1 minute read
Wafa Muflahi, Partner and Senior Program Director
sessions with his mentor, this student discovered his passion for foreign languages, along with the creative aspect of writing poetry. From there, Command Education helped him create a multilingual poetry magazine and guided him on marketing it to secure submissions from teens around the world. This student from New York City recently received admission to Stanford University. The critical component in any successful application is authenticity, which is why Command Education mentors take their time to get to know their students and identify their genuine interests. Oftentimes, parents may see this process as manufacturable and think that a flurry of strategic moves can win their child admission to a top-tier school. However, this is far from true. If a student does not have an inherent, authentic passion for the work they are doing, they will not be able to commit the necessary time and effort into making an authentic impact. There is no “one-size-fits-all” approach to this process.
When a student successfully identifies and develops their authentic passions, they reap the benefits of their hard work, and parents are more often than not thrilled. One such parent wrote to Rim, “Your team, ethos, and work ethic are truly world class. I am grateful you were a part of Darren’s life. Thank you again for all your help and guidance, and the dedication you showed my son!”
What colleges are truly looking for is the young generation’s movers and shakers, the changemakers and leaders. When a student demonstrates that they have left a lasting impact on their community, a college knows that they will go on to make a similar impact on their own campus and beyond. By dedicating their time in high school to meaningful and authentic activities that reflect their genuine passions, students can vastly improve their chances of standing out in the competitive college admissions process. P commandeducation.com