5 Home Remedies To Control Your Blood Sugar Levels - Sugar Control Remedies

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5 Home Remedies To Control Your Blood Sugar Levels - Sugar Control Remedies If you are undergoing medical treatment to keep your sugar levels stable, it is essential that you consult your doctor before taking any of the suggested remedies. High blood sugar levels can occur when the pancreas does not secrete insulin properly, or something prevents it from doing so.

Remedies To Control Your Blood Sugar Levels - Sugar Control Remedies

It is a disorder that reduces overall well-being because it interferes with visual, kidney and cardiovascular health. It can result from the continued practice of poor eating habits, although it is also associated with a sedentary lifestyle, obesity and genetic factors. Most worrisome is that it generally does not manifest itself with obvious symptoms in its early stages. It can therefore easily cause complications in the body. The good news is that you can control it naturally, since practicing certain healthy habits allows you to restore it to normal levels.

In addition to this, there are some supplements of natural origin that, due to their properties, facilitate the regulation of glucose when it reaches alarming levels. With this in mind, we want to share with you in detail the 5 best home remedies, so that you can use them in case you suffer from glucose imbalances.

1. Tea with guava leaves Guava leaves have been used in natural medicine because of their high content of antioxidants that help control hyperglycemia. Its extracts concentrate a flavonoid called quercetin, which has a beneficial hypoglycemic effect for diabetic patients.

Ingredients  

5 guava leaves 1 cup of water (250 ml)

Preparation    

Add the guava leaves to a saucepan and cover them with a cup of water. Boil for 5 minutes and then turn off the heat. Wait until the water is at room temperature, filter and drink the tea. Method of consumption

Drink a cup of tea before each main meal.

2. Sage wine The antioxidants in sage wine help control blood glucose levels, which improves the role of insulin. This remedy is not recommended for children or minors.

Ingredients  

5 tablespoons of sage leaves (50 g) 3 cups of red wine (750 ml)

Preparation Add the sage leaves to a saucepan and cover them with the red wine. 

Bring to the boil and cook over low heat for 2 or 3 minutes.

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After this time, wait for the drink to cool and filter it before consuming it. Store the drink in a dark glass jar. Directions for use Have a small glass of sage wine after each main meal.

3. Artichoke and grapefruit water

Artichoke and grapefruit water contains a carbohydrate called inulin, which helps balance blood sugar levels.

This drink provides dietary fibre and antioxidants that, among other things, regulate the amount of fat that accumulates in the arteries.

Ingredients   

1 artichoke The juice of 2 grapefruits 3 cups of water

Preparation Chop the artichoke and boil it in a saucepan with the cups of water.    

When the artichoke pieces are cooked, turn off the heat and let them rest. Extract the juice from the grapefruit and mix it with the artichoke water. How to eat Drink this mixture 2 or 3 times a day, preferably after main meals.

4. Green tea Regular consumption of green tea may reduce the risk of diabetes, due to its ability to increase the body's sensitivity to insulin, thereby improving metabolic functions.

It is worth mentioning that it also prevents obesity, one of the main causes of imbalances in sugar levels.

Ingredients  

1 cup of water (250 ml) 1 teaspoon of green tea (5 g)

Preparation Boil a cup of water and add green tea.   

Then let the drink stand for 10 minutes and filter it before drinking. How to drink it Have a cup of green tea on an empty stomach every day.

5. Infusion of fenugreek blood sugar

The nutrients contained in fenugreek seeds are stimulators of pancreatic cells, which helps to improve insulin production.

Ingredients  

3 tablespoons of fenugreek seeds (30 g) 1 cup of water (250 ml)

Preparation Heat a cup of water and add the fenugreek seeds.

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Then let the drink rest overnight and the next morning crush the seeds. Filter the mixture and serve the infusion. How to drink it Drink fenugreek seed water on an empty stomach at least 3 times a week. Remember that in addition to ingesting some of these remedies, it is essential to avoid refined sugar in all its presentations.

Choose to increase consumption of fresh foods, such as fruits and vegetables. High blood sugar levels trigger a series of symptoms in our bodies. Find out how this health problem manifests itself.


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