Omar Maden
Park University Alumniad Volume 94, Number 2 The Alumniad is published by the Office of University Advancement for Park Alumni and friends. Send address corrections to: Office of University Advancement, Park University, 8700 N.W. River Park Drive, Parkville, MO 64152 or call (816) 584-6212. President of Park University Beverley Byers-Pevitts, Ph.D. Vice President for University Advancement Caren Handleman
Associate Vice President for Communication Rita Weighill Communication Coordinator Summer Evans Staff liaison: Director of Alumni Relations Julie McCollum (816) 584-6206 (800) 488-PARK (7275) Fax: (816) 505-5409 Alumni Relations Assistant Alisha Coggins, ’03 (816) 584-6207
Editor Kathy Walker Assistant Editor John Dycus Art Direction Jennifer Henderson Copy editor Janna Franzwa We would like to hear from you! Please send your comments to Rita Weighill at
2004-05 Park University Alumni Council Jim Peeke, ’65, president Mark Braden, ’93, vice president David Oswald, x65, secretary
Darrel Campbell, ’03 Jane Turner Dodson, ’40 Matt Dodson, ’98 Karen Peters Frankenfeld, ’59
Harold Smith, ’44, Ph.D., treasurer, council historian Neal McGregor, ’89 Richard Kelleher, ’02, M.P.A. ’03, parliamentarian
Alumni Council Meeting Minutes Navigate to the Alumni Association section of the website.
Table of Contents Features
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Finding Security in the U.S. Cuban-born Omar Maden, ’74, came to the United States at age 15 and found opportunity and success. Decision for Life Bruce Schescke, ’03, made a donation that saved the life of his uncle. Operation Enduring Education Outstanding Graduate Melissa D. Ortiz speaks of family, unity and leadership to the 2004 graduating class of the Metropolitan District of Washington.
The Editor ~ Park University welcomes Kathy Walker as the editor of Alumniad. Her company, Walker Texas Writer, serves clients nationally in the areas of editing and copy writing as well as public relations and marketing. Her clients primarily are schools of higher education and not-forprofit organizations. She is a published book editor. Walker received a Bachelor of Arts from Texas Wesleyan University in Fort Worth and was honored with the university’s 2004 Young Alumni Achievement Award. She and her husband, Baird, have three children: Steven and his wife, Lindsey, of Burleson, Texas; Ashley of San Diego, Calif.; and Deborah, a sophomore at Abilene Christian University. They share their empty nest with Abby, an energetic five-pound Chihuahua.
Cover photo by Katherine Lambert Photography. Opposite, Deb Hammond, senior legal studies and political science major, leaves Graham Tyler Memorial Chapel. Photo by Craig Sands Photographic.
Departments Support for Park 10 11 Tribute Gift Recognition 12 Campus News 19 Student Showcase 20 In Academia 22 Golf Scramble Scorecard 25 Alumni Section 26-27 2005 Alumni Weekend Highlights and Registration Form
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Alumni Bulletin Board Class Notes Pirates Spring 2005 Schedule
For more information about Park University, visit our web site at The Alumniad is published three times per year by the Office of University Advancement for Park University alumni and friends. Please send all comments and address corrections to: Office of University Advancement, Park University, 8700 N.W. River Park Drive, Parkville, MO 64152 or call (816) 584-6212 or e-mail:
Spring 2005 ‹‹
Dear Alumni and Friends, Significant achievements proclaimed Park University’s mission and vision during the first part of this academic year. Alumni and community friends expressed renewed excitement over the ways Park continues to boost its visibility as a benchmark school of higher learning. Administrators, faculty and staff remain focused on academic excellence, outstanding student services, increased public prominence and being recognized as a University that is accessible and affordable for all of its students, no matter which campus center they attend. Allow me to share just a few highlights of the fall semester: • More than 400 alumni from the various campus centers visited the Parkville campus. In what were truly magical moments, their individual memories wonderfully intertwined with Park’s vibrant present and exciting future. • Having 41 campus centers means ample opportunity to attend commencements. I enjoyed participating in 12 graduations last fall, and I look forward to several more in the upcoming months. • Park University’s board of trustees, chaired by John Brown, continues to bring outstanding leadership that is focused and progressive, strategically guiding Park into the next decade. • The men’s and women’s soccer teams, the women’s volleyball team and the cross country team all qualified for postseason competition. Both soccer teams advanced to NAIA nationals. • Our Online academic offerings have expanded and are available worldwide to serve students in the military. Frequently, I receive e-mails from deployed men and women expressing their gratitude for the opportunity to advance their studies while serving their country in international settings. • A joint press conference with the City of Kansas City, Mo., announced Park’s new graduate school. Mayor Kay Barnes congratulated Park for its growth in the Kansas City area and for its expanding national presence. In addition to the graduate school, Park’s administrative staff for the Kansas City undergraduate degree programs, the Professional Development Institute and the Portfolio Program also will be housed in the downtown location. • The Online student club, spearheaded by business Assistant Professor Angie Klein, is the first club of its type at Park. It is anticipated that other Online student clubs will follow, allowing students from different campus centers to collaborate on projects and to bridge the geographic distance via the Internet. There are many exciting days ahead, and I invite you to visit us frequently at
Greetings On Jan. 20, President Byers-Pevitts, Ph.D., took a break from running the University to attend the inauguration of President George W. Bush in Washington, D.C. She was the guest of Robert Maginn, CEO and Chairman of the Board of Jenzabar. They braved the snow and cold during the inaugural speech and the inaugural parade. Dr. Byers-Pevitts also attended the Independence Ball, one of the sanctioned inaugural balls that President and Mrs. Bush attended.
With warm regards,
Dr. Beverley Byers-Pevitts and Robert Maginn.
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Dr. Beverley Byers-Pevitts, president Park University
Democracy Day
Rocks the Vote
President Beverley Byers-Pevitts, Ph.D., declared Election Day — Nov. 2, 2004 — as Democracy Day at Park University, featuring a variety of events that engaged participants in the democratic process. On the Parkville campus, Rock the Vote educated and helped students register to vote, and the League of Women Voters hosted two political candidate forums. Another forum brought together faculty, staff and students to view the third presidential debate between George W. Bush and John Kerry. Afterward, a discussion was facilitated by faculty members Ron Brecke, Ph.D.; John Lofflin; Laurie DiPadova-Stocks, Ph.D., executive director of the Hauptmann School of Public Affairs; and sophomore Simona Cibotaru. An essay contest for Kansas City-area high school seniors explored the question, “Why vote?” Six winners each received $100, and four students — Kayla Barelmann, Blue Springs South High School; Betsey Clark, Blue Springs South High School; Jenny Conforti, St. Pius X High School; and Alan Simpson, Blue Springs South High School — received honorable mention.
Why vote? And the winning answers are ... “I turned [18]. I registered. Soon, I will vote. Why will I vote? You might as well
“You get to help pick the leader of the free
ask why I like chocolate.”
world, and to pass that up is just not an Rebecca Spicer
option for me.”
Shawnee Mission Northwest High School
Joe Mingrone St. Pius X High School
“If we are to become a fully enfranchised
“We should vote in the present, because
society, we must expect each member to
of the past, in order to change the
participate in the voting process.”
Eric Stonner
Sarah Butler
Blue Springs South High School
Shawnee Mission East High School
“By voting ... I am taking a stand for “Vote not just because it is your civic
everything I believe in; I am taking a stand
duty, but because the sound thinking of
for what I believe this country should be. I
the many will save the world from the
am taking control of my future.”
insanity of the few.” Jared McDonald
Nathan McVay
Lawrence Free State High School
Blue Springs South High School
Co-sponsors of Democracy Day included The Kansas City Star, the League of Women Voters of Kansas City and Presidents Park in Williamsburg, Va. Spring 2005 ‹‹
securit Finding
in the U.S. by Rita Weighill, ’90
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Scientific scrutiny might not sustain the theory that Omar Maden,’74, inherited the entrepreneurial gene from his Cuban parents, but their influence throughout his life cannot be denied. His parents instilled in their only child strong ethical values and the importance of family. The traits serve him well as chief executive officer of Maden Technologies, a top-ranked security systems firm that lists among its clients the U.S. Army’s Department of Defense. The firm’s integration of information security solutions has touched more than two million people, and that number continues to increase as the worldwide need for security systems grows. Described by his employees as charismatic and, in the words of one, “a somewhat enigmatic energy force,” Maden was born in Cuba, a country comprising 44,200 square miles and a place as beautiful as it is dismal. His father, a self-made man, was Havana’s water bureau chief and demonstrated through example that hard work brings success. Maden’s mother was among a handful of business-minded women who in 1956 created and introduced a credit card program to Cuba. On Jan. 1, 1959, however, the flourishing island that Christopher Columbus called “the pearl of the Caribbean” was commandeered by Fidel Castro, who would transform it from Batista capitalism to Fidelist socialism, a form of government heavily influenced by Marxist-Leninist ideology.
Spring 2005 ‹‹
In 1960, a rumor began to circulate that all Cuban
The military assisted with his third goal, to attend
children would be taken from their families to be raised
college. In 1972 he enrolled as a Degree Completion
and educated behind the Iron Curtain. When 1,000 Cuban
Program (DCP) student in the Army’s Bootstrap Program. “I
students were sent to study in Russia on Jan. 21, 1961, the
had applied to other universities,” he said, “but once I
rumor fueled itself into reality and forever changed
found out about Park’s environment — dynamite faculty
Maden’s fate.
and a school where the military was welcomed during the
The Madens along with 15,000 other Cuban families applied for visas to leave the country. Twice they were
Vietnam years — I looked through all my applications and chose Park.”
denied, but on a third attempt Maden received permission
Maden was 25 when he arrived on the Parkville
to leave Cuba at the age of 15, alone, as a sponsored student
campus, but he blended in quickly. He became like an
through Operation Peter Pan. The program, introduced
older brother to the 18-year-olds. “I got along with them
under the watch of President John Kennedy, granted any
fine and was not seen anymore as a DCP student. I was
Cuban child 6 to 18 entry into the United States.
active in the main campus life, which I enjoyed
After arriving in Miami, Maden stayed in a refugee
tremendously. It was a great experience, and I formed
camp before being sent to Portland, Ore., where he lived
many friendships.” He was active in campus life while
with Cuban foster families. “I wanted to go to Portland
pursuing a triple major in economics, political science and
because when I came from Cuba, I knew Castro would be
overthrown in six months,” he said with a smile. “I chose
He remembers three faculty members who helped
Portland because I wanted to see the entire United States
prepare him for business and for life — Dr. Jerzy
before I went back to Cuba and could brag to my family.”
Hauptmann, professor of political science; Elliott Brown,
Those six months turned into years. During that time
assistant professor of political science; and a young
Maden set three goals: graduate from high school,
professor of economics, John Jumara, whom Maden said
graduate from college, and save enough money to reunite
wore T-shirts to class and was noted for being tough on
his family. He graduated from high school, and four years
his students. Hauptmann retired in 2001 as director of the
after he had left Cuba, his parents arrived in Portland. But
Hauptmann School of Public Affairs. Jumara is an
nine months after their arrival and just as he was
associate professor of management.
researching college options, Maden was drafted into the Army.
“I was required to learn how to read The Wall Street Journal and to find out about stocks and other business
“My reaction to being drafted was mixed,” he said. “I
activities. I didn’t have much interest in those areas before
had just been reunited with my parents, and I worried
I went to Park, and the impact from those three professors
that my father, who was already 61, would have a difficult
had a tremendous influence on my life,” Maden said. “I
time finding employment. On the other hand, my parents
discovered that although I loved my military career, I
were extremely proud that I was called up, as I was. We
wasn’t destined to remain in the military. I knew that at
had a debt to this country and to this society, and the least
some point I wanted to explore entrepreneurship and my
I could do was serve in the military.”
own creativity.”
If Maden Technologies, which he founded in 1986,
After graduating from Park, Maden served 12 more
represents the entrepreneurial influence of his heritage, it
years before retiring from the military. It was then that he
also reflects the experiences acquired in a 20-year Army
combined his knowledge of technology with his academic
career. Maden rose to the rank of major, received a Purple
skills and launched Maden Technologies. “I compare this
Heart for an injury received when his helicopter was shot
company to ‘the little engine that could,’ ” he said. His
down, and was awarded numerous medals and decorations
stated leadership goals are to be accessible, positive and
that he recently showed to his 19-year-old daughter,
honest. “It’s a fast-growing company expected to reach
Remmie, for the first time. He also spent four years at the
$100 million in annual sales by 2007.”
Pentagon, served as deputy director of the Tactical Air
Even with fast growth, the company’s organization
Control Systems/Tactical Air Defense Systems joint
chart has remained streamlined — chief executive officer,
interface task force and was a U.S. delegate to the NATO
chief financial officer, two vice presidents in charge of
Allied Data Systems Interoperability Agency in Brussels,
development. “The infrastructure by design is fairly flat
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and very responsive, and that is what I like,” Maden said. “It’s efficient, so that clients get lower cost and we can be responsive to our clients right away.” While Maden Technologies is a silent partner in numerous initiatives, its expertise touches society in many ways. In addition to its enormous presence with the Army and other defense systems, the company set up the wireless networks for the Department of Transportation,
systems for all vessels entering and leaving every port in the United States, and the systems for the Department of Education student loan program. It also manages the networks for the Ginnie Mae mortgage-backed securities systems. Information assurance, the primary service offered by Maden Technologies, “… is nothing more than the integration of a series of information security solutions, hardware and software based, using advanced computing and business process methodologies,” Maden explained. “The cornerstone of these methods and products is encrypted messaging techniques embedded into common access cards, most using secured ‘smart’ card applications with public key infrastructure and/or biometrics applied. These access
involving differing types of technology, are all integrated and ultimately applied across the enterprise to produce transparent and seamless messaging solutions.” In his spare time, Maden is an avid golfer and art aficionado. An impressive collection of artifacts graces his office complex and his homes in Washington, D.C., and Miami. His favorite piece is by African-American artist Jacob Lawrence, who employs an ascending ladder
neighborhoods to reflect inspiration and aspiration. “If you analyze what it’s trying to tell you, it’s saying, ‘The sky is the limit,’ ” Maden said. “And that is exactly what I’m trying to portray in my business.”
Operation Peter Pan Operation Peter Pan may sound like a sequel to J.M. Barrie’s classic 1902 novel and play, but unlike its inspired namesake, where children never grow up, this story involves 14,000 Cuban children who had to grow up fast. Between 1960 and 1962, parents sent their children alone to the United States so they would not have to live under communism. The project bears the name of 15-year-old Pedro (Peter), the first Cuban child to arrive in October 1960. Peter became the symbol of the masses of children who followed. After the coup in 1959, dictator Fidel Castro’s early actions created a stressful environment as he systematically nationalized industry, began closing Catholic schools and churches, and introduced communist slogans in schools as a means to indoctrinate the children. Rumors circulated that all Cuban children from ages 6 to 18 would be taken from their families and raised and educated behind the Iron Curtain. Some historians say that the CIA fabricated those rumors and that the real reason for Operation Peter Pan was to bring young Cubans to the United States, leaving their parents behind to adamantly oppose the new government that threatened to take “patria potestad,” a Latin term meaning “power of a father” or “mother country,” from Cuban families. In other accounts, concerned people in Havana and Miami, Fla., coordinated messages over Radio Swan (later Radio Americas) into Cuba warning about the imminent family intervention. The rumor became reality in 1960 when 1,000 Cuban students, including Castro’s 12-year-old son, were sent to Russia to be educated. More than anything, that action confirmed the suspicions of many, and Operation Peter Pan became the alternative for their children. Some Cubans who had relocated to the United States welcomed the children of families and friends into their homes. But because of limited resources and the number of children, this could only be a short-term solution. The children who arrived under the sponsorship of Operation Peter Pan first lived in refugee centers in Miami supported by the Catholic Welfare Bureau’s Cuban Children’s Program. The program, led by Father (now Monsignor) Bryan O. Walsh, received funding from the State Department and corporations. From there, the children were placed with foster families or in orphanages across the country, and siblings often were separated. In an effort to reunite families, President Lyndon Johnson created the Freedom Flights program in 1965, where parents of Operation Peter Pan children received priority to enter the United States. More than 5,000 families were reunited in the first six months. The reunions were joyful, but not without the bittersweet challenges posed by the long separation. Communication was difficult when some younger children no longer spoke or understood Spanish. Some distraught parents discovered that their children did not remember them. The alumni of Operation Peter Pan present a remarkable case study of successful professionals. In those ranks are two Park University graduates, Omar Maden, ’74, and Felipe Bustillo III, ’74. Others include musician Willy Chirino and his wife, Lisette Alvarez, a well-recognized vocalist; Santiago Rodriquez, an international and classical pianist; and Mel Martinez, a secretary of housing and urban development under President George W. Bush and currently a U.S. senator from Florida.
Spring 2005 ‹‹
Decision for Life by Kathy Walker
Bruce, Shelley and Roger Schescke
He was connected to a dialysis machine nine hours a night. A transplanted kidney was his only hope for recovery. After retiring from the Air Force in January 2004, Bruce Schescke, ’03, returned to his hometown of Oxford, Neb. With his military experience behind him, he was free to carry out a decision that would impact not only his life, but also that of his uncle, Roger Schescke. Bruce would undergo testing to determine if he could give Roger one of his kidneys. Roger suffered from end-stage renal disease brought on by Wegener’s granulomatosis, a disease he was diagnosed with in 1999 that can involve any organ system but affects primarily the respiratory tract and kidneys. He was connected to a dialysis machine nine hours a night. A transplanted kidney was his only hope for recovery. When Bruce offered to be tested, Roger was guardedly hopeful. There had been talk before of finding a donor, but no match had materialized. Roger feared for his nephew. “My being in bad shape was one thing,” he said, “but bringing someone else into the situation was frightening.”
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Bruce’s mind was made up. “My uncle is a low-profile guy and would never make anyone feel obligated to help him. His only concern was that I was absolutely sure I wanted to go through with the donation.”
“It was right for my uncle and seemed to be the obvious and right thing to do,” Bruce said. “And it wasn’t going to hurt me, so why not?” In February 2004, Bruce began a lengthy procedure to determine if he would be a suitable donor and if he could survive with only one kidney. He passed easily. The operations, which included a four-hour laparoscopy for Bruce, took place in September, with no complications. Bruce left the hospital four days after surgery and spent four weeks recovering. Although the pain was more than he anticipated, he has no regrets, and his lifestyle has not changed. Roger, meanwhile, experienced immediate positive
results, has recovered and is “feeling great.” “The organ transplant process is a miracle,” he said. “How amazing it is that doctors can take a living organ out of one person and transplant it into another.” Throughout the experience, Bruce’s wife, Shelley, ’04, remained supportive. “What Bruce has done for his uncle is
“It was right for my uncle and seemed to be the obvious and right thing to do,” Bruce said. “And it wasn’t going to hurt me, so why not?” Bruce’s message is clear. “It’s easy to donate an organ. Scars heal and pain goes away, and I was back at work in 30 days. Don’t be afraid of the process. [Physicians] give the best screening, and you’re assured that you are healthy and you can do it. Like you, they also want to make sure it is right.” Bruce also has the assurance that if he ever experiences complications, he will be first on the list for a donated kidney. And he has another reward: He got his
“It’s easy to donate an organ,” Bruce said. “Scars heal and pain goes away, and I was back at work in 30 days. Don’t be afraid of the process.” nothing less than extraordinary,” she said. “He was selfless in his decision to help Roger when others could not or would not. His compassion shows in his character.”
uncle back. Bruce and Roger are only 13 years apart and had enjoyed hunting and spending time together. “It makes me feel good deep down inside,” Bruce said. Asked if his relationship with his uncle is stronger, he said,“Absolutely. I’m his favorite nephew.” ◊◊◊ Special thanks to Shelley Schescke, who shared her husband’s story with the University. Bruce and Shelley are graduates of Park University’s Lackland Campus. He received his bachelor’s degree in management/computer information systems in 2003 and she her bachelor’s degree in management in 2004. Shelley was assistant administrator at the Lackland Campus from December 1999 through June 2004. They have two sons, Benjamin, 15, and Caleb, 11.
According to, each day approximately 70 people receive an organ transplant, but another 16 people on the waiting list die because not enough organs are available. As of March 4, 87,639 candidates were on the donor transplant waiting list, while Feb. 25 data reports that only 24,817 transplants from 12,954 donors took place between January and November 2004.
MYTHS and FACTS ABOUT ORGAN AND TISSUE DONATION myth: Doctors will not try to save my life if they know I want to be a donor. fact: The medical staff trying to save lives is separate from the transplant team. Transplant surgeons are called in only after all efforts to save a life have been exhausted and death is imminent or has been declared.
myth: The rich and famous on the U.S. waiting list for organs get preferential treatment. fact: The computerized matching system does not select recipients based on fame or wealth. Organs are matched by blood and tissue typing, organ size, medical urgency, waiting time and geographic location.
myth: People can recover from brain death. fact: People can recover from comas. Coma and brain death are not the same. Brain death is final.
myth: I am too old to donate organs and tissues. fact: People of all ages may be organ and tissue donors. Physical condition, not age, is vital. Physicians will decide whether a would-be donor’s organs and tissues can be transplanted.
myth: Minorities should refuse to donate because organ distribution discriminates by race. fact: Organs are matched by factors, including blood and tissue typing, that can vary by race. Patients are more likely to find matches among donors of their same race or ethnicity.
myth: My family will be charged for donating my organs. fact: Donation costs are not the responsibility of the donor’s family or estate.
myth: Donation is disfiguring. fact: Organs and tissues are removed in methods similar to surgery, and all incisions are closed at the conclusion of the surgery. An open-casket funeral is possible after donation. myth: Organs are sold, with enormous profits going to the medical community. fact: Federal law prohibits buying and selling organs in the U.S. Violators are punishable by prison sentences and fines. myth: Marrow donation is painful. fact: Marrow donors do not feel pain when the marrow is removed because anesthesia is used. Soreness and/or stiffness may be felt for a week or so post-donation.
Visit for this list and to learn more about organ and tissue transplant.
Spring 2005 ‹‹
Planned Giving Council
Support for Park The Park Fund – Ensuring Excellence The Park Fund touches nearly every Park University student and faculty member. Each year the University asks alumni, parents, friends, faculty, staff, corporations, foundations and other organizations to help enrich the operational resources of the campus by making a financial contribution. Gifts to the Park Fund support the University by… • funding student scholarships and grants; • enriching academic programs; • acquiring library resources; • equipping athletic teams; • maintaining buildings and grounds; • supporting student activities. Your generous and thoughtful contributions to the Park Fund support every aspect of a student’s educational experience from recruitment to graduation, on every campus center, and for Online students. Gifts also help Park attract and retain the highest quality faculty members, securing the University’s reputation as a leading liberal arts institution. Your contribution will be recognized in the annual Report to Investors, published in the spring.
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Park’s Planned Giving Council of estate planning attorneys and financial advisers is available to assist alumni, students and friends in ways to support Park University through gifts or estate plans. It is always a good time to review your estate plans, as changes in tax laws and family circumstances can dictate revisions. A member of the Planned Giving Council will work with you and your legal counsel to review your current estate plan and determine if it meets your planned giving needs. Contact Julie Alsup at (816) 584-6329 or
Howard Bailey McAfee Heritage Society Designating Park University in your will with an irrevocable gift pledge of $20,000 or more makes you eligible to become a member of the Howard Bailey McAfee Heritage Society. By remembering Park in your estate plans, you ensure the future of Park University and its students. For more information about the Society, or if you have named Park in your will and have not yet informed us, contact the Office for University Advancement at (816) 584-6329.
Howard Bailey McAfee was the second son of Dr. John A. McAfee, cofounder of Park University, and his wife, Anna Bailey McAfee. In 1875, Howard arrived in Parkville at the age of 14, along with the first class of 17 students. Known as H.B., he eventually assumed management of the university’s farm and industrial operations in the 1880s and also managed the school’s business affairs. Upon his father’s death, he became superintendent and business manager and was the fundraiser and secretary of the Board of Trustees. He was responsible for many improvements to both the university and Parkville, for which he served several terms as mayor. Under his 40-year leadership, students helped to construct the Charles Smith Scott Observatory, Chesnut Dormitory I, New Woodward Hall, Nickel Hall, Snyder Hall, Alumni Hall I, Sunset Dormitory, Sherwood Hall, Mackay Hall and several homes in Parkville. He also supervised the building of a heat plant and a water pumping station.
Tribute Gift Recognition Park University gratefully acknowledges the individuals, associations, corporations and foundations that have honored loved ones and friends through tribute gifts to the University between July 1 and Dec. 31, 2004. In Memory of Fern Osborne to the Friends of the Library Albert and Betty Dusing Kathryn Houghton Groves to the Kathryn Houghton Groves Scholarship Fund Sally Amaral Marjorie Daniel Martha Rains George Croasdale to Purchase Library Books Harold, ’44, and Carolyn (Douglas), ’47, Smith Charles Edwards, ’42, to Purchase Library Books Harold, ’44, and Carolyn (Douglas), ’47, Smith Joan Burnidge to Purchase Library Books Harold, ’44, and Carolyn (Douglas), ’47, Smith Dr. Taketoshi Peter Mori,’45, to the Alumni Fund Yoko Mori Fern Medlin to the Park Fund Camp Fire USA National Headquarters James and Karen Gilpin Betty Thoresen Turner,’31, to the Youth Conservatory of Music and the International Center for Music Erling T. Thoresen David Elwess to the Youth Conservatory of Music William Walinow, ’71 American Legion Post 318 Clint, ’71, and Joyce Blithe Rosemary (Fry) Plakas, ’63 Burton, ’63, and Harriet Dunbar Susan Downing, ’79 Jane (Turner) Dodson, ’40 Carolyn (McHenry) Elwess, ’71 David and Carol Crawford Deidre Bowman Paul, ’65, and Sylvia (Helms), ’60, Gault Park Bank Christi Warner to the Presidential Honors Scholarship Fund Cliff and Karen Warner Ana Riojas,’77, to the Ana Riojas Memorial Scholarship Fund Riojas Enterprises Inc. Dr. Merlin C. Findlay,’28, to the Science Hall Martha Findlay Welsh Estate Mary Cowgill,’31, and Donald Cowgill,’33 to the Cowgill Memorial Bench and Plaque Catha Cowgill Oleva Morrison Myers,’32, to the Myers Scholarship Fund Robert C. Myers, ’61
>> Alumni and Friends Who Make a Difference
Evelyn Lare Smith,’60, to the Evelyn Lare Smith Scholarship Fund Michael and Connie Anderson Phillip and Linda Armentrout Peter and Phyllis Babalian Larry and Margaret Brown Theodore and Juanita Buster Gerald and Sonja Buttron Tim and Rebecca Cornell Betty Joan Cowan Thomas and Kimberly Dean David and Judi Ewing Ron and Sharon Gallop Paul, ’65, and Sylvia (Helms), ’60, Gault Arthur and Norma Hicks Kevin and Donna Hicks Frank and Kim Hicks KPFF Consulting Engineers Mary Beth Karnes Richard and Rebecca Kelsey William and Janice Kitchen Mary Lynn Lare D.L. and Lori Leming Jack and Deborah Lonsinger Tom, ’62, and Helen (Phelps), ’59, Lucas Charles and Beverly McConnell Dan and Amy Merz Henry and Dianne Merz Georg Moncke Jess Moon Paul and Sara Pallanich Richard and Janice Peil Kristen Peil Robert and Rita Phillips Platte Woods UMC Young Married Couples Group Donald Rathburn, ’58 David Rusch Beth Hicks Schneider Schwab Fund for Charitable Giving Sam and Barbara Sherwood Andrew and Allison Smith David and Sandra Smith Donovan Smith, Jr., ’56 Janet Smith G. Ed and Alice (Lare), ’55, Stocking Bradley and Karen Stocking Craig and Carole Swenson Mark and Deborah Tady David, ’58, and Ruth (Nettleton), ’56, Wetmore William and Jacquelyn Wheeler Wayne and Bettina Wilke Nicholas Manchion to the Nicholas Manchion English Award Terry, ’70, and Patricia Brown Jeffrey, ’04, and Laurie Krumrey Ed and Jody, ’99, Manchion In Honor of Dr. William C. Pivonka to the Dr. William Pivonka Science Scholarship Candace (Roughton) Allds, ’69 Kathleen Amoroso Corey and Charlene Berends Larry, ’67, and Jacqueline, ’83, Bishard Robert, ’62, and Leslie Brillhart Charles Brindel, ’65 William and Virginia, ’97, Bruch
Nicholas Calvino Michael, ’72, and Carol Clissold Jerome Compernolle, ’89 Georgianna Condit Richard Connett, ’63 Nicholas Cormier, ’74 Ronald Curtis Wayne Davis, ’88 Steven Delia, ’93 Charles and Phyllis (Heyn), ’70, Dudgeon Charles and Elizabeth Eddleman Dennis and Bonnie (Wallace), ’70, Epperson David and Laura Flanagan David Foran Forster/Powers Charitable Trust James Grifone, ’47 Michael Guastello Jr. David, ’67, and April (Wilber), ’69, Hackathorn Tracy Hagemann Patrick and Wendy Harless Michele Hicks, ’89 Brian Hoffman, ’86 Patrick, ’95 and Martha Huntoon Thomas Hunzeker, ’71 George Johnson, ’63 Richard Johnson, ’69 Ronald Knight, ’65 Don and Evelyn (Frierson), ’90 Genesia Livingston, ’88 Christopher and Kelly, ’93, Martin Michael May, ’92 Robert, ’56, and Marcia Miller Ronald, ’52, and Marilyn Nelson William , ’60, and Nancy (Shea), ’60, Nichols Roger O’Mara, ’73 Jung Park, ’61 David Peironnet, ’75 Glenn, ’65, and Leslie (Innes), ’65, Petrie William and Darlene Pivonka Sam, ’66, and Nancy (Rohlfing), ’66, Potter Raytheon Co. Sarah (Neimann) Rhodes, ’48 Genevieve Sanders, ’90 G. Ann Schultis Ronald, ’70, and Michelle (Minyard), ’70, Schwartz Penelope Scialla, ’69 Reed Shiraki Mark Singer, ’70 John, ’89, and Helen Smith James, ’87, and Carol (Roberts), ’87, Springer Guy and Joanne Stewart Judith Tharp, ’63 Warren Thompson, ’69 Robert Turgeon K. Daley and Dixie Walker C. Howard, ’45, and Nancy Wallace Florence (Byham) Weinberg, ’54 Bruce, ’64, and Mary Ann Wilson Margaret (McElwain) Wilson, ’65 Ken Zacharias, ’71
This list represents tribute gifts received between July 1 and December 31, 2004. All donors to the University are recognized in the Report to Investors, published each Spring. If your name is not listed, please accept our apology and notify We wish to honor all our donors by listing your name correctly.
Spring 2005 ‹‹
Campus News Austin Campus Center Relocates Park University’s Austin, Texas, Campus Center moved to the Avallon Building II, 10415 Morado Circle, in February. The new location in northwest Austin is approximately 14,000 square feet and includes an administrative suite on the first floor. The second floor houses classrooms, resource rooms, faculty offices, a computer lab and a student lounge. Park has had a presence in Austin since 1975, beginning with a campus center at Bergstrom Air Force Base. After Bergstrom closed in 1993, the campus moved to the Austin Reserve Center at Camp Mabry, headquarters for the Texas State Military Forces. In 2001, the Austin Campus Center moved to Highland Village.
Board of Trustees Fall Retreat During its annual retreat in January, the Board of Trustees toured the new Park University Downtown and participated in a program on military education, coordinated by Brenda Wisniewski, academic affairs committee chair. Aggie Byers, senior policy analyst, Quality of Life Office, Office of the Deputy Undersecretary of Defense, presented Military Quality of Life, a proposed partnership between the Department of Defense and governors and state legislators to support military families. Board members learned of plans to address assistance during mobilization, absentee voting, in-state tuition, military children during school transitions and deployments, spouse employment, unemployment compensation, assistance to newly disabled veterans, payday lending, foreign language requirements, and child care support for Guard and Reserve.
tragedy tugged at our hearts, and faculty, students, alumni and friends offered sympathy and heartfelt support. “We join the world in expressing our sorrow to the countless thousands who were injured or who have lost family and friends as a result of the devastating tsunami,” said President Beverley ByersPevitts, Ph.D. Several fundraising efforts that generated more than $7,000 were initiated on the Parkville campus. A tsunami relief dinner and auction was held Feb. 3 in the Thompson Commons at the Parkville campus; T-shirts were sold Jan. 24-Feb. 3 at the Millsap Foyer in Thompson Center by the World Student Union and International Student Services; the Park Student Ambassadors held a drive to collect relief supplies in collaboration with the Heart to Heart International Foundation; and the Park University Student Senate and the Stylus student newspaper sold $1 buttons to raise money for the victims. In addition, direct links to relief organizations are posted at
Park Receives Business Leadership Award Park received the Job Development Award from the Platte County Economic Development Council on Dec. 13 in Parkville. The award is presented to businesses that have expanded their Platte County employee base. Park’s employment grew by 100 in 2004.
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In December, Kansas City Mayor Kay Barnes and Park President Beverley Byers-Pevitts, Ph.D., announced the establishment of the Graduate School of Park University in downtown Kansas City. The University is leasing 31,000 square feet on the eighth and ninth floors in Commerce Tower at 911 Main St.; the location offers improved space utilization, additional and secure parking, and state-of-the-art classrooms. Park’s accelerated undergraduate degree programs, the Portfolio program and the Professional Development Institute also are housed there. Park continues to offer undergraduate and graduate classes at its centers in Independence, Parkville and downtown Kansas City, Mo.
Commencements On Nov. 13, more than 40 students received diplomas at the Defense Supply Center campus in Columbus, Ohio, and on Nov. 14 more than 100 students from the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base Campus Center in Dayton, Ohio, as well as others who attended Park Online received their diplomas. On Dec. 18, 362 students received degrees at the commencement held at Community of Christ Auditorium in Independence, Mo. Park trustee Lynn Bondurant, ’61, Ph.D., former education director for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, presented the keynote address at the commencement ceremonies.
Career Fair Connects Students, Alumni with Potential Employers
Tsunami Relief The Park family demonstrated a remarkable response to the devastation caused by the Dec. 26 tsunami that struck 11 countries, killing more than 170,000 people, with thousands missing. The
Park Relocates Downtown Kansas City Campus Center
PCEDC Executive Director Pete Fullerton, Commissioner Betty Knight, Park President Beverley Byers-Pevitts, Park Board chair John Brown and PCEDC Chair John Beavers
Park University’s first Meet, Eat and Greet Career Fair took place Nov. 10 in the east dome of the Breckon Sports Center. All students and alumni were invited and encouraged to meet with future employers. A list of employers who would be attending was posted on the University web site.
<< CAMPUS NEWS Park Partners with Pioneer Services Foundation to Help Military Families Park and Pioneer Services have joined to provide access to Online education for active-duty military personnel and their dependents, Department of Defense civilian employees and retired military personnel. Through it’s foundation, Pioneer Services representatives offer scholarships designed to help military families earn college degrees through Park’s undergraduate and graduate degree programs. For scholarship application requirements and to apply, visit or contact Scott West at (800) 745-7275 (PARK), ext. 6786.
storyteller character Junebug Jabbo Jones, the play has a national and international tour history of 49 states and five countries and engages audiences with the theme and importance of a personal story. O’Neal, the author of numerous plays, including Hurricane Season; Where Is the Blood of Your Fathers and When the Opportunity Scratches, Itch It, has entertained audiences throughout North America and Europe for the past 22 years. He is artistic director of the touring theater company Junebug Productions.
Park Hosts Centennial Celebratory Tour in Remembrance of Fela Sowande
music and philosophy are heard and studied around the world, and he is widely considered to be the most significant African composer, lecturer and music theorist of the 20th century. Park University, the African Chorus® and the International Consortium for the Music of Africa and its Diaspora hosted a celebration of Sowande’s life and music Oct. 22-24. The North American tour of the Festival of African and African-American Music brought musicians and musicologists from around the world to Parkville. Events included lectures, paper recitals, workshops, discussion groups and master classes. The Boys Choir of Kenya, the University City Symphony and the Cameron Youth Chamber Orchestra performed four concerts in the Graham Tyler Memorial Chapel on the Parkville campus and at the Pleasant Valley Baptist Church in Liberty, Mo.
Whiteman Student Receives U.S. Citizenship
Pioneer Services Foundation (PSF) President Pat McCarty presents a check to Park University President Beverley Byers-Pevitts on Sept. 13.
Social Work Department Closer to Accreditation The Council for Social Work Education has accepted a recommendation to grant a second year of candidacy to Park’s baccalaureate social work program. This step in the accreditation process was approved based on the program’s Benchmark II document and the second annual commissioner visit. The third commissioner visit is scheduled for March 24-25.
The year 2005 marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of Fela Sowande, one of the world’s most prominent composers and thinkers. Before his death in 1987, Sowande was Nigeria’s foremost composer and musicologist living and teaching in the United States. Today his
Lehjade Menchavez, a Whiteman Air Force Base Campus Center senior and senior airman with the 509th Bomb Wing, received her certificate of citizenship in September in Kansas City, Mo. Originally from the Philippines, she immigrated in March 2000 at the age of 19. After her first year in the United
International Students Become Farmers for a Weekend Twenty-one international students spent a weekend in Nickerson, Neb., participating in a cultural exchange with host families to learn about life in the heartland. Sponsored by Park’s World Student Union, the trip enabled students to experience the farming process firsthand. They rode horses and a combine, visited a working dairy farm and learned about feeding and branding cattle. They also went on a hayride and carved pumpkins around a campfire, while enjoying s’mores and hot chocolate.
One-Man Play Legendary dramatist John O’Neal performed his provocative one-man play Don’t Start Me to Talking or I’ll Tell Everything I Know on Nov. 3 in the Jenkin and Barbara David Theater. A collection of six folkloric talks performed by the epicSpring 2005 ‹‹
States, she joined the Air Force. She is seeking a bachelor’s degree in computer information systems and aspires to attend Officer Training School. Her story, From immigrant to airman: 509er receives citizenship, inspires others, was published in the Whiteman Spirit newspaper in October.
Upcoming Events Wheel of Fortune Visits Park Wheel of Fortune is scheduled to tape a series of shows in Kansas City, Mo., in April, to be aired in June. Looking more like a studio lot than a university, the Parkville campus was transformed Sept. 19 when the Wheel of Fortune television crew set up to shoot promotional footage. Location scout Paula Jordan, ’95, recommended Park for its attractiveness and the fact that Mackay Hall is a prominent landmark in the Kansas City area.
Enrollment Report Acknowledges Park’s International Student Program The August 2004 Enrollment Management Report gave the Park International Student Orientation process positive reviews. Michael Hernandez, coordinator for international student services, presented an overview of Park’s international programs at the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers meeting in April 2004.
New Campus Center Opens Park University opened its 41st Campus Center (in 21 states) at Hanscom Air Force Base in Hanscom, Mass., in July. Park is a
leader in educating members of the U.S. military and their families. For more information, call (781) 860-7275 or e-mail
Conference to Connect Learning Communities Sponsored by Sprint, Park University and the North Kansas City School District
Return of the Pink Flamingos Swallows return to Capistrano in the spring, and flamingos come back to Park University in the fall. The flock appeared on the lawn of the historic Graham Tyler Memorial Chapel on Oct. 9-10 and pinked up the campus for Park’s sixth annual art@park art fair. Park again shared its pink feathered friends with the Kansas City area as more than 1,500 high school, middle school and grade school students and community members, as well as Park faculty, staff and students, offered their take on this year’s theme, “Return of the Pink Flamingos.” Each colorfully decorated flamingo took on its own personality, and then the birds were sold to benefit scholarships. Park’s annual art@park offers more than flamingos in stunning outfits. Introduced in 1999, the outdoor event promotes the arts in Kansas City North and showcases Park University’s visual arts program. More than 55 local and regional artists exhibited their talents this time around, in various artistic mediums.
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will present Connecting Learning Communities: Every Kid Counts! — July 1822 at Pleasant Valley Baptist Church in Liberty, Mo. Some of the nation’s most noted educators will lead more than 1,200 teachers and administrators in the fiveday conference, which will include major topics in education: instruction, literacy, technology and experiential learning.
More than 30 school districts and nonprofit organizations representing Kansas and Missouri plan to attend. Speakers include Barrie Bennett, associate professor at the University of Toronto and co-author of Beyond Monet: The Artful Science of Instructional Integration; Dr. Lynn Bondurant, ’61, Park trustee and NASA Glenn Research Center educational programs officer; Comedy City and Chip Eston from ABC’s Whose Line is It Anyway?; Tom Jackson, active learning expert; Joel Levine, NASA senior research scientist; and Ellis Miner, NASA physicist and planetary scientist. Participants who attend a required four days will receive three graduate credit hours. For information about conference costs and to register, use the online registration form at For more information, contact Laura Lane, executive director of Park’s Professional Development Institute, at (816) 584-6375 or e-mail
Staff Linda Vestal, ’94, CMDSM, mail services supervisor, recently obtained three professional certifications: • Certified Mail and Distribution Systems Manager (CMDSM), one of fewer than 400 nationwide; • Executive Mail Center Manager (EMCM) from the U.S Postal Service’s National Center for the Employee Development and Business Mail Academy, for which she passed eight examinations; • Mailpiece Quality Control (MQC); and • College & University Training Certificate.
With plenty of green attire and Park spirit, the Residence Hall Council participated in the Snake Saturday Parade.
She has been invited to serve on the board of the Kansas City Chapter of Mail Systems Management Association. Vestal assumed her duties in 1990 with only one 1940s Pitney Bowes mail machine and a few student employees. Today, she oversees mail operations that are carried out with a Hasler PowerPost Digital IBIP Mail Processor interfaced with iMCM accounting and shipping software, one full-time employee and five student employees. Vestal is active in numerous University, professional and community organizations. In her free time, she enjoys home improvement projects, reading, writing and folk art, with occasional performances in Park theatre productions.
Speakers Bureau Database a Reality for Faculty, Staff Park is generating a speakers bureau resource database of Park faculty and staff to promote its employees as national speakers and experts in their fields. For more information, contact Summer Evans at (817) 584-6888 or
Park Mourns Staff Member Marie Elizabeth Croker, Oct. 31, Gardner, Kan. A lifelong resident of Gardner, Mrs. Croker was a stenographer for Phillips Petroleum for 37 years. After her retirement, she worked for Park College for 10 years in a variety of positions, including secretary to the president and in the advancement and math departments. She is survived by her son, James Henry Bert Sr., and his wife, Conny Bogaard; her sister, Arline Laaser; and two grandchildren.
Spring 2005 ‹‹
Enduring Education Following are excerpts from Outstanding Graduate Melissa D. Ortiz’s address to the 2004 graduating class of Park University Metropolitan District of Washington.
As graduates,
today’s date, Sept. 11, will always be memorable, for it marks the day that we celebrate our commitment to excellence in furthering our education. Our graduation date, which also has significance for our nation, has become imprinted in our minds. Our college graduation demonstrates the unity, leadership and diversity among Park’s administrators, faculty, staff and student body. The Quantico, Fort Myers and Henderson Hall campuses — the Park University Metropolitan District of Washington — are three of 41 campus centers across the United States. For 32 years, Park’s School of Extended Learning “has served the nontraditional, working adult” through its convenient locations at military installations as well as through its innovative Online program. So how does the Park family, which includes more than 20,000 students and 2,000 faculty and staff, maintain such high excellence in an ever-changing global society? The answer is simple. The Park family has established very distinct core values that ultimately have helped to unify this globally expanding University: • importance of spirituality; • importance of work; • commitment to commonalities and differences;
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be thinking that you did not take classes • commitment to community among on leadership, but I believe that if you all people of the world; each took a moment and thought about • commitment to service learning. those you met while attending Park, it I chose Park because I had a strong was truly a lesson learned in leadership. need to learn in an environment that had So, what is leadership by example? small class sizes. A representative at the In a recommendation from Mr. Education Center in Camp Lejeune, where Michael Shafer, a former Park professor, my husband and I were stationed, he wrote: mentioned that Park University could “Ms. Ortiz has overcome possible offer a valued learning experience in a career-ending disabilities. For example, it family environment. Did I know much was not that many years ago when a shy more about the school? Not at all. and withdrawn Ms. Ortiz entered my Having recently married an active-duty classroom. Although she was bright and Marine and being nearly 600 miles from capable of articulation far beyond her home, all I needed to hear was the word educational training, she did not trust family to get me to register. So from my herself. With patience and constant ‘gentle’ first class with Dr. Nicole Oxley to my last pressure from me and other professors, class with Mr. Jack Espinal, was my she became more outspoken in class and overall experience with Park really then reached the point where she was comparable to a true family? The concept capable of conducting of family can be defined as complete presentations. This “two or more people who is but one example of Ms. share goals and values, have Ortiz overcoming obstacles.” long-term commitments to The patience and “gentle” one another, and reside pressure that Mr. Shafer usually in the same place.” I described is certainly my would have to say, absolutely, interpretation of leadership. that sums up the experience. They believed in me even Park’s family-style before I could ever believe in environment offers myself. They expected me to something that other do just as well and expected universities may not be able Melissa Ortiz and Brig. to come close to — lessons on Gen. (ret.) Richard Geraci, nothing less than the very leadership. Some of you may ’80, commencement speaker best of each of their students.
If that is not leadership, then what is leadership? Well, maybe it was seeing that singleparent Marine come in each week of class eager to learn despite her hardships at home of making ends meet. Or what about that soldier who manages to still come back every semester or so to take a class or two despite his work-related stressors and deployment schedule?
What is leadership? I do not believe there is a simple definition. I do know that the lesson I learned from each of you was that leadership involves two key tasks: The first involved the role of the school and staff as leaders. You each helped set a path, goal or vision for the students you were leading. The second key task involved the role of the students as leaders. Each of you graciously helped one another pursue and eventually helped to achieve the goal of graduating.
That’s leadership! I was asked today to represent the graduating class of 2004 and discuss the defining characteristics that set this University apart. I have attended Park
“Ductus exemplo” is Latin for “leadership classes in the Metropolitan District for three by example,” a truly defining characteristic years and was rewarded the opportunity to of the graduating class of 2004. meet some of the world’s most diverse, To mark the end of my speech, it would talented and unique individuals. only be appropriate to officially state the Diversity, leadership and unity are what I phrase: Operation Enduring Education — believe to be the defining characteristics Mission Accomplished!! Good luck to each of this graduating class. They are defining and every one of you, and continue to touch characteristics that reflect the values the hearts of others as you did mine. upheld by our University. As a proud outstanding graduate for this year’s commencement exercises, I believe it is most appropriate that I present this outstanding On behalf of the Park graduating class and campus University graduates, center with a gift … a Ortiz presented personalized commemorative President Byers-Pevitts with a gift of thanks in brick for the alumni courtyard, which the blended colors located on the Parkville symbolize the unity campus, as a way to leave a among the 41 campus lasting impression. centers located across the It was a challenge thinking United States. of a sentiment that best marks this particular graduating class The personalized card with roses read: and that can be stated in three Dear President Byers-Pevitts, short lines. The task was more May each rose in this bouquet represent an individual challenging than drafting this campus center. Together, the blended colors symbolize the unity so apparent among Park University. A sense of unity speech! The commemorative that is especially apparent today with your presence. brick will read: Thank you. Park UMD Respectfully, The Graduating Class of 2004 Ductus Exemplo 2004
Mark Your Calendars for this Important Event! Alumni, Students, Faculty, Staff and Corporate Friends of Park are Invited to Park University’s Annual Founders Day Celebration on
April 26, 2005 at the Hyatt Regency Crown Center in Kansas City, Missouri.
This year’s Founders Day honors R. Crosby Kemper Jr., and proceeds from this event will benefit the University’s Presidential Scholarship Program. If you or your company is interested in attending, please contact Danita Hodges at (816) 584-6209 or for more information. Spring 2005 ‹‹
Aim, click, win … Photo Contest Are you a photographer? Do you like to save snapshots? Shutterbug or photo collector, here’s an opportunity to show off your artwork. We are having a photo contest. The event is open to all Park family members — alumni, students, faculty, staff and trustees. The rules are simple. • Send us your favorite color photo of any subject — your vacation, a favorite landscape, your family, your work. • The photo must either have a Park family member as the subject or the photographer must be a Park family member. No commercially purchased photos please. • The photo must have been taken within the last three years. • The photo must be “G-rated.” • The photo may be digital (300 dpi, jpeg format) or print (4 x 6 to 8 x 10 in matte finish). • Include an explanation of the photo plus a short autobiography and photo of yourself. Identify the photographer. • Each entry may include up to three photos. The photos along with the accompanying information will be posted at All entries must be in the Office of Alumni Relations no later than April 30, 2005. Voting for the best photo will take place Online, beginning May 1. Voting will end June 30. Voting is open to all students, alumni, faculty, staff and trustees. One vote per person. The 13 photos receiving the most votes will appear in the 2006 Park University Calendar. The photo receiving the top number of votes will go on the cover. All others will each accompany a month. Entrants’ biographies and photos, as well as photographers’ bylines, will accompany the photos.
By submitting the photo, you give permission for it to be posted on the web site and used in the calendar. Send your entries to Park University, Office of Alumni Relations, 8700 N.W. River Park Drive, Parkville, MO 64152 or Include your name, address, telephone number, e-mail address and class year or relationship to Park. Photographs will not be returned.
animal in this picture and do you know what her role was at Park? Look for the answer in the next Alumniad or go to
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Can you identify the
student showcase Denzil Ross junior computer science major If your Internet connection is on the fritz, you have a situation in your dorm room, you want to know more about the University or you just need a friend who understands relocating to a new country, look no further. Denzil Ross, president of Park’s student ambassadors, can help. Originally from Trinidad & Tobago, West Indies, Ross has been fascinated with computers as long as he can remember. As webmaster of Park’s student server, he combines his passion for computers with his favorite pastime — working with people.
“I enjoy interacting with students,” he said. “I like to help them work through problems and get their computers up and running.” Ross also contributes as a student ambassador and member of Park’s World Student Union, interacting with people from throughout the world. “I learn about different cultures, which is not only interesting but educational, and I have learned to see people for who they are and to adjust my approach to different situations and personalities. And I can now hold the first part of a conversation in just about six languages. I’m not fluent but can say just a little of everything.” In addition to holding a work-study position as student webmaster in Park’s information technology department 20 hours a week, Ross works off campus 15 hours a week and is taking 15 credit hours. He’s a Resident Assistant with a 3.8 grade average and has been on the academic dean’s list every semester while at Park. He also was named Outstanding Freshman Male and has won the National Student Government Award and Ambassador of the Year Award. Ross arrived at Park on a basketball scholarship to pursue a degree in computer science with an emphasis in systems analysis. His brother, Darnell, graduated in May 2004 with a degree in computer-based information systems. After a May 2006 graduation, Ross plans to seek a master’s degree in business administration.
Park University Student Ambassadors
Spring 2005 ‹‹
In Academia Artist-in-residence Timothy Corrao continues to compose for musicians throughout the world. In May 2004, his Sinfonia Academica was performed by the Antioch Middle School Advanced Orchestra in North Kansas City, Mo. “Students around the country would benefit greatly from the technical and musical aspects of this piece,” noted conductor Stephen Pelkey. Amber Waves Music Publishing in Roeland Park, Kan., will publish two of Corrao’s choral pieces — Now the Green Blade Riseth, an Easter anthem with trumpet and organ that he composed for the Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral Youth Choir, and I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light, which he wrote for the Colonial Presbyterian Church Youth Choir. Both choirs are in Kansas City, Mo. In 2003, Corrao received a request from pianist Aldo Mancinelli, the first American to win the Busoni International Piano competition in Rome, to compose a solo work for him. Corrao also completed a set of variations on the French Carol of the Birds that debuted at performances by the Sunflower Flute Ensemble in December 2003 and January 2004. Park adjunct flute Instructor Ronda Benson Ford commissioned the piece. Corrao also composed Two Waltzes for Piano Trio for the Kirkland Trio, a faculty ensemble (piano, violin and cello) from Millikin University in Decatur, Ill. The pieces premiered February 2003. Corrao and Tim Hays, a member of the Carnegie Hall house manager’s office staff, joined The Caray Ensemble in a recital of rarely played works by Mozart on Nov. 7 in the Graham Tyler Memorial Chapel. Hays is the first Native American to play solo piano recitals at both the Institute of America Indian Arts in Santa Fe and the American Indian Community House in New York.
taught comparative criminal justice for several years and sought to increase an emphasis on justice systems of the world by teaching abroad. As chair of the Park criminal justice department, she sees the globalization of criminal justice as one of her responsibilities. After visiting Ming Chuan and Tamkang universities in spring 2004, Getty was asked to be a guest lecturer. She taught at Ming Chuan University on its two campuses — Taipei and Taoyuan — where more than 17,000 students are enrolled in one doctoral program, 22 master’s programs and 33 bachelor’s programs. She taught 25 hours in the law department on the Taipei campus and in the international college on the Taoyuan campus. At Tamkang University in Tamsui, Getty taught in the Graduate Institute of American Studies. Tamkang is the oldest private university in Taiwan and has 27,000 students. “Most of my students were traditional with varied levels of English ability,” she said. “I often had to talk about U.S. elections, Americans’ relationship with Taiwan, and the uniqueness of America. Basically, I lectured on American government (federal and state) and world justice systems. Professors often came to class because it was their class or because they were interested in the announced topic; we dialogued.” At Tamkang University, Getty participated in English classes. Students were invited to share meals with her in order to practice their English. Other students were assigned to escort her around the campus and the city of Tamsui. Getty said her most significant experience in Taiwan involved the language difference. “Mandarin Chinese is so different from any Romance language I am familiar with, and I was often the only American around. I asked young people
Criminal Justice Faculty Member Teaches in Taiwan Carol Getty, Ph.D., associate professor of criminal justice, spent part of her fall sabbatical teaching in Taiwan. Getty has
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which bus to take or what to order at a local restaurant when I was stuck; they spoke English or found someone who did. I memorized locations on menus of meals I had eaten so I could reorder.” Through Benny Lee, Park University Board of Trustees member, Getty met Colin Chen, an adviser commission for the Taiwan executive branch of government. Chen arranged a meeting with the vice chairman of the Ministry of Justice, a position similar to the U.S. deputy attorney general. Getty is working on expanding Park University’s relationships with Ming Chuan University and Tamkang University. She has agreed to serve on Park’s internationalization task force and will update the curriculum, especially the course on comparative criminal justice systems. She plans to write an article for a corrections magazine and prepare a presentation for the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences annual meeting. Her sabbatical photos and journal writings are at M.P.A. Coordinator Attends Annual Conference in Ireland
Artist-in-Residence Still Making Beautiful Music
Yung Sheng Wu, Ph.D., dean of the Law School, and Carol Getty, Ph.D., pose in front of the famous palace museum, which houses the world’s largest and best collection of Chinese art.
Jeffery Hartle, CFPS, MIFireE, coordinator of the disaster and emergency management emphasis in Park’s master of public affairs degree, was a delegate to the 81st annual conference of the Institution of Fire Engineers in Dublin, Ireland. As an elected member of the IFE United States branch since 2002, Hartle joined delegates from more than 15 nations. The IFE is based in Moreton, England. Speakers from nine countries presented technical papers related to the theme “Fire Engineering for the Global Village: Sharing Solutions on an International Basis.” “It was apparent that emergency management is of great concern around the world,” Hartle said. “In fact, in many countries the fire service is tasked with civil protection/emergency management responsibilities. While presenters addressed traditional fire engineering issues such as fire deaths and wildfires in woodland/urban interface, topics such as terrorist incidents in subways, the SARS virus and the development of civilian emergency management education programs were also featured.” Hartle visited Northern Ireland Fire Brigade headquarters to meet Chief Fire Officer Colin Lammey. He discussed responder safety and health practices with Division Officer David Craig, manager of safety and health for NIFB. He also met with Division Officer Ken
Leathem, manager of IPDS, at the Fire Brigade Training Centre to discuss the brigade’s Integrated Personal Development System. Hartle explained the technological capabilities of the Park Online M.P.A. degree and distributed brochures describing the program. “Park University’s master of public affairs degree program received considerable interest,” he said. “The international fire engineering community is eager to continue their professional development, especially in countries where formal educational programs in emergency management are not available.” Park Names Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs Gary Heisserer, Ph.D., the new assistant vice president for academic affairs, brings a range of experience with curriculum development, assessment and program/institutional accreditation. He is especially interested in how technology can be leveraged to enhance learning. “This fits in well with Park’s attention to Online learning,” he said. Heisserer previously was assistant director of the Office of Institutional Advancement at Missouri Valley College in Marshall, Mo., and is the former director of curriculum and assessment at the Baker University School of Professional and Graduate Studies in Baldwin City, Kan. He also served as senior education specialist at the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation in Kansas City, Mo. While at Baker, Heisserer developed and monitored curriculum for five business programs, coordinated assessment activities for eight degree programs in business and education and served as the primary assessment resource for students, faculty and staff. He graduated magna cum laude with bachelor of arts degrees in government and theatre and drama, and he earned a special student secondary education certification in theatre, speech and social studies from St. John’s University in Collegeville, Minn. He also holds a doctoral degree in theatre and drama from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Professor Recognized for Teaching Excellence Andrew Johnson, Ph.D., psychology department chair and associate professor of psychology, received the Excellence in Teaching award from Missouri Gov. Bob
Holden during the 2004 Governor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching luncheon Dec. 1 in Columbia, Mo. One of 73 honored faculty members from postsecondary schools, colleges and universities in Missouri, Johnson was recognized for his teaching and advising, innovation in course design and delivery, service to the University community and commitment to high standards. “This year’s award recipients exemplify the ideal of quality education,” Holden said. “They are committed to upholding a standard of excellence and improving the lives of Missouri citizens by educating and inspiring the individuals around them.” Johnson holds bachelor’s degrees in psychology and Spanish from Missouri Western State College, as well as a master’s degree and a doctoral degree, both in cognitive psychology, from Kansas State University. The awards luncheon was in conjunction with the 2004 Governor’s Conference on Higher Education.
Michael Droge, Ph.D., provost and senior vice president for academic affairs, Andrew Johnson, Ph.D., and Missouri Governor Bob Holden Professor Publishes Research on Social Attitudes Dennis Kerkman, associate professor of psychology, published a scientific research article in the May 2004 issue of The Professional Geographer. The article, Social Attitudes Predict Biases in Geographic Knowledge, revealed that college students in Texas with negative attitudes toward people of Mexican heritage think that the major cities in Mexico are hundreds of miles farther away from them than do Texas students with more positive attitudes toward Mexican-Americans. Kerkman is continuing his “attitudes and latitudes” research at the Parkville campus. During the fall 2004 semester, students in his experimental psychology class researched the views that Park students have about the location of major cities of the world and how their estimates are related to
their attitudes toward the people who live in those locations. “Park is a perfect place for research on this topic,” Kerkman said. The research “supports Park University’s vision of enhancing global education and international awareness.” ACS Director Receives Ellen Dolan Memorial Mentorship Debra McArthur, director of academic support services and a published author, has been named a 2005 Ellen Dolan Memorial Mentorship recipient by the Missouri Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators. She will work with author Kristin Nitz, who will mentor McArthur as she develops a historical novel for young adults. The Missouri SCBWI created the mentorship program in honor of Ellen Dolan, an unofficial mentor to many Missouri SCBWI members. Two recipients work with a professional in writing or illustration for a year to produce a marketable manuscript or portfolio. McArthur’s books include Desert Storm: The First Persian Gulf War in American History, Dust Bowl and the Depression in American History, KansasNebraska Act and ‘Bleeding Kansas’ in American History and Bobtail Charlie, which began as a bedtime story for her son. Hauptmann Director Presents at Academy of Management Conference Laurie DiPadovaStocks, Ph.D., executive director of the Hauptmann School for Public Affairs, made a presentation on a panel at the Academy of Management meetings in New Orleans, La., in August. The panel was part of the postdoctoral consortium sponsored by four divisions of the Academy of Management, an association of business faculty members and public and nonprofit administrators. DiPadova-Stocks presented The Role of Higher Education in the American Democracy: Are university faculty fulfilling their responsibility? “For decades the structure of higher education has been such as to gear faculty toward their fields and disciplines and not to their responsibilities as faculty of higher learning in a free society,” she said. “Faculty reward systems are primarily disciplinebased and do not reward faculty for considering with their classes (regardless of subject matter) key questions, including what kind of citizenry ought we to become.”
Spring 2005 ‹‹
he Xerox Global Services 2004 Park University Golf Scramble added $24,000 to the school’s athletic scholarship fund. Eighty happy golfers enjoyed a warm October day at The National Golf Club of Kansas City, where they were shown a splendid time and treated to lunch, compliments of eCollege. Chrysler Corp. provided a Chrysler 300 as the hole-in-one prize, which Park trustee Mark Comfort came within inches of winning. The Barnes & Noble team won the tournament, and Prosperity Planning sponsored a particularly difficult hole. Golfers were allowed to “purchase” a tee shot by The National’s golf pro — which always landed on the green. The 2005 Golf Scramble, again at The National, will be Sept. 26. To be added to the mailing list or to become a sponsor, call (816) 7412000, ext. 6206, or e-mail
Xerox Global Services Prosperity Planning eCollege Integrated Corporate Solutions Jenzabar Top Innovations Chrysler Corp. Sodexho Food Services Barnes & Noble Bookstores Park Bank Martin Marietta Materials Wheeler Resources Aon Risk Services Imagistics J.E. Dunn Construction
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2004 Golf Scramble Sponsors
Corner Dear Park Alumni,
An eventful 2005 awaits! New alumni clubs are starting all across the country. A photo contest has been launched. Graduation parties are in the works. Homecoming Weekend will be celebrated with a “Party on the Point.” Prepare for a crazy, fun-filled Alumni Weekend when the Goons and the Men of Chesnut join traditional reunion groups on campus in June. You should be in good shape if you participated in the 5K run “over, under, around and through the hills” in March. And remember to practice your swing for the Golf Scramble that will tee off in September at The National Golf Club of Kansas City. You can also join our new Pirates booster club and travel with us to Italy in October. In the midst of all this excitement, we continually look for new ways to communicate and keep the Park connection strong. My daughter, Brianne, soon will join the ranks of Park alumni. Unlike previous generations, she and her classmates likely will cultivate lifelong relationships through today’s global communications. But whether alumni messages arrive via e-mail or snail mail, I am assured that the love for Park and its traditions continues on as stories of the Pirate, Old Kate, the Canary and the Wine, and the clock tower live on with each new generation. I am reminded of the song we sing every Alumni Weekend: “Our hearts go out in love to thee, Canary and the Wine; Oh may our bond of union be Canary and the Wine.” I hope to see you all in 2005.
Julie McCollum Director of Alumni Relations
Alumni Club Meetings M.B.A. The newly created Park University M.B.A. Association meets monthly in the Kansas City area and is open to all M.B.A. students and alumni. Online students and alumni outside the area can stay in touch through a special web page at The group plans to network, hear speakers, share research and support the M.B.A. program at Park. For details, contact Laurie Krumrey at Austin Austin alumni began meeting in August with a pot-luck dinner at the home of Rachel Silvia-Kremer Carpenter, ’03. At their second meeting in October, the group
enjoyed a pizza party sponsored by the Office of Alumni Relations and decided to focus on networking. John Adams, Austin Campus Center director, is working with the group, which has a page on the alumni web site where photos, announcements and contact information can be found. To join, contact Rachel at Randolph/Lackland Alumni from Randolph Air Force Base and Lackland Air Force Base met with faculty and staff in October to organize the San Antonio area alumni group. Delbert Freeborn, ’04, will help instructor Sharon Chadwell and Campus Center directors Shawndra Loving-Griffin (Lackland) and Kathleen Vann (Randolph) organize events.
To be assured of an invitation, confirm that your address is correct in the Online directory or call the Office of Alumni Relations at (800) 488-7275 (PARK). Alumni Party in El Paso Alumni met March 1, at the Hilton El Paso Airport for an hors d’oeuvres buffet and cash bar, drawings for Park merchandise, a slide show, networking and more. Plans are already underway to make this an annual event. Anyone interested in starting an alumni club or group should contact the Office of Alumni Relations for guidelines and a brochure or go to the File Library on the alumni web site and download the brochure.
Spring 2005 ‹‹
Traveling to Parkville for an alumni event: $200 minimum Food and lodging while on campus: up to $75 per day Supporting and assuring the future of your alma mater: priceless
Dear Parkites, Park University’s Alumni Association continually seeks enthusiastic volunteers to help implement its activities. The time required varies by the job. The personal satisfaction of strengthening our alma mater can’t be matched. Class agents are asked to make a minimum one-year commitment. Agents help locate missing classmates, plan reunions and write an annual letter to their friends from college about Park programs and activities. Some agents have been in their positions since graduating; other classes rotate agents frequently. A short training class by teleconference is required. Alumni Council members serve three-year terms. Council members form the Alumni Association governing board and advise the Office of Alumni Relations regarding alumni endeavors. The council meets four times a year on the Parkville campus, and members may attend two of the meetings via teleconference. Each member chairs a committee. We prefer a diverse cross-section of volunteers — varying ages, interests, geographic locations, backgrounds, skills — to best represent all of Park’s programs. Regional and special interest club organizers are sought throughout the country. Clubs are being organized around graduate schools, athletics and various campuses. We provide guidelines and support for anyone wishing to form a group. On-campus activity volunteers are needed for specific events such as Alumni Weekend, the 5K, the Golf Scramble, Homecoming Weekend and alumni athletic events. Some positions require only a couple of hours at an event; others, such as planning committees, take more time. What’s your passion? We can probably put it to use. For information on volunteering, see or call the Office of Alumni Relations at (816) 5846206 or (800) 488-7275 (PARK). I urge you to consider joining those of us who support our alma mater with our time and energy. It’s a great way to stay connected with your friends, new and old, and to help future Parkites. Go Pirates!
Jim Peeke, ’65 President Park University Alumni Council
L O S TA N D F O U N D Lost name: graduation year: major: Park activities:
Found name: today:
Lowell Simms Class of 1953 philosophy Dorm Council; SCA Lois and Lowell Lowell Simms Simms retired pastor, Presbyterian Church, USA Santa Fe, N.M.
Thanks to an enthusiastic reunion committee and classmate, Mary Sue Cooksey Rohwer, ’53, Lowell was found in time to lead the chapel service during the 50th reunion of the Class of 1953.
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Connecting old friends is a community project. • Mail address changes to Office of Alumni Relations, Park University, 8700 N.W. River Park Drive, Parkville, MO., 64152. • Call us at (800) 488-7275 (PARK). • Update your own information at The ID number required to log in the first time appears on the address label of this magazine. • Make sure your friends do the same. Through print media and our Online community, the Office of Alumni Relations helps you stay connected to your alma mater and your old friends.
Alumni don’t let alumni miss out on the fun!
Alumni News Peacock Society to be Revived Attention, Master of Public Affairs graduates. The Peacock Society, the Hauptmann School of Public Affairs alumni chapter, is reactivating and needs a steering committee. Erik Bergrud, M.P.A., ’94, supported by the Office of Alumni Relations and the Hauptmann administration, is leading the effort. If you are interested in volunteering to help organize, plan and revitalize this alumni-driven group, contact the Office of Alumni Relations at If you prefer only to receive notice of upcoming events, please update your contact information in the Online directory at
Alumni Win KC Chiefs Tickets The Office of Alumni Relations donated three sets of Kansas City Chiefs tickets, parking passes and pregame sideline passes to alumni in November and December. Approximately 230 alumni entered drawings via the web site. Winners were Allyce Ford, ’98; Brenda Jackson, ’95; and Lenora Young, ’02.
Men’s Alumni Volleyball Game an Ace Park hosted a men’s alumni volleyball game Jan. 14 in the Breckon Sports Center on the Parkville campus. Following the game, the Office of Alumni Relations and the athletic department hosted a party at the Power Plant Restaurant in downtown Parkville.
Friends and Ships and Glaciers, Oh My! Last summer, 15 Park alumni and friends, led by Carol Groundwater Wheeler, ’62, enjoyed the camaraderie of Park and the delights of Alaska. Travelers gathered first in Fairbanks, Alaska, where they met Alaska resident Betsy Smith, ’76, before setting off on a wonderful Alaska in August excursion. The trip began with a four-night land tour highlighted by a trip to Denali National Park and a chance to experience wolves, grizzly bears, Dahl sheep, moose and caribou in their natural habitat. A glass-domed railcar then sped the party to Anchorage for an evening with alumni Cathy Fisher Haldane, ’52; Mary Metheny Putman, ’41; Alice Green, ’39; and Kelly Petzold, ’03; and Tom Petzold, a former Park adjunct instructor at Holloman Air Force Base. The following day the group set sail on the Sun Princess for the Voyage of the Glaciers, a seven-day cruise along the coast of Alaska and Canada.
Steve Gebert, ’92, joined the Parkites for lunch in his hometown of Juneau. A satisfied group of travelers disembarked at Vancouver. The next alumni trip is to Tuscany, Italy, on Oct. 15-23. Plans are underway for trips to Ireland in 2006 and China in 2007.
Formal night on the ship. Front, from left: Carol Groundwater Wheeler, ’62; Betsy Streeter Porter, ’62; Marian Goodrich Simms, ’50; and Jesse Simms, ’49. Back, from left: Phil Wheeler, ’62; Clifford Porter, x64; Debbie Toynes, ’03; and Julie McCollum, director of alumni relations. More photos are at; follow the link to “Park Snapshots.”
Spring 2005 ‹‹
Highlights of Alumni Weekend 2005 THURSDAY, JUNE 9
Golf Outing at The National II Golf Course with Athletic Director Claude English and Alumni Council President Jim Peeke, ’65
Class of 1955 only Golden Reunion Dinner hosted by President Beverley Byers-Pevitts, Ph.D., in the University White House garden
“The Old, the New and the Whatever Happened to …” campus bus tour Class get-togethers; watch your mail for specific class details Howard Bailey McAfee Heritage Society Luncheon Friends of the Library Park Family Dinner in the College of Distance Learning Conference Center Park Sing Sock Hop Goon Gathering
Breakfast with the president, for alumni and guests graduating prior to 1955 Alumni Association Business Meeting 1950s car show on campus Class photos ’50s-style lunch Beanie (Goon Squad) Ceremony Alumni Awards Banquet Distinguished Alumnus Marlowe Sherwood Memorial Service Award
Chapel Service Farewell Brunch
This schedule is subject to change. Specific times will be available at and also will be distributed by mail.
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ADDITIONAL FEATURES Goon Squad Hall of Shame Reunion tables at all events Memorabilia displays Men of Chesnut hangout Class reunion gatherings throughout the weekend Hospitality room hosted by the Alumni Council “The Point” will be open to visitors Slideshow of old Park photos Van transportation on campus Breakfast and lunch served in Thompson Commons, beginning Friday To receive reunion mailings, call (800) 488-7275 or e-mail REUNIONS Golden Class Reunion, Class of 1955 Class Reunions for all classes ending in 0 and 5 Men of Chesnut Goon Squads CAMPUS HOUSING Dorm rooms will be available in Chesnut Hall. Indicate any special housing needs on the registration form. The front desk will be staffed from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. ALTERNATE HOUSING OPTIONS A preferred hotel rate of $69 per night is available at the KCI Marriott Hotel, the location of the awards banquet. For reservations call (800) 228-9290. The hotel’s direct number is (816) 464-2200. EXTENDED VISITS TO THE KANSAS CITY AREA If you would like to visit the Parkville campus as part of a more extensive trip to the Kansas City area, the Office of Alumni Relations can provide visitor information and help you obtain tickets. Call (800) 488-7275 to discuss your requests. ALUMNI ASSOCIATION AWARDS John Layman, ’55, has received the Distinguished Alumnus Award, the Park Alumni Association’s highest honor, recognizing lifetime achievement. Sylvia Helms Gault, ’60, is the Marlowe Sherwood Memorial Service Award recipient in recognition of her contributions to the community and the University. The awards will be presented June 11 at the KCI Marriott Hotel during Alumni Weekend 2005. Recipients’ profiles will be published in the summer Alumniad.
Park University Alumni Weekend 2005 Registration Form Registrations are requested by June 1 Except for the 50th Reunion Dinner and Awards Banquet, all events may be attended without pre-registration. However, costs for individual meals will be slightly higher at the door.
Number of persons
Cost per person
Running total
Residence Hall Rooms
$25 per person per night; housing assignments made by Office of Resident Life ■ Thursday, June 9 ■ Friday, June 10 ■ Saturday, June 11
_____________ _____________ _____________
x $25= x $25= x $25=
$___________ $___________ $___________
Class of ’55 Reunion Dinner* on Thursday, June 9
■ Free for Class of ’55 Alumni ■ $12 per spouse/guest of Class of ’55 Alumni
_____________ _____________
x $12=
Comprehensive Meal Ticket (a savings of 10%)
$45 includes all meals listed below, except Alumni Banquet
x $45=
Individual Meals
■ Friday, June 10 Breakfast ■ Friday, June 10 Lunch ■ Friday, June 10 Dinner ■ Saturday, June 11 Breakfast ■ Saturday, June 11 Lunch ■ Sunday, June 12 Continental Breakfast ■ Sunday, June 12 Farewell Brunch
_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
x $6= x $7= x $10= x $6= x $7= x $4= x $10=
$___________ $___________ $___________ $___________ $___________ $___________ $___________
Alumni Awards Banquet* (KCI Marriott)
Saturday, June 11 Reception 6-7 p.m. Banquet 7-9 p.m.
x $30=
$10 Registration Fee (Per person)
Registration fee This fee is waived for forms received by June 1.
x $10= free until 6/1
*Registration required
Please make checks payable to Park University.
Grand Total
You must participate in Alumni Weekend to stay on campus. Those who register for housing together will be assigned to the same room. For roommate requests, please see below.
Payment Information
■ Check enclosed ■ Credit Card (Circle one: Visa MC Discover Am Express) Number _____________________________ Exp. date __________ Signature ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Your name _______________________________________ Birth name ___________________ Class year ________________ How do you want your name to appear on your name tag? __________________________________________________________ Your spouse’s or guest’s name ___________________________________________________________ Class year _____________ How do you want your spouse’s/guest’s name to appear on his/her name tag? ____________________________________________ Address __________________________________________________________________________________________________ City, State & ZIP __________________________________________________________________________________________ Daytime phone number _____________________________________ E-mail address ____________________________________ Roommate request for campus housing __________________________________________________________________________ Mail to Alumni Relations, Campus Mailbox 37, Park University, 8700 N.W. River Park Drive, Parkville, MO 64152. Register Online at or call toll-free (800) 488-7275 or fax to (816) 505-5409. Spring 2005 ‹‹
Park University Alumni Association presents this exciting trip from Kansas City
Italian Treasures The Riviera of Flowers & Tuscany October 15 - 23, 2005
$1,699 Per person, double occupancy.
Archive Riviera dei Fiori San Remo Casino - Italy
(Plus government taxes.)
Discover Italy’s abundant diversity in an irresistible combination of sun-drenched coast, emerald seas, vibrant cities, idyllic countryside and hilltop villages. Stay in San Remo on the spectacular Italian Riviera and enjoy exciting optional excursions to Monte Carlo, Nice and St. Paul de Vence on the French Riviera. The Italian Riviera is renowned for its fine sandy beaches, sparkling seas, cosmopolitan resorts and traditional Italian hospitality. Sheltered by the Ligurian Alps, the coastal region benefits from a warm climate and equally warm waters, providing the perfect environment for a memorable visit. Tuscany
INCLUDED FEATURES • Round-trip transatlantic air
On to the splendor of Tuscany and the famous spa town, Montecatini. Optional excursions to the nearby cities of Florence, Siena, San Gimignano and Pisa await your visit. Immerse yourself amid the unspoiled beauty of Tuscany with its shaded olive groves punctuated by tall cypresses, parasol pines and bright green rows of vineyards.
transportation via Northwest Airlines/KLM Royal Dutch Airlines or similar • Seven nights accommodation in San Remo, Italian Riviera and Montecatini,Tuscany in first-class hotels • Buffet breakfast daily • Round-trip transfers between airport and hotels via deluxe motor coach • Scenic transfer between San Remo and Montecatini
Available to alumni and friends of Park University.
• Local government and hotel taxes
For more information & a color brochure contact:
• Professional guide service • Complete pre-flight information
The Office of Alumni Relations at
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San Remo
BulletinBoard Save the Dates More details can be found at
March 13 - 25 Russia trip Details TBA
Travel with Park University Alumni Fall 2005 to Italy | Fall 2006 to Ireland In 2007 to China
Alumni Council Nominations Several positions are available on the Park University Alumni Council. Contact Council vice president Mark Braden, ’93, at to discuss possibilities and requirements for serving. Deadline for nominations is April 1. Hospitality Opportunity Volunteers are needed to greet and meet fellow alumni in the Alumni Council hospitality room during Alumni Weekend. Contact Alumni Weekend 2005 chairwoman Karen Peters Frankenfeld, ’59, at
March 20 5K Run/Walk and Pancake Breakfast; Parkville Campus Register online Kickoff at 9 a.m. April 26 Founders Day, Hyatt Regency Crown Center; Kansas City, Mo. Time TBA Registration required
June 10 - 12 Alumni Weekend 2005 Parkville Campus Class Reunions, Men of Chesnut, Goon Squads, ’50s Car Show, Lots of fun! Watch for your special invitations or visit Sept. 26 2005 Golf Scramble The National Golf Course Parkville, Mo.; details TBA Oct. 8 Homecoming Weekend and Party on the Point Parkville Campus Oct. 15 - 23 Alumni Trip to Tuscany Details TBA
Legacy Scholarship Available Does a member of your family want to attend Park University? The Alumni Association awards one $500 legacy scholarship each year. To apply, contact Renee Jack in student financial services at (816) 741-2000, ext. 6294. Booster Club Calling all Pirates supporters! We are forming a Park University booster club and need volunteer representation from all sports and decades. To help the athletic department and Office of Alumni Relations create this organization, contact Claude English, athletic director, at (816) 741-2000, ext. 6492, or Julie McCollum, director of alumni relations, at (816) 741-2000, ext. 6206. Information also is available at or
Spring 2005 ‹‹
Class Notes 1920s Sarah Davis Carter, ’27, of San Carlos, Calif., celebrated her 100th birthday Dec. 15. Her friends, including Betty Wiley Miles, x51, organized a celebration and invited Park University to participate. In 1999, at the age of 95, Mrs. Carter published her autobiography, The Time of My Life: A Memoir. The proceeds and a personal donation created the Sarah Carter Scholarship Fund, benefiting seniors at Eureka Senior High School in Eureka, Calif., where she taught English for 33 years. The fund recently reached $100,000. Christena Aiken, ’28, celebrated her 100th birthday Dec. 19. Miss Aiken spent a distinguished career in diplomatic service, stationed in various places throughout the world. She lives in Louisburg, Kan. Her nephew, Ed Carper, son of Ada Aiken Carper, ’28, contacted the Office of Alumni Relations and invited Park to the birthday party. The Office of Alumni Relations welcomes the opportunity to recognize our alumni on their 100th birthday. Call (800) 488-7275 (PARK) for details.
Park friends and family from the ’50s traveled together in September. The group included John Layman, ’55; Pat Peeke Gebhard, daughter of Wilma,’19, and James, ’17, Peeke; Richard Pawley, ’55; Dee Houghton Pawley, ’55; Bonnie Parker Janos, ’54; Anne Pawley Tabb, ’51, and Clyde Appleton, ’54. They visited Croatia, Slovenia, Montenegro and Italy. Charles, ’55, and Shirley (Howard, ’54) Linn celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary
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with refreshments and friends at Trinity Presbyterian Church in Topeka, Kan., July 11. The event was hosted by their children, Steven and his wife, Jane, of Hillsboro, Ore., and Charles and his wife, Mary, of New York, N.Y. The Linns live in Tecumseh, Kan.
1960s Manuchair Ebadi, ’60, Ph.D., received two honors from the University of North Dakota — the Chester Fritz Distinguished Professor Award, the highest award granted by the university, and the UND Foundation’s Thomas J. Clifford Faculty Achievement Award for excellence in research. Ebadi is UND’s associate vice president for health affairs and medical research, the associate dean for research and program development in the School of Medicine, director of the Center of Excellence in Neurosciences, and a professor of pharmacology, physiology and therapeutics. He was named a Park Distinguished Alumnus in 1996. Park University Board of Trustees member Lynn Bondurant, ’61, Ph.D., former education director for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, presented the keynote address at fall commencement ceremonies for the Kansas City-area, Wright-Patterson and Defense Supply Center campuses. Bondurant retired in December 1999 after 23 years with the U.S. government. He previously served as educational programs officer in the external programs directorate at NASA’s Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field in Cleveland, Ohio. He currently serves as director of education and public outreach for Alphaport Inc. in Cleveland, where he is involved with Project Prometheus, a NASA project to develop nuclear technology for power conversion and electric propulsion for a mission to Jupiter. Marilyn Belt Patterson, ’65, has written a book, Reach to Recovery: Depression Anonymous, on the struggles, pain and fears that she and others have encountered in their experiences with depression. Patterson lives in Houston, where she is a certified counselor and an adjunct professor and tutor at Houston Community College Southwest, Stafford Center.
Richard Eberst, ’69, received the 2004 Thomas Ehrlich Faculty Award for S e r vi ce - Lea r n i n g from Campus Compact, a national coalition of more than 900 college and university presidents. Campus Compact honors one faculty member each year for contributing to the integration of community or public service into the curriculum and for efforts to institutionalize service learning. Eberst also was awarded the 2004 Ernest A. Lynton Award for Professional Service and Academic Outreach presented by the New England Resource Center for Outreach. The award goes annually to a faculty member deemed to most fully connect his or her professional expertise and scholarship to community outreach. Eberst is professor emeritus of health science and human ecology, California State University, San Bernardino, where he was director of community-university partnerships. He was a Park Distinguished Alumnus in 1994 and is the only person to win both the Ehrlich and Lynton awards. He lives in Chandler, Ariz., where he is exploring options for a new career.
1970s Nicholas Abanavas, ’71, married Julia A. Hoffman of New York City on Sept. 3. “We met in 1980 through a mutual friend. I left NYC in 1981, living in California for the next 20 years. On Jan. 3, 2001, I received an e-mail from our mutual friend with Julie’s e-mail address attached. I contacted her and we began a storybook relationship that led her to San Francisco to open up a new Four Seasons Hotel, after which we returned to NYC in July 2002. The love of my life was only 3,000 miles away and 22 years apart before we found each other.” James E. McNeil, ’78, CPP, is security administrator at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., and current president of the professional certification board of ASIS International, an organization with more than 33,000 members that develops
<< CLASS NOTES educational programs and materials for professionals in security management.
1980s Richard Easley, M.P.A.,’89, retired in August as chief of the Kansas City, Mo., Police Department, a position he held since April 1999. In October he became president of the Kansas City Metropolitan Crime Commission, which oversees the TIPS Hotline and Project Ceasefire, addressing the problem of convicted felons with guns.
1990s Erik Bergrud, M.P.A., ’94, is leading the reorganization of the Peacock Society, the Hauptmann School of Public Affairs alumni chapter. He is senior director of program and service development with the American Society for Public Administration and is based in Kansas City, Mo. He can be reached at Bruce Cantwell, ’98, welcomed his son, Bruce Allen Knollman, on Nov. 1. Baby Bruce weighed 7 pounds, 6 ounces.
2000s Herbert Williams, ’02, investigates nursing home abuse for the Arkansas attorney general’s office. Kimberly Fry Poole, ’03, after earning a bachelor’s degree in computer information systems, is spending a three-year internship with the Air Force as an information technology specialist. Shelly Shetley, ’03, is a MoCAN (Missouri Community Advocacy Network) volunteer. She also is on the board of directors of the Metropolitan Council on Developmental Disabilities as secretary/treasurer and chairs the board’s outreach and advocacy committee. Robert Peak, ’04, retired from the Marine Corps and is now a production supervisor with General Cable Corp. in Jackson, Tenn.
PARK MOURNS Grace Marie Breen, ’21, Nov. 14, Kansas City, Mo. Breen, a longtime Kansas City educator, died at the age of 106. During a life that spanned portions of three centuries, she influenced thousands of students and six generations of her family. Ms. Breen and her twin
brother, Charles, were born in Parkville, Mo., Aug. 27, 1898. Their father, Charles Patrick Breen, was a master stonemason and the buildings superintendent at Park for 25 years. Her teaching career included positions at the Kansas State School for the Blind, the Kansas City Conservatory in the drama department, and in the Kansas City school district as a speech and drama teacher at East and Southwest high schools. She retired in 1970. After being featured in a newspaper article as she approached her 106th birthday, Ms. Breen was delighted to receive letters from many former students.
Elisabeth Hanssen Angel, ’33, Dec. 13, Liberty, Mo. Berniece Miller Vaughan, ’34, Sept. 16, Lodi, Calif. Ms. Vaughan taught school in Lodi for almost 40 years and then traveled extensively after her retirement in 1978, visiting Russia, China, Europe and Mexico. A published author, she enjoyed genealogical research and was a member of First United Methodist Church, the Lodi Antique Club, Retired Principals Club of Lodi Unified School District, Daughters of the American Revolution and the Hutchins Street Square Writing Club. She also raised orchids and was an avid collector of Depression glass. Hazel Avery, ’36, Aug. 17, Wakefield, Kan. Marian Wightman Renfro,’38, Sept. 19, Sylva, N.C.
Wallace “Wally” Edgar, ’24, Dec. 26, La Mesa, Calif. Edgar spent both his high school (Park had an academy for high school in the early 1900s) and college days at Park, where he became class agent and the self-appointed alumni newsletter editor for the Class of 1924. His newsletter eventually included all alumni through 1929. At his death, he was 103. Dorothy P. Young, ’29, Nov. 19, Kansas City, Mo. Mrs. Young was born March 17, 1908, in Mobile, Ala. She moved to Kansas City to attend Park. After graduation, she became an English teacher. She married and had two sons. Robert Sunshine Felts, ’31, Aug. 26, Bainbridge Island, Kitsap County, Wash. Mr. Felts was devoted to his alma mater and continually suggested ideas for raising money for Park. He was an accomplished pianist and often entertained at Alumni Weekend. He always had a twinkle in his eye. Hazel Petree Humbert, ’31, Aug. 2, Auburn, N.Y. Mrs. Humbert’s daughter, Jayne Humbert, ’67, wrote, “She had an amazing life working as a dean of women, secretary to the president of Enna Jettick Shoes, secretary to a state senator, editor and finally a teacher. In addition, she married and raised four children and cared for her mother and mother-in-law in their later years. She lived independently in the home she had lived in for 62 years.”
John W. “Jay” Phillips, ’40, Aug. 18, Warrensburg, Mo. Mr. Phillips died at the Veterans Hospital in Warrensburg at the age of 85. He was the loving husband of Mary Appel Phillips, ’39, and father of Randy, Billie Ann and Susan. He was a loyal servant of Park and served as a member of the Board of Trustees throughout the 1990s. In memory of his first wife, Joanne Montaldo Phillips, ’44, he established the Children’s Literature Reference Room in the McAfee Memorial Library on the Parkville campus. Charles J. “Chuck” Edwards, ’42, Dec. 12, Kirkwood, Mo. Voted “Personality King” by the Class of 1942, Mr. Edwards was a wellknown member of the Park family. As a student, he excelled in sports and academics, majoring in psychology. After graduation, he served in the Naval Air Corps as a training officer and PBY (patrol bomber) pilot. One of the PBYs in which he logged hundreds of hours flying time is on display at the Naval Air Museum in Pensacola, Fla. At Park, he served as director of alumni and public affairs, vice president for public affairs and vice president of college relations. He also was director of development and vice president of college relations at Culver-Stockton College in Canton, Mo. After retirement, Mr. Edwards moved to Kirkwood, Mo., where he became active in the Kirkwood United Methodist Church. At the time of his death, he had Spring 2005 ‹‹
CLASS NOTES >> been active in Kiwanis, Masons, Shriners, the American Legion and the VFW, and he was a choir member for more than 50 years. He was the husband of the late Evelyn L. Schroeder from his hometown of Lexington, Mo. He is survived by his daughter, Terri, her husband and their three sons. Virginia “Ginny” Hoghland McDonald, ’43, Sept. 6, Scottsdale, Ariz. Gervase J. Zanotti, ’44, July 4, DeForest, Wis. Dr. Walter Kenneth Waters Jr., ’50, Oct. 2, Nacogdoches, Texas. Dr. Waters received an M.A. and a Ph.D. in theatre from Stanford University. He served on the faculties of Doane College in Crete, Neb.; Dillard University in New Orleans, La.; Portland (Ore.) State College; and Monticello College in Alton, Ill. While in Portland, he was stage designer and director of the New Savoy Opera Company and received a citation from the city for his contribution to the arts. He was a full professor in theater at Stephen F. Austin State
University in Nacogdoches. In 1995 he wrote the textbook Understanding Theater for use in the theater department’s Theater Appreciation course. Royalties from the text were dedicated to theater scholarships. During his career, he directed more than 150 major productions. He is survived by his wife, daughter, son and three grandchildren. Evelyn Lare Smith, x60, Nov. 13, KansasCity, Mo. Mrs. Smith died at her home after a fouryear battle with breast cancer. She attended Park before graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in chemistry from Austin College in Sherman, Texas. She worked for seven years at Mallinckrodt in St. Louis as a chemist. She married Donovan Smith, ’56, on Feb. 25, 1967, and raised two sons. Mrs. Smith was a substitute teacher in the Park Hill school district, was active in the Art and Literature Club of Parkville, the General Federation of Women’s Clubs and the Daughters of the American Revolution. She was an avid genealogist and bridge player.
Scott Garland, ’85, Jan. 10, 2004, Union, S.C. Mr. Garland earned five degrees, the last a Ph.D. in 1995. He thirsted for knowledge and is remembered as a wonderful Bible scholar, husband and father. Michael “Troy” Smith, ’88, Nov. 18, Independence, Mo. Mr. Smith graduated summa cum laude from Park University with a degree in business management in 1988. He was a supervisor in the circulation department at The Kansas City Star and had been a district manager with the paper and served on the diversity committee. His time at the Star spanned 18 years. Mr. Smith was quick-witted and quite adept at “Name That Tune.” A member of the Community of Christ Church, he is remembered as tenderhearted and a very giving person. He is survived by his wife and three daughters.
To read additional class notes log on to
President Beverley Byers-Pevitts visits withWilliam and Lorene Metheny McKnight, both ’39, in California.
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Pirates Spring 2005 Schedule MEN’S VOLLEYBALL Mar. 1 4 8 11-12 15 19 22 Apr. 8-9 22-23
Newman University, 7 p.m. Johnson & Wales, St. Charles, Mo., 4 p.m. University of Findlay, 7 p.m. Park Classic Tournament, TBA Graceland University, Lamoni, Iowa, 7 p.m. Lindenwood University, St. Charles, Mo., 2 p.m. Newman University, Wichita, Kan., 7 p.m. Conference Championship, TBA NAIA Invitational Tournament, Newman, Kan., TBA
NAIA Nationals Johnson City, Tenn.
MEN’S BASEBALL Mar. 4 5-12 17 19
Graceland University, 1 p.m. Spring Break Trip, TBA Dordt College, noon Valley City State University, noon 23 Central Missouri State University, Warrensburg, 3 p.m. 24 Graceland University, Lamoni, Iowa, 1:30 p.m. 26 Baker University Baldwin City, Kan., 1 p.m. 29 MidAmerican Nazarene University, 1 p.m. Apr. 1-2 Bellevue University Bellevue, Neb., 1 p.m. 5 Peru State College, 1 p.m. 8-9 York College, 1 p.m. 12 College of the Ozarks, 1 p.m. 15-16 Central Christian College Moberly, Mo., 1 p.m. 19 Peru State College, Peru, Neb., 1 p.m. 22-23 Newman University Wichita, Kan., 1 p.m. 26 College of the Ozarks, Point Lookout, Mo., 1 p.m. 29-30 Oklahoma Wesleyan University, Bartlesville, 1 p.m.
7-11 15 17 19 22 25-26 31 Apr. 1 6 9 10 19 22 23 29 30
Central Missouri State University Warrensburg, 3 and 5 p.m. Central Methodist College, 2 and 4 p.m. Spring Break Tournament Tucson, Ariz. Northwest Missouri State University, Maryville, TBA Washburn University 2:30 and 4:30 p.m. Rockhurst University 1 and 3 p.m. Maple Woods Community College, 2 and 4 p.m. McKendree Tournament Lebanon, Ill., TBA McPherson College, 2 p.m. Newman University Wichita, Kan., TBA Friends University Wichita, Kan., 5 and 7 p.m. Peru State College 11 a.m., 1 p.m. York College, 2 and 4 p.m. Haskell University, Lawrence, Kan., 3:30 and 5:30 p.m. College of Saint Mary Omaha, Neb., 3 and 5 p.m. Bellevue University Bellevue, Neb., TBA Oklahoma Wesleyan 3 and 5 p.m. Central Christian College 3 and 5 p.m
OUTDOOR TRACK Mar. 17 26 Apr. 2 6 9 16 22 30
May 14 26-28
Emporia State University Spring Twilite, Emporia, Kan., 2 p.m. Cavalier Cup Overland Park, Kan. 10 a.m. William Jewell College Relays Liberty, Mo., 9 a.m. Baker University Quad Baldwin, Kan., 2 p.m. Yellowjacket Classic Lamoni, Iowa, 10 a.m. Baker University Invite Baldwin, Kan., 10 a.m. Mule Relays Warrensburg, Mo., noon University of Missouri-KC Invitational, Kansas City, Mo. 10 a.m. Emporia State University Last Chance, Emporia, Kan., 11 a.m. NAIA Nationals, Louisville, Ky., TBA
Bold denotes games on the Parkville campus. MCAC denotes Midlands Collegiate Athletic Conference. NAIA denotes National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics. This schedule is subject to change. Call Jerod Dahlgren at (816) 584-6490 or visit for more information.
Spring 2005 ‹‹
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