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PARKS & RECREATION COLA leads protection of lakes, rivers

In 1988, the Hubbard County Coalition of Lake Associations (COLA) was formed by nine area lake associations. Today, celebrating 35 years, the nonprofit group represents 43 lakes and 31 lake associations, supported by 2,776 members.

COLA president Sharon Natzel said, “You, our lakes area residents and visitors, do take time to protect and preserve the pristine quality of these lakes you love!”

With COLA’s 25 years of volunteer lake water-quality monitoring, this data has helped ground-truth the satellite imagery for lake health factors for the University of Minnesota Remote Sensing and Geospatial Analysis Lab.

Loon liaisons on 23 area lakes have worked in partnership with the DNR Loon Preservation Project, creating their lake’s loon-friendly lake management plan. “Be Loon Aware” tips include viewing loons from at least 200 feet away. Natzel, “If you see a loon ‘dancing’ straight up out of the water and slapping with its wings, it is alarmed by your presence. Move away! Own your wake! Waves can wash loon eggs from shoreline nests.”

“You help prevent AIS,” she continued. The focus is “Clean. Drain. Dry. Dispose.” Take time to use the available toolset to clean off aquatic plants, animals and mud before moving to another lake.

Lakeshore owners may invite a complimentary visit by COLA’s Shoreland Advisors to walk along with them on their lake lot and share ideas on shoreline restoration and shoreline erosion prevention. View www.HubbardColaMN.org or email HCColaMN@gmail.com to learn more.

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