1 minute read
Coding A Visit When No Medication Refill
Quest ion:
If a patient comes in for a medication check, do you code the visit with a primary of Z76 0 even if no medication is refilled, a Z51.89 or Dx's they touched base on in the visit with the correct E/M level?
Answ er:
Report ICD-10 CM code Z76 0 (Encounter for Issue of repeat prescription), when the reason for the encounter was to refill a prescription, even if the encounter did not result in a refill
Please refer to ICD-10-CM® Official Guidelines for Coding and Reporting FY2023 IVG which states:List first the ICD-10-CM® code for the diagnosis, condition, problem, or other reason for encounter/visit shown in the medical record to be chiefly responsible for the services provided ?The Official Coding Guidelines are available in the PARA Data Editor Calculator as shown below. Please also refer to the PARA Dat a Edit or ICD-10 CM description.