ADA LEADZ Demo & Review

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ADA LEADZ Demo & Review: 100% automated software performs complete compliance audits of ADA websites and generates lasertargeted leads in just 3 simple steps…

Would you like to earn as much money as possible by simply offering companies a UNIQUE service that is absolutely necessary and indispensable? 

Then put an end to the sale of repetitive SEO packs. Instead, present an essential solution to the biggest problem facing businesses today. ADA LEADZ helps you…

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Carry out full compliance audits of the ADA website for which you can charge. Filter active websites that are NOT ADA compliant

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Generate and download professional reports in PDF format on demand for areas where the site is NOT ADA compliant. Contact and convert your customers using our ELECTRONIC MAIL TECHNOLOGY. Generate ADDITIONAL REPORTS also including SEO Report, Best Practice Report, Performance Report

In fact, see how ADA LEADZ’s cutting-edge technology compares to others:

With ADA LEADZ, you are only three steps away from making the most money by selling unique services

One-time investment | No monthly fee | ACCESS NOW | Special early bird discount

The advantages of ADA LEADZ that users are noticing. Look at it this way‌You don’t present a crisis to a company but you help it to overcome it!

The brilliant technology of ADA LEADZ knows exactly where the problem lies and indicates the solution in our print-ready reports. Customers in debt become loyal customers‌ that means recurring payments for years to come.

Possessing this software is the secret to acquiring more customers and selling more services. Simplified messaging: end a message directly from within the software with a

single click. No technical skills required.

Anywhere in the world: Identify local businesses on Google that are in a

difficult situation and are not ADA-compliant.

Conversions in 3 steps: Conclude transactions in three simple steps and secure

high-paying customers

Professional relationships: The highly optimized local ranking and compliance

reports on ADA’s websites enable clients to hire you almost instantly.

Ready to use wipes: Use pre-designed/ DFY customer closure email marketing

templates that have been proven to achieve high conversion rates

Single payment: Pay once for ADA Leadz and receive pre-qualified local

leaders without a monthly contract

Video training: Not only do we offer you insider information on our local

marketing secrets, but we also teach you how to use this software to get the best results.

Free commercial license: As a bonus, ADA Leadz has a commercial license

included. You can use it for your own company as well as for your customers.

Using ADA LEADZ and getting customers to trust you as an authority If you want to win international and local clients… you must first obtain an authorization.

And to do this… You need an attention-grabbing message and valuable reports (based on the complete audit of the ADA website, which you can carry out in a few minutes) that will allow you to establish yourself as an authority in the field and get their ATTENTION! If your first impression is not appealing to your prospects, chances are you won’t close any local customers anytime soon. This is the main reason why most consultants and marketing agencies fail to close their first deal As you know, most shopkeepers stay in the security zone and offer the same out-of-date services. Although we don’t rule out the fact that people still need a website, a social media presence and some SEO work, there is nothing that really stands out. What we do know, however, is that the compliance of ADA’s websites is a MUST. These local companies can’t do without it, otherwise they are exposed to an extremely serious lawsuit.

That’s where you come in…

You are going to offer companies a service that it is impossible to refuse. As far as you know, they might even sue you constantly once they figure out what they might lose, unless they are brave enough to pay the ridiculous penalties. What’s more, if you already have a few local clients, imagine how much money you can add to your bottom line by also offering them ADA LEADZ


One-time investment | No monthly fee | ACCESS NOW | Special early bird discount ADA LEADZ Is An extraordinary application that allows you to create your own agency to help businesses protect themselves from lawsuits and acquire new customers.    

Access the compliance technology of ADA LEADZ’s secret website Winning customers on the web Generate and download professional reports in PDF format on demand Using email marketing technology with ready-to-use cards

One-time investment | No monthly fees ADA LEADZ can help all those companies that are fighting the compliance crisis of the ADA websites:

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Marketers: Affiliate Marketers, eCom Store Owner, Web Designers… Restaurants: Dinners, food trucks… Coffee shops: Bars, clubs, cafes… Health care: Medical services, doctors… Self-employed/Small Businesses: Architects, accountants… Hotels: Motels, hostels, resorts… Advertisers: Social media advertisers Gyms: Training arenas, swimming pools Mechanic: Body shop and paint shop, Mechanics Pet shops: Pet food, toys, pet shops Roofers: Electricians, plumbers Local bands: Artists, singers, local groups

ADA LEADZ works in 3 simple steps: Perform a full ADA website compliance audit: Use ADA LEADZ to quickly find

prospects (websites and pages that are NOT ADA compliant) in seconds from your keyword or offer this service directly to a prospect / customer you have Générer des rapports d’audit complets imprimés sur demande par des professionnels : ADA LEADZ produira automatiquement des rapports qui

détaillent tous les moyens dont ils ont besoin pour s’assurer qu’ils sont conformes à l’ADA ou pour améliorer leur classement. Get paid: You can print these reports, send them to pre-selected Lead

Partners (or existing Lead Partners/clients), get instant authority over them and get paid.

If you do cold mail… you can use one of our proven DFY conversion templates to close clients easily. These models are available for different types of agencies if you want to focus on selling a single type of service, for example: video marketing, local marketing, digital marketing, website design and many more.

ADA LEADZ is extremely easy to use, see for yourself…       

Effectuez des audits complets de conformité du site web de l’ADA que vous pouvez faire payer. Filtrer les sites web actifs qui ne sont PAS conformes à l’ADA Générer et télécharger des rapports professionnels en format PDF à la demande pour les domaines dans lesquels le site n’est PAS conforme à l’ADA. Contactez et convertissez vos clients grâce à notre TECHNOLOGIE DE COURRIER ÉLECTRONIQUE. Générer des RAPPORTS SUPPLÉMENTAIRES incluant également : Rapport SEO, Rapport sur les meilleures pratiques, Rapport de performance Utilisez et vendez ce service sur votre PROPRE site web et vos pages en utilisant la licence commerciale GRATUITE qui est incluse. One-time investment | No monthly fee | ACCESS NOW | Special early bird discount

ADA LEADZ is tailor-made for both new and experienced marketers.

With a focus on local marketing and online lead generation, our software includes a guide to gaining authority in international markets also in 2020. ADA LEADZ allows you to find prospects and generate valuable reports that

can convert customers and close deals quickly.

Revolutionary software: ADA LEADZ’s proprietary technology identifies non-compliant websites and easy to sell customers In the hectic, fast-paced lifestyle of 2020, there’s no point in running a branch if you don’t have the technology to win international and local clients. Fortunately, that’s where ADA LEADZ comes in. If you really want to run an agency today, don’t hesitate to access this software. ADA LEADZ, based on a new intelligent algorithm technology, filters out websites that are not ADA compliant (and also tells you to what extent),

generates print-ready personalized reports and attracts clients through integrated email marketing technology.

Discover the revolutionary features of ADA LEADZ that you won’t find in any other application: Get customers from ALL regions of the web: Once you enter the desired

keyword, you can access these relevant customers, no matter where their business is located in the world. Apply filters to get the best results! Search for details on each lead before saving them :ADA leadz allows you to view contact information, address, page URL, compliance status, and more. Isn’t that great? Sort by categories and many other filters: There are several filtering options you can use to sort and isolate the primary leads you want to target. Arrange the data in order and contact the tracks accordingly. Perform a complete audit of the ADA compliance website: ADA LEADZ then scans the entire site in seconds on full autopilot. Create advanced and professional reports on ADA website compliance: ADA Leadz can automatically produce a detailed report showing how compliant the website in question is and provide solutions to make it fully compliant and optimized for better results. Download print-on-demand PDF reports for prospects: These reports are undeniably impressive and can even be printed on demand if you wish to meet the client in person or send the report by mail. Want instant authority? These reports are designed exactly for that! Organise campaigns and manage leads : Create specific campaigns such as “Chiropractors in New York” and add to each campaign the specific leads you want. Keep everything perfectly organised and each lead updated throughout the boarding process. One-time investment | No monthly fee | ACCESS NOW | Special early bird discount

ADA LEADZ will be constantly updated adapting to future requirements. ADA LEADZ has a team of dedicated developers who work tirelessly to develop, introduce and support new and improved features. This means that ADA LEADZ will be programmed to keep up with all future innovations and technical changes that are necessary for all applications to function optimally. It will continue to improve over time. And don’t forget that you will have access to detailed training videos and 24/7 customer support if you have a question or a problem.

ADA LEADZ Frequently Asked Questions  

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Q. Is this a monthly fee application? A. Not if you buy today. ADA LEADZ is currently offered without a monthly fee only as part of this limited offer. You will have full access to everything you see here for one low price. Q. Does it work for Mac and PC? A. Yes. ADA LEADZ is 100% cloud based and therefore works with an internet connection on any browser. Q. Can I get help and tutorials on how to get started? A. Yes, our support team can answer all your questions and guide you if necessary. We also have comprehensive tutorials and support to help you get started. Q. Is there a money back guarantee policy? A. Yes, as you can see on our page we have a 14 day money back guarantee period. If for any reason ADA LEADZ does not meet your expectations, simply contact us and we will refund you immediately.

If you close this page and come back later, you will miss this unique opportunity. Act quickly and get ADA LEADZ now so you won’t regret it later! One-time investment | No monthly fee | ACCESS NOW | Special early bird discount

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