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Following the premiere of Manifesto, which was so well received by audiences and critics alike at the Armory and around the world, we are thrilled to commission this bold new work by Julian Rosefeldt for the Wade Thompson Drill Hall. Julian’s latest film installation represents a milestone moment in his illustrious career, as he delves into longstanding motifs central to his practice in a meditation on capitalism and economic theory.

Julian’s practice is centered on his exploration of his own curiosity, developing the script for Euphoria through reading, researching, and writing over several years with dramaturg Tobias Staab. In much the same style as his earlier works, Euphoria extracts text fragments from major authors in economic, philosophical, political, and contemporary cultural arenas and juxtaposes them with each other in modern environments from the mouths of marginalized characters. The resulting script frees the texts from their sources, allowing for a new level of awareness and examination of the ongoing euphoric, unlimited consumption binge and its effects inherent in our current quest for never ending economic growth.

Julian also draws on jazz music as a way to intensify the experience of this continual growth. Renowned jazz drummers Eric Harland, Terri Lyne Carrington, Yissy Garcia, Antonio Sanchez, and Peter Erskine become not only the film’s accompaniment, but also the churn of a factory line, the rise and fall of the stock market, the chaotic buzz of New York City, or even the very machine of our economy. New York’s very own Brooklyn Youth Chorus add a thrilling voice to this economic rhythm and serve as a new version of a Greek chorus performing music composed by Samy Moussa in this cinematic and immersive film masterpiece.

The Armory is committed to providing artists with the creative and physical space to push the boundaries of their practice and provide relevant, thought-provoking interrogations of timely issues. Julian does just this, creating a thought-provoking critique of our consumer society, a contemplation on capitalism, colonialism, and the influential effects of unlimited economic growth in society, and a moment to reflect on the ways in which the creation of wealth has supplanted humanity’s most valuable creation – art.

Much of Euphoria was filmed here in New York City as well as in Kyiv, Ukraine. Filming was cut short in Kyiv due to the Russian invasion that began in February 2022, and the brilliant production team quickly secured other locations in Europe and the United States and moved personnel out of harm’s way to keep filming safely. The Armory would like to dedicate the premiere of Euphoria to the people of Ukraine. We embrace and think of Julian’s team of artists, crews, and staff who are featured throughout the installation, and hope they remain safe and ultimately reunited with their families and loved ones.

We are proud as an institution to bring Julian’s visionary and unflinching eye to Armory audiences.

Rebecca Robertson Founding President and Executive Producer

Pierre Audi

Marina Kellen French Artistic Director

Support for Park Avenue Armory’s artistic season has been generously provided by the Charina Endowment Fund, the Donald A. Pels Charitable Trust, The Harold and Mimi Steinberg Charitable Trust, the Fan Fox and Leslie R. Samuels Foundation, the Howard Gilman Foundation, the Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation, The Shubert Foundation, the Marc Haas Foundation, The Prospect Hill Foundation, The Emma and Georgina Bloomberg Foundation, the Leon Levy Foundation, the May and Samuel Rudin Family Foundation, Gregory Annenberg Weingarten, GRoW @ Annenberg, the Richenthal Foundation, and the Isak and Rose Weinman Foundation. Additional support has been provided by the Armory’s Artistic Council. Park Avenue Armory is deeply grateful for Senator Charles E. Schumer’s visionary leadership of the Shuttered Venue Operators Grant program.

Euphoria is supported in part by a generous gift from Jill and Peter Kraus.

Cover Image: © Julian Rosefeldt






24-channel film installation

Filmed in HD and 3.2K

Music composed by Samy Moussa Additional music by Cassie Kinoshi

Commissioned and Produced by Park Avenue Armory Co-Commissioned by Holland Festival, Ruhrtriennale Festival of the Arts, and RISING Melbourne in Association with Weltkulturerbe Völklinger Hütte



Thursday, December 1, 2022 at 6:00pm


Discover works by some of the authors, economists, business magnates, and celebrities quoted in Euphoria in the Historic Period Rooms.


Join us on Friday evenings, when the installation stays open until 9:00pm, for libations at a special bar in one of our historic period rooms.


Like organisms, capitalism has an outer shell, an inner life, and a hidden code. Its outer shell is the glitz: The images of illuminated cities at night, the skyscrapers, the stock market ticker, the mansions, the private jets. Its inner life is all the hustle and bustle in the streets, offices, schools and homes, the love stories, the heroes and villains, the celebrities and those who failed to make it. It resembles a classic Greek drama that has been adapted to modern times.

Hidden from sight is the code that holds it all together, the outer shell, the inner life, and everything in between. It programs the production of capital and the parts for the players in this drama: for the investors, corporations, the financial assets they issue, but also for the chorus of laborers and consumers that are indispensable for the play but must be kept at bay.

Some personages appear in their natural state, but the most powerful adopt the form of a legal persons. As artificial creatures, they have an infinite lifespan and don’t die naturally, but must be actively liquidated. They can grow and expand, merge and spin-off, invest or exchange their owners’ shares for cash – all without having to fear a stroke or heart attack, much less to watch their waistline. Indeed, their obesity is celebrated by their shareholders.

The code of capital comprises of modules made of law rather than acids as in the case of the genetic code. Property rights, collateral law, corporate, trust, contract, and bankruptcy law are its most important modules. Many are older than the capitalist system they begot and sustain, but have been adapted to sustain it.

The modules are used to turn goods, promises, or ideas into capital by programming the relation between the holders of capital and the rest. Some, according to the code, have stronger, others weaker rights, and yet others no rights at all. Whenever two rights collide, the stronger one wins while haircuts await the rest.

Apart from priority, the code also configures the durability of assets to ensure that they can incubate and grow undisturbed by too many creditors. A common technique is the coding of a separate legal entity to which some of the owner’s assets are transferred. Because the code treats legal entities as separate from their owners, indeed, as owners in their own right, this bars the owners’ creditors from accessing its assets.

Not all assets benefit from incubation, however. Some are too fickle to keep them in one place for too long. They must be traded and exchanged constantly, which exposes them to the risk of sudden loss in value. Their owners don’t need durability, but convertibility, or an option to swap riskier for safer assets, and preferably dollars, whenever

the sailing gets rough. Sometimes other market participants will offer a lifeline, but in the last instance only the central can offer relief. The large financial markets become, the greater the role of central banks as underwriters of financial assets, and the greater the profits for financial asset holders.

The most powerful coding algorithm of all, however, is universality. It ensures that the rights and powers the code creates will be upheld against anyone whether they knew about the code, have met the asset’s owners, or were at the table when they were coded as capital. The code binds them all and threatens to mobilize the state’s power of coercion against violators.

Whereas the genetic code is a gift of nature, capitalism’s legal code is man-made. Every one of the code’s modules has been carefully crafted and is constantly adapted to fit new assets or create new entities. Who owns the code? No one in particular. The code is part of the legal order, but it is not controlled by the legislatures or the courts. They get to sanction it from time to time, or if bold enough, will amend a module or repeal a pernicious coding strategy. But they get involved only sporadically and when they do are often too afraid to rock the boat.

The true masters of the code are the lawyers. They know how to read the code; they know what courts and regulators like or dislike, know or don’t know; they know how to combine not only different coding strategies, but codes from different legal systems to fashion more capital. Like the code itself they operate mostly out of sight, behind the illuminated windows of the global cities. The lawyers may not construct the skyscrapers, but they facilitate their use as resting places or laundromats for global capital. They don’t operate the stock markets, but there is not a single asset that is traded on them that has not crossed their desk. They don’t make all law, but they code capital.

Thompson Arts Center at Park Avenue Armory | 643 Park Avenue at East 67th Street

Katharina Pistor is the Edwin B. Parker Professor of Comparative Law at Columbia Law School and author of The Code of Capital: How Law Creates Wealth and Inequality (2019, Princeton University Press), a compelling explanation of how the law shapes the distribution of wealth.


The engine of consumer society is discontent. Though oddly counter-intuitive, this claim is not a rhetorical proposition. It’s an uncomfortable reality. The structural basis for consumer capitalism is not happiness, but unhappiness.

The root of this conundrum lies in novelty. Innovation is vital to capitalism. The successful entrepreneur is continually engaged in throwing over the old in favor of the new. This constant craving to find new markets and new products to fill them with is what keeps economic growth going. The economist Joseph Schumpeter called this process creative destruction . Novelty drives the beating heart of capitalism.

For this to work, of course, we need willing consumers. People who love new stuff. The endless parade of sexy new toys. The shiny new baubles. The glitter and the bling. Novelty must occupy a pivotal place in the human heart.

So it’s rather fortunate that it does. Novelty signifies status and power. It shows that we belong. It shows that we are different. Novelty signals hope. It holds out the promise of a brighter and shinier world for us and for our children. The human psyche thrives on this promise.

And if we’re ever tempted to forget it, then a host of marketers are there to remind us. The Madmen of the post-war years have cast us all as restless, insatiable consumers. Their latter-day mimics pursue our every move with algorithm-driven marketing, promising unrivalled happiness – so long as we continue to shop.

We know it isn’t real. But the lure is irresistible. Like kids in the candy store, we spend money we don’t have on things we don’t need to create impressions that won’t last on people we don’t love. And the planet reels from our indulgences.

Consumerism’s most glittering prize is the promise of immortality itself: an earthly paradise of never wanting, never needing, never lacking for anything the imagination can dream of. “The human animal is a beast that dies. And if he’s got money, he buys and buys and buys,” says Big Daddy in Tennessee Williams’ play Cat on a Hot Tin Roof. “And I think the reason he buys everything he can is that in the back of his mind is the crazy hope that one of his purchases will be life everlasting.”

Suddenly, we find ourselves in the grip of a terrifying social logic. What seemed accidental became existential. The restless desire of the consumer is the perfect companion for relentless innovation of the entrepreneur. Economic structure on the one hand and human psyche on the other bind us into an “iron cage” of consumerism.

At one level it works. These are the forces that drive the economy forwards. But they conceal a dark abyss.

The first crack in the shiny surface appears with the realization that what codes for novelty is rooted in anxiety. Adam Smith called this anxiety the desire to live “a life without shame.” Shame magnifies consumer needs. And knowing this, the marketers play on it. “What does your car, you holiday, your laptop... your toilet roll say about you?” they ask in ever more beguiling ways.

These shame-defying goods were once fewer in number. A simple linen shirt, for example, when Smith was writing, “the want of which would be supposed to denote that disgraceful degree of poverty, which, it is presumed, nobody can well fall into without extreme bad conduct.” Nowadays, our must-have list has expanded massively. It has to – for the system to work. Fast cars, fast food, fast sex, fast fashion. If we ever stop coveting the fruits of desire, the economy starts to fail. Unemployment rises. Instability beckons.

And this is precisely why anxiety must tip over into outright dissatisfaction if capitalism is to survive. Consumerism must promise paradise. But it must systematically fail to deliver. Not occasionally. Not accidentally. But repeatedly. Systematically. Endlessly invoking euphoria. Relentlessly delivering disillusion. The success of consumer society lies not in meeting our needs but in its spectacular ability continually to disappoint us.

This may seem like a dark and hopeless conclusion. It doesn’t have to be. Novelty matters, yes. But capitalism is a social construct. Consumerism is a faithless dream sold to us by the architects of chaos intent only on the accumulation of profit. A pantomime villain in a dystopian story. No more real than the tooth fairy. A historical cul-de-sac that has led us perilously close to ecological disaster. But whose lessons may still save us.

To recognize this is to loosen the chains that bind us to a dysfunctional prison of our own making. From here we can begin to understand why capitalism must eventually fall. And how to replace it.

“History, despite its wrenching pain, cannot be unlived,” wrote the poet Maya Angelou. “But if faced with courage, need not be lived again.”

This program note is adapted from Post Growth – Life After Capitalism (Polity Press 2021) by Tim Jackson. @ParkAveArmory #PAAEuphoria 5


Euphoria 2016-2022

24-channel film installation Filmed in HD and 3.2K 1 h 54 min 20 sec Loop

with the singers of the Brooklyn Youth Chorus, Terri Lyne Carrington, Peter Erskine, Yissy Garcia, Eric Harland, Antonio Sanchez

and Giancarlo Esposito, Virginia Newcomb, Ayesha Jordan, Kate Strong, Jeff Wood, Erik Hansen, Tim Williams, Jeff Burrell, Robert Bronzi, Rocio RodriguezInniss, Dora Zygouri, Esther Odumade, Tia Murrell, Asa Ali, Luis Rosefeldt, Richard Siegal, Nena Sorzano, Corey Scott-Gilbert, Jared Brown, and the voice of Cate Blanchett

with text fragments by Edward Abbey, Chinua Achebe, Theodor W. Adorno, Ayad Akhtar, Gloria Anzaldúa, Alain Badiou, Wendell Berry, Bertolt Brecht, Rutger Bregman, Warren Buffett, Charles Bukowski, A.S. Byatt, Albert Camus, Cardi B, George Carlin, Charles Chaplin, G.K. Chesterton, Noam Chomsky, Arthur C. Clark, Joseph Conrad, Angela Davis, Guy Debord, Gilles Deleuze, Don DeLillo, Virginie Despentes, Charles Dickens, Diogenes, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, David Graeber, Albert Einstein, T. S. Eliot, Frantz Fanon, Silvia Federici, Mark Fisher, Henry Havelock Ellis, Jon Foreman, Benjamin Franklin, Milton Friedman, Erich Fromm, Antonio Gramsci, Alan Grant, Nathalie R. J. Gravel, Felix Guattari, Haddaway, Yuval Noah Harari, Donna Haraway, Michael Hardt, Henry Hazlitt, Philippe Hecquet, Ernest Hemingway, Patricia Highsmith, Thomas Hobbes, bell hooks, Horace, Michel Houellebecq, Victor Hugo, Aldous Huxley, Invisible Committee, Tim Jackson, Frederic Jameson, Alejandro Jodorowsky, Markus Kerber, John Maynard Keynes, Stephen King, Jarod Kintz, Ray Kurzweil, Paul Lafargue, Ursula K. Le Guin, Michael Lewis, Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing, Lynn Margulis, Marquis de Sade, Karl Marx, Brian Massumi, Cormac McCarthy, Bryant McGill, George McGovern, Antonio Negri, Barack Obama, George Orwell, Plato, Terry Pratchett, Paul B. Preciado, Ayn Rand, Will Rogers, William Shakespeare, Nick Srnicek, The Rolling Stones, Julian Rosefeldt, Bertrand Russell, George Santayana, Jean-Paul Sartre, Philip Slater, Adam Smith, Snoop Dog, Socrates, Sophocles, John Steinbeck, Tacitus, Matt Taibbi, Michel Templet, Sojourner Truth, Lynne Twist, Vespasian, Elizabeth Warren, H.G. Wells, Alex Williams, Don Winslow, Fareed Zakaria, and Slavoj Žižek

Written, Directed, Produced by Julian Rosefeldt

Music by Samy Moussa

Additional music by Cassie Kinoshi

Executive Producer: Wassili Zygouris

Service Producers: Sigi Kamml, Christian Alvart (Syrreal Entertainment)

Service Producers Kiev: Anastasiya Bukovska, Nikita Bukovski (Family Production)

Line Producer Kiev: Tatiana Kurmaz (Family Production)

Service Producer Sofia: Alex Momchev (Solent Film)

Line Producer Sofia: Konstantina Manolova (Solent Film)

Service Producer New York: Christian Detres (See The Tree Production)

Line Producer New York: Ali Brody

Director of Photography: Christoph Krauss

Production Design: Nadja Götze

Costume Design: Daniela Backes, Bina Daigeler Hair and Make Up: Julia Böhm, Katharina Rebecca Thieme, Sonia Salazar Delgado

Editing: Bobby Good Sound Design: Thomas Appel Re-Recording: Daniel Bautista Postproduction Supervisor: Maximilian Link

Dramaturgy: Tobias Staab

Text collages: Julian Rosefeldt, Tobias Staab Assistant Directors: Denis Sonin, Ires Jung Script Supervisor: Sven P. Pohl

Dramaturgical Advisory: Janaina Pessoa

Casting: Cassandra Han, Lorenzo Viti

Set Photography: Barbara König

Drummers: Terri Lyne Carrington, Peter Erskine, Yissy Garcia, Eric Harland, Antonio Sanchez Choir: Brooklyn Youth Chorus

Additional Music: Cassie Kinoshi

Brooklyn Youth Chorus Artistic Director and Conductor: Dianne Berkun Menaker Music Production: Ed Williams, Dianne Berkun Menaker Sound Engineering, Music Recording: Isaiah Abolin, Edwin Huet

Music Supervisor/Choral Arranger: Alexander Campkin Choreography, Bank Scene: Richard Siegal

Choir Conductor/Recordist, Homeless Scene: Hans-Jörn Brandenburg

Musical Assistant to Samy Moussa: Matthieu Stepec Recording Assistant to Samy Moussa: Nicolas Farmer Musical Advisory: Evyonne Muhuri Musical Advisory New York: Sean Marquand, Duane Harriott, Jason Moran Installation Sound Design: Mark Grey Installation Production Manager: Davison Scandrett Installation Sound Associate: Andrew Lulling

Commissioned and produced by Park Avenue Armory Co-Commissioned by Holland Festival, Ruhrtriennale Festival of the Arts, and RISING Melbourne in Association with Weltkulturerbe Völklinger Hütte Additional funding provided by Kunststiftung NRW, Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg, and a generous gift from Jill and Peter Kraus


Pierre Audi, Rebecca Robertson, Michael Lonergan, Paul King, Claire Marberg, Tom Trayer, Rachel Rosado, Jenni Bowman, Allison Abbott, Nicholas Lazzaro, Davison Scandrett, Mark Grey, and Andrew Lulling at Park Avenue Armory; Barbara Frey, Judith Gerstenberg, Lisa Holzberg, and Max Schubert at the Ruhrtriennale; Emily Ansenk, Annemieke Keurentjes, Jochen Walkenburg, Rosa Hendriks, and Wannes van der Weer at the Holland Festival; Gideon Obarzanek and Hannah Fox at RISING Melbourne; and Ralf Beil at Weltkulturerbe Völklinger Hütte

as well as to Sigi Kamml, Christian Alvart, Anastasiia Bukovska, Nikita Bukowski, Tanya Kurmaz, Alex Momchev, Christian Detres, and Ali Brody


Janaina Pessoa, Samy Moussa, Cassie Kinoshi, Cate Blanchett, Tobias Staab, Dianne Berkun Menaker, Wassili Zygouris, Christoph Krauss, Nadja Götze,

Daniela Backes, Bina Daigeler, Julia Böhm, Katharina Rebecca Thieme, Max Link / Helen Tippmann / Salomé Wagner – Syreal Entertainment, Richard Siegal, Radu Poklitaru, Ed Williams, Hans-Jörn Brandenburg, Alexander Campkin, Isaiah Abolin, Edwin Huet, Daniel Walther, Daniel Bautista, Christopher Chen, Young Lee / Peter Huang – Renovatio Pictures

and to Frieda Oberlin – Basis Berlin Postproduktion, Ute Baron / Stefan Düll – ARRI Rental, Kirsten Niehuus / Daniel Saltzwedel – Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg, Frank Govaere – Halostage, Stephan Götz, Kay Schiebur/ Daniela Wiechert / Julia Hausbalk / Lars Dobbertin – Hermes Fulfilment GmbH, Upper Level Travel, Adi Woitinek – SFX Department Berlin, Norbert Klingner, Joachim Abrell / Yvonne Brandl / Piotr Komarnicki / Robert Gabriel / Immanuel Rohner – Eidotech, Tschangis Chahrokh-Zadeh – PHAROS-The Post Group Sound Studios, Julia Trolp – Villa Massimo Rom, Studio Babelsberg, Axel Reinemer – Jazzanova Recording Studio

and to all the wonderful production and postproduction crew members, actors, singers, drummers, dancers, acrobats, magicians, and extras, and everyone who helped realize and exhibit Euphoria © Julian Rosefeldt


Service Production by Family Production


Service Producer: Anastasiya Bukovska, Nikita Bukowski

Line Producer: Tanya Kurmaz

Production Coordinator: Candela Cañellas Daigeler, Stas Prytula

Unit Manager: Galina Merzlenko

Production Manager: Viktor Pomin, Andrey Naumchuk

Art Department Coordinator: Alexandra Pavlenko

Transport Coordinator: Zhenya Mitsitis

Production Assistant: Katerina Svertilova, Dima Shopin Glam Team Coordinator: Marine Ohanesyan


1st AD: Denis Sonin

2nd AD: Aloha Kulieshova, Leonid Knyazhitskiy

VFX Supervisor: Denis Reva

Asst. VFX Supervisor: Mikhail Yefimenko


Choreographer: Richard Siegal

Asst. Choreographer: Clara Nena Sorzano


Camera Operator B-Cam: Evgeniy Kirey

Focus puller/ 1AC A-Cam: Julian Hitomi, Frederick Tegethoff

Focus puller/ 1AC B-Cam: Anton Zaporozhets, Vlad Dobrik, Vova Ivanusa

2nd AC A-Cam: Boyko Panayotov

2nd AC B-Cam: Ksusha Gardiash, Sergey Terentiev, Evgen Mamekin

Clapper: Lena Kasumova

DIT: Maciej Sowilski

Dolly Grips: Nikita Soloviev, Yaroslav Ilnizkiy

Drone Operators: Bogdan Kakora, Oleksandra Zubchenko, Oleksandr Kaluzhniy

Playback Operators: Aleksey Gonyailo, Aleksey Daynega

Thompson Arts Center at Park Avenue Armory | 643 Park Avenue at East 67th Street


Steadycam Operators: Max Salo

Camera Crane Crew: Povidernyi Filip, Boiko Vasyl, Shestiuk Evhenii


Gaffer: Yaroslav Kutnik

Key Grip: Sasha Petrenko

Electrical Engineer/Generator Operator: Sergiy Rostov

Sparks/Grips: Slava Matsak, Nazar Revt, Dima Zaets, Igor Zhdanovskiy


Sound Recordists: David Hilgers, Oliver Göbel

Boom Operator: Gero Renner


Location Manager: Roman Pavlenko


Production Design: Ivan Mihailov

Assistant Production Design: Juliane Hoffmann

Art Director: Iurii Denysenkov

Props Masters: Eugenia Panchenko, Katya Berlova

Asst. Props Masters: Andrii Prysiazhniuk, Yuliia Makarenko

Standby Props: Karin Weber, Greg Refeld, Sergiy Krasnosilskiy, Bohdan Bunchak

Head of Scenic Artists: Nazar Vykrutash, Maksym Davydchuk

Painters: Volodymyr Chornyi, Taras Kovach, Sergey Zapadnya, Andrey Yakovenko, Nikita Naslimov, Oles Hrypun

Scenic Artists: Ihor Sukhov, Pavlo Sukhariev, Andrij Hulko


SFX Supervisor: Vadik Lysak

SFX: Sergii Kristya, Andrii Kristya, Viktor Tsigankov, Maksym Ruban, Ruslan Lyashenko


Casting Director: Yuliia Gultaeva

Casting Manager: Sergii Pulenetc


Costume Design: Daniela Backes, Bina Daigeler

Wardrobe Stylist: Gala Sokolovska

Wardrobe: Anna Klering, Anastasia Klering, Alissa Kayser

Costume Design Assistants: Oksana Liakh, Olexandr Solovei

Wardrobe Assistant: Oleksandr Oleksiichenko


Key Make Up and Hair: Julia Böhm, Katharina Rebecca Thieme

Make Up and Hair Stylists: Yanina Berezutskaya, Elvira Mamedova, Lyuba Yatsuk

Make Up and Hair Assistant: Nastya Mudrik STUNT

Stunt Coordinator: Alex Zhmutskiy

Stunts/Riggers: Plenus Evgen, Boiko Vladyslav, Gleb Tolstiusov, Serhii Simak, Oleksand Zhmutskiy


Animals Coordinator: Natasha Urchishina

BTS: Zheny Mantulin

Production Helpers: Vlad Disuk, Vanya Shemelin, Marina Shevtzova

Medics on Set: Andriy Syrik, Lubomir Muhin

Security: Oleksandr Kononenko


Financial Director: Dmitro Kaptuh

Financial Analyst: Elena Arbuzova

Chief Accountant: Elena Udovitskaya

Accountant: Ludmila Semenuta

Lawyer: Ludmila Ivantsok


Truck Driver: Peter Mett

Drivers: Denis Ryabez, Anatoly Reshetnikov, Alexey Kolisnyk, Pavlo Borisov, Alexandr Muzychenko, Roman Zhornoviy, Anatoly Burchenko, Vadim Kvasnitsky, Pavlo Kachkovsky, Danylo Reshetnikov


Artem Glinka, Volodimir Novinuk, Mikhailo Stadnik


Doorman: Yuriy Sherbak Security Lady: Nina Songa Young Mother: Evgenia Muts Homeless Lady: Elena Aleksandrovich Cleaner: Corey Scott-Gilbert Acrobats: Piiak Olena, Tatiana Balahina, Nataliya Zozulya, Maria Liubimova, Maksym Bondar, Taras Nadtochii, Maksym Koryak, Anton Miroshnikov, Evhen, Vadim Bezverhniy Dancers Kyiv Modern Ballet: Anastasiia Dobrovolskaya, Elena Saltykova, Ekaterina Kuznetsova, Kseniia Yakushenko, Dariia Geraschenko, Iryna Solovieva, Valeria Melnychuk, Ekaterina Kurman, Alexandra Maksymchuk, Tatiana Tesliuk, Anastasiia Bayrd, Artem Shostun, Dmitriy Kondratiuk, Mishel Fondiu, Ilia Miroshnichenko, Vlad Detuichenko, Sergei Scherbynenko, Kyrill Moroz, Aleksandr Pavlyuchenko , Gennadiy Boronin, Maksim Usachev, Ivan Zaiets

Additional Dancers: Mariam Abdulmalik, Bahtiyar Ibragimov, Robyn Fu, Nina Songa, Irina Demchuk, Nina Do-Din, Darina Khoroshunova, Omar Ali

Magicians: Dmitry Radov, Ulmas Alimseitov, Andrey Fonta Brass Band: Ruslan Klochk, Yaroslav Melkonian, Michael Sarana, Yakimiv Oleh, Oleksandr Pryzhenkov, Miki Bogdanov, Taras Kuts, Mikolaj Domashov

Graffiti Guy: Brasin Tamarapre

SPECIAL THANKS TO Cartocci, Patriot, Starwagen, Filmotechnik, Profcom, Tornado, Ukrainian Railway, Because Rental, Kyiv Modern Ballet, and Radu Poklitaru


Service Production by Solent Film


Managing Director: Alex Momchev

Managing Partner: Magdalena Staneva Producer: Konstantina Manolova

Junior Producer: Mira Temelkova Production Assistant: Damyan Tanev Covid Prevention Coordinator: Nilofar Afzali Production Manager: Julia Chalakova

Production Coordinators: Candela Cañellas Daigeler, Tatyana Petkova

Office Runner: Alexander Ivanov


1st AD: Kremena Makarieva

2nd AD: Velina Shtarbakova

3rd AD: Lora Evtimova, Alexander Toshkov


Camera Operator B-Cam: Martin Chichov

Focus puller/ 1AC A-Cam: Julian Hitomi

Focus puller/ 1AC B-Cam: Mihail Kotev

2nd AC A-Cam: Boyko Panayotov

2nd AC B-Cam: Zdravko Shalichev

DIT: Maciej Sowilski

Video Operator: Borislav Stoyanov

Camera Trainee: Ralitsa Angelova

Drone Operators: Nikolay Naydenov, Martin Simonski, Marin Kafedjiiski, Nikolay Georgiev


Gaffer: Peter Kostov

Best Boy: Alexander Trenev

Sparks: Vassil Vassilev, Dimitar Yanev, Lachezar Lazarov, Kiril Bakalov, Victor Hristov


Key Grip: Miroslav Borisov

Best Boy Grip: Ivaylo Kirilov

Grips: Yavor Saikov, Manol Ivanov, Stoyan Georgiev, Danail Vuchkov, Tim Pavlov

Head Technician: Bobi Tanev


Sound Recordist: David Hilgers

Boom Operator: Gero Renner


Art Director: Ivan Mihailov

Assistant Production Design: Juliane Hoffmann

Construction Manager: Borislav Rizov

Graphic Design: Alex Kristanov, Alexi Ivanov

Props Master: Yassen Kovachev

Standby Props: Greg Refeld

Set Dressers: Yordan Alexandrov, Rossen Kostadinov, Ivo Tsintsarski, Petar Lozanov, Iuri Stoyanov, Dimitar Simov, Borislav Nikitov

Art Department Buyers: Rumyan Dimitrov, Vesselin Angelov

Painters: Ilyan Staykov, Stoyan Stoyanov

Action Vehicles: Teodor Valchev

Action Vehicles Assistant: Mihail Ivanov


SFX Supervisor: Nikolay Fartunkov

SFX Technician: Nikola Banov, Nikolay Stefanov, Daniel Gerov, Kosta Maslev, Ivan Kazakov


Artist Studio Ivan Kolev


Costume Supervisor: Vyarka Sirkova

Wardrobe: Anna Klering, Anastasia Klering, Diana Cvetkova


Atanas Temnilov, Petya Simeonova


Stunt Coordinator: Kaloyan Vodenicharov Horse Masters: Ivan Vodenicharov, Valentin Peev Animal Handler: Stoyan Lazarov


Key PA: Georgi Asenov

PAs: Georgi Vesselinov, Mario Kovachev, Milen Ivanov, Miroslav Ivanov

Asst. Covid Prevention: Peter Kirilov


Transport Coordinator: Toni Lalov

Drivers: Yavor Dimitrov, Simeon Trichkov, Mitko Bojilov, Georgi Klisuranov, Hristo Valkov, Valentin Petrov


Craft and Catering: Mariela Manolova (Cherry Craft)


Drone-Feeding Lady: Antina Tomova

Bride: Natalie Tsaneva

Double, Giancarlo Esposito: Michael Flemming

Brass Band Sofia: Slaveyko Metodiev, Luybomir Metodiev, Asen Mihaylov, Ivo Atanasov


Nu Boyana Film Studios, Magic Shop, Pro Cinema @ParkAveArmory #PAAEuphoria 7


Service Production by See The Tree Production


Service Producer: Christian Detres

Line Producer: Ali Brody

Production Supervisor: Emilie Schwenk

Key Production Assistant: Devante Leach

1st Team Production Assistant: Anthony Harris

Talent Production Assistant: Caroline Galyon

Sound Production Assistant: Robert Granata

Production Assistants: Angel Flores, Clay Dawson, Sergio Santos, Kyle Macero, Adam Rodriguez


1st Assistant Director: Ramiro A. Quintero


Drone Operator: Daniel Walther

Camera Operator B-Cam: Gabriel Stanley

Camera Operator C-Cam: Joe Bearese

1st AC: Dietrich Teschner, Ari Moore

2nd AC: Lily Nordheimer, Jack Kelly, Sandra Werb, Jennifer Liu

DIT: Damon Meledones

DIT Assistant: Matt Richards

Media Manager: Lily Nordheimer

VTR: Henry Feebles

VTR Assistant: William Cosentino


Gaffer: Eren Gedikoglu

Best Boy: Renzo Castro

Sparks: Raphael Hernandez, Dan Lando, Adam Kim, Chase Shamlian, Victor Hristov


Key Grip: Max Garstak

Best Boy Grip: Alexandra Brown

Grips: Charlie Diserens, Agustina Biasutto, Sam Dahman, Julia Gowesky, Robert Newman, Maximo Maluso, Liam Murphy


Sound Engineers, Music Recording: Isaiah Abolin, Edwin Huet

Audio Editor: John D’Aquino

Sound Assistant: Jason Friedman-Mendez

Drum Tech: Kris Castillo


Art Director: Michael Stanford

Set Decorator: Josh Le

Asst. Art Director: Caleb Clark


Asst. Costume Designer: Raquel Castellanos


Hair Stylist: Jillian MacDougall

Hair Assistants: Carlos Puerto, Jaime Burless

Make Up Artist: Amy Watanabe


Double Giancarlo Esposito: Steven Baptiste

Skater: Dennis Wilford

Homeless Women: Francine Aurello, Janeth Ann Gonda

Homeless Men: Martin Pfefferkorn, Kurt Maitland, Andrew Mayorga, Denn Vetta, Sean Harris, Michelangelo Aurello

Supermarket Cleaner: Barbara Lane

Moose Stand-In: Penny the Dog

Deer Stand-In Handler: Amy Watanabe


Artistic Director and Conductor: Dianne Berkun Menaker

Chief Operating Officer: Megan Lemley

Conductors: Kristopher Burke, Jean Sophie Kim, Raquel Klein, Kristen Von Bargen, Kiena Williams, Eric Williamson School Administrator: Kyle Henning Chorus Manager: Chelsey Hill, Shala Way Program Manager: Angela Batchelor Production Manager: Ezra Lowrey

BYC Singers: Margot Accola, Allegra Advincula, Melina Ahmad, Aedan Alexander-Mullen, Aine Alexander-Mullen, Joshua Allwood, Ames Argeros, Daniela Avrekh, Amor Azor, Lydia Bach, Maya Baijal, Eloise Baker-Robbins, Maya Barth, Trilly Bergeron, Safira Berrada-Riggs, Siena Bird, William Brady, Joseph Brooks, Lily Brooks, Leah Brown, Shania Brown, Palmares Bustamante, Emma Callahan, Maggie Callahan, Phoebe Carlstrom, Kemal Carter, Owen Casey, Alice Catini, Ixchel Cervantes, Brianna Charles, Maya Chatterjee, Ciaran Cooley, Maud Coulson, Mekaeli Cox, Eleanor Cretens, Evelyn Cribbs, Greta Currah, Felix Curran, Charles de Boisblanc, Ruby Delfin, Lincoln DePietro, Josie Devlin, Maggie Dicus, Senlee Dieme, Pia Dorosin, Aurora May Dumlao, Leilani Dumlao, Brianna Dunson, Margot Ehrsam, Adam Emery, Isaac Emptage, Matilda Endres, Arianne Fahie, Izzy Ferri, Samuel Fishman, Lucy Fleishhacker, Caroline Free, Simona Freed, Martina Freire, Lena Frey-Pettibone, Fia Galperin, Victor Garcia, Sadie Gesser, Isa Gilabert, Laila Gilabert, Nathalie Gilrain Portillo, Ella Greene, Talia Greenland, Etcher Harrison, Elyana Hassidim, Michael Heady, Sheen Heady, Frankie Hodgson, Hazel Hustwit, Daphkar JeanNoel, Olivia Kern, Lula Keteyian, Asher Kiley, Lyla Kiley, Stevie Kim-Rubell, Leo Kogan, Vivian Kravet, Josie Krumpus, Amelia Levenson, Gertrude Lipkin, Amaranthe Lirenman, Harmonie Lirenman, Imogen Lloyd, Pilar Lu-Heda, Ruslan Lymarenko, Eva Malone, Molly Malone, Bianca Martinez, Jojo McCabe, Sasha Medvinsky, Lucy Mellon, Chloe Merrill, Faith Monroe, Zadie Moran, Zora Mussen, Sicile Naddeo-Gjergji, Lucy Nadoban, Maahi Nair, Olivia Naughton Ariana Negron, Nia Nelson, Sylvie Oates, Violet Paris-Hillmer, Jadesola Pedro, Sophie Penenberg, Lila Penenberg, Kharla Pinney-Lopez, Ellie Powell, Chloe Puliga, Lyle Quarfordt, Siri Quarfordt, Maya Renaud-Levine, Nathan Repasz, Renee Ricevuto, Chloe Roberts, Reaiah Roberts, Thomas Rose, Benjamin Ryan, Savannah Savas, Martin Schreiner, Lydia Schulze, Asher Schwartz, Toma Scoffer, Niko Sembo, Eve Serratelli Penner, Tate Sgaraglino, Josie Shehadi, Naia Shepherd, Saskia Sjoberg, Liliana Slotnick, Ivy Snow, Simon Sposito, Sephora St. Felix, Livia St. Lewis, Scarlett Staiano, Kendall Stirrup, Owen Swift, Zuzana Sykorova, Nadia Tamayo, Vaikuntha Tamayo, Noemi Trey, Marisa Triola, Eve Van den Brulle, Samuel Vega, Frida Velez, Clementine Vonnegut, Fabiola Vulcano, Mariana Weaver, Kyle Weekes, Chaya Weinshenker, Rachael Weiss, Janka Wilczynski, Teddy Winters, Danielle Zinman


Megan Lemley, Ezra Lowrey, Sean Marquand, Duane Harriott, Jason Moran, Jenni Bowman, Cassidy Jones, Tom Trayer, Kevin Condardo, Brooklyn Navy Yard, Melissa Detres, Shoprite of Uniondale



Production Manager: Elisa Hengen

Asst. Production Manager: Mayra Magalhães

Production Coordinator: Candela Cañellas Daigeler


1st AD: Ires Jung

Script Supervisor Haldensleben: Annette Stefan


Head Accountant: Christos Papaioannou

Business Affairs: Ines Wiebke


B-Cam Operator: Axel Fischer

Drone Operator: Daniel Walther

1st AC: Julian Hitomi, Frederick Tegethoff, Patrick Muschiol

1st AC (B-Cam): Florian Bellack, Andreas Erben

2nd AC: Boyko Panayotov, Lea Christoph

DIT: Maciej Sowilski

Data Wrangler: Salomé Wagner


Additional Still Photography: Sirio Magnabosco


Gaffers: Björn Susen, Thomas Blum

Electricians: Alexander Jung, Mathias Hildebrand, Fabiana Ehrhardt, Dominik Mohr


Key Grips: Klaus Witt, Nicolas Kantuser


Sound Recordist: Ludwig Fiedler

Boom Operators: Lisa Strohbehn, Jordi Braut


Asst. Production Design: Juliane Hoffmann

Props Masters: Kateryna Berlova, Greg Refeld

Asst. Props Master: Veronika Finina

Construction Managers: Thomas Jakob, Mike Vogt

Painters: Eva Weymann, Denis Hahn

Props Builder: Valentin Felder

Standby Props: Adrian Gebauer

Helping Hands Babelsberg: Toto Waak, Joaquín Fangmann, Jonas Heurteux, Clarissa Droz

Helping Hands Haldensleben: Laura Klemenz, Conrad Neumann, Felix Brenner, Niki Lucas, Carlotta Wallraff, Judith Salzmann, Anna Kampmann

Props Driver Babelsberg: Roman Pawlenko

Props Driver Haldensleben: Daniel Buchert


Extras Casting: Filmgesichter, Johanna Ragwitz


Wardrobe: Dorothea Liebsch, Alba Gador Diaz Navarno


Key Hair and Make Up: Sonia Salazar Delgado Hair and Make Up: Tilo Nethe

Asst. Hair and Make Up: Nastya Pivanovy


Key Set PAs: Leonard Hadrich, David Kühn

Set PAs: Nils Morgel, Richard Hadrich

Chaperone: Aleksandra “Sasha” Pawlenko

Covid Manager: Katharina Berger


Drivers: Eddie Philippsen, Marvin Müller, Ellen Pollock, Stephan Arendt, Burghard Pommerening, Arno Kluge

Shuttle Driver: Peter Mett


Craft and Catering: Naked Lunch Catering, Veggie Masters CAST

Taxi Driver and Passenger: Giancarlo Esposito Tiger (Voice): Cate Blanchett

Thompson Arts Center at Park Avenue Armory | 643 Park Avenue at East 67th Street


Factory Worker 1: Virginia Newcomb

Factory Worker 2: Ayesha Jordan

Factory Worker 3: Kate Strong

Skater 1: Rocio Rodriguez-Inniss

Skater 2: Esther Odumade

Skater 3: Tia Murrell

Skater 4: Dora Zygouri Skater 5: Asa Ali Skater 6: Luis Rosefeldt


Double, Giancarlo Esposito: Diogenes Nodarse Factory Workers: Julia Hausbalk, Daniela Wiechert


Editor: Bobby Good – Crosshill Studios

Colorist: Johannes Röckl

Sound Design: Thomas Appel

Re-Recording Mixer: Daniel Bautista Pre-Mixing: Roman Strack

Assistant Editor: Anagha Anand

Postproduction Facility: Syrreal Works GmbH

Postproduction Supervisor: Maximilian Link

Postproduction Coordinator: Helen Tippmann

VFX Conform and Compositing: Salomé Wagner Conform and Compositing: Maciej Sowilski

Compositing Artists: Randy Schmidt, Zoë Dahmen Project Assistant, Finishing/QC: Marten Barner

Picture and Sound: Basis Berlin Postproduktion GmbH

Head of Postproduction: Frieda Oberlin

Postproduction Producers: Laura Hübler, Andrea Kürschner

Technical Director: Alexander Falk Online Artists: Lukas Marquardt, Mathilda Barchmann Sound Editing: Florian Holzer

Assistant Sound Editing: Taiga Trigo Finishing/QC: Ida Rederer, Benedikt Kaiser, Justine Sina Edinger, Franziska Louisa Becker, Vincent Olufemi

VFX Plate Photographer: Andrei Severny

Compositing Artists: Denis Reva, Mykhailo Yefimenko, Jonas Riemer, Marvin Sprengel, Frederic Berninger, Götz Arntzen, Mark Laqua

CGI Artists: Bertrand Flanet, Simon Miné, Annkathrin Kluss, Merlin Stadler, Paul Valentin

VFX Facility: Outside The Club GmbH

CGI Artist: Yannik Hess

VFX Facility: Worldwide FX Ltd.

VFX Producer: Danail Hadzhiyski

VFX Supervisor: Nikolay Gachev Finance: Paolina Kondareva

In/Out: Nikolay Kirov, Hristo Gebrev

VFX Coordination Supervisor: Nick Peshunoff

VFX Coordinator: Svetoslav Mitev

CGI & Compositing Artists: Bogdan Nedkov, Iveta Ivanova

VFX Facility: Sehsucht Berlin GmbH & Co. KG

Producer: Markus Trautmann Compositing Artist: Norman Struwe

VFX Facility: Mimic Productions GmbH

CTO: David Bennett

Production Coordinator: Alexandria Petrus Production Assistant: Boyana Tosheva Tech Lead: Johannes Mittig Animators: Yeji Min, Angus McDonald, Arindam Samanta, Jonathan Morgan

VFX Facility: Baby Giant Hollyberg GmbH

VFX Producer: Heiko Nemmert

Assc. VFX Producer: Daniel von Braun Coordination: Markus Kuhne

VFX Supervisor: Akca Elmas

VFX Project Manager/Lead: Simon Frohn

Matchmove Artist: Stefan Günther

CG Digital and Comp Artists: Yair Morr, Ellinor Blankenfeld

CG Digital Artists: Zeki Kartal, Ozan Doğan Compositing: Thomas Hansen Edit I/O: Ütz

CG Render Artist: Jonas Englich

VFX Facility: Renovatio Pictures

VFX Consultant: Young Lee

VFX Supervisor: Christopher Chen

VFX Producer: Peter Huang

VFX Executive Producer: Peter Bien

VFX Project Managers: Sharon Wu, Wu Chih-Yen

CG Lead: Terence Cheng

Matchmove Artist: Hsu Ko-Hsin

Asset Artists: Bick Hsu, Zheng Gong-Yi, Lin Hsiao-Yin

Animator: Pan Shin-Yu

Compositing Lead: Huang Yu-Min



BNW Rigging

Five Ohm Productions Mind the Gap

Mark Grey Audio Designer

Compositing: Von Yang, Jing Chiu, Huang Yu-Fong, Wu Chien-Ning

CG Digital Artists: Tai Zih-Shu, Su Sheng-Chih, Wei Tsou, Zeng Sin-Yu

FX Artists: Daniel Chiu, Torr Fox

Edit I/O: Shawn

IT Engineer: Roters Zeng

Sound Post Facility: JRS Jazzanova Recording Studio Re-Recording Mixer, Drums: Axel Reinemer

Sound Post Facility: Audiosmith Digital Solutions Re-Recording Mixers, Choir: Isaiah Abolin, Edwin Huet

Re-Recording and Sound Editing, Cate Blanchett: Ansgar Frerich

Coach Re-Recording, Cate Blanchett: Irene Roberts Reference Voice Recording: Helena Rasker Pitch Corrections: Aleksandr Sitnikov

Dialogue Editors: Julian Holzapfel, Thomas Wallmann

Foley Artist: Felix Kratzer

Foley Recordist: Marvin von Winterfeld

Sound Post Facility: CBBB Postproduction

Producer: Christian Kröhl

Producer/Editor: Sina Niklas

ADR Recordist/Editor: Kai Lucian von Glasow Sound Editors: Tom Geldschläger, Theo Schulte, Vadim Mühlberg, Christoph Kozik, Sebastian Sánchez

Sound Post Facility: Loft Tonstudios Berlin GmbH Project Manager: Manuela Balmer ADR Recordist: Benjamin Schäfer ADR Editor: Sebastian Bender

ADR Facility: Art4noise Audio Post Production Project Manager: Kristiana Udre ADR Recordist: Nick Baldock

ADR Facility: Dragonfly Audio Post ADR Recordist: Ben Wong

ADR Facility : Audiofrequence ADR Recordist: Thibaut Jamar

Premier Stagehands Audio Equipment by Masque Sound Rigging Equipment by 4Wall Entertainment

Scenery Built by Tom Carroll Scenery Video Equipment by Eidotech


Yvonne Brandl and Joachim Abrell from Eidotech Anna Apostolidis and JR Strauss from Covey Law Milli Clements-Hydes from Viva La Visa! Translation assistance from Jeffrey Sequeira

Carl Whipple Production Carpenter

Daniel Santamaria Production Video

Robert Gabriel, Fabian Gawlik, Kai Müller, Immanuel Rohner Eidotech Video Team

@ParkAveArmory #PAAEuphoria 9
Davison Scandrett Production Manager Carolyn Wong Lighting Supervisor Dave “Tater” Polato Production Electrician Andrew Lulling Associate Audio Designer Max Helburn Production Audio Stephen Pucci Production Rigger


The presence of young people is impossible to ignore in Julian Rosefeldt’s Euphoria. From the surrounding specters of the Brooklyn Youth Chorus fulfilling the ancient duty of the Greek chorus to both mimic and judge to the vignette of teenagers on the main screen convinced through a combination of naivete and bravery that they know a better way, Euphoria implicitly demands that its audience not ignore how their actions and inactions impact future generations. It is therefore fitting that all three initiatives of the Armory’s Arts Education program, offered at no cost to underserved New York City public schools, are engaging with the themes and form of Euphoria , exploring and responding to Rosefeldt’s creative process.

Students participating in Production-Based Programming workshops —which invite school groups to experience the unconventional works of music, theater, dance, and visual arts in the Wade Thompson Drill Hall and historic rooms in conjunction with workshops co-facilitated by multi-disciplinary Teaching Artists—experience Euphoria during student-only viewing hours offered throughout the month of December. Workshops grounded in different disciplinary lenses respond to Euphoria ’s call to action, offering over 1,000 students the opportunity to creatively express their individual ideas for different ways forward and contribute to a collective student installation reflecting on the impact of capitalism on their own lives.

Three schools from the Armory’s Partner School Program—which offers long-term, customized residencies that support school curriculum and community goals at eight current partner schools— have chosen to integrate Euphoria into their fall semesters. The extensive research practice that jumpstarts Rosefeldt’s creative process offers seniors from Williamsburg High School for Architecture and Design another lens through which they can view their English Language Arts research paper unit. The stunning visual approach to storytelling that is a hallmark of Rosefeldt’s work, and Euphoria in particular, inspires 9th and 10th graders at Claremont International High School as they study principles of art and apply those principles

to storytelling through visual art projects of their own. 10th graders at Bronx Compass High School, the Armory’s newest partner school, relate the themes of their English Language Arts curriculum to Euphoria , exploring hierarchy within systems and envisioning a new world order through the collaborative creation of music.

The Armory’s Youth Corps Program offers paid and closely mentored internship programs for students ages 16-25+. In one example of these programs, the juniors and seniors of the Armory’s newest Youth Corps cohort (the first in-person high school group since March 2020) are investigating how Rosefeldt’s collisions of text, environment, and character, created through the gathering together of disparate texts and sources, allow audiences to be drawn in by what they find familiar, while simultaneously giving them the freedom of individual interpretation through the tension that arises from the elements that are unfamiliar. These investigations, including a meeting with the artist himself, culminate in students’ own artistic gatherings exploring a social issue they feel is vital to address.

All of the Armory’s Arts Education initiatives center artistic expression as an important avenue to confront, reflect upon, and address the modern world, and encourage young people to view both the experience and creation of art as a way to add their valuable insights and truths to the conversation. Rosefeldt’s recognition that their voices are a vital part of this conversation is evident in both his artwork and his ongoing support of and participation in the Armory’s Arts Education Programs. Euphoria , like Manifesto before it, uses a medium that students are intimately connected with (a screen) but presents it in a form (installation) that might be new, and that urges the viewer to take their place as part of the story. Euphoria is a masterclass in artistic storytelling for many reasons, but especially because it invites audiences of all ages to be a part of the next gathering of voices: Be your voice pointed or absurd, hopeful or pragmatic, youthful or wizened, what’s important is to speak up.

Thompson Arts Center at Park Avenue Armory | 643 Park Avenue at East 67th Street



Part palace, part industrial shed, Park Avenue Armory fills a critical void in the cultural ecology of New York, supporting unconventional works in the performing and visual arts that cannot be fully realized in a traditional proscenium theater, concert hall, or white wall gallery. With its soaring 55,000-square-foot Wade Thompson Drill Hall and an array of exuberant period rooms, the Armory enables a diverse range of artists to create, students to explore, and audiences to experience epic, adventurous, relevant work that cannot be done elsewhere in New York.

Programmatic highlights from the Wade Thompson Drill Hall include Ernesto Neto’s anthropodino, a magical labyrinth extended across the Drill Hall; Bernd Alois Zimmermann’s harrowing Die Soldaten , in which the audience moved “through the music”; the event of a thread , a site-specific installation by Ann Hamilton; the final performances of the Merce Cunningham Dance Company on three separate stages; an immersive Macbeth set in a Scottish heath with Kenneth Branagh; WS by Paul McCarthy, a monumental installation of fantasy, excess, and dystopia; a radically inclusive staging of Bach’s St. Matthew Passion staged by Peter Sellars and performed by Sir Simon Rattle and the Berliner Philharmoniker; eight-time Drama Desk-nominated play The Hairy Ape, directed by Richard Jones and starring Bobby Cannavale; Hansel & Gretel , a new commission by Ai Weiwei, Jacques Herzog, and Pierre de Meuron that explored publicly shared space in the era of surveillance; FLEXN and FLEXN Evolution , two Armory-commissioned presentations of the Brooklynborn dance activists group the D.R.E.A.M. Ring, created by Reggie (Regg Roc) Gray and director Peter Sellars; Simon Stone’s heralded production of Yerma starring Billie Piper in her North American debut; The Let Go, a site-specific immersive dance celebration by Nick Cave; Satoshi Miyagi’s stunning production of Antigone set in a lake; Sam Mendes’ critically acclaimed production of The Lehman Trilogy ; the Black Artists Retreat hosted by Theaster Gates, which included public talks and performances, private sessions for the 300 attending artists, and a roller skating rink; Deep Blue Sea by Bill T. Jones and the Bill T. Jones/Arnie Zane Dance Companies; The Shape of Things, a multi-work installation, convening, and performance series by Carrie Mae Weems; Rashaad Newsome’s Assembly ; the North American premiere of Michel van der Aa’s Upload featuring Julia Bullock and Roderick Williams; and the North American premieres of Robert Icke’s Hamlet and Oresteia , played in repertory and starring Alex Lawther, Jennifer Ehle, and Anastasia Hille. Productions in the Armory’s Social Distance Hall included works by Bill T. Jones; David Byrne, Christine Jones, and Steven Hoggett; Laurie Anderson and Jason Moran; and Robert Icke.

In its historic period rooms, the Armory presents more intimate performances and programs, including its acclaimed Recital Series, which showcases musical talent from across the globe within the intimate salon setting of the Board of Officers Room; the Artists

Studio series curated by MacArthur “Genius” and jazz phenom Jason Moran in the newly restored Veterans Room, which features a diverse array of innovative artists and artistic pairings that reflect the imaginative improvisation of the young designers and artists who originally conceived the space; and Making Space at the Armory, a public talks program that brings diverse artists and thought-leaders together for discussion and performance around the important issues of our time.

Among the performers who have appeared in the Recital Series and the Artists Studio in the Armory’s restored Veterans Room or the Board of Officers Rooms are: Christian Gerhaher; Ian Bostridge; Jason Moran; Lawrence Brownlee; Barbara Hannigan; Lisette Oropesa; Roscoe Mitchell; Conrad Tao and Tyshawn Sorey; Rashaad Newsome; and Krency Garcia (“El Prodigio”).

Highlights from the public programs include: symposiums such as Carrie Mae Weems’ day-long event called The Shape of Things , whose participants included Elizabeth Alexander, Theaster Gates, Elizabeth Diller, and Nona Hendryx; a day-long Lenape Pow Wow and Standing Ground Symposium held in the Wade Thompson Drill Hall, the first congregation of Lenape Leaders on Manhattan Island since the 1700s; salons such as the Literature Salon hosted by Branden Jacobs-Jenkins, whose participants included Lynn Nottage, Suzan Lori-Parks, and Jeremy O. Harris, and a Spoken Word Salon co-hosted with the Nuyorican Poets Cafe; and most recently, 100 Years | 100 Women , a multi-organization commissioning project that invited 100 women artists and cultural creators to respond to women’s suffrage.

Current Artists-in-Residence at the Armory include two-time Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright Lynn Nottage; Obie winner and Pulitzer short-listed playwright Branden Jacobs-Jenkins and Carmelita Tropicana; Reggie (Regg Roc) Gray and the D.R.E.A.M. Ring; singer and composer Sara Serpa; Tony Award-winning set designer and director Christine Jones and choreographer Steven Hoggett; and Mimi Lien, the first set designer to receive a MacArthur Fellowship. The Armory also supports artists through an active commissioning program including such artists as Bill T. Jones, Lynn Nottage, Carrie Mae Weems, Michel van der Aa, Tyshawn Sorey, Rashaad Newsome, Julian Rosefeldt, Branden Jacobs-Jenkins, and others.

The Armory also offers creativity-based arts education programs at no cost to thousands of underserved New York City public school students, engaging them with the institution’s artistic programming and outside-the-box creative processes.

The Armory has undertaken an ongoing $215-million renovation and restoration of its historic building designed by architects Herzog & de Meuron, with Platt Byard Dovell White as Executive Architects. @ParkAveArmory #PAAEuphoria 11


Thompson Arts Center at Park Avenue Armory | 643 Park Avenue at East 67th Street Chairman Emeritus Elihu Rose, PhD Co-Chairs Adam R. Flatto Amanda J.T. Riegel President Rebecca Robertson Vice Presidents David Fox Ken Kuchin Pablo Legorreta Emanuel Stern Treasurer Emanuel Stern Wade F.B. Thompson, Founding Chairman, 2000–2009 Marina Abramović Sir David Adjaye OBE Abigail Baratta Joyce F. Brown Cora Cahan Hélène Comfort Paul Cronson Tina R. Davis Marc de La Bruyère Jessie Ding Sanford B. Ehrenkranz Roberta Garza Andrew Gundlach Pierre Audi, Marina Kellen French Artistic Director Marjorie L. Hart Branden Jacobs-Jenkins Edward G. Klein, Brigadier General NYNG (Ret.) Ralph Lemon Jason Moran Janet C. Ross Joan Steinberg Peter Zhou Directors Emeriti Harrison M. Bains, Jr. Angela E. Thompson



Michael Lonergan Chief Artistic Producer

Kevin Condardo General Manager

Melanie Milton Producer

Rachel Rosado Producer

Darian Suggs Associate Director, Public Programming

Sam Cortez Associate Producer/Company Manager

Oscar Peña Programming Coordinator


Paul King Director of Production

Claire Marberg Deputy Director of Production

Nicholas Lazzaro Technical Director

Lars Nelson Technical Director

Rachel Baumann Production Coordinator


Cassidy L. Jones Chief Education Officer

Monica Weigel McCarthy Director of Education

Aarti Ogirala Associate Director of Education, School Programs Nadia Parfait School Programs Coordinator

Ciara Ward Youth Corps Manager

Bev Vega Youth Corps Coordinator

Drew Petersen Education Special Projects Manager

Kate Bell, Emily Bruner, Donna Costello, Alexander Davis, Asma Feyijinmi, Hawley Hussey, Larry Jackson, Hector Morales, Peter Musante, Drew Petersen, Leigh Poulos, Neil Tyrone Pritchard, Vickie Tanner Teaching Artists

Wilson Castro, Shar Galarza, Daniel Gomez, Nancy K. Gomez, Maxim Ibadov, Stephanie Mesquita, Paola Ocampo, Amo Ortiz Teaching Associates

Arabia Elliot Currence, Victoria Fernandez, Sebastian Harris, Melissa Velasquez Teaching Apprentices

Kenny Amesquita, Abdoul Ba, Darling Batista, Eden Battice, Vicky Braga Dos Santos Casey, Issbel Collado, LadiRoyale Davis, Aya Elfatihi, Lia Fortune, Sheena Luke, Alan Munoz, Mattius Palacios, Nemanja Prokic, Naomi Santos Youth Corps, High School

Habib Apo-Oyin, Janneurys Colon, Taylor Maheia, Oscar Montenegro, Hillary Ramirez Perez, Angela Reynoso, Angela Sosa, Lucille Vasquez Youth Corps, Advanced Interns






FINANCE @ParkAveArmory #PAAEuphoria 13
Rebecca Robertson Founding President and Executive Producer Pierre Audi Marina Kellen French Artistic Director Jason Moran Curator, Artists Studio Tavia Nyong’o Curator, Public Programming
Chief Operating Officer
Ashlee Willaman Director of Human Resources Marc Von Braunsberg Director of Operations and Security Chris Sperry Facilities Manager Williams Say Superintendent Leandro Dasso, Mayra DeLeon, Mario Esquilin, Jeferson Avila, Olga Cruz, Justin DeLeon Nieto, Jazmin Dominguez, Cristina Moreira, Tyrell Shannon Castillo, Joshua Rosa, Cindy Fabara Maintenance Staff Oku Okoko Director of IT Ethan Cohen IT Administrator Bobby Wolf Senior House Manager
Melanie Forman Chief Development Officer Charmaine Portis Executive Assistant to the Chief Development Officer Sam Cole Director of Development Rachel Risso-Gill Senior Director of Individual Giving Jennifer Ramon Associate Director of Individual Giving Adithya Pratama Individual Giving Coordinator Billy Fidler Director of Institutional Giving Angel Genares Manager of Individual Giving Michael Buffer Database Manager Rose Cole-Cohen Special Events Coordinator
Kirsten Reoch Director of Capital Planning, Preservation, and Institutional Relations David Burnhauser Collection Manager
Lori Nelson Executive Assistant to the President Nathalie Etienne Administrative Assistant, President’s Office Simone Elhart Project Manager
Jim McGlynn Chief Financial Officer Christy Kidd Controller Khemraj Dat Senior Staff Accountant Zeinebou Dia Junior Accountant
Tom Trayer Chief Marketing Officer Nick Yarbrough Senior Digital Marketing Manager Allison Abbott Press and Editorial Manager Joe Petrowski Director of Ticketing and Customer Relations Monica Diaz Box Office Manager Ashley Brooks, John Hooper Box Office Leads Antonio Irizarry, Cal Lane, Mary McDonnell, Elisabeth Oliveri, Sienna Sherman, Malynne Smith, Andi Voigt Box Office Associates Resnicow + Associates, Inc. Press Representatives Daniel George House Manager Alejandra Ortiz Assistant House Manager Jacqueline Babek, Emma Buford, Sarah Gallick, Daniel Gomez, Eboni Green, Nariah Green, Maxim Ibadov, Sandra Kitt, Christine Lemme, Beth Miller, Drew O’Bryan, Jon Ovadia, Regina Pearsall, Shimel Purnell, Eileen Rourke, Michael Simon, Kin Tam, Kathleen White Ushers



February 25 – March 25, 2023

North American Premiere

Having dazzled UK audiences at the National Theatre and garnered widespread critical acclaim around the world, this engaging new play makes its North American premiere and marks the New York debut of writer and director Alexander Zeldin. This powerful piece of drama, written after a years-long process of community collaboration and immersion, personal interviews, and first-hand accounts, draws attention to the cracks in the welfare system when several families are brought together in a shelter in the lead up to Christmas. The audience is invited to step inside their reality and bear witness to some of the touching, humorous, and profoundly human instances of their combined existence. Played with the house lights up and audience members seated amongst the company, the heart-breaking production reveals the cast seeming to live rather than act. The result is an engrossing and intimate story for our times that shows rather than tells and is born out of the daily rituals of survival, highlighting the link between homelessness, mental health, and austerity politics, but also the yearning for, and power of, love.


June 6 – August 19, 2023

North American Premiere

After amazing Armory audiences with his adaptations of Aeschylus’s Oresteia (2022), Shakespeare’s Hamlet (2022), and Ibsen’s Enemy of the People (2021), visionary director and playwright Robert Icke returns with the North American premiere of this gripping moral thriller following lauded runs at London’s Almeida Theatre and West End. This scorching examination of our age, a striking reimagining of the 1912 play Professor Bernhardi by Arthur Schnitzler, utilizes the lens of medical ethics to examine urgent questions of faith, identity, race, gender, privilege, and scientific rationality. Olivier Awardwinner Juliet Stevenson stars as the doctor at the center of the drama where nothing is quite what – or who – it seems. A galvanizing piece of theater, the production serves as a stark health warning for an increasingly divided nation, where clashing views about the way we see ourselves and the world we live in today only magnify the complexities of life.


Now in its tenth year, the Armory’s Recital Series has been lauded for becoming “a locus for important chamber music concerts” (The New Yorker). This season includes a highly anticipated North American recital debut, thoughtfully curated programs of lieder, art song, and contemporary works by some of today’s most exciting musical interpreters, and thrilling performances that explore signal works and take the art form in bold new directions.


Stéphane Degout & Cédric Tiberghien April 3 & 5, 2023

Renowned for the finesse and sensitivity he conveys in his interpretations, baritone Stéphane Degout has taken the opera world by storm with appearances at major opera houses and festivals around the world. He comes to the Armory to perform a program of French art songs and German lieder that offers audiences the chance to get to know the boundless technique and abundant musicality of the burnished baritone in the intimate Board of Officers Room.

Allan Clayton & James Baillieu North American Recital Debut April 27 & 29, 2023

Tenor Allan Clayton is established as one of the most exciting and sought-after singers of his generation with celebrated performances from Baroque to contemporary at opera houses around the world, including the title role in the US premiere of Hamlet at the Metropolitan Opera in spring of 2022. He makes his North American recital debut with a program of lieder as well as art and folk songs that showcase his dynamic vocal range, musical sensitivity, and magnetic stage presence.

Pavel Kolesnikov, piano May 22 & 24, 2023

Hailed as “a poet of the piano” (Bachtrack), Pavel Kolesnikov is celebrated for his imaginative, thought-provoking programming which offers the listener a fresh, often unexpected perspective on familiar pieces. He brings this inventive spirit to the Armory with two distinct programs that poetically showcase his sensitivity, musicality, and sheer mastery of the instrument. He opens his residency with one of the most challenging works for a pianist – Bach’s towering classical keyboard masterpiece, the Goldberg Variations – and then looks upward with a program of works illuminating the night sky.

Thompson Arts Center at Park Avenue Armory | 643 Park Avenue at East 67th Street


Curated by jazz pianist, composer, and MacArthur fellow Jason Moran, this series of interventions expands this season to spotlight the Association for the Advancement of Creative Musicians, Inc. (AACM). This revolutionary collective of artists, musicians, and creators bring their unmistakable energy and boundless creativity to the Armory for a series of performances of newly composed works, workshops and open rehearsals, lectures and panels, and exhibitions of historic artifacts and photographic surveys.


Jason Moran and Henry Threadgill: AACM Listening Session Saturday, February 18, 2023

Pulitzer Prize-winning composer Henry Threadgill is joined by Artists Studio curator Jason Moran for an intimate discussion and listening session spotlighting the Association for the Advancement of Creative Musicians and their creative impact on American music. This insightful event explores the creative practice of some of the most forward-thinking composers and multi-instrumentalists who have been blending art forms and pushing boundaries since the collaborative’s inception more than 60 years ago.

Time Factor: Thurman Barker Quintet

Adegoke Steve Colson and Iqua Colson’s Unity Troupe with special guests Chico Freeman and Douglas R. Ewart Saturday, April 22, 2023

A versatile drummer and percussionist, Thurman Barker has performed with countless singers and artists from the worlds of classical, pop, jazz, and those that defy categorization. He performs excerpts from three of his orchestral scores – South Side Suite, Pandemic Fever, and Mr. Speed-str – on a special double bill with “musical power couple” (The New York Times) Adegoke Steve Colson and Iqua Colson and their longtime collaborators Chico Freeman and Douglas R. Ewart . The Colsons’ vast work focuses on many facets of the human experience, illuminating social issues while taking listeners inside the aesthetics of art.


This insightful series of cutting-edge conversations, performances, and activations – curated by professor, scholar, and curator Tavia Nyong’o – makes space for new points of view and unique perspectives from a diverse array of artists, scholars, cultural leaders, and social trailblazers. Interrogating the forms of artistic expression that challenge and inspire audiences to ‘achieve our country,’ in the words of James Baldwin, these gatherings foster the art of conversation and dialogue about Armory productions and urgent questions of our day.


Symposium: The Future of Race in Design January 14 & 15, 2023

Join a state-of-the-art conversation about how race matters in creative design for live performance in our current moment of creative, technological, and cultural unrest. Hosted by lighting designer Jane Cox , playwright Branden Jacobs-Jenkins, set designer Mimi Lien, and sound designer and composer Mikaal Sulaiman, this interdisciplinary forum allows artists, intellectuals, and designers to explore lighting, sound, costume, and set design, as well as augmented reality, as sites of innovation, magic, and transformation.

Salon: Juke Joint March 31 & April 1, 2023

Poet, writer, performer, and activist Pamela Sneed leads a celebration of the role of the women and femme architects of rhythm and blues and rock and roll. The multifaceted artist is joined by her band for a tribute to Big Mama Thornton and other female legends, and then leads a salon featuring a performance by singer-songwriter and playwright Stew exploring how the rebel spirit of these female innovators lives on today at the intersection of political commentary, music, and cabaret culture. Presented in celebration of Women’s Music Month as part of the Carnegie Hall Women in Music Festival. @ParkAveArmory #PAAEuphoria 15

Support Park Avenue Armory as a member and join us in our mission to enable diverse artists to create, students to experience, and audiences to consume epic and adventurous presentations that cannot be fully realized in a traditional proscenium theater, concert hall, or white wall gallery.

All benefits of the Friend membership plus:

• Fees waived on ticket exchanges*

• Two free tickets to Armory Historic Interiors Tours***

• Discount on tickets to the Malkin Lecture Series, Artist Talks, and Public Programming*

Chairman’s Circle members provide vital support for the Armory’s immersive arts and education programming and the restoration of our landmark building. In grateful appreciation of their support, they are provided unique and exclusive opportunities to experience the Armory and interact with our world-class artists.

The Avant-Garde is a group for individuals from their 20s to 40s. An Avant-Garde membership offers a deeper, more intimate connection to the unique and creative concepts behind the Armory’s mission.

Each membership applies to one household, and one membership card is mailed upon membership activation.

For information on ticketing, or to purchase tickets, please contact the Box Office at (212) 933 - 5812 or visit us at

For more information about membership, please contact the Membership Office at (212) 616 - 3958 or

*Subject to ticket availability **Certain restrictions apply ***Reservations required

Street 16 JOIN THE ARMORY FRIEND $100 $64 is tax deductible ASSOCIATE $500 $348 is tax deductible BENEFACTOR $1,000 $824 is tax deductible CHAIRMAN’S CIRCLE starting at $2,500 AVANT-GARDE starting at $350 SUPPORTER $250 $194 is tax deductible • Members-only pre-sale or preferred access for performance tickets • Free admission for you and a guest to visual art installations • Invitations to visual art VIP preview parties, plus admission to installations for two • Discounts on Armory Historic Interiors Tours*** • Discounts at local partnered restaurants • 20% discount on member subscription packages* All benefits of the Supporter membership plus:
Access to concierge ticket service
Free admission for two additional guests
party of four) to visual art installations
Two free art fair passes** All benefits of the Associate membership plus:
Recognition in
printed programs
No wait, no line ticket pick up at the patron desk
Handling fees waived on ticket purchases*
Invitation for you
Two complimentary tickets
Thompson Arts Center at Park Avenue Armory
643 Park Avenue at East 67th
and a guest to a private Chairman’s Circle event •
to the popular Malkin Lecture Series*


Anonymous (2)

Anne-Victoire Auriault/Goldman Sachs Gives

Abigail and Joseph Baratta

Wendy Belzberg and Strauss Zelnick

Sonja and Martin J. Brand Noreen Buckfire

Elizabeth Coleman Hélène and Stuyvesant Comfort Caroline and Paul Cronson

Emme and Jonathan Deland

Leslie and Thomas DeRosa

Jennie L. and Richard K. DeScherer

Krystyna Doerfler

Lisa and Sanford B. Ehrenkranz

The Lehoczky Escobar Family Adam R. Flatto


Roberta Garza

Barbara and Peter Georgescu

Kim and Jeff Greenberg

Barbara and Andrew Gundlach

Anita K. Hersh

Wendy Keys

Ken Kuchin and Tyler Morgan

Fernand Lamesch

Almudena and Pablo Legorreta

Christina and Alan MacDonald

Kim Manocherian

Heidi and Tom McWilliams

Gwen and Peter Norton

Lily O’Boyle

Valerie Pels

Amanda J.T. and Richard E. Riegel

Susan and Elihu Rose

Janet C. Ross

Caryn Schacht and David Fox

Stacy Schiff and Marc de La Bruyère

Brian S. Snyder

Joan and Michael Steinberg

Emanuel Stern

Mimi Klein Sternlicht

Jon Stryker and Slobodan Randjelović

Merryl and James Tisch

Deborah C. van Eck

Bob Vila and Diana Barrett

Mary Wallach

Peter Zhou and Lisa Lee

Founding Members

Angela and Wade F.B. Thompson


Lisa and Sanford B. Ehrenkranz Marjorie and Gurnee Hart


Park Avenue Armory expresses its deep appreciation to the individuals and organizations listed here for their generous support for its annual and capital campaigns.

$1,000,000 +

Charina Endowment Fund

Citi Empire State Local Development Corporation

Marina Kellen French

Barbara and Andrew Gundlach

Anna-Maria and Stephen Kellen Foundation, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. Malkin and The Malkin Fund, Inc.

Richard and Ronay Menschel

New York City Council and Council Member Daniel R. Garodnick

New York City Department of Cultural Affairs

New York State Assemblymember Dan Quart and the New York State Assembly

The Pershing Square Foundation

Susan and Elihu Rose

The Arthur Ross Foundation and J & AR Foundation

Joan Smilow and Joel Smilow*

The Thompson Family Foundation

Wade F.B. Thompson*

The Zelnick/Belzberg Charitable Trust


$500,000 to $999,999

Bloomberg Philanthropies

Lisa and Sanford B. Ehrenkranz

Almudena and Pablo Legorreta

The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation

Adam R. Rose and Peter R. McQuillan

Donna and Marvin Schwartz

Emanuel Stern

$250,000 to $499,999

American Express

Michael Field

Adam R. Flatto

Ken Kuchin and Tyler Morgan

The Pierre and Tana Matisse Foundation

The Rockefeller Foundation Marshall Rose Family Foundation

$100,000 to $249,999

The Achelis and Bodman Foundations

R. Mark and Wendy Adams Linda and Earle Altman

Abigail and Joseph Baratta

Booth Ferris Foundation

Sonja and Martin J. Brand Hélène and Stuyvesant Comfort Jessie Ding and Ning Jin

Roberta Garza

Howard Gilman Foundation

Marjorie and Gurnee Hart

The Hearst Foundations

Samhita and Ignacio Jayanti

Kirkland & Ellis LLP

Mary T. Kush

Leonard & Judy Lauder Fund

Meta Open Arts

Mr. and Mrs. Lester Morse New York State Assembly New York State Council on the Arts

Stavros Niarchos Foundation

Daniel and Joanna S. Rose

Mrs. Janet C. Ross Caryn Schacht and David Fox

Stacy Schiff and Marc de La Bruyère

Sanford L. Smith

Harold and Mimi Steinberg Charitable Trust Joan and Michael Steinberg MK Reichert Sternlicht Foundation

Mr. William C. Tomson Deborah C. van Eck

Peter Zhou and Lisa Lee

$25,000 to $99,999

Arthur R. and Alice E. Adams

Charitable Foundation

The Avenue Association

Christine and Turner Batty

The Cowles Charitable Trust Caroline and Paul Cronson

Emme and Jonathan Deland

Jennie L. and Richard K. DeScherer

Krystyna Doerfler

Andrew L. Farkas & Island Capital Group LLC

Ford Foundation

Lorraine Gallard and Richard H. Levy

Elizabeth Morse Genius Foundation

Barbara and Peter Georgescu

Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation

Kim and Jeff Greenberg

Agnes Gund

Janet Halvorson

Anita K. Hersh

Kaplen Brothers Fund

Jill and Peter Kraus

The Marie-Josée and Henry R. Kravis Foundation

Fernand Lamesch

The Lehoczky Escobar Family George S. Loening

Marc Haas Foundation

Andrea Markezin Press and Joel Press

Slobodan Randjelović and Jon Stryker

Katharine Rayner

The Reed Foundation

Rhodebeck Charitable Trust

Genie and Donald Rice

Amanda J.T. and Richard E. Riegel

Rebecca Robertson and Byron Knief

The Fan Fox & Leslie R. Samuels Foundation

The Shubert Foundation

Sydney and Stanley S. Shuman

Amy and Jeffrey Silverman


Tishman Speyer

Jane Toll and Robert Toll*

VIA Art Fund

Bob Vila and Diana Barrett

Anonymous (4)

$10,000 to $24,999

AECOM Tishman

Judy Hart Angelo

Jody and John Arnhold

Anne-Victoire Auriault / Goldman Sachs Gives

Milton and Sally Avery Arts Foundation

Harrison and Leslie Bains

Sara and Mark Bloom

Emma Bloomberg

The Emma and Georgina Bloomberg Foundation

Noreen and Ken Buckfire

Marian and Russell Burke

Tim Cameron Coach

Ania Coffey @ParkAveArmory #PAAEuphoria 17
Members Estate of Ginette Becker Wendy Belzberg and Strauss Zelnick Emme and Jonathan Deland Adam R. Flatto Roberta Garza Ken Kuchin Heidi McWilliams Michelle Perr Amanda Thompson Riegel Rebecca Robertson and Byron Knief Susan and Elihu Rose Francesca Schwartz Joan and Michael Steinberg The Armory’s Legacy Circle is a group of individuals who support Park Avenue Armory through a vitally important source of future funding, a planned gift. These gifts will help support the Armory’s outside-the-box artistic programming, Arts Education Programs, and historic preservation into the future.

Luis y Cora Delgado

DHR Global

William F. Draper

Caryl S. Englander

James Fingeroth

Teri Friedman and Babak Yaghmaie Martin and Lauren Geller

Sylvia Golden and Warren Friedman

Kiendl and John Gordon

Ralph and Cornelia Heins

Karen Herskovitz

Herzog & de Meuron

Lawrence and Sharon Hite

Peter Huntsman

Jack Shainman Gallery


Suzie and Bruce Kovner

Julia Ledda and Hassan Taher

Leon Levy Foundation

Christina and Alan MacDonald Christine and Richard Mack

Steve and Sue Mandel

James Marlas and Marie Nugent-Head Marlas Joyce F. Menschel

Danny and Audrey Meyer

Cynthia Woods Mitchell Fund of the National Trust for Historic Preservation

Nardello & Co.

Elyse and Michael Newhouse

Gwendolyn Adams Norton and Peter Norton Lily O’Boyle

PBDW Architects

Michael Peterson

Joan and Joel I. Picket

Anne and Skip Pratt

The Prospect Hill Foundation

Richenthal Foundation

Esther Rosenberg

Fiona and Eric Rudin

May and Samuel Rudin Family Foundation, Inc. Mrs. William H. Sandholm

Philip Schmerbeck/Herzog & de Meuron USA

Lise Scott and D. Ronald Daniel

Cynthia and Tom Sculco

Brian S. Snyder

Howard & Sarah D. Solomon Foundation

Patricia Brown Specter

Jean and Gene Stark

Beatrice Stern

Michael and Veronica Stubbs

Allen and Meghan Thorpe

Merryl and James Tisch

Barbara D. Tober

Purva and Andrew Tsai

Susan Unterberg

Cristina von Bargen and Jonathan McHardy

Gregory Annenberg Weingarten, GRoW @ Annenberg

Samuel and Kathryn Weinhoff

Michael Weinstein

Wescustogo Foundation

Maria Wirth

Anonymous (6)

$5,000 to $9,999

Amy and David Abrams

Arthur J. Gallagher & Co.

Louis and Gabrielle Bacon

Jay Badame

Candace and Rick Beinecke

Fabrizio and Enrica Bentivoglio D’arengi

Franklin and Marsha Berger

Mortimer Berkowitz III

Nicholas Brawer

Catherine and Robert Brawer

James-Keith Brown and Eric Diefenbach

Dr. Joyce F. Brown, President, Fashion Institute of Technology

Annabel Buckfire

Mary and Brad Burnham

Michael Clifford Ben Cohen

Betsy Cohn

Consulate General Of The Kingdom Of The Netherlands

Sissel Cooper and Peter Bos

Joyce B. Cowin

David Schwartz Foundation, Inc.

Jeanne Donovan Fisher

Peggy and Millard Drexler Family Foundation

Douglas and Susanne Durst

J. Christopher and Violet Eagan

Martin and Rebecca Eisenberg Foundation

Carla Emil and Rich Silverstein

Leland and Jane Englebardt

Dr. Nancy Eppler-Wolff and Mr. John Wolff

The Felicia Fund

Andrew and Theresa Fenster

Candia Fisher

Diane Fogg

Jill and Michael J. Franco

Bart Friedman and Wendy A. Stein

Heather & Andrew Georges

The Georgetown Company

Elizabeth Granville-Smith

Dedrea and Paul Gray

Great Performances

Cecilia Greene and Paul Verbinnen

Guenther Greiner

Allen and Deborah Grubman

George and Patty Grunebaum

Mimi and Peter Haas Fund

Molly Butler Hart and Michael D. Griffin

Tania Higgins

Peter Imber and Ali Zweben Imber

Steve Jensen and Mark Grace

Adrienne Katz

Cynthia and Stephen Ketchum

Claire King

The David L. Klein, Jr. Foundation

Kameron Kordestani

Sheila and Bill Lambert

Stewart F. Lane and Bonnie Comley

Jo Carole and Ronald S. Lauder

Chad A. Leat

Denise Lefrak

Gail and Alan Levenstein

Jane Lombard

Linda Macklowe

Shelly and Tony Malkin

Charles and Georgette Mallory Kim Manocherian

Marian Goodman Gallery

Arthur J. Gallagher & Co

Mr. and Mrs. Matthew McLennan

Helen Nash

Liz Neumark

Jesse and Stéphanie Newhouse

Anna Nikolayevsky

Lynn Nottage and Tony Gerber

Valerie Ohrstrom

Arlena Olsten

David Orentreich, MD / Orentreich

Family Foundation

Marnie Pillsbury

Susan Porter

Preserve New York, a grant program of Preservation League of New York

Frances A. Resheske

Frank Richardson and Kimbra Wood

Laura and Gerald Rosberg

Robert Rosen and Dr. Dale Atkins Rosen

Ida and William Rosenthal Foundation Chuck and Stacy Rosenzweig

Robyn and Seymour Sammell

Susan Savitsky

Carol and Chuck Schaefer

Hillary Schafer and Mark Shafir

David Schwartz Foundation Inc.

Claude Shaw and Lara Meiland-Shaw

Dan Simkowitz and Mari Nakachi

Lea Simonds

Laura Skoler

Doug C. Steiner

Anne-Sophie Stern

Michael and Marjorie Stern Michael & Allison Stillman

The Jay and Kelly Sugarman Foundation

Robert Suiter and Debra Shuwarger Dave and Karen Thomas Michael Tuch Foundation L.F. Turner

Cynthia and Jan van Eck Alyssa Varadhan

Theodora Velys Anastasia Vournas and J. William Uhrig Saundra Whitney George Wang

Isak and Rose Weinman Foundation, Inc. Gary and Nina Wexler

Lynne Wheat Brian and Jane Williams

Francis H. Williams and Keris A. Salmon W. Weldon and Elaine Wilson Valda Witt and Jay Hatfield Lisa and David Wolf

Amy Yenkin and Robert Usdan Cynthia Young and George Eberstadt Toni Young Judy Francis Zankel Kiddy Zhou and Lu Li Zubatkin Owner Representation, LLC Anonymous (2)

$2,500 to $4,999

Katie Adams Schaeffer

Allen Adler and Frances Beatty Susan Heller Anderson

Michael S. Arlein

Jeff Arnstein and Michael Bellante

David Barnard Laurel Beebe Barrack

Francesca Beale

Tony Bechara

Catherine Behrend

Mr. Lawrence B. Benenson

Jonathan and Marjaleena Berger

Mr. Stephen Berger and Ms. Cynthia Wainwright

Peter D. McCann, MD

Judy and Howard Berkowitz

Stephanie Bernheim

Clemence Boissonnas

Melanie Bouvard and Matthew Bird Carolyn S. Brody

Amanda M. Burden

Steven and Betsy Bush Arthur and Linda Carter Sommer Chatwin

Joel and Ulrika Citron

Orla Coleman and Rikki Tahta Margaret Conklin

Connelly McLaughlin & Woloz

Colin Cowie and Danny Peuscovich

Austen and Ernesto Cruz

Ellie and Edgar Cullman

Joshua Dachs / Fisher Dachs Associates

Jacqueline Weld Drake

Christopher Duda

Karen Eckhoff

Anne and Joel Ehrenkranz

Jamshid and Mashid Ehsani

Deborah and Ronald Eisenberg Foundation

Jared Feldman

Jared Feldman / Anchin Private Client

Laura Jane Finn

Edmée and Nicholas Firth

Ella M. Foshay and Michael B. Rothfeld

Gwen and Austin Fragomen

The Garcia Family Foundation

Emanuel E. Geduld

Alexandra Giniger

Rosalind and Eugene Glaser

Robert and Trudy Gottesman

Elizabeth and David Granville-Smith

Robert S. Gregory

Ian and Lea Highet

Andrea Hirsch

Barbara Hoffman

Johanna Hudgens and Matthew Wilson

Phyllis Hyde

James Ingram

Laura Isenberg

Jeff and Hollye Jacobs

Tianyue Jiang

Jeanne Kanders

Jennie Kassanoff

Lee Kern

Zachary Kline

Douglas and Judith Krupp

Lizbeth & George Krupp

Sara and Jerome Lande

Jerome and Sara Lande

Heidi and Christian Lange

Sydie Lansing

Kate Lauprete

Lazarus Charitable Trust

Les Yeux Art Foundation Inc.

Elliot Levenglick

Phyllis Levin

Lili Lynton and Michael Ryan

Gina Giumarra MacArthur

Judith and Michael Margulies

Joanie Martinez-Rudkovsky

Bonnie Maslin

Nina B. Matis

Peter and Leni May

Claudia and Eduardo Mazzi

Dennis McNeill and Robin Burns McNeill

Constance and H. Roemer McPhee

Claire Milonas

Barbara and Howard Morse

Saleem and Jane Muqaddam

Aida Murad

Curt Myers

Nancy Newcomb and John Hargraves

Peter and Susan Nitze

Susan Numeroff

Nancy and Morris W. Offit

Kathleen O’Grady

Peter and Beverly Orthwein

Robert Ouimette and Lee Hirsch

Claudia and Gunnar Overstrom

Robin and Carlos Palomares

Madison J. Papp

Lee and Lori Parks

Sanjay and Leslie Patel

Louis and Barbara Perlmutter

Richard and Rose Petrocelli

Pistachio Culinary Studio & Experiences

Geri Pollack

Phyllis Posnick and Paul Cohen

Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Kalliope Rena Diana and John Rice

Rose Brand

Deborah Rose

Tamika Rose

Marjorie P. Rosenthal

Deborah and Chuck Royce

Susan Rudin

Shelby Saer

John and Shelby Saer

Jane Fearer Safer

Sabina and Wilfred Schlumberger

Caroline Schmidt-Barnett

Benjamin Schor & Isabel Wilkinson Schor

Nicholas and Shelley Schorsch

Sara Lee and Axel Schupf

Douglas Schwallbe and Nancy Lorenz

Thompson Arts Center at Park Avenue Armory | 643 Park Avenue at East 67th Street Con Edison Jonathan L Davis Eleanor Friedman and Jonathan J. Cohen

Stefan and Heidi Selig

Uma Seshamani and Jason van Itallie

Jack Shainman

Emilia Sherifova

Islam Shujaat and Fay Sardjono

Stephanie and Fred Shuman

Douglas Sills

Denise Simon and Paulo Vieiradacunha

Shelley Sonenberg

Daisy M. Soros

Stephen and Constance Spahn

Robert & Amy Stavis

Susan Stockel

Leila Maw Straus

Bonnie and Tom Strauss

Stella Strazdas and Henry Forrest

Studio Institute

Geri Thomas Thomas and Diane Tuft

Union Square Events

United States Tennis Association

Mrs. William J. vanden Heuvel

Andrew E. Vogel and Véronique Mazard

Mary Wallach

Robert Warshaw and Debbie Schmidt

Andrea Winter and Daniel Mintz

Samiah Zafar

Freya Zaheer and Whit Bernard Anonymous (5)

$1,000 to $2,499

Diane and Arthur Abbey Marina Abramović

Ellen Abrams

Gina Addeo

Benigno Aguilar Eric Altmann

Amy and Tony Downer

Anita Contini

Julie Appel

Ms. Regula Aregger

Dr. Lora Aroyo

Joe Baio & Anne Griffin

Barbara and Jude Barbera Stefan Beckman

Reid Berman

Richard Berndt and Marie-Camille Havard

Elaine S. Bernstein

Katherine and Marco Birch Boehm Family Foundation

Jill and Sheldon Bonovitz Polly Shih Brandmeyer

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Brown

Spencer Brownstone

Hugh Burns and Molly Duffy Matthew Buten and Beth Brownstein Cora Cahan

The Community Spirit Vodka

Dr. and Mrs. Bradley A. Connor

James and Krista Corl

Andre Cornelius

Marina Couloucoundis

Sophie Coumantaros

Andrew and Mimi Crawford

Abby and Andrew Crisses

L. Jay Cross Charles and Norris Daniels

Richard and Peggy Danziger Tina R. Davis

Richard and Barbara Debs

David desJardins & Nancy Blachman

John A. Downer

Peter Droste

Thomas and Elizabeth Dubbs

Eleanor and Jack Dunn

Frederick & Diana Elghanayan

Patricia Ellis

Barry Ellsworth and Nathalie Pierrepont

Dasha Epstein

Patricia Falkenberg Femenella & Associates, Inc.

Walter and Judith Flamenbaum

Gail Flatto Kara Gaffney Ross

Kristin Gamble

Stefan Gargiulo Bruce and Alice Geismar

David and Susan Getz

Katja Goldman Stuart and Alice Goldman Mrs. Leila Govi Notoya Green and Fred Mwangaguhunga Karen and Jeff Groeger

Jan M. Guifarro

Frances and Gerard Guillemot

Phillip Gulley

Yen Ha and Richard Tesler

Patricia G Hambrecht

Kathleen Harrison and Edward Flinn

Stan Harrison and Margot Steinberg

William T. Hillman

Bruce Hoffman

Mr. Joseph C. Hoopes, Jr. Tom and Amy Houston

Richard and Roberta Huber Adrienne G Ingrum

Weslie and William Janeway

Linda Janklow

Christopher and Hilda Jones

Jennie A. Kassanoff and Daniel H. Schulman

Sharon Kim

Jon David Kirwin

Brigadier General Edward G. Klein, NYNG (Ret.)

Kate Krauss

Kathryn Kremnitzer

Geraldine S. Kunstadter

Barbara Landau

Lane Associates

Dr. Judith A. Langer Mark and Taryn Leavitt

Ralph Lemon

Alexia and David Leuschen

Linda Lindenbaum

Edward Mafoud

Ryan Marshall & Mary Herms


Diane Max Larry and Mary McCaffrey Toni B. & Martin McKerrow

Bella Meyer and Timothy Simonds

Frances Milberg and Dylan Mills

John and Lisa Miller

Joan Mooney

Larry Morse and Sharon Bowen

Stephanie Neville and Alan Beller

Dr. Catherine Orentreich Nina Patterson

Stefani Phipps Maya Polsky & Nicolas Bridon

Prime Parking Systems

Rajika and Anupam Puri

David and Leslie Puth

Jennifer Reardon

Jill Reiter and Eric Riha Anthony and Susan Roberts David and Susan Rockefeller

Thomas Rom

Cye Ellis Ross

David and Meg Roth

Valerie Rubsamen and Cedomir Crnkovic

Patty Sachs Eva Sanchez-Ampudia

Richard and Ann Sarnoff

Herbert A Satzman

Paul H. Scarbrough, Akustiks, LLC. Charlie and Lindsey Schilling

Pat Schoenfeld

Marshall Sebring and Pepper Binkley

Joel and Nan Shapiro

Sheetal Sharma

Matt Sharp

Adrianne and William Silver

Bonnie Simon

Albert Simons III

Richard A Smith

Donna Snow and Michael Rubinoff

Lauren Starke and Aric Domozick

Justin and Shirley Steinberg

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stonehill

A. Alfred Taubman Foundation Kris Togias

Jean Troubh

Zachary Kress Turner

Kay and Sandy Walker

Caroline Wamsler and DeWayne Phillips

Arete Warren Sharon Wee

Captain Mati Weiderpass and Nikolas Chen

Lauren and Andrew Weisenfeld

Elizabeth Weymouth

Shelby White

Sandra Wijnberg and Hugh Freund

Janet Yaseen and Hon. Bruce M. Kaplan Leia Yongvanich

Anonymous (9)

@ParkAveArmory #PAAEuphoria 19

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