3 minute read
Book review
Born to be Me
Your kindness is the ultimate superpower

Meet the Author Eve Charles
Born to be Me is a gentle reminder that while misfortune changes everything, it can also help you grow into the best version of yourself, and even create beauty beyond what you could imagine.
Clinical hypnotherapist and mum of two Eve Charles has combined her therapeutic and writing talents in a book which uses positive affirmations to unlock the power of positive thinking.
Born to be Me has been cleverly crafted to build your child’s confidence and encourage them to be curious, creative and kind – embracing who they are in any situation. The story, set amid gorgeous watercolour illustrations by French artist Sarah Maurette, shows that love is stronger than fear and that kindness is the ultimate superpower. The gentle and free-flowing story follows a young cuckoo bird’s journey to self-discovery, travelling through doubts and setbacks, and providing the tools to overcome life’s challenges. “Born to be Me is especially relevant in today’s world with COVID-19 creating such uncertainty and sadness. It is an unsettling time for everyone and so important to make children feel safe and protected among the chaos,” says Eve. “Behind the book is a real desire to help parents and kids connect on a deeper level. With Born to be Me and other books in the series, I want to help children build their confidence and self-love one page at a time.” Eve explains that seven years ago she suffered from postpartum depression. “It was hard. I felt useless and guilty. I believed I was a terrible mum and wife. I had lost total confidence in myself. My tank was empty and my heart sore.
Eve was so blown away by the power of hypnotherapy that she became a clinical hypnotherapist to help others on their life journey.
Eve’s hope is that Born to be Me will help Kiwi kids develop the soft skills they need now and in the future.
“All characters in the series personify a key skill or human quality that children can identify with,” she says.
Born to be Me can be purchased on the Bardelli Books’ website and in selected bookshops. www.bardellibooks.com

Be in to win a copy of Born to be Me
usually retails for $19.90
We have two signed copies of this beautifully written and illustrated children’s book to give away
ENTER ONLINE AT parentscentre.org.nz/ giveaways
Entries must be received by 5 July, 2021. Winners will be published in issue 302.

Winner of Tu Meke Tuatara! by Malcolm Clarke from issue 300 is Emily Haeusler of Auckland.
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