1 minute read
With Contrast
Quest ion:
If we perform and echocardiogram with contrast 93306 (C8929) should we also report the contrast A9700 or Q9957, with a $1 00 charge?We have read that C8929 is bundled
Answ er:
Facilities should report C8929 for the technical component when performing a complete transthoracic echocardiography with contrast (including spectral and color flow doppler). The contrast material (e g , Q9957) should be reported separately at the full charge rate There is no NCCI edit for reporting A9700 or Q9957 with C8929:
The appropriate HCPCScode (as indicated below) should be reported for the type of contrast used. Most echo contrast is reported using one of the ?Q?codes listed below. A9700 is intended to be utilized for echo contrast materials that donothave a specific corresponding HCPCScode Most current echo contrast has an established HCPCScode, so A9700 would rarely be reported. Reporting of A9700 is per st udy, so only one unit of this code should be reported if utilized