Applying to Park 2014-15

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Welcome A message from the admission office Thank you for your interest in The Park School. Our goal is for your family to become well acquainted with Park to determine if we’re the right fit for one another. We recognize that the process of applying to schools can be stressful, and we strive to make our admission process as comfortable as possible. This booklet outlines our process and addresses many of the questions you may have about our school. Should you have any others, please ask us in your interview. Though either of us is happy to help you, following are the grades each of us will focus on this year: Merle Jacobs (k, II, III, VI–IX); Jonathan Prosky (pre-k, I, IV, V, VII–IX).

Merle Jacobs, Director of Admission

Jonathan D. Prosky, Associate Director of Admission


Admission Policy Park is a coeducational school that admits qualified students without regard to race, religion, national origin, disabilities, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, or family composition. Our educational policies, financial aid, and other school-sponsored programs are administered in a non-discriminatory manner in conformance with applicable law. Siblings: In Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten, children of faculty/staff and qualified sibling candidates get admission priority. However, they must meet the same criteria as other students in terms of both readiness and behavior. Because Pre-K is a smaller class, we may ask some families to defer their applications until Kindergarten. All applicants need to have prior school experience and be fully toilet-trained. Older sibling applicants also receive special attention, but we always give highest priority to motivated students demonstrating solid academic achievement or promise, and to those whose values and citizenship reflect their capacity to make a meaningful contribution to the School community. To maintain balance at each grade level, the gender of the sibling may affect preference status. Applicants with disabilities: Please let us know if someone in your family needs special accommodations during the admission process. We may be able to provide auxiliary aids and services.


Admission Process Admission Open House November 2, 12–3 p.m. Special presentations

Pre-K – Grade II grades iii–v Grades VI–IX

12:30 p.m. and 1:30 p.m. 1:30 p.m. 2 p.m.

Our Open House is a wonderful opportunity to engage in informative discussions with current parents, faculty, and our older students about the Park School community while touring the School. Children are welcome to attend, especially potential applicants to our Upper Division (Grades VI–IX). Given the number of visitors, however, the Open House can be overwhelming for younger children, even those entering Pre-K and Kindergarten. Please don’t feel obligated to bring them. There is also no need to R.S.V.P. to this event. Parent Visit, Tour, and Interview

Scheduled September 8–January 9; tours begin September 29

After exploring Park on our website, the best way to get a feel for the School is to visit. Please call to make an appointment to tour classes with a parent guide and to speak with Merle Jacobs or Jonathan Prosky. Visits usually take place in the morning and last approximately an hour and forty-five minutes. We prefer that all parents or guardians attend, although we understand that this is not always possible. A parent tour and interview are required of applying families, even if you attend the Open House. Application Form

Due January 9 (earlier, if possible)

The application process begins when you submit your online application (or as a hard copy by request) with the $60 application fee. (A waiver of the fee is available upon request.) At that point, we begin a file for your child. We urge you to submit your application as soon as possible after your parent visit—it will give you an opportunity to offer specific information about your family that may not have been covered in your parent interview. The application tells us about your child, his or her development, and your thoughts on his or her school needs for the upcoming years. The earlier you submit it, the greater the choice of visit dates you’ll have for your child, and the more time to ensure that his or her file is complete.


Teacher Recommendations Due January 16

Teachers’ comments play a crucial role in our efforts to get to know each child. Our Admission Office will request confidential teacher recommendations from your child’s current school, along with school records. Applicants to Grades VI–IX will need two forms: one each for math and English. Younger students need only one teacher recommendation. We suggest that teachers complete the form and send us a copy, keeping the original in case you apply to more than one school. We also recommend that you speak to the teacher before the December vacation and thank him or her for completing the forms. After you submit your application, you will be able to track receipt of forms to our office through your online account. Standardized Testing

Scores due to Park January 23

Applicants for Grades VI–IX should take the Independent School Entrance Examination (isee) or the Secondary School Admission Test (ssat) in November, December, or January. (We prefer the isee, but the ssat is acceptable.) You can learn more about the isee at If the student is not able to provide us with isee scores, we ask for a copy of a written and corrected English assignment showing teacher comments. For younger children, we ask the child’s school to send any standardized test results along with the teacher’s report. Your Child’s Visit to Park

Date to be scheduled by the Admission Office

We want applicants to relax and enjoy their visits to Park. Upper Division applicants may worry that they won’t know anyone, so we assign a student host to make them feel welcome and comfortable. Very young children are sometimes concerned about separating from their parents, so we have parents wait in a nearby room. In preparing a young child for a school visit, most parents find it is helpful to be as low-key as possible. You may want to say something like: “This is a school we like, and you’ve been invited to visit. You’ll play with kids and a teacher, and I’ll wait for you with the other parents in a nearby room.”


Children applying for Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten will be invited to one of a series of small-group morning play sessions during January and February. In order to provide a sense of warmth and intimacy, these playgroups are held in our After-School building at 255 Goddard Avenue. Applicants for Grades I–V visit in groups and participate in a range of activities with Park’s teachers. Applicants for Grade VI spend a half-day; and those applying for Grades VII–IX spend the entire day at Park. Grade I Grade II Grade III Grade IV Grade V Grade VI Grades VII–IX

12:45–2:50 p.m. 12:45–2:50 p.m. 12:45–2:50 p.m. 12:45–4:15 p.m. 12:45–4:15 p.m. 8:10 a.m.–12:20 p.m. 8:10 a.m.–2:30 p.m.

Notification of Admission Decisions Letter mailed March 10

Like most Boston-area independent schools, we mail our admission decisions on March 10 and ask parents to accept a place by April 10. Park keeps a pool of waitlist candidates during the spring and summer, when additional places sometimes become available. Coffee with the Head of School

January 16, January 23, January 30 and February 6 Michael Robinson, Park’s Head of School, is available for coffee with prospective parents in the library on these four Friday mornings from 8:35 to 9:30 a.m. If you arrive by 8:15, you can also attend Morning Meeting in the theater and observe the start of the school day for Grades V–IX.

Getting to Know Park Better You can read a special version of our parents’ newsletter, The Park Parent, online at (We also invite you to read the standard bimonthly version on our website.) When you visit the School, pick up a paper copy of The Park Parent, as well as our student anthology of art and writing.



Paying For Park Economic Diversity We believe that everyone at Park benefits from a diverse student population. Beyond differences in backgrounds and cultures, we welcome families from a variety of economic circumstances. We offer financial aid to those who need it, and encourage you to consider Park whether or not you can afford the entire tuition. Approximately 23 percent of our students receive some financial assistance. And once a student is granted aid, the School intends to continue that support as long as the family’s yearly application indicates need. The Park School carefully maintains confidentiality concerning financial aid. Need-Based Financial Aid Independent school education is expensive. Many Park families sacrifice significantly to pay the entire cost of our tuition, or their fair share in combination with financial aid. Once our Admission Committee decides on admissions based on available space and applicants’ qualifications, our Financial Aid Committee (consisting of members of the Business Office, the Admission Office, and the Head of School) decides about aid. We make grants depending on family need and our budget. No awards are made on the basis of a student’s academic, athletic, or other talents. Aid is awarded as a direct grant against expenses for tuition and the After-School Program. Please note that we award aid for one year at a time. Recipients must go through the full application process annually. If a family fails to meet deadlines or to abide by the process parameters, they may not be funded. If such a family does receive funding, it will be after all other families’ needs have been met. Also, renewal of financial aid grants and loans will not be made unless the family has paid the contracted amount for the current year. Principles Underlying Granting of Financial Aid • Aid is awarded based on family need. • Financial participation is required on the part of every family. • In computing financial need, we consider the assets of parents, stepparents, and guardians; as well as the costs of supporting all dependent children and multiple households. Both custodial and non-custodial parents must submit financial aid applications. If remarried, a custodial parent must include the stepparent’s income. 7

• If a family enters the School paying full tuition, financial aid will not be granted in future years unless the family proves there has been a significant change in their financial resources. • The Financial Aid Committee gives first consideration to past recipients of financial aid. After deciding on funding for that group, they consider current students whose families’ financial circumstances have changed to require aid; and finally, families new to Park. • If budgetary restrictions require that choices be made between eligible financial aid candidates, we will consider economic diversity and balance within each grade. The Financial Aid Process Financial aid is separate from admission. Applicants should note their interest in financial aid on their application; Park will then send the necessary forms in mid-December. To be considered, families need to submit the Parents’ Financial Statement (PFS) and provide all required tax forms to the Student Service for Financial Aid (sss. by February 14, 2014. For families using a tax preparation service, please make an early appointment so that your 1040, w2s, 1099s, and supporting documents will be completed by the deadline. In March, the Financial Aid Committee reviews all applications, both for current families submitting new or renewed applications, and for newly-admitted families requesting aid. The School holds places for these families until they can respond to the committee’s decisions. Because funds are limited, it is crucial that families meet all financial aid application deadlines. Evaluating Need Many aspects of a family’s financial situation are considered when a financial aid application is processed. Among these are: • the incomes of both parents (taxable and non-taxable) • the assets held by the family as a unit • the number of dependents • the age of both parents • the number of children attending tuition-charging schools


We make allowances for living expenses, retirement, taxes, medical costs, and unusual expenses and debts. Our assessment formula allows for maintaining all household members at a modest standard of living. If a family’s income increases beyond this level, we consider that money available for discretionary purposes— including education. Parents are expected to support the applicant financially to the extent that they can. Separated or Divorced Parents: The Park School expects parents to pay the educational costs for their children to the full extent they are able. This applies to all parents, even those who are separated or divorced. Park is not bound by and will not honor any decree, agreement, or legal document excusing a parent from financial responsibility for a child’s education. We expect both parents to file all the necessary forms and comply fully with all of the requirements of the aid process. All parents must submit tax returns and forms; both the custodial and non-custodial parents must fill out the PFS. Remarriage creates a new family unit with new relationships, but since the parents still have a parental obligation, the income and assets of the entire family unit (including new family units and stepparents) are viewed as relevant for the purposes of calculating a family’s level of need. Park considers the obligations of parents to their new family situations in determining awards. Non-Working Parents: Because we expect families to do their utmost to provide for a Park education, when one parent chooses not to work when children are in school full-time, the Financial Aid Committee will recalculate need using an imputed minimum income for the non-working parent based on education and previous work. Note that this policy does not require the parent to work; it only attempts to adjust the level of need by accounting for the minimum the parent could earn if he or she chose to work. If a parent can document that he or she is disabled or otherwise unable to work (caring for an aged parent, for example), this policy would not apply. Trust and/or “College Funds”: Trust funds and/or funds or accounts earmarked “for college” are considered student assets and are treated accordingly. While it may not be possible for a family to tap the principal of such funds, their existence means that more of the family’s current income is available for tuition. Financial Aid Appeals: Any family who is disappointed with the amount of their grant may request an appeal or review of the award. Additional data may be requested from parents in support of the appeal. The Financial Aid Committee will review and decide appeals.


Park’s Financial Aid at a Glance 2014-2015 Dollars awarded Students receiving aid Percent of students receiving aid

$3,080,000 128 23%

The majority of families at Park who receive aid have household incomes of between $40,000 and $140,000. Please note that the total number of tuitionpaying children in each family is a significant factor in determining grants. Income Range $0–$39,999 $40,000–$59,999 $60,000–$79,999 $80,000–$99,999 $100,000–$119,999 $120,000–$139,999 $140,000–$159,999 $160,000–$179,999 $180,000–$199,999 $200,000+

Number of Families Receiving Financial Aid 8 8 8 13 13 13 7 7 5 16

Percentage of Financial Aid Dollars Awarded 8% 10% 10% 13% 16% 13% 7% 7% 5% 13%

Sources of Park’s Financial Aid Income from the Marshall Coyne Scholarship Fund (started by a Park grandparent and supported by the Park faculty’s and staff ’s annual giving), the Parents’ Association Financial Aid Endowment Fund, and several endowment funds restricted by their donors to financial aid help fund financial aid grants. In addition, over 95 percent of Park families make contributions to the Annual Fund, which also helps support financial aid. The remainder of Park’s yearly financial aid budget must come from tuition and other sources of revenue. In this way, each Park family makes a commitment to the importance of economic diversity in the School community.


Statement of Fees and Financial Policy Tuition Fees 2013–2014 (Including supplementary expenses for textbooks, athletics, field trips, recess refreshments, and lunch for Grades I–IX.) pre-kindergarten $23,870 kindergarten $26,920 Grade I $28,500 Grade II $28,500 Grade III $29,770 Grade IV $29,770 Grade V $29,770 Grade VI $34,060 Grade VII $34,060 Grade VIII $34,060 Grade IX $38,640 (includes Grade IX trip) Statement of Financial Policy Registration: Within four weeks of notification that a new student has been accepted for enrollment at Park, the student’s parent or guardian must execute the registration contract enclosed with the acceptance letter and return it, with a nonrefundable $1,000 reservation deposit, to the Business Office to reserve a place for the student for the forthcoming academic year. Tuition becomes binding as of May 1. February 10 is the re-registration deadline for students already enrolled and intending to return to Park in the fall. A completed registration contract, plus the non-refundable $1,000 registration deposit, must be received by that date to ensure a place for the forthcoming year. Payment of Bills: All tuition and fees are processed by FACTS Management Company. Tuition may be paid in full, semi-annually (60% July /40% December), or in ten equal monthly payments. All payment plans begin on June 1. Installment payments will be processed directly from the financially responsible party’s checking or savings account. Those choosing to pay in full or semi-annually will have the additional option to pay by check or money order. All other incidental charges (including After-School Program, bus fees, etc.) will also be invoiced through FACTS.


Non-refundability: It is understood that students are enrolled for the entire school year. The fact that School fees can be paid in two or more installments does not constitute a fractional contract. If, subsequent to May 1 of any year, a student is absent, withdrawn, or dismissed from the school, the obligation to pay the tuition fee shall continue, nevertheless, as though the student were in fact enrolled for the entire year. A Tuition Refund Plan, available at the time of registration or re-registration, provides an opportunity to insure fees in the event of absence or separation according to the terms of the policy. Families who wish to participate will pay a one-time premium, calculated on 0.8% of total tuition, inclusive of any financial aid award.


Admission Deadlines & Checklist Admission tours begin September 29 Scheduling begins September 8


Park School Admission Open House November 2 (12–3 p.m.)


Parent visit, tour and interview scheduled by January 9


Application and $60 fee January 9 (earlier, please, if possible)

Date sent

Teacher recommendations due January 16

Ask for references Date sent

Child’s visit at Park to be scheduled by the Admission Office


Applicants to Grades VI – IX: Registering to take ISEE or SSAT January 23 — Scores are due to Park

Date of test

Applicants for financial aid: Parents’ Financial Statement (PFS) Date sent and accompanying documents due at SSS February 13 Admission decision letters mailed by Park School March 10

Date sent

Parents let Park know their decision; send contract and deposit April 10

Date sent


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