1 minute read
Trouble With Vaccines For Swing Bed Patients
Quest ion:
We are having difficulty billing vaccines while the patient is admitted It is our understanding that it should get billed on a separate claim as a Part B charge to Medicare. Should it get billed as a 121 TOB?That will send the claim out on a swing bed NPI. Is this correct?
Answ er:
You are correct, report the covered preventive vaccine and administration charge on a separate claim, Type of Bill 12X, and reporting the date of discharge as the date of service, whether the patient is in a swing bed or is an acute care inpatient.

Our 2014 paper on this topic is attached; unfortunately, Medicare no longer offers a ?Quick Reference Information: Medicare Immunization Billing?document, but the information in the document is still valid.

Here?s an excerpt (at right top) from the Medicare Claims Processing Manual, Chapter 18 ? Preventive and Screening Services: https://www cms gov/regulations-and-guidance/ guidance/manuals/downloads/clm104c18pdf pdf