568 989877

9 781568 988238

House in the Landscape Jeremiah Eck 8.5 × 9 in 208 pp / 248 color / 59 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-823-8 $40.00 / £28.00 r igh ts: w

How to Photograph Buildings and Interiors Third Edition Gerry Kopelow 8.4 × 11 in 284 pp / 104 color / 230 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-323-3 $35.00 / £24.95 / r igh ts: w

Le Corbusier and the Maisons Jaoul Caroline Maniaque Benton 7.5 × 10 in 176 pp / 122 color / 100 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-56898-800-9 $40.00 / £25.00

r igh ts: w

9 781616 890681

r igh ts: w


54000 9 781568 988856

Le Corbusier Redrawn 7.5 × 10 in 192 pp / 320 b+w Paperback / 978-1-61689-068-1 $29.95 / £18.99

Italian Architecture of the 16th Century Colin Rowe, Leon Satkowski 6.4 × 9 in 352 pp / 186 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-56898-331-8 $35.00 / £24.95 r igh ts: w


54000 9 781568 988009

Inside Prefab Deborah Schneiderman 6.75 × 9 in 144 pp / 125 color Paperback / 978-1-56898-987-7 $24.95 / £15.99

9 781568 987095

LEED Materials Ari Meisel, Steven Winter 6.8 × 9 in 224 pp / 500 color Paperback / 978-1-56898-885-6 $40.00 / £28.00

Leisurama Now Paul Sahre 7.3 × 9.8 in 208 pp / 270 color / 20 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-56898-709-5 $40.00 / £25.00

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

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55000 9 781616 891671

9 781616 891282

Local Architecture Brian MacKay-Lyons, Robert McCarter 8 × 10 in 224 pp / 250 color / 20 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-61689-128-2 $50.00 / £30.00

54000 9 781568 989969

52995 9 781616 894511

Manhattan Classic Geoffrey Lynch 9 × 12 in 224 pp / 200 color / 175 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-61689-167-1 $50.00 / £30.00

Matter in the Floating World Blaine Brownell 7 × 9.5 in 256 pp / 425 color Paperback / 978-1-56898-996-9 $40.00 / £25.00

Minka John Roderick 6 × 9 in 256 pp / 45 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-56898-731-6 $29.95 / £16.99

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w




9 781568 988733

9 781568 987583

9 781616 891503

Moderne Sarah Schleuning 9 × 12 in 304 pp / 272 color Hardcover / 978-1-56898-724-8 $65.00 / £40.00

More Mobile Jennifer Siegal 9 × 6 in 144 pp / 220 color Paperback / 978-1-56898-758-3 $24.95 / £14.99

Narrow Houses Avi Friedman 7.5 × 11.3 in 240 pp / 280 color / 50 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-56898-873-3 $45.00 / £25.00

New Museums in China Clare Jacobson 8.5 × 11 in 256 pp / 400 color Hardcover / 978-1-61689-150-3 $50.00 / £30.00

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

55000 9 781568 987354

54500 9 781568 981550

Next Wave Davina Jackson 7.8 × 8.5 in 256 pp / 185 color / 80 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-56898-735-4 $50.00

Points and Lines Stan Allen 8 x 10 in 160 pp / 160 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-155-0 $45.00 / £28.00

Revolving Architecture Chad Randl 7.2 × 8.3 in 208 pp / 100 color / 70 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-56898-681-4 $35.00 / £25.00

Sacred Spaces Robert Berger 8 × 10 in 176 pp / 100 color Hardcover / 978-1-890449-21-6 $59.95 / £40.00

r igh ts: na m

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w A Balcony Press book


Backlist | Spring 2016 | Visit for our e-book selection



9 781616 891770

9 781568 989754

The Sea Ranch Donlyn Lyndon, Jim Alinder 11 × 11 in 304 pp / 200 color / 170 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-61689-177-0 $65.00 / £40.00

Sexuality and Space Beatriz Colomina 5.75 x 9 in 400 pp / 120 b+w Paperback / 978-1-878271-08-2 $34.95 / £20.00

Small Scale Keith Moskow, Robert Linn 7 × 9 in 224 pp / 400 color Paperback / 978-1-56898-975-4 $34.95 / £20.00

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

Source Book of American Architecture G. E. Kidder Smith 6.5 × 9.5 in 688 pp / 557 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-254-0 $29.95 / £21.95 r igh ts: w


53500 9 781568 985466

9 781890 449476

Southern Comfort Revised and Updated Edition S. Frederick Starr 9.8 × 9.8 in 276 pp / 90 color / 75 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-546-6 $35.00 / £16.99

Steps to Water Morna Livingston 9.6 × 12 in 240 pp / 140 color / 92 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-56898-324-0 $50.00 / £35.00

Swiss Made Steven Spier, Martin Tschanz 7.8 × 8.5 in 256 pp / 250 color / 100 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-56898-425-4 $45.00

Tall Building Scott Johnson 8 × 14 in 280 pp Hardcover / 978-1-890449-47-6 $34.95 / £22.00

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: na m

r igh ts: w A Balcony Press book

r igh ts: w

54500 9 781568 987965

To Each His Home Bilyana Dimitrova 9 × 9.3 in 176 pp / 112 color Hardcover / 978-1-56898-796-5 $45.00 / £28.00 r igh ts: w



9 781890 449568

9 781616 893972

The Underdome Guide to Energy Reform Janette Kim and Erik Carver 6 × 8.25 in 192 pp / 100 2-color Paperback / 978-1-61689-397-2 $24.95 / £14.99 r igh ts: w

Usonia, New York Roland Reisley, John Timpane 9 × 9 in 192 pp / 67 color / 130 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-56898-245-8 $40.00 / £28.00 r igh ts: w

Wandering the Garden John Marx Architect Pierluigi Serrain, Chris I. Yessios 10 × 10.5 in 176 pp / 250 color Hardcover / 978-1-890449-56-8 $45.00 / £30.00 r igh ts: w A Balcony Press book

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Cuba Interest

52000 9 781616 890179

Weekend Utopia Alastair Gordon 9.6 × 12 in 172 pp / 75 color / 100 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-56898-272-4 $45.00 / £30.00

Workbook Emily Abruzzo 6.5 × 8.8 in 128 pp / 80 color / 15 b+w Paperback / 978-1-61689-017-9 $20.00 / £12.99

Cuba Style Steven Heller , Vicki Gold Levi 8 x 9 in 168 pp / 250 color Paperback / 978-1-56898-360-8 $24.95 /£15.99

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w


53500 9 781616 892005

9 781568 989884

Dance in Cuba Gil Garcetti 12 × 13 in 144 pp / 80 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-890449-34-6 $65.00 / £38.00

Farming Cuba Carey Clouse 7 × 9 in 192 pp / 100 color Paperback / 978-1-61689-200-5 $35.00 / £21.99

The Havana Guide Eduardo Rodriguez 5.5 × 9 in 288 pp / 16 color / 270 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-210-6 $29.95 / £17.95

r igh ts: w A Balcony Press book

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

Revolution of Forms, updated edition John Loomis 7.5 × 11 in 232 pp / 44 color / 134 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-988-4 $29.95 / £20.00 r igh ts: w

Landscape Architecture


53500 9 781616 891299

Art Parks Francesca Cigola 6 × 9 in 224 pp / 140 color Flexibind / 978-1-61689-129-9 $35.00 / £21.99 r igh ts: w e

9 780910 413534

Courtyard Housing in Los Angeles Stefanos Polyzoides et al. 8.5 × 9.5 in 232 pp / 403 b+w Paperback / 978-0-910413-53-4 $35.00 / £22.50 r igh ts: w


Backlist | Spring 2016 | Visit for our e-book selection

56000 9 781568 989556

Gateway Jamie Hand, Kate Orff 9.5 × 11 in 224 pp / 349 color Hardcover / 978-1-56898-955-6 $60.00 / £40.00 r igh ts: w


55000 9 781616 891305

9 781568 981451

Grant Jones / Jones & Jones Jane Amidon 8 × 9 in 144 pp / 120 color / 50 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-604-3 $29.95 / £18.00

Green Roof — A Case Study Christian Werthmann 8.5 × 9 in 160 pp / 130 color Hardcover / 978-1-56898-685-2 $45.00 / £26.00

Landprints Susan Heeger 10 × 8.5 in 192 pp / 200 color / 20 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-61689-130-5 $50.00 / £30.00

The Landscape Imagination James Corner, Alison Hirsch 6 × 9 in 368 pp / 160 color Hardcover / 978-1-61689-145-9 $60.00 / £35.00

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

9 781568 986241

The Landscape Urbanism Reader Charles Waldheim 6 × 9 in 288 pp / 200 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-439-1 $34.95 / £19.99

Large Parks Julia Czerniak, George Hargreaves 6 × 9 in 256 pp / 50 color / 100 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-624-1 $39.95 / £18.00 r igh ts: w

52495 9 781616 891336

9 781616 890919

Lawrence Halprin’s Skyline Park Ann Komara 6 × 9 in 144 pp / 2-color / 100 b+w Paperback / 978-1-61689-091-9 $24.95 / £15.99

Mellon Square Susan M. Rademacher 6 × 9 in 144 pp / 2-color / 30 b+w Paperback / 978-1-61689-133-6 $24.95 / £15.99 r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

9 781568 987422

The National Park Architecture Sourcebook Harvey H. Kaiser 6 × 9.5 in 608 pp / 500 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-742-2 $40.00 / £25.00




r igh ts: w



53495 9 781568 984391

9 781616 891404

9 781616 891145

Natural Architecture Now Francesca Tatarella 9.4 × 6.4 in 224 pp / 250 color Paperback / 978-1-61689-140-4 $39.95 / £24.99 r igh ts: w ei

Nelson Byrd Woltz Warren T. Byrd, Jr., Thomas L. Woltz, Stephen Orr, Elizabeth Meyer 9 × 11 in 240 pp / 275 color Hardcover / 978-1-61689-114-5 $60.00 / £40.00

52995 9 781568 988511

Paolo Bürgi Landscape Architect Raffaella Fabiani Giannetto et al. 8 × 9 in 144 pp / 100 color / 20 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-851-1 $29.95 / £18.99 r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

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9 781616 891619

9 781568 989655

54500 9 781616 891183

Pamela Burton Landscapes Pamela Burton 10 × 8.5 in 192 pp / 275 color Hardcover / 978-1-56898-965-5 $50.00 / £32.00

Private Landscapes Pamela Burton, Marie Botnick 9.3 × 11.8 in 192 pp / 150 color / 81 b+w Paperback / 978-1-61689-161-9 $40.00 / £25.00

Prospect Park David P. Colley 8.5 × 11 in 208 pp / 180 color / 20 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-61689-118-3 $45.00 / £27.99

Reclaiming the American West Alan Berger 11 × 9.5 in 224 pp / 179 color / 29 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-56898-362-2 $45.00 / £35.00

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r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w




9 781568 981796

9 781616 891213

9 781568 988917

Recovering Landscape James Corner 6 × 9 in 288 pp / 120 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-179-6 $29.95 / £18.99

Richard Haag William S. Saunders 6.5 × 8.5 in 80 pp / 52 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-117-8 $14.95 / £9.95

Tom Leader Studio Jason Kentner 8 × 9 in 144 pp / 120 color / 20 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-891-7 $29.95 / £19.99

Tree Gardens Gina Crandell 7 × 9.5 in 168 pp / 120 color / 20 b+w Paperback / 978-1-61689-121-3 $40.00 / £25.00

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w


52995 9 781616 891060


Above Paris Jean-Louis Cohen 11.4 × 6.3 in 320 pp / 320 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-56898-613-5 $50.00 / £30.00

American City “X” Mark Robbins 7 × 9 in 144 pp / 175 color Hardcover / 978-1-61689-106-0 $29.95 / £18.99

Beyond the Edge Raymond W. Gastil 8.3 × 10.8 in 208 pp / 70 color / 70 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-327-1 $30.00 / £21.95

r igh ts: w e, excep t fr a nce a n d belgi um

r igh ts: w, excep t c a na da

r igh ts: w

Backlist | Spring 2016 | Visit for our e-book selection


54000 9 781616 893903

9 781568 988818

Bird’s Eye Views John W. Reps 14.5 × 12.5 in 116 pp / 120 color Hardcover / 978-1-56898-146-8 $70.00 / £50.00

Block by Block Timothy Mennel et al. 8 × 10 in 64 pp / 12 color / 10 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-771-2 $17.95 / £10.99

City Building John Lund Kriken et al. 7.5 × 10 in / 19 × 25 cm 304 pp / 200 color / 100 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-881-8 $40.00 / £25.00

The City That Never Was Christopher Marcinkoski 7 × 11 in 256 pp / 150 color Paperback / 978-1-61689-390-3 $35.00 / £21.99

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w


52995 9 781568 989686

9 781616 893002

53495 9 781568 989778

The Concrete Dragon Thomas J. Campanella 6 × 9 in 336 pp / 85 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-968-6 $29.95 / £18.99

Coney Island Zoë Ryan, Jonathan Cohen-Litant 8 × 9.5 in 176 pp / 132 color / 14 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-623-4 $29.95 / £18.00

Designed for the Future Jared Green 6 x 8.25 in 176 pp / 80 color Paperback / 978-1-61689-300-2 $24.95 / £15.99

Fast-Forward Urbanism Dana Cuff, Roger Sherman 6 × 9 in 256 pp / 204 color / 27 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-977-8 $34.95 / £22.50

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

52995 9 781616 890896

Formerly Urban Julia Czerniak 7 × 9 in 208 pp / 80 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-61689-089-6 $29.95 / £18.99 r igh ts: w, excep t c a na da

52995 9 781616 894115

52995 9 781568 988245

Ladders Second Edition Albert Pope 5.5 × 8 in 336 pp Paperback / 978-1-61689-411-5 $29.95 / £18.99

52495 9 781616 893804

The Liberal Monument Alexander D’Hooghe 6 × 9 in 112 pp / 30 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-56898-824-5 $29.95 / £19.99

Local Code Nicholas de Monchaux 6 × 8.25 in 176 pp / 3,500 color Paperback / 978-1-61689-380-4 $24.95 / £14.99

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

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52995 9 781616 891091


52195 9 781568 988979

9 781616 891152

Modern American Housing Peggy Tully 7 × 9 in 160 pp / 200 color Hardcover / 978-1-61689-109-1 $29.95 / £18.99

New Public Works Mark Robbins 7 × 9 in 160 pp / 200 color Hardcover / 978-1-61689-115-2 $29.95 / £18.99

Sprawltown Richard Ingersoll 6 × 9 in 176 pp / 50 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-566-4 $19.95 / £10.99

Street Value Rosten Woo et al. 4.25 × 7 in 208 pp / 35 color / 165 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-897-9 $19.95 / £12.99

r igh ts: w, excep t c a na da

r igh ts: w, excep t c a na da

r igh ts: w e

r igh ts: w

Writings & Theory

53500 9 781616 890261

The Suburbanization of New York Jerilou Hammett, Kingsley Hammett 7 × 9 in 192 pp / 20 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-678-4 $24.95 / £15.00 / r igh ts: w

After Taste Kent Kleinman, Joanna Merwood-Salisbury, Lois Weinthal 6 × 9 in 256 pp / 75 color / 25 b+w Paperback / 978-1-61689-026-1 $35.00 / £22.50 / r igh ts: w

54000 9 781616 890070

Architecture and the Sciences Antoine Picon, Alessandra Ponte 6 × 9 in 360 pp / 120 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-365-3 $27.50 / £15.95 r igh ts: w

Architecture From the Outside In Robert Gutman et al. 6 × 9 in 344 pp Paperback / 978-1-56898-896-2 $40.00 / £28.00 r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

52195 9 781616 891039

Architecture of the Off-Modern Svetlana Boym 5.5 × 8.5 in 80 pp / 20 color / 22 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-56898-778-1 $24.95 / £14.99 Paperback/ 978-1-61689-103-9 $21.95 / £13.99 r igh ts: w


Architectural Regionalism Vincent B. Canizaro 6 × 9 in 496 pp / 80 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-616-6 $39.95 / £22.99

Backlist | Spring 2016 | Visit for our e-book selection

53995 9 781616 893026

Architecture Oriented Otherwise David Leatherbarrow 6 × 9 in 304 pp / 80 b+w Paperback / 978-1-61689-302-6 $39.95 / £25.00 r igh ts: w


52495 9 781568 987491

9 781616 891114

Artificial Light Keith Mitnick 6 × 8.3 in 144 pp / 33 color Paperback / 978-1-56898-749-1 $24.95 / £15.00 r igh ts: w

Biopolitics Sven-Olov Wallenstein 5.5 × 8.5 in 96 pp / 20 color / 60 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-56898-785-9 $24.95 / £14.99 Paperback / 978-1-61689-111-4 $21.95 / £13.99 / r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

9 781568 987835

Design Ecologies Lisa Tilder, Beth Blostein 6 × 9 in 256 pp / 72 color / 64 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-783-5 $35.00 / £22.50

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w


52495 9 781616 891077

9 780615 182025

Constructing a New Agenda for Architecture A. Krista Sykes, K. Michael Hays 6.1 × 9.3 in 516 pp / Paperback / 978-1-56898-859-7 $45.00 / £30.00

Cold War Hothouses Beatriz Colomina, Annemarie Brennan, Jeannie Kim 6 × 9 in 288 pp / 144 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-302-8 $27.50 / £19.95 r igh ts: w


54500 9 781568 988597

Capital Dilemma Michael Z. Wise 6 × 9 in 244 pp / 65 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-56898-134-5 $25.00 / £18.95

Dimension 306090, vol. 12 Emily Abruzzo, Jonathan D. Solomon 7.5 × 10 in 192 pp / 100 color / 75 b+w Paperback / 978-0-615-18202-5 $24.95 / £14.99

Donogoo-Tonka or the Miracles of Science Jules Romains 5.5 × 8.5 in / 136 pp / 20 color / 20 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-56898-780-4 $24.95 / £14.99 Paperback / 978-1-61689-107-7 $21.95 / £13.99 / r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

92995 9 781568 982854

The Ethical Architect Tom Spector 6 × 9 in / 256 pp Paperback / 978-1-56898-285-4 $29.95 / £18.99 r igh ts: w


52995 9 781616 891084

9 781568 988894

Fabricating Architecture Robert Corser 6 × 9 in 224 pp / 50 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-889-4 $29.95 / £19.99 r igh ts: w

50 Years of Recuperation of the Situationist International McKenzie Wark 5.5 × 8.5 in / 80 pp / 26 color / 18 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-56898-789-7 $24.95 / £14.99 Paperback / 978-1-61689-108-4 $21.95 / £13.99

54000 9 781568 988269

Five Houses, Ten Details Edward R. Ford 6 × 9 in 256 pp / 20 color / 100 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-56898-826-9 $40.00 / £25.00 r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

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51995 9 781568 980102

9 781568 984292

Form Follows Finance Carol Willis 5.8 × 9 in 224 pp / 170 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-044-7 $29.95 / £18.00

Geography of Home Akiko Busch 5 × 7 in 164 pp Paperback / 978-1-56898-429-2 $19.95 / £9.99

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

9 781568 989808

A History of Architectural Theory Hanno-Walter Kruft 6.1 × 9.3 in 800 pp / 207 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-010-2 $50.00 / £30.00 r igh ts: w



9 781616 891565

9 780615 349091

Making a Case 306090, vol. 14 Emily Abruzzo, Gerald Bodziak, Jonathan D. Solomon 7.5 × 10 in / 19 × 25 cm 180 pp / 200 color / 40 b+w Paperback / 978-0-615-34909-1 $24.95 / £15.99

Le Corbusier, Homme de Lettres M. Christine Boyer 6 × 9 in 720 pp / 46 color / 170 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-56898-973-0 $70.00 Paperback / 978-1-56898-980-8 $45.00 / £30.00 / r igh ts: w


51995 9 781616 890384

More Scenes from the Rural Life Verlyn Klinkenborg 6 × 9 in 240 pp / 15 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-61689-156-5 $24.95 / £14.99


9 781568 987019

The Nature of Place Avi Friedman 5 × 7 in 192 pp / 20 b+w Paperback / 978-1-61689-038-4 $19.95 / £12.99

Network Practices Anthony Burke, Therese Tierney 6 × 9 in 224 pp / 24 color / 100 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-701-9 $29.95 / £18.00

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r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

9 780615 779515



52495 9 781568 987910

(Non-) Essential Knowledge for (New) Architecture 306090, vol. 15 David L. Hays, editor 8 × 10.5 in 248 pp / 92 color / 62 b+w Paperback / 978-0-615-77951-5 $24.95 / £14.99

9 781616 891008

On Vision and Colors Color Sphere Georg Stahl 6 × 9 in 168 pp / 12 color / 10 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-791-0 $24.95 / £16.99

Postmodern Urbanism Revised Edition Nan Ellin 6 × 9 in 368 pp / 50 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-135-2 $29.95 / £16.99

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r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w


Backlist | Spring 2016 | Visit for our e-book selection

The Project of Autonomy Pier Vittorio Aureli 5.5 × 8.5 in 120 pp / 24 color / 19 b+w Paperback / 978-1-61689-100-8 $21.95 / £13.99 r igh ts: w


9 781568 987774

9 781616 890995

Shanghai Reflections Mario Gandelsonas 6.8 × 9 in 208 pp / 130 color / 40 b+w Vinyl binding 978-1-56898-326-4 $24.95 / £14.95 / r igh ts: w

Studio and Cube Brian O’Doherty 5.5 × 8.5 in 80 pp / 43 color Hardcover / 978-1-883584-44-3 $24.95 / £15.00 Paperback / 978-1-61689-099-5 $21.95 / £13.99 / r igh ts: w

53000 9 780692 000885

Sustain and Develop 306090, vol. 13 Joshua Bolchover, Jonathan D. Solomon 7.5 × 10 in 308 pp / 100 color / 75 b+w Paperback / 978-0-692-00088-5 $30.00 / £18.99


Subnature David Gissen 7 × 9 in 224 pp / 80 color / 65 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-777-4 $35.00 / £22.50

Survival City Tom Vanderbilt 6.1 × 9.3 in 224 pp / 80 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-56898-305-9 $25.00 / £17.95

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w


54500 9 781568 980546

9 781616 890308

Theorizing a New Agenda for Architecture Kate Nesbitt 6.1 × 9.3 in 608 pp / 28 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-054-6 $45.00 / £26.00

Toward a New Interior Lois Weinthal 6 × 9 in 648 pp / 250 b+w Paperback / 978-1-61689-030-8 $45.00 / £30.00

ZoomScape Mitchell Schwarzer 6 × 9 in 312 pp / 30 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-441-4 $29.95 / £19.99

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r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

Conversations with Students

9 781568 987538

9 781568 988849

A Conversation with Frei Otto Juan María Songel 5.5 × 8 in 96 pp / 22 2-color Paperback / 978-1-56898-884-9 $19.95 / £12.99 r igh ts: w e




9 781616 890551

Conversations with Mies van der Rohe Moisés Puente 5.5 × 8 in 96 pp / 31 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-753-8 $19.95 / £11.99

Conversations with Paolo Soleri Lissa McCullough 5.5 × 8 in 96 pp / 30 b+w Paperback / 978-1-61689-055-1 $19.95 / £12.99

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r igh ts: w

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51995 9 781568 981499

Ian McHarg Lynn Margulis et al. 5.5 × 8 in 112 pp Paperback / 978-1-56898-620-3 $19.95 / £12.00 r igh ts: w

Le Corbusier Talks with Students Le Corbusier 5.5 × 8 in 96 pp Paperback / 978-1-56898-196-3 $14.95 / £10.95

Louis I. Kahn Louis Kahn 5.5 × 8 in 112 pp / 12 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-149-9 $19.95 / £12.95

Paul Rand Michael Kroeger 5.5 × 8 in 96 pp / 30 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-725-5 $19.95 / £12.99

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r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

Pamphlet Architecture




9 781616 890704

9 781568 981260

9 781616 890162

Tadao Ando Tadao Ando, Matthew Hunter 5.5 × 8 in 96 pp / 50 b+w Paperback / 978-1-61689-070-4 $19.95 / £12.99

Pamphlet Architecture 1-10 Steven Holl et al. 7 × 8.5 in 480 pp / 700 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-56898-126-0 $45.00 / £28.00

Pamphlet Architecture 11-20 Steven Holl et al. 7 × 8.5 in 604 pp / 466 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-61689-016-2 $45.00 / £30.00

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r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

51695 9 780910 413404

Pamphlet Architecture 5 Steven Holl 7 × 8.5 in 72 pp / 176 b+w Paperback / 978-0-910413-16-9 $16.95 / £9.99

Pamphlet Architecture 9 Steven Holl 7 × 8.5 in 60 pp / 107 b+w Paperback / 978-0-910413-15-2 $12.95 / £9.95

Pamphlet Architecture 11 Joseph Fenton 7 × 8.5 in 48 pp / 97 b+w Paperback / 978-0-910413-14-5 $12.95 / £9.95

Pamphlet Architecture 12 Robert McCarter 7 × 8.5 in 64 pp / 106 b+w Paperback / 978-0-910413-40-4 $16.95 / £9.99

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r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w


Backlist | Spring 2016 | Visit for our e-book selection

91495 9 781878 271563

Pamphlet Architecture 13 Steven Holl 7 × 8.5 in 64 pp / 70 b+w Paperback / 978-1-87827-156-3 $14.95 / £9.95

Pamphlet Architecture 15 Lebbeus Woods 7 × 8.5 in 40 pp / 35 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-011-9 $16.95 / £9.99

Pamphlet Architecture 17 Mike Cadwell 7 × 8.5 in 64 pp / 110 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-055-3 $12.95 / £9.95

Pamphlet Architecture 20 Mary-Ann Ray 7 × 8.5 in 80 pp / 110 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-103-1 $16.95 / £9.99

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r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

Pamphlet Architecture 21 Paul Lewis et al. 7 × 8.5 in 80 pp / 150 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-154-3 $16.95 / £9.99

Pamphlet Architecture 22 Michael Sorkin Studio 7 × 8.5 in 96 pp / 44 color / 36 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-309-7 $14.95 / £10.95

Pamphlet Architecture 23 Johanna Saleh Dickson 7 × 8.5 in 80 pp / 90 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-400-1 $14.95 / £10.95

Pamphlet Architecture 24 David Ross 7 × 8.5 in 80 pp / 95 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-389-9 $14.95 / £10.95

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r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

51695 9 781568 981543


51695 9 781568 984346

9 781568 986258

Pamphlet Architecture 25 James Cathcart et al. 7 × 8.5 in 108 pp / 95 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-434-6 $16.95 / £10.95

Pamphlet Architecture 26 Jonathan D. Solomon 7 × 8.5 in 80 pp / 75 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-454-4 $14.95 / £10.95

Pamphlet Architecture 27 Benjamin Aranda et al. 7 × 8.5 in 80 pp / 70 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-547-3 $19.95 / £11.99

Pamphlet Architecture 28 Smout Allen 7 × 8.5 in 80 pp / 100 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-625-8 $19.95 / £11.99

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r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

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51695 9 781568 989853

9 781568 987958

Pamphlet Architecture 29 Nannette Jackowsk, Ricardo de Ostos 7 × 8.5 in 80 pp / 100 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-795-8 $16.95 / £9.99




9 781616 890315

9 781568 989815

Pamphlet Architecture 30 InfraNet Lab / Lateral Office 7 × 8.5 in 80 pp Paperback / 978-1-56898-985-3 $17.95 / £12.99

Pamphlet Architecture 31 Steven Holl et al. 7 × 8.5 in 48 pp / 16 color / 31 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-981-5 $19.95 / £12.99

Pamphlet Architecture 32 James A. Craig, Matt Ozga-Lawn 7 × 8.5 in 80 pp / 100 b+w Paperback / 978-1-61689-031-5 $17.95 / £11.99

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r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

51995 9 781616 891732

9 781616 891428


51995 9 781616 893613

Pamphlet Architecture 33 Luis Callejas 7 × 8.5 in 80 pp / 100 b+w Paperback / 978-1-61689-142-8 $19.95 / £11.99

Pamphlet Architecture 34 Perry Kulper, Nat Chard 7 × 8.5 in 80 pp / 15 color / 100 b+w Paperback / 978-1-61689-173-2 $19.95 / £11.99

Pamphlet Architecture 35 Pierre Belanger 7 x 8.5 in 80 pp / numerous b+w Paperback / 978-1-61689-361-3 $19.95 / £12.99

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

Arts & Photography

54500 9 781616 890599


56500 9 781568 988610

America’s Other Audubon Joy M. Kiser 11 × 13 in 192 pp / 69 color / 6 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-61689-059-9 $45.00 / £30.00

Animal Logic Richard Barnes et al. 12 × 11 in 144 pp / 100 color / 20 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-56898-861-0 $65.00 / £40.00

Around the World Barbara Levine, Kirsten Jensen 12 × 9 in 208 pp / 200 color / 100 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-56898-708-8 $55.00 / £32.00

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

Backlist | Spring 2016 | Visit for our e-book selection


53500 9 781616 894245

9 781616 890193



9 781616 891961

9 781616 892548

Artpark Sandra Q. Firmin 11.5 × 9.3 in 256 pp / 304 color / 38 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-61689-019-3 $45.00 / £30.00

Art Place Japan Fram Kitagawa 6 × 8.25 in 304 pp / 233 color Paperback / 978-1-61689-424-5 $35.00 / £21.99

Balancing Acts Lucy Gray 6.25 x 8 in 160 pp / 100 duotone Hardcover / 978-1-61689-254-8 $24.95 / £15.99

Balthazar Korab John Comazzi 8 × 10 in 192 pp / 20 color / 200 b+w Paperback / 978-1-61689-196-1 $24.95 / £15.99

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w e

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w


55000 9 781616 892487


9 781616 891657

9 781568 988559

Beijing Lois Conner, Geremie R. Barmé 15 × 7.5 in 168 pp / 2 gatefolds / 91 duotone Hardcover / 978-1-61689-248-7 $50.00 / £30.00

The Big Picture Josh Sapan 15 × 6.5 in 144 pp / 95 duotone Hardcover / 978-1-61689-165-7 $29.95 / £18.99

Big Up Ben Watts 7 × 8.3 in 192 pp / 300 color Paperback / 978-1-56898-452-0 $35.00 / £25.00

Bird Watching Paula McCartney et al. 8 × 10 in 120 pp / 40 color / 5 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-56898-855-9 $50.00 / £30.00

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

52495 9 781568 985794

Blackstock’s Collections Gregory L. Blackstock 5.5 × 9.5 in 144 pp / 140 color Paperback / 978-1-56898-579-4 $24.95 / £14.99 r igh ts: w


Brodsky & Utkin Alexander Brodsky, Ilya Utkin 9 x 12 in 88 pp / 50 duotone Hardcover / 978-1-61689-316-3 $50.00 / £30.00


52495 9 781568 989426

9 781616 893163

9 781616 892685

By Hand Shu Hung, Joseph Magliaro 7.5 × 9.5 in 176 pp / 240 color Paperback / 978-1-56898-942-6 $24.95 / £16.99

Come Together Francesco Spampinato 8 × 10 in 256 pp / 400 color Paperback / 978-1-61689-268-5 $35.00 / £21.99

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

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9 781616 893873

9 781616 894306

Constellation Melissa McGill, Sam Anderson, Joe Baker, Richard Blanco, Tracy K. Smith, Edwin Torres, Jeffrey Yang 8 × 9.5 in 96 pp / 25 color / 50 b+w Paperback / 978-1-61689-430-6 $30.00 / £18.99 / r igh ts: w

Encyclopedia of Antique Carpets Abraham Levi Moheban Edited by David Moheban 9 × 12 in / Two volumes / 336 pp each slipcase / 1,100 color / 8 maps Hardcover / 978-1-61689-387-3 $250.00 / £150.00

9 781616 890957

Finding Home Traer Scott 8.5 × 9 in 96 pp / 20 color / 35 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-61689-343-9 $19.95 / £11.99 r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

The Disappearance of Darkness Robert Burley 10.6 × 8.5 in 160 pp / 71 color Hardcover / 978-1-61689-095-7 $50.00 / £30.00 r igh ts: w


53000 9 781616 892593

9 781616 891626

From Russia With Doubt Adam Lerner 7 × 9.5 in 176 pp / 200 color Paperback / 978-1-61689-162-6 $30.00 / £18.99 r igh ts: w

Ghostly Ruins Harry Skrdla 7.5 × 10 in 208 pp / 250 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-615-9 $29.95 / £17.00

Hollywood Frame by Frame Karina Longworth 8.6 × 10.6 in 208 pp / 11 color / 190 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-61689-259-3 $30.00

I Am My Family Rafael Goldchain 8 × 10 in 168 pp / 138 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-56898-738-5 $40.00 / £25.00

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: na m

r igh ts: w

9 781616 893040

Impressions of New York Marilyn Symmes 11 × 9 in 304 pp / 32 color / 107 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-56898-492-6 $50.00 / £35.00

Inside the Artist’s Studio Joe Fig 7 × 9.5 in 256 pp / 300 color / 25 b+w Paperback / 978-1-61689-304-0 $35.00 / £21.99

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w






51995 9 781616 893439

9 781568 988528

9 781616 890858

Inside the Painter’s Studio Joe Fig 7 × 9.5 in 240 pp / 200 color Paperback / 978-1-56898-852-8 $35.00 / £22.50 e-book / 978-1-61689-117-6

Instant Christopher Bonanos 6 × 9 in 192 pp / 100 color Hardcover / 978-1-61689-085-8 $24.95 / £15.99 e-book / 978-1-61689-158-9

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

Backlist | Spring 2016 | Visit for our e-book selection


54000 9 781616 890841

9 781568 981369

Italian Cities and Landscapes William H. Fain, Jr. 5 × 7 in / 264 pp / 246 color Paperback / 978-1-890449-32-2 $27.00 / £18.00

Kurt Schwitters’ Merzbau Elizabeth Gamard 5.5 × 8.5 in 192 pp / 50 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-136-9 $29.95

LaPorte, Indiana Jason Bitner 6.8 × 8.5 in 192 pp / 200 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-530-5 $19.95 / £10.99

Large Scale Jonathan D. Lippincott 8.5 × 11 in 256 pp / 160 color / 220 b+w Paperback / 978-1-61689-084-1 $40.00 / £25.00

r igh ts: w A Balcony Press book

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w


51295 9 781616 890544

9 781616 890568


51295 9 781616 890490

9 781616 893651

The Artist’s Eye Peter Jenny 4.12 × 5.8 in 216 pp / 22 color / 120 b+w Paperback / 978-1-61689-056-8 $12.95 / £7.99

Drawing Techniques Peter Jenny 4.12 × 5.8 in 168 pp / 90 b+w Paperback / 978-1-61689-054-4 $12.95 / £7.99

Figure Drawing Peter Jenny 4.12 × 5.8 in 188 pp / 90 b+w Paperback / 978-1-61689-049-0 $12.95 / £7.99

The Kitchen Art Studio Peter Jenny 4.12 × 5.8 in 240 pp / 130 color / 50 b+w Paperback / 978-1-61689-365-1 $12.95 / £7.99

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r igh ts: w exclu di ng ger m a n y, austr i a, sw i tzer l a n d

r igh ts: w exclu di ng ger m a n y, aust r i a, sw i tzer l a n d

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51295 9 781616 893736



9 781568 989396

9 781568 988382

52495 9 781568 988887

Unlearning to Draw Peter Jenny 4.12 × 5.8 in 216 pp / 4 color / 240 b+w Paperback / 978-1-61689-373-6 $12.95 / £7.99

Lickshot Ben Watts 9 × 11 in 208 pp / 180 color / 20 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-56898-838-2 $50.00 / £32.00

Life on the Lower East Side Rebecca Lepkoff et al. 8.5 × 11 in 192 pp / 170 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-939-6 $29.95 / £19.99

Lists Liza Kirwin 7 × 10 in 208 pp / 115 color / 25 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-888-7 $24.95 / £16.99

r igh ts: w, exclu di ng ger m a n y, austr i a, sw i tzer l a n d, spa i n, port uga l

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r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

Visit for our e-book selection | Spring 2016 | Backlist




54000 9 781568 989914

9 781616 892975

9 781616 894030

Local Color Mimi Robinson 7 × 8.5 in 128 pp / 300 color Paperback / 978-1-61689-297-5 $19.95 / £12.99

Lost Border Brian Rose 10 × 10 in 144 pp / 87 color Hardcover / 978-1-56898-493-3 $40.00 / £28.00

Lucy + Jorge Orta Lucy + Jorge Orta 8 × 10 in 192 pp / 300 color Hardcover / 978-1-56898-991-4 $40.00 / £28.00

Martin Boyce Dominic Molon 7 × 9 in 160 pp / 140 color / 10 b+w Paperback / 978-1-61689-403-0 $30.00 / £18.99

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

55500 9 781616 892609


52495 9 781616 893668

9 781568 985695

Melting Away Camille Seaman 10.625 × 8.5 in 160 pp / 200 color Hardcover / 978-1-61689-260-9 $55.00 / £35.00

Mingering Mike Dori Hadar 9 × 9.5 in 192 pp / 136 color / 20 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-569-5 $24.95 / £14.99

More Than Words Liza Kirwin 8 × 10 in 272 pp Paperback / 978-1-61689-366-8 $24.95 / £14.99

Mysteries of the Rectangle Siri Hustvedt 6 × 9 in 204 pp / 50 color Paperback / 978-1-56898-618-0 $24.95 / £15.99

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r igh ts: w e


55500 9 781568 988580

9 781616 892883

Nell Brooker Mayhew Alissa Anderson 8.3 × 8.3 in 80 pp / 50 color Paperback / 978-1-890449-35-3 $24.95 / £14.99

Newtown Creek Anthony Hamboussi 9.6 × 6.5 in 432 pp / 237 color / 4 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-56898-858-0 $55.00 / £35.00

Nocturne Traer Scott 7 × 8.5 in 128 pp / 85 color Hardcover / 978-1-61689-288-3 $20.00 / £12.99

Now Is Then Marvin Heiferman 7.8 × 9.3 in 192 pp / 200 color / 50 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-56898-748-4 $29.95 / £16.99

r igh ts: w A Balcony Press book

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w


Backlist | Spring 2016 | Visit for our e-book selection

52995 9 781616 890322


51995 9 781568 988900

9 781890 449520

Oak Stephen Taylor 7.75 × 9.25 in 112 pp / 125 color Hardcover / 978-1-61689-032-2 $29.95 / £19.99

Obsessive Consumption Kate Bingaman-Burt 6 × 8 in 208 pp / 550 color Paperback / 978-1-56898-890-0 $19.95 / £12.99

Once Upon a Time Amy Weinstein 9 × 12 in 256 pp / 192 color / 325 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-564-0 $35.00 / £19.99

Paris Gil Garcetti 9 × 11 in 128 pp / 100 color Paperback / 978-1-890449-52-0 $45.00 / £30.00

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w A Balcony Press book

51495 9 781616 892586

53500 9 781616 892173

53000 9 781616 892265

PetCam Chris Keeney 6 × 6 in 144 pp / 100 color Hardcover / 978-1-61689-258-6 $14.95 / £8.99

The Public Library Robert Dawson 8 × 9 in 192 pp / 100 color / 75 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-61689-217-3 $35.00 / £21.99

Publish Your Photography Book Darius D. Himes, Mary Virginia Swanson 7 × 9 in / 240 pp / 25 color / 50 b+w Paperback / 978-1-61689-226-5 $30.00 / £18.99

Real Photo Postcards Laetitia Wolff 7.1 × 9.3 in 192 pp / 180 duotone Paperback / 978-1-56898-556-5 $19.95 / £10.99

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

54000 9 781616 892661

San Francisco, Portrait of a City 1940–1960 Fred Lyon 8.5 × 11 in 224 pp / 200 duotone Hardcover / 978-1-61689-266-1 $40.00 / £25.00 r igh ts: w


52495 9 781616 890834

9 781568 988153

Sign Painters Faythe Levine, Sam Macon 7.5 × 9.5 in 184 pp / 200 color Paperback / 978-1-61689-083-4 $24.95 / £15.99

Sites of Impact Stan Gaz 10.3 × 13 in 144 pp / 85 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-56898-815-3 $60.00 / £35.00

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

53000 9 781616 891688

The Sketchbook Project World Tour Steven Peterman, Sara Elands Peterman 8 × 10 in / 256 pp / 500 color Paperback / 978-1-61689-168-8 $30.00 / £18.99 r igh ts: w

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Snapshot Chronicles Barbara Levine et al. 10 × 10 in 192 pp / 576 color Hardcover / 978-1-56898-557-2 $40.00 / £25.00 r igh ts: w

53500 9 781616 891329

9 781568 989761

Stickwork Patrick Dougherty 7 × 9.5 in / 208 pp / 230 color / 20 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-56898-862-7 $50.00 / £32.00 Paperback / 978-1-56898-976-1 $34.95 / £20.00

Studio Life Sarah Trigg 7 × 9.5 in 256 pp / 600 color Paperback / 978-1-61689-132-9 $35.00 / £21.99 r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

53500 9 781616 892135

Terminal Bar Sheldon Nadelman, Stefan Nadelman 8 × 9 in 176 pp / 900 duotone Hardcover / 978-1-61689-213-5 $35.00 / £21.99 r igh ts: w

52495 9 781616 891596

Thrown Rope Peter Hutchinson 7.5 × 9.8 in 144 pp / 100 color Paperback / 978-1-56898-561-9 $29.95 / £19.99 r igh ts: w

Visions of Heaven David Stephenson, Victoria Hammond 11 × 11.5 in 192 pp / 125 color Hardcover / 978-1-56898-549-7 $60.00 / £35.00 r igh ts: w

Water is Key Gil Garcetti 12 × 13 in 112 pp / 80 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-890449-45-2 $65.00 / £40.00

We Sit Together Francis Cape 6.5 × 8.5 in 112 pp / 15 color / 55 b+w Paperback / 978-1-61689-159-6 $24.95 / £15.99

r igh ts: w A Balcony Press book

r igh ts: w

Book Arts


52995 9 781568 987842

9 781616 890483

Woodcut Bryan Nash Gill 8 × 9 in 128 pp / 100 color Hardcover / 978-1-61689-048-3 $29.95 / £19.99 r igh ts: w

A Year of Mornings Maria Alexandra Vettese, Stephanie Congdon Barnes 6 × 8 in 208 pp / 450 color Paperback / 978-1-56898-784-2 $24.95 / £15.99 r igh ts: w


Backlist | Spring 2016 | Visit for our e-book selection

55000 9 783874 398251

75 Artist Books Clemens von Lucius 6.7 × 9.4 in 352 pp / 400 color / 100 b+w Paperback / 978-3-87439-825-1 $50.00 / £30.00 r igh ts: w e excep t ger m a n y, aust r i a, sw i tzer l a n d, a si a

53495 9 781568 989921

Art Deco Bookbindings Yves Peyré, H. George Fletcher 7 × 9 in 120 pp / 60 color Hardcover / 978-1-56898-462-9 $35.00 / £25.00

The Book as Art Krystyna Wasserman 8.5 × 11 in 208 pp / 186 color / 12 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-992-1 $34.95 / £22.50

By Its Cover Ned Drew, Paul Sternberger 8.5 × 11 in 192 pp / 200 color Paperback / 978-1-56898-497-1 $29.95 / £19.99

Classic Book Jackets

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r igh ts: w

Thomas Hansen 8.3 × 9.8 in 200 pp / 224 color Paperback / 978-1-56898-491-9 $35.00 / £25.00

Graphic & Industrial Design

53500 9 781616 893781

Inside the Rainbow Edited by Julian Rothenstein, Olga Budashevskaya 7.8 × 11.8 in 320 pp / 275 color / 30 b+w Hardcover / 987-1-61689-378-1 $35.00



9 781568 987262

9 781616 893866

Munari’s Books Giorgio Maffei 9.4 × 6.5 in 288 pp / 332 color / 30 b+w Paperback / 978-1-61689-386-6 $40.00

Abbott Miller Abbott Miller 8.4 in × 10.5 in 272 pp / 325 color Hardcover / 978-1-56898-726-2 $60.00 / £40.00

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r igh ts: x u k

52195 9 781616 892913

The ABC’s of Triangle Square Circle Ellen Lupton, J. Abbott Miller 8.3 × 10.8 in 64 pp / 105 b+w Paperback / 978-1-87827-142-6 $24.95 r igh ts: na m

52995 9 781616 892180

Beautiful Users Ellen Lupton, editor 7 × 9 in 144 pp / 125 color Paperback / 978-1-61689-291-3 $21.95 / £13.99

The Book of Trees Manuel Lima 7.5 × 10 in 208 pp / 135 color / 60 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-61689-218-0 $29.95 / £18.99

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

52995 9 781616 894122

Bruno Munari: Square Circle Triangle Bruno Munari 6.125 × 6.125 in 280 pp / 650 b+w Paperback / 978-1-61689-412-2 $29.95 / £18.99 r igh ts: na m, u k

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54000 9 781616 890186



9 781616 892364

9 781616 890674

The Business of Design Keith Granet 8 × 10 in 208 pp / 75 color Hardcover / 978-1-61689-018-6 $40.00 / £25.00

The Complete Engraver Nancy Sharon Collins 6 × 8.5 in 224 pp / 170 color / 10 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-61689-067-4 $29.95 / £18.99

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

Create Your Own Online Store in a Weekend Alannah Moore 7 × 8.5 in 176 pp / 200 color Paperback / 978-1-61689-236-4 $24.95

Curious Boym Constantin Boym 6.4 × 8.5 in 224 pp / 290 color / 15 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-56898-353-0 $40.00 / £28.00 r igh ts: w

r igh ts: na m

51695 9 780979 465451

Daniel Eatock Imprint Daniel Eatock 8.3 × 11.7 in 224 pp / 700 color Hardcover / 978-1-56898-788-0 $60.00 / £30.00 r igh ts: w

Design Studies Audrey Bennett 6 × 9 in / 464 pp / 50 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-56898-597-8 $65.00 / £35.00 Paperback / 978-1-56898-586-2 $40.00 / £25.00

Dish Julie Muller Stahl 7.3 × 9.8 in 200 pp / 316 color Hardcover / 978-1-56898-476-6 $34.95 / £25.00

Dot Dot Dot 20 Stuart Bailey 6.5 × 9.3 in 144 pp / 25 color / 245 b+w Paperback / 978-0-9794654-5-1 $16.95

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: nsa m, sa, a si a

r igh ts: w

54000 9 781616 890971


53500 9 781568 989662

9 781568 987682

Elegantissima Louise Fili 8.75 × 8 in 256 pp / 350 color Hardcover / 978-1-61689-097-1 $40.00 / £25.00

Exploring Materials Inna Alesina, Ellen Lupton 8 × 9 in 208 pp / 425 color Paperback / 978-1-56898-768-2 $35.00 / £20.00

Extreme Textiles Matilda McQuaid 8.5 × 11 in 224 pp / 200 color Hardcover / 978-1-56898-507-7 $45.00

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r igh ts: na m

Function, Restraint, and Subversion in Typography J. Namdev Hardisty 8 × 10 in 256 pp / 390 color / 20 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-966-2 $45.00 / £30.00 r igh ts: w


Backlist | Spring 2016 | Visit for our e-book selection

51695 9 781568 987514

Fresh Dialogue 6 AIGA New York Chapter, James Victore 6.5 × 9 in 112 pp / 200 color Paperback / 978-1-56898-582-4 $16.95 / £12.95

Fresh Dialogue 7 AIGA New York Chapter, James Truman 6.5 × 9 in 128 pp / 100 color Paperback / 978-1-56898-698-2 $16.95 / £9.99

Fresh Dialogue 8 AIGA New York Chapter, Ze Frank 6.5 × 9 in 128 pp / 130 color Paperback / 978-1-56898-751-4 $16.95 / £9.99

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9 781616 892692

9 781616 890773

Generative Design 8 × 11.2 in 472 pp / 1500 color Hardcover / 978-1-61689-077-3 $100.00 / £60.00 r igh ts: w e excep t ger m a n y, austr i a, sw i tzer l a n d

r igh ts: w

Fresh Dialogue 9 AIGA New York Chapter 6.5 × 9 in 128 pp / 130 color Paperback / 978-1-56898-816-0 $16.95 / £9.99 r igh ts: w



9 781616 893132

9 781616 893255

Grafica della Strada Louise Fili 9 × 6.5 in 264 pp / 440 color Hardcover / 978-1-61689-269-2 $40.00 / £25.00

51695 9 781568 988160

Graphic Design: The New Basics, Revised and Updated Ellen Lupton, Jennifer Cole Phillips 8 × 9 in / 264 pp / 400 color / 30 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-61689-325-5 $55.00 / £35.00 Paperback / 978-1-61689-332-3 $35.00 / £21.00 /

Graphique de la Rue Louise Fili 9 × 6.5 in 264 pp / 360 color / 24 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-61689-313-2 $40.00 / £25.00 r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w


54000 9 781568 987057

The Handy Book of Artistic Printing Doug Clouse, Angela Voulangas 8 × 10 in 232 pp / 185 color / 12 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-705-7 $40.00 / £23.50 r igh ts: w

How to be a Graphic Designer Without Losing Your Soul, New Edition Adrian Shaughnessy 7.5 × 9 in 176 pp / 20 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-983-9 $24.95 r igh ts: na m


56000 9 781616 892869

9 781568 989839

9 780907 259473

Infographic Designers’ Sketchbooks Steven Heller, Rick Landers 8.6 × 11.6 in 352 pp / 700 color Hardcover / 978-1-61689-286-9 $60.00

Isotype Christopher Burke, Eric Kindel, Sue Walker, editors 6.7 × 9.4 in 544 pp / numerous color Hardcover / 978-0-907259-47-3 $60.00

r igh ts: na m

r igh ts: nsa m A Hyphen Press book

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54000 9 781616 893361

It Is Beautiful...then Gone Martin Venezky 7 × 9.5 in 192 pp / 1392 color / 35 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-729-3 $29.95 / £16.99

Make It Bigger Paula Scher 9.3 × 6.5 in 272 pp / 300 color Paperback / 978-1-56898-548-0 $35.00 / £21.99

Mixing Messages Ellen Lupton 8.3 × 10.8 in 176 pp / 300 color / 64 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-099-7 $35.00 / £23.00

Outside the Box Gail Anderson 8 × 10 in 256 pp / 420 color Paperback / 978-1-61689-336-1 $40.00 / £25.00

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r igh ts: w

53500 9 781568 987576

Over and Over Mike Perry 8 × 10 in 256 pp / 250 color Paperback / 978-1-56898-757-6 $35.00 / £20.00 r igh ts: w


55000 9 781568 989433

9 781616 892920

Presenting Shakespeare Mirko Ilić and Steven Heller Preface by Julie Taymor 7 × 11 in 320 pp / 1,100 color Hardcover / 978-1-61689-292-0 $50.00 / £30.00

52750 9 781616 890612

Pulled Mike Perry 8 × 10 in 256 pp / 256 color Paperback / 978-1-56898-943-3 $35.00 / £22.50

Seventy-nine Short Essays on Design Michael Bierut 6 × 9 in / 272 pp Paperback / 978-1-61689-061-2 $27.50 / £15.00

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52495 9 781568 988283

Soak Wash Rinse Spin Tolleson Design 7 × 9.5 in 320 pp / 800 color Paperback / 978-1-56898-198-7 $45.00 / £30.00 r igh ts: na m, u k

There’s Nothing Funny About Design David Barringer 6 × 9 in 256 pp / 160 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-828-3 $24.95 / £14.99

9 781616 892814

Twenty Over Eighty Aileen Kwun, Bryn Smith 7 × 9 in 224 pp / 175 color Paperback / 978-1-61689-281-4 $35.00 / £21.99 r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

53500 9 781616 892197

Visual Complexity Manuel Lima 8.5 × 10.5 in 272 pp / 250 color / 65 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-56898-936-5 $50.00 / £35.00 Paperback / 978-1-61689-219-7 $35.00 / £21.99 r igh ts: w


Backlist | Spring 2016 | Visit for our e-book selection

Design Briefs




9 781616 890476

9 781616 893750

9 781568 989648

Volume Kenneth FitzGerald, Rudy VanderLans 6 × 9 in 256 pp / 9 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-964-8 $24.95 / £14.99 r igh ts: w

Designing for Social Change Andrew Shea 7 × 8.5 in 168 pp / 150 color Paperback / 978-1-61689-047-6 $24.95 / £15.99

William Addison Dwiggins: Stencilled Ornament and Illustration Dorothy Abbe, Bruce Kennett 6.75 x 9.93 in 112 pp / 24 color / 120 b+w Paperback / 978-1-61689-375-0 $29.95 / £15.99

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

52495 9 781568 983295

Elements of Design Gail Greet Hannah 7 × 8.5 in 160 pp / 150 color Paperback / 978-1-56898-329-5 $24.95 / £16.99 r igh ts: w

9 781616 890360

Geometry of Design, Second Edition, Revised and Updated Kimberly Elam 7 × 8.5 in 144 pp / 150 color / 50 b+w Paperback / 978-1-61689-036-0 $24.95 / £16.99

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

52495 9 781568 984650

52495 9 781568 987729

Form + Code in Design, Art, and Architecture Casey Reas et al. 7 × 8.5 in 176 pp / 120 color / 80 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-937-2 $24.95 / £16.99

52495 9 781568 989792


52495 9 781568 989372

Graphic Design Theory Helen Armstrong 7 × 8.5 in 152 pp / 41 color / 32 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-772-9 $24.95 / £16.99 r igh ts: w

52495 9 781568 987606

52495 9 781568 987651

Graphic Design Thinking Ellen Lupton 7 × 8.5 in 184 pp / 240 color / 125 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-979-2 $24.95 / £16.99

Grid Systems Kimberly Elam 7 × 8.5 in 120 pp / 45 color / 200 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-465-0 $24.95 / £16.99

Indie Publishing Ellen Lupton 7 × 8.5 in 176 pp / 270 color Paperback / 978-1-56898-760-6 $24.95 / £16.99

Lettering and Type Bruce Willen et al. 7 × 8.5 in 144 pp / 515 color Paperback / 978-1-56898-765-1 $24.95 / £16.99

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

Visit for our e-book selection | Spring 2016 | Backlist




9 781616 891701

9 781568 989693

9 781616 890254

Participate Helen Armstrong, Zvezdana Stojmirovic 7 × 8.5 in 160 pp / 100 color Paperback / 978-1-61689-025-4 $24.95 / £16.99

Thinking with Type, Second, Revised and Expanded Edition Ellen Lupton 7 × 8.5 in 224 pp / 100 color Paperback / 978-1-56898-969-3 $24.95 / £16.99

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w


52495 9 781568 986876

Type on Screen Ellen Lupton, editor 7 × 8.5 in 208 pp / 200 color / 75 b+w Paperback / 978-1-61689-170-1 $24.95 / £15.99

Typographic Systems Kimberly Elam 7 × 8.5 in 160 pp / 55 color / 400 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-687-6 $24.95 / £16.99

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w



52195 9 781568 987699

9 781568 985817

Visual Grammar Christian Leborg 7 × 8.5 in 96 pp / 200 2-color Paperback / 978-1-56898-581-7 $21.95 / £12.99

The Wayfinding Handbook David Gibson 7 × 8.5 in 152 pp / 265 color / 5 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-769-9 $24.95 / £16.99

Active Literature Christopher Burke 8.3 × 10.9 in 336 pp / 700 color Hardcover / 978-0-907259-32-9 $60.00

r igh ts: w e

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r igh ts: nsa m A Hyphen Press book

54500 9 781568 988016


53500 9 781568 986265

9 781568 987378

Dimensional Typography J. Abbott Miller 5.5 × 8.5 in 64 pp / 30 color / 50 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-089-8 $19.95 / £13.95

Fraktur Mon Amour Judith Schalansky 4.9 × 7.9 in 648 pp / 300 color Hardcover / 978-1-56898-801-6 $45.00 / £30.00

Hand Job Mike Perry 8 × 10 in 256 pp / 500 color Paperback / 978-1-56898-626-5 $35.00 / £20.00

Letter by Letter Laurent Pflughaupt 7 × 8.5 in 160 pp / 139 1-color / 230 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-737-8 $24.95 / £15.00

r igh ts: w

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Backlist | Spring 2016 | Visit for our e-book selection


54000 9 780907 259480

9 781616 892111

54000 9 781616 890421

Shadow Type Steven Heller, Louise Fili 6.8 × 9.6 in 352 pp / 300 color / 50 b+w Paperback / 978-1-61689-211-1 $40.00

Type Now Fred Smeijers 5.7 × 8.7 in 144 pp / 16 color Paperback / 978-0-907259-24-4 $15.00

Typography Papers 9 Paul Luna, Eric Kindel 8.5 × 11.7 in 176 pp / numerous color Paperback / 978-0-907259-48-0 $45.00

r igh ts: na m

r igh ts: nsa m A Hyphen Press book

r igh ts: nsa m A Hyphen Press book

Typography Sketchbooks Steven Heller, Lita Talarico 7.3 × 9.6 in 368 pp / 600 color & b+w Hardcover / 978-1-61689-037-7 $55.00 Paperback / 978-1-61689-042-1 $40.00 r igh ts: na m

Visual & Popular Culture

54000 9 781616 890650

9 781616 890933

20th-Century Pattern Design Lesley Jackson 9 × 11 in 224 pp / 360 color Paperback / 978-1-61689-065-0 $40.00

America’s Doll House William L. Bird, Jr. 7.5 × 9 in 128 pp / 51 color / 20 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-974-7 $24.95 / £14.99

The Architect Says Laura S. Dushkes 5 × 7 in 160 pp Hardcover / 978-1-61689-093-3 $14.95 / £8.99

r igh ts: na m

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

52495 9 781616 892951


52495 9 781568 989747

53500 9 780907 259374

51995 9 781568 987149

52995 9 781568 987156

Artists Unframed Merry A. Foresta 6 × 8 in 160 pp / 100 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-61689-295-1 $24.95 / £15.99

Asleep in the Afternoon E. C. Large 5 × 7.5 in 416 pp Hardcover / 978-0-907259-37-4 $35.00

At a Crossroads Kate T. Williamson 7 × 9 in 144 pp / 144 color Paperback / 978-1-56898-714-9 $19.95 / £11.99

The Best of LCD Dave the Spazz 7.6 × 10 in 256 pp / 150 color / 300 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-715-6 $29.95 / £16.99

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r igh ts: nsa m A Hyphen Press book

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

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9 781616 892289

9 781616 890582

9 781616 890742

9 781616 890391





The Bike Deconstructed Richard Hallett 7.87 × 10 in 192 pp / 180 color / 40 b+w Paperback / 978-1-61689-228-9 $29.95

Breakthrough! Alex Cornell 5.5 × 7 in 176 pp / 2-color Paperback / 978-1-61689-039-1 $17.50 / £10.99

Brooklyn Makers Jennifer Causey 7.5 × 9.5 in 176 pp / 300 color Paperback / 978-1-61689-074-2 $24.95 / £15.99

r igh ts: na m

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

Cartographies of Time Daniel Rosenberg, Anthony Grafton 8.5 × 10.5 in 272 pp / 268 color / 40 b+w Paperback / 978-1-61689-058-2 $35.00 / £22.50 r igh ts: w



9 781616 892418

9 781568 987392

Catalog Robin Cherry 7 × 9 in 272 pp / 375 color / 125 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-56898-739-2 $35.00 / £22.00 r igh ts: w

Champagne Giles Fallowfield, Craig W. Cooper 4 × 6.8 in / 144 pp / 35 color / 10 b+w Hardcover with elastic band 978-1-61689-241-8 $16.95

9 781616 893217

The Chef Says Compiled and edited by Nach Waxman, Matt Sartwell 5 × 7 in / 160 pp / 2-color Hardcover / 978-1-61689-249-4 $14.95 / £8.99 r igh ts: w

r igh ts: na m

9 781616 892241

9 781616 891343

Conversations on the Hudson Nick Hand 5.3 × 6.6 in 112 pp / 81 color / 24 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-61689-224-1 $24.95 / £15.99

The Designer Says Sara Bader 5 × 7 in 160 pp Hardcover / 978-1-61689-134-3 $14.95 / £8.99

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

52295 9 781616 890346

The Electric Information Age Book Jeffrey T. Schnapp, Adam Michaels 4.25 × 7 in 216 pp / 50 color / 150 b+w Paperback / 978-1-61689-034-6 $22.95 / £14.99 r igh ts: w


The Cognoscenti’s Guide to Florence Louise Fili and Lise Apatoff 4 × 5.5 in 224 pp / 170 color Paperback / 978-1-61689-321-7 $15.95 / £8.99 r igh ts: w




51495 9 781616 892494

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Empire Nicholas Blechman 7 × 10 in 168 pp / 235 color Paperback / 978-1-56898-457-5 $19.95 / £14.99 r igh ts: w




9 781568 987934

9 781616 892203

9 781568 988726

The Englishman Who Posted Himself and Other Curious Objects John Tingey 6 × 9 in 176 pp / 130 color / 16 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-56898-872-6 $24.95 / £14.99

The Filmmaker Says Jamie Thompson Stern 5 × 7 in 160 pp / 2-color Hardcover / 978-1-61689-220-3 $14.95 / £8.99

Five Flights Up Toni Schlesinger 6.1 × 9 in 320 pp / 130 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-585-5 $24.95 / £14.00

Forecast Nicholas Blechman 7 × 10 in 168 pp / 170 2-color Paperback / 978-1-56898-793-4 $24.95 / £14.99

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r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w



51750 9 781616 893187

9 781568 988825

9 780907 259381

From Here to There Kris Harzinski 5 × 7.5 in 224 pp / 80 color / 62 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-882-5 $17.50 / £9.99

The Games We Played Margaret Hofer 10.3 × 10.5 in 160 pp / 160 color Hardcover / 978-1-56898-397-4 $24.95 / £17.95

The Ghost Army of World War II Rick Beyer, Elizabeth Sayles 8 × 10 in 256 pp / 100 color / 200 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-61689-318-7 $40.00 / £25.00

God’s Amateur Stuart Bailey, Robin Kinross 6.7 × 9.5 in 128 pp / 50 b+w Paperback / 978-0-907259-38-1 $20.00

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: nsa m A Hyphen Press book

Handmade Nation Faythe Levine, Cortney Heimerl 7.5 × 9.5 in 176 pp / 225 color Paperback / 978-1-56898-787-3 $24.95 / £14.99

Hello World Danny Gregory, Paul Sahre 6.8 × 9.3 in 256 pp / 500 color Paperback / 978-1-56898-281-6 $24.95 / £16.99

Hong Kong Comics Wendy Siuyi Wong 9 × 9.8 in 204 pp / 1000 color Paperback / 978-1-56898-269-4 $25.00 / £17.99

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

51995 9 781568 986883

The Guerilla Art Kit Keri Smith 5 × 7 in 144 pp / 70 color / 10 b+w Hardcover, wire-o binding / 978-1-56898-688-3 $19.95 / £11.99

52495 9 781568 987873

r igh ts: w

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92995 9 781616 892524

Ilf and Petrov's American Road Trip Ilya Ilf, Evgeny Petrov, Erika Wolf 6 × 9 in 176 pp / 150 b+w Paperback / 978-1-61689-252-4 $29.95 / £16.99


52295 9 781616 891541

9 781568 989525

In the City Nigel Peake 6 × 8 in 144 pp / 90 color Hardcover / 978-1-61689-154-1 $22.95 / £13.99

In the Wilds Nigel Peake 6 × 8 in 136 pp / 80 color / 18 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-56898-952-5 $22.95 / £14.99

Iowa State Fair Thomas Leslie 7 × 9.5 in 144 pp / 125 color / 60 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-568-8 $19.95 / £12.00

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r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

52495 9 781616 893996

51995 9 781616 892562

The Kaufmann Mercantile Guide Edited by Alexandra Redgrave and Jessica Hundley 7 × 8.5 in 224 pp / 200 color Hardcover / 978-1-61689-399-6 $24.95 / £14.99



9 781616 892500

9 781616 892739

Keep the Change Harley J. Spiller 5.5 × 8.5 in 112 pp / 48 color Paperback / 978-1-61689-256-2 $19.95 / £12.99

The Ladies of Letterpress Jessica White, Kseniya Thomas 11 × 14 in 192 pp / 350 color Paperback / 978-1-61689-273-9 $40.00

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r igh ts: na m

Lingerie Marilisa Racco 4 × 6.8 in 144 pp / 35 color / 10 b+w Hardcover with elastic band 978-1-61689-250-0 $16.95 r igh ts: na m

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9 781616 891022

9 781616 893965



9 781616 892081

LOST Ian Phillips 5.5 × 7 in 224 pp / 110 b+w Paperback / 978-1-61689-396-5 $16.95 / £10.99

The Lost Christmas Gift Andrew Beckham 12 × 10 in 40 pp / 60 color Hardcover / 978-1-61689-102-2 $29.95 / £18.99

A Love Letter to the City Stephen Powers 7.3 × 8.3 in 180 pp / 140 color Paperback / 978-1-61689-208-1 $24.95 / £15.99

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r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

52995 9 781568 989723

The Map as Art Katharine Harmon, Gayle Clemans 10 × 9 in 256 pp / 360 color Paperback / 978-1-56898-972-3 $29.95 / £17.99 r igh ts: w


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9 781616 890339

9 781616 893897

9 781616 890292

9 781616 892623

Mark Mothersbaugh: Myopia Adam Lerner 8.5 × 10.5 in 240 pp / 300 color Hardcover / 978-1-61689-262-3 $40.00 / £25.00

Menus for Chez Panisse Patricia Curtan 11 × 9.5 in 184 pp / 250 color Hardcover / 978-1-61689-029-2 $40.00 / £25.00

The Musician Says Benedetta LoBalbo, editor 5 × 7 in 160 pp / 2-color Hardcover / 978-1-61689-389-7 $14.95 / £8.99

Paula Scher MAPS Paula Scher 11 × 12 in 144 pp / 100 color Hardcover / 978-1-61689-033-9 $50.00 / £35.00

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r igh ts: na m

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

51995 9 781568 989891



9 781616 892227

9 781568 989334

Pinhole Cameras Chris Keeney 5.5 × 8.5 in 144 pp / 35 color / 175 b+w Hardcover, wire-o binding / 978-1-56898-989-1 $19.95 / £10.99

The Projectionist Kendall Messick, Brooke Anderson 8 × 10 in 160 pp / 175 color / 25 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-56898-933-4 $40.00 / £25.00

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r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

Shoes Linda O’Keeffe 4 × 6.8 in 144 pp / 35 color / 10 b+w Hardcover with elastic band 978-1-61689-222-7 $16.95 r igh ts: na m


52495 9 781616 893835

Reinventing the Wheel Jessica Helfand 7.5 × 9.5 in 160 pp / 100 color / 20 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-596-1 $18.95 / £9.00

9 781616 891640

52495 9 781616 891350

The Smith Tapes Edited by Ezra Bookstein 6 × 9 in 384 pp / 30 b+w Paperback / 978-1-61689-383-5 $24.95 / £14.99

Southern Makers Jennifer Causey 7.5 × 9.5 in 192 pp / 300 color Paperback / 978-1-61689-164-0 $24.95 / £15.95

Souvenir Nation William L. Bird, Jr. 7 × 8.5 in 176 pp / 65 color / 10 b+w Hardcover / 978-1-61689-135-0 $24.95 / £15.99

Strips, Toons, and Bluesies D. B. Dowd, Todd Hignite 7.5 × 11 in 112 pp / 85 color Paperback / 978-1-56898-621-0 $21.95 / £12.99

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r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

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53500 9 780907 259367



51995 9 781568 989976

9 781616 894153

9 781616 893521

Sugar in the Air E. C. Large 5 × 7.5 in 448 pp Hardcover / 978-0-907259-36-7 $35.00

The Toaster Project Thomas Thwaites 5 × 7.5 in 192 pp / 83 color / 60 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-997-6 $19.95 / £12.99

War Plan Red Kevin Lippert 6 × 8 in 144 pp / 30 color Paperback / 978-1-61689-352-1 $14.95 / £ 8.99

Welcome to Harwencol Mark Hogancamp and Chris Shellen 7.5 × 9.5 in 256 pp / 550 color Hardcover / 978-1-61689-415-3 $29.95 / £18.99

r igh ts: nsa m A Hyphen Press book

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

r igh ts: w

51695 9 781616 892166

9 781616 892760

Whiskey John Lamond 4 × 6.8 in 144 pp / 35 color / 10 b+w Hardcover with elastic band 978-1-61689-216-6 $16.95

9 781568 985404

9 781568 984308

Worn Stories Emily Spivack 7 × 9.5 in 176 pp / 62 color Hardcover / 978-1-61689-276-0 $24.95 / £15.99

A Year in Japan Kate T. Williamson 6 × 8 in 192 pp / 350 color Paperback / 978-1-56898-540-4 $24.95 / £12.99

You Are Here Katharine Harmon 7 × 10 in 192 pp / 122 color / 50 b+w Paperback / 978-1-56898-430-8 $24.95 / £14.99

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r igh ts: w

r igh ts: na m





Backlist | Spring 2016 | Visit for our e-book selection

Index A Abbe, Dorothy 74, 121 Abbott Miller 117 ABC’s of Triangle Square Circle, The 117 Above Paris 102 Abrams, Janet 84 Abruzzo, Emily 100, 105, 106 Active Literature 122 Adalberto Libera 82 A-Frame Notecards and Postcards 55 After Taste 104 After the Crash 95 AIGA New York Chapter 119 Albert Frey Houses 1 + 2 90 Alesina, Inna 118 Alinder, Jim 99 Allen, Stan 98 Alpern, Andrew 90 Alvar Aalto Houses 95 Ambroziak, Brian 21 American City X 102 America’s Doll House 123 America’s Other Audubon 76, 110 Amidon, Jane 101 Anchoring 82 Andersen, Michael Asgaard 84 Anderson, Alissa 114 Anderson, Brooke 127 Anderson, Gail 120 Anderson, Stanford 83 Andersson, Arthur 86 Ando, Tadao 108 Animal Box 54, 67 Animal Journals Cats 57 Animal Journals Dogs 57 Animal Logic 110 Animate Form 82 Antiquities of Athens, The 93 Apatoff, Lise 124 Aran, Berge 90 Aranda, Benjamin 109 Archigram 82, 84 Architect Says, The 66, 123 Architect Says, The, Notebooks 58 Architectural Detail, The 95 Architectural League of New York, The 88, 96 Architectural Lighting 89 Architectural Photography the Digital Way 89 Architectural Regionalism 104 Architecture and Feminism 95 Architecture and the Sciences 104 Architecture From the Outside In 104 Architecture of Diplomacy, The 95 Architecture of the Off-Modern 104 Architecture Oriented Otherwise 104 Armstrong, Helen 13, 121, 122 Around t he World 110 Art Deco Bookbindings 117 Art Deco San Francisco 82 Artificial Light 105 Artist’s Eye, The 113 Artists Unframed 65, 123 Artpark 111 Art Parks 100 Art Place Japan 111 Asleep in the Afternoon 123 At a Crossroads 123 AT-INdex 82 Atlas of Novel Tectonics 82 At the Seashore 32 Aureli, Pier Vittorio 106 Austin Val Verde 90

B Backpack, The 59 Back Pocket, The 59 Bader, Sara 66, 124 Bailey, Stuart 118, 125 Balancing Acts 70, 111 Balthazar Korab 111 Baltimore Rowhouse, The 95 Bamboo Fences 96 Barmé, Geremie R. 111 Barnes, Richard 110 Barnes, Stephanie Congdon 116 Barnett, Robert Spencer 92 Barringer, David 120 Beach Houses 82 Beautiful Users 117 Beckham, Andrew 126 Beijing 111 Belfoure, Charles 95 Bell, Michael 94, 95 Bell, Victoria Ballard 94 Bennett, Audrey 118 Bennett, Edward H. 93 Bennett, Paul 92 Benton, Caroline Maniaque 97 Berger, Alan 102 Berger, Robert 98 Bergman, David 89 Berke, Arnold 85 Bernard Tschumi/Zenith de Rouen 90 Bernier, Rosamond 18 Best of LCD, The 123 Betts, Stella 85 Beyer, Rick 64, 125 Beyond the Edge 102 Bierut, Michael 120 Big Idea, The 82 Big Picture, The 111 Big Up 111 Bike Deconstructed, The 78, 124 Bingaman-Burt, Kate 60, 115 Bing Thom Architects 82 Bing Thom Works 82 Biopolitics and the Emergence of Modern Architecture 105 Bioreboot 82 Bird’s Eye Views 103 Bird Watching 111 Bird Watching and Other Nature Observations Journal 57 Bird, William L., Jr. 123, 127 Birthstone Notecards 56 Birthstone Planner 60 Bishop, Carol 96 Bitner, Jason 113 Blackstock, Gregory L. 59, 77, 111 Blackstock’s Collections 77, 111 Blackstock’s Collections Notepads 59 Blechman, Nicholas 124, 125 Block by Block 103 Blostein, Beth 105 Bloszies, Charles 89 Bodziak, Gerald 106 Bognar, Botond 85 Bolchover, Joshua 107 Bonanos, Christopher 112 Book as Art, The 117 Book of Trees, The 77, 117 Bookstein, Ezra 127 Botnick, Marie 102 Boyer, M. Christine 106 Boym, Constantin 118 Boym, Svetlana 104 Branch, Mark Alden 83 Brantley, Robert S. 84 Breakthrough! 124 Brennan, Annemarie 105

Brodsky, Alexander 111 Brodsky & Utkin 111 Brooklyn Art Library 59 Brooklyn Makers 124 Brostrom, Caitlin Lempres 84 Brownell, Blaine 89, 95, 98 Brownstone, The 39 Brown University 91 Bryan, John M. 91 Buckley, Craig 94, 95 Building Envelopes 89 Buildings and Designs of Andrea Palladio, The 93 Bunker Archeology 96 Burke, Anthony 106 Burke, Christopher 119, 122 Burley, Robert 112 Burnham, Daniel H. 93 Burton, Pamela 102 Busch, Akiko 106 Business of Design, The 118 Butterflies of t he World 30 By Hand 111 By Its Cover 117 Byrd, Warren T., Jr. 101

C Cadwell, Mike 109 Callejas, Luis 110 Calon, Sigrid 43, 51 Campanella, Thomas J. 103 Canizaro, Vincent B. 104 Cape, Francis 116 Capital Dilemma 105 Cartographic Grounds 10 Cartographies of Time 77, 124 Carver, Erik 99 Casa Alta 90 Catalog 124 Cathcart, James 109 Causey, Jennifer 124, 127 Champagne 124 Chard, Nat 110 Chef Says, The 66, 124 Cherry, Robin 124 Childs, Mark C. 90 Chrysler Building, The 90 Chwast, Seymour 35 Cigliano, Jan 93 Cigola, Francesca 100 Citizens of No Place 96 City Building 103 City That Never Was, The 103 Classic Book Jackets 117 Cleary, Richard L. 92 Clemans, Gayle 126 Clouse, Carey 100 Clouse, Doug 119 Codewriting Workbook, The 94 Cognoscenti’s Guide to Florence, The 75, 124 Cohen, Jean-Louis 102 Cohen-Litant, Jonathan 103 Cold War Hothouses 105 Colley, David P. 102 Collins, Nancy Sharon 118 Colomina, Beatriz 105 Colonial Revival Maine 96 Color Sphere 106 Comazzi, John 111 Come Together 111, 112 Complete Engraver, The 118 Concrete Dragon, The 103 Coney Island 103 Conner, Lois 111 Constellation 112 Constructing a New Agenda for Architecture 105



Conversations on the Hudson 124 Conversations with Mies van der Rohe 107 Conversations with Paolo Soleri 107 Conversation with Frei Otto, A 107 Cook, Peter 82 Cooper, Craig W. 124 Corbellini, Giovanni 82 Cornell, Alex 124 Corner, James 101, 102 Cornille, Didier 40 Corser, Robert 105 Cosneau, Olivia 28, 30, 32 Courtyard Housing in Los Angeles 100 Crafting a Modern World 96 Craig, James A. 110 Cranbrook 91 Crandell, Gina 102 Create Your Own Online Store in a Weekend 118 Cruising LA 83 Cuba Style 22, 79, 100 Cuff, Dana 103 Curious Boym 118 Curious Feast 44 Curtan, Patricia 127 Czerniak, Julia 101, 103

D Dakota, The 90 Dance in Cuba 100 Daniel Eatock Imprint 118 Daniell, Thomas 95 Dave the Spazz 123 Davids, René 94 Dawson, Robert 115 Dean, Andrea Oppenheimer 87 Dean, Kathryn 83 Dean/Wolf Architects 83 Decker, Julie 90 Deeds Jr., James Edward 4 Della Valle, Jared 87 de Ostos, Ricardo 110 Descottes, Hervé 89 Design/Build Handbook 11 Design Ecologies 105 Designed for the Future 103 Designer Says, The 66, 124 Designing for Social Change 121 Designing Paradise 96 Design Studies 118 Desimini, Jill 10 Detail in Process 94 Details in Contemporary Architecture 94 Details, Technology, and Form 94 Devil’s Workshop 83 d’Harcourt, Claire 39 D’Hooghe, Alexander 103 Diamant, Harris 4 Dickson, Johanna Saleh 109 Digital Design Theory 13 Digital Fabrications 89 Dimension 105 Dimensional Typography 122 Dimitrova, Bilyana 99 Disappearance of Darkness, The 112 Dish 118 Domin, Christopher 20 Donogoo-Tonka or the Miracles of Science 105 Dot Dot Dot 20 118 Dougherty, Patrick 116 Dowd, D. B. 127 Drawing in the Sea 38 Drawing Techniques 113 Drew, Ned 117 Dubbeldam, Winka 82



Duke University 91 Duke University, second edition 92 Dunlop, Beth 97 Dushkes, Laura S. 66, 123 Dwiggins, William Addison 74, 121

E Eatock, Daniel 118 Eat Sleep Read 57 Eckert, Kathryn 91 Eck, Jeremiah 97 Edifices de Rome Moderne 19, 93 Eero Saarinen 83 Eisenman Architects/The University of Phoenix Stadium for the Arizona Cardinals 90 Eladio Dieste 83 Elam, Kimberly 121, 122 Electric Information Age Book, The 124 Electric Pencil, The 4 Elegantissima 75, 118 Elements of Design 121 Ellin, Nan 106 Elliott + Elliott Architecture 84 Empire 124 Encyclopedia of Antique Carpets, The 112 Engineered Transparency 94 Englishman Who Posted Himself and Other Curious Objects, The 125 Ethical Architect, The 105 Ethics for Architects 89 Everything All at Once 83 Expanded Practice 83 Expanded View 90 Explorations 83 Exploring Materials 118 Extreme Textiles 118

F Fabricating Architecture 105 Fain, Bill 96 Fain, William H., Jr. 113 Fallowfield, Giles 124 Farming Cuba 79, 100 Fast-Forward Urbanism 103 Fenton, Joseph 108 Fifty Years of Recuperation of the Situationist International 105 Fig, Joe 62, 112 Figure Drawing 113 Figure/Ground 96 Fili, Louise 53, 75, 118, 119, 123, 124 Filmmaker Says, The 125 Finding Home 67, 112 Firmin, Sandra Q. 111 Fisher, Thomas 89 FitzGerald, Kenneth 121 Five Flights Up and Other New York Apartment Stories 125 Five Houses, Ten Details 105 Flesh 83 Fletcher, H. George 117 FOBA / Buildings 83 Ford, Edward R. 95, 105 Forecast 125 Foresta, Merry A. 65, 123 Form+Code in Design, Art, and Architecture 121 Formerly Urban 103 Form Follows Finance 106 Fougeron, Anne 83 Fougeron Architecture 83 Fox, Michael 12 Fox, Stephen 92 Fraktur Mon Amour 122

Frank Furness 83 Frank Lloyd Wright 96 Frank Lloyd Wright’s Fallingwater 90 Frank, Ze 119 Fredericks & Mae Animal Mask Notecards 52 Fredericks & Mae Playing Cards 52 Freeman, Michael 97 Fresh Dialogue 6 119 Fresh Dialogue 7 119 Fresh Dialogue 8 119 Fresh Dialogue 9 119 Friedlein, Ken 92 Friedman, Avi 98, 106 Friends of Type 54, 59 Fries! 6 From Autos to Architecture 96 From Here t o There 125 From Russia With Doubt 112 Full Irish 96 Function, Restraint, and Subversion in Typography 118 Fuss, Troy 83

G Gamard, Elizabeth 113 Gambini, Cécile 26 Games We Played, The 125 Gandelsonas, Mario 107 Gannon, Todd 90, 91 Garcetti, Gil 91, 100, 115, 116 Garofalo, Francesco 82 Gartman, David 96 Gastil, Raymond W. 102 Gates of Harvard Yard 16 Gateway 100 Gaz, Stan 115 Geis, Patricia 36, 37 Geller, Andrew 82 Generative Design 119 Geography of Home 106 Geometry of Design, Second Edition 69, 121 Ghost 84 Ghost Army of World War II, The 64, 125 Ghostly Ruins 112 Giannetto, Raffaella Fabiani 101 Gibson, David 122 Gill, Bryan Nash 55, 57, 116 Giovannini, Joseph 85 Gissen, David 107 GoatMan 2 God’s Amateur 125 Goldberg, Jeff 91 Goldchain, Rafael 112 Golub, Jennifer 90 Goodman, Andy 34 Goodman, Richard 4 Gordon, Alastair 82, 100 Grafica della Strada 75, 119 Grafton, Anthony 124 Granet, Keith 117, 118 Grant Jones/Jones & Jones 101 Graphic Design: The New Basics 68, 119 Graphic Design Theory 69, 121 Graphic Design Thinking 69, 121 Graphique de la Rue 75 Gray, Lucy 111 Greenest Home, The 97 Green House, The 96 Green, Jared 103 Green Roof—A Case Study 101 Gregory, Danny 125 Grids & Guides 49 Grids & Guides Notepads 49

Grids & Guides Pencils 42 Grids & Guides (Red) 49 Grid Systems 69, 121 Guastavino Vaulting 97 Guerilla Art Kit, The 78, 125 Guggenheim New York | Guggenheim Bilbao 91 Guide to Archigram 1961–74, A 84 Gutman, Robert 104

H Hadar, Dori 114 Hailey, Charlie 11 Hallett, Richard 78, 124 Hamboussi, Anthony 114 Hammett, Jerilou 104 Hammett, Kingsley 104 Hammond, Victoria 116 Hand, Jamie 100 Hand Job 122 Handmade Nation 125 Hand, Nick 124 Handy Book of Artistic Printing, The 119 Hannah, Gail Greet 121 Hansen, Thomas 117 Hardisty, J. Namdev 118 Hardy, Hugh 87 Harmon, Katharine 126, 128 Hartman, George E. 93 Harvard University 92 Harzinski, Kris 125 Havana Guide, The 79, 100 Hawthorne, Christopher 96 Hays, David L. 106 Hays, K. Michael 105 Hayward, Mary Ellen 95 Head, Jeffrey 86 Heeger, Susan 101 Heiferman, Marvin 114 Heimerl, Cortney 125 Helfand, Harvey 92 Helfand, Jessica 127 Heller, Steven 22, 100, 119, 120, 123 Hello World 125 Henry Howard 72, 84 Hibbard, Don 96 Hignite, Todd 127 Hill-Stead 97 Himes, Darius D. 115 Hirsch, Alison 101 History of Architectural Theory, A 106 Hofer, Margaret 125 Hogancamp, Mark 62, 128 Holl, Steven 82, 84, 86, 108, 109, 110 Hollywood Frame by Frame 112 Hong Kong Comics 125 House 84 House for My Mother, A 97 House in the Landscape 97 Houses of Maine 84 Houses of William Wurster, The 84 Höweler, Eric 83 How to Be a Graphic Designer Without Losing Your Soul 69, 119 How to Photograph Buildings and Interiors 97 Hundley, Jessica 126 Hung, Shu 111 Hunter, Matthew 108 Hursley, Timothy 87 Hustvedt, Siri 114 Hutchinson, Peter 116 Hypernatural 89

I I Am a Man Journal 58 I Am My Family 112 Ian McHarg 108 Ilf and Petrov's American Road Trip 126 Ilić, Mirko 120 Impressions of New York 112 Indie Publishing 121 Infographic Designers’ Sketchbooks 119 InfraNet Lab / Lateral Office 110 Infrastructural Monument 14 Ingersoll, Richard 104 Inside Prefab 97 Inside the Artist’s Studio 62, 112 Inside the Painter’s Studio 112 Inside the Rainbow 117 Instant 71, 112 Integrated Design in Contemporary Architecture 94 Interactive Architecture 12 Intertwining 84 In the Age of Dinosaurs 28 In the City 126 In t he Wilds 76, 126 Iowa State Fair 126 I Paid the Light Bill Just to See Your Face 56 Iron 91 Isotype 119 Italian Architecture of the 16th Century 97 Italian Cities and Landscapes 113 It Is Beautiful…then Gone 120 It was so quiet I could hear a pin drop 34 Iwamoto, Lisa 89

J Jackowski, Nannette 110 Jackson, Davina 98 Jackson, Lesley 123 Jacobson, Clare 87, 98 James Carpenter 84 Jenny, Peter 113 Jensen, Kirsten 110 Jetsonen, Jari 87, 95 Jetsonen, Sirkkaliisa 95 Johnson, Scott 82, 96, 99 Johnston, Norman 92 Jones, Partners: Architecture 84 Jørn Utzon 84 Julie Snow Architects 84

K Kahn, Louis 108 Kaiser, Harvey H. 101 Kamin, Blair 16 Kaufmann Mercantile Guide, The 71, 126 Kedan, Elite 86 Keeney, Chris 115, 127 Keep Fresh, Stay Rad 54 Keep the Change 126 Kennett, Bruce 74 Kentner, Jason 102 Kesling Modern Structures 84 KieranTimberlake Associates 91 Killory, Christine 94 Kim, Janette 99 Kim, Jeannie 94, 105 Kindel, Eric 119, 123 King, Ingrid 24 King, Joseph 20 Kinross, Robin 125 Kipnis, Jeffrey 90 Kirwin, Liza 65, 114 Kiser, Joy M. 110

Kitagawa, Fram 111 Kitchen Art Studio, The 113 Kleinman, Kent 91, 104 Klinkenborg, Verlyn 106 Komara, Ann 101 Kopelow, Gerry 89, 97 Krawczyk, Robert J. 94 Kriken, John Lund 103 Kroeger, Michael 108 Kruft, Hanno-Walter 106 Kulper, Perry 110 Kundig, Tom 72, 87 Kurt Schwitters' Merzbau 113 Kuth, Byron 85 Kuth/Ranieri Architects 85 Kwun, Aileen 120

L Ladders 103 Ladies of Letterpress, The 126 La Farge, Phyllis 35 Lai, Jimenez 96 Lamond, John 128 Landprints 101 Landscape Imagination, The 101 Landscape Urbanism Reader, The 101 Lange, Alexandra 90 LaPorte, Indiana 113 Lappin, Sarah A. 96 L’Architecture 93 Large, E. C. 123, 128 Large Parks 101 Large Scale 113 Lawrence Halprin's Skyline Park 101 Learning to See Series 113 Leatherbarrow, David 104 Leborg, Christian 122 Le Corbusier 108 Le Corbusier and the Maisons Jaoul 97 Le Corbusier, Homme de Lettres 106 Le Corbusier Redrawn 97 Le Corbusier Talks with Students 108 Ledoux, Claude-Nicolas 93 LEED Materials 97 Leers, Andrea 85 Leet, Stephen 91 Leisurama Now 97 Lepkoff, Rebecca 113 Lerner, Adam 112, 127 Leslie, Thomas 126 Letarouilly, Paul 19, 93 Let’s Go Letter Hunting 59 Letter by Letter 122 Lettering and Type 121 Leven Betts 85 Leven, David 85 Levine, Barbara 110, 116 Levine, Faythe 115, 125 Levi, Vicki Gold 22, 100 Lewis, David J. 85 Lewis, Paul 85, 109 Lewis.Tsurumaki.Lewis 85 Liberal Monument, The 103 Lickshot 113 Life on the Lower East Side 113 Ligon, Glenn 58 Lima, Manuel 117, 120 Lingerie 126 Lingle, Blake 6 Linn, Robert 99 Lippert, Kevin 64, 128 Lippincott, Jonathan D. 113 Lists 65, 113 Livingston, Morna 99 LoBalbo, Benedetta 66 Loblolly House 91 Local Architecture 98

Local Code 103 Local Color 63, 114 Loeffler, Jane C. 95 Longworth, Karina 112 Loomis, John 100 López-Pérez, Daniel 86 LOST 67, 126 Lost Border 114 Lost Christmas Gift, The 126 Louis I. Kahn 108 Love Letter to the City, A 126 Lovell, Jenny 89 Lucy + Jorge Orta 114 Luna, Paul 123 Luntz, Robert 85 Lupton, Ellen 68, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122 Lyall, Sutherland 94 Lynch, Geoffrey 98 Lyndon, Donlyn 99 Lynn, Greg 82 Lyon, Fred 47, 115

M Mack, Stan 39 MacKay-Lyons, Brian 84, 98 Macon, Sam 115 Made to Measure 85 Maffei, Giorgio 117 Magliaro, Joseph 111 Make It Bigger 120 Making a Case 106 Manfredi, Michael 88 Manhattan Classic 72, 98 Manhattan Skyscrapers 91 Map as Art, The 126 Marcinkoski, Christopher 103 Margulis, Lynn 108 Marina City 85 Mark Mothersbaugh: Collected Facts & Lies 54 Mark Mothersbaugh: Myopia 127 Marpillero, Sandro 84 Martin Boyce 114 Marvel, Jonathan 87 Mary Colter 85 Masterpieces Up Close 39 Material Immaterial 85 Materials for Design 94 Materials for Design 2 94 Material Strategies 89 Matter in the Floating World 98 McCarter, Robert 98, 108 McCartney, Paula 111 McCullough, Lissa 107 McGee, Victor 84 McGill, Melissa 112 McMillan, Elizabeth 90 McQuaid, Matilda 118 Meet the Artist! Alexander Calder 37 Meet the Artist! Henri Matisse 37 Meet the Artist! Pablo Picasso 37 Meet the Artist! Vincent van Gogh 36 Mehrdad Yazdani 85 Meisel, Ari 97 Mellon Square 101 Melting Away 73, 114 Mennel, Timothy 103 Menocal, Happy 54, 67 Menus for Chez Panisse 127 Meredith, Michael 83, 86 Merwood-Salisbury, Joanna 104 Messenger Bag, The 59 Messick, Kendall 127 Meyer, Elizabeth 101 Michael Graves: Images of a Grand Tour 21

Michaels, Adam 124 Michael Sorkin Studio 109 Mies Van der Rohe’s Krefeld Villas 91 Miller, Abbott 117, 122 Miller|Hull Partnership, The 85 Miller, Marla R. 92 Mingering Mike 114 Minka 98 MIT Center for Advanced Urbanism 14, 15 Mitnick, Keith 105 Mitrovic, Branko 89 MIT: The Campus Guide 17 Mixing Messages 120 Model Making 89 Modern American Housing 104 Moderne 98 Modern Modular 85 Moe, Kiel 94, 95 Moheban, Abraham Levi 112 Molon, Dominic 114 Moody, Curtis 85 Moody Nolan Design 85 Moore, Alannah 118 More Mobile 98 More Scenes from the Rural Life 76, 106 More Than Words 65, 114 MOS 86 Moskovitz, Julie Torres 97 Moskow, Keith 99 Munari, Bruno 74, 117 Munari’s Books 74, 117 Murphy, Kevin 96 Musician Says, The 66 My Nature Sticker Activity Book 28–33 Mysteries of the Rectangle 114

N Narrow Houses 98 Nash, Eric P. 91 National Park Architecture Sourcebook, The 101 Natural Architecture Now 101 Natural Houses 86 Nature of Place, The 106 Nell Brooker Mayhew 114 Nelson Byrd Woltz 101 Nesbitt, Kate 107 Nested Notes Egg Sticky Notes 60 Nests & Eggs Notecards 55 Network Practices 106 Newman, Morris 86 New Museums in China 98 New Public Works 104 Newtown Creek 114 Next Wave 98 Ngo, Dung 87 Nigel Peake City and Country 56 Night Owl Journal 57 Nocturne 67, 114 NOISE Lined Journal 58 No Nails, No Lumber 86 (Non-) Essential Knowledge for (New) Architecture 106 Nordstrom, Alison 18 Northwestern University 92 Now Is Then 114

O Oak 115 Obsessive Consumption 115 Ochsendorf, John 97 O’Doherty, Brian 107 O’Gorman, James F. 97 O’Keeffe, Linda 127



Old Buildings, New Designs 89 Once Upon a Time 115 On Vision and Colors 106 Orff, Kate 100 Orr, Stephen 101 Orta, Lucy + Jorge 114 Outside the Box 68, 120 Over and Over 120 Ozcan, Naz Sahin 44 Ozga-Lawn, Matt 110

P Page, Max 92 Paiva, Tom 82 Pamela Burton Landscapes 102 Pamphlet Architecture 108–110 Pancake King, The 35 Paolo Bürgi Landscape Architect 101 Paper Zoo 38 Parallax 86 Paris 115 Paris Changing 18 Participate 122 Pascal, Patrick 84 Pattern Box 50 Pattern Papers 50 Pattern Roll 50 Paula Scher MAPS 58, 127 Paul Rand 108 Paul Rudolph: The Florida Houses 20 Peake, Nigel 56, 126 Pencil Points Reader 93 Pen to Paper 8 Perfetto Pencils 53 Permanent Change 94 Perry, Mike 120, 122 PetCam 115 Peterman, Sara Elands 115 Peterman, Steven 115 Peter Rose 86 Peters, Richard C. 84 Peyré, Yves 117 Pflughaupt, Laurent 122 Phillips, Ian 67, 126 Phillips, Jennifer Cole 119 Philosophy for Architects 89 Picon, Antoine 104 Piedmont-Palladino, Susan 83 Pinhole Cameras 78, 127 Pinnell, Patrick L. 93 Plan of Chicago 93 Pocket Dept. Notebooks, The 59 Pocket Pack, The 59 Points and Lines 98 Poletti, Therese 82 Polyzoides, Stefanos 100 Ponte, Alessandra 104 Pope, Albert 103 Post-Ductility 94 Postmodern Urbanism 106 Pourquié, Bernadette 26 Powers, Stephen 56, 126 Presenting Shakespeare 70, 120 Pridmore, Jay 92 Princeton University 92 Private Landscapes 102 Projectionist, The 127 Project of Autonomy, The 106 Prospect Park 102 Provisional 86 Public Library, The 73, 115 Public Natures 86 Publish Your Photography Book 115 Puente, Moisés 107 Pulled 120



Q Quatre Mots Français Notecards 53 Quattro Parole Italiane Notecards 53

R Racco, Marilisa 126 Rademacher, Susan M. 101 Radical Reconstruction 86 Ramos, Cecilia E. 89 Rand, Ann 24 Rand, Patrick 94 Randl, Chad 55, 98 Rauschenberg, Christopher 18 Ray, Mary-Ann 109 R. Buckminster Fuller 86 Real Photo Postcards 115 Reas, Casey 121 Reclaiming t he American West 102 Recovering Landscape 102 Redgrave, Alexandra 126 Redstone Diary 2017 48 Reilly, Lisa 93 Reinventing t he Wheel 127 Reiser, Jesse 82 Reisley, Roland 99 Remarkable Structures 94 Reps, John W. 103 Responsive Architecture 86 Revett, Nicholas 93 Revolution of Forms 79, 100 Revolving Architecture 98 Rhinehart, Raymond 91 Rice University 92 Richard Haag 102 Richard Neutra’s Miller House 91 Robbins, Mark 102, 104 Robinson, Mimi 63, 114 Roderick, John 98 Rodriguez, Eduardo 100 Rogers Marvel Architects 87 Rogers, Rob 87 Romains, Jules 105 Roman, Antonio 83 Ronan, John 83 Rose, Brian 114 Rosenberg, Daniel 124 Rose, Peter 86 Ross, David 109 Rothenstein, Julian 117 Rowe, Colin 97 Rural Studio 87 Rural Studio at Twenty 127 Ruscha, Ed 58 Russell, Harriet 38 Ryan, Zoë 103

S Saarinen Houses 87 Sabini, Oscar 38 Sacred Spaces 98 Sahre, Paul 97, 125 Sammlung Architektonischer Entwürfe 93 Sample, Hilary 83 San Francisco, Portrait of a City 1940–1960 115 San Francisco: Portrait of a City Notecards 47 Sapan, Josh 111 Sartwell, Matt 66 Satkowski, Leon 97 Saunders, William S. 102 Savig, Mary 8 Sayles, Elizabeth 64, 125 Scaling Infrastructure 15 Scamozzi, Ottavio Bertotti 93 Schalansky, Judith 122

Scher, Paula 39, 120, 127 Schinkel, Karl Friedrich 93 Schlesinger, Toni 125 Schleuning, Sarah 98 Schnapp, Jeffrey T. 124 Schneiderman, Deborah 97 Schumacher, Thomas L. 91 Schwarzer, Mitchell 107 Scofidio, Ricardo 83 Scott, Traer 57, 67, 112, 114 Seaman, Camille 114 Sea Ranch, The 99 Serraino, Pierluigi 99 Seventy-five Artist Books 116 Seventy-nine Short Essays on Design 120 Shadow Type 123 Shand-Tucci, Douglass 17, 92 Shanghai Reflections 107 Shaughnessy, Adrian 119 Shea, Andrew 121 Shellen, Chris 62, 128 Sherman, Roger 103 Shirt Pocket, The 59 Shoes 127 Siegal, Jennifer 98 Sign Painters 77, 115 Sigrid Calon Memory Game 43 Sigrid Calon Notecards 43, 51 Sites of Impact 115 Sketchbook Project World Tour, The 63, 115 Skrdla, Harry 112 Slow Manifesto: Lebbeus Woods Blog 87 Small Scale 99 Smeijers, Fred 123 Smith College 92 Smith, G. E. Kidder 99 Smith, Keri 125 Smithsonian’s Archives of American Art 8, 65, 113, 114, 123 Smith Tapes, The 71 Smout Allen 109 Snapshot Chronicles 116 Snow, Julie 84 Soak Wash Rinse Spin 120 Solid States 95 Solomon, Jonathan D. 105, 106, 107, 109 Songel, Juan María 107 Source Book of American Architecture 99 Southern Comfort 99 Southern Makers 127 Souvenir Nation 127 Spampinato, Francesco 111, 112 Speck, Lawrence W. 92 Spector, Tom 105 Spier, Steven 99 Spiller, Harley J. 126 Spivack, Emily 128 Sprawltown 104 Square Circle Triangle 74, 117 Stahl, Georg 106 Stahl, Julie Muller 118 Starr, S. Frederick 99 Steele, James 88 Stephenson, David 116 Steps t o Water 99 Sternberger, Paul 117 Stern, Jamie Thompson 66, 125 Stickwork 116 Stojmirovic, Zvezdana 122 Stoller, Ezra 90, 91 Storm and the Fall, The 87 Strange Trees 26 Stravitz, David 90

Street Value 104 Strips, Toons, and Bluesies 127 Stuart, James 93 Studio and Cube 107 Studio Life 116 Subnature 107 Suburbanization of New York, The 104 Sugar in the Air 128 Survival City 107 Sustainable Design 89 Sustain and Develop 107 Sutro, Dirk 92 Suzuki, Osamu 96 Swackhamer, Marc 89 Swanson, Mary Virginia 115 Swiss Made 99 Sykes, A. Krista 105 Symmes, Marilyn 112

T Tadao Ando 108 Talarico, Lita 123 Tall Building 99 Tanney, Joseph 85 Tatarella, Francesca 101 Taylor, Stephen 115 Taymor, Julie 120 Terminal Bar 116 Terragni’s Danteum 91 Textile Arts Center 50 Theater of Architecture 87 Theorizing a New Agenda for Architecture 107 There’s Nothing Funny About Design 120 Thermally Active Surfaces in Architecture 95 Thierney, Therese 106 Thinking with Type 68, 122 Think/Make 87 30 Years of Emerging Voices 96 Thoreau, Henry David 46 Thoreau Notecards 46 Thrown Rope 116 Thwaites, Thomas 2 Tilder, Lisa 105 Timpane, John 99 Tingey, John 125 Toaster Project, The 78, 128 To Each His Home 99 Tolleson Design 120 Tom Kundig: Houses 2 87 Tom Kundig:Works 72 Tom Leader Studio 102 Toward a New Interior 107 Toyo Ito 87 Transmaterial 95 Transmaterial 2 95 Transmaterial 3 95 Tree Gardens 102 Trigg, Sarah 116 Truman, James 119 Tschanz, Martin 99 Tsurumaki, Marc 85 Tully, Peggy 104 Turnbull, Jessie A. 87 Tutti Frutti Pencils 53 Twentieth-Century Pattern Design 123 Twenty Over Eighty 120 Type Now 123 Type on Screen 68, 122 Typographic Systems 68, 122 Typography Papers 9 123 Typography Sketchbooks 68, 123

U Umebayashi, Katsu 83 Umemoto, Nanako 82 Underdome Guide to Energy Reform, The 99 University of California, Berkeley 92 University of California, San Diego 92 University of Cincinnati 92 University of Massachusetts Amherst 92 University of Texas at Austin 92 University of Washington 92 Unlearning to Draw 113 Urban Composition 90 Usonia, New York 99 Utkin, Ilya 111 Utzon, Jørn 84

V Vanderbilt, Tom 107 VanderLans, Rudy 121 Van Duzer, Leslie 91 Van Gogh Repetitions 58 Van Lengen, Karen 93 Vassar College 93 Vatican and Saint Peter’s Basilica of Rome, The 93 Venezky, Martin 120 Veresani, Luca 82 Vettese, Maria Alexandra 116 Vickery, Margaret Birney 92 Victore, James 119 Vintage Sparkle 51 Vintage Typography Notecards 56 Virilio, Paul 96 Visions of Heaven 116 Visual Complexity 69, 120 Visual Grammar 122 Volume 121 von Lucius, Clemens 116 Voulangas, Angela 119

Williamson, Kate T. 123, 128 Willis, Carol 106 Winter, Steven 97 Wise, Chris 86 Wise, Michael Z. 105 Wolff, Laetitia 115 Woltz, Thomas L. 101 Wong, Wendy Siuyi 125 Woodcut 73, 116 Woodcut Notebooks 57 Woodcut Notecards 55 Woods, Lebbeus 86, 87, 109 Woo, Rosten 104 Workbook 100 Worn Stories 70, 128 Worswick, Clark 18 Writing about Architecture 90

Y Yale University 93 Year in Japan, A 128 Year of Mornings, A 116 Yessios, Chris I. 99 Yoon, J. Meejin 83 Yoshikawa, Isao 96 You Are Here 128 Young Architects 88

Z Zaha Hadid / BMW Central Building 91 ZoomScape 107

W Waldheim, Charles 10, 101 Walker, Sue 119 Wallenstein, Sven-Olov 105 Wandering the Garden of Technology and Passion 99 Wark, McKenzie 105 War Plan Red 64, 128 Wasserman, Krystyna 117 Water is Key 116 Watts, Ben 111, 113 Waxman, Nach 66, 124 Wayfinding Handbook, The 122 Weekend Utopia 100 Weinstein, Amy 115 Weinthal, Lois 104, 107 Weiss/Manfredi 88 Weiss/Manfredi 86 Weiss, Marion 88 Welcome to Marwencol 62 Werbler, Elisa 56, 60 Werner, Megan 89 Werthmann, Christian 101 We Sit Together 116 What Can I Be? 24 What Did I Buy Today? 60 What Did I Eat Today? 60 Whiskey 128 Whitaker, William 96 White, Jessica 126 Who Built That? Modern Houses 40 Who Built That? Skyscrapers 40 Willen, Bruce 121 William Addison Dwiggins: Stencilled Ornament and Illustration 74, 121 William L. Pereira 88



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