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Purple Hibiscus:Trapped in Reality By Tina Hadjidakis


Unpacking Chimamanda’s By Simeon September

Purple Hibiscus

15 17

Purple Hibiscus: The Art of Oppression


Purple Hibiscus:A Coming Of Age Story

By Chelsea Botha














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Interview with Scholars from Rudbeck gymnasium in

Stockholm,Sweden Q: Is it more normal for men or women to be the stay-at-home parent in Sweden?

In Sweden it's not normal for only one parent to be a "stay-at-home" parent. Usually both parents go to work everyday except when their children are really young, in that case, both men and women will stay at home to take care of them, but not usually at the same time. In every part of the world I think it's more normal for women to be the stay-at-home parent. Sweden is a modern country, and therefore the gender roles have been blurred at the edges, but it's still there. That's why the percentage of women being the stay-at-home parent is higher than men. But in a lot of homes they compromise and the men stay at home because women also have dreams of their own.

Q: Does your father cook or clean at home? Does your mother work or have a full-time job?

My father does not cook at home because he can't cook and because my mom likes to cook. The cleaning at home is pretty evenly split; my mom does some of the cleaning and my dad does the other cleaning. My sister and I usually do the rest. It isn’t the same all the time though. My mom has a fulltime job and has been working for most of her life, except when she studied and when she stayed home with my sister and I. In my house, both my parents clean and cook. I would say my dad is better at both cleaning and cooking. Isn't it just marvelous that a man can do such things? When a man does something that everyone should do in a home, like cleaning, he's considered to be a fantastic husband, but when the woman in the household does the same, it's a thing they should do and not much is thought of it.

Q: Are you able to watch a variety of women’s sport on television, or is the content limited?

I don't watch a lot of sports on television because we don't have a sports channel, but when I am able to watch sports it’s almost always male sports. On sports channels, however, I would say that it's pretty split between the two genders. I would say the content is limited. Don't get me wrong, almost every sport has male and female teams, but it's more popular to watch men than woman. Even if the women were playing a higher ranking match in their sport than the men were, the men’s game would be aired on more channels and watched by more people than the women’s game. This is because sports are still ruled by inequality because "men have always been the ones playing" and men are apparently stronger, faster and more entertaining. 39


Q: In Swedish films, which gender is more sexualized? Do you think there is an equal number of males and females acting in these films?

As I said before, I don't really watch a lot of Swedish movies, and those I have watched didn’t contain a lot of sexual scenes. I would say that there’s an equal number of males and females in these films just because there aren’t that many Swedish films that contain explicit scenes so I don’t really have a point of reference. Both are sexualized; men are portrayed as muscular and woman should be skinny but curvy (which by the way, makes almost no sense). I think, however, that there are more ways of sexualizing of girls; they film their legs, shoulders, boobs, stomach, bums etc. Men’s muscles are often sexualized but almost everything is sexualized on a woman. Women’s clothes and the way they carry ourselves can be seen as being sexy. In movies, women’s clothing is always a way to look sexy in front of men, low tops that reveal cleavage for example, but men's clothing is usually just casual clothes, maybe a tight shirt so you can see his muscles, but otherwise, nothing special. The way guys treat women in movies also sexualize women more; guys look at women when they walk by, catcall them etc. That almost never happens to men in movies, they are rarely sexualized by women, especially on the streets.

Q: Are there more female or male teachers at your school? Why do you think this is?

There are over 200 teachers at my school but as of now I've only had 6 of them. Of those 6, 2 are male and 4 are female. I would say, though, that the rest is pretty equal because I've seen there a lot of both male and female teachers around. I think it's almost the same but men have always had the better positions like headmasters etc. I think this is because men have learned how to brag, which women don’t usually do, so in interviews men get the job because they don't fear speaking about what they are good at.

Q: Are male students treated any differently to female students at your school? Please explain your answer.

I would say that they are treated equally, at least what I've seen. We do assignments together and during class time we talk to each other about the things the teacher has told us to talk about. There aren't any differences between the genders, the only difference is the way we do things ourselves. I think so, our teachers often think that girls are better in school than boys, so they spend more time on and pay more attention to the boys. 70% of the time the teachers ask the boys questions because they "know" the girls already know the answers. 40 38







References Opinions: Is the Twilight Saga Sexist? (pg.2) • Barnes, K. (2017). The gender-swapped Twilight proves how sexist the original is. [online] Feministing. Available at: nal-is/ [Accessed 28 Aug. 2017]. • Bugbee, T. (2017). Stephenie Meyer’s ‘Twilight: Life and Death’ Doesn’t Break Gender S t e re o t y p e s — I t R e i n f o rc e s T h e m . [ o n l i n e ] T h e D a i l y B e a s t . Av a i l a b l e a t : -stereotypesit-reinforces-them [Accessed 19 Aug. 2017]. • Mills, K., Cerrone, O. and Krueger, W. (2017). I was not prepared for the sexism in Twilight. [online] Minnesota Reads. Available at: [Accessed 20 Aug. 2017].

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Game of Thrones: Breaking the Gender Mould (pg. 22-23) • Lynne, T. and Bracken, K. (2017). The Women of "Game of Thrones": A Study on Gender Roles - The Geekiary. [online] The Geekiary. Available at: [Accessed 22 Aug. 2017]. •

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Does your Gender affect your Pay Day? (pg.25) • Catalyst. (2017). Statistical Overview of Women in the Workforce. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Sep. 2017].] • Cohn, L. (2017). Employee Engagement: What Motivates Men Versus Women. [online] Available at: [Accessed 31 Aug. 2017]. • Maita, L. (2017). Men's Hormones Affects Libido, Strength, Ambition and Mood. [online] How to Live Younger. Available at: [Accessed 31 Aug. 2017]. • Rice, C. (2017). There are only 3 reasons women don’t make it to the top. [online] Curt Rice. Available at: [Accessed 30 Aug. 2017].

Fictional Obituary: Sheryl Sandberg (pg. 5-6) • Zillman, C. (2017). Facebook's Sheryl Sandberg Blasts Gender Stereotypes in Advertising. [online] Available at: [Accessed 2 Sep. 2017]

Fictional Q&A With James Charles (pg. 29-30) • YouTube. (2017). First Male CoverGirl James Charles Meets Ellen. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Sep. 2017].

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