PaperWeek Canada 2015 Preview

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Shaping the Future: People, Process & Innovation

Bâtir l’avenir : talent, procédés et innovation


PaperWeek Canada Program Release / Programme préliminaire 2015 PAPTAC





celebrating 100 years of knowledge connections

Keynote Speakers Conférenciers invités

Conference Highlights

Faits saillants de la conférence

FIBRE Day Biorefinery Summit Conference Tracks Luncheons PAPTAC Awards 100th Anniversary Banquet



Fairmont Queen Elizabeth Hotel Montréal, QC, Canada

100 years of knowledge

connections 1915- 2015

A hundred years helping connect people through knowledge sharing. A message PAPTAC is very proud to carry out as its defining mark on the industry and its most valuable resource – it’speople. With a growing membership of over 3000 members in Canada and around the world, PAPTAC continues to provide indispensable value to the industry. Our main objectives continue to be to play a relevant role in assisting and providing solutions based on the current needs of the industry through conferences, webinars, technical & management communities, courses, news coverage and industry partnerships. As the Canadian network dedicated to the pulp and paper and forest products sector, PAPTAC is a key platform for anyone working in the industry. Greg Hay Executive director





Technical Communities


Future Workforce


Forest Advancement


PaperWeek Canada

PaperWeek Canada

UNROLLED Program Release Programme préliminaire

2015 4

EDITORIAL / ÉDITORIAL Shaping the Future: People, Process & Innovation Marking the 100th Anniversary of PAPTAC founded in 1915, the 2015 edition of PaperWeek will feature the theme "Shaping the Future: People, Process and Innovation". Bâtir l’avenir : talent, procédés et innovation Marquant le 100e anniversaire de PAPTAC fondée en 1915, l'édition 2015 de PaperWeek présentera le thème « Bâtir l'avenir : talent, procédés & innovation ».



High-level technical and business presentations will be featured highlighting the industry's advancements and challenges. Des présentations techniques et d'affaire de haut niveau seront présentées soulignant les avancées et les défis de l'industrie.




PaperWeek is renowned for its unique conference format featuring some of the most influential leaders and speakers as part of its keynote program in its daily kick-offs and business luncheons. PaperWeek est reconnu pour son format unique mettant en vedette certains des leaders et les conférenciers les plus influents dans le cadre de son programme de conférenciers invités au début de chaque journée et pendant les lunchs d’affaires.




Come and hear presentations on the latest technological innovations in the forest sector presented by FIBRE’s rising-star grad students and post-docs. Find out how their work applies directly to industry. These young professionals will present their most recent work generated by years of graduate studies devoted to rejuvenating the forest products industry. Faisant suite à l’énorme succès des éditons 1 et 2 de la journée FIBRE, dédiée à la présentation à l’industrie du travail de FIBRE – le plus grand réseau de recherche forestière mené par les universités composé d’étudiants, de chercheurs, de membres de l’industrie, du gouvernement et de partenaires.




As this will mark the 5th edition of the event, the world leaders in biorefinery will meet in Montreal for this International Summit, featuring the leading experts in the field. Comme cette année marquera la 5e édition de l'événement, les leaders mondiaux du bioraffinage se réuniront à Montréal pour un sommet international, mettant en vedette les plus grands experts dans le domaine.



New tracks as well as the recurring technical tracks will address topics and sectors such as: tissue, packaging, reliability, management, safety, energy and several other technical tracks and activities will be featured at PaperWeek. De nouvelles sessions ainsi que les sessions techniques récurrentes aborderont les secteurs tels que : le tissu, l’emballage, la fiabilité, la gestion, la sécurité, l’énergie et plusieurs autres sessions et activités seront à l’honneur lors de PaperWeek.




A special Centennial Banquet bringing together industry leaders. Un Banquet spécial pour le centenaire en compagnie de leaders de l’industrie.



Take a quick look at the global schedule of PaperWeek. Découvrez en un clin d’oeil l’horaire global de PaperWeek.










PAPTAC is a Canadian-based non-profit organization, dedicated to improving the technical and professional capabilities of its members worldwide, and to the advancement of the pulp and paper industry. PAPTAC est une organisation à but non lucratif établie au Canada et vouée à l'amélioration des compétences techniques et professionnelles de ses membres partout dans le monde, ainsi qu'à l'avancement de l'industrie des pâtes et papiers. With the collaboration of / en collaboration avec :


PaperWeek Canada UNROLLED Program Release / Programme préliminaire 2015


Preparations for PaperWeek Canada 2015 are underway! Les préparatifs de PaperWeek Canada 2015 sont en cours ! PaperWeek Canada 2015 will be held Feb. 2-5 2015 at the Fairmont Queen Elizabeth Hotel in Montreal. The number one gathering of the pulp & paper and forest products industry in Canada will also coincide with the 101th Annual Meeting of PAPTAC.

PaperWeek Canada 2015 aura lieu 2 au 5 février 2015 à l’Hôtel Fairmont Le Reine Elizabeth à Montréal. Le rassemblement numéro un de l’industrie papetière et des produits forestiers au Canada coïncidera également avec le 101e Congrès annuel de PAPTAC.

Under the theme “Shaping the Future: People, Process, Innovation”, the Program Committee is once again taking the quality of the conference to a new level with sessions on newly developed topics such as Management, Logistics, Safety and Energy. Also featured will be an impressive roster of keynote speakers and industry leaders, over 40 sessions on a variety of issues and topics, the Int’l Summit of Forest Biorefinery, the 3rd edition of FIBRE Day, a commercialization forum, the Seminar on Improving Paper Machine Efficiency & Productivity, and of course the PaperWeek Tradeshow and the PAPTAC National Awards.

Sous le thème « Bâtir l’avenir: talent, procédés et innovation », le comité de programme amène une fois de plus la qualité de la conférence à un niveau supérieur avec des sessions sur des sujets nouvellement développés tels que la gestion, la logistique, la sécurité et l’énergie. Aussi à l’affiche, une liste impressionnante de conférenciers invités et leaders de l’industrie, plus de 40 sessions sur une variété de questions et de sujets, le Sommet International du bioraffinage forestier, la 3e édition de la Journée FIBRE, un forum de la commercialisation, le Séminaire sur l’amélioration de l’efficacité et de la productivité de la machine à papier, et bien sûr le salon commercial de PaperWeek et les Prix nationaux de PAPTAC.

PaperWeek has been steadily growing in the past couple of years, reaching a record attendance over the last 6 years with 1117 participants. We are expecting the participation to continue growing with a session tracks constantly re-evaluated by our industry leaders on the program committee to ensure it responds to the current needs, challenges and opportunities in the mills.

PaperWeek n’a cessé de croître au cours des dernières années, atteignant un record de participation au cours des 6 dernières années avec 1117 participants en février dernier. La participation devrait continuer d’augmenter grâce à des programmes de sessions constamment réévalués par nos leaders de l’industrie au sein du comité de programme afin de s’assurer de répondre aux besoins, défis et opportunités actuels des usines.

We look forward to seeing you in Montreal in February.

Au plaisir de vous voir à Montréal en Février.

Be sure to check regularly to stay abreast of all the program updates and announcements.

Assurez-vous de faire un tour sur régulièrement pour rester au courant de toutes les mises à jour du programme et des nouvelles annonces.

Greg Hay PAPTAC Executive Director

PaperWeek Program Committee Comité du programme PaperWeek

Yvon Pelletier Patrick Corriveau Stéphane Lamoureux Fortress Paper Resolute Forest Products Kruger Products President Vice President Operations Corporate VP Program Chairman Manufacturing


Benoît Painchaud Kruger Place Turcot Mill Manager

With the collaboration of / en collaboration avec :

PAPTAC wishes to take this opportunity to recognize the incredible work that is being accomplished by the Program Committee who oversees the entire sessions' content. As PAPTAC strives to put together the most relevant program possible to respond to the needs of the industry, the work of this committee becomes an invaluable component of PaperWeek's success.

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What can you expect at PaperWeek Canada 2015? À quoi vous attendre à PaperWeek ? PaperWeek Canada is the preeminent annual conference and tradeshow for the Canadian pulp & paper and forest products industry. The event brings together key players from pulp and paper mills and head offices, equipment and service suppliers, government, research institutes, universities, consulting firms, utility service providers, and allied industries. As PAPTAC celebrates its 100th Anniversary, the 2015 edition of Paperweek Canada, will present a number of activities, which will contribute to commemorate the important goals achieved by our association.

Another edition of the highly acclaimed Seminar on Improving Paper Machine Efficiency & Productivity will be featured for a day and a half and a supplier technical showcase will give Exhibitors the opportunity to present a short commercially-oriented presentation on their latest innovative products, technology, and/or services. Students constitute the workforce renewal in our imminent future. The PAPTAC Student Community, initiated in 2013, will be in charge of organizing the annual PaperWeek Canada Student Poster Session. The posters will be selected on the basis of technical and quality contents. This year the University of Toronto will be the lead university in setting up a successful edition under the supervision of PAPTAC.

High-level presentations will be featured in the most relevant business and technical tracks in order to highlight the technology advancements and mark trends of. the industry. New tracks as well as the recurring technical tracks will address topics and sectors such as: tissue, packaging, reliability, management, safety, energy and Eminent keynote speakers from private and public several other technical tracks and activities that will be featured at this next edition. An international Biorefinery Summit and the 3rd edition of FIBRE DAY and the commercialization forum will also be part of this world-class program. A vibrant tradeshow will feature supplier companies which will have the opportunity to display their products and network with clients and colleagues. To promote and maximize mill traffic, the tradeshow section of the conference will be open (free access) to all mill personnel.



PaperWeek Canada Program Release / Programme préliminaire 2015

companies and government will take the floor during the popular morning kick-off sessions and PaperWeek Business Luncheons, the top industry Awards and recognitions will be once again a key component of the event, and to pay tribute to our members, without whom we could not be here to celebrate this milestone, a PAPTAC 100th Anniversary Banquet will be organized to invite all to a special evening with high-quality entertainment and dining.

la fiabilité, la gestion, la sécurité, l’énergie et plusieurs autres sessions et activités qui seront à l’honneur lors de cette prochaine édition. Un Sommet international sur le bioraffinage forestier ainsi que la 3e édition de la Journée FIBRE et un forum sur la commercialisation feront aussi partie de ce programme de classe mondiale.

PaperWeek Canada 2015 brings you a platform of key players with whom you will have the opportunity to learn from and exchange. PaperWeek provides the best opportunity to interact and share ideas at national and international levels. As a matter of fact, over the years tens of thousands of industry personnel, including industry leaders, managers, superintendents, process engineers, technical staff and operators have benefited both themselves and their operations by taking part in the event. We hope that you will be among those who Un salon dynamique présentera aussi des fournisseurs can join us in February for the premier pulp and paper qui auront l’opportunité de faire étalage de leurs produits event of the year. et de réseauter avec clients et collègues. Afin de promouvoir et maximiser l’affluence du personnel d’usine, nous PaperWeek Canada est la principale conférence annuelle offrons à ces derniers un accès au salon gratuit. avec son salon commercial pour l’industrie des pâtes et papiers et des produits forestiers canadiens. L’événement PaperWeek Canada 2015 vous fournira une plate-forme rassemble des acteurs clés des usines de pâtes et papiers, d’acteurs-clés avec lesquels vous aurez l’occasion d’apdes fournisseurs de services, des représentants du gouver- prendre et d’échanger. PaperWeek offre la meilleure nement, des représentants d’instituts de recherche, des occasion d’interagir et partager des idées aux niveaux étudiants et professeurs d’universités, des consultants, national et international. D’ailleurs au fil des ans des ainsi que des prestataires de services publics et d’indus- dizaines de milliers de membres de l’industrie, y compris tries reliées. Étant donné que PAPTAC fêtera ses 100 ans les leaders de l’industrie, gestionnaires, surintendants, inen 2015, l’édition 2015 de Paperweek Canada présentera génieurs de processus, personnel technique et opérateurs, une foule d’activités qui contribueront à commémorer ont bénéficié eux-mêmes de leur participation à l’événel’atteinte de cette étape importante pour notre Associa- ment. Nous espérons que vous serez parmi ceux qui nous tion. rejoindront en Février pour le premier événement des pâtes et papiers de l’année. Plusieurs présentations haut de gamme seront mises en vedette à travers des sessions d’affaires et techniques, afin de souligner les avancements technologiques, ainsi que les nouvelles tendances de l’industrie. De nouvelles sessions ainsi que les sessions techniques récurrentes aborderont les secteurs tels que : le tissu, l’emballage,

With the collaboration of / en collaboration avec :





What can you expect at Keynote Canada Speakers PaperWeek 2014? Conférenciers invités À quoi vous attendre à PaperWeek ?

Opening Executive Breakfast Panel

PaperWeek Canada is the preeminent annual conference

and tradeshow for the Canadian pulp & paper and forest products industry. The event brings together key players from pulp and paper mills and head offices, equipment and service suppliers, government, research institutes, universities, consulting firms, utility service providers, and allied industries. As PAPTAC celebrates its 100 Annual Meeting, Glennedition Mason of Paperweek Canada, Pierre Lapointe the 2014 will present a Assistant Deputy Minister CEO number of activities that will be specially directed to different NRCan FPInnovations players and sectors in order to commemorate the important goals achieved as the Canadian technical association dediThe Strategy of the Canadian Industry Alignment cated to the advancement of the pulp and paper industry.

generations to the professional opportunities the industry has to offer. Company representatives will address students on such topics as: careers, lifestyles, technologies and a typical work day in the industry.

In recognition of the work done within the industry, eminent keynote speakers will take the floor during the Lindsay Business Luncheons, Stephen popular David PaperWeek theAtkinson top industry CEO Vice Awards will be presented, the career fair will President once again be FPAC of the event, andPaper and Forest Products a key component to underline our appreDundee Capital Markets ciation for the industry’s patronage over the years, we are having a 100th Anniversary Banquet featuring a head table with the industry CEOs, a special evening with highIn response to the presentation by keynote and expert analyst Sten Nilsson at PaperWeek Canada 2014 (The Transformation quality entertainement and dining. High-level presentations will be featured in the most relevant of the Canadian Forest Products Sector, is Tabula Rasa Required?), David Lindsay, CEO of FPAC, Pierre Lapointe, CEO of business and Glenn technical tracks in order to highlight FPInnovations, Mason, Assistant Deputy Minister the – NRCan and Stephen Atkinson, Vice President Paper and Forest CanadaStrategy 2014 brings you a platform of and key technology advancements mark will trends of thethe industry. Products – Dundee Capitaland Markets, discuss CanadianPaperWeek Sector Alignment and demonstrate the path players with whom you will have the opportunity to learn Focused on key industry sectors such as: tissue, packaging, vision that will enable the industry to excel in traditional markets, transform to new markets and, ultimately, succeed. dissolving pulp, reliability, bioenergy, workforce renewal, from and exchange. PaperWeek provides the best opporThis moderated panel will set theand tableseveral as the opening plenary session breakfastand for share PaperWeek 2015.and internatunity to&interact ideas Canada at national biorefinery, emerging research other techical tracks, many other activities will be featured at this next tional levels. As a matter of fact, over the years tens of Keynotes speakerstradeshow will provide valuable insight on a series of timely topics during the including popular daily kick-off thousands of industry personnel, industry leadedition. A dynamic will feature supplier compasessions display their products ers, managers, superintendents, process engineers, technies whichand will business have the opportunity and network with clients and colleagues. To promote and nical staff and operators have benefited both themselves maximize mill traffic, the tradeshow section of the confer- and their operations by taking part in the event. We hope that you will be among those who can join us in February ence will be open (free access) to all mill personnel. for the premier pulp and paper event of the year. Students constitute the workforce renewal in our imminent future. For this reason PAPTAC dedicates a special forum for their involvement. A student poster area will be set up in a room adjacent to the tradeshow. The posters will be selectedWaghorne on the basis ofBalázs technical contents. This Kenneth Tolnaiand quality Patrick Moore, Ph.D., Jim Porter Chad Wasilenkoff, Tim Cork activity will provide excellent networking opportunities for Vice President, General Manager Author President CEO and Founder “The Networking Guru” the next Products generation Technology of papermakers for the and researchers. Packaging Ecologist/ The Paper Solutions Fortress Paper Ltd. President, Straight A’s Industrial Products Environmentalist RockTenn Inc. CareerRISI Fair’s objective is to raise the awareness of younger Division of Kruger Ecosense Bestselling Author Environmental Inc.


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WhatFIBRE can you Day expect at PaperWeek Canada 2014? À quoi vous attendre à PaperWeek ?

Journée FIBRE

P aperWeek Canada is the preeminent annual FIBRE Day: Tomorrow’s scientists atconference work

and tradeshow for the Canadian pulp & paper and forest products industry. The event brings together key players Come and hear presentations on the latest technologifrom pulp and paper mills and head offices, equipment and cal innovations in the forest sector presented by FIBRE’s service suppliers, government, research institutes, universirising-star gradfirms, students post-docs. Findand outallied how ties, consulting utilityand service providers, their work applies directly to industry. These young industries. As PAPTAC celebrates its 100 Annual Meeting, the 2014 edition Paperweek Canada, present a professionals will of present their most recentwillwork genernumber activities that will studies be specially directed to different ated by of years of graduate devoted to rejuvenatplayers sectors in order to commemorate important ing the and forest products industry. Consider the hiring them goals achieved as the Canadian technical association dedito kick start creativity and entrepreneurship in your orcated to the advancement of the pulp and paper industry.

generations to thethe professional the industry model to assess integrationopportunities of transformative biorehas to and offer. Company will address finery strategies in therepresentatives industry. students on such topics as: careers, lifestyles, technologies and a typical work day in the industry.

The presentations will be preceded by a brief analysis of the white paper FIBRE’s contribution to In recognition of highlighting the work done within the industry, forest sector transformation Dr. the Robert eminent keynote speakers willbytake floorPelton, during Scithe entific Director of Sentinel Bioactive Paper Network. popular PaperWeek Business Luncheons, the top industry Awards willpresentations, be presented, the career fair will once again be After the other exciting FIBRE technolaogies key component of the event, and to underline our appre(start ups) at various stages of development will ciation for the industry’s patronage over the years, we are described. having a 100th Anniversary Banquet featuring a head

ganization. Attend FIBRE Day at the start of PaperWeek table with the industry CEOs, a special evening with highFaisantentertainement suite à l’énorme succès des éditons 1 et 2 de la Canada 2015 on February 2 featured in Montreal therelevant Queen quality and dining. High-level presentations will be in theat most Elizabeth Hotel. Prepare tracks to be impressed! business and technical in order to highlight the journée FIBRE, dédiée à la présentation à l’industrie du travail deCanada FIBRE 2014 – le plus grand de recherche brings youréseau a platform of key technology advancements and mark trends of the industry. PaperWeek with whom you will have the opportunity to learn Focused on key industry sectors such as: tissue, packaging, players forestière mené par les universités composé d’ é tudiants, FIBRE Commercialization Forum: Ready-to-roll and exchange. PaperWeek provides the best oppordissolving pulp, reliability, bioenergy, workforce renewal, from de chercheurs, de membres de l’industrie, du gouvertechnology biorefinery, emerging research and several other techical tunity to interact and share ideas at national and internanement et de partenaires, nous avons le plaisir d’annontracks, many other activities will be featured at this next tional levels. As a matter of fact, over the years tens of cer qu’une 3e édition de la journée FIBRE aura lieu à This year’s Commercialization an exciting edition. A dynamic tradeshow will Forum feature has supplier compa- thousands of industry personnel, including industry leadPaperWeek 2015. managers, superintendents, process engineers, technies which to willentice have the opportunity to display their products objective: industry leaders to invest further to ers, and with discoveries clients and colleagues. To success. promote and makenetwork hot FIBRE a commercial maximize mill traffic, the tradeshow section of the conference will be open (free access) to all mill personnel.

Dr. Roger Gaudreault, Cascades Corporate Director of Scientific Development, will renewal introduce four “shovStudents constitute the workforce in our imminent el-ready” highlighted in FIBRE’s future. For academic this reasondiscoveries PAPTAC dedicates a special forum for theirPaper involvement. A student poster area will set up in White to industrial decision makers inbe a Dragon’s a room adjacent the tradeshow. The posters will for be Den format. The to technologies are: 1) “foam paper” selected the basis of technical quality insulation; contents. This filtrationonmedia or acoustic, andand thermal 2) activity will provide excellent networking opportunities for paper and textiles that can be made superabsorbent, fire the next generation of papermakers and researchers. The retardant or water-repellent; 3) the phage-based Career Fair’s objective is to raise awarenessantimicroof younger bial food packaging; and 4) an environmental design 10

nical staff and operators have benefited both themselves and their operations by taking l’part in the event. We hope La journée FIBRE marquera ouverture de la semaine le that you will be among les those can join us inetFebruary 2 février et présentera pluswho récents travaux avancefor the premier and paper event the year. ments générés pulp par ce consortium de of réseaux dévoué à

l’innovation et à la transformation de l’industrie des produits forestiers.

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International Forest What can you Summit expect at Biorefinery

PaperWeek Canada 2014? 2015 International Forest Biorefinery Summit


À quoi vous attendre Sommet international à PaperWeek ? sur le bioraffinage forestier

The Forest Biorefinery Summit is organized by an inPaperWeek Canada is the preeminent annual conference and tradeshow for the Canadian pulp & with paperPaperWeek and forest ternational committee in conjunction products industry. ThePAPTAC. event brings together key players Canada, hosted by It will be taking place from pulp and paper mills and head offices, equipment and during the week of February 2-5 2015 at the Queen Elizservice suppliers, government, research institutes, universiabeth Hotel in Montreal (Quebec, ties, consulting firms, utility service Canada). providers,The andForest allied Biorefinery Summit will feature oral presentations by industries. As PAPTAC celebrates its 100 Annual Meeting, eminent personalities; a panel on strategic reflection the 2014 edition of Paperweek Canada, will present to a number ofthe activities specially to different facilitate accessthat to will thebe market of directed forest-based bioplayers and sectors in order tokeynote commemorate the important products and biomaterials; presentations; goals achieved as the Canadian technical association and a poster session as part of a networking event. dedicated to the advancement of the pulp and paper industry.

Key players from the forest, economy chemical High-level presentations will bebio featured in theand most relevant sectors will share their experience. Governments, business and technical tracks in order to highlightacathe demia and advancements research institutes will also be of represented. technology and mark trends the industry. Focused on key industry such as: tissue, packaging, The International Forestsectors Biorefinery Symposium at Padissolving pulp, reliability, bioenergy, workforce renewal, perWeek is one of the top programs in the world for biorefinery, emerging research and several other techical forest biorefinery advancement.

generations to the professionalsur opportunities theforestier industryà Le Symposium international le bioraffinage has to offer. representatives will au address PaperWeek est Company l’un des meilleurs programmes monde students on such topics as: careers, lifestyles, technolopour l’avancement du bioraffinage forestier. gies and a typical work day in the industry.

Comme cette année la 5ewithin édition l’événeIn recognition of themarquera work done thedeindustry, ment, leskeynote leaders speakers mondiauxwill dutake bioraffinage réuniront eminent the floor seduring the à Montréal pour un sommet international, mettant en vepopular PaperWeek Business Luncheons, the top industry Awards be grands presented, the career will once again be dette leswill plus experts dans lefair domaine. a key component of the event, and to underline our appreciation for theoffrira industry’s over et thescientifiques years, we are Ce sommet aux patronage professionnels de having a 100th Anniversary Banquet featuring a head l’industrie une plate-forme pour la présentation des protable with the industry CEOs, a special evening with highgrès lesentertainement plus récents, des applications et des percées dans la quality and dining. recherche et l’implantation du bioraffinage.

PaperWeek Canada 2014 brings you a platform of key players with whom you will have the opportunity to learn from and exchange. PaperWeek provides the best opportunity to interact and share ideas at national and internatracks, many other activities will be featured at this next tional levels. As a matter of fact, over the years tens of edition. A dynamic tradeshow will feature supplier compa- thousands of industry personnel, including industry leadAs willwill mark edition of event, the world ers, managers, superintendents, process engineers, techniesthis which havethe the5th opportunity to the display their products leaders in biorefinery will meet in Montreal for this In- nical staff and operators have benefited both themselves and network with clients and colleagues. To promote and maximize mill traffic, the tradeshow sectionexperts of the conferternational Summit, featuring the leading in the and their operations by taking part in the event. We hope that you will be among those who can join us in February ence will be open (free access) to all mill personnel. field. for the premier pulp and paper event of the year. Students constitute the workforce renewal in our imminent This Summit will offer industry professionals and scifuture. For this reason PAPTAC dedicates a special forum entists platform for the presentation thebemost for their ainvolvement. A student poster areaofwill set uprein cent advancements, andThe breakthroughs in a room adjacent to applications the tradeshow. posters will be biorefinery research and implementation. selected on the basis of technical and quality contents. This activity will provide excellent networking opportunities for the next generation of papermakers and researchers. The Career Fair’s objective is to raise the awareness of younger



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Conference Program

What can you expect at PaperWeek Canada 2014? Programme de la conférence

*Program to changes, visit À quoisubject vous attendre for updates à PaperWeek ? *Programme sujet à changements visitez pour les mises à jour

TISSUE TRACK, Tuesday Feb. 3 & Wednesday Feb. 4

Moderator: Stéphane Larivière, FPInnovations

Following the success of the two first editions of this -Softness, Jessica Carrette, FPInnovations PaperWeek the preeminent annual conference generations to the professional opportunities the industry program, theCanada Tissue isSector continues to be a core seg- -Bulk, Yonghao Ni, New Brunswick University and tradeshow for the Canadian pulp & paper and forest has to offer. Company representatives will address ment at PaperWeek. -Dust/Lint, Joseph Aspler, on such topics as:FPInnovations careers, lifestyles, technoloproducts industry. The event brings together key players students -Absorbency, Alois Vanerek, FPInnovations gies and a typical work day in the industry. from pulp and paper mills and head offices, equipment and With a dedicated track being presented and bringing service suppliers, government, research institutes, universi- -Strength, Daniel Ricard, FPInnovations together the secties, consulting firms, utility service providers, and allied In recognition of the work done within the industry, tor’s key As players, TISSUEkeynote TRACK:speakers will take the floor during the industries. PAPTAC celebrates its 100 Annual Meeting, eminent the Tissue Pro-of Paperweek Canada, will present a popular SESSION 2 / Feb. 3Business / 13:30-15:00 PaperWeek Luncheons, the top industry the 2014 edition gram address that will be specially directed to different Awards will be presented, the career fair will once again be numberwill of activities Innovation in the Wet End players and sectors the key aspects in order to commemorate the important a key component of the event, and to underline our apprefor theStéphane industry’sLarivière, patronage over the years, we are goals achieved as the Canadian technical association dedi- ciation of tissue producModerator: FPInnovations having a 100th Anniversary Banquet featuring a head cated to the advancement of the pulp and paper industry. tion, operations -Enzymatic of Fibers, Chase Bud, EDT table with theTreatment industry CEOs, a special evening with highoptimization and entertainement and dining. High-level presentations will be featured in the most relevant quality -Fractionation of Fibres, Chris Dubé, Kadant technology develbusiness and technical tracks in order to highlight the -CaCO3 in Tissue, Beat Kuebler, Omya opments well as provide updates on theof most recent PaperWeek Canada 2014 brings you a platform of key technologyasadvancements and mark trends the industry. -Delivering Softness Through Advanced Dry Strenght Focusedtrends on keyand industry sectors such as: tissue, packaging, players with whom you will have the opportunity to learn market perspectives. Approaches, Pascal Rivard, Solenis dissolving pulp, reliability, bioenergy, workforce renewal, from and exchange. PaperWeek provides the best opporPROGRAMME TISSU, mardi 4 & mercredi 5 février -Temporary Wet and Dryideas Strength Optimization for to interact and share at national and internabiorefinery, emerging research and several other techical tunity Commercial Towel, Lu Chen, Kemira levels. As a matter of fact, over the years tens of tracks, many other activities will be featured at this next tional Suite au franc succès des deux premières éditions, le secedition. A dynamic tradeshow will feature supplier compa- thousands of industry personnel, including industry leadteur du tissu d’occupertoune placetheir encore plus ers, managers, superintendents, process engineers, technies which willcontinuera have the opportunity display products importante grille and horaire en 2015.To promote and nical SUPPLIER SHOWCASE FOURNISSEURS staff and operators have benefited both themselves and networkdans with la clients colleagues. Avec un programme dédié d’une journée et demi retheir operations by taking part in the event. We hope maximize mill traffic, the tradeshow section of the confer- and Tuesday Feb. 3 / Mardi 3 février 13:30-15:00 ence will belesopen (free access) all mill personnel. groupant joueurs-clés du tosecteur, les sessions tissu that you will be among those who can join us in February This opportunity to present theplatform premier affords pulp andthe paper event of the year. a short aborderont les aspects majeurs ayant trait à la produc- for Students constitute the workforce renewal in our imminent commercially-oriented presentation on suppliers latest tion, l’optimisation des opérations et les développements future. For this reason PAPTAC dedicates a special forum innovative products, technology, and/or services that they technologiques en plus de fournir les plus récentes donfor their involvement. A student poster area will be set up in want to bring to the attention of industry participants. nées et perspectives du marché. a room adjacent to the tradeshow. The posters will be selected on the basis of technical and quality contents. This TISSUE TRACK: activity will provide excellent networking opportunities for the next generation papermakers and researchers. The SESSION 1 / Feb. 3of/ 10:30-12:00 Career Fair’s objective is to raise the awareness of younger

Fundamentals of the key properties of tissue and towel manufacturing 14

Cette plateforme permet aux fournisseurs de faire une présentation de leurs nouveaux produits, technologies et services qu’ils désirent porter à l’attention des participants de l’industrie.


PaperWeek Canada Program Release / Programme préliminaire 2015

TISSUE TRACK: SESSION 3 / Feb. 3 / 15:30-17:00

TISSUE TRACK: SESSION 4 / Feb. 4 / 10:30-12:00

Innovation on the Paper Machine - Part 1

Innovation on the Paper Machine - Part 2

Moderator: David Embley, Irving Tissue

Moderator: David Embley, Irving Tissue

-How to minimize energy consumption and reduce micro-stickies contaminants on deinking and stock preparation lines, Marco Pescantin, Quattro Engineering and design -Heat Recovery Steam Generation for Tissue Machines: A Novel and Safety-Conscious Approach, Alfredo Sarli, Voith -Using Embedded Sensors and grooving in Press Rolls to Improve Tissue Machine, Bob Carney, Xerium

-New On-Machine Instrumentation Saves Energy, Optimizes Press Functionality and Extends Felt Life, Luca Canali, Cristini -Economy Associated to Yankee hood Cascading vs Parallel OP Mode, Jean Desharnais, Enerquin Air -KemView Tissue Structure Analyzer for Detailed Sheet Evaluation, Clay Campbell, Kemira -Enhancing Tissue Manufacturing Efficiency and Performance Using New Measurement Tools, Xuejun Zou, FPInnovations -New Buckman Edge Release Technology Busperse 2810, Vincent Roy, Buckman

Tuesday February 3 - Technical Session / Mardi 4 février - Session technique MECHANICAL PULPING / MISE EN PÂTE MÉCANIQUE Moderator: Zhirun Yuan, FPInnovations -Benefits of Implementing a Paper Brightness Control System in a 2-machine Newsprint Mill, Jean-François Hamelin, Metso -Upgrading Thermo Mechanical Pulp with Micro Nano Fibrillated Cellulose: influence of fibrillation on paper sheet structure and properties, Mohamed Ali Charfeddine, UQTR -Upgrading Thermo Mechanical Pulp with Micro Nano Fibrillated Cellulose at pilot scale, Fabrice Roussiere, UQTR -Optimized Furnish Blend Refining to Maximize the Benefits of High-yield Pulp, Quanqing Zha, FPInnovations -Wood mechanics: From chips to flocs to fibres, David McDonald, JDMcD Consulting Inc.

Tues. Feb. 3 - FIBRE Commercialization Forum / Mardi 4 fév. - Forum sur la commercialisation -FIBRE’s White Paper to industrial decision makers, Robert Pelton, McMaster University FOUR FIBRE TECHNOLOGIES -Foam paper’ for filtration media or acoustic, and thermal insulation, James Olson, University of British Columbia -Bioactive Packaging, Mansel Griffiths, University of Guelph -Functional Textile Fibres, Theo van de Ven, McGill University -Decision-aid Software, Eldon Gunn, Dalhousie University “NUCLEOTECHNOLOGIES” WHAT IS UP AND COMING -InnovoGENE, Yingfu Li, McMaster University -Drinkable Book, Theresa Dankovich, formerly McGill University -SyntArray, Ratmir Derda, University of Alberta With the collaboration of / en collaboration avec :





SAFETY TRACK, Tuesday Feb. 3 New in 2015! A complete track devoted to Safety Best Practices. This program will feature presentaÀ quoi vous attendre tions from experts, consultants and leaders on world-class?best practices in à PaperWeek safety and the most recent updates in the latest initiatives and programs.

What can you expect at PaperWeek Canada 2014?

PROGRAMME SÉCURITÉ, mardi 3 février

PaperWeek Canada is the preeminent annual conference and tradeshow for the Canadian pulp & paper and forest

Nouveau en 2015The ! Un programme complet products industry. event brings together keyconsacré players aux meilleures pratiques en matière de sécurité. Ce profrom pulp and paper mills and head offices, equipment and gramme comprendra des présentations de spécialistes, service suppliers, government, research institutes, universities, consulting firms, utility service providers, allied consultants et leaders de classe mondiale sur and les meilindustries. As PAPTAC celebrates 100 Annual leures pratiques de sécurité et un its aperçu des plusMeeting, récents the 2014 edition of Paperweek Canada, will present a programmes et initiatives.

-How do we define “World Class Safety” ? Is the Paper Industry “World Class” in term of safety performance?, Stéphane Blanchette, Consultant -From papercut to paperless HSE management, Éric Veilleux, Maerix SAFETY TRACK: SESSION 3 / Feb. 3 / 15:30-17:00 Performing mills Moderator: Stéphane Lamoureux, Kruger Products -TBD, Jean Ménard, Resolu St-Félicien -Human Performance Improvement (HPI), Eric Ashby, Domtar-Windsor generations to the professional opportunities the industry -Zero Harm by choice at Vaudreuil Plant, has to offer. Company representatives will address Jean-François Nadeau, Alcan students on such topicsRio as: Tinto careers, lifestyles, technologies and a typical work dayWednesday in the industry. PACKAGING TRACK, Feb. 4

Packaging will ofconIn recognition the work done within the industry, eminent keynote speakers will take the floor during the tinue to be very well popular PaperWeek Business Luncheons, the top industry represented in the Pawill be presented, the career fair will once again be number of activities that will be specially directed to different Awards perWeek program. players and sectors in order to commemorate the important a key component of the event, and to underline our appreWith experts covering SAFETY TRACK: goals achieved as the Canadian technical association dedi- ciation for the industry’s patronage over the years, we are the latest technology SESSION / Feb. 3 / 10:30-12:00 having a 100th Anniversary Banquet featuring a head cated to the1advancement of the pulp and paper industry. advancements in pro-CEOs, a special evening with hightable with the industry Drivers of behaviors entertainement High-level presentations will be featured in the most relevant quality duction, the presen-and dining. business and technical tracks in Kruger order toProducts highlight the tations will also provide updates on some of the most Moderator: Stéphane Lamoureux, Canada 2014&brings youthat a platform of key technology advancements and mark trends of the industry. PaperWeek recent implementations projects have made the with whom you will have the opportunity to learn Focused on key industry sectors such tissue,Zero packaging, -Cultural Transformation Levers to as: Achieve Harm players news in the paperboard industry. dissolving pulp,Consultant reliability, bioenergy, workforce renewal, from and exchange. PaperWeek provides the best opporCarl Lemieux, The Packaging alsoatlook at providing into interact Program and sharewill ideas national and internabiorefinery, emerging research other techical tunity -Working Safety by choice andand not several by chance sight on the latest updates in market perspectives for the tracks, many other activities will be featured at this next tional levels. As a matter of fact, over the years tens of Gérard Dufour, Consultant global packaging industry. of industry personnel, including industry leadedition. A dynamic tradeshow will feature supplier compa- thousands -The Humanist Approach in OHS:toCall upon Commun nies which will have the opportunity display their products ers, managers, superintendents, process engineers, techPROGRAMME EMBALLAGE , mercredi février Sense and thewith Conscience, staff and operators have benefited both4themselves and network clients and colleagues. To promote and nical Renée Cossette, Creanim their operations by takingtrès partbien in the event. We hope maximize mill traffic, the tradeshow section of the confer- and L’emballage sera à nouveau représenté dans le that you will be among those who can join us in February ence will be open (free access) to all mill personnel. programme de PaperWeek. Avec des experts couvrant les SAFETY TRACK: for the premier pulp and paper event of the year. SESSION 2 / Feb. 3the / 13:30-15:00 Students constitute workforce renewal in our imminent dernières avancées technologiques en matière de producfuture. For this reason PAPTAC dedicates a special forum tion, les présentations fourniront également les dernières Potential solutions for their involvement. A student poster area will be set up in mises à jour au sujet des projets et des investissements qui a room adjacent to the tradeshow.Kruger The posters will be ont fait la nouvelle dans l’industrie du carton d’emballage. Moderator: Stéphane Lamoureux, Products selected on the basis of technical and quality contents. This Le programme Emballage aura aussi pour but de dress-What when itnetworking comes to prevention activity is willLeadership provide excellent opportunitiesand for er un bilan des dernières perspectives et tendances du the next generation ofit,papermakers researchers. The how to demonstrate Pierre Craig, and Consultant - Axiome marché global de l’emballage. Career Fair’s objective is to raise the awareness of younger inc.



PaperWeek Canada Program Release / Programme préliminaire 2015

PACKAGING TRACK: SESSION 1 / Feb. 4 / 10:30-12:00 Moderator: Benoît Painchaud, Kruger

-The Application of an Engineered Cellulosic Additive Dry Strength in Packaging Grades, Robert Schinke, Akzo Nobel

-Title TBD, PACKAGING TRACK: Ken Woghorne, Vice President Packaging Products, RISI SESSION 3 / Feb. 4 / 15:30-17:00 PACKAGING TRACK: SESSION 2 / Feb. 4 / 13:30-15:00

Moderator: Benoît Painchaud, Kruger

-Improved Quality and Production for Packaging Machines with the PrimePress X, Mark Sorenson, Andritz -Energy and Lightweight Debris Reduction in OCC -Board machine: OptiConcept M and other recent techSystems, Frank Labatore, Voith nological developments, Daniel Liard, Valmet -Improving the Strength of Recycled Paperboard. A Re-Advances in OCC Pulping and Coarse Screening Sysview of the Possibilities, David R. Jones, Buckman tems, Christopher Demler, Kadant -New Developments in Packaging Grade Forming Fab-A New Approach in Felt Construction can inscrase rics, David R. McVey, Albany sheet dryness and extend life, Maurizio Quarti, Cristini Moderator: David Jones, Buckman

Wednesday February 4 - Technical Sessions / Mercredi 4 février - Sessions techniques BLEACHING / BLANCHIMENT 10:30-12:00 Moderator: Dan Davies, Evonik -Optimizing Your Process Through Lignin Management, Sandra Beder-Miller, BTG -New totally chlorine-free bleaching sequences for paper and dissolving hardwood kraft pulps, Dominique Lachenal, Grenoble INP -Effect of oxygen delignification prior to enzymatic treatment for upgrading paper-grade kraft pulp to viscose-grade dissolving pulp, Sabrina Burkhardt, Econotech -Bleaching practices for oxygen –delignified softwood pulp : analysis of the 2013 Paptac bleaching committee survey, Paul Earl, Paul Earl Consulting 13:30-15:00 Moderator: Guy Normandeau, Metso -Chemistry of Scale Control in the Pulp Mill, Harold Petke, Solenis -A Review of Current Practices for the Containment and Neutralization of Chlorine Dioxide Solutions, Georges Ranger, Erco Worldwide -Proper Use of Lab, In-line, and On-line Measurements for Fiberline Monitoring and Control, James Goldman, Metso -Mill implementation of the near neutral chlorine dioxide brightening technology, Shree Prakash Mishra, FPInnovations 15:30-17:00 Moderator: Doug Reid, EKA -Control of the Extraction Stage Using the True Terminal pH, Richard Van Fleet, BTG -White Liquor Pressure Filter Troubleshooting, Ralf Lunn, Celgar -Bleach Plant Control Optimisation Using Inline Brightness and Residual Measurements Along With On-Line Kappa Measurements, James Goldman, Metso -Fiberline pH measurement and control with result, Kari Lampela, Metso

With the collaboration of / en collaboration avec :






MANAGEMENT TRACK , Wednesday Feb. 4

What can you expect at PaperWeek Canada 2014?

New in 2015! A Management Track that will provide attendees who are involved in different levels of management with some of the most influential and successful leadership approaches. Managers who have to combine technical skills and human skills will greatly benefit from this program that will discuss effective management systems and the to the professional opportunities the industry PaperWeek Canada is the preeminent annual conference generations transfer of technical skills to soft skills and to manage in and tradeshow for the Canadian pulp & paper and forest has to offer. Company representatives will address a changing PROGRAMME DE key players students on environment. such topics as: careers, lifestyles, technoloproducts industry.TRANSFORMATION The event brings together L’INDUSTRIE, mercredi 4 février from pulp and paper mills and head offices, equipment and gies and a typical work day in the industry. service suppliers, government, research institutes, universi- PROGRAMME MANAGEMENT, mercredi 4 février ties, consulting firms, service providers, andunallied La transformation de utility l’industrie continue d’être élé- In recognition of the work done within the industry, will take the during the industries.dans As PAPTAC celebrates itsconférence. 100 AnnualEn Meeting, Nouveaukeynote en 2015speakers ! Un programme sur floor le management ment-clé le programme de la parte- eminent PaperWeek Luncheons, top industry the 2014 of Paperweekœuvrant Canada,comme will present qui permettra aux Business participants qui sont the impliqués dans nariat avecedition des organisations leadersa popular number of activities that will be specially directed to different Awards will be presented, the career fair will once again be les différents niveaux de gestion d’ e n savoir plus sur les dans l’innovation et la transformation de l’industrie, Paplayers and sectors in order to commemorate the important a key component of the event, and to underline our appreapproches deindustry’s leadershippatronage les plus influentes et quiweont perWeek est le forum excellence pourassociation être à l’affûtdedides ciation for the over the years, arele goals achieved as the par Canadian technical plus deasuccès. plus initiatives etofimplantations en usine et de having 100th Anniversary Banquet featuring a head catedrécentes to the advancement the pulp and paper industry. Les gestionnaires quiCEOs, ont àa special combiner les compétences discuter des grands enjeux. table with the industry evening with highentertainement and dining. High-level presentations will be featured in the most relevant quality techniques et les compétences relationnelles bénéficieront business andTRANSFORMATION technical tracks in order to highlight the grandement de ce programme qui abordera les systèmes INDUSTRY TRACK: technology advancements and mark trends of the industry. PaperWeek Canada 2014 brings you a platform of key de gestion efficaces, le transfert de compétences techSESSION 1 / Feb. 4 / 13:30-15:00 Focused on key industry sectors such as: tissue, packaging, players with whom you will have the opportunity to learn niques à des compétences générales et la gestion dans un dissolving pulp, bioenergy, workforce renewal, from and exchange. PaperWeek provides the best opporModerator: Glenreliability, Mason, NRCanada environnement to interact changeant. and share ideas at national and internabiorefinery, emerging research and several other techical tunity -Presentation fromactivities Naturalwill Resources on tional levels. As a matter of fact, over the years tens of tracks, many other be featuredCanada at this next of industry personnel, including industry leadedition. A dynamic tradeshowcan will replicate feature supplier compadiscussing how companies the success of thousands MANAGEMENT TRACK: ers, managers, superintendents, process engineers, technies which will have the opportunity to display their products other first movers while understanding and managing SESSION 1 / Feb. 4 / 10:30-12:00 nical staff and operators have benefited both themselves and network with clients promote and some of the barriers and and riskscolleagues. inherent inToimplementing maximize mill traffic, the tradeshow section of the confer- and their operations by taking part in the event. We hope -Keys to great leadership, Tom Johnstone, Buckman new and innovative technologies. that you will be among those who can join us in February ence will be open (free access) to all mill personnel. -Other Presentations Alan Fitzpatrick, Director/General Manager, Nechako for the premier pulp andTBD paper event of the year. Lumber Co. Ltd. Students constitute the workforce renewal in our imminent Ilaria Sales &dedicates BusinessaDevelopment, future. Peretti, For this Manager, reason PAPTAC special forum MANAGEMENT TRACK: for their involvement. A student poster area will be set up in SESSION 2 / Feb. 4 / 13:30-15:00 Turboden Industry Transformation continues to be a key segment in the conference program. Partnering with organizations that are leading the way in À quoi vous attendre industry transformation and innoà PaperWeek ? vation, PaperWeek is the preeminent forum to hear about the most recent initiatives and mill implementations and discuss the key issues and opportunities that are at stake.

a room adjacent to the tradeshow. The posters will be

INDUSTRY TRANSFORMATION TRACK: selected on the basis of technical and quality contents. This SESSION / Feb. 4excellent / 15:30-17:00 activity will2provide networking opportunities for the next generation of papermakers and researchers. The

-TBD Career Fair’s objective is to raise the awareness of younger


-Presentations TBD


PaperWeek Canada Program Release / Programme préliminaire 2015

RELIABILITY TRACK, Wednesday Feb.4 & Thursday Feb. 5 What is considered world class when it comes to reliability? Where does the pulp and paper industry stand vs. where it needs to be in order to be competitive and vs. what other industries have done? This track newly presented at the previous edition of PaperWeek will return in 2015 featuring experts in reliability with industry best practice case studies, as well as experts from other industries to provide participants the most recent advancements and benchmark standards in operational reliability. PROGRAMME FIABILITÉ, mercredi 4 & jeudi 5 février Quel est le standard de classe mondiale en termes de fiabilité ? Où se situe l’industrie papetière par rapport au niveau à atteindre pour être compétitive et comment se compare-t-elle à ce que font d’autres industries ? Ce programme présenté en primeur à la dernière édition de PaperWeek sera de retour en 2015 et regroupera des experts en fiabilité et présentera les meilleures pratiques et des études de cas des meilleurs dans le domaine en plus d’inviter des experts d’autres industries afin de fournir aux participants les plus récents avancements et les standards à atteindre en matière de fiabilité opérationnelle.

RELIABILITY TRACK: SESSION 2 / Feb. 5 / 10:30-12:00 Moderator: Patrick Corriveau, Resolute Forest Products -Reliable Production – Increased Quality Production Throughput through better maintenance productivity, Christer Idhammar, IDCON RELIABILITY TRACK: SESSION 3 / Feb. 5 / 13:30-15:00 Moderator: Patrick Corriveau, Resolute Forest Products -Bearing Sealing solutions for conveyors & wet sections of paper machines - including sealed spherical roller bearing, machined seal products, speedi sleeves, twin wire press example, Martin Duval, SKF -Title TBD, Martin Duval, SKF RELIABILITY TRACK: SESSION 4 / Feb. 5 / 15:30-17:00 Moderator: Patrick Corriveau, Resolute Forest Products -Taking the Mystery out of Maintenance, Robert Landau, Pöyry -Pedestal Motor Base Redesign to Ensure Vibration Free Operation/Sensitivity Analysis of Paper Machine Roll Critical Speeds, Jake Zwart, Spectrum Technologies

RELIABILITY TRACK: SESSION 1 / Feb. 4 / 15:30-17:00 Moderator: Patrick Corriveau, Resolute Forest Products -TBD, Eric Moisan, Allied Reliability Group -From CAPEX to OPEX, Serge Mathieu, Prosysma

With the collaboration of / en collaboration avec :





ENERGY REDUCTION TRACK, Thursday Feb. 5 Reducing energy costs and consumption continues to be at the top of priorities for mills. Come hear about the most recent initiatives, programs and learn from experts in À quoi vous attendre key areas of energy management and à PaperWeek ? efficiency.

What can you expect at PaperWeek Canada 2014?


PaperWeek Canada is the preeminent annual conference and tradeshow for the Canadian pulp & paper and forest

Réduire coûts etThe la consommation d’énergie productsles industry. event brings together keydemeure players au sommet des priorités pour les usines. Découvrez-en from pulp and paper mills and head offices, equipment and plus sursuppliers, les initiatives et programmes plus récents, et service government, researchles institutes, universities, consulting firms, utility service providers, and allied apprenez auprès d’experts dans des domaines-clés de la industries. Asl’ePAPTAC its 100 Annual Meeting, gestion et de fficacité celebrates énergétique.

-Economics, optimization and controls of cogeneration system, Benoit Janvier, Enero Solutions -Innovative Process Integration Recovers Waste Heat from Condensing Power Generation, Julie Boisvert, Temec Engineer ENERGY REDUCTION TRACK: SESSION 3 / Feb. 5 / 15:30-17:00 Process optimization to reduce steam consumption Moderator: Yvon Pelletier, Fortress Cellulose -Ways of increasing the weak black liquor solids and reducing the flow of weak black liquor from the digester and fiber line the evaporators, MonatheAnderson, generations to thetoprofessional opportunities industry has to offer. Company representatives will address Valmet students on such topics as: careers, lifestyles, combines technolo-Steam-Condensate Closed System approach gies and a typical work day in the industry. with pinch technology to produce significant energy savings, Gilles Lalonde, Lalonde Systhermique In recognition of the work done within the industry, -Retrocomissioning and energy applying eminent keynote speakers will takeefficiency the floor –during the this concept to the paper machine vacuum system, popular PaperWeek Business Luncheons, the top industry Doug Sweet, Sweet the andcareer Associates Awards will beDoug presented, fair will once again be a-Optimize key component of thethey event, and to underline ourto apprekW when converted from steam elecciation for the industry’s patronage over the years, we are tric drive, Peter Windmoeller, Airstreaming

the 2014 edition of Paperweek Canada, will present a number of activities that will be specially directed to different ENERGY REDUCTION TRACK: players and sectors in order to commemorate the important SESSION 1 / Feb. 5 / Canadian 10:30-12:00 goals achieved as the technical association dedihaving a 100th Anniversary Banquet featuring a head cated to the advancement of the pulp and paper industry. Energy optimisation/conservation management table with the industry CEOs, a special evening with highquality entertainement and dining. High-level presentations will be featured in the most relevant Moderator: Yvon Pelletier, Fortress Cellulose business and technical tracks in order to highlight the -Forty Yearsadvancements of energy conservation in North American technology and mark trends of the industry. PaperWeek Canada 2014 brings you a platform of key Focused on key industry sectors such as: tissue, packaging, players with whom you will have the opportunity to learn pulp operation, Eva Mannisto, Ekono dissolving pulp, reliability, bioenergy, renewal, from and exchange. PaperWeek provides the best oppor-Innovative financing solutions for workforce energy efficiency biorefinery, emerging research and several other and renewables: Geneviève Gauthier, Econoler techical tunity to interact and share ideas at national and internatracks, many other activities will be featured at this next tional levels. As a matter of fact, over the years tens of -Practical application of process integration for energy edition. A dynamic tradeshow will feature supplier compa- thousands of industry personnel, including industry leadoptimization pulpthe and paper mills, Bakhtiari nies which willof have opportunity to display theirBahador, products ers, managers, superintendents, process engineers, techAmerican Process and network with clients and colleagues. To promote and nical staff and operators have benefited both themselves maximize mill traffic, the tradeshow section of the confer- and their operations by taking part in the event. We hope that you will be among those who can join us in February ence will beREDUCTION open (free access) to all mill personnel. ENERGY TRACK: for the premier pulp and paper event of the year. SESSION 2 / Feb. 5 / 13:30-15:00 Students constitute the workforce renewal in our imminent How get this more out ofPAPTAC your Cogeneration investment? future.toFor reason dedicates a special forum for their involvement. A student poster area will be set up in Moderator: Yvon Pelletier, Fortress Cellulose a room adjacent to the tradeshow. The posters will be selected on the basis of technical and quality contents. This -Biomass-based cogeneration in pulp and paper activity will provide excellent networking opportunities for industry: Energy efficiency implications, Luciana the next generation of papermakers and researchers. The Savulescu, NRCan Career Fair’s objective is to raise the awareness of younger



PaperWeek Canada Program Release / Programme préliminaire 2015

Thursday February 5 - Technical Sessions / Jeudi 5 février - Sessions techniques ENVIRONMENT / ENVIRONNEMENT Moderator: Pierre Martel, FPInnovations Session 1 - 13:30-15:00 -Benefits of Implementing an Effluent pH Control System, Jean-François Hamelin, Metso -ASB Dredging and Odour Control, Dan Davies, Evonik -Purified tannin molecules for the protection of mild steel closed-loop system, Mehdi Dargahi, TGWT Clean Technologies Inc. Session 2 - 15:30-17:00 -Anaerobic Digestion of Pulp and Paper Mill Wastewater and Sludge, Torsten Meyer, University of Toronto -Effect of Black Liquor Firing Conditions on Salt Cake Properties, Denise Levesque, Alstrom -The Hidden Cost of Flush Water, Robert Laforest, A.W. Chesterton

Thursday Feb. 5 & Friday Feb. 6 - Seminar / Jeudi 5 & vendredi 6 février - Séminaire Seminar on Improving Paper Machine Efficiency & Productivity Séminaire sur l’efficacité et la productivité des machines à papier Thursday February 5 / Jeudi 5 février 10:30-17:00 Friday February 6 / Vendredi 6 février 8:00-13:00 Moderator: Daniel Liard, Valmet

The Papermaking Technology Community (PMTC) of PAPTAC is pleased to announce the 5th Edition of the Seminar on Improving Paper Machine Efficiency and Productivity, that will take place Feb. 5-6, during PaperWeek. Operating a paper machine is a complicated and complex task in which many variables must be known, understood and adjusted on a regular basis in order to obtain optimal results in terms of productivity, customer satisfaction and profitability. In this 1 ½ day seminar, eminent specialists will present what should be measured and optimized in a successful operation, with best practices and key monitoring points to reach the highest levels of productivity. La Communauté technologique de la fabrication du papier (PMTC) est heureuse de d’annoncer la tenue de la 5e édition du Séminaire sur l’efficacité et la productivité des machines à papier, qui aura lieu les 5 et 6 février pendant PaperWeek. L’opération d’une machine à papier est une tâche complexe au cours de laquelle plusieurs données doivent être connues, comprises et ajustées sur une base régulière afin d’obtenir des résultats optimaux en termes de productivité, profitabilité et de satisfaction du client. Dans le cadre de ce séminaire d’une journée et demi, les conférenciers présenteront ce qui devrait être mesuré et optimisé dans une bonne opération et des points de contrôle afin d’atteindre les plus hauts niveaux de productivité.

With the collaboration of / en collaboration avec :





PAPTAC What can you expect at CENTENNIAL PaperWeek Canada 2014? BANQUET À quoi vous attendre BANQUET DU à PaperWeek ?


Join us and make it an evening to remember !

REPLAY Authentic, Exciting, Compelling

products industry. The leaders event brings together players and join us, industry and several keykey players of from pulp and paper mills and head offices, equipment and the Association as we celebrate our 100th Anniversary.

generations to the professional opportunities the industry Canada’s Beatles Tribute!representatives Many Beatle tribute bands has to offer. Company will address wear theonsuits playas: thecareers, songs but very few make students suchand topics lifestyles, technologies typical in the industry. you and feelathe aurawork andday magnetism of The Beatles like

PaperWeek Canada is the preeminent annual conference and tradeshow for the pulp of & PAPTAC, paper and come forest T o commemorate theCanadian Centennial

service suppliers, government, research institutes, universities, consulting firms, utility service providers, and allied PAPTAC hasPAPTAC the pleasure to its invite to a surprising industries. As celebrates 100 Annual Meeting, evening. Get ready to have fun, dance, meeta the 2014 edition of Paperweek Canada, willdine, present number of activities will be specially directed to different acquaintances, hearthat stories and be part of a memorable players and sectors in order to commemorate the important moment. Join us - it’s time for a party ! Wednesday, goals achieved as the Canadian technical association dediFebruary 4th at the Fairmont Queen Elizabeth Hotel in cated to the advancement of the pulp and paper industry.


REPLAY does. REPLAY recreates that illusion, and the

In recognition of the work done within the industry, goose bumps. eminent keynote speakers will take the floor during the After seeing the popular PaperWeek Business Luncheons, the top industry show, many Awards will be presented, the career fair will oncehave againsaid be REPLAY “is” The a key component of the event, and to underline our appreciation for the industry’s patronageBeatles… over the years, we are they actually having a 100th Anniversary Banquet featuring a head felt they were watching table with the industry CEOs, a special evening with highJohn, Paul, George quality entertainement and dining.

High-level presentations will be featured in the most relevant and Ringo. Add Afin de commémorer le centenaire PAPTAC, joignezbusiness and technical tracks in de order to highlight the Liverpudlian accents, technology and mark trends of the vous à nousadvancements ainsi qu’aux leaders de l’industrie et industry. PaperWeek Canada 2014 brings you a platform of key on-stagewith antics, costumes and instruments, whomauthentic you will have the opportunity to learn Focused on key industry such as: tissue, packaging, plusieurs joueurs clés desectors l’Association pour célébrer notre players and REPLAY is the closest thing to seeing the real thing! from and exchange. PaperWeek provides the best oppordissolving pulp, reliability, bioenergy, workforce renewal, 100e anniversaire. biorefinery, emerging research and several other techical tracks, many other activities will be featured at this next Le mercredi 4 février au Fairmont le Reine Elizabeth à edition. A dynamic tradeshow will feature supplier compaMontréal, sera temps de faire la fête ! nies which il will have the opportunity to display their products and network with clients and colleagues. To promote and maximize mill traffic, the tradeshow section of the conference will be open (free access) to all mill personnel. Students constitute the workforce renewal in our imminent future. For this reason PAPTAC dedicates a special forum for their involvement. A student poster area will be set up in a room adjacent to the tradeshow. The posters will be selected on the basis of technical and quality contents. This activity will provide excellent networking opportunities for the next generation of papermakers and researchers. The Career Fair’s objective is to raise the awareness of younger


tunity to interact and share ideas at national and international levels. As a difference matter of fact, over the years tens of Feel the REPLAY yourself. thousands of industry personnel, including industry leaders, managers, superintendents, process engineers, techHommage canadien aux Beatles ! Plusieurs groupes nical staff and operators have benefited both themselves imitent Beatles mais très peu ont de vous and theirles operations by taking part in la thecapacité event. We hope faire ressentir l’ a ura et le magnétisme des Beatles comme that you will be among those who can join us in February for thelepremier pulp and paper event of the year. peut faire REPLAY.

Après avoir vu le spectacle, les gens disent que REPLAY “sont” les Beatles...ils ont l’impression de vraiment voir John, Paul, George et Ringo. Avec leur accent de Liverpool, d’authentiques costumes et instruments ainsi que des décors d’antan, REPLAY est ce qui se rapproche le plus des vrais Beatles !





What can you expect at at a Glance PaperWeek Canada 2014? Programme À quoi vous attendre en bref ? à PaperWeek PaperWeek Canada is the preeminent annual conference

and tradeshow for the Canadian pulp & paper and forest products industry. The event brings together key players from pulp and paper mills and head offices, equipment and service suppliers, government, research institutes, universities, consulting firms, utility service providers, and allied industries. As PAPTAC celebrates its 100 Annual Meeting, the 2014 edition of Paperweek Canada, will present a number of activities that will be specially directed to different players and sectors in order to commemorate the important goals achieved as the Canadian technical association dedicated to the advancement of the pulp and paper industry. High-level presentations will be featured in the most relevant business and technical tracks in order to highlight the technology advancements and mark trends of the industry. Focused on key industry sectors such as: tissue, packaging, dissolving pulp, reliability, bioenergy, workforce renewal, biorefinery, emerging research and several other techical tracks, many other activities will be featured at this next edition. A dynamic tradeshow will feature supplier companies which will have the opportunity to display their products and network with clients and colleagues. To promote and maximize mill traffic, the tradeshow section of the conference will be open (free access) to all mill personnel. Students constitute the workforce renewal in our imminent future. For this reason PAPTAC dedicates a special forum for their involvement. A student poster area will be set up in a room adjacent to the tradeshow. The posters will be selected on the basis of technical and quality contents. This activity will provide excellent networking opportunities for the next generation of papermakers and researchers. The Career Fair’s objective is to raise the awareness of younger


generations to the professional opportunities the industry has to offer. Company representatives will address students on such topics as: careers, lifestyles, technologies and a typical work day in the industry. In recognition of the work done within the industry, eminent keynote speakers will take the floor during the popular PaperWeek Business Luncheons, the top industry Awards will be presented, the career fair will once again be a key component of the event, and to underline our appreciation for the industry’s patronage over the years, we are having a 100th Anniversary Banquet featuring a head table with the industry CEOs, a special evening with highquality entertainement and dining. PaperWeek Canada 2014 brings you a platform of key players with whom you will have the opportunity to learn from and exchange. PaperWeek provides the best opportunity to interact and share ideas at national and international levels. As a matter of fact, over the years tens of thousands of industry personnel, including industry leaders, managers, superintendents, process engineers, technical staff and operators have benefited both themselves and their operations by taking part in the event. We hope that you will be among those who can join us in February for the premier pulp and paper event of the year.

PaperWeek Canada



PaperWeek Canada Program Release / Programme préliminaire 2015

Program Release Programme préliminaire

2015 4

EDITORIAL / ÉDITORIAL Shaping the Future: People, Process & Innovation Marking the 100th Anniversary of PAPTAC founded in 1915, the 2015 edition of PaperWeek will feature the theme "Shaping the Future: People, Process and Innovation". Bâtir l’avenir : talent, procédés et innovation Marquant le 100e anniversaire de PAPTAC fondée en 1915, l'édition 2015 de PaperWeek présentera le thème « Bâtir l'avenir : talent, procédés & innovation ».



High-level technical and business presentations will be featured highlighting the industry's advancements and challenges. Des présentations techniques et d'affaire de haut niveau seront présentées soulignant les avancées et les défis de l'industrie.




PaperWeek is renowned for its unique conference format featuring some of the most influential leaders and speakers as part of its keynote program in its daily kick-offs and business luncheons. PaperWeek est reconnu pour son format unique mettant en vedette certains des leaders et les conférenciers les plus influents dans le cadre de son programme de conférenciers invités au début de chaque journée et pendant les lunchs d’affaires.




Come and hear presentations on the latest technological innovations in the forest sector presented by FIBRE’s rising-star grad students and post-docs. Find out how their work applies directly to industry. These young professionals will present their most recent work generated by years of graduate studies devoted to rejuvenating the forest products industry. Faisant suite à l’énorme succès des éditons 1 et 2 de la journée FIBRE, dédiée à la présentation à l’industrie du travail de FIBRE – le plus grand réseau de recherche forestière mené par les universités composé d’étudiants, de chercheurs, de membres de l’industrie, du gouvernement et de partenaires.




As this will mark the 5th edition of the event, the world leaders in biorefinery will meet in Montreal for this International Summit, featuring the leading experts in the field. Comme cette année marquera la 5e édition de l'événement, les leaders mondiaux du bioraffinage se réuniront à Montréal pour un sommet international, mettant en vedette les plus grands experts dans le domaine.



New tracks as well as the recurring technical tracks will address topics and sectors such as: tissue, packaging, reliability, management, safety, energy and several other technical tracks and activities will be featured at PaperWeek. De nouvelles sessions ainsi que les sessions techniques récurrentes aborderont les secteurs tels que : le tissu, l’emballage, la fiabilité, la gestion, la sécurité, l’énergie et plusieurs autres sessions et activités seront à l’honneur lors de PaperWeek.




A special Centennial Banquet bringing together industry leaders. Un Banquet spécial pour le centenaire en compagnie de leaders de l’industrie.



Take a quick look at the global schedule of PaperWeek. Découvrez en un clin d’oeil l’horaire global de PaperWeek.










PAPTAC is a Canadian-based non-profit organization, dedicated to improving the technical and professional capabilities of its members worldwide, and to the advancement of the pulp and paper industry. PAPTAC est une organisation à but non lucratif établie au Canada et vouée à l'amélioration des compétences techniques et professionnelles de ses membres partout dans With le monde, ainsi qu'à l'avancement de l'industrie des pâtes et papiers. the collaboration of /


en collaboration avec :

With the collaboration of /





What can you expect at NationalCanada Awards PaperWeek 2014? prix nationaux ÀLes quoi vous attendre PAPTAC ? à de PaperWeek PaperWeek is the preeminent annual conference The PAPTACCanada Business Awards recognize excellence in and tradeshow for the Canadian pulp & paper and forest specific management areas and provide an opportunity products industry. The event together key players to promote the highest levelsbrings of business leadership in from pulp and paper mills and head offices, equipment and the Canadian pulp & paper and forest-based industry. service suppliers, government, research institutes, universiThis recognitionfirms, is awarded on the largest and National ties, consulting utility service providers, allied platform during PaperWeek Canada, organized by industries. As PAPTAC celebrates its 100 Annual Meeting, the 2014 edition of Paperweek Canada, will present a PAPTAC.

number of activities that will be specially directed to different players and in order to commemorate the important Awards forsectors research and technical papers, and goals achieved as the Canadian technical association dedirecognizing service to the Canadian pulp and paper cated to the advancement of the pulp and paper industry.

industry and PAPTAC are also conferred at the Annual Meeting the Association (PaperWeek Canada). High-levelofpresentations will be featured in the most relevant business and technical tracks in order to highlight the

technology advancements and occasion mark trends of the industry. Be sure to join for this unique to recognize and Focused on key industry such as: tissue, packaging, celebrate excellence in sectors the Canadian pulp and paper dissolvingThe pulp, reliability, bioenergy, workforce renewal, industry. presentation of the awards will take place biorefinery, emerging research and several other techical Thursday, February 5, at the Queen Elizabeth Hotel tracks, many other activities will be featured at this next in Montreal QC,tradeshow during the PaperWeek Business edition. A dynamic will feature supplier compaLuncheon. Thehave PaperWeek Canada key nies which will the opportunity to luncheons display theirdraw products players from the industry across Canada and and network with clients and colleagues. To promote and maximize mill traffic, tradeshow section of the conferinternationally, andthegathers Company CEOs, VPs ence will be open (free access) to all mill personnel. Operations and Finance, mill managers, superintendents, technical staff, government representatives, suppliers, Students constitute the workforce renewal in our imminent researchers, consultants, press and others. future. For this reason PAPTAC dedicates a special forum for their involvement. A student poster area will be set up in

Visit a room to the tradeshow. The posters will be selected on the basis of technical and quality contents. This paptac/national-paptac-awards.html for details.

activity will provide excellent networking opportunities for the next generation of papermakers and researchers. The Career Fair’s objective is to raise the awareness of younger


generations to the professional industry Les Prix Affaires de PAPTAC opportunities reconnaissentthe l’excellence has to offer. Company representatives will address dans des secteurs spécifiques de gestion et offrent students on such topics as: careers, lifestyles, technolol’opportunité de promouvoir les plus haut niveaux gies and a typical work day in the industry.

de leadership en affaires dans l’industrie papetière et forestière. Cetteofreconnaissance soulignée dans le In recognition the work doneestwithin the industry, cadre dekeynote la plus speakers grande plateforme nationale, pendant eminent will take the floor during the popular PaperWeek the top industry PaperWeek Canada,Business organiséLuncheons, par PAPTAC.

Awards will be presented, the career fair will once again be aDes key prix component of the event, and to underline our apprepour les meilleurs articles techniques et de ciation for the industry’s patronage over the years, we are recherche, et pour services rendus à l’industrie canadienne having a 100th Anniversary Banquet featuring a head des pâtes et papiers à PAPTAC sontevening aussi conférés lors table with the industryetCEOs, a special with highdu Congrès annuel de and l’Association quality entertainement dining. (PaperWeek Canada). PaperWeek Canada 2014 brings you a platform of key Visitez with whom you will have the opportunity to learn paptac/national-paptac-awards.html pour les détails. from and exchange. PaperWeek provides the best opportunity to interact and share ideas at national and international levels. As a matter of fact, over the years tens of thousands of industry personnel, including industry leaders, managers, superintendents, process engineers, technical staff and operators have benefited both themselves and their operations by taking part in the event. We hope that you will be among those who can join us in February for the premier pulp and paper event of the year.

The Source for the Canadian Pulp, Paper and Forestry Innovation News Unprecedented Reach Of Market

Daily Pulp and Paper News New and Emerging Technologies Expert Opinions and Several Key Perspectives Informative Weekly E-Newsletters Marketplace Trends and Outlook

Interviews with Industry People Mill Stories The Reference in Reaching both Canadian English and French Pulp and Paper Community

OďŹƒcial Media Partners of PAPTAC





What can you expect at & Accomodations PaperWeek Canada 2014? Inscription À quoi vous attendre & hébergement à PaperWeek ? to thed’hôtel professional PaperWeek Canada is the preeminent annual conference generations Hotel Reservations: Réservations : opportunities the industry and tradeshow for the Canadian pulp & paper and forest products industry. The event brings together key players Please visit following link foroffices, on-line hotel reserfrom pulp andthe paper mills and head equipment and vations: service suppliers, government, research institutes, universior call the Fairmont Elizabeth Hotel directly at ties, consulting firms, Queen utility service providers, and allied industries. As PAPTAC its 100 Annual Meeting, 514-861-3511 (toll freecelebrates 1-800-441-1414) by January 16, the 2014 edition of Paperweek Canada, will present 2015 and mention the code PAPER0215 to obtain thea number of activities that will be specially directed to different conference group rate of $175/night (standard Fairplayers and sectors in order to commemorate the important mont room). goals achieved as the Canadian technical association dedicated to the advancement of the pulp and paper industry.

This rate will be in effect from February 1st to February High-level will be featured in the most relevant 6th for all presentations PaperWeek Canada 2015 participants.

business and technical tracks in order to highlight the technology advancements mark trends the industry. Reservations made afterandJanuary 16thof are subject Focused on key industry sectors such as: tissue, packaging, to availability and group rate will be honored solely dissolving pulp, reliability, bioenergy, workforce renewal, depending on the category rooms available time biorefinery, emerging researchofand several other at techical of reservation. tracks, many other activities will be featured at this next edition. A dynamic tradeshow will feature supplier companies which will have the opportunity display theirFairmont products Complimentary in-room internettoaccess with and network Club with clients and colleagues. promote and President’s membership (free) --Tohttps://www. maximize mill traffic, the tradeshow section of the ence will be open (free access) to all mill personnel. Students constitute the workforce renewal in our imminent future. For this reason PAPTAC dedicates a special forum for their involvement. A student poster area will be set up in a room adjacent to the tradeshow. The posters will be selected on the basis of technical and quality contents. This activity will provide excellent networking opportunities for the next generation of papermakers and researchers. The Career Fair’s objective is to raise the awareness of younger


has to offer. Company representatives will address students on such topics as: careers, lifestyles, technoloVeuillez lien day suivant pour faire vos réservations gies and avisiter typicallework in the industry.

en ligne : In recognition of the work done within the industry, eminent keynote speakers will take the floor during the ou appeler le Fairmont Reine Elizabeth directement au popular PaperWeek Business Luncheons, the top industry 514-861-3511 (ou sans frais au 1-800-441-1414) avant Awards will be presented, the career fair will once again be le 16 janvier 2015 et mentionner le code PAPER0215 a key component of the event, and to underline our apprepour obtenir le tarif de groupe de $175/nuitée (chambre ciation for the industry’s patronage over the years, we are Fairmont). having a 100th Anniversary Banquet featuring a head table with the industry CEOs, a special evening with highquality entertainement Ce taux s’applique duand 1erdining. février au 6 février pour les participants de PaperWeek Canada 2015.

PaperWeek Canada 2014 brings you a platform of key players with whom you will have the opportunity to learn Les réservations faites après le 16 janvier sont assujetties from and exchange. PaperWeek provides the best opporà la disponibilité et leshare tarif ideas de groupe n’est pasand garanti. tunity to interact and at national international levels. As a matter of fact, over the years tens of Accès internet gratuitpersonnel, dans la chambre s’inscrivant thousands of industry including en industry leaders, managers, superintendents, process engineers, tech(gratuitement) au Club du Président Fairmont -- https:// nical staff and operators have benefited both themselves and their operations by taking part in the event. We hope that you will be among those who can join us in February for the premier pulp and paper event of the year.


PaperWeek Canada Program Release / Programme prĂŠliminaire 2015

With the collaboration of / en collaboration avec :





PaperWeek Canada Tradeshow / Salon PaperWeek Canada February 3-4 février 2015

What can you expect at PaperWeek Canada 2014?

PaperWeek participants will have thePaperWeek opportunity to meet key industry suppliers Canada and hear the latest developments andFebruary advancements in their2014 services and prod3-6 février ucts. The Tradeshow is the real "networking hub" of the PaperWeek!

Tradeshow / Salon

February de 4-5 février 2014 Les participants à Paperweek l’opportunité rencontrer des fournisseurs clés À quoi vousauront attendre (move-in/installation: Feb 3 fév)

de l’indutrie et en apprendre sur les plus récents avancements et développements de à PaperWeek ? Fairmont The Queen / Fairmont à LePaperWeek Reine Elizabeth leurs produits et services. Le Salon sera la Elizabeth ‘’zone de réseautage’’ ! Grand Salon – Hochelaga 1

Contact: Greg Hay 514.392.6964 /

PaperWeek Canada is the preeminent annual conference

and tradeshow for the Canadian pulp & paper and forest products industry. The event brings together key players from pulp and paper mills and head offices, equipment and service suppliers, government, research institutes, universiBusiness Luncheons / ties, consulting firms, utility service providers, and allied Lunchs PaperWeek industries. As PAPTAC celebrates its 100 Annual Meeting, the 2014 edition of Paperweek Canada, will present a number of activities that will be specially directed to different players and sectors in order to commemorate the important goals achieved as the Canadian technical association dedicated to the advancement of the pulp and paper industry.


generations to the professional opportunities the industry has to offer. Company representatives will address students on such topics as: careers, lifestyles, technologies and a typical work day in the industry. In recognition of the work done within the industry, Conference Sessions eminent keynote speakers will take the floor during the Salles PaperWeek de sessions Business Luncheons, the top industry popular Awards will be presented, the career fair will once again be a key component of the event, and to underline our appreciation for the industry’s patronage over the years, we are having a 100th Anniversary Banquet featuring a head table with the industry CEOs, a special evening with highquality entertainement and dining.

High-level presentations will be featured in the most relevant business and technical tracks in order to highlight the technology advancements and mark trends of the industry. PaperWeek Canada 2014 brings you a platform of key Focused on key industry sectors such as: tissue, packaging, players with whom you will have the opportunity to learn Conference Sessions dissolving pulp, reliability, bioenergy, workforce renewal, from and exchange. PaperWeek provides the best opporSalles de sessions tunity to interact and share ideas at national and internabiorefinery, emerging research and several other techical tracks, many other activities will be featured at this next tional levels. As a matter of fact, over the years tens of edition. A dynamic tradeshow will feature supplier compa- thousands of industry personnel, including industry leadnies which will have the opportunity to display their products ers, managers, superintendents, process engineers, techExhibitors PaperWeek : nical staff and à operators have benefited both themselves and network with clients PaperWeek and colleagues. To promote and / Exposants maximize mill traffic, the tradeshow section of the confer- and their operations by taking part in the event. We hope that you will be among those who can join us in February ence will be open (free access) to all mill personnel. for the premier pulp and paper event of the year. Students constitute the workforce renewal in our imminent future. For this reason PAPTAC dedicates a special forum for their involvement. A student poster area will be set up in a room adjacent to the tradeshow. The posters will be selected on the basis of technical and quality contents. This activity will provide excellent networking opportunities for the next generation of papermakers and researchers. The Career Fair’s objective is to raise the awareness of younger


ABB, Aggreko Cooling Tower Services, Airstream, Allied Reliability Group, AstenJohnson, A.W. Chesterton Co. Ltd., Axchem Canada Ltd., BCCT, Brenntag, BTG, Buckman, Cascades CIP, Cognex, Cristini, Econotech, Enero Solutions, Enerquin Air Inc., Glenco Products, Kadant, Kemira, Komax Systems Inc., MAN Diesel & Turbo Canada Ltd., Metso Automation, Natural Resources Canada, OpTest Equipment Inc., PAPTAC Centennial Partners, Polyrheo Inc., Prominent Fluid Controls Ltd., Quadra Chemicals, Raj Chemicals Ltd., Solenis, Southern Environmental Inc., Technidyne, Valmet 30




Meet Solenis. A new name for a team with decades of experience. You used to know us as Ashland Water Technologies. Today we’re Solenis, the world leader in pulp and paper chemistries. With years of process experience, advanced technology and 3,500 employees worldwide, the Solenis team is ready to deliver the solutions you need. Meet your team at






Fairmont Queen Elizabeth Hotel Montréal, QC, Canada "Shaping the Future: People, Process and Innovation" PaperWeek Canada is a global platform for the advancement of the pulp & paper and forest products industry and is the sector's preeminent annual conference and tradeshow in Canada. Hosted by PAPTAC, the event brings together key players from pulp and paper mills and head offices, equipment and service suppliers, government, research institutes, universities, consulting firms, utility service providers, and allied industries.





Industry Focus



We hope you are planning to join us and we look forward to welcoming you at the top of the pulp and paper world!

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