Manuchair Ebadi
Researching a cure for Parkinson’s disease
FALL 2005
Park University Alumniad Volume 95, Number 1
President of Park University Beverley Byers-Pevitts, Ph.D.
Alumni Council Jim Peeke, ’65, president
Vice President for University Advancement Caren Handleman
2004-05 Park University
Mark Braden, ’93, vice president
Associate Vice President for Communication Rita Weighill
David Oswald, x65, secretary
Communication Coordinator Summer Evans
Harold Smith, ’44, Ph.D., treasurer, council historian
Staff Liaison Director of Alumni Relations Julie McCollum (816) 584-6206 (800) 488-PARK (7275) Fax (816) 505-5409 Alumni Relations Assistant Alisha Coggins, ’03 (816) 584-6207
Richard Kelleher, ’02, M.P.A. ’03, parliamentarian Darrel Campbell, ’03 Jane Turner Dodson, ’40 Matt Dodson, ’98
Editor Kathy Walker
Karen Peters Frankenfeld, ’59
Assistant Editor John Dycus
Neal McGregor, ’89
Art Director Jennifer Henderson
Established in 1875, Park University is a national leader in higher education and is distinguished by its innovative adult-degree completion programs. The University has 24,272 students enrolled in undergraduate and graduate degree programs at 42 campuses located in 21 states and Online.
We would like to hear from you! Please send your comments to Rita Weighill at
Cover photo by Chuck Kimmerle, university photographer University of North Dakota
See for more information about Park University. The Alumniad is published three times a year by the Office of University Advancement for Park University alumni and friends. Send all comments and address corrections to: Office of University Advancement, Park University, 8700 N.W. River Park Drive, Parkville, MO 64152, or call (816) 584-6816 or e-mail
Table of Contents Features
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Bellissima Italia! From Tuscany to Monaco to Nice, France, alumni experience Old-World beauty. Fort Bliss Focus on Park University: Fort Bliss The 1.1 million-acre training facility has 2,623 students and can accommodate every Army weapon system. Democracy Day Greater Kansas City-area high school seniors win prizes for essays on “The Constitution as a Living Document.” Researching a Cure Manuchair Ebadi, ’60, Ph.D., heads up Parkinson’s disease research at the University of North Dakota’s School of Health and Sciences. Park Goes International Park maintains a vibrant presence on the international scene. Amazing India Chemistry Professor Sapna Gupta, Ph.D., shares the wonders of her travels. Calendar Contest Winners Alumni and friends provide outstanding pictures to fill the 2006 Park University Calendar. On-The-Wall Art Artist, wife, mother and business owner Melissa Feris, ’02, creates life-size murals for clients and family. Making Saves, Saving Lives Pirates goalkeeper Michelle Egler protects and defends both on and off the field.
Departments 18 Support for Park 19 Tribute Gift Recognition 12-15 Campus News 20-22 In Academia 24-31 Alumni Section 25 Alumni Bulletin Board 27 Golf Scramble Scorecard 28-29 Class Notes 30 Call for Nominations 31 Alumni Events 33 2005-06 Pirates Schedule OUR MISSION: The mission of Park University, an entrepreneurial institution of learning, is to provide access to academic excellence which will prepare learners to think critically, communicate effectively and engage in lifelong learning while serving a global community. Fall 2005 ‹‹
Dear Friends, There is much to celebrate as we progress into this new academic year. The successes I share with you are indicators of the energy and commitment of University employees, whose dedication is evident in their mission to promote excellence at Park. Among the most celebrated events was the recent notification received from the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools that gave Park its highest endorsement by granting a 10-year reaccreditation — the top level of approval for an institution of higher learning. Distinctive accomplishments outlined in the HLC report included: • Authorization for the University to add, without seeking commission approval, master’s degree programs in any area where it currently offers baccalaureate degrees.
• Authorization to add campuses at military bases as approved by the appropriate agencies. • Authorization to offer additional off-campus academic programs without seeking commission approval. Other significant measures of success at Park: • The endowment fund has experienced growth for the fourth consecutive year. That’s a 65 percent increase since 2002. • An annual external audit of Park’s operating budget continues to reveal practical application resulting in balanced revenues and expenditures. • The University invested 66 percent of its capital expenditures into technology to benefit all campus centers nationwide. • Total Park enrollment increased 7 percent, bringing the unduplicated student headcount to 24,272. • The fastest-growing student population is represented in the Online academic programs, which have grown 81 percent since 2002. • Park was ranked second in the U.S. News and World Report “Best Colleges” issue in the Midwest Region for its African-American diversity. • Another national recognition came from Diverse Magazine, which listed Park as one of 100 colleges and universities in the nation to graduate ethnic students. Park has a 42 percent ethnic student population. Much has been accomplished, yet there remains much on which to focus attention. Future chapters written about Park University will include challenging, exciting and extraordinary achievements — which appropriately is the imagery that illustrates Park’s remarkable heritage.
Beverley Byers Pevitts, Ph.D President
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Nothing like a little Tuscan sun to make people smile. by Jake Marshall, publications graphic designer
Eighteen University alumni and friends flew to Italy on Oct. 15 for a weeklong tour sponsored by Park’s Alumni Association. Led by Alumni Relations Director Julie McCollum, the Park travelers included alumni Rhona Noel, ’92; Linda Fung, ’93; Ernie West, ’98; Gail McMahon Batchelor, ’56; Bob Batchelor, ’52; Mike Lamphier, ’90; Florence Heacock Strange, ’39; and staff member Jake Marshall from the Office of University Advancement. They represented campus centers across the country, as well as traditional and non-traditional programs. In addition to enjoying Tuscany, the alumni and their spouses, family and friends visited a French mountain village, Saint Paul de Vence, and the beautiful city of Nice. On a day trip to Monaco the visitors admired the scenery of the Riviera and the Mediterranean, sampled local cuisine and tried their luck at a glamorous casino. They enjoyed a drive along the Italian Riviera, a Ligurian dinner of wild boar, and a visit to Florence, where a guide provided historical and artistic insights into Michelangelo’s sculpture of David and the famous Duomo and Baptistry. Other highlights of the journey included excursions to Pisa, home of the famous leaning tower, Siena and the medieval mountain village of San Gimignano. “Everyone had a fabulous time — it wasn’t just the red wine and all the lattes,” McCollum observed. “We had excellent guides to show us around, and the hotels were lovely. Everywhere we went the food was great, and the Italians were so nice to us. I’m ready to go back!” Next up: trips to Ireland (2006) and China (2007). For more information, contact McCollum at (800) 488-PARK (7275) or
Seated: Carol Lamphier, Gail McMahon Batchelor, ’56; Barbara Bellamy, Florence Heacock Strange, ’39; Linda Fung, ’93 Middle row: Jake Marshall, Rhona Noel, ’92; Cherie Coll (Global Holidays Tour Guide), Brenda Phillips, Julie McCollum (Director of Alumni Relations) Back row: Derrick Carpenter, Shari Youngman, Ann Marshall, Dee Maharg-West, Ernie West, ’98; Bob Batchelor, ’52; Marcia Cannata, Vickie Hammer, Mike Lamphier, ’90
Fall 2005 ‹‹
Focus on Park University Fort Bliss Campus Center El Paso, Texas Established August 1975
CO N TA C T : Park University Fort Bliss Campus Center 639 Merritt St. Fort Bliss, TX 79916 (915) 562-8450
C E N T E R CO O R D I N AT O R : James Boofter C A M P U S C E N T E R D I R EC T O R : Donna Zumwalt S T U D E N T CO U N T ( 2 0 0 4 - 0 5 ) : 2,623 A C A D E M I C H O U R S : 40,417 D EG R E E S O F F E R E D : Associate of Science: computer science, management and social psychology Bachelor of Science: computer science, criminal justice administration, management, management/computer information systems, management/health care, management/human resources and social psychology
W H AT I S F O RT B L I SS ? Established in 1848, Fort Bliss is one of the oldest U.S. Army posts in the nation. Once home to both infantry and cavalry soldiers, Fort Bliss today houses the U.S. Army Air Defense Artillery School, four combat ADA brigades, the William Beaumont Army Medical Center, the United States Army Sergeants Major Academy, Joint Task Force Six, the German Air Force Command (United States/Canada) and the German Air Defense School. Fort Bliss is an important post partially because of its size. At 1.1 million acres, it is larger than Rhode Island. A premier training facility, Fort Bliss can accomodate every weapon system in the Army.
N OTA B L E : General-of-the-Army Omar Nelson Bradley received an honorary doctorate from Park in 19__.
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“The Constitution as a Living Document” President Beverley Byers-Pevitts declared Tuesday, Nov. 8, “Democracy Day” as a civic literacy effort supporting federal legislation that proclaims Sept. 17 as Constitution Day. Park University and Presidents Park in Williamsburg, Va., sponsored an essay contest for high school seniors in the Greater Kansas City area and in Virginia. Students explored “The Constitution as a Living Document,” considering ways the Constitution is important to Americans and the world. Essays were judged by panels of scholars and public officials in Missouri and Virginia. Grand Prize was a $2,000 Park University scholarship or a $1,000 scholarship to the college or university of the winner’s choice. Five Kansas City-area first-place winners received $100 each.
Paul Mintner, Lafayette County C-1 High School An oak tree lives to offer refuge to wildlife and shade for all who pass by. Similarly, the US Constitution lives to offer American people security, not unlike a gentle oak tree. The Constitution stands strong thanks to its language, and the people, both military and civilian, who have Grand Prize fought to uphold its ideals. Winner Our forefathers knew that when they wrote the constitution, it would have to be flexible enough to weather the changes of time. They were certain that America would face many unimaginable challenges, so they included the Elastic Clause, which gives Congress the power to make laws that allow them to carry out the powers of the Constitution. Likewise, they made sure to leave the Constitution open for interpretation so necessary changes could be made. Just as a newly planted tree needs nourishment to guarantee growth, our forefathers guaranteed that the constitution would be able to provide safety for the American people for hundreds of years to come.
our founding fathers. It can be adapted by actual amendment or by personal interpretation; either way, it ensures that “we the people” live in a free nation.
Chloé Abel, Southwest Charter School What if Martin Luther King wasn't allowed to deliver his famous I Have a Dream speech? What if there wasn't a Civil Rights movement? What if men were the only people allowed to vote? The Constitution of the United States of America defines what and who we are as a prosperous nation. Since adopted in 1787, the Constitution continues to govern and protect the civil rights and liberties which are granted to every citizen in accordance to the Preamble of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The Constitution truly exemplifies how alive it is when it's utilized every day by all Americans. Countries around the world have been striving for years to get where our nation is today, and we are only where we are because the Constitution has been flexible enough to change with the times. The Constitution is the “supreme law of the land” and will continue to thrive for generations to come.
Loren Roberts, Park Hill High School Should we look at the Constitution as a living document? Should we mold and change our Constitution as our society evolves and challenges the existing laws? If the Constitution is changed to benefit each new generation, will the order and unity of the nation be lost? I feel it is dangerous to view our Constitution as a living document. Its intent is clear, and it has built a great nation and should remain as it was written. Referring to this document as living invites political lawyering to satisfy administration’s policies or special interest groups’ agendas. Our Constitution is meant to serve as a base line to ensure a cohesive society. The nation is ever changing from one generation to the next. Technology is changing faster than society can adapt. Let’s keep it simple and not rush to judgment or change. Our forefathers should be given the credit they deserve by acknowledging and celebrating our Constitution.
Laura Eisenbeis, Park Hill High School The U.S. Constitution is a living document because it adapts to the times, adjusting to American issues without changing its original structure. Article V states that Congress can propose amendments to the Constitution whenever necessary. This was important during the Vietnam conflict. Young men were drafted into the army and losing their lives, yet were too young to vote. The need for change was apparent. In 1971, the 26th Amendment was added to the Constitution, allowing eighteenyear-olds to vote. Even with formal “updating,” the Constitution maintains its basic structure. [It] is the backbone of our government. It is a “living document” because it allows for flexibility yet maintains the original intent of
Steven McKee, Park Hill High School Plain in name, intricately detailed in every other facet, the Constitution was fashioned so that it is still the foundation of American life today. The Constitution is a document that is unlike any other. Its ability to be amended sets it apart from other ruling documents. The Constitution was changed to protect blacks by abolishing slavery after the Dred-Scott case legalized the practice. Women finally bucked the traditional view of being domestic housewives and were granted suffrage via the nineteenth amendment. Rather than being a document written in the past for the past, the Constitution was structured to be as effective today as it was during the age of our founding fathers.
Carl Werner, Park Hill High School Indeed, [the U.S. Constitution’s] greatest attribute is that it is flexible, which is how it has survived the test of time. It is a mark of the brilliance of the founding fathers. Twenty-seven amendments have been added to guarantee that the rights of all citizens are protected, and one would be foolish to think that there will not be more. Constitutional amendments were needed to guarantee voting rights to non-property holders, blacks and women. As the country’s social landscape changes, so does the Constitution. The Constitution may be printed on hemp paper that is now decaying, but it is as dynamic as ever. Despite the criticisms of those who do not appreciate its beauty, the U.S. Constitution is alive and well. Fall 2005 ‹‹
Researching a Cure Dr. Manuchair Ebadi’s quest to solve the deadly riddle that is Parkinson’s disease by Caren Handleman,
Manuchair Ebadi, ’60, Ph.D., internationally respected researcher of Parkinson’s disease, predicts a cure by 2017. The world’s second-most-common progressive neurodegenerative disease, Parkinson’s results from degeneration of neurons in a region of the brain that controls movement. Millions of people worldwide are affected. Parkinson’s, Ebadi explains, is the result of damaged dopamine transporters. “Consider a household dishwasher that washes a plate and prepares it for reuse,” he said. “If the dishwasher becomes damaged, it can no longer wash the plate, preventing it from being used again. Dopamine [a chemical naturally produced by the body] is used again and again. In the brain it functions as a neurotransmitter, activating dopamine receptors. If the dopamine transporter becomes damaged, the dopamine cannot be reused.” Ebadi’s career in Parkinson’s research grew out of an interest in the brain’s chemistry. As associate vice president for health
vice president for advancement and Kathy Walker, editor
Ebadi’s research of Parkinson’s provides a glimpse into possible cures. ... One important discovery is that drug-induced Parkinson’s is a side effect of long-term addiction to ampheta-
mines and cocaine. In addition to seeking the cure for Parkinson’s, Ebadi’s research is making advances that one
day could lead to the prevention of drug addiction. 6 >>
affairs in medical research at the University of North Dakota in Grand Forks, he heads the university’s Center of Excellence in Neuroscience, coordinating cooperative interaction across all of UND’s health programs. The UND research institute has a worldwide influence in the health sciences, focusing on illnesses prevalent in today’s society.
“When we were looking for a new chair of the pharmacology department, I wanted the best,” said H. David Wilson, dean of the School of Medicine and Health Sciences. Ebadi “has recruited a team of researchers that has put UND at the forefront of neuroscience research.” Ebadi and his research associates examine the effect of Parkinson’s on the brains of mice
that have been genetically engineered either to have neural resistance or neural propensity for the disease. (Aging studies also are being conducted on mice bred to live twice as long.) Sophisticated equipment allows measuring physiological changes without sacrificing the animals. An added advantage is that the researchers can follow the progression of the
Fall 2005 ‹‹
Ebadi’s research associates utilize the positron emission tomography scanner to examine the effect of Parkinson’s disease on the brains mice.
disease in the animal, enabling additional discoveries along the way. A positron emission tomography scanner (microPET) — a sophisticated “brain camera” that does magnetic resonance imaging on the mice — is located in UND’s new $4 million Positron Imaging Research Laboratory in the Center of Excellence in Neuroscience. A breakthrough finding was the discovery of a protein in the brain that provides neural protection against Parkinson’s. The finding came through a three-year grant, one of several Ebadi is conducting concurrently at UND. Since he joined the UND faculty, the university’s health science funding has grown from $4 million in grants to $50 million, many in support of his research. “By bringing his research program here, [Ebadi] instantly added a whole dimension of emphasis in the neurosciences: something relevant today, something important to North Dakota and to all people,” UND President Charles E. Kupchella said. “His textbook in pharmacology lit up that whole corner of the scientific enterprise, not only
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by his work but by the people he recruited. ... By his initiative he added a capacity to deep brain research that did not exist before.” Ebadi’s research of Parkinson’s provides a glimpse into possible cures. His Web page,, lists results of his research teams’ efforts. One important discovery is that druginduced Parkinson’s is a side effect of longterm addiction to amphetamines and cocaine. In addition to seeking the cure for Parkinson’s, Ebadi’s research is making advances that one day could lead to the prevention of drug addiction. The technology in the Positron Imaging Research Laboratory will help researchers determine if the action of dopamine, which produces the euphoric effect, can be blocked. “Dopamine is a transmitter that brings the agony as well as the ecstasy of cocaine addiction,” Ebadi said. “People don’t take cocaine to become addicted; they like the good feeling, and in the process they become addicted. We want to prevent the addiction to cocaine by interrupting the euphoria [blocking the dopamine] it produces. If you
can prevent addiction, then technically you can prevent the drug-seeking behavior and the crime associated with it.” Parkinson’s is related to other diseases, including Alzheimer’s and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS, or Lou Gehrig’s disease), but it involves different parts of the brain. Parkinson’s affects the area that involves movement (initial symptoms are limb tremors, especially when the body is at rest), while Alzheimer’s affects the area that involves memory. With ALS, the damage has occurred in the spinal cord. “The mechanism is the same,” Ebadi explained, “but if your roof leaks and it leaks in your bedroom, then your clothes get wet. If it leaks in your kitchen, then your dishes get wet. It is the same water, but it depends on where the leaks come from and where the damage is done.”
PATH TO SUCCESS Ebadi came to the United States from Iran as one of 100 academically talented students who received scholarships from the shah for use in foreign schools. What began as a boy’s quest for knowledge, fueled by hours of free time spent in the local library close to his home — to this day, books on Abraham Lincoln remain a favorite — has evolved into a lifetime of dedicated medical research. He arrived in Parkville through sponsorship by the American Society for Friends of the Middle East and was matched with Park because he requested a university in a small town outside a major city. He was the first in his family to earn a college education, and he completed his degree in 3 1/2 years. While at Park he participated in a variety of organizations, including the Natural Science Colloquium; the Biology, French, Economics, Cosmopolitan and Anthony-Cleopatra clubs; and club sports. Following his graduation in 1960 with a bachelor of science in chemistry, Ebadi earned a master of science in pharmacology at the University of Missouri-Kansas City College of Pharmacy in 1962 and a doctorate in pharmacology from the University of Missouri-Columbia School of Medicine in 1967. He completed postdoctoral training at the Laboratory of Preclinical Pharmacology
at the National Institute of Mental Health in Washington, D.C. Ebadi joined the faculty at the University of Nebraska College of Medicine in Omaha, where he was chairman of the department of pharmacology and then became professor of pharmacology, neurology and psychiatry. After being recruited by UND in 1999, he was appointed chairman of the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology in UND’s School of Medicine and Health Sciences in Grand Forks. In September 1999 he became professor and chairman of the newly created Department of Pharmacology, Physiology and Therapeutics. In November 1999 he became professor of neuroscience, and in December 1999 he was appointed associate dean for research and program development. He was appointed director of the Center of Excellence in Neuroscience in UND’s School of Medicine in September 2000 and associate vice president for health affairs in medical research in March 2002.
Ebadi’s staff consider him creative, hardworking (365 days a year) and demanding of himself and them, yet they acknowledge his caring attitude. In the short time he has been at UND, he has created and funded three awards: the Hippocratic Dignity Award for faculty members who treat all students and their educational programs in a dignified fashion; the H. David Wilson Award for faculty members who exhibit a sustained record of accomplishment in any area of the neurosciences; and Charles E. Kupchella’s Award, which recognizes individuals and organizations in North Dakota and surrounding regions who contribute significantly to disease prevention and healthy living. These awards mirror the Park University Distinguished Faculty Scholar Award that Ebadi created and funded in 1997 in honor of Dr. Delta Gier, former chair of the Department of Chemistry. “The teachers at Park were very caring, but I especially loved Dr. Gier. He taught me
Dr. Manuchair Ebadi
Ebadi’s love of teaching is evident in the 34 academic awards he has received, including the Burlington Northern Faculty Achievement Award in 1987 and the University of Nebraska’s system-wide Outstanding Teaching and Creative Activity Award in 1995. At UND he was inducted into the Golden Apple Hall of Fame for having received 11 Golden Apple awards. He attributes his teaching success to three principles. “Teaching is an immortal, honorable profession,” he said. “To be a good teacher it is absolutely essential that you care for your students, stay knowledgeable — medical students are very bright — and be very organized. You must also make complex subjects very easy to remember.” Ebadi has demonstrated his passion for scholarship and his respect for students by creating and funding the Avicenna Academic Award, for medical students with top grades in neurology and the neurosciences, and the Thomas Jefferson Ingenuity Award for graduate students who demonstrate ingenuity in completing research projects.
the ethics and value of hard work,” Ebadi said. The award is presented annually at the spring Honors Convocation to “members of faculty who have exhibited evidence of commitment to high standards of excellence in the scholarship of teaching, research and service.” “Park College is my home,” said the recipient of Park’s 1999 Distinguished Alumnus Award. He met his wife, Pari Maherronaghsh, ’62, now a retired medical technologist, at Park. They wed in 1958 and are the parents of three accomplished children: John F. Ebadi, Ph.D., a doctor of Oriental medicine practicing in Santa Barbara, Calif.; Michelle McCormick, Miss Nebraska 1990, wife of an attorney and mother of twin daughters, living in Holdredge, Neb.; and Mark A. Ebadi, M.D., twice board certified and a diplomat in internal medicine and allergy and immunology practicing in Denver, Colo.
Fellow of the American College of Clinical Pharmacology.
Chester Fritz Distinguished Professor of Pharmacology and Clinical Neuroscience.
Member of 18 research and scholarly societies, including Alpha Omega Alpha Honors Medical Society.
2004 recipient of the UND Foundation Thomas J. Clifford Faculty Achievement Award for Excellence in Research.
Author of 10 books, including Pharmacology, which was translated into Japanese in 1987 (Medical Science International LTD, Tokyo); Core Concepts in Pharmacology, which was translated into Chinese in 2002 (Ho-Chi Book Publishing of Taiwan); and Pharmacodynamic Basis of Herbal Medicine (CRC Press 2002), a best-seller in its field, now undergoing a second revision.
Co-author with Ronald F. Pfeiffer, M.D., of Parkinson’s Disease (Taylor and Francis, London, 2005), a comprehensive reference book.
Fall 2005 ‹‹
Park goes international Park University will be a renowned international leader in providing innovative educational opportunities for learners within the global society.
Professors Lecture in China
Park Collaborates With Mexico Educational Research
Carol Getty, Ph.D., associate professor of criminal justice, and Steven Youngblood, assistant professor of communication arts, traveled to China in June and July, where they lectured, attended seminars and made a presentation at the International Conference on Diversity in Beijing. Getty and Youngblood’s Media and Criminal Justice session explored the ways that the media cover crime and corrections, and how this coverage shapes the criminal justice agenda. They also attended conference sessions with topics ranging from pedagogy to cultural adaptability. “The conference was beneficial because of the diversity of topics presented and the backgrounds, race and ethnicity of the presenters — all set in a rapidly changing China,” Getty said. The professors visited Xi’an, China, home to the Terracotta Warriors, thousands of life-size figures guarding the mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of all China. While in Xi’an, Youngblood gave the keynote address,
Psychology Associate Professor Dennis D. Kerkman, Ph.D., collaborated with the Mexican government to evaluate a new hands-on science education program for elementary school children. The program involves more than 4,000 children in the northeastern Mexican state of Tamaulipas. Kerkman and David Stea, Ph.D., a psychology professor at Texas State University in San Marcos, Texas, have worked on the project for two years with Héctor M. Cappello from the National University of Mexico. “These kids are great! Our Dennis D. Kerkman, Ph.D., (r) associate professor of psychology, and Texas State part of the project is to be University Professor David Stea (l) visit external evaluators, to see if children in the northeastern Mexican their basic attitudes and ways state of Tamaulipas. of thinking about the world are becoming more scientific as a result of this new program where they get to do their own experiments, instead of just reading about somebody else’s,” Kerkman said. He and Park psychology students will analyze data from the project and present a final report to Cappello during the fall semester.
Participatory and Cooperative Learning, at the National Conference of Foreign Steven Youngblood discusses U.S. media with Language Professors. students at Northwestern Polytechnical Youngblood and University in Xi’an, China. Getty also addressed classes at Northwestern Polytechnical University in Xi’an, with Getty discussing American law with Chinese law students and Youngblood giving lectures to two student/faculty groups on Indecency and the FCC. “I loved the Chinese students,” Youngblood said. “They were reticent at first, but once prodded, they were articulate, insightful and energetic.” He also presented a session, Public Speaking for Model U.N., with Northwest Polytechnical University’s award-winning Model U.N. team from
Steven Youngblood and son Alex enjoy the splendor of the Great Wall of China.
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Xi’an. Both professors joined the Park faculty in 1997. Getty taught at two Taiwan universities in the fall 2004 semester. Youngblood, a 2001 Fulbright Scholar, has taught in Brazil, South Africa, Russia and Moldova.
Directors Represent Park on China Mission Erik Bergrud, M.P.A. ’94, director of the International Center for Civic Engagement, and Olga Ganzen, M.P.A. ’99, director of International Education and Study Abroad, represented Park at the Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce’s 10-day trade mission to China in August. They met with Chinese business and civic leaders and U.S. government officials in Shanghai and Beijing to explore partnerships and to learn about U.S. visa requirements for Chinese students. Park Trustee Benny Lee joined them for part of the trip. Representatives from the University of Kansas in Lawrence, Kan., and the University of MissouriKansas City also participated in the mission.
Yang Yuan Ping, left, chief executive officer of the Shanghai Jinjiang International Industrial Investment Co., hosted Olga Ganzen, Benny Lee and Erik Bergrud at a dinner in Shanghai.
Amazing India
Gupta at Amer Fort in Jaipur, Rajasthan
For the fall 2004 semester, history Professor Ron Miriani, Ph.D., and I created and now co-teach a Multicultural Liberal Learning course, India: Its People, Culture and History. Our purpose was to address Park’s mission to “prepare learners to think critically, communicate effectively and engage in lifelong learning while serving a global community.” As part of my spring 2005 sabbatical, I visited India to conduct more research for this course. This three-month sojourn only whetted my appetite for India and its natural beauty, unique architecture, ancient stories and ceremonies — and the unbeatable diverse cuisine. Indian by birth, I grew up in Nigeria and returned for my undergraduate and graduate work at Meerut University, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh. After moving to the United States in 1989, I traveled to India to visit family, but since creating this course with Dr. Miriani, I have toured extensively, gathering information for the class. What I learn has buoyed my passion for India’s people, culture and history. The 24-hour trip and 10-hour jet lag are so enervating that my father and I started our journey in Dehra Dun, my birthplace and hometown, located in a valley at the foot of the Himalayan Mountains. From there our itinerary featured an eight-day pilgrimage in
the Himalayas to see the headwaters of the Yamuna, Yamunotri; the start of the Ganges, Gangotri; Kedarnath, the abode of Shiva, Hindu god of destruction and the third aspect of the Hindu trinity; and Badrinath, the abode of Vishnu, Hindu preserver of the universe. We spent one week in an ashram, a religious/spiritual retreat, in Rishikesh; visited the forts and palaces of Rajasthan; saw the birthplace of Mahatma Ghandi in Porbandar; and experienced Bangalore, the information technology outsourcing hub of the world. I wish I could fully describe the beauty of the mountains. I was so busy taking pictures that I never even napped. The mountain ranges kept coming one after another, and the snowmelt from summer temperatures created wondrous waterfalls on the four rivers we saw. We indulged our senses in an ashram in Rishkesh on the banks of the Ganges, where Geeta, the book on the philosophy of life, was being taught. One week with Swami Atmaanand was not nearly enough to satisfy my curiosity of Geeta. From the snow-capped mountains, we descended to the 110-degree desert of Rajasthan. Some of India’s architectural differences are uniquely represented by the forts and palaces built by Hindu rajas and those built by Mugals, Muslim rulers for 250 years, in Agra
and Delhi to the north. Incredibly detailed mosaics inside the palaces represent the indigenous elephants, camels and peacocks. We also visited ancient temples in Ujjain and Madhya Pradesh that, in contrast to Bangalore, depict the ultimate East-meetsWest culture clash. Large British-style buildings stand side by side with Indian temples and American malls and restaurants. We then visited three temples outside the city: Shravanabelagola, a Jain temple (Jainism is one of the world’s oldest religions); Belur, a Vishnu temple; and Halebidu, a Shiva temple. The temples are covered with jaw-dropping carvings and surrounded by walls, small buildings and statues that have been added to the original temples by the kings who ruled for six centuries. Despite its increasing population and environmental issues, India moves ahead at a steady pace and remains full of contradictions. As ancient as it is modern in architecture and culture, it has the local dhabas (restaurants for the common people), but it also has the American Pizza Huts and McDonald’s. Its people may have the conveniences of modern times, but they do not forget the ancient religious ceremonies that govern their lives. It is almost impossible to write about my experiences in such a short space. However, this I can say — India never ceases to amaze me.
Sapna Gupta, Ph.D., is an associate professor of chemistry. Spring 2005 ‹‹
Campus News
BEAUFORT MCAS CAMPUS CENTER Park Student Wins All-Marine Golf Tournament The Beaufort (S.C.) Marine Corps Air Station newspaper, The Jet Stream, featured Cpl. Chris Garrity, above, in its Sept. 23 edition for winning the All-Marine Golf Tournament, Sept. 11-17. A junior majoring in social psychology, he competed against some of the corps’ best golfers at the Legends Golf Course on Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island. Garrity is an aviation operations specialist in Marine Fighter Attach Squadron 122.
Professor Emeritus Jerzy Hauptmann, Ph.D., present 60 Years After World War II: Personal Reflections on Europe and the United States. In his 52 years at Park, Hauptmann taught political science and public affairs, and established the Graduate School of Public Affairs. Upon his retirement, the school was renamed the Hauptmann School of Public Affairs. His son, daughterin-law and granddaughter, from the Washington, D.C., area, also attended the event.
School. “The graduate school’s motto is ‘Preparing for Service,’ and the three alumni who presented typify the qualities we expect of our alumni, including professionalism and outstanding leadership capacity.” Luncheon sponsors included Park’s International Center for Civic Engagement, the Department of Public Safety, the Criminal Justice Department, the Peacock Society and the alumni chapter of the Hauptmann School of Public Affairs.
Alumni Credit Park Education for Successes Hauptmann School of Public Affairs alumni presented Park University Education and Its Relevance for Platte County Law Enforcement Leaders at the October Brown Bag Luncheon Series Oct. 18. Speakers included Parkville Police Chief Bill Hudson, M.P.A. ’95; Platte City Police Chief Joe McHale, ’89, M.P.A. ’96; and Riverside Director of Public Safety Greg Mills, M.P.A. ’97. “For more than 20 years, the Hauptmann School ofPublic Affairs has provided excellent graduate-level education to individuals seeking to advance their professional careers,” said Erik Bergrud, M.P.A. ’94, director of the International Center for Civic Engagement and public management program coordinator for the Hauptmann
Graphic Designer Lectures at Park Scott Boylston, professor of graphic design at the Savannah College of Art and Design, presented Broadening the Boundaries of Design: How Social Research, Process and Multidisciplinary Exploration Can Expand the Scope of Graphic Design on Sept. 30 at the Parkville Campus. “Professor Boylston’s presentation demonstrated new directions for intellectual design,” said Masoom Khawaja, associate professor of art and design. “Through his thought-provoking poem Anchor Point, he touched some of our very sensitive nationallevel environmental issues, showing how a graphic designer, through sensitivity and awareness, can combine writing and designing together into a single cohesive theme.”
Jerzy Hauptmann, Ph.D., visits with Gregory Byard, M.P.A. ’97, the first M.P.A. student to be accepted into the prestigious Presidential Management Fellows Program.
PARKVILLE CAMPUS Hauptmann Draws Crowd in Washington, D.C. Park alumni, some traveling from as far as Arizona and Tennessee, gathered in Washington, D.C., on Sept. 8 to hear
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Student Athlete Receives Scholarship for Character Incoming freshman Melissa Gardner was named a 2005 Champion of Character scholarship recipient by the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics and the National Research Center for College and University Admissions. This is NRCCUA and NAIA’s inaugural year to award a $1,000 scholarship to five graduating high school seniors who are enrolling in NAIA institutions in the fall. Gardner, a graduate of Lee’s Summit North High School in Lee’s Summit, Mo., was one of five winners selected for exemplifying the NAIA’s Champion of Character core values — respect, responsibility, integrity, servant leadership and sportsmanship — in competition and in daily life. “This scholarship honor is both a tribute and a reward ... for how they have lived their lives and the character values they possess,” said Larry Erenberger, NRCCUA vice president for national projects. “NRCCUA is proud to support young people with the core values for a Champion of Character.” Gardner will attend Park University at the Parkville Campus in fall 2005 and will be on the women’s soccer team. Corporate Express Boosts Scholarship Fund Corporate Express of Kansas City, Mo., donated $12,203 to Park’s scholarship
James Crum, ’83, and Donna Gifford, ’04, present check on behalf of KCRCHE to President Beverley ByersPevitts. (photo by Summer Evans)
fund Sept. 1. James Crum, ’83, Corporate Express director of business affairs, and Donna Gifford, ’04, assistant director of purchasing, presented the check to President Beverley Byers-Pevitts on behalf of the Kansas City Regional Council for Higher Education. Brown Bag Luncheon Series Linda Trout, executive director of the International Relations Council, was the inaugural speaker at the September Brown Bag Luncheon Series sponsored by Park’s International Center for Civic Engagement at the Parkville Campus on Sept. 20. Trout addressed The Relevance of International Affairs for the Greater Kansas City Area and described how international issues affect local residents. She also discussed IRC collaboration with Park interna-
Freshman Robert Dingman (l) receives a $250 scholarship from the National Wild Turkey Federation Platte County Longspurs chapter.
tional students through the Coming to America series, at which the students speak four times a year at a North Kansas City, Mo., school. WSU, International Student Services to Explore Islam The World Student Union and International Student Services at the Parkville Campus explored the question What is Islam? on Sept. 30. Fisal Hammouda, a well-known inspirational speaker, teacher, counselor, engineer and Muslim scholar, led a discussion on common misconceptions regarding the religion. The Islamic School and Cultural Center of Greater Kansas City was another sponsor.
Student Wins Wild Turkey Scholarship The Platte County Longspurs chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation awarded Park freshman Robert Dingman the National Wild Turkey Federation Scholarship on Sept. 18 at its annual fund-raising banquet. Scholarship applicants are judged on scholastic achievements, leadership and community involvement. As the local chapter scholarship winner of $250, Dingman is eligible for consideration of the $1,000 state award. He is seeking a bachelor’s degree in athletic training at the Parkville Campus. For more information about the scholarship and the National Wild Turkey Federation, see or contact Tim Gabor, Ph.D., associate professor of biology, at (816) 584-6869.
Fall 2005 ‹‹
Welcome Week an MTV Hit Parkville Campus students received a special presentation by Syrus from MTV’s The Real World Boston on Aug. 24 during Welcome Week. Syrus told students about his road to success, from his struggles to find a job after college to his travels around the country as an inspirational speaker. He encouraged students to seek opportunities for internships and volunteer positions related to their studies before they graduate. Immediately following, students attended an activities fair to learn more about campus organizations, clubs and local businesses. A picnic lunch was served on the Graham Tyler Memorial Chapel lawn.
James D. McNiven from Dalhousie University discusses the trucking corridors between the U.S., Canada and Mexico at the “North American Economic Integration seminar.”
Park Hosts Economic Integration Seminar The International Center for Civic Engagement and the Study Abroad program hosted a seminar Oct. 13 on “North American Economic Integration” in conjunction with the North America Works conference in Kansas City, Mo. James D. McNiven, who holds the R.A. Jodrey Chair of Commerce in the School of Business Administration at Dalhousie University, discussed implications of the North American Free Trade Agreement. The seminar was held in the College for Distance Learning on the Parkville Campus, and Park students attended on scholarships from Western Forms, a Kansas City-based company.
Syrus of MTV’s Real World Boston
Students and staff volunteer for art@park In preparation for the sixth annual art@park weekend on the Parkville Campus, Michael Fitzmorris’ MK 351: Principles of Marketing class volunteered to install the flamingoes on the Graham Tyler Memorial Chapel lawn. Approximately 5,000 people attended this year’s event Oct. 8-9.
Glenda, the Good Flamingo
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WENTWORTH CAMPUS CENTER Park Announces 42nd Campus Center Wentworth Junior College in Lexington, Mo., became Park’s newest campus center with a grand opening Aug. 22, followed by a ribbon cutting and formal-agreement signing and the Sounding of the Cannon ceremony. Rep. Ike Skelton annonced at the ceremony that his hometown “now has a four-year university.” Wentworth Campus Center offers associate’s degrees at a convenient location for residents of Lexington and surrounding communities. Classes are offered in the traditional face-to-face format of day, evening or Saturday classes; the Online format; or a combination. Freshman and sophomore courses can be transferred to Park for upper-level undergraduate and graduate study. Both institutions provide educational counseling, guidance and financial aid. For more information about the Wentworth Campus Center, contact Director Mike Woods at (660) 259-2374 or
Roger Hamilton, Ph.D., vice president for academic affairs; Maj. Gen. John Little, president of Wentworth Junior College; U.S. Rep. Ike Skelton, D-Mo.; Beverley Byers-Pevitts, Ph.D., president of Park University; and Mike Woods, director of Wentworth Campus Center, attended the official signing ceremony Aug. 22 in Lexington, Mo.
HELPING OUR FELLOW AMERICANS TINKER AFB CAMPUS CENTER Management Student Wins National Scholarship Staff Sgt. Douglas Picard, a senior pursuing a management degree at Tinker AFB Campus Center, won the national grand-prize $2,000 college scholarship from the Logistics Officer Association. Picard first won a competition at the Tinker Crossroads chapter of the LOA, which earned him $300 toward his higher education and the right to compete for the national LOA award. The national scholarship committee considers academic background, leadership and duty performance, base and community involvement, awards and decorations, and a personal narrative describing the individual’s career aspirations and why he/she deserves the award. The Crossroads Chapter LOA works to enhance the professional stature of the logistics officer and improve the global logistics environment. All military and civilian logisticians may participate in the chapter, regardless of military service affiliation. The scholarship announcement is posted at Management Student Reenlists After serving in the Air Force for 16 years, Tinker Campus Center Tech Sgt. Kelly Papineau was featured in the Sept. 30 edition of Tinker Take Off, the newspaper of the Oklahoma City Air Logistics Center, for reenlisting for another five years and three months. A Capt. Scott Papineau conducts reenlistment ceremony for his senior pursuing a bachelor’s degree in wife, Tech Sgt. Kelly Papineau. management from Park, Papineau is the noncommissioned officer in charge of customer service for her squadron. Her husband, Capt. Scott Papineau, conducted the reenlistment ceremony Sept. 16 in the 72nd Comptroller Squadron at Tinker Air Force Base in Oklahoma City.
The past months have challenged the United States. We join hearts with alumni, students and friends who were significantly affected by hurricanes Katrina and Rita. The Park community in various ways addressed the needs of storm victims along the Gulf Coast: • The athletic department contributed revenue from ticket sales plus donations at three games to assist NAIA universities Dillard, Loyola, SUNO, Xavier and the New Orleans and Mississippi Gulf Coast campuses of William Carey. • Freshmen, led by Professors Andy Johnson and Tim Westcott, and the Campus Activities Board raised $3,000 with their Helping Our Fellow Americans — One Freshman at a Time campaign. Donations went to Heart to Heart International, a global humanitarian organization based in Olathe, Kan. • Parkville adopted a sister city, Ocean Springs Miss., and Park faculty, staff and students donated relief supplies. • The University will facilitate a dialogue, Civic Engagement in the Aftermath of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, at the American Society for Public Administration’s national conference in April. • The University waived fall semester tuition for students enrolled at accredited colleges and universities in hurricane-affected areas. A hotline let displaced students contact Park to enroll in up to six tuition-free credit hours of Online or face-to-face classes. Credits completed at Park will transfer to home educational intuitions. • The Sloan Foundation awarded Park a $__ grant for hurricane relief efforts. Many of you have participated in giving opportunities focused on hurricane relief, demonstrating the generous and compassionate character of the Park community.
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The Park Family Photo Contest attracted choice pictures by talented camera bugs from around the nation.
Tulips received the most votes and will appear on the cover of the 2006 Park University Calendar. Photographer: Emilio Servigon, student, Parkville Campus Subject: tulip garden at Anheuser-Busch brewery, St. Louis, Mo.
Photos to represent the 12 calendar months: My Best Friend Submitted by: William Valencia, student, MCAS Cherry Point Campus Center Subject: My wife, Vanessa Van Dyke (U.S. Marine Corps), a student at MCAS Cherry Point Campus Center, deployed in Iraq
For Old Timesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Sake Photographer: Karim Dawani, student, Parkville Campus Subject: seniors Paulina Pawlik, Haley Daniel, Kasey Scott and Liza Ruud in one last picture before graduation
Lighthouse Photographer: Karla Fliger, Online student Subject: lighthouse on Lake Michigan in Charlevoix, Mich.
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Zion Mar Photographer: Corey Perez, student, Hill AFB, Utah Campus Center Subject: waterfall in Zion National Park, Utah
Gathering of Nations Photographer: Lorie Schmitz, ’04, staff, Fort Bliss Campus Center, El Paso, Texas Subject: the largest annual gathering of North American Native Americans, in Albuquerque, N.M.
Fog Valley Photographer: Corey Perez, student, Hill AFB, Utah Campus Center Subject: fog resting on Pineview Reservoir in Ogden, Utah
Plaza Fountain Photographer: Bonnie Horn, student, Parkville Campus Subject: son playing in Country Club Plaza fountain in Kansas City, Mo.
Antarctic Iceberg Photographer: Robert Rundus, ’50 Subject: iceberg along cruise south to Antarctica
Dillard Mill Photographer: Bruce Miller, ’02 Subject: Dillard Mill, Davisville, Mo.
given as Calendars are to alumni thank-you gifts ho are and friends w University. donors to the
Windmill Photographer: Angela Fickess, student, Downtown Campus, Kansas City Subject: Kansas windmill
Graduates ’05 Photographer: Anthony Krewson, friend Subject: members of the 2005 graduating class at Grand Forks AFB Campus Center, N.D., from left, Jennifer Liddle, Richele Kosmowski, Dennis Herbeck (academic director), Mikki Helling and Elizabeth Seydel
Inside to Out: Color and Winter Snow Photographer: Marlyn Stuart McAlice, ’73 Subject: A still-life study in contrast, Reston, Va.
Fall 2005 ‹‹
Support for Park Wonder Who’s Calling? Tucked away in the Alumni House is a room where students and alumni connect and learn from each other. Each fall and spring semester students contact University alumni.
The mission: to build relationships, inform alumni about the University and make the case for financial support. Taking time to speak with a Park Fund Phonathon student caller means: • You will hear updates about the University. • You can ask questions and pass along comments. • You can update your address, phone and e-mail information to ensure that you are receiving information from the University. • You can support the University’s academic programs, student scholarships and professorships.
Phonathon Fast Facts • Calling hours are 6-9 p.m. MondayThursday. • Callers earn $7 an hour, plus prizes for top performance. • There are nine calling stations, 25 student callers and two student supervisors.
Phonathon callers: Front Row: Virginia Kagotho, Jacqueline Orwa, Ivy Wambui, Liz Ndegwa Back Row: Sunny Alvi, Kwilasa Razafinjatovo, Abdul Hakeem Bbumba, Bek Yuldashev, Festus Rono, Alfred Bognar
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This photo of Dr. Harry Crull, left, math department chair and Astronomy Program director, and J. Malcolm Good, cum laude alumnus, appeared on the cover of the November 1940 Alumniad. Good, who had won senior honors in math and astronomy, revisited the campus and spent time in the observatory with Dr. Crull.
J. Malcolm Good Math Chair J. Malcolm Good, ’39, created an endowment fund during his life and completed it through his estate to support a student award and a faculty chair in mathematics. Good’s interest in mathematics should be no surprise to anyone who knew him during his days at Park, as evidenced by this entry in the 1939 Narva, adjacent to his senior photograph: “Good, J. Malcolm — Man with his eyes on the stars — main ambition to travel — main conversation math and its function in society.” The J. Malcolm Good student award is given annually in recognition of the best paper presented in mathematics. The paper can be on any topic related to mathematics, and the papers are evaluated based on creativity and originality. The J. Malcolm Good Chair in mathematics recognizes an outstanding faculty member who demonstrates excellence in teaching and service to students. Good was a long-standing Park supporter, and through his thoughtful gifts, his name will be honored by students and faculty well into the future.