Innovation in Motion Innovation en mouvement
PaperWeek Canada Program Release / Programme préliminaire 2014
PaperWeek Canada's 100th Anniversary Celebrations
Keynote Speakers Conférenciers invités
Conference Highlights
Faits saillants de la conférence
FIBRE Day Career Fair PAPTAC Awards Biorefinery Symposium Tradeshow Conference Tracks
Fairmont Queen Elizabeth Hotel Montréal, QC, Canada
PaperWeek Canada
Innovation in Motion – PaperWeek’s Commitment As PAPTAC gets ready to host the 100th edition of its Annual Meeting – PaperWeek Canada – we are bringing you one of the largest and most relevant programs ever! Innovation en mouvement – l’engagement de PaperWeek Alors que PAPTAC se prépare à présenter la 100e édition de son Congrès annuel – PaperWeek Canada – nous sommes particulièrement fiers de vous offrir l’un des programmes les plus impressionnants et pertinents à ce jour !
High-level technical and business presentations will be featured highlighting the industry's advancements and challenges
Des présentations techniques et d'affaire de haut niveau seront présentées soulignant les avancées et les défis de l'industrie
Industry leaders and keynote speakers will share their views and and provide their latest industry perspectives Des leaders de l'industrie ainsi que des conférenciers invités partageront leurs opinions et leurs plus récentes perspectives sur l'industrie
The 4th edition of the International Forest Biorefinery Symposium. Le quatrième Symposium International sur le Bioraffinage Forestier.
ANNIVERSARY BANQUET / 16 100th BANQUET DU 100e ANNIVERSAIRE Come and join PAPTAC to commemorate the 100th Anniversary Joignez-vous à PAPTAC pour commémorer le100e anniversaire
Read what these industry leaders have to say about the industry and its future Lisez ce que ces leaders de l'industrie ont à dire au sujet de l'industrie et de son avenir
A full day devoted to NSERC's R&D networks comprised in FIBRE and featuring the leaders of each network. Une journée complète dédiée aux réseaux du CRSNG compris dans FIBRE avec les leaders de chaque réseau.
Cascades’ new Greenpac mill leads the way for lightweight linerboard La nouvelle usine Greenpac de Cascades mène le pas sur le carton léger
Discover the work and lifestyle of a career in the p&p and forest industry Découvrez le travail et le style de vie que peut vous apporter une carrière dans l'industrie papetière et forestière
Featured in the program are highly relevant business and technical tracks such as tissue, packaging, dissolving pulp, reliability, bioenergy, workforce renewal, biorefinery, emerging research and several other technical tracks En vedette au programme : des sessions d’affaires et techniques des plus pertinentes sur : le tissu, l'emballage, la pâte dissolvante, la fiabilité, la bioénergie, le renouvellement de la main d'oeuvre, le bioraffinage, les recherches émergentes et plusieurs autres domaines techniques
PAPTAC is a Canadian-based non-profit organization, dedicated to improving the technical and professional capabilities of its members worldwide, and to the advancement of the pulp and paper industry. PAPTAC est une organisation à but non lucratif établie au Canada et vouée à l'amélioration des compétences techniques et professionnelles de ses membres partout dans le monde, ainsi qu'à l'avancement de l'industrie des pâtes et papiers. With the collaboration of / en collaboration avec :
PaperWeek Canada 2014
UNROLLED Program / Programme
Innovation in Motion – PaperWeek's Commitment Innovation en mouvement – l'engagement de PaperWeek Welcome to the 100th edition of the PAPTAC Annual Meeting – PaperWeek Canada 2014! On behalf of the Program Committee, I am pleased to invite you to participate in PaperWeek Canada, the Annual Conference of the Canadian Pulp and Paper Greg Hay Industry. As PAPTAC get's ready to host PAPTAC the 100th edition of its Annual Meeting, we Executive Director are bringing you one of the largest and most relevant programs ever! This is setting out to be one of the most impressive industry gatherings in recent years and therefore the focus has been to provide industry with information on the most recent technology and the latest expert advice on how to improve mill operations. Furthermore, we are pleased to incorporate activities that will foster the input from the next generations of industry workers with a dedicated future workforce program. PaperWeek Canada has been one of the most highly respected pulp and paper conferences around the world. Its technical and business programs are among the most comprehensive you can find in the industry. This 100th Anniversary edition will offer a true testimonial of the value this event has been contributing to the industry and its most important resource – its people!
Bienvenue à la 100e édition du Congrès annuel de PAPTAC – PaperWeek Canada 2014 ! Au nom du Comité de programme, il me fait plaisir de vous inviter à PaperWeek Canada, la conférence annuelle de l'industrie canadienne des pâtes et papiers. Alors que PAPTAC se prépare à présenter la 100e édition de son Congrès annuel, nous sommes particulièrement fiers de vous offrir l'un des programmes les plus impressionnants et pertinents organisés à ce jour ! Nous attendons un des rassemblements de l'industrie les plus importants des dernières années et de ce fait, les efforts du comité ont été constamment orientés vers son objectif principal : celui de fournir à l'industrie l'information sur les plus récentes technologies disponibles (ou en voie de le devenir) et de mettre à profit les conseils des plus éminents experts afin d'améliorer les opérations des usines. De plus, il nous fait plaisir d'incorporer des activités qui intègrent l'apport des générations futures avec un programme dédié au renouvellement de la main d'oeuvre de l'industrie. PaperWeek Canada est une des conférences sur les pâtes et papiers les plus respectées dans le monde. Cette édition du 100e anniversaire fera honneur à cette réputation et à la valeur que cet événement procure à l'industrie et à sa plus importante ressource – ses gens !
Join us and come learn, exchange, contribute, make new contacts, renew acquaintances, and celebrate! Our industry and this event have withstood the test of time and we look forward to sharing this unique occasion with those who have helped shape our industry and are actively working at ensuring its sustainability and future success.
Joignez-vous à nous et venez apprendre, échanger, contribuer, faire de nouveaux contacts, revoir de vieilles connaissances, et célébrer ! Notre industrie et cet événement sont de beaux témoignages de longévité et nous sommes impatients de partager cette occasion unique avec ceux qui ont façonné notre industrie et travaillent activement à son développement futur et à son succès.
My industry. My Commitment. Our Future.
Mon industrie. Mon engagement. Notre futur.
PaperWeek Program Committee Comité du programme PaperWeek
Yvon Pelletier Patrick Corriveau Stéphane Lamoureux Fortress Paper Resolute Forest Products Kruger Products President Vice President Operations Corporate VP Program Chairman Manufacturing
Benoît Painchaud Kruger Place Turcot Mill Manager
With the collaboration of / en collaboration avec :
PAPTAC wishes to take this opportunity to recognize the incredible work that is being accomplished by the Program Committee who oversees the entire sessions' content. As PAPTAC strives to put together the most relevant program possible to respond to the needs of the industry, the work of this committee becomes an invaluable component of PaperWeek's success.
What can you expect at PaperWeek Canada 2014? À quoi vous attendre à PaperWeek ? PaperWeek Canada is the preeminent annual conference
and tradeshow for the Canadian pulp & paper and forest products industry. The event brings together key players from pulp and paper mills and head offices, equipment and service suppliers, government, research institutes, universities, consulting firms, utility service providers, and allied industries. As PAPTAC celebrates its 100 Annual Meeting, the 2014 edition of Paperweek Canada, will present a number of activities that will be specially directed to different players and sectors in order to commemorate the important goals achieved as the Canadian technical association dedicated to the advancement of the pulp and paper industry. High-level presentations will be featured in the most relevant business and technical tracks in order to highlight the technology advancements and mark trends of the industry. Focused on key industry sectors such as: tissue, packaging, dissolving pulp, reliability, bioenergy, workforce renewal, biorefinery, emerging research and several other techical tracks, many other activities will be featured at this next edition. A dynamic tradeshow will feature supplier companies which will have the opportunity to display their products and network with clients and colleagues. To promote and maximize mill traffic, the tradeshow section of the conference will be open (free access) to all mill personnel. Students constitute the workforce renewal in our imminent future. For this reason PAPTAC dedicates a special forum for their involvement. A student poster area will be set up in a room adjacent to the tradeshow. The posters will be selected on the basis of technical and quality contents. This activity will provide excellent networking opportunities for the next generation of papermakers and researchers. The Career Fair’s objective is to raise the awareness of younger
generations to the professional opportunities the industry has to offer. Company representatives will address students on such topics as: careers, lifestyles, technologies and a typical work day in the industry. In recognition of the work done within the industry, eminent keynote speakers will take the floor during the popular PaperWeek Business Luncheons, the top industry Awards will be presented, the career fair will once again be a key component of the event, and to underline our appreciation for the industry’s patronage over the years, we are having a 100th Anniversary Banquet featuring a head table with the industry CEOs, a special evening with highquality entertainement and dining. PaperWeek Canada 2014 brings you a platform of key players with whom you will have the opportunity to learn from and exchange. PaperWeek provides the best opportunity to interact and share ideas at national and international levels. As a matter of fact, over the years tens of thousands of industry personnel, including industry leaders, managers, superintendents, process engineers, technical staff and operators have benefited both themselves and their operations by taking part in the event. We hope that you will be among those who can join us in February for the premier pulp and paper event of the year.
PaperWeek Canada 2014
UNROLLED Program / Programme
PaperWeek Canada est la principale conférence annuelle
avec son salon commercial pour l'industrie des pâtes et papiers et des produits forestiers canadiens. L'événement rassemble des acteurs clés des usines de pâtes et papiers, des fournisseurs de services, des représentants du gouvernement, des représentants d’instituts de recherche, des étudiants et professeurs d’universités, des consultants, ainsi que des prestataires de services publics et d’industries reliées. Étant donné que PaperWeek fêtera ses 100 ans en 2014, nous saisissons cette occasion pour vous remercier, chers membres et collègues, qui participent à notre succès et pour cette occasion nous vous invitons à vous joindre à nous pour souligner cet événement. Cela signifie que pour l'édition 2014 de PaperWeek Canada, un certain nombre d'activités seront spécialement organisées, afin de commémorer les objectifs importants réalisés à l'association technique canadienne pour l'avancement de l'industrie des pâtes et papiers. Plusieurs présentations de haut niveau seront mises en vedette à travers des sessions d’affaires et techniques, afin de souligner les avancements technologiques, ainsi que les nouvelles tendances de l’industrie. Les thématiques abordées toucheront les secteurs les plus pertinents dans le secteur P & P tels que : le tissu, l'emballage, la pâte dissolvante, la fiabilité, la bioénergie, le renouvellement du personnel, le bioraffinage, les recherches émergentes et plusieurs autres domaines techniques; de nombreuses autres activités seront à l'honneur lors de la prochaine édition de PaperWeek Canada. Un salon dynamique permettra aux fournisseurs de services et d’équipements de présenter leurs produits et échanger avec leurs clients potentiels et collègues. Afin de promouvoiret maximiser l’affluence du personnel d'usine, nous offrons à ces derniers un accès au salon gratuit. Les
étudiants constituent la force travail de notre future imminent. Pour cette raison PAPTAC mettra en place un forum sur mesure pour les impliquer davantage. Dans une salle adjacente au salon, les étudiants auront la possibilité d’afficher leurs posters. Les affiches seront sélectionnées sur la base de leur contenu technique et de leur qualité. Cette activité fournira d'excellentes occasions de réseautage pour la prochaine génération de papetiers et de chercheurs. L'objectif de la Foire des carrières est de sensibiliser les jeunes générations et montrer les opportunités professionnelles que l’industrie peut leur offrir. Les représentants des entreprises expliqueront aux étudiants des sujets tels que : la carrière, les modes de vie, les technologies et une journée typique de travail dans l'industrie. En reconnaissance du travail effectué dans l’industrie, des conférenciers éminents prendront la parole au cours de la populaire conférence PaperWeek. Pendant les déjeuners d'affaires, des prix seront décernés aux personnalités marquantes de l'industrie, le salon des carrières sera encore une fois un élément-clé de l'événement, et pour souligner notre appréciation de votre soutien au fil des ans, nous avons organisé pour le 100e anniversaire un Banquet incluant une table d'honneur composée des PDG de l'industrie, suivi par une soirée spéciale avec divertissements de haute qualité. PWC 2014 vous fournira une plate-forme d'acteurs-clés avec lesquels vous aurez l'occasion d'apprendre et d’échanger. PaperWeek offre la meilleure occasion d'interagir et partager des idées aux niveaux national et international. D’ailleurs au fil des ans des dizaines de milliers de membres de l'industrie, y compris les leaders de l'industrie, gestionnaires, surintendants, ingénieurs de processus, personnel technique et opérateurs, ont bénéficié eux-mêmes de leur participation à l'événement. Nous espérons que vous serez parmi ceux qui nous rejoindront en Février pour le premier événement des pâtes et papiers de l'année.
With the collaboration of / en collaboration avec :
Keynote Speakers ConfĂŠrenciers invitĂŠs
Richard Garneau, President & CEO of Resolute Forest Products
Marco Marcheggiani, President, Valmet Tissue Mills Business, Metso
Richard Garneau will give the official kick-off to PaperWeek with a keynote presentation on the tuesday morning.
Thursday morning, Marco Marcheggiani will present his view on how he see's the industry evolving in the future and how Valmet will contribute to this evolution.
John D. Williams, President & CEO of Domtar
Murray Hewitt, Mill Manager, Greenpac
John D. Williams will give the wednesday kick-off presentation and share Domtar's vision on the industry's sustainability.
On Wednesday morning, Murray Hewitt will give a presentation on the recent Greenpac mill start-up at the cuttingedge of technology for lightweight linerboard.
Brian McClay, Principal, Brian McClay & Associates Pulp Market
Carman Allison, Director of Consumer Insights, AC Nielsen
Brian McClay, will keynote at the Tuesday Feb. 4th kick-off session following Richard Garneau and provide the most up-to-date insights on the pulp and paper market at medium term view.
Carman Allison will present "Canadian Retailer Hot Buttons" as a kick-off to the Tissue Track on Thursday morning and will provide his insights on consumer shopping, buying and media consumption behaviours and attitudes to provide CPG manufacturers and retailers with strategic visions to facilitate brand, category and retail sales growth.
Sten B. Nilsson, CEO, Forest Sector Insights AB Sten B. Nilsson, will keynote the Tuesday Feb. 4th Business Luncheon with a timely and eye-opening presentation on "Transformation of the Canadian forest industry/sector. Is Tabula Rasa required?".
FIBRE Network recently held the largest and most collaborative university-led forestry research meeting in the world, with a delegation of 400 attendees composed mainly of students, researchers, industry, government and partners. PAPTAC has the pleasure to announce that in the 2014 edition, 2 major events will be organized: a FIBRE DAY and a FIBRE COMMERCIALIZATION FORUM. FIBRE Day (Forest Innovation by Research and Education) will kick off PaperWeek Canada 2014 on February 3 in Montreal at the Queen Elizabeth Hotel. It will feature the most recent work and advancements generated by this consortium of 8 networks devoted to the innovation and transformation of the forest products industry, The FIBRE Commercialization Forum will be an additional new feature during PaperWeek. It will be the second opportunity for the Networks to present under the umbrella of FIBRE, and showcase the progress and forthcoming innovative technologies highly important for industry transformation. Two
presentations will be made by each of the respective networks, providing an overview of the work and mission as well as forthcoming technology with an emphasis on commercialization. Each Network can showcase platforms, processes, products and/or technologies that could be commercialized. We are excited to bring FIBRE Day and the FIBRE Pitch Forum as fantastic additions to PaperWeek’s 100th anniversary. Le Réseau FIBRE a présenté récemment la plus grande réunion mondiale sur la base de la collaboration universitaire dans le secteur de la recherche forestière, avec une délégation de 400 personnes composée d’étudiants, chercheurs, employés de l'industrie, représentants du gouvernement et autres partenaires; nous avons le plaisir d'annoncer que l'édition 2014 de PaperWeek comprendra 2 événements majeurs dédiés à ce grand réseau, soit : la Journée FIBRE et le Forum FIBRE sur la commercialisation
International Forest Biorefinery Symposium Symposium international sur le bioraffinage forestier
Not only participants from Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Spain, Tunisia, United States will take part to the event, but also representatives from the industry, government and universities The Fourth edition of the Symposium will feature sessions on will be represented. the following topics: Mariya Marinova Le Symposium interSymposium Chair national sur le bioraf- Forest biomass resources; Polytechnique Montréal finage forestier est - Biorefining technologies; un événement traditionnel dans le cadre de PaperWeek - Bioproducts from forest biomass; qui présente le meilleur programme sur le bioraffinage - Markets and perspectives; forestier au Canada et des experts du domaine. L'objectif - Integration of biorefining technologies into P&P mills; - Building links between the forest and the chemical industry; du symposium qui aura lieu lundi et mardi les 3 et 4 février, est d'offrir aux professionnels et scientifiques œuvrant A special session will be dedicated to the BioFuelNet Canada, dans des domaines de recherche pertinents aux concepts a Network of Centres of Excellence that brings together the de bioraffinage, une plate-forme pour la présentation des Canadian biofuels research community. At PaperWeek you récents progrès et des percées technologiques. will assist at keynote presentations from the forest biorefinery Une session spéciale sera consacrée au BioFuelNet sector, namely; Canada, le Réseau de centres d’excellence qui rassemble Gerd Unkelbach, Project Group Manager, Fraunhofer Center la communauté de recherche canadienne sur les biocarfor Chemical-Biotechnological Processes CBP, on the "The burants avancés. vous assisterez également présentaFraunhofer Center for Chemical and Biotechnological tions plénières données par d'éminentes personnalités dans le domaine du bioraffinage forestier. Non seulement Processes and the German BioEconomy Cluster, and des participants l’Allemagne, du Canada, de la Finlande, de la France, de l’Espagne, de la Tunisie, des États-Unis Donald Smith, James McGill Professor Director and CEO, BioFuelNet Canada, on the "BioFuelNet seront présents, mais les milieux industriel, gouvernemental et universitaire seront aussi représentés. and the Conversion of the Forest Biomass" International Forest Biorefinery Symposium is a traditional event as part of PaperWeek, featuring the most important Forest Biorefinery program in Canada and the leading experts in the field. The purpose of the Symposium, which will take place Monday and Tuesday February 3rd and 4th, is to offer to professionals and scientists working in the field of biorefinery a platform for the presentation of recent advancements and technological breakthroughs.
Forming a new opinion about forming fabrics Even though they are considered consumables in the budget, machine clothing products are critical to a papermaker’s success. A fabric supplier cannot hide performance: it is apparent in a very short time if a fabric is helping or hurting the process. This is the story of how a new forming fabric for printing and writing grades – PrintStar™ – was born. It was during discussions with printing/writing grade producers that the idea for PrintStar™ took form. One of those customers – in fact the very first customer – was in the Lac St. Jean area of Québec, Canada. The PM Superintendent at this first customer sums up his experience this way: “At the end of the day, I am responsible for the tonnage here. If I save 10% on fabric costs, but don’t deliver the tonnage, no one is going to give me a medal. With our business getting tougher and tougher, I need suppliers around me that I can rely on. Honestly speaking, the team from AstenJohnson has always been reliable, supporting their products, giving good service, and presenting us with new ideas.” Want to know more, follow this link to the full story.
New Technology for Frontline Papermakers On September 2nd Paperchine Quantum Solutions (PQS) and HTRC Industrial Solutions announced a Joint Development Agreement to develop WebMaster™. WebMaster™ will provide frontline papermakers with a powerful tool to track process changes in real time and take action before production and quality are negatively impacted. “We are very excited to be able to combine the papermaking strength of PQS with the technological capabilities HTRC has perfected over the past 30 years,” said Jean-Pierre Bouchard, Vice President of PQS. Want to know more, follow this link to the full story.
Cascades’ new Greenpac mill leads the way for lightweight linerboard by Mark R. Williamson, Paper Advance
The new 540,000 tpy machine is designed for a "sweet
spot" basis weight of 26 lb/1000 sq.ft. (126.9 g/m2), thus providing a market push to lighter boxes. The major investment will hopefully lead the market for the next fifty years, says Cascades' Maurice Plante. With the on-time July 15 startup of the Greenpac Mill LLC in Niagara Falls, NY the containerboard industry must get used to a lighter weight future - from this source anyway. That is the plan of the majority owner Cascades who will operate the mill through its Norampac packaging subsidiary. The US$430 million cost of the project was financed with US$140 million equity investment of which 59.7% was invested by Cascades, 20.2% was invested by Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec, and 20.1% was invested by Jamestown Container and Containerboard Partners. With a better print surface quality and improved strength , this mill's 540,000 tpy output is aimed at the just developing market for lighter yet high performance linerboard products that have become commonplace in Europe and elsewhere. In Europe, the average box weights are reported to be up to 20% lighter than in North America. Maybe this trend will catch on with the startup of largest recycled linerboard machine in North America with a designed "sweet spot" production of 26 lb liner. Using world-class technology in stock preparation and the board making process will help to establish the products' performance. Better performance with a furnish-saving lighter weight sounds like a win-win combination.
A fifty year investment This major investment– the largest project ever by Cascades - was taken to lead the company into a leadership position in the containerboard industry explains Maurice Plante, Vice-President, Containerboard and Boxboard. "If you want to stay a leader in the market you need better production assets. With this new machine we now have the capa- Mr. Maurice Plante, Vice-President, Containerboard and Boxboard bility to serve the market for the next fifty years." The market potential will be developed first in Norampac's corrugated plants. "Now, we can use this low basis weight high performance product in our own box plants (to prove the concept) and this should give us a competitive advantage," he adds. Plante explains that the return on investment favored a large 540,000 tpy capacity over a smaller machine. Of course there are risks that sales targets may not be met but those are mitigated by the fact that most of the production is already committed to Norampac mills and its partner boxboard producers. "We have firm contractual agreements for 80% of the production. The other 20% is going to the open market," says Plante.
World class processes To make sure the best world class machinery and process equipment was chosen Cascades experienced project team visited many mills in Europe, Turkey and Asia that produce lightweight linerboard. In addition to quality and runnability
PaperWeek Canada 2014
they were looking at reliability as well. Voith was chosen for the recycled fiber plant and Metso was chosen for the 328 inch (8.33m) trim machine. That width allows for three across sets for the newer 110 inch corrugating machines. The forming section on the board machine is a departure from recent machines outside of North America which have gap formers. The two-fourdrinier configuration – although longer - gives the mill more flexibility in controlling the forming process at low consistencies and with good formation, reasons Plante. As expected, the press section includes a shoe press. A film size press will impart a surface finish with better printing quality and extra strength. As another benefit, lower cost furnish could be used without detrimental effects. The size press has not been implemented yet, as Plante explains they have taken a step by step approach to the machine startup. He says the addition of the size press to the machine was based on future needs, but they reasoned it should be done now rather than at a later stage when it would be more difficult logistically and costly. The film size press will be started up in the coming months.
World class energy efficiency The mill has been designed to be one of the most efficient in the world, according to Plante. The energy saving technology includes variable frequency drives (VFD) on many pumps rather than flow throttling valves. Dry running turbo blowers are used instead of conventional vacuum pumps and this provides a 50% energy saving. All told, the specific electrical energy consumption is an impressive 480 KWH/t. Similarly, fresh water is used sparingly, with lots of recirculation. Fresh water consumption is 2 cu.m/t. Steam use efficiency is rated at 3000 lbs/t.
Ground breaking agreement
In ground breaking news (for North America, at least) Metso is managing all maintenance systems and procedures at the mill. The agreement included the recruitment of all maintenance personnel prior to start-up. Upon start-up, Metso assumed full responsibility of the mill maintenance operations for the entire
UNROLLED Program / Programme
production facilities. The contract will run initially for six years. To make this important decision, Cascades personnel visited mills in Europe where similar agreements have been in place for several years. Plante explains their reasoning for going in this new direction for maintenance. "We are papermakers, not specialized in maintenance and Metso is very well equipped to do this. Everything in this mill is new, so it is a good starting point. We would have to hire people and train them ourselves. For Metso it is already done."
More developments to come With a brand new, efficient and world class mill and high quality yet lighter product, where is Cascades positioned for the future? Plante responds, "This investment allows us to be a leader in North America and allows us to grow with good profitability." As for new products on the market the company takes a cautious "just watch us" approach. Plante hints at new products in the coming months. These will be presumably tested in Norampac plants.
26 lb high performance board after startup The machine produced its first reel as scheduled on July 15. Initially, the basis weight was 30lb/1000 sq.ft. (146.4 g/m2) but that was worked down to 26 lb. (126.9 g/m2) "Right now (just after startup) we are producing 26 to 30 lb high performance board at 2000 fpm (610 m/min), " says Plante. The design speed of the machine is 3000 fpm (915 m/min) and the expected basis weight range is 23 to 35 lb. Plante notes the extremely good CD profiles achieved so far, even without the help of CD dilution and moisture profilers. The machine produced its first reel as scheduled on July 15. Initially, the basis weight was 30lb. but that was worked down to 26 lb.
With the collaboration of / en collaboration avec :
Une entrevue avec Daniel Archambault, Vice-président exécutif, Kruger inc. Solutions à vocation scientifique Ce constat, il le fait pour l'échiquier mondial, mais en pensant tout particulièrement à l'industrie papetière canadienne; « une industrie en processus de réinvention après la récession, une industrie qui est promise à un bel avenir, car elle investit sérieusement dans la recherche de solutions à vocation scientifique par le biais de réseaux comme FIBRE ou FPInnovations – pour ne nommer que ces programmes ». C'est par ce type d'initiative que le secteur forestier canadien pourra répondre aux besoins de ses partenaires gouvernementaux et de membres industriels. Pour une organisation comme Kruger, ces réseaux deviennent essentiels pour faciliter l'échange entre experts et pour stimuler la recherche appliquée. « C'est justement ce qui rend si intéressante la participation à l'Association technique des pâtes et papiers du Canada (PAPTAC); ces regroupements sont essentiels pour canaliser et coordonner les énergies d'un si grand nombre d'acteurs » dit-il en insistant sur l'importance de la recherche de nouveaux produits et de nouveaux procédés pour voir à la valorisation des activités de transformation de la fibre.
Le Canada garde son avantage concurrentiel Pour Daniel Archambault, le Canada n'a jamais perdu son avantage au plan mondial. Cet avantage se décline sous différentes perspectives. La première concerne la qualité et l'abondance de la fibre puis, dans une hiérarchie d'avantages, viendrait soit les pratiques
An Interview with
par Mathieu Régnier, Le Maître papetier
de régénérations durables maintenant monnaie courante ou le coût de l'énergie qui est très compétitif. À ces avantages se rajoute une main-d'œuvre qualifiée soutenue par un bon système d'éducation. Sur le plan logistique, le Canada a des ressources qui lui permettent d'exporter ses produits à travers le monde. Enfin, les gouvernements fédéral et provinciaux investissent beaucoup en recherche sur les technologies de transformation et encouragent et soutiennent l'industrie ce qui compte énormément pour transformer la fibre à des coûts concurrentiels.
Au large de la bioéconomie : suivre le cap La demande mondiale pour la pâte, le papier et le bois d'œuvre se maintient bien que les centres de croissance économique se soient déplacés. C'est pour cette raison que la croissance des entreprises canadiennes viendra de plus en plus de l'exploitation de nouveauxsegments de marché et vers l'exploitation de produits sophistiqués comme le bois d'ingénierie, la nanocellulose cristalline ou les filaments cellulosiques. Daniel Archambault croit que l'industrie devra prendre un virage avec un œil sur les phares de la bioéconomie, comme un bateau voguant une fois la nuit tombée. « Je pense entre autres à la bioénergie, aux biocarburants – à la pyrolyse – ou encore aux produits bio et biochimiques. »
Développements récents chez Kruger Parmi les plus récentes évolutions de l'entreprise, on note l'agrandissement de l'usine de Kruger à Memphis, au Tennes-
see qui a été financé en partie par un prêt de la Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec. La nouvelle usine comprend trois machines à papier et des chaînes de transformation. Cet agrandissement s'accompagne tout particulièrement de l'installation d'une nouvelle machine de papiers tissu. L'objectif de l'investissement est de faire passer la capacité totale de 57 000 à 117 000 tonnes métriques (papiers hygiéniques, papiers-mouchoirs, essuie-tout, serviettes de table). On note aussi l'inscription en bourse d'une partie des activités de l'entreprise (Papiers Tissu KP inc.). Cette société a été créée exclusivement aux fins d'acquérir une participation dans Produits Kruger S.E.C. – fabricant de produits de papier.
Le respect de l'environnement : « une de nos plus grandes fiertés ». « Nous travaillons à réduire notre empreinte environnementale depuis plusieurs années et nous y sommes arrivés à coups d'investissements majeurs dans nos usines. » Selon Daniel Archambault l'industrie en entier a adopté de grands changements afin de répondre à des normes environnementales toujours plus sévères. « Parmi nos plus grandes fiertés, il faut certainement compter sur la baisse considérable d'utilisation de carburant fossile dans nos opérations. » Kruger utilise par exemple sa propre biomasse forestière et consent des efforts considérables en matière d'efficacité énergétique. « Des plans de cogénération sont en place dans plusieurs de nos instal-
PaperWeek Canada 2014
lations. » Le rôle de Kruger Énergie comme unité d'affaires de la société y est pour quelque chose dans le sens où elle illustre l'expertise développée par Kruger dans le domaine des énergies renouvelables. Kruger Énergie est la résultante d'une diversification des activités de la compagnie. Son mandat est de croitre dans le domaine des énergies vertes (hydroélectrique, éolien, cogénération, biomasse et biogaz) bien avant de fournir de l'énergie aux installations des autres unités. Pour l'instant l'autoconsommation est très utile pour répondre aux objectifs de réduction des gaz à effet de serre, mais l'entreprise mise aussi sur la revente de l'énergie produite au sein de ses 34 sites de production. Au total, la puissance installée est de plus de 520 MW.
Renouvellement de la main d'œuvre « Comme plusieurs acteurs du milieu, nous constatons que le renouvellement de la main d'œuvre sera un défi important de la prochaine décennie. Il en va de la pérennité de l'industrie, explique-t-il. » L'Association des produits forestiers du Canada parle de 60 000 nouveaux emplois d'ici 2020. Si la main-d'œuvre manque à l'appel et que la moyenne d'âge dans l'industrie est de 50 ans, aux yeux de Daniel Archambault, il faut d'abord retenir la main d'œuvre existante et Kruger adopte une foule de stratégies pour s'en assurer. « Parmi les mesures offertes chez nous il y a la possibilité de suivre différents cheminements de carrières au sein de toutes nos divisions. Ceci attire les candidats à une époque où les postes qui durent toute une vie ne sont plus monnaie courante. » La compétition est grande pour attirer la main-d'œuvre qualifiée dans différentes régions du pays. Le boum des sables bitumineux attire de nombreux quarts de
With the collaboration of / en collaboration avec :
métiers, même chose du côté des activités minières dynamisé par le développement du Nord. Il s'agit d'industries qui nécessitent l'apport d'une main d'œuvre très similaire : gestionnaires de projets, ingénieurs, ouvriers spécialisés, etc.
Diversification: la solution? Le récent programme d'expansion de Kruger lui a permis de réaliser une diversification équilibrée au plan industriel dans le but, notamment, de répartir les risques liés à la récession sur une plus large gamme de produits. Ce ralentissement économique, a certainement été un défi pour Kruger, toutefois, en favorisant la diversification, l'entreprise assure sa croissance et l'aide à mieux se protéger contre de futurs ralentissements économiques. « Entre 2009 et 2011 de nombreuses usines ont dû fermer à travers le pays, mais Kruger s'en est relativement bien tiré en comparaison avec ses concurrents. L'entreprise est le seul fabricant de papier journal au Canada et un des rares en Amérique du Nord qui n'a pas dû se placer sous la protection de la loi pour éviter la faillite. » Bien entendu, Kruger a dû faire des choix : réorganiser sa division du papier par exemple. Malgré les rationalisations d'effectifs inévitables, l'entreprise estime avec fierté avoir respecté toutes ses obligations envers ses employés : primes de séparation et bénéfices.
UNROLLED Program / Programme
Pour Daniel Archambault, PaperWeek Canada 2014 sera un moment charnière pour l'industrie à l'heure de la bioéconomie et à l'heure d'un redressement certain. Il rappelle que l'édition de 2013 a vraiment redonné des ailes à la conférence qui avait également souffert de la situation économique. « Après 2009, la semaine du papier était presque disparue, mais depuis trois ou quatre ans nous assistons à un véritable retour en force de l'événement, en février dernier nous pouvions vraiment sentir une nouvelle dynamique sur le plancher. » L'industrie se repositionne en fonction de l'innovation. Innovation dans les pratiques d'affaires et de gestion autant que dans les technologies et les processus de production. À ce sujet il y a beaucoup à apprendre des autres PAPTAC du monde croit Daniel Archambault. Pour lui, les regroupements industriels de pâtes et papiers des autres grandes régions productrices du monde, comme l'Europe ou le Japon, doivent continuer à partager leurs connaissances. « C'est particulièrement intéressant en matière de progrès technologiques », dit l'ingénieur. Il note d'ailleurs que les principales innovations, tant en matière de fabrication de papier qu'en matière de coupe du bois proviennent de recherches conduites par des réseaux scientifiques internationaux. Espérons qu'ils seront présents à PaperWeek.
Une présidence qui tombe sur une année bien spéciale Flatté d'avoir été choisi par PAPTAC pour assumer le poste de président du Conseil pour l'année 2013, Daniel Archambault prend donc une place importante pour une année d'importance. La prochaine édition de PaperWeek Canada intitulé « L'innovation en mouvement » marquera le centième anniversaire de la conférence canadienne des pâtes et papiers.
100th Anniversary Banquet
Banquet du 100e anniversaire ϮϬϭϰ͗ :ŽŝŶ ƵƐ ƚŽ ĐĞůĞďƌĂƚĞ WĂƉĞƌtĞĞŬ ĂŶĂĚĂΖƐ ϭϬϬƚŚ ŶŶŝǀĞƌƐĂƌLJ
To commemorate the 100th Anniversary of its Annual Meet-
ing, PaperWeek Canada, come and join PAPTAC, industry CEOs and several other key players of the industry as we celebrate this important milestone. Centered around the Innovation in Motion that has characterized the value that this long-standing event has brought to the employees and the companies of our industry, this testimonial to the constant drive to evolve, innovate and succeed, will set the stage for this gathering on Wednesday February 5th at the Queen Elizabeth Hotel in Montreal. PAPTAC has the pleasure to announce that two renowned Canadian celebrities will enchant this special evening: David Chilton David Chilton, an economics graduate from Wilfrid Laurier University, won the award for the highest mark in the country on the Canadian Securities Course. He is a frequent guest on national television and radio shows. He is currently one of the venture capitalist on the network's hit series Dragon’s Den. His first book, The Wealthy Barber, has sold an astonishing
two million copies in Canada. His latest book, The Wealthy Barber Returns is also a runaway Canadian bestseller. He also published the bestselling cookbooks Looneyspoons, Crazy Plates and Eat, Shrink & Be Merry! Natalie Choquette This Canadian soprano is a rather unique multilingual classical entertainer who presents opera with an irresistible humorous twist. Her show, “Whoever said opera was boring?”, has delighted audiences across the planet and won over many new opera fans. Thanks to her beautiful crystal-clear voice and unique sense of humor she have touched many souls and uplifted many spirits around the world. Nous vous invitons à vous joindre à PAPTAC pour commémorer le 100e anniversaire de son Congrès annuel, PaperWeek Canada. Les PDG de l'industrie, ainsi que plusieurs autres acteurs-clés se rassembleront pour célébrer cette étape importante. Centré autour de l'Innovation en mouvement qui a caractérisé la valeur que ce rendez-vous de longue date a apporté aux personnes et aux entreprises de notre industrie, ce témoignage de la volonté constante d'évoluer, d'innover et de réussir, préparera le terrain pour ce rassemblement qui aura lieu le mercredi 5 février à l'hôtel Le Reine Élizabeth, à Montréal. Join us for this special event and come take a break from the daily business marathon. Take a moment to celebrate our industry's withstood test of time and innovative spirit.
Conference Program Programme de la conférence *Program subject to changes, visit for updates *Programme sujet à changements visitez pour les mises à jour
PACKAGING TRACK, Tues. Feb. 4 & Wed. Feb. 5
Sessions will feature:
Packaging will play an enhanced role in the 2014 program, with a 1 1/2 day dedicated track. With experts covering the latest technology advancements in production, the presentations will also provide updates on some of the most recent implementations & projects that have made the news in the paperboard industry. The Packaging Program will also look at providing insight on the latest updates in market perspectives for the global packaging industry.
A keynote presentation from Murray Hewitt, General Manager at Greenpac on the recent mill start-up at the cutting-edge of technology for lightweight linerboard.
PROGRAMME EMBALLAGE, mardi 4 & mercredi 5 février L'emballage occupera une place importante dans la programmation 2014, avec un volet dédié d'une journée et demie. Avec des experts couvrant les dernières avancées technologiques en matière de production, les présentations fourniront également les dernières mises à jour au sujet des projets et des investissements qui ont fait la nouvelle dans l'industrie du carton d'emballage. Le programme Emballage aura aussi pour but de dresser un bilan des dernières perspectives et tendances du marché global de l'emballage. La session comprendra entre autres une présentation de Murray Hewitt,Directeur général de Greenpac, sur la nouvelle usine de Norampac à la fine pointe de la technologie du carton léger.
And presentations from packaging industry leaders:
.KSH, Daniel Rouleau, VP: NA Containerboard, an industry under restructure? .Paper and Paperboard Packaging Environmental Coun-
cil (PPEC), John Mullinder, Executive Director: The Canadian Paper Packaging Industry is Under Threat Norampac, Brett Kendall, Corrugated Products Technical Service: Consumer needs & market trends Propapier's PM2: a Machine that runs at with 2 shoe presses to produce low basis weight paperboard achieving a dryness ratio of 57% Voith, Sammy Di Re: Technologies to lower BW while maintaining strength Kadant, Chris Demler: Hydraflow continuous detrashing system – successful OCC mill installation report Albany, Mehdi Banhadjoudja: Packaging grades: Energy saving with non-woven press felt technology case studies Kemira, Marco Polverari: A new generation Polyvinylamine technology (PVAM) for packaging and board manufacturing StoweWeavexx, Bob Carney: Press nip impulse to increase machine efficiency Enerquin, Dave Young: Wet end ventilation in the packaging and board industry Buckman, Kevin MacDonald: Maximizing packaging performance with biotechnology (enzymes) GL&V, Gergory Sleeper: New pulper technology for Metsa Boards' simple mill
. . . . . . . . . .
PaperWeek Canada 2014
UNROLLED Program / Programme
RELIABILITY TRACK, Tues. Feb. 4 - All day
What is considered world class when it comes to reliability? Where does the pulp and paper industry stand vs where it needs to be in order to be competitive and vs what other industries have done? This new track at PaperWeek will feature experts in reliability with industry best practice case studies, as well as experts from other industries to provide participants the most recent advancements and benchmark standards in operational reliability.
Quel est le standard de classe mondiale en termes de fiabilité ? Où se situe l'industrie papetière par rapport au niveau à atteindre pour être compétitive et comment se compare-t-elle à ce que font d'autres industries ? Ce nouveau programme à PaperWeek regroupera des experts en fiabilité et présentera les meilleures pratiques et des études de cas des meilleurs dans le domaine en plus d'inviter des experts d'autres industries afin de fournir aux participants les plus récents avancements et les standards à atteindre en matière de fiabilité opérationnelle.
février, toute la journée
Session 1 - 10:30 –12:00 System Management 10:30 Achieving Business Objectives through Reliability Best Practices - Erich Moisan, Operations Manager, Allied Reliability Group Canada 11:00 Predictive Maintenance Techniques for Pulp and Paper - Lance Bisinger, Director, Allied Reliability Group 11:30 Shutdown Management - Eric Delorme, Allied Reliability Group Canada, Michel Horth, Allied Reliability Group Canada Session 2- 13:00- 14:30 Reliability Best Practices 13:00 Unplanned downtime reduction, what is your plan? - John Yolton, SKF’s Global P&P 13:45 Visual Operator Inspection Routes, Roger Coulombe & Jeff Watson, R.Coulombe Group Session 3 - 15:00- 16:30 Change Management 15:00 Getting Sustainable Results From your Improvement Efforts - Bob Chown, President, inprove Inc. 15:45 Reliable production - a major competitive advantage - Christer Idhammar, Founder and CEO of IDCON Inc.
TUESDAY FEBRUARY 4 - TECHNICAL SESSIONS /MARDI 4 FÉVRIER - SESSIONS TECHNIQUES MECHANICAL PULPING Impact of ozone and oxygen inter-stage treatment on TMP qualities and fibre development - Robert Lanouette, UQTR Water absorbation ability of Kraft and high-yield pulp - Ju Chen, FPInnovations Variable Analysis for the Optimization of Alkaline Peroxide Treatments on Primary Refined TMP prior and subsequent to Low Consistency Refining - James Olson, UBC Enhancing best practices in extractives control on paper machine through implementation of newest research information – review - Przem Pruszynski, Nalco ENERGY COST SAVINGS Pinch analysis reveals potentials at AV cell - Bahador Bakhtiari, American Process Enzymatic pretreatment of wood chips for energy savings in TMP refining - André Pelletier, UNB Application of process integration in Canadian pulp and paper mills results and impacts - Philippe Navarri, NRCan Software Tools & Training Program - Philippe Navarri, NRCan 2014 FIBRE Commercialization Forum Pitch #1 - Mikael Rönnqvist (VCO Network) Why optimization is fun? Pitch #2 - Mathieu Bouchard (VCO Network), VCOLink: Creating network value Pitch #3 - Professor Emma Master (NSERC Bioconversion Network): TBA Pitch #4 - Derek Gates (Green Fibre Network) Flame retardant additives Pitch #5 - James Olson (Green Fibre Network) Origami process for 3D structures Pitch #6 - Huining Xiao (Sentinel Bioactive Paper Network) Antimicrobial polymers for value-added paper and packaging products... With the collaboration of / en collaboration avec :
TISSUE TRACK Wed. Feb. 5 & Thurs. Feb. 6 Building on the strong success of the first Tissue Seminar at PaperWeek 2013, the Tissue Sector will play an even bigger role in 2014. With an entire track being organized over 2 days and bringing together the sector's key players, the Tissue Program will address the key aspects of tissue production, operations optimization and technology developments as well as provide updates on the most recent market trends and perspectives.
Adam Tan, Cadillac Fairview Andrew Tremblay, Domtar François Dufresne, FSC Session 3: Runnability Optimization “High Temperature vs High Impigement Velocity” Antoine Hofer, Enerquin “Yankee Steam System Optimization” Mike Soucy, Kadant
PROGRAMME TISSU, mercredi 5 & jeudi 6 février
“Innovative tools for tissue machine efficiency” Fred Parent, FPInnovations
Suite au franc succès du premier séminaire sur le tissu à PaperWeek 2013, le secteur du tissu jouera occupera une place encore plus importante en 2014. Avec un programme dédié de deux jours regroupant les joueurs-clés du secteur, les sessions tissu aborderont les aspects majeurs ayant trait à la production, l'optimisation des opérations et les développements technologiques en plus de fournir les plus récentes données et perspectives du marché.
“Lowering Energy Consumption of the Yankee Hood by Raising Supply Air Temperature” Alfredo Sarli, Voith
Session 1: Tissue – Felt and Fabric Innovation
“Hi Yield (BCTMP) birch” Mark Kidd, Manager Sales Americas, Tembec
“Improving Safety with Press Fabric Seam Technology” Jim Bell, Senior Product Manager, Albany
“Eucalyptus” Fernando Henrique Pescatori Silva, ElDorado, Brasil
“PC tools to improve tissue machine performance” Frank Cunnane, Regional Manager, Cristini
Session 5: Chemical Innovation Panel
Presentation Title TBD Daniel Hedou, Global Innovation Product Business Leader, AstenJohnson “Felt/Roll Synergy in Tissue Manufacturing” Tom Heazel, Title TBD, Xerium
“Energy Reduction in Tissue Operations” G. Noel, Pragmathic Session 4: The Importance of Fibre Choices “Pulps from around the World” Ho Fan Jang, Principle Scientist, FPInnovations “Eastern Canada Northern Bleached Softwoods and Maple” Cindy Milbury, Technical Director, Irving Pulp And Paper
“Application of Novel Creping Adhesive” Lucyna Pawlowska, Tissue Process Application Specialist, Kemira Title TBD Barry Reymolds, Tissue Business Manager, Buckman
Session 2: Tissue Sustainability Panel
“World Class Yankee Coatings” Gary Furman, Corporate Scientist, Nalco
Leaders is Sustainable Thinking
Title TBD Dr. Choi, Research Fellow, Ashland
This session will reunite the original members of the 2012 roundtable about re-defining sustainable paper given the macro economic changes in the fibre marketplace over the past five years. Participants: Steven Sage, Kruger Products Andrew Gustyn, Unisource
PaperWeek Canada 2014
UNROLLED Program / Programme
Workforce renewal is a growing need and key priority in the forest products industry. A labour market report by the Forest Products Sector Council, indicates that the industry will have to fill as many as 130 000 positions by 2020*. Whether it is for mechanics, engineers, researchers, electricians or equipment operators, the industry will need to promote the incentives and benefits of working in the pulp and paper and forest products industry in order to draw new talent in these positions. This new workforce renewal track will present the current status of the sector's workforce and provide the audience with tools and initiatives to help promote the industry's work environment. * Source: The Workforce status in the industry
Le renouvellement de la main d’œuvre constitue un besoin grandissant dans l'industrie des produits forestiers et une priorité pour les entreprises. Dans un rapport sur la situation de la main d’œuvre rédigé par le Conseil sectoriel des produits forestiers, on apprend en effet que l’industrie devra pourvoir jusqu’à 130 000 postes d'ici 2020*. Que ce soit comme mécanicien, ingénieur, chercheur, électricien ou opérateur de machinerie, l'industrie devra promouvoir les possibilités et les avantages que peut offrir une carrière dans l'industrie papetière et forestière afin d'attirer les nouveaux talents vers les postes à combler. Ce nouveau programme sur le renouvellement de la main d’oeuvre présentera l'état actuel de la situation de la main d'œuvre du secteur et fournira aux participants des outils et des initiatives pouvant aider à la promotion de l'industrie comme environnement de travail. * Source :
Wed. Feb. 5
FPAC, Bob Larocque: Global overview of the current status in Canada Marie Dumontier, Consultant: Getting the Other 50% On Board Towers & Watson: Cross-sector workforce evolution in Canada Knowledge Transfer & Leadership Development Towers & Watson: Best Practices Kimiz Dalkir, Coordinator Knowledge Management Stream, School of Information Studies, McGill University Richard Chénier, Directeur du service du perfectionnement de l'École de Technologie Supérieure Leadership Panel on regional collaboration and initiatives "Préférence Estrie"
Wed. Feb. 5 - TECHNICAL TRACK / Mercredi 5 février - PROGRAMME TECHNIQUE BLEACHING & KRAFT PULPING 1 / BLANCHIMENT et PÂTE KRAFT 1 "Assessing the Global Quality of Bleached Kraft Market Pulps: combined results from 2003, 2008, and 2013 Benchmarking Programs" - Maurice Douek, FPInnovations "Effects of the ultrafiltration treatment on the (EPO) filtrate on a Kraft pulp mill" - Rafael Quezada, UFV Brazil "Demonstration of Advanced Processing Aids for Pulp Mill Applications in Fluff, Speciality and Dissolving Markets" Frederick Vance, Kemira BLEACHING & KRAFT PULPING 2 / BLANCHIMENT et PÂTE KRAFT 2 "Is Conductivity the Best Measurement of Bleach Plant Carryover?" - Sandra Beber-Miller "Ozone bleaching: The role of hexenuronic and muconic acids on pulp viscosity" - Dominique Lachenal, Pagora FR "Syringaldehyde Mediated Electrochemical Delignification of Poplar Kraft Pulp" - Pedram Fatehi, Lakehead NEW TECHNOLOGY SUPPLIER SHOWCASE / SHOWCASE FOURNISSEURS SUR LES NOUVELLES TECHNOLOGIES Come listen to the latest technology in products and services from leading industry suppliers. Details to be announed shortly on Venez prendre le pouls des dernières percées technologiques dans les produits et services des fournisseurs clés de l'industrie. Les détails seront annoncés prochainement sur With the collaboration of / en collaboration avec :
Bioenergy is a growing component in the industry and globally. This new and timely track in the PaperWeek program will focus on the game changers in energy and look at the opportunities, challenges and most recent advancements in mill implementations, such as co-generation, turbine optimization, bioproducts, biofuel, sludge and bio-oil with some of the most recognized speclialists in these fields.
The Program Committee is very excited to include a new track in the conference that will focus on the Dissolving Pulp Business and Production. As a growing sector within the industry and an emerging market, Dissolving Pulp is an area where the parameters are quickly evolving, and where running optimal operations will be a key factor in reaching its full potential. This track will begin together the key players of the sector to provide an overview of the most recent developments in the dissolving pulp business.
PROGRAMME BIOENERGIE, jeudi 6 février La bioénergie et un domaine en croissance dans l'industrie et à l'échelle globale. Ce nouveau thème des plus opportuns à PaperWeek abordera sur les grands enjeux en énergie et se penchera sur les opportunités, les défis et les plus récents avancements et implantations en usine, tels que les co-générations, l'optimisation des turbines, les bioproduits, les biogaz, les boues et l'huile bio, avec quelques-uns des spécialistes les plus reconnus dans ces domaines. Biobusiness
Le Comité de programme est heureux d'inclure un nouveau volet au programme de la conférence dédié à la production et au marché de la pâte dissolvante. Comme secteur en croissance au sein de l'industrie et marché d'émergence, la pâte de dissolution est un domaine où les paramètres évoluent rapidement et où l'optimisation des opérations est un facteur-clé afin qu'il atteigne son plein potentiel. Ce programme rassemblera les principaux joueurs de ce secteur afin de donner un aperçu des plus récents développements dans le marché de la pâte dissolvante.
“Bioeconomy and bioenergy” Sten B. Nilsson, CEO Forest Sector Insights “The biobusiness value chain” AMEC Biooil/gasification “Potential use of bio-oils in boilers, lime kilns and engines” Murray Thomson, University of Toronto and presentations on most recent projects and implementations by Nexterra and Ensyn Biomass “Research program on biomass properties and impacts on boiler operation” Honghi Tran, University of Toronto “Most recent work, advancements and implementations in biosludge dewatering and drying” Grant Allen, University of Toronto “Energy like we’ve never seen it” Richard Painchaud, Président, Innoventé
Market Session Participants: Michael Stone, "Analysis of Potential China Anti-Dumping Duties on the Dissolving Pulp Market " Lenzing Derek Budgell, Tembec Technical Session Participants: Bruno Marcoccia, Domtar (Lignoboost) Chris Powers, Ashland Brian Greenwood, Andritz
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Thursday. Feb. 6 - TECHNICAL TRACK / Jeudi 6 février - PROGRAMME TECHNIQUE PROCESS CONTROL / CONTRÔLE DE PROCÉDÉS "Thoughts on Paper: Enabling the Real Time Enterprise" - James Black, Osi soft "Improving Paper Quality by Combining CD Profile Measurements with Process Measurements" - Jarmo Kahala, Savcor "Precise analysis of process problems using HD camera technology" - Roy Probandt, Isra Sruface Vision Inc. ENVIRONEMENT / ENVIRONNEMENT (Details to come) - Barb Buckland, Environmental Effects Monitoring (EEM) specialist, Environment Canada "Pathogen survey of P&P mill biosolids and select benchmark materials (soil, compost, sewage biosolids)" Cecily Flemming, Ministry of the Environment "Color Lignin Removal" - Philip Kemp, Kadant PAPER MACHINE TECHNOLOGY / TECHNOLOGIE DE LA MACHINE À PAPIER "Crepe wrinkle formation during reeling and winding" - David McDonald, JDMcD Consulting Inc. "Novel Online Monitoring Tools for Improved Microbiological Control" - Marc Nelson, Kemira "Utilizing Expert Systems to Improve Paper Machine Operation and Lower Costs" - John VanDerKolk, Paperchine
NRCan Panel: Beyond Pulp and Paper, Wed. Feb 5
Next generation biorefineries faced with a structural decline in demand and competition from countries with low-cost inputs and fast growing fibre, Canadian pulp and paper mills are actively looking for solutions to maintain and enhance their competitiveness. Senior management from Canada's leading forest products companies will share their experiences on integrating biorefinery technologies into their pulp and paper mills, as they seek to diversify their core businesses by turning mill by-products into higher value-added products, taking the active steps towards creating the bioeconomy of the future. FPInnovations presentation: Customer requirements regarding supply chain sustainability, Wed. Feb 5
In today's market there are numerous demands for more sustainable products across all sectors of the supply chain. The multiple stakeholders including manufacturers to retailers to consumers are all under increasing pressure to reduce the environmental impacts associated with global consumption. While this brings about unprecedented challenges it also sets the stage for the development of strategies by which to accomplish this in an open and consistent manner. The intent of this session is to learn further about the strategies that have been developed and are being implemented by some of the largest North American retailers of consumer goods to ensure that the pulp and paper industry is better positioned to meet and contribute to their sustainability targets and future goals.
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Career Fair Foire des carrières
Discover the work and lifestyle of a career in the pulp and paper and forest industry Découvrez le travail et le style de vie que peut vous apporter une carrière dans l'industrie papetière et forestière
renewal is a growing need and key priority in the forest products industry. A labour market report by the Forest Products Sector Council, indicates that the industry will have to fill as many as 130 000 positions by 2020*. Whether it is for mechanics, engineers, researchers, electricians or equipment operators, opportunities are numerous for anyone willing to work in this wellestablished and evolving sector. The PaperWeek Career Fair will put job seekers and futur workers in contact with some of the major pulp/paper and forest products employers in the Country who
are currently looking to hire new talent and will provide participants the opportunity to meet face-to-face with them and know all about having a career in this dynamic industry. * Source: Le renouvellement de la main d’œuvre constitue un besoin grandissant dans l'industrie des produits forestiers et une priorité pour les entreprises. Dans un rapport sur la situation de la main d’œuvre rédigé par le Conseil sectoriel des produits forestiers, on apprend en effet que l’industrie devra pourvoir jusqu’à 130 000 postes d'ici 2020*. Que ce soit comme mécanicien, ingénieur, chercheur, électricien ou opérateur de machinerie, les possibilités sont nombreuses pour quiconque désire travailler dans ce secteur bien établi et en pleine évolution. La Foire des carrières de PaperWeek permettra aux chercheurs d'emploi et aux futurs travailleurs de rencontrer les
With the participation of:
employeurs-clés du secteur des pâtes et papiers et des produits forestiers au pays qui sont actuellement à la recherche de nouveaux talents et donnera la possibilité aux participants d’interagir sur place avec eux et de tout connaître sur ce que comporte une carrière dans cette industrie des plus dyamiques. * Source :
ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A PARTNER COMMITTED TO THE PAPER INDUSTRY? Continuous dedication to the pulp and paper industry and our close cooperation with customers and industry partners is the foundation for our solid industry knowledge. With expertise ranging from fiber processing, water treatment, paper, board and tissue production to coating, finishing and printing, we are in a unique position to help. Fiber savings, stiffness improvement and binder replacement are recent examples of how we have helped our customers to reduce total cost of operations or improve product performance. At Kemira, we understand that each production line or grade development project has unique requirements and challenges . Our R&D, sales and application groups are recognized industry experts and are ready to work with you on any challenge you have.
WE BELIEVE IN PULP AND PAPER We have unique expertise in applying chemicals and supporting pulp & paper producers to innovate and continuously improve their operational efficiency. Meet us in Montreal to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Paperweek from February 3-6, 2014 at the Fairmont Queen Elizabeth Hotel. You will find our team of paper experts ready to assist you at booth no. 2 on the exhibit floor.
Point of View Point de vue
Richard Garneau, President and Chief Executive Officer, Resolute Forest Products Evolution of the paper industry in Canada and around the world While there will always be a need for pulp and paper products, the decline in market demand for certain paper grades will undoubtedly continue. There is no question that it is a challenging environment where the companies that succeed will be those that can create the best efficiencies in their operations. Given current market realities, financial gains will be made through operating efficiencies, including process innovations and improvements, cost-reduction initiatives and other synergies. On the subject of industry consolidation: I don’t believe it’s over. While we’ve seen a great deal of merger, acquisition and divestiture activity in our sector over the past decade, there are very likely a few more rounds of consolidation to come that will further reshape the industry for the future.
Innovations and diversification The value of Canada’s forest resources will only continue to grow. As an industry, ensuring the raw input – every tree we harvest – and the output from our processes are used to their fullest potential will be critical to our long-term viability.The bio-revolution is already underway, and the industry is well-positioned to not only contribute to it, but to benefit from it by diversifying our activities into bio-energy and the growing os-ibilities surrounding innovative uses for the raw materials used in our pulp and
paper operations. Dynamic growth opportunities exist to develop new cellulose-based products that can be converted into bio-chemicals and used in surprising applications from tires and bulletproof vests to greener plastic alternatives. While the prospects aren’t yet fully developed, once there is a clearer understanding of the potential, greater capital investment is sure to follow. On the bio-energy side, the forest products industry has always used sawmill residue and waste for heating and other purposes. Today, wood residue has much more sophisticated uses. It is used to power electrical cogeneration facilities and to produce wood pellets, cellulosic ethanol, bio-oil and other bio-energy products – all of which represent new sources of revenue to our industry, as well as the opportunity to reduce our carbon footprint.
Economic impacts of environmental standards The regulatory environment in the pulp and paper industry is in continuous evolution – a reality which in itself has an economic impact as companies work to meet ever-changing regulatory standards. Among the most important changes – which have significant economic impact – are changes in the access to fiber supply. In Canada, particularly in Quebec, as more wood-lands are established as protected areas, fiber access is reduced and costs
are increased.
Vision of the future of the industry I have great confidence in the future of the forest products industry. We must ensure we are strategic about innovation and diversification opportunities, while keeping our focus on the everyday effort to be lean, low-cost producers. We must also work hard to position ourselves as attractive and prosperous employers, especially given the challenges we face in terms of workforce renewal. Over the next few years, the Canadian forest products industry will be looking to fill 60,000 positions. But we’re not the only sector facing a workforce shortage: The oil and gas, telecom and manufacturing sectors are all competing for the next generation of talent as well. I believe it is imperative we work hard to show and share our “green” credentials. Our industry has reduced its greenhouse gas emissions by an impressive 60% since 1990 and is working to become carbon neutral by 2015. Canada has a an outstanding track record when it comes to sustainable forest management – and in fact, a 2004 Yale University study identified Canada’s forestry laws and regulations as being among the most stringent in the world. We are a more efficient, green and innovative industry than ever before, and the opportunities that lie ahead remain promising.
Program at a Glance Programme en bref *Program subject to changes, visit for updates *Programme sujet Ă changements visitez pour les mises Ă jour
PaperWeek Canada 2014
PaperWeek Canada 2013 Conference February 3 to 6, 2014 • Fairmont Queen Elizabeth Hotel
With the collaboration of / en collaboration avec :
UNROLLED Program / Programme
La conférence PaperWeek Canada 2013 du 3 au 6 février 2014 • Hôtel Fairmont Reine Élizabeth
An Interview with Une entrevue avec
John D. Williams, President and Chief Executive Officer, Domtar
How do you see the evolution of the
paper industry in Canada, and the world in general? Adaptability has always been the name of the game for business and that’s even more the case these days in this industry. You`ve got paper demand going down in North America and machines being shut, while in Asia you`ve got demand going up and new machines being brought on line. So I think you`ll continue to see companies transforming both what they do and how they do it, faced with this dual global economic reality. For Domtar, Asia represents about 50% of our market pulp exports. The challenge for us is that this market is pretty opaque, so not only are the traditional pulp pricing cycles much harder to predict, we also have to be careful that the pulp we sell doesn’t come back to haunt us as paper imports. Could you talk about your strategy as per your position towards the diversification of products in Canada and the United States? Domtar`s journey of transformation has involved the re-purposing of existing assets to pulp and paper grades that march in line with GDP growth, it`s meant growing into growth markets of absorbent hygiene products in North America and Europe, and underlying it all it`s meant an unrelenting focus on productivity, quality and safety. We’ve taken our years of expertise in forest sustainability and applied the same, long-view principles to growing new business, sustainably.
What are the most promising markets, as some of the traditional ones are disappearing? Specialty papers – Our products go into making hospital gowns, q-tips, the backing on sticky notes, and the point-of-sale paper that is so ubiquitous in our daily shopping experience. All to say, today`s Domtar is much more than just copy paper! Bio-products – We now think of our mills as bio-refineries, not just facilities that manufacture pulp and paper. So at our Plymouth, North Carolina mill, for example, we have a commercial-scale lignin separation plant up and running, and we`re actively building a global market for this versatile industrial additive that also happens to be a fossil fuel replacement. How is your company facing the workforce renewal factor?
economic recession. So I had a clear vision of where I wanted to take the company, building on our fiber expertise to grow into the growth market of absorbent hygiene products. But I needed to execute this vision with an eye to the pressing reality of not only secular demand decline in our core business, but also a recessionary environment where our big customers like banks were cutting back and white paper orders along with it. It was this balancing act of the short and long-term that has been the biggest challenge. I will add that this had everything to do with the outside context, not the willingness of my colleagues to embrace change and build a business for the 21st century. What does the centennial of this event mean to you? A reminder of the depth of the roots of pulp and paper in this country, and that we have so much to build on in terms of transforming the industry for the next100 years. It also just happens to be the 100th anniversary of Domtar’s presence in Montreal, so this milestone, this looking back to look forward, is something that we share.
Head on! We have a number of mills facing the silver tsunami in a very real way, half their workforce will need to be replaced within a decade because of the retiree demographic bulge. So this isn`t just an HR issue, it`s an operational issue, it`s a safety issue, it`s a business sustainability issue. We used to have the luxury of two to three years of learn-by- What does the theme of this conference osmosis on-the-job training…the reality ``Innovation in Motion`` represent for you now is that time hase for the 21st century. as it relates to this industry? What were the biggest challenges you That innovation isn`t just a buzzword, it`s have encountered since your arrival at key to business survival. That there`s no your company? one-size fits all way to do it. And that it`s My first day was January 1st, 2009, right in the thick of the US sub-prime banking meltdown and subsequent protracted
a constant work in progress, an attitude as much as a destination.
PAPTAC National Awards Les prix nationaux de PAPTAC The "Mill Manager of the Year Jacket Ceremony" at PaperWeek
n its efforts to underline excellence for the pulp and paper industry, PAPTAC will present at PaperWeek its 2014 National Business Awards in addition to its renowned technical and life achievement awards. The PAPTAC Business Awards recognize excellence in three specific management areas and provide an opportunity to promote the highest levels of business leadership in the Canadian pulp & paper industry. This recognition is awarded on the largest National platform during PaperWeek Canada. The business award categories are: Mill Manager of the Year Award Safety Leadership Award Environmental Strategy of the Year Award
Be sure to join for this unique occasion to recognize and celebrate excellence in the Canadian pulp and paper industry. The presentation of the awards will take place Thursday, February 6, at the Queen Elizabeth Hotel in Montreal QC, during the PaperWeek Business Luncheon. The PaperWeek Canada luncheons draw key players from the industry across Canada and international PAPTAC members, and gathers Company CEOs, VPs Operations and Finance, mill managers, superintendents, technical staff, government representatives, suppliers, researchers, consultants, press and others. Visit iation-paptac/ ml for details.
Dans le but de souligner l’excellence dans l’industrie des pâtes et papiers, PAPTAC présentera à PaperWeek ses
Prix Affaires 2014 qui s’ajoutent à ses renommés prix techniques et de services à l’industrie. Les catégories de prix affaires sont : Prix du directeur d'usine de l'année Prix du leadership en matière de sécurité Prix de la stratégie environnementale de l’année Les Prix Affaires de PAPTAC reconnaissent l’excellence dans trois secteurs spécifiques de gestion et offrent l’opportunité de promouvoir les plus haut niveaux de leadership en affaires dans l’industrie papetière et forestière. Cette reconnaissance est soulignée dans le cadre de la plus grande plateforme nationale, pendant le 100e anniversaire de PaperWeek Canada.
Dr. Omya Congratulates PAPERWEEK on its 100TH
ANNIVERSARY. Omya is proud to be a long time member of PAPTAC and supporter of PAPERWEEK and our commitment to the Canadian pulp and paper industry is unwavering. With major production facilities in St-Armand, Quebec, Perth, Ontario and Florence, Vermont, mills across Canada have relied on our innovative filling and coating pigments for over 35 years. Our R&D team is continuously developing new ways to help mills put their paper machines on higher carb, lower fiber diets that are environmentallyfriendly and meet their sustainability goals. Plus, we have new coating and filling technologies on the horizon for digital printing, tissue and packaging.
Š Copyright 2013 Omya, Inc.
Registration & Accomodations Inscription & hébergement Credit: © Tourisme Montréal, Stéphan Poulin
ontact the Fairmont Queen Elizabeth Hotel directly at 514-861-3511 (toll free 1-800-441-1414) by January 17, 2014 and mention the code PAPER2014 to obtain the conference group rate of $172/night (standard Fairmont room). This rate will be in effect from February 2nd to February 10th for all PaperWeek Canada 2014 participants. Reservations made after January 17th are subject to availability and group rate will be honored solely depending on the category of rooms available at time of reservation. Complimentary in-room internet access with Fairmont President's Club membership (free). The cosmopolitan city of Montreal known as the Paris of North America is anxiously awaiting your arrival to PaperWeek Canada 2014, a high-level event serving the pulp & paper and forest products industry. Here is a taste of what you can expect: Attend our conference, which features several sessions in a wide range of relevant topics, visit the tradeshow and career fair areas, participate in our popular business luncheons and enjoy the Centennial Banquet...all this and more to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of PAPTAC's Annual Meeting.
Aside from your participation in this unique milestone, you will have the opportunity to reside in one of Montreal's most renowned hotels, the Fairmont Queen Elizabeth Hotel, a remarkable property both for its central location and reputation. To benefit from the group rate when reserving your room, please be sure to mention PAPTAC PaperWeek Canada and make your own reservation no later than January the 17th, 2014. Montreal's delights and culinary experience, and its historical, cultural, fashion, romantic and trend-setting attractions are only a few steps away. A vibrant city, the core of Festivals in Canada, Montreal is the ideal destination for museum explorers and nightlife lovers, complete with clubs, pubs, concerts and parties embracing chic or shabby, lively or laid-back styles. Do not miss this opportunity… Register NOW!
Veuillez contacter le Fairmont Reine Elizabeth directement au 514-861-3511 (ou sans frais au 1-800-441-1414) avant le 17 janvier 2014 et mentionner le code PAPER2014 pour obtenir le tarif de groupe de $172/nuitée (chambre Fairmont). Ce taux s'applique du 2 février au 10 février pour les participants de PaperWeek Canada 2014. Les réservations faites après le 17 janvier sont assujetties à la disponibilité et le tarif de groupe n'est pas garanti. Accès internet gratuit dans la chambre en s'inscrivant (gratuitement) au Club du Président Fairmont. La ville cosmopolite de Montréal reconnue comme le Paris de l'Amérique du Nord, attend avec impatience votre arrivée à PaperWeek Canada 2014, un événement de haute importance au service de l'industrie des pâtes et papiers et des produits forestiers. Ville animée, au cœur des festivals au Canada, Montréal est la destination idéale pour les passionnés des musées, ainsi que les amoureux de la vie nocturne, avec les clubs, pubs, concerts et soirées au style chic ou détendu, animé ou décontracté. Ne manquez pas cette occasion ... Inscrivez-vous dès MAINTENANT!
PaperWeek Canada 2014
With the collaboration of / en collaboration avec :
UNROLLED Program / Programme
PaperWeek Canada Tradeshow / Salon PaperWeek Canada February 4-5 février 2014
PaperWeek participants will have the opportunity to meet key industry suppliers PaperWeek Canada and hear the latest developments and February advancements in their services and prod3-6 février 2014 ucts. The Tradeshow is the real "networking hub" of the PaperWeek!
Tradeshow / Salon
Februaryde 4-5 février 2014 Les participants à Paperweek auront l’opportunité rencontrer des fournisseurs clés (move-in/installation: Feb 3 fév) de l’indutrie et en apprendre sur les plus récents avancements et développements de Fairmont Thesera Queen Elizabeth / Fairmont à LePaperWeek Reine Elizabeth leurs produits et services. Le Salon la ‘’zone de réseautage’’ ! Grand Salon – Hochelaga 1
Contact: Greg Hay 514.392.6964 /
Tradeshow Business Luncheons / Lunchs PaperWeek
Career Fair / Foire des carrières
Conference Sessions Salles de sessions
PaperWeek Exhibitors / Exposants à PaperWeek :
Accent Wire - Aggreko Cooling Tower Services - AirStream Systems Inc. - Armour Valve - Ashland - AstenJohnson - BASF - BCG International - Bex - BTG - Brenntag - Buckman - Cascades CIP - CBBC - Cognex Corp. - Chesterton - Cristini - Econotech - Ekhosoft Enerquin Air Inc. - Enzymatic Deinking Technologies (EDT) - Glenco Products - Kadant - Kemira - KGO Group Ltd. - MAN Diesel & turbo Canada Ltd. - Metso - Nalco - Natural Resources Canada - OpTest Equipment Inc. - Osprey - PulpEye Canada Inc. ProcessBarron - ProMinent Fluid Controls Ltd. - Quadra Chemicals - SKF - Southern Environmental Inc. -Technidyne - Tecumseth - Terratec Environmental 40
The Source for the Canadian Pulp, Paper and Forestry Innovation News Unprecedented Reach Of Market
Daily Pulp and Paper News New and Emerging Technologies Expert Opinions and Several Key Perspectives Informative Weekly E-Newsletters Marketplace Trends and Outlook
Interviews with Industry People Mill Stories The Reference in Reaching both Canadian English and French Pulp and Paper Community
OďŹƒcial Media Partners of PAPTAC
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