Staff Training Manual

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Integrating Paragon CRT速 Into Your Practice - Staff Training Welcome to Integrating Paragon CRT速 Into Your Practice. This comprehensive guide is designed to assist you with the successful integration of the Corneal Refractive Therapy service into your daily practice. The processes and programs defined in this manual have been implemented, tested and proven effective in practices of varying sizes and in various stages of growth around the country. Reviewing this information will not only assist you in the timely integration of Paragon CRT but increase patient satisfaction and enhance the overall growth of the practice.

What is Paragon CRT? Paragon CRT is a specially designed oxygen permeable therapeutic contact lens used for overnight contact lens corneal reshaping. Only practitioners who successfully complete the Paragon CRT certification test are permitted, by FDA regulation, to prescribe Paragon CRT lenses.

How does it work? Similar in appearance to standard contact lenses, Paragon CRT therapeutic lenses gently and non-surgically reshape the corneal surface during sleep to provide clear, natural vision when the lenses are removed upon waking.

Paragon CRT Diagnostic Dispensing System Paragon CRT is prescribed through a Diagnostic Dispensing System utilizing routine clinical data: patient refraction, corneal measurement and fluorescein pattern evaluation. The Paragon CRT Diagnostic Dispensing System (DDS) includes 100 lenses with a range of Base Curves, Return Zone Depths and Landing Zone Angles carefully selected based on outcomes analysis of successful patient data. Practitioners can expect to successfully dispense and begin immediate treatment on four out of five patients directly from their diagnostic dispensing inventory. Once certified, practitioners are issued a Paragon CRT Certification number. This number is important when ordering lenses to fill the holes of dispensed lenses and patient education materials. Paragon CRT lenses are primarily fabricated in Paragon HDS速 100 (paflufocon D), a super high Dk material cleared by the FDA for up to seven days extended wear and having an ISO/ANSI rating of 100 Dk.

How will Paragon CRT benefit our patients? Because Paragon CRT offers freedom from glasses and the hassle of wearing contact lenses during the day, this leading-edge technology can enhance the lifestyle of those requiring vision correction. Active individuals can freely participate in sports without the interference of glasses or bother of contacts. Eye irritation or dryness, sometimes associated with contact lens wear due to outside dust and pollutants, is eliminated.

Integrating Paragon CRT® Into Your Practice - Staff Training Manual

Paragon CRT Patient Selection Guidelines The Paragon CRT lens is the first lens to be approved for its safety and efficacy by the FDA for the treatment of Myopia and with or without moderate Astigmatism: Approval range:

Myopia: Astigmatism:

Up to -6.00 Diopters Up to -1.75 Diopters

Optimal vision can be reached in 7 to 14 days! There are no age restrictions and the treatment is reversible. For most patients their vision returns to its original state in as little as 72 hours. BEST CANDIDATES:


Adult and adolescents who wear soft contact lenses and glasses. Contact lens and glasses patients with complaints about their current correction option: Inconvenience. Interference with Outdoor or Sporting Activities. Care & Handling Problems. Irritation from Allergies, Dust & Wind. Scratched Lenses & Broken Glasses. Lost & Torn Lenses.

Paragon CRT offers a safe, non-surgical option for the many patients are interested in the benefits of refractive surgery to reduce their dependence on glasses and contact lenses, but do not proceed for the following reasons: Fear of Surgery. Fear of Poor Outcome. Fear of Irreversibility. Too Young for Refractive Surgery. Cost.

Moms and Dads will love the Paragon CRT option for their child:

Fees and Payment Policy Typically the fees involved for Paragon CRT are the initial fitting, professional care, follow-ups and the Paragon CRT therapeutic lenses. After the first year, the annual cost of CRT is about the same as wearing contact lenses or glasses. Many eye care practitioners offer optional payment plans, similar to the plans used for LASIK. Patients may also want to consult their employer about Flexible Spending Accounts.

no more worries about their child’s vision in the classroom. no more worries about the loss of their child’s glasses or contacts during sports. fewer worries means a more positive attitude and self-image for their child!

A Flexible Spending Account (FSA), (also called flex plan, reimbursement account, Flex 125, Tax Saving Plan, Medical Spending Account, a Section 125, or a Cafeteria Plan), is an employer-sponsored benefit that allows you to pay for eligible medical expenses on a pre-tax basis. Any expense that is considered a deductible medical expense by the IRS and is not reimbursed through your insurance can be reimbursed through the FSA. These include most elective surgery, corneal refractive therapy, laser vision correction, deductibles, eyeglasses, and prescription drug co-payments.

Not all employers participate in FSA programs. Recommend the patient to check with their Benefits Manager to see if their employer participates in an FSA.

When integrating Paragon CRT into your practice, refer to Paragon CRT Practice Management and Integration CD-Rom. This CD-Rom comes with your practice management kit and includes information on: practice integration, alumni and referral programs, as well as in-depth marketing information. Customizable templates featuring: Service Agreement Templates, Patient Seminar Power-Point Presentation and Forms, Press Release Templates and a Brochure Template are included!


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Integrating Paragon CRT速 Into Your Practice - Staff Training Manual

How to Generate Patient Interest Position your practice as the expert and rapidly increase interest by having the pre-tester hand out an informational Paragon CRT packet to all potential candidates. Include the following in your Paragon CRT Patient Education packet: Paragon CRT Brochure: Adult or Adolescent Version Practice Fee & Payment Policy Frequently Asked Questions Fact Sheet Successful practices have generated interest in Corneal Refractive Therapy by placing Paragon CRT marketing materials throughout their office. Display all patient education materials provided in your Paragon CRT Marketing Kit to initiate patient interest: Paragon CRT Patient Education Brochures and Posters: Adult & Adolescent Paragon CRT Patient Education Video/CD Patient Information Paragon CRT Screensaver on computers in exam lanes To maximize patient interest, place patient education brochures in reception, all exam lanes, contact lens and optical areas. Place one poster in the reception area and in at least one other high visibility location. Play the Patient Information video in reception areas.

Generating Patients Through Internal Patient Education Plan for a pro-active introduction to CRT that is incorporated into the daily flow in key areas of the practice: Patient Processing: Patient Scheduling Patient Reception Patient Scheduling: Staff introduction begins when a new or established patient calls the office for an appointment. "I'd be happy to help you. Are you calling today to schedule an examination today for contact lenses, glasses, LASIK or Corneal Refractive Therapy?"

If patient expresses interest in LASIK and/or Corneal Refractive Therapy continue the conversation: "We offer counseling for the LASIK procedure. If surgery is not for you, our practice also offers non-surgical vision correction, the Paragon CRT therapeutic contact lens. You simply wear this lens at night, remove them when you wake up and the result is clear, daytime vision without wearing glasses or contacts. Dr. X will be happy to discuss our latest vision correction options, including CRT, with you during your exam. Is morning or afternoon better for you?"

Patient Examination: Pre-Testing Doctor Chair Time Patient Reception: Staff at the time of patient check-in can introduce Corneal Refractive Therapy by handing the patient a brochure. The Paragon CRT patient education video may also be played in the reception area to increase awareness. Pre-Testing: Present patients with a lifestyle questionnaire or staff members can gather information on lifestyle related issues during pre-testing. Sample Lifestyle Questionnaires are included on Paragon CRT Practice Management and Integration CD Rom in your marketing kit.

Doctor Chair Time: Once the doctor has confirmed clinically the patient is a qualified candidate, Paragon CRT is presented as a recommended solution. Never underestimate the power of the words "I RECOMMEND!". Utilize the information gathered from the Lifestyle Questionnaire to stress the personal benefits of Corneal Refractive Therapy.


Integrating Paragon CRT® Into Your Practice - Staff Training Manual

Patient Scheduling Protocol Once you’ve recommended Paragon CRT to a regularly schedule patient, set up a consultation time and instruct your patient to review the commonly asked questions on Paragon CRT web site, Encourage your patient to document any questions or concerns they may have and bring them to their consultation. Planning for the efficient handling of pre-appointed Paragon CRT fittings will help eliminate delays in your daily schedule. The time needed to educate and fit a Corneal Refractive Therapy patient is similar to that of LASIK patients. Establish all future appointments immediately after the initial consultation. Initial Exam: 1 Hour

Follow-up Exams: 30 Minutes

Paragon CRT Lens Ordering Protocol The Paragon CRT Diagnostic Dispensing System is designed to fit 80% of the myopic patients. In order to keep your DDS working at its fullest potential, it's important to develop a lens ordering system. Once a lens is dispensed from the DDS to a patient, most practices wait about two weeks before ordering a replacement lens to fill the holes in the DDS. One easy way to manage the lenses that need to be ordered is to flip over the vials of the dispensed lenses and put a round sticker on the bottom with the patient's information. Another way is to designate a tray for the vials of dispensed lenses. When you are ready to order your lenses, contact your Authorized Paragon CRT laboratory. Have the practitioner’s Certification Number handy.

Care and Handling Information With the Paragon CRT system, patients receive a Patient Care Kit, similar to a LASIK patient care kit. Paragon CRT Patient Care Kits contain:

© Copyright Paragon Vision Sciences 2005

Product information such as Package Inserts and "Information for Wearers" booklets A Paragon CRT Care & Handling CD-Rom* A Unique-pH® Multi-Purpose solution starter kit Clerz Plus® Rewetting Drops A DMV® ClassicTM Lens Remover A Paragon CRT lens case and more...

With each order for two (2) full-priced lenses you receive an "Adult" patient care kit FREE! Add value to your patient's treatment by sending them home with this reusable micro-fiber travel case - FREE! *Have patients watch the Care and Handling Movie on the CD-Rom included in their kit as part of their Insertion and Removal training. This information is also on the web site. Once at home, if a patient is unsure about the care and handling process, they can refer to the CD or web site.

Utilizing Patient Testimonials and Patient Referrals Patient testimonials are a practice builder and can be used to promote both clinical expertise and services as an integral component of your overall internal marketing strategy. Gathering Patient Testimonials Using 1. 2. 3.

patient testimonials requires the following steps: Making the Request Gathering the Story Receiving Patient Permission on Story Use

Approach patients who are enthusiastic about the change Paragon CRT has made in their lives at their two week or month one appointment, or when their daytime vision has stabilized. Patient Referrals Generating, tracking and acknowledging the referrals of friends and family from happy Paragon CRT patients, is a priority-marketing goal for every practice. Word of mouth referrals are the strongest practice builder and the most cost effective form of marketing. Most computer systems are set up to track new patients on the scheduling intake screen, but if this isn’t an option for you, manually track how new patients found out about your practice on their new patient intake form. One way to generate referrals is to order a specially designed business card with a message that focuses solely on the referral of new patients. This tactic is an inexpensive way to spread your marketing message.

Alcon Unique-pH® and Clerz Plus® are trademarks of Alcon Laboratories, Inc. DMV® Classic™ Lens Remover is a trademark if the DMV® Corporation.



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