Pulled: A Catalog of Screen Printing

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Anna Giertz . . .68

PREFACE by Mike Perry . . .12 How To Screen Print by Dan Black ...14


Aesthetic Apparatus 18 Ashkahn 30 Scott Barry 34 Deanne Cheuk 40 Josh Cochran 42 Michael Coleman 46 Jim Datz 52 DEMO 54 Rachel Domm 62 E*Rock 66 Anna Giertz 68 Gluekit 72 J. Namdev Hardisty 76 Steven Harrington 80 Maya Hayuk 88 Andrew Holder 92 Cody Hudson 100 Imeus Design 108 Jeremyville 112 Kaleidophant 118 Landland 122 Daniel Luedtke 132

David Maron 144 Marque & Anna Wolf 150 Blake E. Marquis 154 Scott Massey 156 Garrett Morin 166 Andy Mueller 168 Chris Silas Neal 176 Mike Perry 182 Pietari Posti 188 Luke Ramsey 190 Rinzen 194 Chris Rubino 198 Nathaniel Russell 202 Seripop 208 Andy Smith 222 Marcroy Smith 228 Sonnenzimmer 230 Joel Speasmaker 234 Jim Stoten 236 James Victore 238 Hannah Waldron 240 Index 250


Despite the advances in digital printing, when I first started screen printing in 2001, it was still cheaper for me to screen print one hundred posters than it was to have them digitally printed. It wasn’t just the economy of screen printing that appealed to me but also the culture: the kids who were burning screens in their bathrooms and printing in their bedrooms, and the artists at Space 1026, in Philadelphia, and Fort Thunder, in Providence, inspired me most. With this book, I hope to share with you my appreciation and love for this work. Every mailing tube and carefully wrapped package of prints I received for this project offered an intimate view of its maker. I could see evidence of the time and energy poured into each print. I could feel the texture, the overprints, the accidents—the labor. There are things you just can’t achieve with digital prints, like the quality of Aesthetic Apparatus’s nineteen-color print

(pages 26–27). Or Landland’s set of proofing prints (pages 122–31) that explores the effect of overlapping images. Or Seripop’s equally dense and delightful prints that push layering, overprinting, and abstraction (pages 208–21). There is so much process, care, and craft in this work. In many ways, I still feel that same sense of wonder, thrill, and nostalgia every time I pull a print, and I’m excited to share that passion. It seems only fitting to produce a book that is not only a survey but also a how-to; it wouldn’t be in the spirit of screen printing to do anything less than get your hands dirty. Now that I spend so much time in front of a computer, I savor every chance I get to print. You just can’t beat what happens when ink is laid down on paper: it smells good, it’s messy, and it takes some muscle. It gets me moving and it moves me. I can only hope it does the same for you.





Aesthetic Apparatus


Often considered Minneapolis’s best unknown design team, Aesthetic Apparatus was founded around 1999 in Madison, Wisconsin, by Dan Ibarra and Michael Byzewski as a fun side project. Over the years, their limitededition, screen-printed concert posters have secretly snuck into the hearts and minds of a small, rather silent group of socially awkward music and design nerds. Now, Aesthetic Apparatus is a full-time, full-fledged, insanely unstoppable, and occasionally awardwinning design megastudio.

opposite Simian Cyclopia, 2008. Personal. Art print. 5 color. Edition of 100.

top Doom in Bloom, 2009. Doomdrips series. Art print. 3 color. Edition of 100.

Bottom Self-Portrait of a Bike Commuter, 2009. Exhibition, Artcrank Poster Show, One on One Bicycle Studio, Minneapolis, MN. Art print. 3 color. Edition of 160.

Aesthetic Apparatus


left Nightwindows V3, 2009. Personal. Art print. 2 color. Open edition.

opposite top left Doombuddy II: Mister Tibbets First Blood, 2007. Doomdrips series. Art print. 3 color. Edition of 190.

opposite top right Doombuddy I: Code Name: Mister Tibbets, 2007. Doomdrips series. Art print. 3 color. Edition of 190.

opposite bottom left Doombuddy IV: Mister Tibbets Prince Of Doom, 2009. Doomdrips series. Art print. 3 color. Edition of 190.

opposite bottom right Doombuddy III: Mister Tibbets Project X, 2008. Doomdrips series. Art print. 3 color. Edition of 190.


Aesthetic Apparatus



opposite top left Hor Good, 2008. Frank L. Sprayberry Presidential Collage Series. Art print. 6 color. Edition of 100.

opposite top right Slit, 2008. Frank L. Sprayberry Presidential Collage Series. Art print. 3 color. Edition of 100.

opposite bottom left Lite, 2008. Frank L. Sprayberry Presidential Collage Series. Art print. 6 color. Edition of 100.

opposite bottom right 21 Inch, 2008. Frank L. Sprayberry Presidential Collage Series. Art print. 4 color. Edition of 100.

Above Dose, 2008. Frank L. Sprayberry Presidential Collage Series. Art print. 4 color. Edition of 100.

Aesthetic Apparatus


left Deal, 2008. Frank L. Sprayberry Presidential Collage Series. Art print. 5 color. Edition of 100.

opposite Frank L. Sprayberry, 2008. Frank L. Sprayberry Presidential Collage Series. Art print. 5 color. Edition of 100.


Aesthetic Apparatus


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