1 minute read
Rebuilding or thinking of building? RPF offers resources to save money
mapping. The maps have layers that show each property’s septic capacity, survey status, and flood zones.
Drone Program- offered as a complimentary service to allow design professionals to increase their design efficiency, translating into savings for the property owner.
New to the Ridge?
We’re looking for your input!
• We are looking for people who have moved to the ridge (Paradise, Magalia, Concow, etc.) after the 2018 Camp Fire. The interview will mainly focus on what motivated you to move to the area and what your perspectives are on the rebuild and future of the Ridge. Both renters and homeowners encouraged.
• Each interview will receive a $10 gift card to LoFi Café in Paradise
• All participants must be 18 years of age or older.
• Please email jchase@csuchico.edu for more information
Follow us on social media for updates
Facebook: Rebuild Paradise Foundation
By Jen Goodlin
Executive Director
Rebuild Paradise Foundation
Who are we? The Rebuild Paradise Foundation (RPF) is a local non-profit, dedicated to the longterm recovery of Butte County’s Camp Fire disasteraffected areas. We have many resources to offset the cost of pre-construction expenses.
Our Programs include:
Missing Middle Grant- this grant helps cover pre-construction expenses; Survey, Architect and Engineering fees and Water related expenses. We reimburse up to $5,000 in these categories
Septic grant- this grant helps cover the costly expenses of replacing or repairing a septic tank. Applicants can get up to $7,500 in septic reimbursement depending on income level and septic costs.
Master Floor Plan Library-provides access to low-cost house plans that have been mastered through the Town of Paradise and Butte County (We are currently working on bringing all master plans up to California’s new building code updates-expected release is Spring, 2023)
Mapping Resource- check out our mapping tool at www.rebuildparadise.org/
Instagram: rebuildparadiseca
• Sharing stories of rebuilding to empower others to return
• Showcasing different homes and styles currently being rebuilt
• Promoting new and upcoming events
• Sharing inspiring photos of old and new beauty arising on the Ridge
• Want to be featured? Share a photo email: stories@rebuildparadise.org
Additional resources and grant applications: www.rebuildparadise.org or email info@rebuildparadise.org