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Whether it’s adding new items to their holiday lineups, debuting hit shows on Kosher.com, or connecting people through a broader community, Kayco is making kosher cool again.
With an emphasis on innovation, Kayco Kosher is continuously at the forefront of distributing new foods in the kosher market. According to Shani Seidman, CMO of this leading brand in the specialized food market, which is owned by the Herzog family, values their inventiveness as paramount. “The main drive here is always thinking about new products and our community. We never want consumers to feel limited when shopping for kosher products.”
Seidman, who had been a marketing and brand manager with Manischewitz, eventually became marketing director when Kayco acquired the 133-year-old company in 2019. Six months after helping to transition the brand into the already tasty Kayco portfolio, she was promoted to her current role. Shani also brings a youthful outlook to her position, which is seen in her dedication to driving the brand forward to even more deliciousness.
“I make sure to stay focused on what our audience is consuming and enjoy speaking with them authentically on social media to really see who they are and what kind of products and content they are looking for.”
After preparing for Passover all year long, Manischewitz is proud to introduce a plethora of new holiday products. With mouthwatering new matzo offerings - which are a cross between traditional matzo and sweet confections - you can choose between dark chocolate, milk chocolate, white chocolate and even mint chocolate flavor-covered matzos. “I really love having fun with combining sweet and salty tastes while maintaining the traditional part of the holiday.”
For more savory items, Tuscanini, known for its premium products sourced from Italy, also has an expanded lineup just in time for Passover. From a brand-new balsamic vinegar to organic and basil tomato pastes, you can make use of these delicacies in all of your upcoming holiday dishes. They also offer jars of Calabrian chili peppers in oil, calamata olives, sundried tomatoes, green and pitted olives, and even an extra virgin olive oil in a unique glass bottle with special topper. While they can certainly pass for Passover use, these authentic Italian favorites can be enjoyed all year long.
They might be 70% cocoa, but another one of their most beloved brands, Heaven and Earth, the better-for- you Kosher brand, offers a no-sugar-added kosher for Passover chocolate which is 100% heavenly. Uniquely positioned as the only product of its kind which is Passover safe, this chocolate scrumptiousness can also be found long after the holiday.
Kosher.com, which has millions of unique users throughout the year, experiences a truly tremendous surge of traffic in anticipation of the holiday – there is even a tab devoted to all things Passover which ranges from lifestyle articles to tips from kosher food influencers on how to perfect your Passover menu.
Serving as a source for Jewish culture around the world, Shani finds the community they have created to be the most special part of the brand. “I love seeing someone who is proud of their background sharing their recipes with someone on the other side of the world who is now cooking it for themselves or their own families.”
With plenty of Passover products available, don’t wait to make the exodus from your home to wherever Kayco products are sold near you! P