a p a r d x o magazine
issue 01
lila turner @lila.turner
editor’s letter Welcome to the first issue of Paradox Magazine! This is a curated collection of art, writing, photography, and magazine content ranging from interviews, advice, and fashion. We are so excited to share all the wonderful submissions we received from creatives all around the world! Paradox magazine was created so people like us could have a platform to express themselves, share their thoughts, and publish their work. The name, paradox, was inspired by the idea that a paradox is a sentence which seems counterintuitive but is actually true, and is often confusing when first seen/heard, taking thought to decipher. It’s much like how life seems sometimes. But although it seems impossible or difficult, it will make sense with time. The theme is fate: the idea that the events which shape our lives are far beyond our control. The ancient Greeks, known for their mythological approach to life, believed in the three Fates, who controlled a person’s life and death according to the length of a single spun thread. Destiny is very similar to fate, but many distinguish the two in that destiny can be changed while fate cannot. In this issue, our goal was to challenge you to explore your beliefs and values on what shapes our lives. Is a person’s fate a fixed path? Who is responsible for our fate? Do we hold the power to change and shape our destiny? And does everything happen for a reason? We chose this theme because it is so relevant to us today. We often struggle when thinking of the future and what it will hold. It’s scary, and we try to find ways to make it less frightening. Perhaps this issue is a reflection of our insecurities and fears, or maybe this might even soothe them. Life itself is rare and complicated. But as the next generation tasked with leading the world, we don’t need to navigate through it alone. It is evident by the protests occurring around the world right now that we are stronger together, and we would like to take this moment to say that black lives matter. continue to fight for justice and don’t let your voices stay silent. Thank you for supporting our first ever issue and we hope you enjoy! Much love,
Janie and Hayley
brecht lanfossi @nozem.art
kathleen day @artist.kday
Selective View selina farzaei @wackography
Advice for 15-year old me By Hayley Taylor Dear Hayley, do not allow your words to get you down, you are enough, you are beautiful, you are strong, do not let the unkind influence of others lead you to believe you are lesser than, after all, your worth is measured not by the number on the scale, but rather in how much your heart has to give, Dear Hayley, do not allow yourself to create such high expectations, only to reprimand and judge yourself when you do not meet them, or continue to raise those expectations higher if you so happen, to finally reach the bar, if only by standing on your tip toes, body wobbling as you struggle to reach for something so unattainable, Dear Hayley, you are so young, have so much possibility, a long, bright future ahead, do not tear that away from yourself, by letting your judgment and hatred win, by allowing yourself to poison your body and brain, by letting your toxic thoughts take over, landing you in the hospital once more, even if it is for a different reason than the last, Dear Hayley, take care of yourself, for you cannot blossom into the beautiful human you are meant to be, if you are so focused on how you look in the mirror, stomach fat pinched between trembling fingers, or by spending your time calculating how many calories are in a bowl of cereal, rather than doing the things you love, Dear Hayley, my final message to you, is to love yourself, wholly and completely, and for you to know, that it is not possible for you to reach your destiny, if you do not stop judging yourself first.
selina farzaei @wackography
Thoughts on Fate
with Colton Y. and Aubrey K.
Do you believe in soulmates? Yes. I believe some people are meant to be and will eventually find each other Yes, but your soulmate doesn’t have to have a romantic relationship with you, it could be a best friend as well. Do you believe that your life has a path that it will follow? No, I believe you make it what you want. You’re in charge of how your life goes I do believe that everyone’s life has a path that it will follow but it’s not
brecht lanfossi @nozem.art
always what you’re expecting or maybe what you want at the moment.
Do you believe there is a higher power with control over your destiny? Kind of. I don’t believe that God has a plan for everyone, but I think that there are some things that are meant to happen in life. That’s a tough one. I wasn’t raised in a religious family and I don’t think there’s just one person being in control. I believe there’s definitely something bigger than that controlling everything I’m just not sure what.
In 10 years where do you see yourself? I see myself working a steady job, possibly with a girlfriend. I will most likely be living alone and probably with no wife or kids. In 10 years, I can see myself hopefully graduating med school and starting residency. How do you define success in life? I define success as how happy you are with your life. If you’re very happy with your life, are glad with all your choices, and have very few to no regrets--then I think you’re pretty successful. Personally, I think that success means you are happy and your job doesn’t feel like
lila turner @lila.turner
work, regardless of how much you’re making.
If you could give advice to your younger self what would it be? Stick with the right people who will help me become a better person and have a better future. I think my advice to my younger self would be to really think things through before I do or say something but also it’s ok to say no sometimes and you don’t always have to make everyone happy.
brecht lanfossi @nozem.art
ary you @arylee.art
janie zhang @jantakesphotos_
Vacant Porch Conversations selina farzaei @wackography
Letter to the Dreamer by kathleen day
Do not think to doubt that we are the stuff of dreams. The dreamer dreaming himself. Man is mind. Mind is most awake while body sleeps. There comes a point at which the dreamer no longer recognizes day walking mind from sleepwalking mind. That is the great alchemical pivotal moment in which we find ourselves in the most unlikely of places and anything can happen. I’m there now. I see you, sleeping self. Am I awake as I type this now? Can you hear me? The dream twists on and where then are you? Get up, rise up, shake off these tired bones. Weave the dream that you’ve not dared to dream. Decide to allow, to allow yourself to be as only self can be. Trust in the way that your dreaming leads.
selina farzaei @wackography
Atomic Blonde kathleen day @artist.kday
selina farzaei @wackography
Ask the
Oracle of Delphi Q: What magazines do you pull inspiration from? A: We love the classic and iconic Vogue Magazine for fashion and photography,
but also the independent creative magazines for gen z on instagram such as @ allmyfriendszine, @unpublishedzine, @humankindzine, @blisterszine, and @ localwolves. However, right now Crwn Mag is one of our favourites since it is an amazing magazine that focuses on amplifying creators, photographers, and people of colour, something Vogue has failed to do. Check them out @crwnmag on instagram!
Q: How do I break up with a friend? A: If you have a toxic friend and no longer want them to negatively impact your life,
I would suggest keeping your distance and slowly removing them from your life. Stop talking to them frequently, hang out less, and if it comes to it, tell them to their face why. Make sure to stay firm and polite when having that conversation, because if they really are toxic, sometimes they will try and manipulate you, convincing yourself that they are actually your friend. It won’t be easy, especially if it’s a close friend or someone who’s been in your life for a long time. And, you don’t need to cut them off completely if you believe they can change. But it may be necessary. Speaking from personal experience, even if we were childhood best friends, people grow apart and that’s okay. In the end, although weakening our friendship meant we would never be as close again, it allowed us both to make new friends.
Just remember, do what’s best for you.
Q: All my friends talk about me behind my back but they are super nice to my face. What should I do? A: DROP THEM QUEEN!!!! SCREW THE HATERS!!!! Join my friend group (Hayley), we’re always looking for new people to hang with <3 But seriously, you deserve better, sweetheart. I would recommend either making new friends separate from the group, or trying to bring it up with them calmly and respectfully. Definitely don’t become aggressive, start rumours, or start more drama than there needs to be. That will just backfire and hurt everyone.
Remember, be the bigger person here. They obviously aren’t your true friends and you need to surround yourself with people who will lift you up!! Find people who make you happy, support you, and will make you a better person. Trust me, it may take time but it is so worth it. It doesn’t matter what they say to your face if they are being mean behind your back.
Q: How do I get a boyfriend? A: We would suggest becoming friends with them first OR just be bold and ask
them on a date if you have mutual friends or are in a class/activity with them. And if you don’t already, join some clubs/teams so you can a) meet new people and b) have stuff in common to talk about! One tip is that although it may seem terrifying and scary, it’s better to ask them on a date than to “hang out” because it gets rid of the ambiguity and forces them to be straight up and answer. That way, you know they would be interested in actually hanging out with you in the future, saving you from all the confusion even if you get rejected. When hanging out with them at first or when you are getting to know each other better, make sure to be yourself. It sounds cliche, but this is so important. It will save you from a lot of awkwardness if you do start dating and they realize you have nothing in common and are a totally different person. Also, boys LOVE having their egos boosted. This might seem really simple, but honestly just compliment them. Boys are SUPER insecure even though would never admit it, a simple comment like “great job in your game yesterday”, “That’s a cute shirt!”, or “I like your new haircut” can go a long way. Finally, we would like to add that you shouldn’t be trying to get into a relationship just to be in a relationship. Do you want a boyfriend because you want the idea of him, or because you actually like him? Are you in a good place for a relationship? Having a boyfriend and being in a relationship is a commitment and takes work. And, you can’t love someone else until you love yourself! These are important questions to ask yourself.
Good luck!
janie zhang @jantakesphotos_
brecht lanfossi @nozem.art
"For me, fate has a lot to do with spirituality and maybe even with quantum physics. Fate also goes together with synchronicity which again has a lot do with the topics I mentioned above. Lately Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m playing with the idea that it's some sort of fate in itself that my work is giving me the chance to communicate about certain spiritual ideas and exploring the nature of perception. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a noble thing." - Bretch Lanfossi
H O R O July S2
(refrenced from wit and deli
GEMINI “July promises to be sweet and harmonious for you, Gemini. prepare to feel more ease and clarity within your mind. The time ahead will be quite fun, especially as the sluggish pace from recent weeks fades like a memory. And, this month could bring an end to a source of debt you’ve been carrying for a while. This can be you finally paying off student loans but it can also be you making the decision to accept financial assistance in order to get back on your feet. Any confusion you have about where to focus your efforts will begin to clear up by the end of the month.”
CANCER “Prepare for major career news over the coming six months, and work hard in the months ahead for 2021. Cancers, turn your attention to a significant partnership. For some, this could mean unions—becoming official, engagement, moving in, or even discussions of marriage. But wait before making any hasty decisions until the end of the month. There will be opening doors for you to reach toward some of your most heartfelt goals and plans.”
LEO “Venus, the planet of love and beauty, will be spinning a spell over your social life throughout much of July, promising you that you should have quite a beautiful time. Depending on your social distancing precautions, this may mean that you will have plenty of laughter ahead—whether that is in person (with masks, of course) or over FaceTime. Furthermore, for some, this month could be the debut of a major project you’ve been working on for quite some time, while others may leave a job to begin a new—more fulfilling—one. Be sure to watch your health at this time, as you may be very busy and could burn out. It’s okay to be tired; take time to relax. Enjoy the glow of the sun and revel in how beautiful you truly are.”
ight’s july 2020 horoscopes)
VIRGO “July will be quite lovely for you, Virgo, as your heart will feel in bloom. For some Virgos, this may be the month where you fall in love with a soul mate or grow even closer with the one you have now. If creative, expect inspiration to strike quite intensely—you may even give “birth” to a project that will be quite well received from the public. During July, you could become more involved in communities or volunteering. Either way, it appears your friends are missing you—so reach out! Finally, use this time to contemplate what you wish to manifest when your birthday season finally arrives.”
LIBRA “Your home and career are demanding your attention now, Libra, and it appears this has been a push-pull situation for the last two years. On one hand, you are hungry to rise higher in your professional life. However, you have had to also give significant attention to your home and domestic life, and it looks like this is the side that will win and make you happier now. When you focus on your ambitions at the expense of your stability, you often learn that you don’t feel as fulfilled as you had once expected to. Excitingly, it appears the new moon could bring you more opportunities in your career.”
SCORPIO “Over the coming six months, expect to be tremendously busy. You will be able to tackle a great deal of work during this time— so don’t just sit back and rest on your laurels. The lunar eclipse will likely bring important news regarding a contract to you, Scorpio. However, this may also encourage you to fully embrace your communications skills, whether that be through a writing, speaking, advertising, or marketing initiative. Your efforts will likely be quite rewarded. Throughout the month, you should set sail into new waters and expand into new territory.”
SAGITTARIUS “July will be especially pleasurable for you, Sagittarius, after months of confusion in your relationships. If single, you can find people with serious potential, or if committed, you can sort out any of the ruffles. July brings a lot of attention to your finances, especially with a major eclipse bringing more income your way. It is possible you could see a job end at this time, but if that is the case, a better one should be coming in its place soon. Expect the month ahead to be vibrant and push you to new horizons.”
CAPRICORN “One of the most important months of the year has arrived, Capricorn, and you will be center stage. Over the last two years, you have learned much about what you crave in your partnerships and how you must stand in your personal power. It appears something of supreme importance could also be culminating for you at this time and you may see a long-held dream now within reach. Your mind is also so intensely focused upon partnership—whether in business or love—and you have yet another opportunity to improve your connection. If single, be sure to use this month to find someone with serious potential.”
AQUARIUS “Welcome to July, Aquarius, which will have plenty of cosmic excitement just for you. While your mind will be especially focused on work, employment, and productivity throughout much of the month, this month encourages you to rest, recharge, and take a back seat. This is a time when you must meditate and reflect on where you have been and where you still want to go. Make sure to learn how to balance effectively between all your responsibilities and jobs. Finally, whether single or attached, harness the vibrations this July and unite with someone who understands you.”
PISCES “Embrace July, Pisces, because the month will be truly magical for you. This month will bring forth a memorable moment in regard to your social life. A friend may bring important news to you or open a door to one of your most heartfelt hopes and dreams. Another blessing this month will be the tremendous focus on your romance sector, as the sun’s radiant light should bring you so much happiness and opportunity to open your heart. Embrace this golden light and infuse it within your hearts. But be prepared for the busy month to come!”
ARIES “You will feel especially energized, but might be experiencing more stress than usual while trying to balance your home and career lives, Aries. In fact, you might be upset this month about needing some extra help around the house because you’re trying to take care of yourself and maximize a career opportunity. You don’t like asking for help, and the fact that you’ve humbled yourself to enlist the aid of your relatives is a lot for you. So, when they are giving you excuses or frustrated opposition in return, it won’t be easy to swallow. Don’t worry, it looks like this will all sort itself out.”
TAURUS “It looks like a publishing, advertising, or broadcasting endeavor will finally come to realization for you this month. You’ll achieve authority status in an area where you really know what you’re talking about. This is “professor energy” and you might be touted as an absolute expert in your area of knowledge -- and rightly so! Even so, you might feel slightly flustered in communications matters for most of the month when it comes to the mechanics of writing or speaking. Don’t be so hard on yourself.”
ary you @arylee.art
Music Of The Month Some of our favourite songs about fate! By Hayley Taylor
It’s My Life, Bon jovi The Song “It’s My Life” tells the story of a person who knows that they can’t live forever, and so they’re going to take control of their destiny and live their life to the fullest. For example, in the chorus the song goes:
“I ain’t gonna live forever / I just wanna live while I’m alive” From these lines you can see how Jovi expresses the feeling of wanting to take life by the horns, and create their own path, not necessarily a path that had been decided for them.
Show Me What I'm Looking for, Carolina Liar Show Me What I'm Looking for is a song about someone who is looking for guidance from God and is seeking forgiveness in order to move on from their past mistakes. In the chorus it goes:
"Oh, Lord, I've been waiting for you / I'll pay any cost / Save me from being confused / Show me what I'm looking for". This song is great for anyone going through a tough time and feels like they could use some help from above.
The Middle, Jimmy Eat World The Middle by Jimmy Eat World is a classic song about going through a struggle, but knowing it’ll turn out ok in the end. The most famous part of the song:
“Everything, everything will be just fine / Everything, everything will be alright all right” is a great reminder that everything will play out how it’s supposed to and you will be alright in the end.
Lui$a Luisa Boshnjaku, (stage name LUI$A), is a 16 year old musician/singer/songwriter. She was born in Long Island, New York and lived in Queens, New York. After a while, Luisa and her family moved back to Prishtina, Kosovo, where she lives now.
She started singing since she was a toddler, and is currently learning music theory. Luisa also started releasing original songs since 2019. Her first cover was “Valerie” by Amy Winehouse in 2014.
Luisa’s style of music is very diverse. She used to listen to a lot of heavy metal and punk music, and her music is a mix of 2000’s r&b with today’s trap music, which is heavily influenced by the urban life of Prishtina and Manhattan. By combining both of these cultures she presents a modern and diverse style, which can be showcased to her songs. She hope to bring a sound that is contemporary, yet impactful and distinctive to the mainstream scene.
Furthermore, both of her parents are musicians (her mom is a soprano and her dad is a music producer). Luisa’s music is inspired by Jun Fukamachi, Rina Sawayama, Sade, A tribe called quest, Jimi Hendrix and Asap Rocky, each of them displaying a different and unique type of style, all of which can be recognized on her tracks. She has recently performed in VFILES Pass the Aux Remote sessions, and has performed in many charity events in Kosovo. Luisa has also written many songs for Kosovar and German artists. Luisa is currently working on her EP. The EP is being recorded in Dreamhouse Studio, Kosovo, and is inspired by the 80s underground ballroom culture and Club Kids in New York.
Finally, she experiments a lot with her style and isn’t afraid to try something new or look out of the ordinary. Luisa strives on being diverse and unique through her music, as well as her style, and is always prepared to bring something new to the public. “I want to influence the youth to produce and create, to accept their flaws, and unleash their creativity through art.”
SINGLE: Gemstones “This track will give you the most magical vibes while making you ascend to a higher place. Its tasteful and avant-garde melody paired with the lyrics will allow you to connect with your feelings and environment at a deeper level, which is ultimately what my music strives for.” I think believing in yourself and working constantly has helped me be more ambitious, I believe that in the future I'm going to write and produce songs for many artists and will inspire the youth to create and produce as much as they can.This influences my work and has helped me achieve even more.
make sure to stream gemstones on spotify and check her out on instagram @luisawithadollarsign
FASHION by Marin Regan and Ary You
trending colours: flame scarlet coral pink pastel purple saffron yellow white light blue minty green bright orange mosaic teal
summer colours
accessories to upgrade your outfit
dangly earrings
bandanas & hair clips
fun socks! bedazzled sunglasses
“just be confident in what you wear”
where to shop? department stores like Nordstrom are great, and i love the styles and clothes from Zara!
<3 ary
shopping is all about having fun with it. do your research, find styles you like, and see what people are wearing. start following different kinds of blogs and accounts--it’s super easy! i personally try to support local businesses, like thrift stores or places that donate to a good cause. now, i know i’m no saint. i still like to shop at places such as urban outfitters and aritzia, but we can all try and shop less at large corporations! try shopping online too; there are a million different options and stores to choose from, making life slightly easier with so many changing trends. in the end, it’s your closet and fill it with clothes you love. it doesn’t matter if someone else doesn’t like it, it matters if you like it. it’s your body. so go out there and strut your stuff!
xoxo marin
“I’ve always liked the number three. And fate has always seemed to like it too. When going through my photo albums to search for photographs that represented fate, I remembered the Greek Fates, the three old ladies who carried the string of people’s lives and cut them when they died. Then I remembered how I always hear people saying bad things always come in threes, so when one happens you know two more are on their way, you’re just waiting for fate to catch up. In the photo of the girl with the two men behind her holding umbrellas, I find this rule of 3 to appear. The girl, a friend of mine, is embracing the world. We had height for just under a week and now reached our destination. It was cold and rainy but beautiful. In this photo she seems to be taking off, as the men look down, hidden below. Looking back on it now, it’s a striking image to me as I remembered the exhilaration I felt at that moment, wondering if fate was leading up to that exact moment with the three people, and the three peaks behind them. I hope you enjoy my work and the threes and triangles I have throughout them!
- Lila Turner
lila turner @lila.turner
ary you @arylee.art
Contributors cover by janie zhang @jantakesphotos_ lila turner @lila.turner bretch lanfossi @nozem.art selina farzaei @wackography hayley taylor @hayleyytaylor aubrey king @aubreyy.king colton yawney @coltonyawney_ ary you @arylee.art lui$a @luisawithadollarssign marin regan @marinregan_ back cover by kathleen day @artist.kday
janie zhang @jantakesphotos_
paradox magazine issue 01 fate july 2020 @paradox.zine
lila turner @lila.turner