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SssSssssSsss SsSecretsssSs ssssSssssSss! S17 2-15 Fold XV


A Wonderful Serenity Has Possession


Pityful Rethoric Question Ran Over Her Cheek

Feel the Charm of Existence


Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries B Y E M I LY H S E E Vokalia and Consonantia, there A wonderful serenity has taken live the blind texts. Separated they possession of my entire soul, like live in Bookmarksgrove right at these sweet mornings of spring the coast of the Semantics, a large which I enjoy with my whole language ocean. A small river heart. I am alone, and feel the named Duden flows by their place charm of existence in this spot, and supplies it with the necessary which was created for the bliss regelialia. It is a paradisematic of souls like mine. I am so hapcountry, in which roasted parts py, my dear friend, so absorbed of sentences fly into your mouth. in the exquisite sense of mere Even the all-powerful Pointing has tranquil existence, that I neglect no control about the blind texts it my talents. I should be incapais an almost unorthographic life ble of drawing a single stroke at One day however a small line of the present moment; and yet I blind text by the name of Lorem feel that I never was a greater Ipsum decided to leave for the far artist than now. When, while the World of Grammar. lovely valley teems with vapour The Big Oxmox advised her around me, and the meridian sun not to do so, because there were strikes the upper surface of the thousands of bad Commas, wild impenetrable foliage of my trees, Question Marks and devious and but a few stray gleams steal Semikoli, but the Little Blind Text into the inner sanctuary, I throw didn’t listen. She packed her sevmyself down among the tall grass en versalia, put her initial into the by the trickling stream; and, as I belt and made herself on the way. lie close to the earth, a thousand When she reached the first hills unknown plants are noticed by of the Italic Mountains, she had me: when I hear the buzz of the a last view back on the skyline of little world among the stalks, and into the inner sanctuary, I throw her hometown Bookmarksgrove, grow familiar with the countless the headline of Alphabet Village indescribable forms of the insects myself down among the tall grass and the subline of her own road, and flies, then I feel the presence by the trickling stream; and, as I lie close to the earth, a thousand the Line Lane. Pityful a rethoric of the Almighty, who formed us question ran over her cheek, then in his own image, and the breath unknown plants are noticed by me: when I hear the buzz of the she continued her way. On her of that universal love which little world among the stalks, and way she met a copy. The copy bears and sustains us, as it floats “Happiness lies in your own hand grow familiar with the countwarned the Little Blind Text, around us in an eternity of bliss. It took me much too long to understand less indescribable forms of the that where it came from it would And then, my friend, when How it could be insects and flies, then I feel the have been rewritten a thousand darkness overspreads my eyes, Until you shared your secret with me” presence of the Almighty, who times and everything that was left and heaven and earth seem to —Madonna formed us in his own image, and from its origin would be the word dwell in my soul and absorb its “and” and the Little Blind Text power, like the form of a beloved the breath of that universal love which bears and sustains us, as it mistress, then I often think with As architecture students, we’re very familiar with should turn around and return to floats around us in an eternity of its own, safe country. longing, Oh, would I could de“post.” (For instance—postmodernism.) From the bliss; and then, my friend, when But nothing the copy said could scribe these conceptions, could one-time only postal service to YSoA, this one’s darkness overspreads my eyes, convince her and so it didn’t take impress upon paper all that is addressed to you. So here goes: and heaven and earth seem to long until a few insidious Copy living so full and warm within dwell in my soul and absorb its Writers ambushed her, made her me, that it might be the mirror Dear readers, power, like the form of a beloved drunk with Longe and Parole and of my soul, as my soul is the Here’s our secret: we needed a break from anamistress, then I often think with mirror of the infinite God! O my lytic articles. (Here’s another one—posthumanism). dragged her into their agency, where they abused her for their friend—but it is too much for my longing. Honestly, if we had read the word “ideology” one Oh, would I could describe projects again and again. And if strength—I sink under the weight more time… of the splendour of these visions! these conceptions, could impress (Post-digital.) Hopefully this came across the desk she hasn’t been rewritten, then upon paper all that is living so they are still using her. Far far A wonderful serenity has taken of those of you that felt the same way and the othpossession of my entire soul, like full and warm within me, that it ers of you that are secretly gossip trolls. (Post punk.) away, behind the word mounmight be the mirror of my soul, tains, far from the countries these sweet mornings of spring We wanted to hear from you—your secrets, your as my soul is the mirror of the in- fears, your overheard oddities, your letters, why Vokalia and Consonantia, there which I enjoy with my whole finite God! O my friend—but it is live the blind texts. Separated heart. I am alone, and feel the you were crying in the 7th floor bathroom, your too much for my strength—I sink message for your studio crush. (Post aestheticism.) they live in Bookmarksgrove right charm of existence in this spot, at the coast of the Semantics, a which was created for the bliss of under the weight of the splendour You wrote us letters and entrusted your notes to of these visions! A wonderful large language ocean. souls like mine. Minerva. (Post parametric.) Still more of you kept A small river named Duden I am so happy, my dear friend, serenity has taken possession of your secret feelings to yourselves, but hey—now flows by their place and supplies so absorbed in the exquisite sense my entire soul, like these sweet your studio crush will never know that someone mornings of spring which I enjoy feels the way you do. (Post coital.) it with the necessary regelialia. of mere tranquil existence, that I It is a paradisematic country, in neglect my talents. I should be in- with my whole heart. I am alone, We’re lucky that we get to choose where our which roasted parts of sentences capable of drawing a single stroke and feel the charm of existence secrets go. Today some things are censored, and in this spot, which was created fly into your mouth. Even the at the present moment; and yet some things aren’t, and we often have trouble tellfor the bliss of souls like mine. I all-powerful Pointing has no conI feel that I never was a greater ing which is which. (Post-apocalyptic.) am so happy, my dear friend, so artist than now. When, while the A wise second-year once told us that people at this trol about the blind texts it is an absorbed in the exquisite sense lovely valley teems with vapour school bottle things up, but we should really just say almost unorthographic life One around me, and the meridian sun of mere tranquil existence, that them. (Posthumous [architecture for ghosts].) It feels day however a small line of blind I neglect my talents. I should be text by the name of Lorem Ipsum strikes the upper surface of the good to let it out once in awhile; share your secret incapable of drawing a single impenetrable foliage of my trees, with someone, à la Madonna. (Post adolescence.) So decided to leave for the far World stroke at the present moment. of Grammar. and but a few stray gleams steal for some inspiration, just for you, here are some of I enjoy with my whole heart. I On her way she met a copy. YSoA’s very own post secrets. (Post.) am alone, and feel the charm of The copy warned the Little Blind XOXO existence in this spot, which was Text, that where it came from A.R., Emily, Emily, Julia created for the bliss. it would have been rewritten a thousand times and everything Contributors that was left from its origin would Anonymous be the word “and” and the Little Blind Text should turn around Issue Editors and return to its own, safe counAnna Rose Canzano (B。 A。 2O18), try. But nothing the copy said Emily Hsee (B。 A。 2O18), could convince her and so it Emily Golding (B。 A。 2O18), The Senate confirmed Betsy didn’t take long until a few insidDeVos on Tuesday as education Julia Medina (B。 A。 2O18) Continue Reading the Main Story— ious Copy Writers ambushed her, secretary, approving the embatthe Trump White House made her drunk with Longe and tled nominee only with the help Graphic Design Parole and dragged her into their of a historic tiebreaking vote from Franci Virgili (M。 F。 A。 2O17) agency, where they abused her Vice President Mike Pence. Isn’t it ironic that Mike Pence, a guy that was for their projects again and again. The 51-to-50 vote elevates Ms. in all probability was not going to be re-elected in Coordinating Editors And if she hasn’t been rewritten, Indiana, should make such a momentous... “Betsy Francesca Carney (M。 Arch I。 2O17), DeVos—a wealthy donor from then they are still using her. Michigan who has devoted much DeVos” and “Secretary of Education” in the same Abena Bonna (M。 Arch I。 2O18) of her life to expanding educasentence? I don’t have young children, and that has me peeling myself off the walls.... Teacher’s The views expressed in Paprika tional choice through charter schools and vouchers, but has unions hate Charter Schools because they are do not represent those of the non-union. DeVos believes in Charter schools. Yale School of Architecture. Please limited experience with the pubOlder mobile home lic school system—to be steward Therefore, the teacher’s unions hate... The two send all comments and correcRepublicans who voted against the nominee, Sentions to of the nation’s schools. 2000 DOUBLE WIDE Two Republicans voted against ators Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski To read Paprika online, please of Alaska, announced their opposition to her last LPNs NEEDED visit our website, Ms. DeVos’s confirmation, a sign that some members of President week. In back-to-back floor speeches, the lawmakPaprika receives no funding Trump’s party are willing to go ers said Ms. DeVos was unqualified because of a from the School of Architecture. against him, possibly foreshadlack of familiarity with public schools and with laws We thank GPSS and the Yale owing difficulty on some of the meant to protect students, despite her passion for University Art Gallery for their president’s more contentious helping them. support. legislative priorities. Ms. Collins and Ms. Murkowski said they had It was the first time that a vice also been influenced by the thousands of messages president has been summoned they had received urging them to reject the nomito the Capitol to break a tie on a nation. For many in the education community, Ms. cabinet nomination, according to DeVos’s full-throated support for charter schools Excellent pay. Call Roy the Senate historian. Taking the and vouchers—which allow students to use taxpayBridges or Diwanna Sanders 31 °F gavel as the vote deadlocked at er dollars to pay tuition at private, religious and Precipitation 6O % 50-50, Mr. Pence, a former mem- for-profit schools—is emblematic of a disconnection 318-872-9911 Humidity 61 % ber of the House. from the realities of the education system. Wind 12 mph

Letter From the Editors


To Be Steward


Recent Comments

sSecretsSs WHEN while the lovely valley teems with vapour around me, and the meridian sun strikes the upper surface of the impenetrable foliage Kevin Stutts Appliances Come see us for your parts & appliance needs. Washers, Dryers, Refrigerators, Freezers, Ranges, and Air Conditioners. 100 Texas St., Mansfield, Phone 872-5357, Mon-Fri 8–5 LPNs NEEDED at Mansfield Nursing Center Full and part time. Excellent pay. Call Roy Bridges or Diwanna Sanders at 318-872-9911. BALDWIN LARGE Church Organ, Model M-1, cherry condition, 5 speakers. Fraction of original cost. Will deliver. Call 219-1900 for details

Classifieds BEAUTIFUL IVORY traditional style wedding dress with petticoat & long train, like new, professionally preserved, size 8, $300 obo. Must see! Carolyn after 5 p.m. 318-549-3032

BALDWIN LARGE Church Organ, Model M-1, cherry condition, 5 speakers. Fraction of original cost. Will deliver. Call 219-1900 for details

FIRST TIME BUYERS One year good rental reference, one year Job time and 1 piece good credit. Call 800-201-6966 or 318-752-4663.

Attention Medicare Recipients: You may qualify for an electr ic wheelchair. A&D Health care at 1-800, 497-9960.

LAND FOR SALE. Owner financing, beautiful wooded 2 1/2 acre tracts, $75 per month, total $5,900, near Caddo Lake, 15 miles from Shreveport Texas side. Toll free 1-888-908--4600

LAND FOR SALE. Owner financing, beautiful wooded 2 1/2 acre tracts, $75 per month, total $5,900, near Caddo Lake, 15 miles from Shreveport Texas side. Toll free 1-888-908--4600

BEAUTIFUL IVORY traditional style wedding dress with petticoat & long train, like new, professionally preOlder mobile home for sale in served, size 8, $300 obo. Must see! Many-great location (possibility to continue lot rental ). Excellent condi- Carolyn after 5 p.m. 318-549-3032 tion. 2BR/1 BA Champion Home Master Bikes, His & Hers, 15 Do you have a down payment? Do Center, Natchitoches. 356-9866 or speed $75.00 each. Ventura guitar, you have a Job? If yes, you can 1-877-496-9866 standard $100.00. Peavey Elect own a manufactured home. Call guitar with Amp $150.00, firm. Call 2ND CHANCE FINANCE! We qual- 318-747-3500. 872-4759. ify everyone, no application refused. 1998 16x80 3/2 in quiet park, AsWe own the bank! Call 1-877-551Older mobile home for sale in sumable with small down. Call 3183572 or 747-1099. Many-great location (possibility to 746-5911 or 1-877-551-3572. continue lot rental ). Excellent condi5-FAMILY Garage Sale, Saturday, tion. 2BR/1 BA Champion Home The Laser cutting room; the back Oct. 5. 7 a.m.until. Hwy 191 at the Center, Natchitoches. 356-9866 or door of Rudolph; the 4th floor pit will Log House. Furniture, household 1-877-496-9866 items, toys, baby stuff and more. always remind me of you 2000 DOUBLE WIDE with 5.23 WIDE LEG PANTS look great on acres. Must sell! Owner financing George Knight. Older mobile home for sale in terms negotiable. Call 318-549Many-great location (possibility to 3855 before 8pm For sale 1995, 16’x80’, 3/2 Wellcontinue lot rental ). Excellent condicared for home, must see to appretion. 2BR/1 BA Champion Home Call to see if you qualify for a ciate. Call Steve@ (318)747-9700 Center, Natchitoches. 356-9866 or mobile home government loan! or (900)672-0263 1-877-496-9866 Easy qualifying… No application refused… Call 1-877-551-3572. Attention Medicare Recipients: LAND FOR SALE. Owner financYou may qualify for an electr ic own ing, beautiful wooded 2 1/2 acre TRACTOR REPAIRS, new and a manufactured home. Call tracts, $75 per month, total $5,900, used parts. Parts in stock: AG drive near Caddo Lake, 15 miles from wheelchair. A&D Health care at shafts, fuel filters, u-joints/yokes, 1-800, 497-9960. Shreveport Texas side. Toll free slip clutch, tune-up kits, voltage reg- 1-888-908--4600 ulators, seals and more. Specialized Services , 500 Gibbs, 872-0459. CNAS WANTED Full time/part time. We’re looking for a few caring CNAs Kevin Stutts Appliances Come to join our team. Pleasant work see us for your parts & appliance environment and good payed meals needs. Washers, Dryers, Refrigerprovided. lf interested call Sandy ators, Freezers, Ranges, and Air Scott RN, DON, Green Meadow Conditioners. 100 Texas St., MansHaven at (318)932-5201 COME field, Phone 872-5357, Mon-Fri 8–5 ABOARD!!!

LPNs NEEDED 2000 DOUBLE WIDE Excellent pay. Call Roy Bridges or Diwanna Sanders 318-872-9911

BEAUTIFUL IVORY traditional style wedding dress with petticoat & long train, like new, professionally preserved, size 8, $300 obo. Must see! Carolyn after 5 p.m. 318-549-3032 sumable with small down. Call 318746-5911 or 1-877-551-3572. FIRST TIME BUYERS One year good rental reference, one year Job time and 1 piece good credit. Call 800-201-6966 or 318-752-4663. SINGLE PARENT financing available. Call to qualify: 318-752-4663 or 800 -201-6966. LAND FOR SALE. Owner financing, beautiful wooded 2 1/2 acre tracts, $75 per month, total $5,900, near Caddo Lake, 15 miles from Shreveport Texas side. Toll free 1-888-908--4600 BEAUTIFUL IVORY traditional style wedding dress with petticoat & long train, like new, professionally preserved, size 8, $300 obo. Must see! Carolyn after 5 p.m. 318-549-3032 LAND AVAILABLE for Land/Home packages. Limited Time! Call Frank today for assistance. 356-9866 or 1-877-496-9866 BALDWIN LARGE Church Organ, Model M-1, cherry condition, 5 speakers. Fraction of original cost. Will deliver. Call 219-1900 for details When we dated in 2014 you told me about your big syrian family. i’m thinking about you today AWESOME new 3 bed, 2 bath home. Full house of appliances, Only $362 per month (10% dp, home only, WAC, tax not included) Do you have a down payment? Do you have a Job? If yes, you can own a manufactured home. Call 318-747-3500. 2000 DOUBLE WIDE with 5.23 acres. Must sell! Owner financing terms negotiable. Call 318-5493855 before 8pm

I’ll never fail to find you in a crowd

Master Bikes, His & Hers, 15 speed $75.00 each. Ventura guitar, standard $100.00. Peavey Elect guitar with Amp $150.00, firm. Call 872-4759. Elegy for a Sophomore Undergraduate Having Pulled Her First All-Nighter I first came upon You when You were but a freshman The light shone in Your eyes You asked me Questions about Architecture I answered questions about architecture And yet now I see You Dull and lifeless, keeled over Your Mayline An empty coffee cup dribbling on Your shoes O For You there will be no more crying No more pin ups or quick naps on the carpet in the pit Never more will You see the sun rise over the grisly grey of the balcony A wrapper from the vending machine clenched tightly in Your sweaty fingers When They ask me where You have gone What shall I say–? That You have slipped between the cracks of this, our treacherous existence? That You have stumbled and dropped off this mortal plane? Shall I lament Your passing, carve Your name into the still and cold walls of our shared tomb? No–I shall say of You only She dropped the major

FIRST TIME BUYERS One year good rental reference, one year Job time and 1 piece good credit. Call 800-201-6966 or 318-752-4663. BEAUTIFUL IVORY traditional style wedding dress with petticoat & long train, like new, professionally preserved, size 8, $300 obo. Must see! Carolyn after 5 p.m. 318-549-3032 Kevin Stutts Appliances Come see us for your parts & appliance needs. Washers, Dryers, Refrigerators, Freezers, Ranges, and Air Conditioners. 100 Texas St., Mansfield, Phone 872-5357, Mon-Fri 8–5 For sale 1995, 16’x80’, 3/2 Wellcared for home, must see to appreciate. Call Steve@ (318)747-9700 or (900)672-0263

WHY SO SERIOUS? Have more fun. Kevin Stutts Appliances Come see us for your parts & appliance needs. Washers, Dryers, Refrigerators, Freezers, Ranges, and Air Conditioners. 100 Texas St., Mansfield, Phone 872-5357, Mon-Fri 8–5 MAS TREASURES Trade Days Now open 1/5 of a mile off Hwy. 84 at 2308 Charlie Jones Rd. in the Stanley community. Hours: 9am–6pm Friday and Saturday, 1pm–6pm Sunday. Open weekend of the 1st Friday of each mo. Next dates are Sept. 6–8; Oct. 4–6; Nov. 1–3 & Dec. 6–8 Admission: No charge for children, $1 per person (With Reduced Prices for Carloads) For information on rental of booth or tent spaces call (318) 697-4789 or (501) 520-4141

SINGLE PARENT financing available. Call to qualify: 318-752-4663 or 800 -201-6966. SIMONA

For sale 1995, 16’x80’, 3/2 Wellcared for home, must see to appreciate. Call Steve@ (318)747-9700 or (900)672-0263 Attention Medicare Recipients: You may qualify for an electr ic wheelchair. A&D Health care at 1-800, 497-9960. Kevin Stutts Appliances Come see us for your parts & appliance needs. Washers, Dryers, Refrigerators, Freezers, Ranges, and Air Conditioners. 100 Texas St., Mansfield, Phone 872-5357, Mon-Fri 8–5 FIRST TIME BUYERS One year good rental reference, one year Job time and 1 piece good credit. Call 800-201-6966 or 318-752-4663. Attention Medicare Recipients: You may qualify for an electr ic wheelchair. A&D Health care at 1-800, 497-9960. I think Paul Rudolph was kind of hot NICE OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE 1900 sq. ft., Kitchenette, Very nice! 1140 Polk St., Mansfield Call 8721458 or 858-2562 For sale 1995, 16’x80’, 3/2 Wellcared for home, must see to appreciate. Call Steve@ (318)747-9700 or (900)672-0263 LAND FOR SALE. Owner financing, beautiful wooded 2 1/2 acre tracts, $75 per month, total $5,900, near Caddo Lake, 15 miles from Shreveport Texas side. Toll free 1-888-908--4600 Attention Medicare Recipients: You may qualify for an electr ic wheelchair. A&D Health care at 1-800, 497-9960. PACKAGE DEALS on mobile home w/ land and all improvement. 318747-3500. Master Bikes, His & Hers, 15 speed $75.00 each. Ventura guitar, standard $100.00. Peavey Elect guitar with Amp $150.00, firm. Call 872-4759. 2000 DOUBLE WIDE with 5.23 acres. Must sell! Owner financing terms negotiable. Call 318-5493855 before 8pm

PACKAGE DEALS on mobile home w/ land and all improvement. 318747-3500.

Call to see if you qualify for a mobile home government loan! Easy qualifying… No application refused… Call 1-877-551-3572.

2000 DOUBLE WIDE with 5.23 acres. Must sell! Owner financing terms negotiable. Call 318-5493855 before 8pm

CUSTOM BUILT Mftd. Homes. High Quality. Low Financing. Special pricing for Limited time! Call Eric today. 356-9866 or 1-877-496-9866

Call to see if you qualify for a mobile home government loan! Easy qualifying… No application refused… Call 1-877-551-3572.

SINGLE PARENT financing available. Call to qualify: 318-752-4663 or 800 -201-6966.

FINANCE NOW Lowest rate in 30 years, Land and Land/Home Packages. Limited Timel Call Ralph at 356-9866 or 1-877-496-9866 Fantastic Deal! New 4 bed, 3 bath, all appliances included, 2077 sq ft only $373 per mo. (10% dp, home only, WAC, tax not included) 800672-0263. Older mobile home for sale in Many-great location (possibility to continue lot rental ). Excellent condition. 2BR/1 BA Champion Home Center, Natchitoches. 356-9866 or 1-877-496-9866 LAND FOR SALE. Owner financing, beautiful wooded 2 1/2 acre tracts, $75 per month, total $5,900, near Caddo Lake, 15 miles from Shreveport Texas side. Toll free 1-888-908--4600

LAND AVAILABLE for Land/Home packages. Limited Time! Call Frank today for assistance. 356-9866 or 1-877-496-9866 if this whole [architecture] thing doesn’t work out I just want to be a hermit park ranger AWESOME new 3 bed, 2 bath home. Full house of appliances, Only $362 per month (10% dp, home only, WAC, tax not included) Do you have a down payment? Do you have a Job? If yes, you can own a manufactured home. Call 318-747-3500. 1998 16x80 3/2 in quiet park, Assumable with small down. Call 318746-5911 or 1-877-551-3572.

Master Bikes, His & Hers, 15 speed $75.00 each. Ventura guitar, standard $100.00. Peavey Elect CUSTOM BUILT Mftd. Homes. High guitar with Amp $150.00, firm. Call Quality. Low Financing. Special pric- 872-4759. ing for Limited time! Call Eric today. BEAUTIFUL IVORY traditional style 356-9866 or 1-877-496-9866 wedding dress with petticoat & long train, like new, professionally preBALDWIN LARGE Church Orserved, size 8, $300 obo. Must see! gan, Model M-1, cherry condition, Carolyn after 5 p.m. 318-549-3032 5 speakers. Fraction of original cost. Will deliver. Call 219-1900 for details

Classifieds BALDWIN LARGE Church Organ, Model M-1, cherry condition, 5 speakers. Fraction of original cost. Will deliver. Call 219-1900 for details DAILY PLATE LUNCHES Fish, Shrimp, Oyster Plates & Po Boys Bar-B-Q Plates & Sandwiches Homemade Desserts Open 11am– 8pm Monday–Thursday, 11am– 10pm Friday & Saturday, Hometown Cafe, 872-5003, 7710 Hwy. 84 Mansfield, 3/4 miles west of Walmart For sale by owner 1992 Doublewide on 1 acre lot. New carpet/roof/paint & storage building. 243 Wright Road Stonewall. Call 603-2649 or 4695342. Older mobile home for sale in Many-great location (possibility to continue lot rental ). Excellent condition. 2BR/1 BA Champion Home Center, Natchitoches. 356-9866 or 1-877-496-9866 R, I love you, but you will never find out... LAND FOR SALE. Owner financing, beautiful wooded 2 1/2 acre tracts, $75 per month, total $5,900, near Caddo Lake, 15 miles from Shreveport Texas side. Toll free 1-888-908--4600 PACKAGE DEALS on mobile home w/ land and all improvement. 318747-3500. 2000 DOUBLE WIDE with 5.23 acres. Must sell! Owner financing terms negotiable. Call 318-5493855 before 8pm I am tired of hearing the word spice. (This is a 2nd year word for good, it has become obnoxious.) NICE OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE 1900 sq. ft., Kitchenette, Very nice! 1140 Polk St., Mansfield Call 8721458 or 858-2562 SKATER BOI stop staring LPNs NEEDED at Mansfield Nursing Center Full and part time. Excellent pay. Call Roy Bridges or Diwanna Sanders at 318-872-9911. BALDWIN LARGE Church Organ, Model M-1, cherry condition, 5 speakers. Fraction of original cost. Will deliver. Call 219-1900 for details Master Bikes, His & Hers, 15 speed $75.00 each. Ventura guitar, standard $100.00. Peavey Elect guitar with Amp $150.00, firm. Call 872-4759. Older mobile home for sale in Many-great location (possibility to continue lot rental ). Excellent condition. 2BR/1 BA Champion Home Center, Natchitoches. 356-9866 or 1-877-496-9866 For sale 1995, 16’x80’, 3/2 Wellcared for home, must see to appreciate. Call Steve@ (318)747-9700 or (900)672-0263 Attention Medicare Recipients: You may qualify for an electr ic wheelchair. A&D Health care at 1-800, 497-9960. Dear Dean Berke, You are a queen. A goddess. I get starstruck when you come up to the 7th floor. So much fangirling. Good job! Keep it up! Love the different cocktails. Your thoughtful responses to undergrad concerns gives me hope for the people coming into the major Your presence makes us better; your words and actions tenfold so Thanks for taking us seriously. It’s a nice feeling. Love the way you put it “architecture majors and talented and very underappreciated” I had to resist the urge to pump my fist victoriously in the air when Cynthia Zarin quoted you in her Daily Themes lecture. Thank you for understanding the post-graduation plight of international students at this (and every other) architecture school. STEM OPT might cease to exist, but I’m grateful that you cared enough to try.

ssSecretsS Call to see if you qualify for a mobile home government loan! Easy qualifying… No application refused… Call 1-877-551-3572.

FINANCE NOW Lowest rate in 30 years, Land and Land/Home Packages. Limited Timel Call Ralph at 356-9866 or 1-877-496-9866

LPNs NEEDED at Mansfield Nursing Center Full and part time. Excellent pay. Call Roy Bridges or Diwanna Sanders at 318-872-9911.

FINANCE NOW Lowest rate in 30 years, Land and Land/Home Packages. Limited Timel Call Ralph at 356-9866 or 1-877-496-9866

HEY GUYS luv u all stay frosty

BALDWIN LARGE Church Organ, Model M-1, cherry condition, 5 speakers. Fraction of original cost. Will deliver. Call 219-1900 for details

Fantastic Deal! New 4 bed, 3 bath, all appliances included, 2077 sq ft only $373 per mo. (10% dp, home only, WAC, tax not included) 800672-0263. Older mobile home for sale in Many-great location (possibility to continue lot rental ). Excellent condition. 2BR/1 BA Champion Home Center, Natchitoches. 356-9866 or 1-877-496-9866

AWESOME new 3 bed, 2 bath home. Full house of appliances, Only $362 per month (10% dp, home only, WAC, tax not included) If yes, you can own a manufactured home. Call 318-747-3500. Older mobile home 2000 DOUBLE WIDE LPNs NEEDED

how i feel when i see you in public (and sometimes late at night) — imagine image of hand being shot with hot glue gun LAND FOR SALE. Owner financing, beautiful wooded 2 1/2 acre tracts, $75 per month, total $5,900, near Caddo Lake, 15 miles from Shreveport Texas side. Toll free 1-888-908--4600 BEAUTIFUL IVORY traditional style wedding dress with petticoat & long train, like new, professionally preserved, size 8, $300 obo. Must see! Carolyn after 5 p.m. 318-549-3032 PACKAGE DEALS on mobile home w/ land and all improvement. 318747-3500. A silly sign I love by the coffee machine is titled “Most Difficult Yet Comforting Things to Accept about Life”. There are 7 things. #3 states: “There is always someone better than you. So there’s no point to compare.” I think many people would read this and think it’s depres­ sing. I find it uplifting and I think a big part of that is what that statement doesn’t say. It doesn’t say “so give up”, it doesn’t say “so work harder”. It simply suggests you accept and don’t compare. The benefit of not comparing should be self-evident. But the benefit of accepting is no less important. I’m heartened by the idea that there are people better than me at what I do. I gives me something to strive to, someone to learn from and most importantly, someone to seek out and collaborate with. But no less important, it reminds me that I don’t need to be the best, and that’s OK. Not being the best means you have room to get better. So just do your best and don’t compare.

Older mobile home for sale in Many-great location (possibility to continue lot rental ). Excellent condition. 2BR/1 BA Champion Home Center, Natchitoches. 356-9866 or 1-877-496-9866 For sale 1995, 16’x80’, 3/2 Wellcared for home, must see to appreciate. Call Steve@ (318)747-9700 or (900)672-0263

Excellent pay. Call Roy Bridges or Diwanna Sanders 318-872-9911

DAILY PLATE LUNCHES Fish, Shrimp, Oyster Plates & Po Boys Bar-B-Q Plates & Sandwiches Homemade Desserts Open 11am– 8pm Monday–Thursday, 11am– 10pm Friday & Saturday, Hometown Cafe, 872-5003, 7710 Hwy. 84 Mansfield, 3/4 miles west of Walmart 2000 DOUBLE WIDE with 5.23 acres. Must sell! Owner financing terms negotiable. Call 318-5493855 before 8pm Call to see if you qualify for a mobile home government loan! Easy qualifying… No application refused… Call 1-877-551-3572. FINANCE NOW Lowest rate in 30 years, Land and Land/Home Packages. Limited Timel Call Ralph at 356-9866 or 1-877-496-9866 my secret has never been a secret—I love Wes Hiatt. Fantastic Deal! New 4 bed, 3 bath, all appliances included, 2077 sq ft only $373 per mo. (10% dp, home only, WAC, tax not included) 800672-0263. Older mobile home for sale in Many-great location (possibility to continue lot rental ). Excellent condition. 2BR/1 BA Champion Home Center, Natchitoches. 356-9866 or 1-877-496-9866

SINGLE PARENT financing available. Call to qualify: 318-752-4663 or 800 -201-6966.

LAND FOR SALE. Owner financing, beautiful wooded 2 1/2 acre tracts, $75 per month, total $5,900, near Caddo Lake, 15 miles from Shreveport Texas side. Toll free 1-888-908--4600

For sale 1995, 16’x80’, 3/2 Wellcared for home, must see to appreciate. Call Steve@ (318)747-9700 or (900)672-0263

Attention Medicare Recipients: You may qualify for an electr ic wheelchair. A&D Health care at 1-800, 497-9960.

BALDWIN LARGE Church Organ, Model M-1, cherry condition, 5 speakers. Fraction of original cost. Will deliver. Call 219-1900 for details

LAND FOR SALE. Owner financing, beautiful wooded 2 1/2 acre tracts, $75 per month, total $5,900, near Caddo Lake, 15 miles from Shreveport Texas side. Toll free 1-888-908--4600

MAS TREASURES Trade Days Now open 1/5 of a mile off Hwy. 84 at 2308 Charlie Jones Rd. in the Stanley community. Hours: 9am–6pm Friday and Saturday, 1pm–6pm Sunday. Open weekend of the 1st Friday of each mo. Next dates are Sept. 6–8; Oct. 4–6; Nov. 1–3 & Dec. 6–8 Admission: No charge for children, $1 per person (With Reduced Prices for Carloads) For information on rental of booth or tent spaces call (318) 697-4789 or (501) 520-4141

Master Bikes, His & Hers, 15 speed $75.00 each. Ventura guitar, standard $100.00. Peavey Elect guitar with Amp $150.00, firm. Call 872-4759.

I am annoyed and frustrated seeing every studio couple be affectionate with each other while I work. It makes me bitter. I wish that they JUST STOP Attention Medicare Recipients: You may qualify for an electr ic wheelchair. A&D Health care at 1-800, 497-9960. BEAUTIFUL IVORY traditional style wedding dress with petticoat & long train, like new, professionally preserved, size 8, $300 obo. Must see! Carolyn after 5 p.m. 318-549-3032 LAND FOR SALE. Owner financing, beautiful wooded 2 1/2 acre tracts, $75 per month, total $5,900, near Caddo Lake, 15 miles from Shreveport Texas side. Toll free 1-888-908--4600 For sale by owner 1992 Doublewide on 1 acre lot. New carpet/roof/paint & storage building. 243 Wright Road Stonewall. Call 603-2649 or 4695342. Older mobile home for sale in Many-great location (possibility to continue lot rental ). Excellent condition. 2BR/1 BA Champion Home Center, Natchitoches. 356-9866 or 1-877-496-9866 LAND FOR SALE. Owner financing, beautiful wooded 2 1/2 acre tracts, $75 per month, total $5,900, near Caddo Lake, 15 miles from Shreveport Texas side. Toll free 1-888-908--4600 PACKAGE DEALS on mobile home w/ land and all improvement. 318747-3500. 2000 DOUBLE WIDE with 5.23 acres. Must sell! Owner financing terms negotiable. Call 318-5493855 before 8pm I’ve never felt as alone as I do now. LPNs NEEDED at Mansfield Nursing Center Full and part time. Excellent pay. Call Roy Bridges or Diwanna Sanders at 318-872-9911.

BEAUTIFUL IVORY traditional style wedding dress with petticoat & long train, like new, professionally preserved, size 8, $300 obo. Must see! Carolyn after 5 p.m. 318-549-3032 Do you have a down payment? Do you have a Job? If yes, you can own a manufactured home. Call 318-747-3500. 1998 16x80 3/2 in quiet park, Assumable with small down. Call 318746-5911 or 1-877-551-3572.

Quality. Low Financing. Special pricing for Limited time! Call Eric today. PEE ON 3; POO ON 2 356-9866 or 1-877-496-9866 Older mobile home for sale in LAND AVAILABLE for Land/Home Many-great location (possibility to packages. Limited Time! Call Frank continue lot rental ). Excellent conditoday for assistance. 356-9866 or tion. 2BR/1 BA Champion Home 1-877-496-9866 Center, Natchitoches. 356-9866 or 1-877-496-9866 PACKAGE DEALS on mobile home w/ land and all improvement. 318WHEN while the lovely valley teems 747-3500. with vapour around me, and the Call to see if you qualify for a meridian sun strikes the upper 2000 DOUBLE WIDE with 5.23 mobile home government loan! surface of the impenetrable foliage acres. Must sell! Owner financing Easy qualifying… No application terms negotiable. Call 318-549refused… Call 1-877-551-3572. Kevin Stutts Appliances Come 3855 before 8pm see us for your parts & appliance CUSTOM BUILT Mftd. Homes. High needs. Washers, Dryers, RefrigerQuality. Low Financing. Special pric- Call to see if you qualify for a ators, Freezers, Ranges, and Air ing for Limited time! Call Eric today. mobile home government loan! Conditioners. 100 Texas St., MansEasy qualifying… No application 356-9866 or 1-877-496-9866 field, Phone 872-5357, Mon-Fri 8–5 refused… Call 1-877-551-3572.

Older mobile home For sale in Many-great location possibility to continue 2BR/1 203-356-9866 Older mobile home for sale in Many-great location (possibility to continue lot rental ). Excellent condition. 2BR/1 BA Champion Home Center, Natchitoches. 356-9866 or 1-877-496-9866 Older mobile home for sale in Many-great location (possibility to continue lot rental ). Excellent condition. 2BR/1 BA Champion Home Center, Natchitoches. 356-9866.


Eyes in the Sky From State to Civilian Surveillance Through Satellite Remote Sensing BY BOWEN CHANG (MEM 2018) & K AT H RY N M C C O N N E L L (MESC 2017)

Remote sensing satellites gather images of the world over, measuring the light emitted and reflected from the Earth, allowing viewers a unique angle to “see” what is occurring on the surface of the planet. This technology, developed under the strict secrecy of the military institutions of the Cold War, has since proliferated in both its user base and applications. This diffusion of remote sensing power from the state to global civilian institutions instigated the growth of new types of political projects – at times at the behest of the state, and, more recently, turned back to gaze upon the state. One of the earliest pursuits of satellite remote sensing was the Corona program during the Cold War, in which the United States sought greater information on Soviet activities. In 1959, the first Corona satellite—the Discoverer 1 —lost contact with the ground before reaching orbit and, to this day, it is not known whether the satellite ever reached its destination, or even where it is. In the early days of the Corona, one failed launch came after another, but in Discoverer 14 the project finally bore its first fruit. After a 27-hour, 450,000-mile flight in a 116-mile orbit, the satellite returned to earth with its camera intact. Engineers were able to retrieve the physical films the camera used for the first time (NASA, 2016). The films, however, weren’t to be made public until many decades later. Some years after the Corona Project, satellite technologies began to develop beyond the strict purview of the military. In the early 1970s, Landsat satellites began circling the earth

Guardians of a Vast Lake Great Bear Lake in Canada is the first Unesco Biosphere Reserve led by an indigenous community. They guard it as if it were the last hope for humanity. They may have a point. B Y P E T E R K U JAW I N S K I

Thousands of years ago, every lake was like Great Bear Lake. So pure you could lower a cup into the water and drink it. So beautiful that people composed love songs to it. So mysterious that many believed it was alive. Today, of the 10 largest lakes in the world, it is the last one that remains essentially primeval. Great Bear Lake straddles the Arctic Circle in the remote Northwest Territories of Canada. At just over 12,000 square miles, the lake is the eighth largest in the world. It is bigger than Belgium


David Livingstone, now retired after decades of working on environmental issues for the Canadian government in the far north, helped Deline apply for Unesco designation. To the Sahtuto’ine, Great Bear Lake is “not just a body of water; it’s fundamental to their culture,” he said. “The folks in Deline consider the lake to be a living thing.” Great Bear Lake is important to Mr. Livingstone as well. “It is the last great lake of its size and quality on the planet,” he said. “It’s like the Mona Lisa—a world treasure.” I had spent an hour or two in Deline back in 2014, as an American diplomat posted to Canada. It was July and the lake was ice-free, endless and flat to the horizon. During my three-year tour, it was the sole time I needed a translator, because many Deline elders speak only their own language, North Slavey. This past November, I returned to Deline to learn more about the community’s relationship with the lake, to witness the interplay of culture, language, wilderness and isolation that makes this.

sSecretsSs gathering data on environmental and atmospheric phenomena, rather than on Soviet military movements (Popkin, 2016). If the Corona provided a strictly controlled, narrowly targeted stream of information from its pioneering remote sensing satellites, then the Landsat Program handed reins of this power to the public. In December 2010, a highly-publicized private endeavor was launched. With George Clooney as its mascot, the notfor-profit Satellite Sentinel Program aimed to mitigate atrocities in the civil war between Northern and South Sudan, using real-time satellite remote sensing data to monitor the movement of troops, supplies, and military equipment along the border. Images show areas where villages were razed, houses burnt to the ground, and shell craters littered across the landscape. The Program’s vision was to provide data that would hold country leaders and international decision makers accountable for their actions (or inactions)—a far departure from the original use of Corona’s data in the 1960s (SSP, 2016). While remotely sensed data has become increasingly accessible to civil society actors, states have likewise continued their own development of remote sensing technology; they, too, used satellites to expand their reach. Reducing illegal logging and clear-cutting of forestlands is an elusive goal for centralized state governments whose authority may not extend to rural regions. Satellite data provides the surveillance power to do so. Brazil’s

“Real   Time System for Detection of Deforestation” program (DETER) utilizes satellite data to identify sites of forest cover change, providing rapid notice of forest disturbance to the government’s Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA), which acts as the enforcement arm of this surveillance program (Brazilian Ministry of Science and Technology Website, 2014; Popkin, 2016). Based on DETER’s data, IBAMA carries out raids where deforesting is spotted from above. On top of raids, satellite data also enabled the Brazilian government to internally sanction states with high rates of deforestation, decreasing access to agricultural loans for these regions (Tollefson 2015). Such spatial data is no longer only available to the central government. American scientist Matthew Hansen and the World Resource Institute (WRI) built a global, real-time, open access map of forest cover; the satellite images making up the maps show us in plain sight the fishbone patterns by which forests are being eliminated. Hansen and the WRI envision this data supporting activists working against deforestation. Such information furthermore allows countries to monitor each other’s compliance with international treaties such as the recent Paris Climate Agreement (Popkin 2016). The ability for non-state actors to observe a state’s territory from above raises questions of national sovereignty and may yet strengthen the power of intergovernmental and civilian groups.

Works Cited 1. Brazilian Ministry of Science and Technology Website. (2014, November 28). DETER System. Retrieved from 2. NASA. (2016, December 08). Discoverer 14. Retrieved from 3. Popkin, G. (2016). Warning to forest destroyers: this scientist will catch you. Nature, 538 (7623), 24. 4. Satellite Sentinel Project. (2016). Our Story. Retrieved from: 5. Tollefson, J. (2015). Stopping deforestation: Battle for the Amazon. Nature, 520, 20-23. and deeper than Lake Superior, and it is covered in ice and snow most of the year. The surrounding area is wilderness too — a sprawling land of untouched boreal forest and tundra, rivers and mountains. The only human settlement on its shores is the town of Deline, population 503. This isolated community is mostly Sahtuto’ine, meaning the Bear Lake People. They are as connected to the lake as the name implies, and for practical, cultural, historic and even prophetic reasons, they are determined to keep it pristine. Their efforts paid off in 2016. In March, the Great Bear Lake watershed was declared a Unesco Biosphere Reserve. Called the Tsá Tué Biosphere Reserve, it is the largest in North America, and the first in the world to be led by an indigenous community. Several months later, the Canadian government granted Deline self-government, ensuring local control in areas like language and education.

Great Slave Lake in Yellowknife Houseboats dotted the frozen surface B Y DA N N Y G AU D E T

It was late afternoon when the small plane dipped through a thick, low-lying cloud layer and I saw boreal forest — part of a vast biome that stretches across northern North America and Eurasia — as far as the eye could see. The plane descended toward a slender strip covered in white, Deline’s single runway. It was a short drive from the airport to the hotel where I was staying, the community-owned Grey Goose Lodge. For such a tiny community, Deline has more tourist infrastructure than I expected, including a small handicrafts store in the hotel and an ambition to welcome the growing number of tourists who travel to Canada’s north for a winter and wilderness experience. Protecting the lake, however, is not just about self-preservation and increased tourism.

On the Ground Submit Tips to On the Ground at 2/2 “Liz   Fizz” Plater-Zyberk gave good advice to young architects who want to make a difference in this environment: look around, see what’s already here, you don’t have to always start something yourself. Teamwork. 2/3 No one showed up to this 6 on 7. Sad. May we suggest some alternative themes: french fry mountain hot dog eating contest; gingerbread mulled wine ugly sweater contest; random student work pin-up with costco hors d’oeuvres; popcorn pizza pajama party; watermelon soju karaoke musical chairs. 2/5 Sounds of the historic Super Bowl comeback by the Patriots resonated throughout studios on Sunday night. Also overheard in studio: “Wait I always thought that SuperBowl was a place. Like they played ‘in SuperBowl.’ Which I thought was a stadium in Wisconsin.” 2/6 If you heard hysterical screeching on the 7th floor between 3pm and 4pm, know that no physical altercation occurred despite the violent and senseless demolition of a ¾”=1’ final model moments before presentation.

For centuries, forms of spatial data, ranging from rudimentary maps to satellite images, have been used by states to control territories. Today, shifting norms around open data access are expanding the network of actors with the power to survey space. At times, satellites are the only tools available to provide information on regions to which access is curtailed. They are the eyes in the sky that can both diminish boundaries, but also aid the states that would strengthen their borders. History suggests that remote sensing is a tool for hegemonic state control, but, looking forward, may also keep powerful governing entities in check, opening spaces that break down traditional forms of sovereignty.

The Very Big Oxmox B Y A DV I S O R X Y Z

He dvised her not to do so, because there were thousands of bad Commas, wild Question Marks and devious Semikoli, but the Little Blind Text didn’t listen. She packed her seven versalia, put her initial into the belt and made herself on the way. When she reached the first hills of the Italic Mountains, she had a last view back on the skyline of her hometown Bookmarksgrove, the headline of Alphabet Village and the subline of her own road, the Line Lane. Even the all-powerful Pointing has no control about the blind texts it is an almost unorthographic life One day however a small line of blind text by the name of Lorem Ipsum decided to leave for the far World of Grammar. Pityful a rethoric question ran over her cheek, then she continued her way. On her way she met a copy. The copy warned the Little Blind Text, that where it came from it would have been rewritten a thousand times on the skyline of her hometown Bookmarksgrove.

Articles MFG’s seminar gains traction, launched into spotlight due to difficult times and the YSOA’s continuing role in political activism. 12222-immigration-ban-rocksarchitecture-community ArchRecord picks up the story on repercussions of the immigration ban on the architecture community. GTFO Weekly open life drawing sessions are held Wed. 8–10pm, 601 at the School of Art. JoAnna Lio Amos, producer at Electronic Arts whose work includes the Sims will give a talk on Friday, Feb 10., 11.30am at the DMCA. OTG recommends a day trip to MoMA to see the new ad hoc fifth-floor exhibition featuring work produced by artists from the seven countries affected by the immigration ban, including Zaha Hadid. M R . AYA H

People in Deline

Foretold that in the future, people from the south would come to Great Bear Lake because it would be one of the few places left with water to drink and fish to eat. He said so many boats would.

Canada’s Beautiful Remote Northwest The northern lights illuminate the sky above Grey Goose Lodge in Deline, the village’s only hotel and restaurant. Christopher Miller for The New York Times. mo.–fr. 7am–9pm 203-992-7281

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