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A critical component of the City of Plano’s parks and recreation system is the network of trails and bikeways that connect key destinations, parks, schools, and city facilities. The City offers diverse options for commuting and recreational cyclists, joggers, and pedestrians including trails in utility easements, along creeks, and within parks. Today, there is a comprehensive network of signed on-street bike routes, 98 miles of shared-use paths, and several more miles planned for additional connectivity. This chapter reviews the existing trail and bikeway system, assesses needs, and identifies additional opportunities for connectivity.

Goals And Purpose

The purpose of this chapter is to identify strategies to complete the trail system in Plano and to identify needed improvements to the existing system. While this chapter does not serve as a formal trail and bikeway master plan that would analyze and prioritize trail segments in detail, the information presented can be used as a foundation to determine trail and bikeway corridors to analyze in more detail.

The overall master plan goals that are relevant to this chapter are to:

GOAL 1: Encourage healthy lifestyles by providing an appropriate mix of open space, facilities and range of activities throughout the city.

GOAL 4: Maintain high standards for planning, implementing, maintaining, and operating quality parks, recreation facilities, trails, and athletic fields.

GOAL 5: Expand upon trail and bikeway linkages between parks, schools, commercial areas, and other cities.

GOAL 8: Utilize environmentally and fiscally sustainable practices for developing and maintaining parks, trails, and facilities.

Citizen Input

The engagement process for the plan update revealed that Plano residents prioritize the following:

• Filling in the remaining gaps in the trails and bikeways system.

• Implementing safety countermeasures at crossings and intersections to enhance safety for pedestrians and bicyclists.

• Reviewing on-street bike routes to make sure connections are still relevant and comprehensive.

• Connecting trails and bikeways to schools.

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