1 minute read
Are You an Over-Packer? Are You an Over-Packer?
Do you have a problem with over-packing for your vacations? If any of the scenarios below sound familiar to you, then, you my friend, are an over-packer!
If you get to the airport for a 5–7day trip and your bag is over 50 pounds, you might have a problem.
If you get to the counter and you’re worried that your bag might be over 50 pounds, you might have an over-packing problem. I mean, what happens if you want to bring back souvenirs?
If you’ve ever found yourself on the ground at the airport with all of your suitcases open trying to redistribute the weight into different bags to get one under the 50-pound limit, you definitely have issues!
If you’ve ever had a hard time getting on or off an escalator with your bags, you probably don’t know how to pack light.
If you pack multiple sweaters to go to the Caribbean in the summer, you need to read the tips below!
If your bag topples over when you let it go, you definitely have an over-packing problem.
If you have to sit on your suitcase to close it, don’t be ashamed, you’re not alone.
If your hard-shell suitcase is lumpy and bumpy, you over-packed it.
If you have trouble getting your luggage in and out of your car, you might be an over-packer.
If you use your carry-on bag or your personal bag to pack things you couldn’t fit in your checked luggage, you have a problem.