Official Review of PaperWeek Canada 2015

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Montreal, QC, Canada

Official Review /




Rétrospective officielle




Executive panel confirms industry on track for transformation With the collaboration of / en collaboration avec :

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100 years of knowledge

connections 1915- 2015

A hundred years helping connect people through knowledge sharing. A message PAPTAC is very proud to carry out as its defining mark on the industry and its most valuable resource – it’speople. With a growing membership of over 3000 members in Canada and around the world, PAPTAC continues to provide indispensable value to the industry. Our main objectives continue to be to play a relevant role in assisting and providing solutions based on the current needs of the industry through conferences, webinars, technical & management communities, courses, news coverage and industry partnerships. As the Canadian network dedicated to the pulp and paper and forest products sector, PAPTAC is a key platform for anyone working in the industry. Greg Hay Executive director





Technical Communities


Future Workforce


Forest Advancement


PaperWeek Canada


TABLE OF CONTENTS Table des matières EDITORIAL / Éditorial


This official review brings you all the highlights of the event. In collaboration with its media partners, Paper Advance and Le Maître papetier, PAPTAC is pleased to bring the official press coverage of PaperWeek Canada with video interviews of industry leaders and keynote speakers, editorials, session reviews, market analysis, and much more. La rétrospective officielle comprend tous les faits saillants de l’événement. En collaboration avec ses partenaire médias, Paper Advance et Le Maître papetier, PAPTAC est fière de vous présenter la couverture de presse officielle de PaperWeek avec des entrevues vidéos mettant en vedette des leaders de l’industrie et des conférenciers invités, des éditoriaux, des résumés de sessions, des analyses de marché et plus encore.

PaperWeek 2015 / PaperWeek 2015

FIBRE DAY & 22 Commercialization Forum / Journée FIBRE et Forum sur la commercialisation


Human Powered Innovation L’innovation à énergie humaine


A full day devoted to FIBRE’s

12 R&D networks and a unique Dragons’ Den format session presenting ready-to commercialize innovations

Une journée complète dédiée aux réseaux de FIBRE et une session unique d’après la formule de l’émission Dans l’oeil du dragon présentant des innovations prêtes à être commercialisées

The National Business Awards and life achievements ceremony. La cérémonie de remise des prix affaires et d’accomplissements

RECEPTION & AWARDS / Réception & prix

INT’L FOREST 28 BIOREFINERY SUMMIT / Sommet international sur le bioraffinage forestier


A prelude to PaperWeek 2015

KEYNOTE SPEAKERS / Conférenciers invités


The 6th edition of the Symposium has now become an International Summit La 6e édition du Symposium devient un Sommet international

Hear what the PaperWeek Keynotes had to say Les propos recueillis des conférenciers invités de PaperWeek



Four very full days of sessions Quatre jours de sessions bien remplis

PAPTAC is a Canadian-based non-profit organization, dedicated to improving the technical and professional capabilities of its members worldwide, and to the advancement of the pulp and paper industry. PAPTAC est une organisation à but non lucratif établie au Canada et vouée à l’amélioration des compétences techniques et professionnelles de ses membres partout dans le monde, ainsi qu’à l’avancement de l’industrie des pâtes et papiers. With the collaboration of / en collaboration avec :




What a week! The Program Committee once again took the quality of the conference to a new level with the resonating theme: “Shaping the Future: People, Process and Innovation”. Continuing to establish PaperGreg Hay Week Canada 2015 as the referPAPTAC Executive ence for pulp & paper and forest Director products advancement, we are particularly proud of the program’s quality that truly reflects the on-going efforts to constantly re-evaluate ourselves and ensure the conference responds to the current needs, challenges and opportunities in the mills. This official review brings you all the highlights of the event. In collaboration with its media partners, Paper Advance and Le Maître papetier, PAPTAC is pleased to bring the official press coverage of PaperWeek Canada with video interviews of industry leaders and keynote speakers, editorials, session reviews, market analysis, and much more.

Quelle semaine ! Le comité de programme a amené une fois de plus la qualité de la conférence à un niveau supérieur avec le thème interpellant « Bâtir l’avenir : talent, procédés et innovation ». Continuant de faire de PaperWeek Canada 2015 la référence pour l’avancement de l’industrie papetière et des produits forestiers, nous sommes particulièrement fiers de la qualité du programme que nous nous efforçons de développer en prenant soin de constamment se réévaluer et de s’assurer de répondre aux besoins, défis et opportunités actuels des usines. La rétrospective officielle comprend tous les faits saillants de l’événement. En collaboration avec ses partenaire médias, Paper Advance et Le Maître papetier, PAPTAC est fière de vous présenter la couverture de presse officielle de PaperWeek avec des entrevues vidéos mettant en vedette des leaders de l’industrie et des conférenciers invités, des éditoriaux, des résumés de sessions, des analyses de marché et plus encore.

With a sold-out tradeshow for a 2nd year in a row, over 40 exhibitors were on site to present their latest technology and services Avec le Salon vendu à capacité pour une 2e année de suite, plus 40 exposants étaient sur place pour présenter leurs services et plus récentes technologies

PaperWeek Program Committee / Comité du programme PaperWeek

Yvon Pelletier Fortress Paper, President Program Chairman


Patrick Corriveau Resolute Forest Products Vice President Operations

Stéphane Lamoureux Kruger Products, Corporate VP Manufacturing

PaperWeek Review / Rétrospective PaperWeek

Benoît Painchaud Kruger Place Turcot Mill Manager

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PaperWeek 2015: Human Powered Innovation PaperWeek 2015: L’innovation à énergie humaine A snapshot of PaperWeek Canada 2015:

PaperWeek 2015 en bref:

• 101th Annual Meeting • Over 40 sessions on a variety of issues and topics • International Summit of Forest Biorefinery • 3rd edition of FIBRE Day • FIBRE commercialization forum • Seminar on Improving Paper Machine Efficiency & Productivity • PaperWeek Tradeshow • PAPTAC National Awards

• 101e Congrès annuel • Plus de 40 sessions sur une variété de sujets et problématiques • Sommet international sur le bioraffinage forestier • 3e édition de la journée FIBRE • Forum FIBRE sur la commercialisation • Séminaire sur l’efficacité et la productivité de la machine à papier • Salon des exposants PaperWeek • Prix nationaux de PAPTAC

PaperWeek Canada 2015 was organized along subjectdriven technical tracks, with an overarching theme of ‘Shaping the Future: People, Process and Innovation.’

Members of the Program Committee (from L to R): Greg Hay, Yvon Pelletier, Stéphane Lamoureux, Benoît Painchaud and Patrick Corriveau (missing from photo) Designed to attract as broad and diverse an audience as possible, tracks were planned with this goal in mind, and Greg Hay, executive director of PAPTAC, credits the Program Committee, comprised of Fortress Paper’s Yvon Pelletier, Patrick Corriveau of Resolute Forest Products, and Stéphane Lamoureux and Benoit Painchaud, from Kruger, with making the event such a success. PaperWeek Canada 2015 offered participants a week filled with numerous sessions of interest to the industry, including those on packaging, reliability, management, tissue, energy reduction, industry transformation, safety and bioenergy. Hay also remarked on the impressive attendance at this year’s event – estimated to be 1,000 delegates, with


PaperWeek 2015 a été organisé autour de différentes sessions techniques thématiques, autour du thème «Bâtir l’avenir: talent, procédés et innovation». Le programme a été conçu afin d’attirer un public large et diversifié, et Greg Hay, Directeur exécutif de PAPTAC, est reconnaissant envers le Comité de programme composé de Yvon Pelletier, Fortress Paper; Patrick Corriveau, Produits forestiers Résolu; Stéphane Lamoureux, Kruger et Benoit Painchaud, Kruger, pour le succès de l’évènement. PaperWeek Canada 2015 a offert une semaine remplie des sessions d’intérêt pour l’industrie tel que: l’emballage, la fiabilité, la gestion, le tissu, la réduction d’énergie, la transformation de l’industrie, la sécurité ou la bioénergie. M. Hay 2015 souligne la grande participation avec environ 1000 délégués, incluant un nombre exceptionnel de participants provenant des usines, ainsi que le succès du salon des exposants. Des exposants de partout au pays et de l’étranger ont présenté leurs services et leur technologie représentant l’innovation. Reconnue comme l’une des conférences des pâtes et papiers les plus respectées dans le monde et, depuis le premier congrès en 1915, la plupart des principes à la base de sa création sont toujours d’actualité aujourd’hui, cent ans plus tard: stimuler l’intérêt pour la science du papier et fournir un forum pour échanger des idées entre les membres.

Des usines ferment mais des innovations arrivent La décennie déstabilisante de l’industrie des pâtes et

PaperWeek Review / Rétrospective PaperWeek

REVIEW solid participation from mills and a strong trade show. Both domestic and international exhibitors were on hand, displaying technology and services, representing top of the line industrial and business innovators – and innovation. Widely recognized as one of the most respected pulp and paper conferences in the world, PaperWeek has evolved considerably since its inception in 2015, and yet, many of its most basic, founding principles continue to apply today, one hundred years later. At its core, PaperWeek offers participants an opportunity to stimulate interest in the science of paper, and to engage and exchange ideas.

Mills still closing but innovations exploding While the decade of intense industry contraction may be over, pulp and paper mills continue to close and disrupt the communities that house them. However, there are industry experts who confidently refer to the future of the industry as ‘rosy,’ and Chad Wasilenkoff of Fortress Paper, is among them. The ability to characterize the future of pulp and paper this way lies primarily in one’s vision, adaptability and attitude towards uncertainty. Vision was indisputably one of the virtues that helped Kruger in the development of the world’s first cellulose filament demonstration plant in Trois-Rivières, QC. On the heels of Wasilenkoff’s presentation on fortune favouring the bold, Balázs Tolnai, General Manager, Technology of Kruger’s Industrial Products Division announced the mill is now producing enough tonnage to permit commercialization and application development. Discussions with Canadian forestry, pulp and paper products industry leaders from coast, to coast, to coast, suggest a cautious optimism in looking to the future, Minister of Infrastructure, Communities and Intergovernmental Affairs and Minister of the Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec, Denis Lebel, noted. While prospects for growth are evident, there is a recognition they will only be achieved in collaboration with a strong pledge to environmental sustainability and a commitment to innovation. President and CEO of Resolute Forest Products Richard Garneau noted the inextricable link between environmental sustainability and social and economic progress.

papiers est peut être terminée mais des usines ferment encore leurs portes. Pourtant, le futur peut être “prometteur” pour paraphraser Chad Wasilenkoff de Fortress Paper. Tout dépend de votre vision, de votre capacité d’adaptation et votre attitude envers l’incertitude. L’habileté à dépeindre le futur des pâtes et papiers de cette manière repose principalement dans la vision, l’adapabilité et l’attitude face à l’incertain. La vision est certainement une vertu qui a aidé Kruger dans le développement de la première usine au monde de démonstration de filament de cellulose à TroisRivières, Québec. Juste après la présentation de Chad Wasilenkoff sur la chance qui sourit aux audacieux, Balázs Tolnai, Directeur général de la technologie pour les produits industriels, Division de la société Kruger a annoncé que l’usine produit maintenant suffisamment de tonnage pour permettre la commercialisation et le développement d’applications. En discutant avec les dirigeants de l’industrie des produits forestiers canadiens et des pâtes et papier de “côte à côte à l’autre», on ressent un optimisme prudent, note Denis Lebel, Ministre de l’Infrastructure, des Collectivités et des Affaires intergouvernementales, et ministre de l’Agence de développement économique du Canada pour les régions du Québec. Alors que les perspectives de croissance sont réelles, elles ne peuvent être atteintes que grâce à un fort engagement pour la durabilité environnementale et par un engagement pour l’innovation. Richard Garneau de Résolu, insiste sur le fait que la durabilité de l’environnement ne peut pas être dissociée du progès social et économique.”

Keynote from Minister Denis Lebel Allocution du Ministre Denis Lebel

With the collaboration of / en collaboration avec :



Economic analysts and industry forecasters such as Ken Waghorne anticipate little new additional pulp supply in the market before the end of the year, and that global demand for pulp should increase by a good 3% in 2015. On the first day of the conference, FIBRE (Forest Innovation by Research & Education) Network’s rising-star graduate and post-doctoral students presented their works on some of the latest technological innovations in the forest sector. One highlight of PaperWeek Canada 2015 was the session presenting FIBRE’s innovations in a Dragon’s Den format. The idea behind the Commercialization Forum was to introduce ‘shovel-ready’ academic discoveries to investors. Four innovations were presented, and were additionally highlighted in FIBRE’s White Paper. Participants in this session learned how to communicate research work directly to financiers. Dr. Roger Gaudreault, Cascades’ Corporate Director of Scientific Development, believes Canada needs new products to rejuvenate the greying domestic forest sector, in order to match stiff competition from the American, Scandinavian and Japanese forest industries. Gaudreault believes FIBRE has solutions to offer in this arena, but noted the general lack of investment required to make them competitive. On this issue, David Lindsay of FPAC noted, “innovation is becoming the new engine of growth, one that is boosting confidence across all industry subsectors.” A good illustration of this point is that pulp and paper mills are turning into profitable biorefineries, and the PaperWeek program showcased many advances in this area. At Tuesday’s opening executive panel, entitled “The Strategy for Canadian Industry Alignment,” the panellists took a retrospective look at last year’s conference. The panel was asked by conference organizers to respond to consultant Sten Nilsson’s 2014 claim “that the Canadian industry is not in line with the times and lacks a coordinated strategy. The panel discussed its overall positive outlook on the state of the industry and discussed its dedication to reinvention and moving forward with objectives, plans and pragmatic programs. The Canadian government has played an important role in supporting industry transformation and innovation through initiatives such as the Investments


Opening Breakfast Executive Panel Déjeuner d’ouverture et panel des exécutifs Les analystes économiques et les prévisionnistes de l’industrie tels que Ken Waghorne s’attendent à ce que peu de nouvelles sources d’approvisionnement de pâte additionnelle soit attendue avant la fin de l’année et que la demande mondiale pour la pâte devrait augmenter d’un bon 3% en 2015. Le premier jour de la conférence, les étudiants-vedettes diplômés et post-doctorants du réseau FIBRE ont présenté des exposés sur les dernières innovations technologiques dans le secteur forestier. Un point culminant de PaperWeek 2015 était certainement la session présentant les innovations de FIBRE dans le format « Dragon’s Den ». L’idée derrière le “forum sur la commercialisation” était d’introduire des découvertes académiques “prêtes à démarrer» pour les investisseurs. Les quatre innovations présentées ont été mises en évidence dans le Livre blanc de FIBRE. Les participants à cette session ont découvert comment communiquer leur travail de recherche directement aux financiers. Le Dr Roger Gaudreault, directeur corporatif du développement scientifique chez Cascades, estime que le Canada a besoin de nouveaux produits pour rajeunir le secteur forestier interne grisonnant, afin de s’aligner sur la rude concurrence des industries forestières américaines, scandinaves et japonaises. » Roger Gaudreault croit que FIBRE a des solutions à offrir, mais qu’il y a encore un manque d’investissements. Sur cette question, David Lindsay de l’APFC croit que « l’innovation devient le nouveau moteur de la croissance, permettant de renforcer la confiance dans tous les sous-secteurs de l’industrie ». Une bonne illustration de ce point est que les pâtes et papiers se transforment en bioraffineries rentables, et que lle programme de PaperWeek a présenté de nombreuses avancées dans ce domaine.

PaperWeek Review / Rétrospective PaperWeek

REVIEW in Forest Industry Transformation program and the Green Transformation Fund. In parallel, FPAC’s Vision 2020 provides a clear and inspiring roadmap for the future. Reflecting on the past decade, the pulp and paper has significantly improved upon what was once a significantly weaker strategy. Since 2005, substantial progress has been made in establishing a framework of innovation. New products have been developed and alternate markets explored. Lignin extraction is just one of the success stories in the industry’s portfolio.

An environmentalist in the room Patrick Moore, ecologist and ex-Greenpeace founder gave a thought provoking-keynote presentation on the last day of the conference. His message was clear: “grow more trees and use more wood – it makes business sense and it is good for the environment.” According to Moore, now a consultant, “using wood results in less use of steel, concrete, plastic, and, consequently, in less usage of fossil fuels.” The environmental movement’s policy typically opposes this logic, but cutting fewer trees and using less wood “is an anti-environmental statement that contradicts both climate change and international biodiversity goals.” In some environmentalists’ circles, this view would have seemed impossible a few years back, but at PaperWeek Canada 2015, Moore, relying on scientific evidence, persuaded participants they should be proud to be involved in one of the “world’s most sustainable industries.”

Co-ordinated effort for another 100 years PAPTAC’s Greg Hay is already looking ahead to next year’s PaperWeek Canada and called on 2015 delegates to participate. Promising another notable program, he reminded the industry of the importance of solidarity in achieving common goals. In borrowing from the spirit of the Centennial Banquet’s Beatles’ them, Hay remarked, “we can only succeed with a little help from our friends.” Undoubtedly, it will take hard work (many hard days’ nights) and a coordinated effort but “our stance is encouraging and this is thanks in part, to a good mix of idealism and of pragmatic approaches.”

Patrick Moore: Thursday’s Luncheon Keynote Conférencier au lunch du jeudi

Un écologiste dans la salle Patrick Moore, environnementaliste et ex-fondateur de Greenpeace a donné une présentation réfléchie et provoquante au dernier jour de la conférence. Son message est clair: “plantez plus d’arbres et utilisez plus de bois – c’est commercialement logique et c’est bon pour l’environnement.” Pour Patrick Moore, maintenant consultant, “l’utilisation du bois amène à une réduction de l’utilisation du fer, du béton, du plastique, et, conséquemment, des énergies fossiles”.

Effort coordonné pour un autre centenaire Greg Hay de PAPTAC invite déjà tous les participants au rassemblement de l’an prochain. Il promet un autre excellent programme, et, toujours dans l’esprit de l’atmosphère des Beatles lors du Banquet du centenaire, dit à PaperAdvance que l’industrie dans son ensemble doit s’unir pour atteindre les objectifs communs. Nous ne pouvons que réussir, “with a little help from (our) friends”. Sans aucun doute, cela prendra beaucoup de travail (many hard day’s nights) et un effort coordonné mais “notre position est encourageante et ce en partie grâce à un bon mélange d’idéalisme et d’approches pragmatiques.”

With the collaboration of / en collaboration avec :




National Awards for business leadership, research & technical papers, and for service to the Canadian pulp and paper industry were presented at PaperWeek Canada. John S. Bates Memorial Gold Medal Pierre Lapointe, President and CEO of FPInnovations, was presented the John S. Bates Memorial Gold Medal, one of PAPTAC’s highest individual honours, awarded to a member of the Association in recognition of their long-term contribution to the science and technology of the pulp and paper industry.

Daniel Archambault & Pierre Lapointe

Pierre Lapointe, Président et chef de la direction, FPInnovations a reçu la médaille d’or commémorative John S. Bates, remise à un membre de l’Association technique des pâtes et papiers du Canada en reconnaissance de sa contribution à long terme à l’industrie.

The PAPTAC National Business Awards, recognize mill leadership excellence in three specific management fields: Safety Leadership, Environmental Strategy and Mill Management. Winner of the Safety Leadership Award Gagnant du Prix du leadership en matière de sécurité

Pulp and Paper Industry Builders Award Prix Bâtisseur de l’industrie des pâtes et papiers

Winner of the Mill Manager of the Year Award Gagnant du Prix du directeur d’usine de l’année

Daniel Archambault, Jim Maloney & Robert Dufresne

Daniel Archambault, Alain Lemaire, Laurent Lemaire & Denis Lebel

Daniel Archambault, Mike Putzke & Yvon Pelletier

Presented to Bernard, Laurent and Alain Lemaire for their visionary entrepreneurial spirit

Mike Putzke, General Manager, Alberta Newsprint Company

Sonoco Brantford Mill Usine Sonoco Brantford.


PaperWeek Review / Rétrospective PaperWeek


At FPInnovations, we’re committed to helping our Pulp & Paper member companies add value to their product lines, achieve market diversification, and improve manufacturing efficiency while reducing costs. From our stateof-the-art Web and Roll Testing Centre to the development of new market pulp performance attributes, our expertise is based on years of fundamental research and real-world experience.



WELCOME RECEPTION & TECHNICAL AWARDS Réception de bienvenue et prix techniques A prelude to PaperWeek 2015

On Monday evening, PAPTAC executive director Greg Hay gave a warm welcome to delegates of the 101st edition of PaperWeek Canada 2015 as a prelude to the many inspiring technical tracks, business sessions and industry summits that will follow during the week. He gave credit to the steady growth of PaperWeek to the efforts of program committee members, technical community chairs, industry leaders, executive councilors and PAPTAC staff. The reception was also an opportunity to honour those who presented noteworthy technical subjects during the past year and those who deserve special recognition for their contributions to the Canadian pulp and paper industry. The Howard Rapson Award for the Best Chemical Pulp Bleaching Paper was presented to Sandra Beder-Miller of BTG Americas on for her presentation on measurement techniques for bleach plant carryover. The Douglas Atack Award for Best Mechanical Pulping Paper went to André Pelletier and Kecheng Li of the University of New Brunswick, Martin Fairbank of Resolute Forest Products, Mark Frith of Port Hawkesbury Paper, and George Court of Irving Paper for their presentation on the enzymatic pretreatment of wood chips to achieve energy savings in TMP pulping. Suzanne Hohmann of Irving Paper was given a Leadership Award for helping to revitalize the PAPTAC Atlantic Branch. A leadership award was bestowed upon Jean Paris of École Polytechnique de Montréal for his long-term involvement in PAPTAC’s Research Community and the Biorefinery symposium. Patrice Mangin, professor at UQTR/CRML and was recognized for his industry contributions with an Honorary Life Membership. Yonghao Ni of the University of New Brunswick, Paul Stuart of École Polytechnique, and Mike Bradley, recently retired from Canfor, were named as PAPTAC fellows.


Zhirun Yuan, Kecheng Li, Martin Fairbank & George Court

Doug Reid & Sandra Beder-Miller

Suzanne Hohmann & Tom Johnstone

Patrice Mangin & Jean Paris

Greg Hay, Daniel Archambault & Patrice Mangin

Daniel Archambault, Yonghao Ni, Paul Stuart & Mike Bradley

PaperWeek Review / Rétrospective PaperWeek


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Hear what the PaperWeek Keynotes had to say… Les propos recueillis des conférenciers invités de PaperWeek

Opening Breakfast Panel: The Strategy of the Canadian Industry Alignment In response to the presentation by keynote and expert analyst Sten Nilsson at PaperWeek Canada 2014 (The Transformation of the Canadian Forest Products Sector, is Tabula Rasa Required?), David Lindsay, CEO of FPAC, Pierre Lapointe, CEO of FPInnovations, Glenn Mason, Assistant Deputy Minister – NRCan and Stephen Atkinson, Vice President Paper and Forest Products – Dundee Capital Markets, will discuss the Canadian Sector Alignment Strategy and demonstrate the path and vision that will enable the industry to excel in traditional markets, transform to new markets and, ultimately, succeed. This moderated panel will set the table as the opening plenary session & breakfast for PaperWeek Canada 2015.

Greg Hay, Glenn Mason, David Lindsay, Pierre Lapointe & Stephen Atkinson

PaperWeek YouTube Channel

Excerpts from the panel presentations Faits saillants du panel

Interview with Glenn Mason : Government Incentives to Industry Turnaround and Innovation

Click on image for the excerpts


PaperWeek Review / Rétrospective PaperWeek

Click on image for the Interview


Hear what the PaperWeek Keynotes had to say… Les propos recueillis des conférenciers invités de PaperWeek

Interview with David Lindsay : FPAC Encourages Niche Market Dialogue with Customers

Entrevue avec Pierre Lapointe : Des speed dating pour transformer l’industrie

Cliquez sur l’image pour l’entrevue

Click on image for the Interview Jim Porter’s keynote on Wednesday morning’s kick-off session on February 4th was part of the packaging and business Program and addressed the global trends in fiber-based packaging.

Interview with Jim Porter : Good Packaging Sells Products

Jim Porter, President Paper Solutions, RockTenn On Thursday Feb. 5th, Chad Wasilenkoff provided his view and insight on the industry, and shared experiences, stories and perspectives on his business approach.

Click on image for the Interview Interview with Chad Wasilenkoff : Managing change to transform

Chad Wasilenkoff, CEO and Founder of Fortress Paper Ltd.


PaperWeek Review / Rétrospective PaperWeek

Click on image for the Interview

The Source for the Canadian Pulp, Paper and Forestry Innovation News Unprecedented Reach Of Market

Daily Pulp and Paper News New and Emerging Technologies Expert Opinions and Several Key Perspectives Informative Weekly E-Newsletters Marketplace Trends and Outlook

Interviews with Industry People Mill Stories The Reference in Reaching both Canadian English and French Pulp and Paper Community

OďŹƒcial Media Partners of PAPTAC


Hear what the PaperWeek Keynotes had to say… Les propos recueillis des conférenciers invités de PaperWeek

Following Chad Wasilenkoff’s presentation on Thursday, Balázs Tolnai presented the most recent updates and developments with the newly launched CF demo plant in Trois-Rivières.

Interview with Balázs Tolnai : CF trials prove lightweigthing and strength enhancing potential

Balázs Tolnai, General Manager Technology, Industrial Products Division, Kruger Patrick Moore has been a leader in the environmental field and is a co-founder of Greenpeace. He published Trees are the Answer, and Confessions of a Greenpeace Dropout – The Making of a Sensible Environmentalist, outlining his vision for a sustainable future.

Interview with Patrick Moore : Trees are the Answer Wood is Good

Patrick Moore, Author, Ecologist/Environmentalist

Click on image for the Interview

Minister Lebel’s comments following his Luncheon keynote presentation on Wednesday February 4th. Les commentaires du Ministre Lebel à la suite de son allocution on déjeuner d’affaires du mercredi 4 février.

Click on image for the Interview

Entrevue avec Denis Lebel : Plus de neurones, moins de tronçonneuses

Denis Lebel, Minister of Infrastructure, Communities and Intergovernmental Affairs and Minister of the Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec


PaperWeek Review / Rétrospective PaperWeek

Cliquez sur l’image pour l’entrevue




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Commercialization Forum: Fibre Innovation for Sale Dr. Roger Gaudreault, Corporate Director of Scientific Development at Cascades and Session Leader of today’s commercialization forum welcomes participants and underlines the fact that this year’s forum has the exciting objective Roger Gaudreault of enticing industry leaders to invest further in technologies with proven record. The concept of the forum is to introduce four “shovel-ready” academic discoveries highlighted in FIBRE’s White Paper to industrial decision makers in a Dragon’s Den format. Entering the room, participants were handed “commercialization kits” with information on the four innovations stemming from the work of the FIBRE network. If all of Dragon’s Den participants were half as well prepared as the presenters in today’s session, we would have a very different TV program! These kits included videos, communication material, scientific papers and technical manuscripts.

Technologies presented are all summarised in last September’s white paper from FIBRE and entitled“Contributions to Canadian Forest Sector Academic Research – Past Achievements and Future Opportunities”. Presentations by key representatives of the eight FIBRE networks were this preceded by a brief analysis of this white paper highlighting FIBRE’s contribution to forest sector transformation. Dr. Robert Pelton, Scientific Director of Sentinel Bioactive Paper Network, the main editor of the white paper summarises the context in which the paper was produced.


He recalls for instance major academic competitors active in Scandinavian countries, Japan and the United States. The document summarizes achievements of the FIBRE networks and illustrates, in the words of Dr. Roger Gaudreault, the perfect trifecta: one of “discovery by academia, alignment through government and innovation by industry”. Robert Pelton describes the specific role of academia in this triangle of mutually beneficial interactions geared at forest sector transformation. The document highlights efforts from some 200 professors leading more than 500 postgraduate researchers. The work of this like-minded community “resulted in new processes, new technologies with commercialization potential, and new ways for optimizing the complex systems that convert forests into a host of wood, chemical and paper products” and certainly an avenue for the successful transformation of the forestry and pulp and paper industry. For Robert Pelton the long-term goals on which universities should be working include the development of boreal forest growth models considering wood quality and attributes, genomeenhanced tree improvement and protection, the use of big data for decisions affecting large scale industry transformation as well as further work on “amorphogenesis-inducing” proteins to enhance the fibrillation and web-strength of Robert Pelton high value tissues or on high performance biomaterials from lignin. On top of these, “FIBRE’s 2014 white paper lists 11 shovel-ready opportunities for industry engagement”. Greg Hay, Executive director of PAPTAC would agree. Entering the room, Mr. Hay was telling us that “the innovations we were getting ready to hear about were all ready to roll technologies – exactly what the industry is ready to hear”.

PaperWeek Review / Rétrospective PaperWeek

REVIEW The selected candidates with a potential to contribute to the Canadian forest sector transformation are all examples of innovations close to implementation or ready to be commercialized. They can be listed as such: • 1) “foam paper” for filtration media or acoustic, and thermal insulation; • 2) paper and textiles that can be made superabsorbent, fire retardant or water-repellent; • 3) phage-based antimicrobial food packaging; and • 4) an environmental design model to assess the integration of transformative biorefinery and strategies in the industry. Roger Gaudreault presents the six experts acting as “dragons” or investors. All come from different industry sectors: Mr. Louis-Philippe Cloutier, CEO of TGWT Clean Technologies; Mr. Mike Mcallister, Account Manager for North America of BASF; Mr. Mike Carley,Regional Sales manager, East of North America for Solenis; Mr. Lyle Biglow. Corporate Manager, Technology & Integration at Tembec and Ms. Shabnam Sanaei’s, R&D Scientist, Biorefinery Specialist at Domtar. James Olson of the University of British Columbia is the first contender. He is selling “foam paper” that can be used for filtration media or acoustic, and thermal insulation. If companies started using this technology in the1970s, it James Olson did not reach a successful market value since “almost all innovations were focusing on plastics in those days”. Initial applications were left aside but times are changing and we are now in the 2010s…“100 percent natural, biodegradable and carbon neutral”. Mansel Griffiths from the University of Guelph describes bioactive packaging that can be used to increase food safety. “Four million

cases of foodborne illnesses in Canada – each year”. The solution? Using bacteriophage (bacterial viruses) paper to kill bacteria. Applications abound. Theo van de Ven from McGill University has another concept to sell: ‘’Functional Textile Fibres’’. This series of related innovations were developed jointly between McGill University and FPInnovations through the Green Fibre Network. Theo van de Ven The objective of the research project was to develop green processes for cellulose dissolution and to develop functionalized textile fibres with the mission of finding an industrial partner for commercial applications such as textile products, personal hygiene products, safety clothing, geotextiles or rainwear. Eldon Gunn from Dalhousie University has another type of innovation to sell: a “Decision-aid Software’’. Eldon Gunn explains “the software provides new insights into the role of economics in wood supply and addresses both ecologiEldon Gunn cal and economic issues in strategic forest management simultaneously.” What was developed allows the inclusion of factors such as economics accounting for harvest location, transportation, mill type and allocation and re-allocation of byproducts. “The Decision-aid Software produces a manageable number of sound-forestry based sustainable prescriptions”. Which industry sectors may want to use the software? Eldon Gunn lists: “government agencies in forest management and sustainability, large-scale forestry companies or large-scale environmental/habitat protection organizations”. After the presentations, other exciting FIBRE technologies are described to the dragons. All start-ups presented all at various stages of development.

Mansel Griffiths With the collaboration of / en collaboration avec :



Presenters were Li Yingfu from InnovoGENE. Mr. Yingfu represents the Sentinel Network. This afternoon he introduces the dragons to the concept of a “versatile biosensing platform capable of achieving ultrasensitive detection Li Yingfu of both small-molecule and macromolecular targets via isothermal DNA amplifcation.” Ratmir Derda from the University of Alberta presents the SyntArray “tray”. He describes SyntArray as a non-commercial “supplier of innovative, smallvolume chemical support systems for arrays”. The Teflon-patterned paper Ratmir Derda supports are faster, can be layered to perform more tests simultaneously, improve mixing of chemicals, and are lightweight and easy to ship. The start-up’s “potential customers include pharmaceutical, biochemical and chemical companies, and analytical, research and clinical labs”. Theresa Dankovich, formerly at McGill University presents her “Drinkable Book’’. The invention attracted a lot of attention since inception. “Just last year, the promotional video “Water is Life” was viewed more than a milTheresa Dankovich lion times” she says. Ms Dankovich is actively looking for an investor. Sensitizing disadvantaged populations to water borne disease issues, the book does much more than providing information. Each page acts as a water filter – a very practical tool for preventing waterborne illness in the developing world. Pages of this very special book are


about a millimeter thick. They contain silver nanoparticles. Silver can rid the water filtered through a special device of damaging microbes and this, with almost no effect on humans. Bacteria are reduced by 99.9% and this makes the filtered water comparable to tap water we drink in Canada. Roger Gaudreault concludes this exciting session by reminding participants that Canada needs new products to rejuvenate the greying domestic forest sector and to match the stiff competition from the American, Scandinavian and Japanese forest industries. For this afternoon’s presenters, FIBRE has solutions to offer. Its researchers have developed new ways to increase the value of the Canadian forest resource but to this day, we sadly lack investments. Who’s buying?

Forum sur la Commercialisation: L’innovation de FIBRE à vendre Le Dr Roger Gaudreault, Directeur corporatif du développement scientifique chez Cascades et Leader de Session du Forum sur la commercialisation a acueilli les participants et souligné le fait que le forum de cette année offre l’excitante perspective d’inciter les leaders de l’industrie à investir plus dans les technologies ayant démontré du succès. Le concept du forum était de présenter quatre découvertes académiques “prêtes-à-réaliser” mises en valeur dans le livre blanc de FIBRE, à des décideurs de l’industrie dans un format “Dragon’s Den”.

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REVIEW Editorial from Roger Gaudreault, Conference Chairman: FIBRE Day & Commercialization Forum Does the forest/pulp and paper industry need to be transformed? Most would say yes, solely based on the fact that mills are closing faster than technology is being developed and implemented. Moreover, fundamental trends such as world population growth, climate change and increasing biomass/solid waste in urban areas call on the creative energy of our people to transform the industry. The call was answered by more than 100 professors and 500 postgraduate researchers that are part of FIBRE. But they cannot transform the industry alone. The trifecta of discovery by Academia, alignment through Government, and innovation by the Industry is key to achieve our transformational goals. This year’s FIBRE Commercialization Forum allowed the introduction of four “shovel-ready” academic discoveries selected from the FIBRE’s White Paper to industrial decision makers in a Dragon’s Den format. These were: 1) biodegradable, fossil-fuel-free foam paper with applications in construction, thermal/ acoustic insulation and environmental remediation; 2) super-absorbent, fire-retardant and water-repellent textile fibres for the personal hygiene markets; 3) antimicrobial packaging with embedded phages that kill targeted pathogens; and 4) a decision-aid software to help lumber/mill companies assess their viability in the long term with respect to global supply chain. Three other promising FIBRE-seeded nucleotech companies, still seeking financial support, were introduced to the industry panel: 1) A quick, cheap and easy litmus test that detects E. coli; 2) A book of filter papers to filter out cholera, E. coli and pathogens from water in developing countries; and 3) A Teflon-patterned chemical support system for assays.

The other event of the week, FIBRE Day, focused on the flourishing work of rising-star grad students and post-docs that are creating technologies based on 2D and 3D building blocks of the future, from nanofibres to 20-story wood building! Among the outstanding technologies presented were: 1) lignin aerogel and cellulose nanocrystal-based supercapacitors that might replace current batteries and do a better job of storing energy; 2) production of xylitol, a sweetener, from poplar; 3) biosensors to detect pesticides; 4) antimicrobial/antiviral polymers for paper products; 5) adsorbent materials from kraft lignin for the remediation of oil sands process water. In addition, other students presented innovative tools that are necessary to support the implementation of these technologies, such as the biorefinery process strategies and decision-making software for planning operations. We may be concerned that these innovative technologies and products will not come fast enough to transform our industry. However, we are confident that what we saw at FIBRE Commercialization Forum and FIBRE Day can have a lasting impact, way beyond this year’s event. The commercialization and sustainability of these processes and products are dependent on their financing by Industry, with the support of the Government. We can envision that FIBRE scientific footprint will still be built upon in a 100 years, like Einstein’s scientific contributions, namely his Theory of General Relativity now celebrating its 100th anniversary. Interestingly, our mothership, PAPTAC, is also celebrating this milestone. Finally, I would like underline the huge contribution of all our collaborators to the success of the Event. Special thanks to Professors Theo van de Ven, FIBRE’s Scientific Director, for setting the tone for the day with his opening remarks and Bob Pelton for editing FIBRE’s White Paper, to the Principal Investigators and nucleotech companies for sharing their results at the Dragon’s Den, to the outstanding industrial dragons themselves, and to FIBRE’s organizing committee!

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INTERNATIONAL FOREST BIOREFINERY SUMMIT Sommet international sur le bioraffinage forestier

Biorefining: Hurdles and Levers The International Forest Biorefinery Summit continued Tuesday afternoon with a panel discussion on the “hurdles and levers” or “pros and cons” of biorefining strategies for the Canadian forest industry. The presenters and debaters included an eclectic mix of FPInnovations, pulp and paper producers (Resolute and Tembec), the forest product association of Canada (FPAC), a biorefining process developer (Greenfield Ethanol), a chemical producer (AkzoNobel), a fuel industry association, a chemical industry association and government support and funding associations. The theme of the roundtable discussion was “from R&D to reality”. The discussions suggested that the reality is that there is much left to do before a cohesive strategy is apparent. The initiatives and the will are there, however. Precise plans are sketchy at the moment. Tom Browne of FPInnovations first presented an analysis of where oil prices are headed in the future. This is a key economic driver since the premise behind biorefining is that wood derivatives would replace or supplement fossils fuels or be used as substitutes for petroleum-based feedstock for various chemical products. The economics and viability of biorefined chemicals is very oil price sensitive. Browne foresees that biorefined chemicals from wood could take three paths: a biorefined crude substitute, intermediate chemical precursors or straight to end-use products. That could be the most lucrative. The latter alternative would be like Coca-Cola’ use of bioplastics to replace PET in its bottles. He concluded that wood is too expensive to be used as a fuel alone. The successful biorefinery would require a healthy primary industry and a focus on intermediate precursor chemicals for the petrochemical industry. Low value residues could be fuels.


Martin Fairbanks of Resolute said his company is good at efficiently using the whole tree but doesn’t yet know too much about the chemical industry. The company is currently looking for downstream partners for its Performance Biofilaments with Mercer International. Lyle Bigelow of Tembec says that the company has been producing biorefined products for years. Interestingly, he said that valuable chemical could be extracted from mill effluents and sludge. That possibility was picked up in later discussions. Greenfield Ethanol has well developed processes for extracting sugars from biomass and is proceeding with production trials at a Northern Ontario pulp mill. AkzoNobel has introduced an initiative to add bio products to its chemical portfolio. Quebec’s Enerlab is looking into using up to 25% lignin in its polyurethane foam products. A representative of the Canadian Fuel Association said his industry would require consistent feedstocks with an agreeable price since its commodity product is price sensitive. The ADICQ chemical suppliers association in Quebec was also represented. The discussions were rounded out by FPAC with its Vision 2020 initiative and various government-funded support organizations like Natural Resources Canada, Sustain able Development Technology Canada (STTC), Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC), and CRIBIQ, a Quebec funding agency. The lasting impression of this roundtable is that there are lots of ideas and alternatives to create a value chain for bioerefined products but the pulp and paper industry and the chemical industry need to get together to discuss mutual interests and needs. This seminar got industries and associations together at the same table. That wouldn’t have happened until recently.

PaperWeek Review / Rétrospective PaperWeek

REVIEW Integrated Biorefinery Management: From Climate Change to Pinch Analysis Jean Paris from the Department of Chemical Engineering of Polytechnique Montréal discusses recent work from his research unit on energy efficiency and sustainable implementation of the forest biorefinery. His presentation Jean Paris titled “The Integrated Forest Biorefinery and the Greenhouse Effect” centres on forest biorefinery in the context of global climate change. For Mr. Paris, “the pulp and paper industry can be a leader in the fight against climate change and a repositioning from paper maker to forest biomass converter happens to be an excellent business opportunity.”

“Stabilizing the concentration of GHG in the atmosphere is a three-point strategy that includes the rational use of energy in all sectors of human activities” including, inter-alia: pulp and paper manufacturing and the development of renewable sources of energy like wind, solar, marine and biomass. Again, forests are important sources of biomass and have the advantage of not competing with food crops for arable land. Describing the concept of integrated forest biorefinery, Mr. Paris, highlights interactions between energy transfer systems. Each kraft mill should have a proper strategy. Overall, manufacturing processes should be optimized to reduce the consumption of non-renewable sources of energy and chemicals. The first is simpler to accomplish than the latter. Hopefully, the forest-biorefinery ecosystem has a significant advantage over other industrial sectors interested in implementing similar GHG reduction strategies.

Frédéric Clerc from EnVertis Consulting presentation centres on identifying biorefinery strategies that allow for industry transformation and revenues diversification. A precondition for doing so is the consideration by decision-makers of a set of elements of risks that will allow them to assess whether strategies are robust and sustainable. “This is not obvious says Mr. Clerc, since many Frédéric Clerc factors can complicate decision-making.” This is maybe why companies tend to identify biorefinery opportunities on an ad-hoc basis. After reviewing different case studies, he pinpoints a set of quantitative criteria, which can be calculated at the early design stage – despite a limited amount of data available. As an important take home message, Mr. Clerc, explains a “systematic approach can be employed for identifying the most preferred biorefinery strategies for a forest products company”. In this approach, the identification of corporate drivers and mill strengths and weaknesses is can be done over a few months along other activities. Behrang Mansoornejad of CanmetENERGY (Natural Resources Canada) describes a multi-criteria analysis tool for integrated assessment of biorefinery projects developed by Natural Resources Canada over the course of a little more Behrang Mansoornejad than two years. “Multicriteria analysis gives insights into the performance of biorefinery projects from different perspectives and helps decision-makers assess the technical, economic and environmental impacts of different implementation strategies.” Mr. Mansoornejad describes the specific case of lignin recovery from softwood kraft black liquor. “This multicriteria analysis is done hierarchically says Mr. Mansoornejad describes the specific case of lignin recovery from softwood kraft black liquor. “This multicriteria analysis is done hierarchically says Mr. With the collaboration of / en collaboration avec :



Mansoornejad, and this for four critical groups of metrics (or criteria) such as technical performance. Biorefinery is a relatively complex production system driven by a range of competing factors and operational constraints. Thore Berntsson of Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden describes a systematic business decision-making for biorefinery strategy by forest product companies.“Decisionmaking is not easy as we learned over the last two Thore Berntsson days” says Thore Berntsson with a smile. “Company involvement in biorefinery concepts is central” – a reality that must be recalled since biorefining projects are often funded by government with a myriad of institutional partners. Companies must “or should” partner in early research and development phase and this until it becomes host to the pilot or demonstration plant. As to decision-making, it should be based on a series of parameters described by Mr.Berntsson. Amongst other parameters, the “possible future developments of the market and of selling price for the implied product portfolio and the carbon footprint of the product”. Expert knowledge on different aspects of biorefinery technologies and systems analysiscan be provided through collaboration between expert groups. In the end, despite this need for collaboration and for the exploration of flexible solutions on a case by case basis, usual components of improved industrial strategic decision making include: strategic planning, process and product design as well as energy analysis. Experts from these fields working in collaboration should achieve the highest results.


Bioraffinage: obstacles et leviers Le Sommet International sur le bioraffinage forestier s’est poursuivi mardi après-midi avec un panel de discussion sur les «obstacles et leviers» ou les «pour et contre» des stratégies de bioraffinage pour l’industrie forestière canadienne. Les conférenciers et intervenants représentaient une combinaison éclectique de FPInnovations, des producteurs de pâtes et papiers (Resolu et Tembec), l’Association des produits forestiers du Canada (APFC), un développeur de procédés de bioraffinage (Greenfield Ethanol), un producteur de produits chimiques (AkzoNobel), une association de l’industrie pétrolière, une association de l’industrie chimique ainsi que des associations gouvernementales de soutien et de financement. Le thème de cette discussion de type table ronde était «de la R&D à la réalité». Les discussions ont démontré que la réalité est qu’il reste beaucoup à faire avant de voir apparaître une stratégie de cohésion. Les initiatives et le désir sont là, cependant. Les plans précis sont encore superficiels pour le moment. L’impression qui ressort de cette table ronde est qu’il y a une foule d’idées et d’alternatives pour crééer une chaîne de valeur pour les produits du bioraffinage mais l’industrie des pâtes et papiers et l’industrie chimique doivent se rassembler afin de discuter des intérêts et besoins mutuels. Ce séminaire à permis de rassembler les industries et associations à la même table. Ceci ne serait jamais arrivé jusqu’à tout récemment.

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CONFERENCE TRACKS Sessions de la conférence

Cellulose filaments prove high strength and lightweighting potential In a Thursday morning keynote Balázs Tolnai, General Manager of Technology for the industrial products division of Kruger gave the industry an update on the startup and application development of cellulose filaments (CF) produced by the $ 43.1 million 5 t/d pilot plant at Kruger’s mill in Trois Rivières, QC. The tradename Balázs Tolnai for the product is FiloCell. The venture is a strategic alliance between Kruger and FPInnovations. After the announcement of the plant’s construction early last year it produced the first CF in June, 2014. Quite a remarkable fast track accomplishment! The first truckload was available for shipment in special bulk bags by July. As of the first quarter of 2015 the design production of 5 t/d is expected to be met. So far there have been sixteen paper mill trials and two pulp mill trials. The trials have confirmed the potential for a dramatic increase in wet and dry sheet tensile strength and the possibility to reduce basis weights of printing grades. Tolnai’s rule of thumb is that 1% dosing of CF will result in a 7% basis weight reduction for equivalent sheet strength. Another rule of thumb confirmed in a tissue application is that 1% CF dosage results in a 20% increase in tensile strength. The CF process produces filaments with a high aspect ratio up to 1000. These long, flexible filaments have a high surface area for good bonding in the paper sheet. The CF is produced at 30% solids and shipped in bulk bags. It is essential to disperse it at the mill site using an extra pulper or a portable skid-mounted dispersion unit developed by FPInnovations. CF can also be formed into a sheet and dried to make it easy and


cost-effective to transport and store. CF is not a workplace hazard according to OSHA requirements according to plant tests. The plant is equipped with a special online CF analyzer developed by FPInnovations. It is used for measurement of CF strengthening properties and for quality control. Regarding continuous papermaking applications, Tolnai cautiously explained that he hopes for a commercial application by the end of 2015.

Effective People Working Ineffective Environments Session Chair Daniel Archambault, Chairman of PAPTAC and Executive Vice President of Kruger introduces Christer Idhammar from IDCON as a reliability consultant who is not new to the pulp and paper industry. His clients expand to industries in many sectors. One of them slaughters 6 million chickens a day says the consultant. “Despite obvious differences in the targeted clients, many reliability challenges are the same” he says with the humor he is known for. In a presentation entitled ‘Reliable Production – Increased Quality Production Throughput through better maintenance productivity” Christer Idhammar’s message is clear for operation managChrister Idhammar ers: “do not focus on cost alone. Focus on what drives costs. Think as an accountant, not as an engineer” Another? “People cannot be more effective than the system they work for.” Reliable production is a major competitive advantage but is an ever-going challenge. In fact, using the words of the consultant, “only the most competitive and profitable facilities will pass through this difficult period of decline and restructuration”. He stresses the importance for management to “develop, document,

PaperWeek Review / Rétrospective PaperWeek

REVIEW communicate and reinforce better work processes”. Unfortunately, effective people sometimes work in ineffective environment. For this reason, Christer Idhammar advises operators involved in basic equipment inspection to go back to the basics: “look, listen, feel and focus on what you already have since the ‘solution’ does not always lie in the use of new technologies”.

Market trend analysis for packaging boards Ken Waghorne, a market analysis specialist with RISI, presented a keynote address detailing the market trends for packaging boards in North America. He expects that consumerdriven demand for container boards will increase by a healthier 2.1% per year in 2015-2016. That spurt in growth is stronger than that expected in Ken Waghorne Europe. Box shipments have shown a sluggish growth of less than 1% since 2011, but 2104 showed a rally. At home product packaging has been growing very slowly but packaging used way from home has been growing more robustly. He expects further consumer-driven growth. Purchasing managers’ intentions indicate a healthier manufacturing sector and that impacts packaging volumes. There are currently few imports of containerboard to the US market. Latin America is the primary export for kraftliner except for Canada. Profit margins for containerboard are the highest sustained level in over a decade, says Waghorne. That is more profitable than in Europe, which is oversupplied. There is also an excess supply in China. Folding boxboard growth in North America is sluggish and there has been a gradual decline in profit margins. However, there is new market potential for fiber cupstock replacing polystyrene cups that are banned in some cities. There is a concern about disruptive exports from China as that country has become a net exporter of board with new capacity like the giant 1 million t/y Ningbo machine.

Megatrends in the pulp and paper industry With the economic power shifting to Asia and the population growth, new pulp and paper projects will be concentrated outside North America over the coming years. After over 60 years of conPertti Winter tinuous growth, the pulp and paper industry has now reached a plateau, explains Pertti Winter, Pöyry VP for North America. While the newspaper market will continue to fall to about a 3% rate in the coming years, tissue and containerboard market will continue to grow at a 2 to 3% rate. All these markets will continue to shift from North America and Europe to Asia. In terms of investments, China is by far the champion, with a 41 M tons of containerboard capacity increase since 2014, and another 17M planned. Pulp markets and production are also shifting gradually to Asia. In the 10 largest pulps decide projects in the world, none of them is in North America. They will be developed in Brazil, Uruguay, China, Russia and Indonesia. Five projects will produce more than 1M ton/ year. The planned projects follow the same trend. M. Winter noted that all of today’s projects need to account for safety and environmental footprint. He presented the Green Mill Index that helps mill evaluate their environmental performance. “This is the kind of information clients are now looking for”, he said. He concluded by comparing the different bioproduct opportunities for the pulp industry. “Maybe the will be more directed towards the biochemicals rather than the biofuels. One thing is certain, the industry expansion will develop to new products and it will stay strong for next 100 years.”

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Organizations need true cultural transformation in order to achieve the ultimate goal: zero accident “ Bypass surgery patients will comeback to bad habits less than two years after an accident”, said Carl Lemieux, a health and safety consultant. To make a difference in the mill, an organization must follow the maturity curve known as that Bradley curve. Following those lines, an organization must first go through the reactive process, then trough the dependant phase, followed by the independent; the ultimate step being the interdependent stage, where each individuals care for each other and the environment. “ This process is not linear and each step must build on the previous one. To go through each step, an organization must create climate of trust, thinks Renée Cossette, consultant for Creanim. By establishing a relationship, the employees will be more enclined to listen and implement positive behaviors. “Leaders need to learn how to communicate with their employees”, she said.

Program Leaders Greg Hay took the opportunity to thank the members of the PaperWeek Canada Program Committee. “Again this year, the feedback from industry regarding the quality of the topics and presentations in the program was unanimous” he mentioned. On the picture: Greg Hay, Executive Director of PAPTAC, Yvon Pelletier, President Fortress Paper, Stéphane Lamoureux, Vice President with Kruger, and Benoit Painchaud, Mill Manager - Kruger Place Turcot.

Rock step banquet PaperWeek Canada celebrated PAPTAC’s 100th anniversary by paying tribute to all executive directors over the last century. In a cozy athmosphere, guest savoured a delicious meal, followed by a dance class and a Beatle tribute show.

“The leaders need to spend a lot of time on the shop floor. They need to take the time to listen and talk to people”, added Gérard Dufour, a retired consultant. It takes time to make things change, but these changes are worth the effort. In the audience, Patrick Loulou, Vice President, Corporate Development, noted that the number of accident in their mills is perfectly correlated with mill performance. Domtar’s executives actually have 20% of their bonuses related to health and safety performance. “If you received a call at the middle of the night for an accident. Where do you think it will be? “, asked M. Dufour. The answer is where you need to work on.


Daniel Archambault, PAPTAC’s president, was proud to say that PaperWeek Canada welcomed over 1000 participants again this year. Accompanied by Greg Hay, PAPTAC’s executive director, they paid tribute to former Technical Section Manager, David Paterson, from 1975 to 1995, and Executive Director, Rob Wood, from 1995 to 2008, who helped forge the Canadian pulp and paper history.

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Team building a personal discovery On Wednesday morning’s management track Tim Cork, President of Straight A’s Inc. gave an entertaining and thought-provoking presentation on what interpersonal relationships are needed to connect with people , lead and build teamwork, and make an impact in your organization. Personal attributes like listening, sharing, giving, complimenting, engaging customers and being an ambassador for Tim Cork your company were highlighted. Notable quotes included” “Great leaders ask the right questions”, “Leadership isn’t telling, it’s asking”, and “Get excited about you, your services and your company.” A very human touch, and food for thought.

Well designed packaging sells products Jim Porter, President of Paper Solutions for Rock Tenn, kicked PaperWeek 2015 Wednesday’s session with a keynote address about how well-designed packaging influences buyer purchasing decisions on the store shelf or even through online purchases on the web. He says that packaging sells products more than TV or online ads, or Jim Porter word of mouth. In fact, studies show that 64% of consumers will buy a product’s message through attractive shelf packaging that differentiates the product. “Packaging shapes consumer’s decisions about what to buy,” he says. However, product packaging is adapting and innovating to changing demographics in ethnicity and age,


as baby boomers give way to generation X and millennium youth. “There is a dynamic change in the marketplace,” he says. Another powerful driver is the need to make new packaging oriented to convenient takeaway foods for busy lifestyles. There are fewer stay at home family dinners, reflecting back to his youth. Another trend is to convey a unique product image and a type of personalization. He says that even smart phone product shopping requires an attractive package design even before the consumers picks it from a store shelf. Sustainability, including recycled content, also affects consumer choices, and retailers like Walmart are picking up on that. There is a substantial move to light weighting of products. The technology and design of packaging is also changing. Rather than the traditional load bearing on four box corners there are now boxes with eight load-bearing corners, thereby improving stacking strength. That is made possible by precision mandrel forming technology. Mr. Porter also commented on the recent news of the merger of Rock Tenn with Mead Westaco (MWV), to produce a company with $16 billion in worldwide sales. He says that it gives the company a balanced portfolio of packaging products with a global scale.

Forest Biomass: Money Growing “in” Trees As we meet Charles Xu from FPInnovations and Associate Industrial Research Chair in Forest Biorefinery at the Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering of Western University, we are reminded of the importance of scientific research in the Canadian biorefining landscape. Green diesel and Charles Xu jet fuel can be produced from woody biomass and this is in fact the principal area of interest his research team. Professor Xu has published 3 book chapters and more than 120 papers in journals and conferences, including 60 peer-reviewed journal papers. Dr. Xu who acts as the Editor of the “International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering”

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confirms there is a serious increase in research interest in the Canadian academic community. “Only at Western University, we are working on finding new ways to replace petroleum with organic matter. We are interested in tobacco, apple cores or sewage sludge. Yet, one our most interesting research streams concerns lignin; turning wood into “green fuel”. Yet, research shows that lignin is not ideal for fuel. “Molecular weight is too high” says Mr. Xu. In his keynote presentation entitled “An Engineering Approach to Valorization of Lignin for Bioproducts and Biomaterials via De-polymerization followed by Resinification/Polymerization” professor Xu discusses, to use the words of consultant Stan Nillson, “new directions to create value”.The main challenge is still making all these ideas economically viable. Focusing on lignin, professor Xu describes how lignin can be used as a source of bioenergy, bio-based chemicals and as a material precursor. On the economics of lignin applications, a study from 1984 – still very relevant to today’s reality – is used to stress that “as structure of lignin yields to advances in analytical techniques, new markets are projected in adhesives, foams, films, coatings and plastics – here, highest-value lignin uses to show greatest future rise”.

Brainstorming session aligns transformation ideas On Wednesday afternoon’s Industry Transformation Track, Jean Hamel of FPInnovations moderated what was basically a brainstorming session on industry transformation. The objective was to align ideas and to define the priorities, the enabling Jean Hamel factors and the hindrances to industry transformation. As a bold concept, the delegates in the room selected one of five debating groups to participate in. These included energy, bio-refinery, bio-materials, new market pulp applications, and papermaking. After lengthy discussions, each group’s moderator gave


a synopsis of the recommendations. Without going into too much detail, the highlights of each group’s recommendations are summarized: Energy is a saleable product. Government policy initiatives are needed to promote energy generation and conservation projects. The elimination of fossil fuels is a key goal. The bio-refining and bio-materials groups were aligned in identifying de-risked marketing and improved market intelligence about end-user needs was top on the list. Market pull needs to be understood and developing sounds business models is required. De-risking new technology and fully understanding the time and money required were stressed. The bio-materials group also identified that final product pricing to suit the market was a key requirement. The price should be equal to or lower than material that are being replaced by bioproducts. Interview with Jean Hamel :

Click on image for the Interview On the market pulp side, understanding what’s next in customer’s expectations is required. An extension and perhaps rebranding of the natural advantages of Canadian fibers is needed. At the top of the paper group’s list , replacing the lost marketing and technical resources in the industry was prioritized. Somehow keeping machines operating to generate cash for the future and what to do with lost newsprint capacity were noted as problems. It was notes that there is limited capital for new projects. The suggestion was made that leadership was needed. All told, the experiment in aligning thinking about industry transformation was a great success in this instance. Let’s hope the enthusiasm carries through to a successful implementation of aspirations for industry growth and prosperity. With the collaboration of / en collaboration avec :



Replication of innovation = transformation Wednesday afternoon’s industry transformation track featured two IFIT supported waste to energy projects at western Canada sawmills. Session moderator Glenn Mason of Natural Resources Canada said the Canadian forest industry has a tremendous appetite for change through Glenn Mason the implementation of innovative technical solutions. IFIT funding helps to derisk these projects for so-called “first-movers” – companies who are the first in the industry to implement novel technology. Once these projects are proven to achieve results it is through replication by other industry mills that true industry transformation is achieved.

in Europe where the technology was developed. Albers described another IFIT-sponsored project at its Slave Lake pulp mill where bio-gad is generated from anaerobic treatment of effluent. The gas is used to drive reciprocating engines and turbine sets. The waste heat is also used in the pulp drying process. Next, Guy Martin of KSH described the first-movers concept and its advantages. He noted successful firstmovers in other fields such as Procter and Gamble’s disposable diapers, Amazon and eBay. IFIT and the previous Pulp and Paper Green Transformation Funs help to alleviate the risks of being first. Other sponsored projects included a lignin extraction plant at Millar Western, Hinton, a cellulose filament demonstration plant at Kruger Trois Rivières and a biomethanol plant at Alpac in Boyle. The programme has been renewed as February 2014, with $90.4 million set aside for potential investments over four years.

Alan Fitzpatrick of Nechako Lumber presented the results of its Nechako Green Energy Project in which a first-in-Canada implementation of an Organic Rankin Cycle (ORC) heat recovery plant produces 2.2 MW of electricity from otherwise wasted heat. The ORC plant transfers heat uses a fluid Alan Fitzpatrick somewhat like hydraulic fluid. The electricity generated in the plants’ turbine produces about 1/3 of the sawmill’s requirements and all of the pellet plants needs. A similar waste to heat project was described by Ron Albers of West Fraser, North America’s largest lumber producer. The ORC process, similar to Nechako’s, converts biomass to electrical energy that is sold to the BC Hydro grid. The mill’s beehive burner was eliminated, The plant, which uses a high pressure and a low pressure turbine, is large scale compared to those Ron Albers


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