Parijatak – Pilu Herb Large, much-branched evergreen shrub or a small tree. Stem
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Basic about Pilu Herb Common Name Habitat Classification General Information Properties Uses and Befenefit References
Basic about Pilu Herb
Botanical Name : SalvadoraPersica. • The Pilu tree belongs to the Salvadoraceae family. • The botanic systematic name of the tree is Salvadora persica. • Chewing sticks of the Pilu tree were used by the Babylonians approximately 7000 years ago; they were later used throughout the Greek and Roman empires, and by ancient Egyptians and Muslims. • These chewing sticks are most commonly used in the Middle East and South America, though are also used in parts of Africa and Asia.
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Common Name
Hindi name- Jhaka, Meswak English name- Tooth brush tree, Mustard tree, Salt brush tree Arabic name- Arak Bengali name- Jhal Gujarathi name- Khari Jhal Kannada name- Gonimara Marathi name- Peelu, Khakana Punjabi name- Peelu Telugu name- Varagogu Tamil name- Perungoli
Habitat Habitat
• The Pilu tree is widely distributed in the drier parts of India, Baluchistan, and Ceylon and in the dry regions of West Asia and Egypt. • In India, the tree is found abundantly in the states of Gujarat, Haryana, Punjab and Rajasthan. • It can be also found in Raigad district of Maharashtra in abundance in marshy areas. • In India it grows wild in arid or sandy areas of Punjab and north India and thrives in saline soils, but with a stunted growth
Classification According To Modern
According To Ayurveda
• Kingdom –Plantae
Order –Gentianales
• Family – Salvadoraceae
Charak- 1. VirecanopagaVarga 2. JwaraharaVarga
• Sushruta- Not included in Gana • Bhavprakash- AmradiPhalaVarga
General Information
• Habit – Large, much-branched evergreen shrub or a small tree. • Stem – Bark of the old stems are rugose, branches are numerous, drooping, finely striate. Wood is whitish yellow in colour. • Leaves – Fleshy, Glaucocus, 4 to 6 cm long, 2 to 3 cm wide, elliptic lanceolate, obtuse, apex. Has 5 to 6 pairs main nerves. Petiole is 1 to 2 cm long. • Inflorescence – Axillarry or terminal panicle. FlowerGreenish Yellow. • Fruits – Drupe, 3 mm in diameter, globose, smooth and becomes red on ripening.
Properties • Rasa- Tikta, Madhura • Vipak-
• Virya-
• Guna- Laghu, Snigdha, Tikshna
Uses Uses and and Befenefit Befenefit
• Being anulomana ripe fruit and the seed are used as virechana in udara, gluma and arsha. Leaves being stambhana and raktapittaprashamana are used in raktapitta. • Juice of the leaves or their quatha is indicated in mootrakrichchhra and as ashmarighna. • Fruits of Pilu (Salvadorapersica) is taken with buttermilk for a fortnight or a week is useful in Arsas (Piles). • The fruits and the decoction of the root are given to treat dysmenorrhea and difficulty in micturition.
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