1 minute read


This is a substantial change from the original 340B billing requirement Previously, Critical Access Hospitals and Maryland All-Payer or Total Cost of Care Model hospitals were not required to report a modifier on 340(B) drugs. CMSissued a companion ?FAQ?document which reiterates this point: https://www.cms.gov/Medicare/Medicare-Fee-for-Service-Payment/HospitalOutpatientPPS/ Downloads/Billing-340B-Modifiers-under-Hospital-OPPS.pdf


The FAQ document provides a table summarizing the requirement for affected provider types:

The modifier requirement does not apply to all drugs purchased under 340(B), although hospitals may opt to report the modifier for all 340B drugs. The obligation to append a modifier applies to only Part B drugs and biologicals assigned OPPSStatus Indicator G or K(?separately payable?under OPPS.)

PARA Dat a Edit or users may identify the line items within the hospital charge master which are separately payable drugs by navigating to the ?Filters?tab, clicking the checkbox next to ?Status Indicator?, and clicking on both status G and status K, as illustrated below:

PARA invit es you t o check out t he m lnconnect s page available from t he Cent ers For Medicare and Medicaid (CMS). It 's chock full of new s and inform at ion, t raining opport unit ies, event s and m ore! Each w eek PARA w ill bring you t he lat est new s and links t o available resources. Click each link for t he PDF!

Thursday, April 13, 2023

New s

- COVID-19: End of Public Health Emergency

- CMSRoundup (Apr. 07, 2023)

- Medicare Shared Savings Program: Application Toolkit Materials

- Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility Interdisciplinary Team Meetings After the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency

- Hospital Outpatient Departments: Prior Authorization for Facet Joint Interventions Starts July 1


Opioid Treatment Program Webpage Updates

Claim s, Pricers, & Codes

- Home Health Original Claims: Don? t Include Cross-Reference Document Control Numbers


Outpatient Rehabilitation Claims with Reason Code W7072: You Might

Need to Resubmit Claims

Event s


IRIS: XML Format & Duplicate Interns and Residents Full-Time Equivalents

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