Park Alumniad, Spring 2006

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civ c ENGAGEMENT Park’s 131-year history of service to community, country and humanity reaches worldwide proportions.






Park University Alumniad Volume 95, Number 2 President of Park University Beverley Byers-Pevitts, Ph.D. Vice President for University Advancement Caren Handleman Associate Vice President for Communication Rita Weighill, ’90 Communication Coordinator Summer Evans Staff Liaison Director of Alumni Relations Julie McCollum (816) 584-6206 (800) 488-PARK (7275) Fax (816) 505-5409 Alumni Relations Assistant Alisha Coggins, ’03 (816) 584-6207 Editor Kathy Walker Walker Texas Writer Assistant Editor John Dycus Art Director Jennifer Henderson jodesign We would like to hear from you! Please send your comments to Rita Weighill at

2005-06 Park University Alumni Council Jim Peeke, ’65, president David Oswald, x65, secretary Harold Smith, ’44, Ph.D., treasurer, council historian Richard Kelleher, ’02, M.P.A. ’03, parliamentarian Darrel Campbell, ’03 Jane Turner Dodson, ’40 Matt Dodson, ’98 Karen Peters Frankenfeld, ’59 Neal McGregor, ’89 Alumniad Advisory Board Donna Bachmann, associate professor of art and design Cathy Colapietro, director of admissions and student financial services Brian Davis, associate vice president, College of Distance Learning Jerod Dahlgren, sports information director Olga Ganzen, M.P.A. ’99, assistant professor of international education, director of International Education and Study Abroad Caren Handleman, vice president for University advancement Gary Heisserer, Ph.D., associate vice president for academic affairs Julie McCollum, director of alumni relations Diana McElroy, dean of student services Kathy Walker, editor Rita Weighill, ’90, associate vice president for communication

Established in 1875, Park University is a national leader in higher education and is distinguished by its innovative adult degree completion programs. The University has 24,272 students enrolled in undergraduate and graduate degree programs at 42 campuses located in 21 states and Online. Cover and inside cover photos by Craig Sands Photographic On the cover: Simona Cibotaru, from Moldova in Eastern Europe, is a junior majoring in political science and international business and finance, with a minor in mathematics. She is vice president of Park’s Model UN program and participates in the University’s Civic Engagement initiatives including the Global Future program, Coming to America series, International Service-Learning Program and Study Abroad Program. She is program coordinator for Park’s People To People chapter and has been a member of the Rotaract Club. She works in the office of Olga Ganzen, M.P.A. ’99, in the International Education Program - Global Changes of Park University. In March, she traveled with a Park group to Brazil on a service-learning mission.

See for more information about Park University. The Alumniad is published three times a year by the Office of University Advancement for Park University alumni and friends. Send all comments and address corrections to: Office of University Advancement, Park University, 8700 N.W. River Park Drive, Parkville, MO 64152, or call (816) 584-6816 or e-mail

Table of Contents


3 4-7 8-9 10-11 15 16-17 17 18-19 24 36

Correction: The Web address for Melissa (Feris) Mann, ’02, was incorrect in the fall 2005 Alumniad. The correct address is Our mission: The mission of Park University, an entrepreneurial institution of learning, is to provide access to academic excellence which will prepare learners to think critically, communicate effectively and engage in lifelong learning while serving a global community.

Focus on Park University Downtown Kansas City Campus Center Enacting a Culture of Engagement Park reaches out to community, country and humanity. International Connection From Brazil to Russia to China, Park’s 2005-06 travels promote the University in other nations. Mission: Service-Learning, Destination: Brazil Students, faculty and staff reach out to Brazil’s Pau Amerelo Community. Founder’s Day Celebrates Park’s 131st Anniversary The J.E. Dunn family is honored for contributions to community. New Master Plan Underway Strategic plan Explorations & Transformations 2012: Access to Excellence provides road map for the University’s future. Restoring a Campus Treasure Graham Tyler Memorial Chapel receives much-needed repairs. From Determined Player to Enterprising Executive Anteco Cross, ’95, parlays Park education and sports experience into successful career in car rental business. Ahoy, Mate! We Could’ve Been the White Mules ... Pirates won out over White Mules and others to become Park’s mascot. Bridging the Reality Between Courtroom and Classroom Licensed attorney and Adjunct Professor Cathy Taylor, J.D., connects classroom and courtroom for Business Law I and II Online students.

Departments 12-14 Campus News 20 Support for Park 21 Tribute Gift Recognition 22-23 In Academia 26-37 Alumni Section 28 AWE 2006 Highlights 29 AWE 2006 Registration Form 30-35 Class Notes 37 Ireland Trip: An Irish Classic

Spring 2006 ‹‹


Greetings, Alumni and Friends, Through their words and actions, our students, faculty, staff and alumni typify Civic Engagement through a culture of commitment, of caring and of community that has made Park University a remarkable institution for 131 years. Literally every week I am reminded of what an honor it is to serve and represent Park as its president! In this Alumniad you will find robust examples of community and academic accomplishment, including a report on faculty, undergraduate and graduate students who combine their energy and vision to assist community service projects in Recife, Brazil. In upcoming editions we will continue to share how the University is connecting to others around the world. Indeed, Park’s civic activities are capturing local, national and international attention and helping us forge new and global partnerships. In October, the United Nations selected the University’s International Center for Civic Engagement (ICCE) to participate in a network of institutes and associations that share their experiences and best practices in sound public policies, effective public administration and civil services. The ICCE has been designated an “Online International Center” of the United Nations Online Network of Public Administration and Finance (UNPAN). To date, Park



is the only higher education institution in the world selected for UNPAN membership. The UNPAN web site has featured recent works of Jerzy Hauptmann, Ph.D., professor emeritus of political science and public administration, and Brian Hoffman, Ph.D., professor of biology and mathematics. This spring Park is demonstrating its civic spirit on many fronts, including hosting the Parkville general election information web site, a children’s literature festival and a food drive. Recently, the National Weather Service named Park a “Storm Ready” institution, certifying that the Parkville Campus has taken steps to protect its students, faculty, staff and guests from weather-related disasters. If we as individuals and as the University community truly want to transform our world, then we must become engaged in our communities and in the lives of our fellow human beings. Civic Engagement is a privilege and a responsibility shared by Park students, faculty, staff and alumni for generations. I encourage you to visit and review the ongoing list of Park’s civic involvements. Kindest personal regards,

Beverley Byers-Pevitts, Ph.D. President

On Jan. 27, the Smart Communities blog named Park’s International Center for Civic Engagement one of its “most engaging blogs.” Pew Partnership for Civic Change president, Suzanne Morse, identified Park’s blog on International Civic Engagement: “What is meant by “International” is not a notion of individuals worldwide uniting to better our common circumstance; no, the “International” here means an effort to find initiatives from across the globe that improve civic engagement and present them in one place. It’s an interesting endeavor and one that I like because universities do bridge that gap between what’s global and what is local community. Further, the blog devotes entries to information (news, research, examples of initiatives, etc.) that can be as easily applied to America as it is abroad. Since part of the battle of civic engagement is just demonstrating to people that it is possible and yields positive results, I think this information is important.” Erik Bergrud, ICCE director and special assistant to the president for University projects on civic engagement, said that this recognition from Morse is an amazing honor for the University and the Center.



Focus on Park University Downtown Campus Center 911 Main St., Kansas City, Mo. O P E N E D : January 2005 Located three blocks east of its predecessor, the Downtown Campus Center occupies the eighth and ninth floors of Commerce Tower in the Downtown Kansas City Library District. The facility replaces the MetroPark campus, providing classrooms, administrative offices and conference rooms in support of Park’s Kansas City programs:


– Portfolio Program – Downtown Accelerated Program – Professional Development Institute – Graduate Schools • Hauptmann School for Public Affairs • Master of Business Administration • Master of Education • Master of Arts in Teaching • Masters in Healthcare Leadership With 32,000 square feet and 350 parking spaces, the location addresses the sustained rapid growth in Park’s graduate and accelerated degree programs.

D OW N TOW N CA M P U S C E N T E R A D M I N I S T R AT O R S : • S.L. Sartain, Ed.S., director, Park Accelerated Programs/Kansas City Area • Mathew Kanjirathinkal, Ph.D., dean, Graduate Studies • Laurie DiPadova-Stocks, Ph.D., dean, Hauptmann School for Public Affairs • Nicholas Koudou, director, MBA Program • Laura Lane, executive director, Professional Development Institute • Stephen Pew, Ph.D., executive director, Healthcare Leadership Programs • Larry Ewing, Ph.D., director, Graduate Education

Spring 2006 ‹‹


Enacting a Culture of Engagement Through the International Center for Civic Engagement, Park commits to caring, interaction and community by Erik Bergrud, M.P.A. ’94 “Today let us not only share our hopes and dreams for the current academic year, but also reflect about our purpose as individuals and as a University community in addressing society’s challenge. I would like to suggest that our response be to enact a Culture of Engagement at Park University. If we as individuals and as a University community truly want to transform our world, then we must become engaged in our communities and in the lives of our fellow human beings.” — Park President Beverley Byers-Pevitts, Ph.D.



n her September 2005 Convocation address, President Beverley ByersPevitts, Ph.D., focused the University’s attention on the subject of Civic Engagement while acknowledging Park’s rich 131-year history of service to community, country and humanity. Civic Engagement takes many forms — individual volunteerism, organizational involvement, electoral participation, efforts to directly address an issue, working with others to solve a problem, and interacting with the institutions of representative democracy. The Pew Charitable Trusts defines Civic Engagement as “individual and collective actions designed to identify and address issues of public concern.” Jerzy Hauptmann, Ph.D., Park professor emeritus of political science and public


administration, has defined Civic Engagement as “active involvement in the affairs of an organization, including setting (if at all possible) and working toward the achievement of organizational goals, while clearly expressing personal goals and striving for identifiable results of the activities for which and for their consequences one is responsible.” I learned a great deal about Civic Engagement in 1991 as a student in Dr. Hauptmann’s introductory course in the Graduate School of Public Affairs, since renamed the Hauptmann School for Public Affairs. He taught that as Park graduates and professionals, my classmates and I were duty-bound to make a difference in society. Embarking on “a public service career is more than simply punching a time clock,” he

told us. Dr. Hauptmann challenged us to exemplify by our thoughts and actions the school’s motto, “Preparing for Service.” A LEGACY OF CIVIC ENGAGEMENT Throughout its history, Park’s students, faculty and staff have made major contributions both on and off campus. More than 300 students helped construct Mackay Hall, the University’s signature building on the Parkville campus, in the late 1800s. Students quarried and hauled the stone that still stands strong today. They also completed most of the carpentry. Past examples of Park’s Civic Engagement: In the first half of the 20th century, Park ran the Parkville Water Supply, generated electric power for the city, supplied steam to downtown Parkville,

Spring 2006 ‹‹


established a military unit for the Spanish American War, had a military company in World War I and hosted the V-12 naval personnel training unit on campus during World War II. Students, faculty, staff and alumni have held elected office, served as volunteer firefighters and played leadership roles in nonprofit organizations across the country.

• In October the University hosted its annual art@park event, drawing thousands to the Parkville campus. Several hundred Parkville-area children

“trick or treated” on the Parkville campus during Fright Night, an annual event organized by the Office of Resident Life and staged by student volunteers. On Nov. 8, Park announced the winners of its 2nd Democracy Day High School Student Essay Contest. Paul Mintner of Lafayette County C-1 High School received the grand prize award in a ceremony on the Parkville campus. Presentation to first-prize winners was made at high school assemblies in the Kansas City area. This year’s contest theme was “The U.S. Constitution as a Living Document.” More than 170 high school students representing 11 Kansas City-area high schools participated in a Model United Nations conference on the Parkville Campus on Nov. 1112. The Model U.N. provided the opportunity for participation in a simulation of United Nations decision-making. During International Education Week, the Parkville Campus hosted a variety of cultural and educational events, including a global simulation workshop and the annual international dinner. INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR CIVIC ENGAGEMENT Last summer the International Center for Civic Engagement (ICCE) was established


RECENT EXAMPLES OF CIVIC ENGAGEMENT Since the beginning of the fall 2005 academic year, Park has made significant progress toward enacting a Culture of Engagement: In August and September, SS100 Parkville campus students, with the support of Psychology Department Chair Andrew Johnson, Ph.D., and history Assistant Professor Tim Westcott, Ph.D., raised $3,000 for the victims of Hurricane Katrina. Student leaders and President Byers-Pevitts presented the funds to Heart to Heart International, a global humanitarian organization based in Olathe, Kan., that inspires, empowers and mobilizes individuals to assist the poor in their communities and around the world. In fall 2005, President Byers-Pevitts

invited University employees to submit their current Civic Engagement activities, which were then posted on the University web site. Examples across 42 campus centers include heading up a clothing/food drive to send care packages to Hurricane Katrina victims; volunteering to help build houses for the local neighborhood housing project; volunteering to help a hospital with a baby fair and answer questions concerning child development; and an effort by the Cherry Point Campus Center office, in conjunction with the base’s Education Center, to raise more than $900 for Toys for Tots. More than 650 middle and high school students and their teachers attended Park’s first Launching a Dream: First Step to Tomorrow symposium Oct. 4-5. The event, cosponsored with Park University by Sprint, brought cutting-edge scientists and aerospace education specialists including NASA astronauts from around the country to teach about the history and future of space exploration.



Cathy Sillman, Ph.D., director of Professional Development Institute, shares letters from U.S. students that tell about their culture through stories and drawings.

education institution selected for UNPAN membership. In November 2005 the ICCE published its first paper, written by Dr. Hauptmann. In “Toward a Theory of Civic Engagement,” he provides a historical context and identifies seven elements required for any Civic Engagement activity. The paper was distributed widely and received positive reviews. Hauptmann discussed his paper at a reception for Park students and alumni April 3 during the 2006 American Society for Public Administration National Conference in Denver. The ICCE will publish additional Civic Engagement papers


to advance the University’s global mission, establish links with international efforts across campuses and provide innovative opportunities for learners in the global society while establishing an outlet for channeling community outreach efforts in the Kansas City metropolitan area. Placed within the Hauptmann School for Public Affairs, the center builds on the historic vision of HSPA to serve the common good by graduating leaders who exercise authority responsibly, make ethical decisions, act with moral courage and advance human dignity worldwide. In October 2005 the United Nations

During the last day of classes, children from the Pau Amerelo Community learned from Park University nursing students how to brush their teeth, how to stop, drop and roll in case of a fire, and the importance of washing their hands.

selected the ICCE to participate in a global network of institutes and associations that share knowledge, experiences and best practices in sound public policies, effective public administration and efficient civil services. The ICCE has been designated as an Online International Center of the United Nations Online Network in Public Administration and Finance (UNPAN). To date, Park University is the only higher

later this year. This spring the ICCE will bring Great Decisions, America’s longest-running public affairs program, to the Parkville Campus. Under sponsorship of the Foreign Policy Association, the program includes an annual briefing book and discussion groups on the important issues facing the world today. This year’s topics include U.N. reform; Brazil; human rights in the age of terrorism; the

U.S. and Iran; global health pandemics and security; Turkey; energy resources; and China and India: partners or competitors. The ICCE intends to expand the program to other Park campus centers in 2007. ALUMNI PARTICIPATION IN THE CULTURE OF ENGAGEMENT Park alumni can play a pivotal role in advancing Park’s Culture of Engagement. In her September 2005 Convocation address, President Byers-Pevitts called upon “all alumni who have the available resources to provide internships and externships to the Park community.” Alumni can also take advantage of the resources on the ICCE web site, which includes pages such as: How Can I Become Civically Engaged? How Can I Volunteer? Park’s Culture of Engagement PARK’S FUTURE OF CIVIC ENGAGEMENT Administrators are finalizing a Culture of Engagement Plan that will present a significant list of new programs and activities across many campus centers. The plan’s vision statement (below) sets a lofty benchmark. As the 25,000-member Park community pulls together to achieve this vision, not only will the University be transformed, but the lives of hundreds of thousands, if not millions, will be affected. Vision Statement: Park University will be a renowned civic leader in all of the regions in which it operates. Through their actions and attitudes, Park students, faculty and staff will demonstrate a commitment to caring, interaction and community. As a result of its community engagement, the civic culture of the regions in which Park University operates will be positively transformed.

RECOMMENDED RESOURCES President Beverley Byers-Pevitts’ September 2005 Convocation address — Dr. Jerzy Hauptmann’s November 2005 civic engagement paper — “The Power of Engagement: How Helping Others Helps YOU” — International Center for Civic Engagement (ICCE) web site —

Erik Bergrud, MPA ’94, is director of the International Center for Civic Engagement and special assistant to the president for University projects on Civic Engagement. Contact him at (816) 584-6412 or

United Nations Online Network in Public Administration and Finance (UNPAN) web site —

Spring 2006 ‹‹


International Connection RUSSIA March 2005 Park travels to Moscow and St. Petersburg, Russia, on a program development trip for the International Center for Music and the Youth Conservatory for Music. The trip is built around Stanislav Ioudenitch’s performance of a Saint Saëns piano concerto with the National Philharmonic of Russia and world-renowned conductor Vlatimir Spivakof. Ioudenitch performs at Yusupov Palace for members of Park’s cultural and art travel program.

Park traveled the globe in 2005 and 2006, sending faculty, staff and students to share their knowledge, expand their expertise and promote the University in other nations.

UNITED KINGDOM October 2005 Jeffery A. Hartle, CFPS, MIFireE, is one of 32 U.S. delegates at the 10th annual U.S. and U.K. Fire Service College in Moreton-inMarsh, Gloucestershire.

ARGENTINA October 2005 Fourteen Park representatives, including Olga Ganzen, M.P.A. ’99, Laura Lane and Park University Board of Trustees Louise Morden and Brenda Wisniewski, ’68, travel to Argentina to research opportunities for a hospitality major.



BRAZIL January 2005 Laura Lane, Sapna Gupta, Ph.D., and Steven Youngblood present at two universities and participate in a community-based service organization in Recife. They meet with leaders from Faculdade Boa Viagem in Recife and Faculdade de Ciencias Humanas in Olinda to discuss potential partnership agreements. A timetable for the resulting Park-FBV partnership includes a schedule for team-taught Online classes, visits, exchanges and Online Portuguese language classes for Park students.

MEXICO July-August 2005 Olga Ganzen, M.P.A. ’99, and Dennis Kerkman, Ph.D., visit the University of Guanajuato, Mexico, to prepare the Mexico Study Abroad Program 2006. Kerkman collaborates with the Mexican government to evaluate a hands-on science education program for more than 4,000 elementary school children in the northeastern Mexican state of Tamaulipas.

Park’s world travelers:

ITALY May-June 2005 Donna Bachmann and Olga Ganzen, M.P.A. ’99, travel with 16 Park students who attend history and art classes at CAPA School in Florence. The group stays with members of People to People International and visits cultural sites in Florence, Milan, Pisa, Rome and Venice. June-July 2005 Stanislav Ioudenitch, President Beverley Byers-Pevitts, Ph.D.; Robert Pevitts, Ph.D., and Olga Ganzen, M.P.A. ’99, participate in the International Piano Academy’s 2005 summer piano program in Lake Como, Italy, and prepare for the 2006 Lake Como Study Abroad program of the Park University International Center for Music in cooperation with the Office for International Education and Study Abroad. Ioudenitch is the youngest master pianist to teach in the International Piano Academy program. July-August 2005 To foster relationships among students and faculty in the United States and Europe, Park and Truman State University unite three schools of music to establish an international music studies program, the Festival Musicale Della Toscana, in Montaione, Italy. Alberto Bologni, professor of violin at the Lucca Academy of Music in Italy; Sam McClure, TSU professor of violin/viola and director of orchestras, and Park’s Gregory Sandomirsky are key people behind the festival.

Beverley Byers-Pevitts, Ph.D., Park president Donna Bachmann, professor of art Erik Bergrud, director of the International Center for Civic Engagement Kay Boehr, director of interior design Olga Ganzen, M.P.A. ’99, director of the Office of International Education and Study Abroad Carol Getty, Ph.D., associate professor of criminal justice Sapna Gupta, Ph.D., professor of chemistry Jeffery A. Hartle, CFPS, MIFireE, coordinator of Disaster and Emergency Management Emphasis for the Hauptmann School of Public Affairs Stanislav Ioudenitch, associate professor of music, artistic director of The International Center for Music and Youth Conservatory for Music, and Van Cliburn gold medalist Dennis Kerkman, Ph.D., associate professor of psychology Director of International Education and Study Abroad Laura Lane, executive director of the Professional Development Institute Angela Markley-Peterson, assistant director of the Office of International Education and Study Abroad Robert Pevitts, Ph.D., executive director of the Youth Conservatory for Music Gregory Sandomirsky, violin instructor for Park’s Youth Conservatory of Music and associate concertmaster of the Kansas City Symphony Steven Youngblood, assistant professor of communication arts

CHINA June 2005 Carol Getty, Ph.D., and Steven Youngblood jointly present a session, Media and Criminal Justice, at the International Conference on Diversity in Beijing. In Xian, Youngblood gives the keynote address at the National Conference of Foreign Language Professors. The two professors address classes at Northwestern Polytechnical University. August 2005 Erik Bergrud and Olga Ganzen, M.P.A. ’99, represent Park on a Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce trade mission to China. They meet with Chinese business/civic leaders and U.S. officials in Shanghai and Beijing to explore partnerships and learn about U.S. visa requirements for Chinese students. Trustee Benny Lee joins them for part of the trip. DENMARK October 2005 In preparation for the 2006 Denmark Study Abroad Program, Angela MarkleyPeterson, Carol Getty, Ph.D., and Kay Boehr visit Denmark to research student recruitment. They meet with coordinators from the Danish DIS program, participate in a training conference and visit sites linked to the program.

Spring 2006 ‹‹


Braz Mission: Service-Learning Designation:

story and photos by Summer Evans, Communication Coordinator

Brazil’s diverse regions don’t always mirror the travel posters of Rio de Janiero’s beautiful beaches. Thirty-five Park students, faculty and staff discovered this in March when they embarked on a 5,022-mile journey to Recife, Brazil, to launch the University’s first service-learning experience. Their goal: offer the Pau Amerelo Community in Northeast Brazil the knowledge and training to improve lives. Plagued with illiteracy and unemployment, Northeast Brazil is the country’s poorest region. For 10 days the Park ambassadors, led by Transformational Journeys of Olathe, Kan., were immersed in an unfamiliar culture in the favelas (slums) of Brazil. Cement houses with clay roofs sit in juxtaposition with fresh landscaping and modern storefronts. The local government, according to the American consulate, offers temporary fixes to social problems, leaving the people of this developing country to learn ways to improve their situation on their own. The community is the center of a Brazilian’s universe, and communities often link to face challenges. The Pau Amerelo Community is a nonprofit organization established in 2003 that focuses on empowering women and, as its mission statement says, taking action “in poor communities through service, promoting education, generation of income, and improvement in basic needs.” Three Park faculty members traveled to Brazil last year and immediately connected with the Pau Amerelo Community. Upon their return, Park established the service-learning program that integrates community service with instruction to teach civic responsibility. The program “takes



learning out of the classroom and into the lessdeveloped communities around the world,” said Olga Ganzen, M.P.A. ’99, director of International Education and Study Abroad. “Students, faculty, staff and the host communities benefit from the substantial service they all bring to the table.” The Park group taught strategies and valuable skills in two-hour classes twice a day for five days; six intérpretes (interpreters) helped ease the exchange of information between English and Portuguese. The Park representatives grew to understand and appreciate the host culture, while Pau Amerelo residents gained skills necessary to better serve themselves and their families.

Children from the Pau Amerelo Community find shade in the heat of the afternoon.


The Global Classroom ● NU 265: Clinical Nursing Practical Application students taught the importance of a healthy lifestyle, including oral hygiene, breast self-exams, diabetes and basic first-aid. Representatives visited private and public hospital facilities in Recife.

Park University students Fabio Garcia (M.B.A.) and Simona Cibotaru (junior) wear festival headdresses at the Carnival parade celebrating the “policia” and military along oceanfront in Recife.

MPA student Kourtney Woodbury teaches fundraising to the Nongovernmental Organization class while fellow classmate Janaina Sá Pires (Brazil) translates.

“The opportunity to travel to Brazil for me reaffirms the multidimensional nature of human beings and attests to the generosity that abounds when we know each other as individuals rather than separate nations on the other side of the world,” said Laura Lane, executive director of the Professional Development Institute. “I am enriched personally and professionally by the experience and feel I gained

● Business/Management 490: Special Topics — Global Future and International Marketing students, directed by Assistant Professor Michael Fitzmorris and Ganzen, assisted community members interested in starting a business or enhancing an existing one.

● Expanding on the community leaders’ experience with nongovernmental organizations or nonprofits, the Masters of Public Affairs 506: International Service class offered tips for developing programs to serve surrounding areas. Adjunct faculty member and nonprofit consultant Joan DeMerchant and three graduate students provided training in strategic planning, working with volunteers, financial management, fund raising and the role of nonprofit boards.

● Communication/Journalism 361: Reporting II students videotaped and wrote about the experience. “My students learned a great deal about journalism, and about themselves,” said Steve Youngblood, assistant professor of communication arts. “Their performance, their introspection and their openness to a new culture far exceeded my expectations.”

● Park staff offered Basic English courses to anyone eager to learn a second language. Classes, held at the Faculdade de Ciencias Humanas (FACHO) in Olinda, covered the alphabet, numbers and how to introduce yourself. “The students were eager to learn English and also were very interested in learning more about the United States and its citizens. Teaching English was

an amazing experience,” said Enrollment Services Specialist Jennifer Sanders. ● School of Education faculty used games, songs and children’s books to teach basic literacy and share the joy of reading and writing with parents and children. Illiteracy is a dilemma in Brazil, but Pau Amerelo members are committed to bettering themselves and discovering new avenues of opportunity for their children, hoping to give future generations the advantage an education provides. “Both FACHO and community audiences were enthusiastic and open to learning new skills. In fact, they were like sponges,” said Cathy Sillman, Ph.D., director of the Professional Development Institute. “In the midst of astounding poverty, these children and families are so hungry and eager for education. I realize how much we (Americans) take for granted every day of our lives and how little we consciously appreciate our bounty.” ● Computer Science 322: Web Programming II and CS 367: Networking Administration faculty taught basic technology, including how to turn a computer on and off, how to use Microsoft Word and how send an e-mail. FACHO University offered its computer lab for the computer science courses. “I am thankful for the students in computer class and in the community whose eagerness to learn, lovely smiles and thumbs-up communication makes teaching enjoyable and rewarding,” said computer science Professor Wen Hsin. Returning home, the group of 35 couldn’t help but reflect on how they and their new Brazilian friends had grown through cultural interaction. Those successful connections prompted the decision to revisit Recife and the Pau Amerelo Community in the fall.

so much more than I gave. I am forever transformed!” Spring 2006 ‹‹



Park’s HSPA Joins Civic Engagement Initiative The Hauptmann School for Public Affairs is one of four new organizations to join the community civic engagement initiative “OneKCVoice.” The initiative resulted from the work of the Regionalism Action Committee, a group of residents from across the metropolitan area who participated in the 2002 Kansas City Forums. The RAC spent more than two years studying how residents can become involved in community issues and influence regional affairs.

The other new partners are the Greater Kansas City Community Foundation, the Urban League of Kansas City and Kansas City Public Television. Hauptmann School Names 2006 Distinguished Lecturer Professor David Rosenbloom, Ph.D., is the Hauptmann School for Public Affairs’ 2006 Dr. Jerzy Hauptmann Distinguished Lecturer. Rosenbloom presented Preserving Constitutional Government in an Age of Outsourcing on April 6 in the

McCoy Meetin’ House on the Parkville Campus. Rosenbloom writes extensively about public administration and democratic constitutionalism. His academic specializations include constitutional and administrative law, public administrative theory, public administrative history, administrative reform and human resources management. He is a former editor in chief of Public Administration Review, one of the most respected journals in public administration. His early articles were published by Dr. Hauptmann, then editor of the Midwest Review of Public Administration.



Wednesday, March 8, 2006

Park enrolled 42,554 students in online-only classes for the 2004-2005 school year, a number second only to the University of Phoenix, which had 115,794 students, according to the magazine's E-Learning Guide, released recently. Park's first online-only classes for credit were offered in 1996, with the first online-only degree programs instituted in 1998. The university now has

more than 175 such courses and seven such degree programs. Enrollment in Park's online programs has increased 176 percent in the past five years, up from 15,366 students enrolled during the 2000-2001 school year, said Brian Davis, Park's associate vice president for administration in the College for Distance Learning. - Lindsay Hanson Metcalf / The Star

national newspapers and a local paper. library to support Organization Meets Creativity in Austin David and Lisa prepared the inventory continuing higher When management (CIS) majors David Microsoft Access, which records education of airmen and Lisa Ely and management/human © Copyright 2006 The Kansasdatabase City Star. All in rights reserved. Format differs from original publication. Not an endorsement. and Department of resources major Rona Walton pooled their items by ISBN number and facilitates sorts Copyright 2006 The Kansas City Star. All rights reserved. Format differs from original publication. Not an endorsement. by author, media type, date, etc. Defense civilian skills to transform a room©at Park “The inventory is a record that will help employees. For its University Austin into a Resource Room, efforts, the Campus the result was a place for students to study, Park University for years to come,” said Jolene A. Lampton, Ph.D., academic director Center received a Certificate of research, access Online library resources, for Austin Campus. “This record will facilitate Appreciation from Col. Sharon K.G. read periodicals and newspapers, view the check-out of materials and is a measure Dunbar, commander of the 75th Air Base films and videos, and more. of accountability for Park University.” Wing. Resource Room attendants David and “We continue working closely with the Rona arranged materials for easy access. base librarian to help provide muchThey also inventoried all books and materials, A Cut Above: Hill Campus Rewarded for needed materials and equipment as part then numbered and filed the items by Investing in Education of the memorandum of understanding subject. Completed in December, the During the last three years, Hill AFB with the Air Force,” said Ulrike Brown, Hill inventory comprises more than 400 books, Campus Center in Utah provided $52,141 in Campus Center director. 60-plus videos, 20-plus magazines, two daily materials and equipment to the base’s






ICS Students are Top Team in Programming Contest Information and computer science junior Nick Kreeger and senior Josh McKinzie raced the clock to take first place in the annual Association for Computing Machinery programming contest Nov. 5 at the University of Missouri-Kansas City.

Nick Kreeger (left) and senior Josh McKinzie

The contest challenged teams to solve nine problems in five hours. Park’s team was the only group to complete a third problem — with 15 minutes to spare. Wen Hsin, Ph.D., associate professor of information and computer science, and John Dean, assistant professor, coached the event. “Despite a last-minute flurry of solution submissions by the other teams, none were able to solve a third problem,” Dean said. Ten colleges and universities participated in the Western Missouri portion of the competition, including teams from the University of Missouri-Kansas City, Northwest Missouri State, Rockhurst and Central Missouri State.


Chemistry Can Be Fun! Bubbles, silly putty and slime captured the attention of more than 400 kids during National Chemistry Week in October on the Parkville Campus. The C.H.E.M. Club used the popular experiments to entertain Park

students Oct. 26 and neighborhood kids at the annual Fright Night on Oct. 28, then Park chemistry students and Park Hill High School celebrated NCW at Carolyn’s Pumpkin Patch on Oct. 30 and at the Metro North Mall in Kansas City, Mo., on Oct. 31. “We reached more than 400 kids collectively with our most popular silly putty experiment,” said C.H.E.M. Club adviser Sapna Gupta, Ph.D., associate professor of chemistry. “The students also showed bubble science, magic sand and zippy boats, and made bracelets from UV and glow-inthe-dark beads.” The club handed out balloons, toys, candy and chemistry literature. Google Hosts Workshop for Women Engineers Park ICS students Virginia Maikwek and Patricia Kengne attended an invitational workshop for women engineers Jan. 21 at Google headquarters in Mountain View, Calif. Google engineers enlightened the group about the latest trends in computer science and gave the more than 100 students a behind-the-scenes look at Google technology. The students also met with women engineers about their career paths since graduating from college. Lecture Series Honors Women’s History Month Three outstanding women spoke at the 2006 Dr. Jessie Bell Woodside Holt Lecture Series on March 17-18 in McCoy Meetin’ House at the Parkville Campus. Topics were The Challenge of Feminist Biography, by four-time author Elisabeth Perry, Ph.D., from St. Louis University; Nearer My Subject to Thee: Reflections of a Biographer, Historian, and Documentary Editor, by author Candace Falk, Ph.D., from the University of California-Berkeley; and Historians Outside the Classroom: Careers in Public History, by Heather Huyck, former director of the Jamestown 400th project and current regional chief historian of the Northwest region. One of the country’s early female

physicians, Dr. Holt was a member of Park’s second graduating class and was the University’s first medical missionary. She was University physician from 1890-1901.

History Majors Travel to Philadelphia History Assistant Professor Timothy Westcott, Ph.D., and Director of Library Services Ann Schultis escorted 10 history majors to Philadelphia in January. The students attended seminar presentations and lectures, networked with peers from other schools, talked with history and graduate program faculty, and visited publisher exhibits, historical sites and museums. They also explored the idea of a semester exchange program with Gettysburg College.


Seniors Ryan Duncan, Bethany Fraley, Nathaniel Hanway, Megan Holder, Tammy Parrott and Vincent Smith joined juniors Courtney Cul, Mariette Janning and Christian Stallings and sophomore Brett Ferguson at the Phi Alpha Theta Biennial Conference on Jan. 4-5 and the American Historical Association Annual Meeting on Jan. 6-8.

Spring 2006 ‹‹



NEWS AT THE VILLE Park Jumps Ahead in Advertising Park joined the ranks of colleges and universities named top winners in the 21st Annual Admissions Advertising Awards, billed as the world’s most prestigious ad competition with more than 3,500 entries from every state in the United States and from numerous international countries. Park’s “Jump” campaign received: • Gold Award (first place) for newspaper insert • Silver Award (second place) for outdoor advertising • Merit Award (fourth place) for television commercial series • Silver Award for radio commercial • Merit Award for advertising campaign

In Time of Emergency Park’s Camren Hawn, Department of Public Safety investigator, and Officer Miranda Thornton completed 20 hours of Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training cosponsored by the Park University DPS and the Parkville Police Department. Hawn and Thornton join Chief Pete Sturner and Cpl. Julia Andrews as members of Northland CERT, which will assist the Parkville Campus in the event of a disaster. The training course took place in McCoy Meetin’ House at the Parkville Campus, where participants learned how to help themselves and their neighbors survive a disaster. Hurricanes Katrina and Rita taught that emergency services can take up to 72 hours to reach impacted areas. CERT will deploy to render aid until emergency services arrive. Park students who complete training become members of The Northland CERT that covers Missouri counties Clay and Platte. Each county’s sheriff activates a CERT when a disaster strikes. Team members are trained in first aid, light search and rescue, firefighting, utility shutoff and critical incident stress.



Graphic Designer Illustrates the Power of Pencil and Paintbrush The spring issue of designer, the official publication of the University & College Designers Association, will feature an illustration by Jake Marshall, graphic designer in University Advancement. Marshall’s ink drawing pays homage to proletariat artwork of the ’30s and ’40s. It includes the headline “Designers and Editors Unite!” and features two heroic workers, one holding a pencil and the other a paintbrush. The illustration

Illustration by Jake Marshall as featured in designer.

will accompany an article on the collaborative efforts of designers and writers. The University & College Designers Association is a professional organization for graphic designers and editors who work for academic institutions. Park and Sprint Sponsor International Speaker Dr. Robert Marzano, internationally known trainer and speaker, spoke Feb. 28 in the Park Hill High School auditorium on The Role of Teachers, Principals and Superintendents in Effective School Reform. More than 390 participants from 49 Missouri and Kansas school districts attended the symposium, sponsored by Sprint and Park and cohosted by the Park Hill School District. Dr. Marzano has written 20 books, 150 articles and book chapters on topics such as school effectiveness, thinking skills and standards implementation. The central theme of his work has been translating research and theory into tools for K-12 teachers and administrators.

Founders Day Celebrates Park’s 131st Anniversary Each year at Founders Day, Park University celebrates its scholarly history, its sustained presence in the Greater Kansas City community, and its exciting future as an international education leader. This year, Park celebrated the University’s 131st anniversary on April 20 by honoring the J.E. Dunn family and the J.E. Dunn Construction Group for their contributions to the surrounding community.

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A. International Center for Music graduate student Ulugbeck Palvanov, piano, performs Franz Liszt’s Mephisto Waltz No. 1.



B. Board of Trustee Chair Virginia McCoy and President Byers-Pevitts at the Patrons Party. C. President Byers-Pevitts and Steve Dunn. D. Marianne Dunn, Bill Dunn Jr., and Anne Dunn E. Mary Lewis and Bob Dunn




F. President Byers-Pevitts recites the award inscription as Board of Trustee Chair Virginia McCoy presents the award to Bob Dunn. G. Park Trustee John Brown, Emilie and Bob Jester, Preston and Bernice Williams (seated)



Spring 2006 ‹‹



by Roger W. Hershey

Vice President & General Counsel Chair of the Park University Master Planning Commission


Anyone who has visited the Parkville Campus in the last five years cannot help but notice the enhancements to the crown jewel, Park University. Improvements such as the new slate roof on Mackay Hall represent catch-up steps to address maintenance long deferred. Other improvements including the limestone walls in front of Mackay and Thompson, with the many fresh campus plantings, have brought a new polish to the jewel. But as significant as these efforts are, they represent only the tip of the iceberg. Change is coming. Meaningful, positive, broad-based change. Explorations & Transformations 2012: Access to Excellence, the strategic plan completed in 2003, provides the road map for the future of the University. This plan calls for a Master Plan that enhances the



University’s image and identity, delivering academically excellent higher education programs, assuring that students are wellserved — and that all of this will occur within “one university.” E&T 2012 recognizes that this vision will require significant physical changes to the Parkville Campus and that to accomplish this, the University will need a new campus master plan. The planning process began in spring

2005 when President Byers-Pevitts appointed representatives of the University’s many constituencies to the Park University Master Planning Commission. The president charged the commission to “consider the development of a new University Master Plan that will guide the physical development of the Parkville Campus, ... and to make recommendations regarding the development of the Plan which will be submitted to the Administration and, ultimately, considered and approved by the Board of Trustees.” During summer 2005 the University identified and ultimately hired HNTB Corp., an international planning, architecture and engineering firm headquartered in Kansas City, Mo., to complete an analysis that identifies geologically buildable campus sites.

The University also sought a firm to guide the University through a master planning process. After interviewing five well-qualified applicants, the University selected Ellerbe Becket, Inc., a firm with broad-based international experience in university master planning. The master plan will have four phases. The first, information gathering, is complete. An evaluation and analysis of the University’s needs, is nearing conclusion. Conceptual planning is underway. And completion of the final report occurred in time for the Board of Trustees meeting May 5. Following the commission’s Nov. 21 meeting with the Ellerbe Becket team, the University launched an inclusive information-gathering process that has provided opportunities for meaningful input from University constituencies including students, alumni, faculty, staff, community groups and tenants of the Parkville Commercial Underground. The Board of

Trustees has been involved from the start: five representatives serve on the commission, and time during the January 2006 Board Retreat was dedicated to the plan. Master planning information is regularly posted to a dedicated page, THE COMMISSION’S GOAL IS TO CREATE A PLAN THAT EMPHASIZES: • Connections on the campus, including the academic and commercial undergrounds,

and beyond into the Parkville community. • Balancing tradition with innovation. • Better accessibility to and on the campus. • Promoting the campus as an area-wide destination. • Reconfiguring the campus to be pedestrian centered. • Taking advantage of the campus’s beautiful physical setting. • Offering additional residential options. • Incorporating the new Institute for Global Culture, Economics and Understanding into the fabric of campus life. • Providing quality standards to guide future construction and renovation on the campus. The new master plan will support the enrollment growth projected in E&T 2012, in a way that balances aesthetics with Park’s educational purpose and assures that all facets are implemented in a phased and fiscally responsible way.

Restoring a Campus Treasure


For more than half a century, Graham Tyler Memorial Chapel, with its 136-rank organ, vaulted ceiling and stained glass, has been the site for church services, convocations, meetings, musical performances and weddings. Today the limestone gem of a building houses the International Center for Music and the Park University’s Youth Conservatory for Music and is the venue for the Kansas City Philharmonic and the Parkville Community Band. Constructed in 1931, Graham Tyler Memorial Chapel was rebuilt in 1938 after a fire caused extensive damage. Sixty-eight years later, this University treasure is getting needed repair. On June 3 the building will close during the summer for renovations. The exterior will receive waterproofing, tuck pointing and sealant, and the stained glass windows will be repaired to stop water leakage. Interior work will focus on the main-floor




damage to lower-level classrooms, offices and practice rooms. The projected completion date is Aug. 5.

Spring 2006 ‹‹


From Determined Player to Enterprising Executive by Jerod Dahlgren, sports information director



rowing up with dreams of playing professional basketball in the NBA,

Anteco Cross never imagined that his rise in the business world would come through renting cars. Following his college days as a member of the men’s basketball team, Cross quickly climbed the ladder at Enterprise Rent-ACar. In just five years he went from management trainee to his current position of area rental manager, overseeing five stores in Johnson and Wyandotte Counties (Kan.) and supervising 25 employees. Cross, a 1995 Park graduate and Memphis, Tenn., native, credits his professional successes to his time at Park. “Park has played a major role in my life,” he said. “Park allowed me to excel in the



classroom, while also playing college basketball. Developing a great work ethic, being open to feedback and making ongoing improvements are qualities that I was taught at Park and continue to utilize today.” Cross’ journey to Park began while he was attending and playing basketball at Wentworth Military Academy in Lexington, Mo. After his second season at Wentworth, he went hunting for a school to continue his basketball career. “All my life, I always thought I would play in the NBA, but after two years of junior college basketball, I realized that was not possible. I needed to find a great school in a great community.”

Enter Park. Former men’s head basketball coach and current Athletic Director Claude English had been in touch with Wentworth’s coach about prospective recruits. After a recommendation to take a look at Cross, English invited him to the Parkville Campus for a tryout. “I took a visit one Saturday morning, Claude English following Highway 24 from Lexington,” Cross recalled. “When I arrived in Parkville, I could not believe my eyes. The grass was green and the people

personality contrasted perfectly to that of English. Pat Fayard, H. ’01, now English’s administrative assistant in the Athletic Department, at the time worked in Student Support Services and Pat Fayard, H. ’01 hired Cross in fall 1993 as a work-study student. She recalls many counseling sessions where she built Cross back up after English had worn him down during a practice or after a game. “I kept telling Anteco that you can’t change Coach,” Fayard said. “Coach is doing that for a reason, and you can’t take it personally. You can’t change him, but you can change how you react to it. You are not

learned at Park greatly influence who he is today. “Coach English taught the game like it was real life, and he taught us to become men. That approach to basketball was the best thing that anyone could have ever done for me.” Cross’ well-known work ethic has not only translated into success at Enterprise, but his reputation has led to opportunities for other Park graduates at the company, including Rod Perkins, ’97; Tony Visintine, ’97; Henry Logan, ’98; Tyrone Jones, ’98; Larry Parker, ’99; and Dan Durrer, ’04. Looking ahead, Cross will continue his quest to become a group rental manager and ultimately a vice president. On a personal note, he’s single but says he looks forward to one day having kids.


were friendly. After two hours of playing basketball in the Old Gym with the current players, I knew this was the school for me.” While the decision to choose Park was a quick one for Cross, it wasn’t an immediate decision for English to sign him. “Anteco is one of the few players I ever had who recruited me,” English said. “I was still looking at some other guys, but he was calling me almost 24-7 to see whether or not I was interested. “It was one of those situations where you want players who want you. He wanted to be here at Park, and he wanted to play here at Park. I guess the rest is history.” In his first Park season, 1993-94, the Pirates posted a 14-17 overall record, and Cross developed a reputation on the court as a hungry, hard-nosed player. “Anteco did the little things,” English said. “No one was going to outwork him. No one was going to be as tough as he was going to be. He was just a hard-working young man.” That determination paid off in a road game at Columbia College that season. Columbia entered the game as the top team in the American Midwest Conference, but the Pirates came away with the victory. Years later, English cannot remember how many points Cross scored, but he can still see the player’s reaction after the game. “The joy on his face is what I remember more than anything else. He was a very happy young man. He was just a joy to coach.” While both Cross and English can look back fondly on that first season, laughter was never a hallmark of practice. English demanded intensity and solid decisionmaking when the basketball was in your hands — or when it wasn’t. Players who didn’t hold up their end of the bargain heard his displeasure. “I’m not the easiest person to play for because I’m very demanding,” English said. “I am not only demanding of them on the court, but I am demanding of them off the court. I have certain expectations, and I hold them accountable.” While trying to adapt to a coaching style that English calls “tough love,” Cross encountered an individual at Park whose

1993- 94 Pirates basketball team

going to get any strokes from him, so if you need that, come here. Change yourself. Work harder and do what he wants.” Cross says Fayard was his “mom away from home.” “We had a great relationship while I was in school and still do today. She always made sure that Coach was not yelling at me too much, that I was eating the proper foods, and she even invited me over for Thanksgiving dinner at her home. Pat always goes beyond the call of duty. She really deserves the world.” Through all of the ups and downs, Cross knows that the lessons and values he

“Pat still calls at least once a month to check up on me, to see if I am in love or if I’m married yet. I think she’s ready for more grandkids. When that time comes, I know she and Coach will make great godparents.” Regardless of the path Cross travels, English is certain that his former player and now lifelong friend will succeed. “I’ve told my players this many times,” English said. “The only place that success comes before work is in the dictionary. The work has to come before the success. “I think Anteco was a great example of that. He is not afraid to work, and he is not afraid to fail. The sky is the limit for him.” Spring 2006 ‹‹


We m

Support for Park our gifts to Park are greatly appreciated. Because providing quality programs and faculty is an expensive endeavor, private support enables the University to keep tuition more affordable. It is our hope that your Park education has been of such value to you that through your gifts you are willing to help provide the same — or better — educational opportunities for future generations of Park students.


Gifts also can be an avenue to honor important individuals in your life. Whether you want to honor someone still living or remember someone who has passed, tribute gifts are a wonderful way to recognize loved ones or friends. Each Alumniad displays tribute gifts received since the last issue of the magazine. These gifts support the Park Fund, academic program funds, existing endowed scholarship funds, or capital needs. What they all have in common is that the gift honors an individual. Whether you choose to use your gift as tribute or not, your support is valued and deeply appreciated. All gifts to the University are listed in our annual Report to Investors, published in late fall each year.

b y a

you. g n i l al c e

Hopefully you have noticed the emphasis Park places on alumni activities. As part of this effort, advancement staff members travel to meet alumni in the cities where they live. If one of us calls you, please say “yes” to a visit. We want to know about your family and career, what alumni events would appeal to you, and which educational experiences have given you the tools to succeed in life. Below are some of the individuals who may be giving you a call. We look forward to meeting you!

Caren Handleman

Rita Weighill

Susan Walker

Nathan Marticke

Thank you for caring about your University.

Brett Blackwelder 20


Jennifer Sanders

Tribute Gift Recognition

>> Alumni and Friends Who Make a Difference

Park University gratefully acknowledges the individuals, associations, corporations and foundations that honored loved ones and friends through tribute gifts between Oct. 1 and Dec. 31, 2005. In Memory of Beryl Sheila Ahrens to the Park Fund Doris Howell, ’44 John Blair, ’39, to the Park Fund Frances (Woodbury) Blair, ’41 Thor Bogren to the Park Fund Shirley (Durbin) Bogren, ’55 Gail Diane Crockett to the Park Fund James, ’45, and Martha Crockett Martha “Bobbie” Gray, ’50, to the Park Fund William R. Walinow Jr., ’71 Ethel Lyon to the Park Fund Richard Olsson, ’49 Althea McLaren to the Park Fund Robert McLaren, ’45 Peter Mori, ’45, to the Park Fund Yoko Mori Joy (Jacobs) Palmer, ’61, to the Park Fund Shirley (Miller) Clark, ’61 Claude Rader to the Park Fund Maurine (Rader) Summerfield, ’31 Olive Rader to the Park Fund Maurine (Rader) Summerfield, ’31

Thomas Roberts to the Park Fund Maurine (Rader) Summerfield, ’31

Nancy Swim to the McAfee Library Charles, ’64, and Sherry Swim

Armour Stephenson, ’78, to the Park Fund Greg, ’77, and Arlene (Spain), ’77, Laveist

Eleanor Chesnut to the Presbyterian Scholar Fund Charlene Chesnut

Shirley Fae Stephenson to the Park Fund Greg, ’77, and Arlene (Spain), ’77, Laveist

Martha “Bobbie” Gray, ’50, to the Griffith Music Fund Rosemary (Fry) Plakas, ’63

Eleanor (McDaniel) Taylor, ’54, to the Park Fund Centenary College of LA Forrest and Julie Darrough Cherry Payne Dwight Townsend to the Park Fund Deidre (Townsend) Bowman, ’71 Louise Townsend to the Park Fund Deidre (Townsend) Bowman, ’71 Lindsey Turner to the Park Fund Catherine (Richardson) Turner, ’34 Christi Warner to the Park Fund Cliff Warner CWC Ward Whipple, ’36, to the Park Fund Susan Weeks C. David and Isabel (Wellington), ’66, Whipple Grant, ’41, and Emily Whipple Lyle and Victoria Whipple Charles Edwards, ’42, to the Friends of the Library Rosemary (Fry) Plakas, ’63 Susan Marshall, ’95, to the Friends of the Library Harold, ’44, and Carolyn (Douglas), ’47, Smith

John Hamilton to the Biology Department Joseph, ’56, and Betty Darby Michael E. Johnson, ’97, to the Michael E. Johnson Scholarship Fund Ronald Miriani John R. Sanders to the Dr. John Sanders Memorial Scholarship Ken, ’04, and Karen, ’02, Austin Brian, ’86, and Nadienne, ’03, Hoffman Debra McArthur Carol Sanders Marlowe Sherwood, ’63, to the Marlowe Sherwood Endowed Scholarship Rosemary (Fry) Plakas, ’63 Eleanor (McDaniel) Taylor, ’54, to the Dr. John Hamilton Endowed Scholarship Russell, ’55, and Connie (Koning), ’54, Proffitt M.Ed and Erna Taylor Oleva Morrison Myers, ’32, to the Myers Scholarship Fund Robert C. Myers, ’61 Evelyn Lare Smith, ’60, to the Evelyn Lare Smith Scholarship Fund Ed and Alice (Lare), ’55, Stocking


In Honor of Hudson McDonough to the Friends of the Library Harold, ’44, and Carolyn (Douglas), ’47, Smith

Dr. William C. Pivonka to the Dr. William Pivonka Science Scholarship Brian Hoffman, ’86 Art, ’65, and Susan Kluge

David Ockerstrom to the Friends of the Library Kimberly (Crabtree) Gazzo, ’86

Graduates of 1977 and 1978 Greg, ’77, and Arlene (Spain), ’77, Laveist

Alma Pauline Taylor to the Friends of the Library Albert and Betty Dusing

All donors to the University are recognized in the Report to Investors, published each fall. If your name is not listed, please accept our apology and notify

Spring 2006 ‹‹


In Academia Faculty Member Publishes Fifth Book Marshall Cavendish Publishers in New York recently released Debra McArthur’s fifth book, Mark Twain. Intended for high school (and older) readers, the 160page biography includes many color images and photos, plus a reader’s guide to The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. McArthur is a faculty member and director of Academic Support Services at the Parkville Campus. She also wrote The Dust Bowl and the Depression in American History (Enslow Publishers, 2002), The Kansas-Nebraska Act and ‘Bleeding Kansas’ in American History (Enslow Publishers, 2003), Desert Storm: The First Persian Gulf War in American History (Enslow Publishers, 2004) and Raoul Wallenberg: Rescuing Thousands from the Nazis’ Grasp (Enslow Publishers, 2005). Her books are available through Barnes & Noble and the Park University bookstore. For more information, visit Hauptmann School Dean Publishes Article The journal Academy of Management Learning & Education published an article by Laurie DiPadova-Stocks, Ph.D., dean of the Hauptmann School for Public Affairs, in its September 2005 issue. Two Major Concerns About ServiceLearning: What If We Don’t Do It? And What If We Do? details dilemmas in implementing service learning in college classrooms, while criticizing U.S. higher education for failing to cultivate a public conscience. DiPadova-Stocks argues that faculty



incentives and the “silo” structure of academia combine to insulate graduates from the consequences of their decisions. In presenting service learning as a remedy, the article reminds faculty and administrators of the responsibility to extend their work and vision to embrace the greater good. The Academy of Management is the premier national academic disciplinary association for faculty in management and business education, publishing the top-tier journals Academy of Management Review and Academy of Management Journal. As the AOM’s newest journal, the AMLE publishes quality scholarship and provides a forum to examine pressing issues in management learning and education. The journal presents theory, models, research, critique, dialogues and retrospectives that speak to the learning process and develop the practice of education in the management disciplines. Article by M.P.A. Area Coordinator Published The Fire Prevention and Fire Engineers Journal recently published an article by Jeffrey Hartle, CFPS, MIFireE, titled Island Protection. To view the article, click pdf. Hartle is the coordinator of the Disaster and Emergency Management Emphasis in the Hauptmann School for Public Affairs. He is a certified fire protection specialist and a member of the Institution of Fire Engineers, as well as numerous professional organizations related to disaster and emergency management. U.N. Web Site Features Works by Park Faculty Members Works released in November by Brian Hoffman, Ph.D., and Jerzy Hauptmann, Ph.D., are available on the United Nations

Online Network in Public Administration and Finance (UNPAN) web site, Biology Faculty Receive Research Grant Tim Gabor, Ph.D., biology program coordinator, and Carol Sanders, Ph.D., interim chair of the Natural and Applied Science Department, received a $10,500 research grant from the Brush Creek MidShed Project of the Platte Land Trust. The funds, from the U.S. Department of Natural Resources, will buy equipment to perform research on the stream flow in Brush Creek from approximately Highway 152 to Highway 45 in Kansas City, Mo. The equipment will remain in the department. The funding also will provide scholarships for three-hour research courses for two students to collect and analyze data. Sanders is a member of the Brush Creek Mid-Shed Steering Committee and the Technical Advisory Committee. Jerzy Hauptmann, Ph.D., professor emeritus of political science and public administration, wrote the paper Toward a Theory of Civic Engagement for Park’s International Center for Civic Engagement (ICCE). To view the paper, click on ic/documents/icce/unpan021794.pdf. Brian L. Hoffman, Ph.D., professor of biology and mathematics, delivered the presentation “Avian Influenza: The Next Human Pandemic?” on Nov. 17 in the McCoy Meetin’ House on the Parkville Campus. His remarks are at ic/documents/icce/unpan021862.pdf. These materials were provided to the United Nations by the ICCE, which was selected in October as an Online International Center of UNPAN. UNPAN is a global network of institutes and associations that share knowledge, experiences and best practices in sound public policies, effective public

<< IN ACADEMIA administration and efficient civil services. Park faculty interested in sharing relevant publications with UNPAN’s worldwide audience should contact ICCE Director Erik Bergrud at Faculty Member Selected to Attend Roundtable in England Lolly J. Ockerstrom, Ph.D., assistant professor of English, attended the Oxford Round Table on Women’s Rights in March at Lincoln College (founded 1427) in the University of Oxford, England. She presented her paper Narration, Knowing, and Female Empowerment: Telling Stories, Authorizing Experience. She stayed at Harris Manchester College at Oxford and participated in

discussions with scholars from throughout the world on the causes of gender inequalities in education and public policy. In June, Ockerstrom will present her paper History in the Raw: Rationing, the Queen Mary, and One English War Bride at the 2006 World War II Conference at Siena College in Loudonville, N.Y. Faculty Member Named Outstanding Missourian

The Missouri House of Representatives on Jan. 31 named adjunct faculty member William Cross, Ph.D., an “Outstanding Missourian” in a ceremony at the Capitol in Jefferson City.

Faculty Member Named to Kansas City Board Park University adjunct faculty member John Fierro joined the Kansas City Board of Parks and Recreation Commission on Oct. 4. Ford Receives Doctorate Ronda Benson Ford, adjunct instructor of music, completed her Doctor of Musical Arts in flute performance and pedagogy at the University of Southern Mississippi in December 2005. Her dissertation is titled A Door to Extended Techniques: Five Analyses and Composer Interviews from the National Flute Association’s High School Soloist Competition.

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Spring 2006 ‹‹


Ahoy, Mate! We Could’ve Been the

White Mules ... In January 1925, the Park student body set about revising its constitution. It was proposed that Park needed stickers with a

Pirate-themed parties were popular, and a gossip column in the 1925-26 Stylus carried the title “Pieces O’ Eight.”

design as unmistakable as the KU Jayhawk or the Mizzou Tiger. A

Why Pirates was chosen remains sketchy. Three theories:

committee compiled a list of possible mascots to be voted on by the

• Park men returning from World War I in 1919 brought nautical

student body, and so much time and effort accompanied the process that a second committee had to be formed. Among the

terms. A 1920 Stylus article about an oratorical victory refers to the opponents as the “gallant crew of the good ship Ottowa.”

many names suggested were Hill-Billies, Eagles, White Mules and

• The proximity of the Missouri River inspired the name.

Goats (Stylus, 2/26/1925). In a campus election, Pirates won out

• “Pirates” connotes ferocity, thus providing inspiration for

over Eagles and Panthers.

teams and fans alike.

The new constitution was presented to the student body for ratification April 23, 1925. It began:

Whatever the reason, the name stuck and has been with us for more than 80 years. Pirate Trivia: The former Galley (snack bar) in lower Commons

The name of this organization shall be The Park College Student Body. The official name of the Park College students Shall be Pirates. (Stylus, 4/23/1925)

was once called the Jolly Roger or J.R., and the bowling alley area in the basement of the old gym was once named The Pirate’s Den. Carolyn McHenry Elwess, ’71, archivist Historical information and mascot imagery courtesy of Park


University Fishburn Archives Seafaring terms like Good Ship Park, Captain Kidd, Treasure Hunt and Pirate Den became the rage. Oratorical and athletic contests were “battles” in which “broadsides sank the opponents.” The 1926 Narva yearbook was themed “a chest of pirate plunder,” and illustrations of ships and pirates appeared throughout.



Next Question: When did Park develop an Online presence, and where was the first campus center located?

1970s-80s bib logo

Bib logo for our newest Pirates

B UT W E B ECAME THE P IRATES ! S EE HOW OUR MASCOT HAS EVOLVED. A jacket patch from the 1950s

2006 Pirates’ athletic logo (left) and Park 1977 logo


Spring 2006 ‹‹



Corner Greetings!


I have to brag a little in this issue, as I want everyone to know that I am now the proud parent of a Park University alumna. My daughter, Brianne, graduated from the Parkville Campus on Dec. 17. She is one alum whose class year I will have no trouble remembering. It is my job — and privilege — to attend Park graduations, traveling from Washington, D.C., to San Diego with many stops in between. I welcome the new graduates into the Alumni Association and congratulate them on their accomplishment. After all, getting through college is no easy task. So when I made my way to the December graduation I wasn’t too excited. My husband attended, as did my parents, Brianne’s boyfriend and his parents. That was a bit unusual, but I still had my work to do. I helped them find a seat together, waved goodbye and headed to the staging room where the graduating class was gathering to start the procession. Then I saw my daughter all decked out in her cap and gown. I suddenly understood those crowds of people I have watched over the years, how they rush to the front of the stage to snap photos, how they cheer when that special someone’s name is announced. I wanted to cheer too! When Dr. Byers-Pevitts asked the parents of the graduates to stand, I literally jumped out of my seat. With the ceremony over and Brianne and I standing in line to get our photo taken in front of the University seal, I was surprised to be so excited. But I know how hard she worked for her degree, as have all of our graduates. From my own experience I know how it feels to walk across the stage; from my daughter’s graduation I learned how it feels to be one of the thousands of proud people in the audience. The pride I felt in my daughter that day was overwhelming. Congratulations to all who can put “Park alumna/us” on your résumé! You made your mama proud.

Julie McCollum Director of Alumni Relations



Bulletin Board



CLUB AND REGIONAL NEWS Volleyball Alumni Challenge 2006 Team Park University men’s volleyball alumni took on the 2006 team Jan. 13 in the Breckon Sports Center. Each participant received a commemorative T-shirt and was invited to a party after the game.

Alumni in Arkansas Karen Peters Frankenfeld, ’59, organized a gathering of alumni in Bella Vista, Ark. at the Loch Lomond Yacht Club, on March 16. The group included Jene and Susan (Speer) Porter, ’59 and x62, Mary Eggleston and Karen’s husband, Bob Frankenfeld. Lisa Kerley Callaghan, ’01, from the Admissions Department and Alisha Coggins, ’03, from the Office of Alumni Relations, among others, came from the Parkville campus to join the group.

El Paso Alumni Park alumni in the El Paso area met informally Jan. 12 to discuss starting an alumni chapter. Debbie Toynes, ’03; Liz Baty, ’03; Louis Vega, ’03; and Jerry Valles, ’01, are organizing the group. Plans for future events are already underway. If you are interested in helping the group, please visit, click on “Clubs and Groups” and select the El Paso Club.

Tucson Alumni Busy in March Director of Career Development Layne Prenger presented Strategies for Career Success on March 3 at the Davis-Monthan Air Force Base Campus Center. The event was open to students and alumni, who brought their résumés for review. Park’s Career Development Center services are available to all alumni and students. Learn about the center and access the list of services at On March 4, alumni, faculty, staff and friends gathered for a major league spring training baseball game, a barbecue and socializing when Arizona Diamondbacks played Chicago White Sox at Tucson Electric Park.

Travel with Park University Alumni Fall 2006 to Ireland Sept. 8-16

“I received your brochure describing the trip to Ireland. Had you asked me to design the tour, I would not change a thing. Dublin is nice, but in my opinion you have literally hit the heart of Ireland with your itinerary.” — Ann Milholland Webb, ’82, MPA ’99, a Park alumna and authority on travel in Ireland A VERY SPECIAL OFFER FOR TRAVELERS ON THIS TRIP: The first 20 groups (family, couple or single) to register for this trip will receive both of Ann Webb’s books, Irish Reflections and The Connemara Bus “A Journey Through the Past in Ireland,” as a “Welcome to the Alumni Travel Group” from the alumni director. See page 37 for trip details.

5K Run/Walk and Pancake Breakfast The Alumni Association, along with Park’s Track, Field and Cross Country teams, held its annual 5K Run and Pancake Breakfast on March 26 at the Parkville Campus. The event attracted 200 runners and more than 150 additional spectators, volunteers and pancake lovers. The 3.2-mile course wound through campus streets, the nature center and underground. The first-place winner completed the course in 17:21. 5K winners include: Fastest Male Fastest Female Fastest Alumnus Fastest Alumna Fastest Park Male Student Fastest Park Female Student Fastest Male Faculty/Staff Fastest Female Faculty/Staff Fastest/Largest Family

Danny Holmes Julie Angello Ken Grupe, ’05 Belinda Ambrose, ’00 Kevin Shaw Ken Grupe, ’05 Julie Angello Belinda Ambrose, ’00 John Dean Deborah Osborne Bobbie Shaw, ’01, with four members finishing the run

Find age division winners, times and photos at

An Evening with Dr. Jerzy Hauptmann was held at the Denver Marriott Tech Center on April 3 in Colorado. Alumni and friends attended Dr. Hauptmann’s presentation on Civic Engagement and Public Administration and the reception that followed.

To learn about class rings, screensavers, replacement diplomas, scholarships, career services, back issues of Alumniad, WEBMAILSM and complimentary items, log on to the Park Alumni Community at Use the five- or six-digit number next to your name on the label of this magazine as your first-time login.

Save the Dates (Find more information at June 15 Alumni Golf Outing Tiffany Greens Golf Course Kansas City, Mo. Two-man Scramble June 15-18 Alumni Weekend Details on page 28 June 23 Ohio Golf Scramble Columbus, Ohio Sept. 8-16 Alumni Trip to Ireland Details on page 37 Oct. 6-8 Homecoming Parkville campus Oct. 14-15 art@park Spring 2006 ‹‹


Highlights of THURSDAY, JUNE

1 5

• Golf Outing at Tiffany Greens Golf Course. Two-man scramble for alumni and friends, $75 per player. Put your team together and register with the alumni office at or (800) 488-PARK (7275). ADDITIONAL

• Class of 1956 only Golden Reunion Dinner hosted by President Beverley Byers-Pevitts in the University White House garden.


• Reunion tables at all events • Memorabilia displays • Hermit hangout


1 6

• Brunch with the president for all Parkites graduating prior to 1956. • Class get-togethers; watch your mail for specific class details.

• Class reunion gatherings throughout the weekend • Hospitality room hosted by the Alumni Council • “The Point” open to visitors • Van transportation on campus • Breakfast and lunch in Thompson Commons, beginning Friday

• Friends of the Library

To receive reunion mailings, call (800) 488-7275 or e-mail

• Campus bus tours • Dinner Downtown Tour the Park University Downtown Campus, home of the accelerated and graduate programs, followed by a buffet at the Kansas City Public Library’s Roof Top Terrace. Following dinner, Stanislav Ioudenitch, Park music associate professor and 2001 Van Cliburn International Piano Competition gold medalist, and his students will perform a concert in the Gladys Feld Helzberg Auditorium adjoining the library.


1 7

• Alumni Association Annual Meeting • “Park University 2006,” a presentation, with Q&A • Class photos • Park Singers Reunion • More class get-togethers and socializing • Alumni Awards Banquet


• Golden Class Reunion, Class of 1956 • Class reunions for all classes ending in 1 and 6 • Park Singers • Hermits



Dorm rooms will be available in Chesnut Hall. Indicate special housing needs on the registration form. The front desk will be staffed from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. ALTERNATE



A preferred rate of $89 per night is available at the newly renovated Hilton Kansas City Airport Hotel, 8801 N.W. 112th St., Kansas City, Mo. (location of the awards banquet). For reservations call (800) 445-8667. The local number is (816) 891-8900.

– Distinguished Alumnus – Marlowe Sherwood Memorial Service Award


1 8

• Church Service • Farewell Brunch This schedule is subject to change. Specific times will be available at and also will be distributed by mail.





Allen Larson, ’59, will receive the Distinguished Alumnus Award, the Park University Alumni Association’s highest honor, recognizing lifetime achievement. The Rev. Edmund Loew, x55, and Joyce Wilson Loew, ’56, will receive the Marlowe Sherwood Memorial Service Award in recognition of their lifelong community service. The awards will be presented June 17 at the Hilton Kansas City Airport Hotel during the Alumni Weekend 2006 Awards Banquet. Look for recipient profiles in the summer 2006 Alumniad.

Park University Alumni Weekend 2006 Registration Form Registrations are requested by June 1 Except for the 50th Reunion Dinner and Awards Banquet, all events may be attended without pre-registration. However, costs for individual meals will be slightly higher at the door.



Number of persons

Cost per person

Running total

Residence Hall Rooms

$25 per person per night; housing assignments made by Office of Resident Life ■ Thursday, June 15 ■ Friday, June 16 ■ Saturday, June 17

_____________ _____________ _____________

x $25= x $25= x $25=

$___________ $___________ $___________

Class of ’56 Reunion Dinner* on Thursday, June 15

■ Free for Class of ’56 Alumni ■ $12 per spouse/guest of Class of ’56 Alumni

_____________ _____________

x $12=


Comprehensive Meal Ticket (a savings of 10%)

$45 includes all meals listed below, except Alumni Banquet


x $45=


Individual Meals

■ Friday, June 16 Breakfast ■ Friday, June 16 Lunch ■ Friday, June 16 Dinner ■ Saturday, June 17 Breakfast ■ Saturday, June 17 Lunch ■ Sunday, June 18 Continental Breakfast ■ Sunday, June 18 Farewell Brunch

_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________

x $6= x $7= x $12= x $6= x $7= x $4= x $10=

$___________ $___________ $___________ $___________ $___________ $___________ $___________

Alumni Awards Banquet* (Hilton Kansas City Airport)

Saturday, June 17 Reception 6-7 p.m. Banquet 7-9 p.m.


x $30=


$10 Registration Fee (Per person)

Registration fee This fee is waived for forms received by June 1.


x $10= free until 6/1


*Registration required

Please make checks payable to Park University.

Grand Total


You must participate in Alumni Weekend to stay on campus. Those who register for housing together will be assigned to the same room. For roommate requests, please see below.

Payment Information

■ Check enclosed ■ Credit Card (Circle one: Visa MC Discover Am Express) Number _____________________________ Exp. date __________ Signature ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Your name _______________________________________ Birth name ___________________ Class year ________________ How do you want your name to appear on your name tag? __________________________________________________________ Your spouse’s or guest’s name ___________________________________________________________ Class year _____________ How do you want your spouse’s/guest’s name to appear on his/her name tag? ____________________________________________ Address __________________________________________________________________________________________________ City, State & ZIP __________________________________________________________________________________________ Daytime phone number _____________________________________ E-mail address ____________________________________ Roommate request for campus housing __________________________________________________________________________ Mail to Alumni Relations, Campus Mailbox 37, Park University, 8700 N.W. River Park Drive, Parkville, MO 64152. Register Online at or call toll-free (800) 488-7275 or fax to (816) 505-5409. Spring 2006 ‹‹


Class Notes ’40s Allen Van Cleve, ’41, and his spouse, Lois, moved to Clive, Iowa, in October and are happy to be near their son, who lives in nearby Ankeny.

’50s Alden Hickman, x52, is interim pastor at Central Presbyterian Church in Topeka, Kan. He and his wife, Enid, will celebrate their 50th anniversary this summer. They moved to a newer home in Topeka in December where they “no longer have to mow or shovel snow.” Florence Byham Weinberg, ’54, Ph.D., has published her fifth book, a historical novel, Apache Lance, Franciscan Cross. Her sixth book, The Seven Cities of Mud, is in progress. Mary (Hay) Cooke, ’55, wrote Through All the Circling Years: The Private Life of a Pastor’s Wife, a book about her life with the Rev. James Cooke, ’56.

’60s Peter Bine, ’64, is city manager of Oak Island, N.C. He and his wife of 36 years, Debby, enjoy ocean sailing and international travel.

’70s Steve Guthrie, ’71, is the sales and marketing director at Denison Landscaping, the nation’s 29th largest landscaping company. Bonnie (Beuth) Guthrie, ’72, is a Reading Recovery Teacher Leader for the Charles County school system in La Plata, Md. Richard Plocica, ’77, is governor of the Optimist International Capital Virginia District for the October 2005-September 2006 term. Roy Lorenz, ’79, is employed by the National Optical Astronomy Observatory



Have you received a job promotion, gotten married, had a baby or received an award? Go to, click My Profile and add a class note. Your logon number is on the back of this magazine. (NOAO) as an observation technician. This year he is launching a business, Starman, which incorporates art and astronomy. The product is a hand-painted ceiling mural of the heavens, with thousands of stars that glow for up to an hour — an ideal effect, he notes, in bedrooms. Details are at

’80s Ray Cummiskey, ’80, was named Citizen of the Year by the Saline County (Ill.) Chamber of Commerce. Lisa Wade McCormick, ’83, has worked as a reporter for The Examiner in Independence, Mo., and the Greeley Tribune (Greeley, Colo.), as a press aide for former Missouri Attorney General William Webster, as an investigative producer at KCTV-5 NEWS and as an economic crime investigator for the Johnson County, Kan., District Attorney’s Office. She has won two Emmys and an award from Investigative Reporters and Editors for outstanding investigative reporting. Now a freelance writer and author, she has written seven children’s books for grades K-2. Brian Niemuth, x84, is the 2005-06 Iowa Conference Coach of the Year and the Division III West Region Coach of the Year. He is the women’s basketball coach at Simpson College, which won the Iowa Conference championship this year and advanced to the second round of the NCAA Tournament for the first time in school history. He was an all-conference basketball player at Park and an honorable mention All-America baseball player. He was an assistant coach at Park for two years. Stephan M. Veazey, ’85, has been called to lead the Community of Christ church as prophet-president. He has been a full-time minister since 1983. He and Cathleen Henson Cackler-Veazey have been married 19 years and have three children. Brian Hoffman, ’86, Ph.D., associate

professor of science, recently received the District Award of Merit for his service to the Boys Scouts of America. The Robidoux District, Pony Express Council of the Boy Scouts of America honored Hoffman for his work as a scout leader, den leader, cub leader, committee chair and director of National Youth Leader Training with the Troop and Pack 21 from Wyatt Park Christian Church in Missouri. James Breslin, ’88, received a Doctor of Philosophy in human services in January. Steve Cox, ’88, co-authored One Fine Stooge: Larry Fine’s Frizzy Life in Pictures. George Rohrich, ’88, is administrator of The Memorial Hospital in Craig, Colo. He previously was CEO of the Washakie Medical Center in Worland, Wyo., and administrator of the Pembina County Memorial Hospital in Cavalier, N.D. He worked in medical administration for the Air Force for 15 years in hospitals across the United States and foreign countries, including Turkey. Stephen Hunter, ’89, is principal of Troy Buchanan High School in Troy, Mo., and is completing doctoral work. He and his wife of 12 years, Becky, have a 5-year-old son, Dylan. Steve is still an active runner, competing in marathons, including Boston, Minneapolis, St. Louis and other cities.

’90s Nancy (Becker) McBride, ’90, Ph.D., was awarded a doctorate in counseling and educational psychology in December. She is a school psychologist in the Lyon County School District in Yerington, Nev., and an adjunct professor at the University of Nevada, Reno. Gregory Murphy, ’91, works for the California Department of Justice. John Sissell, ’91, recently completed his master’s in computer information systems. Mark Wilks, ’91, is the media editor-Midwest at Pearson Custom Publishing in Boston. He is based in Tuscola, Ill.

<< CLASS NOTES Mary Lou Jaramillo, ’92, is executive director of the Hispanic Economic Development Corp., in Kansas City, Mo. Rhonda (Baugus) Stucinski, ’93, was highlighted as a career leader in The Kansas City Star’s Jan. 3 Careerbuilders section. Stucinski is the human resources director for the Catholic Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph. She is responsible for creating and running programs, processes and policies that support diocesan employees and the overall mission of the diocese. Philip Bolen, A.S. ’94, B.S. ’95, has changed careers since graduating with his computer science degrees. He received a Master of Divinity in May and is senior pastor at Christ Lutheran Church in Remsen, Iowa. Timothy Ossinger, ’94, was appointed command chief master sergeant at Oklahoma City Air Logistics Center/72 Air Base Wing, Tinker Air Force Base, Okla. Premier Incentives, owned by Sue McMillian, ’95, and Spencer McMillian, ’03, has been named 2005 Business of the Year by the Platte City, Mo., Chamber of Commerce. Patrick Yost, ’95, was Employee of the Quarter for the Missouri Department of Social Services, Family Support Division, Child Support Enforcement, for April, May and June 2005. Robert Benefield, ’98, recently returned to Kansas City after seven years in the Army as an infantry and personnel officer. He and his spouse, Jennifer, have a 5-monthold son, Brendan Michael. Robert is a budget analyst for the Department of the Army, Kansas City Army Recruiting. John Fierro, ’98, is executive director of the Mattie Rhodes Center, a 111-year-old social services and arts center in Kansas City, Mo. “I’m honored to be appointed as executive director and at the same time understand that I have a great responsibility to maintain the legacy established by Mattie Florence Rhodes and past directors,” he said. He replaces Mary Lou Jaramillo, ’92.

Tim Hebert, ’98, lives in Colorado with wife Gretchen and 8-month-old son John. Tim has run 12 marathons in the past five years and is training for the next Boston Marathon. He owns a health insurance brokerage and a real estate company, and he leads his church’s classes on personal finances.

Angela Russell, ’02, became engaged to Michael Solano on Oct. 24, 2005. They live in Tulsa, Okla., and will marry Nov. 11, 2006.

Michelle (Carr) Holland, ’99, is an auditor for Johnson County, Kan. She worked for the Missouri State Auditor’s Office, where she worked her way to senior auditor. She is certified as a fraud examiner and currently heads a job placement/database committee for the Kansas City Chapter of Certified Fraud Examiners, and she participates with the KC-CFE board.

Steven Sunder, ’03, has accepted dual positions as vice president of business development and president of Invision Medical, a subsidiary of Southwestern Eye Center.

’00s Nicole (Christiansen) Aarestad, ’00, joined Bremer Bank in Fargo, N.D., as credit analyst. Tammy Flemming, ’01, was featured in The Kansas City Star’s Aug. 14 Careerbuilders section. Flemming is director of human resources for the Kansas City site of Crossroads Hospice, where she performs a variety of services, from recruiting and conducting orientations to working with staff to identify concerns and discover positive resolutions. Kevin Jones, ’01, was Mr. Missouri in the November 2005 Cosmopolitan. He is a patent attorney at Shook, Hardy & Bacon.

Matt Kelsey, ’03, is managing editor of The Kansas City Kansan and oversees editorial operations of the newspaper, which covers the Kansas City, Kan., community.

Lori Wilson, ’03, R.N., and husband Chris welcomed through adoption 2-year-old Emily Julianne on Dec. 15, 2005. Emily was fostered into their home in February 2004 and joins big brother Brandon. Melody Brown, ’04, practices law in Lenexa, Kan. Terra Pernell, ’05, was promoted to contract negotiator at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.

Note: Send us a birth or adoption announcement to use in Class Notes, and we’ll send you a “Baby Pirate” bib. (The image will be imprinted on the bib.)

Gerard Jones, ’02, was selected the 2005 Outstanding Intelligence Professional of the Year (GS-11 to GS-13) for Ninth Air Force, Shaw Air Force Base, S.C. Tom, ’02, and Kim (Shaver), ’04, Leimkuhler are stationed at Wheeler Army Airfield in Wahiawa, Hawaii (Oahu), where Tom, an Army warrant officer 1, is a Black Hawk pilot.

Two of Park’s newest pirates, Alex, 3 years, and Aidan “A.J.,” 4 months, are sons of Timothy and Tiffani, ’99, Edwards of Decatur, Iowa.

Spring 2006 ‹‹


PARK BIDS FAREWELL TO LONGTIME PARKVILLE RESIDENT AND NOTED ALUMNA Constance D. “Connie” Vulliamy, ’33, died peacefully March 28 at Liberty Terrace Care Center just 39 days before her 100th birthday. Miss Vulliamy was born May 6, 1906, in Crowley, La., to Dr. Hugh Vulliamy, a veterinarian, and Constance Gardner, both natives of England. Dr. Vulliamy, educated in Canada, had settled in Louisiana because he liked working with large farm animals, which were plentiful on southern plantations. During World War I, he volunteered his services to England and was assigned to provide medical care for horses and mules being shipped to Britain and Europe through a lend-lease program with the United States. When Miss Vulliamy was 9, her father moved the family to England so they would be close to relatives if something happened to him. Miss Vulliamy attended school in England and then, after the war, spent a year in a French boarding school before returning to Louisiana. After finishing high school, she worked for an insurance company for seven years before applying to Park College, having heard from a friend that students could work their way through. She arrived in Parkville in 1929 and never left. No one who had a conversation with Miss Vulliamy will ever forget her accent, a combination of British and Louisiana cadences that was impossible to duplicate. It was as unique as she was and reflected the circuitous route that brought her to Parkville and her beloved alma mater. As a student, Miss Vulliamy worked as a secretary in the Business Office and maintained an academic record that resulted in several departmental awards and her election to Alpha Delta, the college honor society. After graduating in 1933, she joined the Business Office staff as full-time secretary. A few years later she was appointed bursar, a position she held until her retirement in 1971. During her career, she saw seven college presidents come and go. People who worked with her never had to guess her opinion on an issue. She was outspoken, yet friendly, a genteel lady warmly appreciative of others. Many Park



alumni and staff were recipients of her thank-you or congratulatory notes — always personal and cheerfully worded. She maintained correspondence with Park people all over the world and especially encouraged George Croskey to write his memories of an earlier Parkville. Her encyclopedic knowledge of Park people and history was legendary. Miss Vulliamy was an independent woman, long before it was norm. Her interests were varied and geared toward quietly helping others. She strongly supported women’s issues and 70 years ago was a founding member and officer of the Parkville branch of the American Association of University Women. She also devoted a great deal of time to reading and recording books for the blind. She was a member of Parkville’s Afternoon Literary Club and the Episcopal Business Women’s Guild of Greater Kansas City. She was an ardent supporter of Parkville cultural life, an officer of the Park Friends of the Library and the Park Historical Society, and a member of the Alumni Association Executive Council. Notified that she would receive the Alumni Association’s highest award as a Distinguished Alumna in 1956, she replied, “It is quite beyond me to see where I qualify in any way as an outstanding alumna. I have never done anything outstanding. When I think how many alumni there must be scattered over the world who have really done things, it makes me feel dreadfully unworthy that I should have this great honor and not they.” The Alumni Association felt differently and honored her despite her humility. Miss Vulliamy is survived by her only sibling, the Rev. Gerald G. Vulliamy; two nieces, Marcia A. Dutton of Houston and Lydianne V. Hammons of Minden, La.; and three generations of nieces and nephews. Memorial services were May 6, the 100th anniversary of her birth, at the Church of the Redeemer, in Kansas City, Mo. Contributions in her memory may be made to Park University or to the Church of the Redeemer. Carolyn McHenry Elwess,’71, Park University archivist


Park Mourns ’20s Sarah (Davis) Carter, ’27, Aug. 28, 2005, San Carlos, Calif. Mrs. Carter dedicated her life to education, teaching English for 33 years at Eureka Senior High School in Eureka, Calif. In 1999 at the age of 95, she published her autobiography, The Time of My Life: A Memoir. The proceeds were used to form the Sarah Carter Scholarship Fund, which, with the support of her friends, has topped $100,000.

’30s Velma “OB” O’Brien, ’31, Jan. 2, 2006, Corona Del Mar, Calif. In 1948, Ms. O’Brien opened O’Brien’s Specialty Shop, the first high-end women’s clothing store in Corona Del Mar. Women’s Wear Daily reported her shop was “in the pink.” A strong, independent woman, fondly described as quirky, she was active in her community as a member for 59 years of the Masonic Order of the Eastern Star. She started the Soroptimists of Newport Harbor, served on the Advisory Committee of Orange Coast College, the Board of Directors of the National Right to Work Committee, and the Newport Harbor Republican Women. She received the Congressional Certificate of Merit for her consistent support of American Ideals of Freedom, Economic Opportunity and National Strength. Robert L. Thigpin, ’31, Oct. 23, 2005, Corsicana, Texas Alice (Boorem) Keen, ’32, June 13, 2005, Muskogee, Okla. Albert James Tener, ’32, May 5, 2005, Columbus, N.C. Mr. Tener was the head of the legal department of Perfection Stove Co. in Cleveland, Ohio. He then practiced law in the firm of Johnson, Peterson, Tener & Anderson in Jamestown, N.Y., until his retirement in 1976. He and his wife, Virginia, visited more than 80 countries and remained active in their retirement. They have two sons and a daughter.

Caldwell K. Hamilton, ’33, M.D., Nov. 6, 2005, St. Louis, Mo. After graduating from Park, Dr. Hamilton received his medical degree from St. Louis University. During World War II he served 5 1/2 years as a flight surgeon in the Army Air Corps, pre-war in Guatemala, and many of the war years on Guam and Saipan. He served generations of grateful patients for more than 50 years and was Parkway School District’s physician for more than 20 years. Dr. Hamilton is loved by literally thousands of former patients, friends and colleagues. Loucile (Mayhew) Heckman, ’33, Aug. 2, 2005, Prescott, Ariz. Mrs. Heckman was a member of Park’s Howard Bailey McAfee Heritage Society. She was a 30-year member of the Daughters of the American Revolution and served as regent of the DAR General Crook Chapter and a longtime member of Delta Kappa Gamma Society International. She spent her retirement researching and documenting her genealogy. In 1991 she published The Jacob Snyder Family Tree, which has been distributed nationwide and in Canada. Mrs. Heckman is survived by her husband of 66 years and a daughter, as well as many extended family members and friends. Alice (Oien) King, ’33, Aug. 1, 2005, Wilmington, Del. Maxine (Peterson) Waggoner, ’33, May 26, 2005, St. Louis, Mo. Flossie (Hastings) Entrikin, ’34, June 26, 2005, Columbia, Mo. Melba (McKibben) McCoy, ’35, May 12, 2005, Blacksburg, Va. Hila (Richards) Stratton, ’35, Feb. 7, Charlotte, N.C. Mrs. Stratton was president of the North Carolina Federation of Republican Women, president of the Charlotte American Association of University Women, regent of the North Carolina Daughters of the American Colonists and a trustee of Central Piedmont Community College, as well as a former instructor for the American Red Cross. She was a candidate for the North Carolina House of Representatives in 1968 and 1970 and was instrumental in the North Carolina Legislature’s passing the 19th

Amendment to the U.S. Constitution granting women the right to vote. She is survived by her husband of 66 years, four children and their families. Alberta “Al” Massingill, ’36, April 21, 2005, Grand Rapids, Mich. Ms. Massingill was an exceptional athlete, especially adept in school at archery, tennis and basketball. Although her ambition was to be a concert pianist and she played throughout her life, she received her library science certificate from the University of Denver and a master’s degree in remedial reading from the University of Michigan. Her library career began with the Kansas City, Kan., public library in 1937. When its director moved to the Grand Rapids Public Library, she went as his assistant. Upon his death she was appointed director. Under her directorship the library flourished, with several branches established and buildings erected. Upon retirement she traveled extensively, visiting every continent except Antarctica. She was named Woman of the Year in 1968 by American Business Women’s Association. She was a longtime member of Westminster Presbyterian Church, where she served as a trustee. “Al” was president of the Zonta club and a member of city, state and national library associations. She loved to cook and collect cookbooks, old and new. Evelyn Carol (Listrom) DeMasters, ’37, Oct. 21, 2005, Liberty, Mo. Mrs. DeMasters worked as an air traffic controller during World War II. She also received her master’s degree in music and taught in the Kansas City public schools for 25 years. She was a member of the First Presbyterian Church of Liberty and in earlier years was organist. She was a founding member and past president of Chapter IZ of the P.E.O. Sisterhood, and she helped found and was past president of the Liberty Hospital Foundation. She was an avid bridge player and enjoyed entertaining friends and family in her home. Mrs. DeMasters died surrounded by her family. She is survived by four children and their spouses. Mary (Griffith) Olson, ’37, March 31, Columbus, Ohio Mrs. Olson was an elder, deacon and Sunday school teacher at Columbus’ Overbrook Presbyterian Church. After graduating from Park she taught in

Spring 2006 ‹‹


Booneville, Mo., and then at the Ohio School for the Deaf in Columbus. She is survived by four children, four grandchildren and eight greatgrandchildren. John J. Blair, ’39, Nov. 30, 2005, West Hills, Calif. While teaching school in Qulin and Poplar Bluff, Mo., in 1941, Mr. Blair joined the Navy. In January 1942, he was sent to the Naval Academy and was commissioned an Ensign in May. He married Frances Woodbury, x41, on May 20. He served on minesweepers for three years in World War II, the last year as commander of YMS 215. He started dental school in 1950 at the University of Kansas City Dental School, later UMKC, and graduated in 1954. He moved to Reseda, Calif., Jan. 1, 1955 and established his dental practice. He and his brother, Dr. Stan, had adjoining suites. Dr. John is survived by his loving wife of 63 years, Frances; son, John C. Blair, ’65; and daughter Marty Unger and her family.

’40s George Thomas Croskey, ’40, Feb. 14, Yountville, Calif. Mr. Croskey taught art in Parkville and Portland, Ore. He was a native of Missouri and a recipient of the Newcomer Prize from the Kansas City Art Institute. In 2004, he donated 40 pieces of his art collection to Park University, and many are on display in the Center for Distance Learning and the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning administrative facility in the Parkville Commercial Underground. His paintings also are on display in the Park House and in the Newcomer Collection at Kansas City’s River Club. Many of his works are privately owned. Margaret Naomi (Schadt) Lietzke, ’40, Dec. 10, 2005, El Dorado, Kan. Margaret was a school teacher and homemaker. Ann (McDowell) Burger, ’42, Oct. 22, 2005, Albuquerque, N.M. Dr. Robert C. Thorp, ’43, Nov. 11, 2005, West Covina, Calif.



Dr. Thorp and his wife, Berniece (Anderson) Thorp, ’43, were Presbyterian missionaries in Guatemala, Central America, for 34 years. Dr. Thorp also was adviser and cofounder of the Universidad de Mariano Galvez, a Protestant institution that now has more than 30,000 students. He holds an Honorary Doctorate of Theology and Founder’s Award from the university and a Honorary Doctorate from Whitworth College. He is survived by his sons, Dr. Glen Thorp and Robert Thorp, daughter Rebecca Schreiner and half-sister Mary Jean Cully.

’50s Mary Lou (Breed) Lowell, ’54, Dec. 18, 2005, Webster Groves, Mo. Mrs. Lowell died quietly with her husband of more than 50 years, Arthur Lowell, x54, and son David by her side. She taught high school and junior high school in many surrounding communities. She also is survived by another son and a daughter.

Joe Willard Snyder, ’54, Nov. 22, 2005, Charlotte, N.C. Mr. Snyder was born in Hutchinson, Kan. After graduation from Park College he began a military career. As a commissioned naval officer he served on the U.S.S. Calvert, completed his linguist training with honors from Monterrey’s language school, then worked in communication and cryptology with the National Security Agency. After his military retirement he formed a company to recruit for international construction companies. During retirement, Mr. Snyder and his wife, Catherine (Dukelow) Snyder, ’54, enjoyed 25 trips overseas and toured all 50 U.S. states. As hobbies he wrote travel articles for The Stars and Stripes and Military Living and compiled eight volumes on his extensive genealogy research. He was an elder in the Presbyterian Church, taught Sunday School and led work with refugee families. Perhaps closest to his heart was organizing friends into the Old Fogies, a group that worked with homeless shelters. He is survived by Catherine, to whom he

’60s Hans Brisch, ’64, H., ’01, Feb. 22, Edmond, Okla. Dr. Hans Brisch, fourth Chancellor for the Oklahoma State System of Higher Education, was known for the courage, vision and strength he brought to that higher education system. He emigrated from Germany in 1940 at the age of 17 and completed his high school and college education while supporting himself through work, scholarships and loans. He earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in political science from Park College, with a minor in chemistry, and a Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy in political science from the University of Kansas. His academic honors include Fulbright-Hays Fellow, University of Alabama Research Grant Award, Venice Seminar Fellow, Public Administrative Fellow, Seminar Fellow — University of Belgrade, and NDFL Title VI Fellow. His academic career spanned teaching and research appointments at several universities, and he published articles and books and participated in professional conferences relating to public administration and management, legislative politics and Soviet studies. He was assistant director and associate director for academic affairs for the Illinois Board of Higher Education, and was assistant vice president for academic affairs, executive assistant to the president, and associate executive vice president and provost at the University of Nebraska. He also was chief of staff for Nebraska Governor Kay Orr. Dr. Brisch was a member of numerous professional, academic and civic organizations, holding leadership positions in many of them. Upon retirement in January 2003, he became chancellor emeritus of the Oklahoma State System of Higher Education. He was president of the Park University Alumni Council, was the 1989 Park University Distinguished Alumnus, and he received a Park Honorary Doctorate in 2001. He also spearheaded the successful campaign to endow the Dr. Jerzy Hauptmann Distinguished Lecture Series. Dr. Brisch was a man of many professional accomplishments, but his Park classmates and friends will long remember his magnanimity, his exuberance, his sincere friendship and his devotion to his alma mater. He will be sorely missed by his Park family. Dr. Brisch is survived by his wife, Margaret (Gatton) Brisch, ’63, and children Ellen, Matthew and Megan.

was married 51 years, and their children and grandchildren. Roland Francis, ’55, March 23, 2006, Parkville, Mo. Mr. Francis worked in his family’s Francis Funeral Home in Parkville until the 1980s. He received a master’s degree in music composition from University of Missouri Kansas City Conservatory of Music. He loved music and was a composer as well as pianist and organist. In his later years he wrote poetry. Patricia (Roche) Johnson, ’57, Jan. 21, Midland, Mich. Mrs. Johnson is survived by her husband, Herb, and son Dietrich. John “Jack” Eaton, ’58, April 5, 2005, St. Ann, Mo. Mr. Eaton taught social studies for 30 years at Pattonville High School in Maryland Heights, Mo., a suburb of St. Louis. He was noted for his wit and communication skills and will be missed by the many who worked with him. He is survived by his wife, Helen, three daughters and seven grandchildren

’60s (continued) Roger Selby Streeter, ’64, Sept. 6, 2005, Loma Linda, Va. The Rev. Elizabeth Streeter Porter, ’62, wrote of Mr. Streeter: “My little brother died on Sept. 6. He was diagnosed with cancer on July 26 and quickly went downhill. I was blessed to officiate at his memorial service. It was very difficult for me to do but I knew it was what he wanted. It was a beautiful day, a beautiful service with so many people coming to pay last respects to Roger.” Mr. Streeter was an avid hunter, fisherman and gifted woodworker. He is survived by his wife, Estella; son Christopher and wife Kristen; daughter Stephanie Streeter Castronuovo and husband Michael; brothers David, Stephen and Robert Streeter; and his sister, the Rev. Elizabeth Streeter Porter. Albert D. Angell, ’67, Sept. 26, 2005, St. Petersburg, Fla.

’70s Diane Fisher, ’73, Dec. 1, 2005, Kansas City, Mo. A retired teacher and active community

volunteer, Ms. Fisher visited weekly with St. Joseph Health Center patients, helped raise United Way funds and transported senior citizens. “She’d come through like a tornado and get her work done, then be off to something else.” said Rita Laws, SJHC director of volunteer and patient representative services. “Her final volunteer effort was a meeting of senior citizens at Kansas City’s Blenheim Elementary School.” Ms. Fisher owned a small publishing company and earned a doctorate in recent years. She was extremely proud of her son, Stevyn, 22, who just completed military service, and daughter, Erycka, 19, a Park student. Erycka said her mother was “a really caring person. It’s hard to find people like that.” Steve McClellan, who hired Ms. Fisher as a community outreach coordinator for Blenheim Caring Communities, said that, although she had a paid position, she mainly volunteered, going above and beyond her job. “She always had a smile on her face. She was phenomenal.” August Hartung, ’76, Jan. 16, Redlands, Calif. Mr. Hartung spent 21 years in the Air Force and followed that with rewarding careers with the Riverside County Office of Education and at California State University, San Bernardino, but he will most be remembered for his desire to help others. His wife, Carolyn, said, “He was the most generous person I ever knew.” Mr. Hartung earned a Bachelor of Arts in business management from Park while assigned to Williams Air Force Base in Arizona. His love of the Lutheran church and his family were his lifetime motivations. Merle L. Heatwole, ’76, Dec. 20, 2005, Rockford, Ill. Mr. Heatwole earned a Bachelor of Arts in social work at Park and a Master of Arts in sociology at the University of Missouri in St. Louis. He attended The Salvation Army College for Officers Training in Chicago from 1961-63 and was ordained and commissioned a Salvation Army officer in 1963. He served until retiring in 2003.

’80s Lois Kennedy, ’83, March 19, Lee’s Summit, Mo. Mrs. Kennedy was director of volunteer services at Saint Luke’s Hospital and at Truman Medical Center East, and an officer in the state and local chapters of the Missouri Volunteer Association. She is survived by her husband of 55 years, Robert E. Kennedy, three children and four grandchildren. Alinee R. Salazar, ’84, March 7, 2005, Austin, Texas. Robert C. Keyser, ‘85, Aug. 4, 2005, Jacksonville, Ark. Paul Dadzie, ’88, Jan. 23, Monrovia, Liberia. Mr. Dadzie, a onetime goalkeeper for the Liberian national soccer squad, died after a prolonged illness. He is survived by his wife, Grace. Robert Gray, ’88, Sept. 16, 2005, Quincy, Fla. Mr. Gray was a retired Navy senior chief who served during the Vietnam War. He was a past advancement coordinator with Boy Scouts of America, Troop 104, in Tallahassee, Fla., and a member of Anchor Lodge No. 182, Free and Accepted Masons in Key West. He also was a longtime blood donor. He is survived by his wife of 35 years, Barbara Gray; son Christopher Henry; daughter Rhonda Woodward and her husband, Hayes; grandchildren Jennifer Palmer, Adrianne Woodward and Christopher John Henry, all of Quincy; and mother Evelyn Gray and brothers John and Gerald Gray, all of Higginsville. He was preceded in death by his son, David Henry, and father, Jack Gray. Gary Santerre, ’88, Dec. 30, Manassas, Va. Mr. Santerre served in the Navy from 19771983. He spent the remainder of his career serving the country as a civilian with NOIC, NRL (Naval Research Laboratory), MARCOSYSCOM (Marine Corps Systems Command), Rockwell Collins and Raytheon.

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Spring 2006 ‹‹



Bridging the Reality Between



by Melinda Kaitcer In today’s rapidly changing world, the connection between what students learn in the classroom and how they apply that knowledge is more critical than ever. To help cement the bridge between lesson plan and reality, Park’s practicing professionals bring worlds of real-time experience into actual and Online classrooms. One such connection can be found in Business Law I and II, developed and taught Online by licensed attorney and Adjunct Professor Cathy Taylor, J.D. Taylor says that her students often experience a paradigm shift around week three of class. At that point, Taylor observes, they begin to view their world differently as classroom theories blend with firsthand experience to model how those theories apply. “When we study contracts, I ask the students to identify contracts they make in everyday life. Suddenly, they begin to recognize the contracts in everything they do — from asking for an estimate on a car repair to paying someone to mow their grass.” To complement the legal knowledge she brings to her Online classes, Taylor shares her personal and immediate understanding of the challenges that Park’s military students likely will encounter. Married to an Air Force attorney, she has lived in Missouri, Florida, Louisiana and now Quebec, and she, her husband, Maj. Michael W. Taylor, and their 4-year-old daughter, Anna, will move to Colorado this summer. “We move around a lot, so I’m definitely a professor who understands the lifestyle of the military student,” she says. “My husband’s service in the military gives me a unique perspective. I can relate to my nontraditional students better. “As a military spouse, I understand what it

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means to go into the field to prepare for war exercises. As a mom, I understand that children get sick and have to go to the ER the same night your paper is due. Also, because I have lived on base, I am familiar with common legal issues and concerns of military families. I use these experiences to help my students relate what they’ve learned in class to their lives.” Taylor earned a Bachelor of Arts with departmental honors in English literature, summa cum laude, with a Certificate in Business Administration from Wesleyan College in Macon, Ga. She earned her Juris Doctorate from the University of Georgia School of Law in Athens. A member of the State Bar of Georgia, she has worked as a staff attorney for the Office of Hearings & Appeals in the Social Security Administration. That’s a lot of experience, much of which works its way into her teaching. “I can use examples from my experiences or from cases to illustrate difficult concepts. I try to emphasize laws that students will most likely experience, such as laws governing landlords and tenants, employment and consumer protection.” Taylor does not currently practice law, given the combined responsibilities of mother, military wife and professional in the classroom. The decision enables her to pour all that she has learned into her classes, and to model for the students how to play the options they will have at different times in their lives. “Anyone who is pursuing a college degree is thinking about the future. He or she is asking inwardly, ‘What will I do with my education? How will I balance family and work?’ My advice is to take advantage of opportunities to learn something new in your

field and to seek new employment opportunities as your needs and the needs of your family change. That’s what I’ve tried to do, and I’ve found the right balance for me.” Now serving Park as both a teacher and course developer for Business Law I and II Online, Taylor also has taught business law and ethics in traditional classroom settings for a Florida university and business law and business communications for Park at Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri. She has blended her curriculum with not only what is prescribed, but also what is practical for Online students, who often are a challenge to teach because of their varied backgrounds, careers and skill levels. “Many of my Park undergrad students turn in graduate-level work,” Taylor says. “On the other hand, I sometimes have a student who hasn’t written a paper in 20 years.” The learning can go both ways, when students respond to her teaching by sharing their life experiences. “Most of my students are already in the real world, as many of them are working in the military or in private industry. Many of them are raising families and going to school part time. Once when I was teaching about bankruptcy, a student told us that he had filed for bankruptcy in the past and then regretted it later. “This kind of sharing between students makes the course material take on an immediacy that nothing else can.” Taylor believes the contributions of Park’s numerous practicing professionals add a unique enrichment that complements and illustrates the theory behind core curriculum. “We have a wealth of real-world experience from which to draw to bring the textbook alive.”

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PARK UNIVERSITY 800-488-PARK (7275) Spring 2006 ‹‹


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Š 2006 Park University

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