Paprika Southern May 2014

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secret garden a styled spring brunch

flower crown DIY our step-by-step tutorial

mars theatre in living color

May 2014 / Issue 11

Paprika Southern

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Issue 11 / May 2014

Table of contents 6 Letter from the Co-editors

8 Behind the Scenes


10 See what’s inspiring the co-editors this month 12 Inspired by Watercolors A spring style feature

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Spring Nouveau Welcome spring with an illustration by Charlotte Oden

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Issue 11 / May 2014


Mother’s Day Memories Our contributors share memories of their grandmothers

Mars Theatre: In Living Color Revitalizing an historic theatre in a southern town


Secret Garden

30 A styled spring brunch, with recipes

Flower Crown D.I.Y. Follow our tutorial to make this fun and festive spring craft


60 Paprika Southern recommends P.S.

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Paprika Southern

Letter from the co-editors Spring is in full bloom and we at Paprika Southern couldn’t be more thrilled! For us spring is a time of fresh flowers, gatherings with friends, and a prelude to the intense heat of summer. This month, we visit the Mars Theatre in Springfield, GA, a rural southern town that is revitalizing their downtown, led by the renovation of an historic theater, style a spring garden party (complete with recipes!) that is perfect for Mother’s Day Brunch, and take both boho and bridal inspiration for a flower crown D.I.Y. We also celebrate Mother’s Day with contributor submissions of memories of their grandmothers and share a beautiful spring-inspired illustration. Please enjoy!

if you are interested in purchasing photographs from the magazine, please contact

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Issue 11 / May 2014

The Team Bevin valentine Co-editor siobhan egan Co-editor Krystal Pittman Baker Advertising

photo: jade + matthew take pictures


anthony garzilli

andrea gray harper

charlotte oden

click here to read more about our contributors page 7

Paprika Southern

Behind the scenes in May

At Savannah Fashion Week; see the full feature on our blog!

Spreading the art and style of the South at SCAD’s Sidewalk Arts Festival

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Issue 11 / May 2014

Shooting our spring garden party feature at The Stephen Williams House

We love sharing sneak peeks of what we’re up to throughout the month, as well as connecting with our readers! Stay in touch and a get a behind-the-scenes look at what’s coming up by following us on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. Follow paprika southern

Instagram / Twitter / Facebook page 9

Paprika Southern

Currently... See what’s inspiring the co-editors this month! One of my favorite authors, Lauren Willig, has a new book out in less than a month and I can’t wait!

Bevin Obsessed with breezy maxi dresses for summer! Southern summer storms can be intense, and I recently ordered these Hunter boots to help keep my feet dry this summer. I was so excited that when my fiance Josh and I did a set of engagement photos with Siobhan, the jasmine in Savannah was in full bloom. It only blooms for a few weeks, and the scent is intoxicating. It was a perfect backdrop!

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Issue 11 / May 2014


Audrey Hepburn would have been 85 this month. So I’m paying tribute by watching some of my favorite movies.

Embroidered pendants by the Merriweather Council

I love this Brooke Atwood leather camera strap!

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inspired by watercolors Ted Baker Maxi Dress, $375

At no time of year are light prints more popular than the vernal months. For a fun twist on the traditional florals, may we suggest a watercolor print this spring. Here are our picks! J. Crew Factory Lightweight Printed Scarf, $24.50

Lovers + Friends Blazer, $189 J. Crew Printed Pumps, $298

Hobo Wallet, $78

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Issue 11 / May 2014

ModCloth Watercolor Top, $40

J. Crew Ruched Halter Tank, $45

Anthropologie Crops, $60

H&M Dressy Shorts, $30

Shop Ruche Watercolor Dress,$45 page 13

June & Hudson Pencil Skirt, $38

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Spring Nouveau Illustration by Charlotte Oden

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Mother’s Day Memories

In celebration of Mother’s Day this May, we asked for people to share memories of their grandmothers. These are the touching, humorous, and nostalgic memories we received.

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Issue 11 / May 2014

When I was a child, a big Saturday night out was spending the evening at my grandparents’ house in the Bronx watching television—oh, those crazy Golden Girls—and drinking tea, my grandmother’s tea. Her tea was just the right temperature. It had just the right amount of milk. Probably too much sugar. It was delivered at the perfect time of night, a short time after dinner, with pajamas on and a blanket on the couch. It meant the night was not ending. Bedtime could wait. There were usually cookies too. Maybe I’d have a second cup and we’d watch 227, my grandparents and aunt laughing. The tea was warm and sweet. We’d be together, Babcia and Pop, Aunt Jean, my older sister Jessica too, and our dog Brandy, curled in his bed. It was safe. Babcia died in 2008 when she was 94. And maybe that’s why in later years I’ve started drinking coffee. The tea no longer tastes as good. It’s not Babcia’s tea. -Anthony Garzilli, Savannah, GA

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With a great-grandmother whose travels to Europe introduced her to the finest lace, a grandmother who would examine the window displays in Paris to gain inspiration from, and a mother who was queen of the Washington Mardi Gras Ball in 1980, I come from a line of ladies with a great sense of style. Spending an afternoon with my grandmother looking through old photos and searching for some of her mother’s black toile, we created a glamorous Ralph Lauren inspired series that we were both smiling about when Sue saw the final photos. “Classic is always good. Simplicity is always good. And if there’s one piece of a wardrobe that you have to have, it’s a simple black dress for any occasion.” - Sue Turner wearing a top hat from Lock & Company Hatters in London, black toile from her mother’s sewing collection, and a black Wolford lace collar, a gift from her daughter Moo (my mother) -Jeanne Svendson, Savannah, GA

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My dad’s mom was not overly sentimental. Giggling was not allowed at the table. So looking back it was out of character that she would pretend a little birdie would visit her house on the nights we slept over and leave us candy eggs in a dish by the door. We were young enough to believe an actual bird was friends with my Grandma. I remember the excitement this brought to what would otherwise be a regular morning. A small bit of effort and imagination on her part that brought such joy to her grandkids. -Carrie Christian, Savannah, GA

My fondest memory of my grandmother is sitting on the covered porch with her in the late afternoon on a warm summer day. She had a red iron porch glider we would sit on and two to three hours would easily pass by as she shared stories from her life. I learned how she met my grandfather at 18, fell in love, quickly married, and moved to Eufaula, AL where she resides today. She shared with me how she assisted my grandfather when their mare, Maude, gave birth to a beautiful reddish brown colt. She shared endless stories with me and I truly treasure every moment we spent on the porch talking into the night. -Ursula B. Reynolds, Norcross, GA

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Issue 11 / May 2014

My German grandmother was a one of a kind sort of character. Marion was not your typical grandmother. She had no knack for cooking, creating delicacies that even turned up the nose of the neighbor’s dog. Using an upended playpen as a great beachside place for the kids to play. And gifting an old red Converse shoe for her 18 year old son while he spent a month recovering in the hospital. She thrived in the spotlight as a model and dancer, where she met my actor grandfather. She loved to perform and be around people. Every memory I have of her was with a smile on her face, always projecting happiness. -Tara Garrigan, Savannah, GA Growing up, I spent as much time with my grandmother, Bobbie, as I did with anyone else. When I was a kid she always kept an entire shelf of her kitchen cabinet filled with every flavor of Jell-O imaginable. It was pure magic. The first thing I would do when I walked in the door was pick out the day’s flavor, and then it was my special task to heat the water, stir together the mixture, carefully place it in the fridge, and sneak into the kitchen to jiggle it every ten minutes until it set. When it was ready we would treat ourselves to big, heaping bowls and saddle up to the kitchen island to eat and talk. Her house was my refuge, a place where I could laugh and cry and be myself. A place where I knew that no matter what was on my mind or in my heart, she would have a kitchen stool waiting for me and box of Jell-O in the cabinet. -Elena Rosemond-Hoerr, Wilmington, NC page 21

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Mars Theatre in living color words by Anthony Garzilli images by Siobhan Egan

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Issue 11 / May 2014

H e walked inside alone .

Outside were the supporters, politicians, well-wishers, friends, volunteers. But for a brief moment he was alone inside the Mars Theatre. The revitalized Mars Theatre in Springfield, GA.

The jamming becomes louder. Deadwyler’s eyes are wide. He smiles. When Deadwyler, from Sautee Nacoochee, GA, was hired last fall he was determined to rebuild the Mars Theatre with state-ofthe art equipment. If the new theatre was going to revitalize downtown Springfield (population: 2,800), then it had to be a top-notch facility.

After being dormant for 57 years, the theater that used to show westerns, cartoons and newsreels was being reborn and Springfield’s director of cultural affairs, “We had one shot at this,” Deadwyler Tommy Deadwyler, lover of the arts, was said. right smack in the middle of its rise. The theater’s sound system, lighting and The public launch of the new theater was digital projection equipment are high quality. The 25-by-12-foot screen will so big he wore a suit. show first-run movies. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 premiered May 1. The theater’s He looked around. 220 seats are comfortable, equipped with “You know,” said Deadwyler, dressed in cup holders. There’s room to dance in the jeans, sitting a day after the theatre’s April aisles. The lobby’s refurbished. Even the 23 soft opening on wooden stairs that lead popcorn tastes great. to the balcony. “I was just filled with emotion. Just how proud we are of this and “We wanted to be part of something that will make a mark on the community,” what we have done.” Deadwyler said. Behind Deadwyler, through closed doors, a saxophone plays. Loud. Randall Bram- Bats and spiders used to make themselves blett’s band is jamming, practicing for at home in the empty space. Months ago that night’s gig. The sounds fill the the- much of the building was rubble. atre, overpowering Deadwyler’s voice. But during its opening weekend last It’s an engrossing sound. The type of month, more than 200 people saw musound that makes you want to go up those sical acts the Greencards, Von Grey and wooden stairs to the balcony to see what Essie Mae Brooks. Beverly “Guitar” Watkins plays May 31. all the fuss is about. page 23

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“We wanted to be part of something that will make a mark on the community.�

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“It’s just an overwhelming thing,” Gussie the theatre through donations, some coming from showing movies in the parking Nease said. lot next to the Mars Theatre. Nease is 69 years old. She remembers going to the theatre and watching Elvis “Oh, we had so many supporters,” said Presley in Love Me Tender. She also saw the Nease, a Rincon resident. “Effingham theater’s demise. She’s seen downtown’s County is a very generous place.” struggles. A few years ago she and others After the economy took a hit so did the decided to be part of a revival. group’s fundraising. Nease said there were n n n n moments when she thought showing Pirates of the Caribbean and Independence Day in In the 1940s and 50s couples smooched a parking lot was as close as the group was for the first time as they watched Gone With going to get to bringing back the theater. the Wind, Roy Rogers, and caught up on But the city of Springfield eventually the national news. After the shows, many bought the theater, helping save the reviheaded across the street to buy groceries talization efforts. at Snooks Food Store. From 1945-57, the Mars Theatre was a place to socialize and “We’ve supported it all along,” city manbe entertained. ager and lifelong Springfield resident Brett Bennett said. But the rising popularity of television led to the theater’s downfall. For many years “The city came to a point in reinvesting it was abandoned. It was used as florist in the city of Springfield or watch it die a and fabric shops and an attorney had ofslow death,” Deadwyler said. fices inside the space. But the memories of the building as a vibrant institution of About $800,000, through donations, entertainment faded. In 1998, the Georgrants, and the Fox Theater Institute and gia 21 bypass was built, which sent travelthe city of Springfield’s contributions, was ers away from downtown. The economy raised to once again make the Mars Thesuffered, but the non-profit Springfield atre a centerpiece of downtown SpringRevitalization Corporation had an idea. field. Led by Nease, the group wanted to revive At the soft opening, Nease was honored downtown by bringing back the theater. for her efforts with a plaque. She received The Springfield Revitalization Corporaa standing ovation. tion bought the theater from the Ramsey estate in 2007. It raised money to rebuild

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Outside is a replica of the old theater’s awning, neon zigzagging. People admire the glass block entrance. “Mars” shines bright on the marquee. Inside bassist Michael Steele prepares for another show. He’s played 11 years with Bramblett, but this is the first time in the Mars Theatre. The sound, Steele says, is fantastic. Rich. Warm. He looks forward to a fun night. The crowd begins to filter in, sitting among the 88 middle-row seats and the 22 rows that seat two. A man peers over the balcony. Blue light dances around the walls. The hope is the theater will boost the city’s economy, draw people from outside the area and entice a variety of musical acts to enjoy the modern amenities. There’s improved landscaping downtown. New lampposts line the streets. And Springfield’s boost might come from a theater that a dedicated community of volunteers and residents would not let be remembered only by the retelling of old stories and black-andwhite photos.

She was joined by her four grandchildren, two daughters and two sons-in-law. They all sat in one of the 11 middle rows: Nease, her daughter Tracy Keiffer, Tracy’s husband Ashley, granddaughter Grace Kieffer, grandsons Will Kieffer and Jack and Tate Hendrix and her daughter Sandra The Mars Theatre’s returned in living Hendrix and son-in-law Scott Hendrix. A color. family night out at the theater. “It’s far beyond what my dreams for it “It meant a lot to me,” Nease said. was,” Nease said. n

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Issue 11 / May 2014

Secret Garden a styled spring brunch

images Siobhan Egan Styling Bevin Valentine Location The Stephen Williams House

Savannah, Georgia

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Spring has sprung, and this sweet brunch styling is ideal for seasonal fetes from Mother’s Day to bridal showers. Layer textiles to create a rustic effect and incorporate fresh blooms in celebration of the season. No garden party is complete without delicious treats--take inspiration from our springinspired menu with the fresh flavors of dill, lavender, lemon.

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Honey Lavender Bread • ½ cup milk • 3 Tbsp. culinary lavender • 6 Tbsp. butter, room temperature • ¾ cup honey • ¼ tsp. salt • 2 eggs • 2 cups all-purpose flour • 1 ½ tsp. baking powder

one at a time on low. Add in the dry ingredients in two parts, beating on the lowest setting until just incorporated; do not over-mix.

Tip: Use room temperature ingredients when baking Transfer mixfor smoothest ture to the prepared loaf pan, incorporation. tapping on counter

to remove air bubbles. Bake for 50 minutes or unjuice til a wooden tester comes • 1 cup buttermilk out clean. Cool in the pan on a wire rack. Preheat oven to 350. Grease and flour 2 8” cake Preheat oven to 300. pans. Grease and flour and 9” x 5” loaf pan. In a medium bowl sift together flour, baking powCombine the milk and lavder, baking soda, and salt, ender in a small saucepan and fold in lemon zest. In and heat gently; to avoid a separate bowl, use a mixscorching the milk, do not exceed medium heat. • 2 sticks unsalted butter, er to beat butter together with sugar at high speed Once milk begins to simroom temperature mer, remove from heat and • 2 ½ cups all-purpose until the mixture attains a light and fluffy consistency, allow to cool. flour • ½ tsp. baking powder about 3 minutes. On a lower speed, beat in eggs and Meanwhile, sift togeth- • ½ tsp. baking soda yolks one at a time. Add in er the flour, baking pow- • 1 tsp. salt der, and salt. In a separate • zest of 4-6 lemons, to lemon juice and then alternately beat in dry ingredibowl, use a mixer to beat taste ents and buttermilk until the butter together with the • 1 1/2 cups sugar honey until the consistency • 2 eggs, plus 3 egg yolks just incorporated. is smooth. Beat in the eggs • 2 Tbsp. fresh lemon

Lemon Cake with buttercream frosting

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Issue 11 / May 2014

Divide the batter evenly between the two cake pans, tapping on counter to release air bubbles. Bake 3035 minutes, until a tester • 1 10-11 inch disk pie inserted comes out clean. dough, homemade or store-bought Cool in pans on wire rack • 3 eggs for 10 minutes, then re• 1 cup milk move from pans to contin• ½ cup cream ue cooling until ready to • salt and pepper to taste frost. • 4 oz. smoked salmon, chopped • 2 Tbsp. fresh dill, chopped

and pepper to taste. Pour filling into cooled pie crust, then layer on smoked salmon, and sprinkle dill on top.

Press dough into a pie plate, • 1 stick unsalted butter, cover with plastic wrap, and freeze for about 30 room temperature • 1 – 2 cups sifted confec- minutes (or up to 3 days). tioners’ sugar When ready, preheat oven • ¼ tsp. salt to 350. Remove crust from • 2 tsp. vanilla extract • up to 2 Tbsp. milk or freezer, line with parchment paper and fill with heavy cream dry beans or pie weights. Beat butter for 3-5 minutes Bake for 15 minutes, then with a mixer on medium remove from oven, and respeed. Turn speed to lowest move weights and parchsetting and begin to beat in ment paper. Bake for anconfectioners’ sugar, about ¼ other 10-15 minutes, until cup at a time, until incorpo- golden. Allow to cool. rated. Add vanilla, salt, and 1 Tbsp. milk, and continue While the crust in cooling, to mix. Add more sugar for prepare the filling. Vigora stiffer consistency, or more ously whisk together eggs, milk for a creamy consistency. milk, and cream. Add salt

Salad: • Fresh arugula • Pecans • Dried cranberries

Smoked Salmon and Dill Quiche

Buttercream Frosting

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Bake at 350 for 30-35 minutes, until middle of quiche is set.

Arugula Salad with Honey Mustard Vinaigrette

Dressing: • 1 Tbsp. Dijon mustard • 3 Tbsp. Champagne vinegar • up to ½ cup extra virgin olive oil • 1 tsp. honey • salt and pepper to taste Vigorously whisk dressing ingredients together until emulsified. Toss together with arugula to taste, and top with pecans and dried cranberries.

Paprika Southern

Flower Crown D.I.Y. april showers bring may flowers, and this may our do-it-yourself project of choice is a flower crown. this craft is perfect for brides or to top off a boho-inspired festival outfit. incorporating the beauty and simplicity of fresh flowers, a flower crown is the perfect way to celebrate spring.

craft by andrea gray harper images by siobhan egan

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Materials flower snips floral tape floral wire (22 gauge or similar) variety of flowers (used in this tutorial were spray roses, astilbe, wax flower, veronica, and green clippings foraged in my yard) Stay away from flowers that are generally very delicate like hydrangeas, queen anne’s lace, dusty miller, and ranunculus. Stems like roses, baby’s breath, and most greens and pods are all great for flower crowns.

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step one

Twist two pieces of wire together to form one long piece of wire.

step two

Snip the flowers you want to use so they have about a 3 inch stem. Remove most foliage from the bottom of the stems.

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step three

Starting about five inches from one end of the wire, lay the wax flower along the wire with the blooms facing the end that you started from.

step four

Use the floral tape to secure the stem to the wire, making sure it’s snug. Don’t cut the tape, you will use a continuous length of tape for the entire crown.

step five

Add your next stem, laying the flowers over the taped stems of the first stem so that the stems no longer show. Continue adding in this fashion, layering on your stems, working in the same direction around the loop.

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step six

step seven

step eight

At the “front” of your crown, you may wish to add more or bigger blooms. I like to do this off to one side (not in center of your head if you were wearing it). This is a good spot for the roses and other larger pieces.

Finish adding stems to the crown all the way around, checking the size with your own head as you go. Close loop by twisting the ends together, then cover all the wire with the floral tape to finish.

Wear immediately or store in a plastic bag in the refrigerator until you are ready to wear. It’s important to remember though that flowers in a crown are going to wilt no matter what after a few hours of wear.

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P.S. Paprika Southern recommends

atlanta On display at the High Museum is Civil Rights Photography, 1956-1968. This collection of photographs documents major moments of social protest from the Civil Rights Movement. Show runs through June 1

charleston The annual Spoleto Festival USA presents a variety of performances, including dance, music, and more, along with art exhibits and events. Events run through June 8

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Issue 11 / May 2014

savannah Scribble Art Studio hosts the launch of Amanda Kingloff ’s new book Project Kid: 100 Ingenious Crafts for Family Fun. Friday, May 30

houston Currently on view at the Houston Museum of Fine Arts is John Singer Sargent: The Watercolors, a showing of 100 of the artist’s famous watercolors. Show runs through May 26

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Paprika Southern

Follow along with Paprika Southern throughout the month: Facebook Twitter Pinterest Instagram See you in June!

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