The Park Parent September 2011

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The Park Parent in this issue: FUN FACULTY QUIZ // 2

21st Century Technology and Assessment B Y JERROLD I. KATZ, Head of School




he 2011-12 academic year will feature a number of important initiatives designed to advance Park School education in the 21st century.

This article will focus on exciting work that is underway in the areas of technology and assessment. Later in the fall, I’ll describe additional new initiatives in the areas of science, communication, and faculty leadership. Park is on the cusp of a “great leap forward” in the use of technology to enhance and support classroom instruction. Last spring, we entered into an innovation planning partnership with November Learning, an internationally recognized educational technology consulting firm. November Learning conducted a multi-day site visit and a series of interviews to measure Park’s current technology efforts against international benchmarks for continued on page 4

Teaching and Trains: A Year of Work and Play BY OLIVIA MOOREHEAD-SLA U G H T E R, Psychologist


t’s that time again! Whether you are returning to Park or a newly admitted member of this community, welcome to another year of growing and learning. If we are lucky, 2011-

12 will hold much that will fascinate and challenge each of us.


Alongside the children, we will stretch our thinking, ponder unexplored possibilities, and navigate a year of foreseeable as well as surprising “bumps and curves.” A school year replete with work, work, and more wonderful work needs to be accompanied by a healthy dose of play. When I googled ‘play as an antidote to stress in children’ there were a whopping 2,400,000 results. Hmmmm…. Whether your child is in Pre-K or Grade IX at Park School, s/he will have access to a curriculum that is drenched in age appropriate content and rigor across many subject areas. Park teachers continue to pursue continued on page 8

Quiz: How Well Do You Know the Faculty & Staff? B Y K ATE La PINE, Director of Communications

1. Was a finalist in the Pillsbury Bake-Off® and took first prize ($2,500) in the hearty appetizer category with a roasted red pepper, prosciutto, spinach, pesto, and olive calzone.

ships among students, parents, and

2. Taught tiny tot roller skating classes in the ’80s; a few students went on to be speed skating champions.

teachers. But how well do you really

Park prides itself on close relation-

3. Once served chicken fettuccini to Tony Danza while working as a singing waitress in Times Square.

know the Park faculty and staff? Try

4. Traveled 12,000 miles along the Silk Road in a specially outfitted truck.

matching each little-known fact to

5. As a 10-year-old, received a short haircut to play Oliver in a local production of Oliver Twist.

the appropriate faculty member.

6. Worked as a black jack dealer at Harrah’s Club, Lake Tahoe and paid for senior year tuition with the tips. 7. Spent two days blowing up balloons in exchange for a free pass to the 1990 New Year’s Eve Grateful Dead show in Oakland, California. 8. Spent a year in “solitary confinement” with no contact with the outside world.

Edith Adams Janice Allen Joy Bartlett Susan Bogue Myslik Peter Bown

9. Met the “boy next door” at age 10, married him at age 21, and is celebrating their 30th anniversary this year!

Kat Callard

10. Won the school basketball trophy in 5th grade for being the best free throw shooter.

Carole Carter

11. Has worn something green to school every day for ten years. 12. Loves Elvis Presley and has been to Graceland twice to visit the Jungle Room. 13. Skied the headwall on Mt. Washington in the 8th grade.

Brian Cassie Emily Cause Kathy Coen Chris DeBlois

14. Worked at a fashion magazine in London.

Kimberly Formisano

15. Spent four months teaching English on the island of Kyushu, Japan before having to return home due to a bacterial infection caused by eating chicken sashimi.

Kyra Fries Carolyn Fugalli

16. Saw the Red Sox make two triple plays in one game.

Toni Gilligan

17. Worked in a fish market for three summers and never smelled after a day of work! 18. Netted, tagged, and tracked migratory birds and bats in Veracruz, Mexico. 19. Taught SCUBA for 12 years.

Cyndi Guerard Judy Hale Steve Kellogg Tory Lane

20. Was a certified aerobics instructor.

Kate LaPine

21. Has taught school in Massachusetts, New Jersey, Indiana, California, Nebraska, Arizona, and Montana.

Jen Lindstrom

22. Drove an orange Subaru named “Bob” to Chucky Cheese and was offered a job there. 23. Beat Chris Evert’s sister in a game of doubles tennis. 24. Was a state tennis champion and high school All-American.

Marshall Neilson Paul Newmark LaToya Peltier Christian Porter

25. Sold top-end oil and vinegar at a specialty food shop and knew every detail about over 30 products!

Alli Raabe

26 Cooked and cleaned for a community of people with mental handicaps in France.

Jen Riley

27. Has hiked down the Matterhorn eight times. 28. Sunday night bingo caller for a year and a half. 29. Spent seven summers inspecting and collecting bear scat while a working as a forest service ranger.

Alan Rivera Steve Savage Andrew Segar Margo Smith

30. Spent a summer as a waterskiing instructor.

Dana Studley

31. While caving in West Virginia, crawled on hands and knees through a crack in the rock 7 feet high, 3 feet wide and 400 feet long with a stream running underneath.

Ted Wells

32. Served as an official bus driver in Grand Teton National Park. 33. Thinned apples in a Washington state orchard with a group of Native Americans. 34. Informal New Hampshire record holder for most hay bales stacked in a pick-up truck.

The Park Parent // PAGE 2

Jerilyn Willig

Answers on page 9


Welcome Back! B Y C AROLINE SCHERNECKER, Parents’ Association President


he start of the school year is met with excitement and

anticipation from parents and students alike. Whether your family is new to Park or seasoned, beginnings come for all in the form of new teachers, division heads and administrators, as well as new curriculum, friends, and milestones for our children. This is the perfect time for parents to discover or reacquaint themselves with the workings of the School. One of the roles I value most as President of the Parents’ Association is helping parents understand how the P.A. works – discovering ways to get involved, and learning how we support the school community, raise money, and allocate those funds. All parents are “automatically” members of the P.A. and we hope many of you participate in ways that best meet the needs of your family. Our volunteer fair, scheduled for Wednesday, Oct. 5 is a great way to learn about the many different opportunities available. (For a preview, click here.) I welcome your questions, ideas, and interests. The Park culture would not be what it is without the energy, talent, generosity of time and overall commitment to the School that parents bring to the P.A. Join us!

While parent energy is what makes most of the work of the P.A. possible, we do have a budget generated by fundraising events, which generates revenue and also builds community. Fundraising for the P.A. has evolved over time as our community and needs have changed. Several years back, the P.A. ran four to five fundrais-

Parents' Association Budget 2011-12

new and returning parents are invited to

“A Second Cup of Coffee” Volunteer Fair Wednesday, Oct. 5 8:15 – 9:15 a.m. in the dining room

an informal forum to learn more about the Parents’ Association

ers each year. Recognizing changing times, we now focus on just three—the fall Craft Fair, Springfest, and a third rotating event (e.g. Art Cards, Take Home Foods, Gift Wrap Sale, EcoProducts, and Family Portrait Day). This fall brings us back to the popular “Take Home Foods” event. You’ll learn more about it from your class representatives and our P.A. postings in the coming weeks, but suffice it to say it involves delicious food! Due to the work and commitment of hundreds of parents, these three fundraisers generated almost $65,000 this past year. Even during difficult economic times, we are fortunate to have raised a similar amount over the past few years, and as a result, have budgeted for expenses at a similar level to what we supported last year. The funds raised by these events go to support a range of programs that are organized and implemented by P.A. committees. These programs enrich the life of the School and include curriculum and program enhancement, student enrichment, community building within and beyond the Park community, and community enrichment including parent education, school-community communication, and faculty/staff appreciation. As illustrated by the pie charts, you can see the categories of programs that are supported. The sidebar includes a more detailed list of actual programs. Note that P.A. fundraising is separate from the School’s Annual Fund, which offsets ten percent of the School’s operating budget. continued on page 9


HEAD’S LINES 21st Century, continued from page 1 educational “best practice.” Following are some of their key observations and recommendations: n The School has done a very good job of providing teachers and





students with the hardware needed for effective teaching and learning. (Note: Park owns a total of over 350 laptop computers. In addition, by the opening of school this fall, all Grades II-IX classrooms will be outfitted with a workstation connected to an LCD projector.) Park students have a basic knowledge of information literacy that stems both from experience outside of school and instruction within their classes and in the library. (Note: November Learning particularly praised our library for being well-positioned to become the hub of 21st century learning at The Park School.) The leadership and support of the administration, technology staff, and librarians is greatly appreciated by the Park faculty. Many teachers are eager for more ongoing coaching and professional development related to technology use. (Note: More than 30 Park faculty members have committed significant time this summer to technology learning and skill development.) Park parents appear eager to move forward toward more advanced/global use of technology, but they are concerned about addressing issues of safety and privacy. The administration should work with the school community to establish a common vision of how technology is going to support and enhance learning and student achievement at Park.

I’ll be working with Ray Stewart, our new director of information technology, (see p. 6) to address this latter imperative. Park is determined to be both thoughtful and a “fast adapter” of tools and practices that can deepen and extend student learning. Following are several of the significant investigations and decisions we have to make regarding the instructional use of technology over the months ahead: 1.

How soon will we transition to ubiquitous student use of tablet and other hand-held computing devices?


How can we best support the rapid development of classroom web pages?


What new learning opportunities are associated with

Adam Young explains a math problem on a SmartBoard.

will also be participating in an ambitious national effort to become more effective in measuring essential skills that currently are not quantifiable. Through a partnership agreement with other leading independent schools around the United States and with ETS (Educational Testing Service) in Princeton, NJ, we will begin this fall to pilot in our Upper Division a standardized assessment of student development in each of the following areas: n Creative thinking/Problem solving n Teamwork/Collaboration n Ethics n Time Management n Resilience (i.e., perseverance when confronted with a challenge) n

Love of learning

It should be very interesting to participate in and to follow the progress of this pilot project. While the Park faculty has a long-standing commitment to being intentional in teaching each of these skills, I believe that our ability to effectively demonstrate the “21st century” value added by a Park School education will be more important than ever over the course of the years ahead. Welcome to the beginning of another engaging, exciting, and forward-moving year at Park!

applications in “the cloud?”

At the same time that we are re-visioning the use of technology to facilitate student development of 21st century skills, Park

The Park Parent // PAGE 4

Jerrold I. Katz, Head of School


Introducing New Members of Park’s Faculty & Staff B Y J E RROLD I. KAT Z, Head of School

I am pleased to introduce the following new members of Park’s faculty and staff, as we look forward to the opening of the 201112 academic year. The collective energy, perspectives, and skills of these new members of our community surely will enrich the learning environment at Park for both children and adults. – Jerry Katz

serve as a Grade VI advisor this year.

Paul Newmark (Pre-K Associate and After-School Instructor) – Paul is another former Park intern who is a “keeper.” We are thrilled that he has agreed to stay on to co-teach with

Diana Bateman (Academic Support) –

Betsy Platt in her Pre-K classroom and to

Park School is very fortunate to have

continue each afternoon as a member of

attracted Diana (BS University of

our After-School staff. Over the course of

Missouri) to our strong team of academic

the 2010-11 school year, Paul (BA Boston

tutors. Over the past fourteen years,

College) could rarely be seen without

Diana has served in similar positions at

a group of Park children drawn to him like a magnet. Gentle in

both Chestnut Hill and Fayerweather

nature and kind in spirit, Paul is sure to be a most valued presence

Street schools. Her extensive experience

on our early childhood corridor throughout the year ahead.

in supporting both language arts and math skill development is matched by

Bea Sanders (Director of Development) – There was cheering

Diana’s abiding belief in and ability to

up and down the administrative

connect with kids.

corridor when Bea accepted our offer to join Park’s leadership team as our new Kimberly Catlin (Kindergarten

director of development. Following

Assistant and After-School

almost twenty years of service as a

Instructor) – We are delighted to

development professional at Shady

be keeping Kimberly on our faculty

Hill School, Milton Academy, and, most

following her intern year at Park. Her

recently, Noble and Greenough School,

strong early childhood training (BA,

Bea (BA Amherst College) certainly

MAT Simmons College) and her warm

is well prepared for her new role.

personal style prepare Kimberly well for

Smart, passionate, wise, and fun loving, Bea is a real “people

her new roles working alongside Nicole

person” with an abiding commitment to the difference that an

Siverls in Kindergarten and as a daily

independent school education can make in the lives of children

member of Park’s After-School team.

and families. Our development program plays a critical role in enabling the faculty and staff to fulfill Park’s mission, and we

Kathy Come (Spanish) – Kathy

could not have a better individual guiding this effort than Bea

(BA Cornell University; MA New York


University) joins our modern language department following a very successful

Ritu Singh (Pre-K Associate) –

year teaching Spanish at Trevor Day

Following several years of teaching at

School in New York City. Having

the Charles River School, Ritu returns

previously lived and taught in Madrid,

to the Park faculty this year to co-teach

Kathy surely will bring a passion for

with Hilary Fabre in Pre-K. A native of

Spanish language and culture to her

India and parent of Vikrum (Grade IV)

new position at Park. Thoughtful and

and Anika ’11, Ritu (BA, MA University of

enthusiastic about working with early adolescents, Kathy also will

Rajasthan, India) will bring considerable


ANNUAL CHOP-A-THON Friday, Sept. 30, 3-5 p.m.

Please join the P.A. Community Service Committee to chop, peel, and weigh vegetables for guests at the Pine Street Inn. The Chop-a-thon yields over 100 pounds of vegetables that are frozen and used for many months in stews and soups. All ages of children are welcome and can participate. It is a great way to meet new families and make new friends.

Admission by the Numbers In 2010-11, Park School continued to experience high demand for admission. Some 598 families requested information about the School, and 339 applied for admission.

l Pre-K and K had 194 applications for 53 openings. l Grades I-V had 78 applications for 10 openings l Grades VI-VIII had 63 applications for 17 openings

Featured in the Library

In the end, a total of 562 returning and new students accepted positions and will attend Park for the 2011-12 school year. Of those, 80 children will be new to the school, with 33 having a sibling already at Park. Of the 374 families at Park this year, 42 families (about one in nine) will be brand new to the school.

A warm welcome to all from the Park School Admission Office! Please visit the library to enjoy each month’s featured book and explore the new horizons it presents. Highlights for September include ‘Welcome’ and ‘Banned Books Week’ September 26 – 30.

New Faculty, continued from page 5 experience and skill to her new role at Park. I know that many faculty members share my excitement about having Ritu rejoin us as a colleague this fall. Raymond Stewart (Director of Technology) – Park won the jackpot when we attracted Ray

Last year, more than 92 percent of Park’s parents chose to make a gift to the Annual Fund. When the phone rings on October 6, please make your gift to Park. Thank you!


ark arents’ honathon



The Park Parent // PAGE 6

to move here following six years of extraordinary technology leadership at The Potomac School (McLean, VA). Described by a colleague as “the most talented educator on our entire faculty,” Ray (BA University of California, Berkeley; MA San Francisco State University) is a visionary thinker and a brilliant programmer, but he sees himself first and foremost in the role of teacher. Ray comes to Park at a particularly important time. Working with an eager faculty, a new website, and a talented team of technology specialists, Ray is excited about the opportunity to create a compelling vision for utilizing technology to move instruction, assessment, and communication at Park to new levels over the course of the years ahead.


A New Chair for the Board of Trustees B Y T ODD IDSON, The Park Parent Editorial Board


etting priorities, defining and assessing tradeoffs, and

targeting fundraising are the most challenging tasks facing any institution. At Park, these decisions fall primarily to the Board of Trustees. This past summer, Kevin Maroni stepped down and Suzie Tapson, the first woman to serve in 18 years, took over as Chair of the Board. These two parent leaders of our community sat down with The Park Parent to share their views on the role of the trustees, the job of chairing the Board, and the main challenges facing the School in the year ahead. Kevin Maroni has served as chairman of the Board of Trustees since 2007. The Trustees, according to Kevin, have three main jobs: to establish broad policy for Park, ensure long-term financial prosperity, and evaluate the Head of School, Jerry Katz. Cooperation between the Head of School and the Board is critical. The Board exercises an oversight function, making sure that the operation of the school is consistent with the values and mission of Park. In concert with the administration, the Board establishes budget priorities that require decisions in many areas including tuition increases, compensation policy, financial aid policy, capital improvements, the use of the endowment for current operations, where to invest the endowment, and fund-raising goals. Jerry Katz discusses needs and priorities with the faculty, and along with Kim Boyd, assistant head of school for finance and operations, proposes a budget, which requires Board approval. The Board Chair is elected annually from the current board of trustees and typically serves for three to four years. Kevin remarks that chairing the Board, as opposed to serving as a Trustee, reminds him of the old joke, “the difference between the chicken and the pig at breakfast is that the chicken is involved and the pig is committed.” The position embodies a huge responsibility: working in partnership with the Head of School, acting as a sounding board over policy decisions, and working with committee chairs and trustees to ensure all parties are moving in the same direction. A subtle, but important challenge, according to Kevin, is to avoid complacency. Park is a high performing school, but the trustees and administration need to work together to continue to maintain excellence. Kevin emphasizes that it’s important to remember that independent schools were originally founded precisely to isolate children of privilege, but in today’s world a world-class education requires tearing down the walls of isolation and ensuring that our children learn in a diverse environment and strive toward becoming world citizens. “We need to always understand and implement best practices, and the new strategic plans aims to do precisely that,” says Kevin.

A parent of three current Park students, and a Park Trustee since 2008, Suzie Tapson has her work cut out for her. Last year, she chaired the subcommittee that developed Park21, the new strategic plan for the School, and now finds herself at the helm of the Board with the task of guiding the School through its implementation. Suzie notes that, “Trustees are not educators. Our role is to set a tone for the School, which helps guide policy. To This summer, Suzie Tapson assumed this end, the Board develops the role of Board Chair from Kevin Maroni. a budget which reflects priorities, balances the various needs of the School, supports the best of Park, and at the same time assures financial viability.” A major role for Trustees is to help the Park community understand the various tradeoffs the School faces and to work closely with the development committee to help find the resources needed to achieve Park’s long-term goals. Suzie notes, with a characteristic twinkle in her eye, that many people have approached her and said, “Congratulations, or should I say condolences?” Suzie feels that both may be appropriate. “It’s a big job, but I’m very excited. Last year we developed a strategic plan for Park and now I can help herald it in. Going forward there will be many changes in the educational environment at Park, not the least of which will be a major introduction of new technology in the classroom. We all need to be ready to push Park forward into the future, and I’m looking forward to working with the faculty and staff to do just that.”


Teaching and Trains, continued from page 1 professional development to keep abreast of best teaching practices and differentiating instruction to make learning accessible for a range of learners. As a school, there is great emphasis placed on making the learning experience for each child as rich and meaningful as possible. The pace of a Park day is brisk and “breathtaking.” On the work front, we’ve got it covered! From September through June, your children can anticipate a year of very busy and productive school days. Perhaps the greater challenge will be how to balance the work with ample amounts of play. Play at its best requires time and space to do that which one finds delightful and amusing, nothing more and nothing less. It does not require a rationale, a tangible outcome, or a “screen.” This is not meant to be an indictment of screen time in all of its varieties, but rather a cautionary note that parents consider limiting the amount of time spent in front of screens. Technology is surely here to stay. Both children and adults alike need to be responsible consumers of the wealth of information and capacity for connection so readily accessible to them. Parental guidance is required to ensure that your children’s screen time is both safe and responsible. As with most aspects of taking care of your growing child, children are best served when home and school are in partnership. Play is no exception. There is ample research that suggests that children need to play and that it does indeed reduce stress. For young children, play is the medium through which they accomplish much of their learning. Play helps them to understand the world around them, to solve problems, to learn to interact with peers, and to become connoisseurs of “what if.” Watching young children learn as they play can feel magical as their delight is often innocently unrestrained and audible. The need for play does not diminish with age. Young children, pre-adolescents, teens, and even adults, need time to play. Making play accessible and encouraging children to engage in activities that bring them enjoyment for enjoyment’s sake can sometimes be easier in theory than in practice. As children’s lives have become

The Park Parent // PAGE 8

more scheduled and pressured, the number of waking hours in any given day may allow little (if any) down time for the pleasure of play. Both in school and at home, it is tempting to believe that the demands of an excellent academic curriculum and engagement in extracurricular activities trump play every time. The result can be that children of all ages may have precious little time when they are not expected to be on-task and at attention. After-school lessons and sports are valuable endeavors, but they are not the same as free-flowing and unstructured time to play. On the surface, I suspect that what has been proposed here may sound somewhat whimsical and perhaps to some, much like a really easy homework assignment. The test will be in the implementation. Holding Park School and yourselves to the “high bar” of making time and space for play will likely require both intention and a good measure of courageous resolve. At a time when children are seemingly pressured to do more, to consume more, and to be more plugged in, advocating for less of all of the above may prove daunting. Yet, this just may be a defining September moment for home and school, one where we join together, link arms, and declare a partnership in defense of play. Together, we can clear a path and allow children of all ages to discover what they would like to do when there is no dictation of what they must do. This September, many in the Park community are missing Peter Amershadian, our beloved language department colleague and friend, who retired in June after 42 years of teaching. Those of us who had the privilege and pleasure of working with Peter know that he threw his considerable intellect, energy and passion into both teaching...and trains. Here’s to you, Peter, and to a productive year of work and play.

Welcome Back, continued from page 3 The funds raised by the P.A. are meaningful only when paired with the breadth and depth of support offered by the energy, skills and talents of parents who contribute in a wide variety of ways. The parent community is the heart and soul of the P.A. Feel free to approach me or any active member of the P.A. with questions. I hope you will consider getting involved this year. You can find out more about P.A. committees and volunteer opportunities at our volunteer fair on Oct. 5. Here’s to a terrific year!

The Parking Space After a run of 43 years in print, our classified section is going electronic. As a reminder, members of the Park School community (parents, faculty, staff, and alumni) may place free classified ads, and “sponsor” non-Park advertisers by including their own contact information as well. You can post an ad (with photos) for up to four weeks. Look for the new Parking Space on the School website at

Caroline Schernecker, Parents’ Association President 617.487.5889

P.A. Programs Faculty-Related Support

Goes High-Tech!

n Curriculum Enhancement (faculty grants) n Faculty/Staff Appreciation

Student Enrichment Programs n Arts and Assemblies n Community Service n Chess Club n Green Committee

Answers to Faculty/Staff Quiz

Community Enrichment Programs n Diversity Committee


Jen Riley


Alan Rivera

n All-School Evening/Parent Forums


Janice Allen


Steve Savage


Emily Cause


Edith Adams


Kate LaPine


Susan Bogue Myslik

P.A. Outreach n The Park Parent


Jen Lindstrom


Tory Lane

n Committee Event Publicity


Margo Smith


Carole Carter

n Yearbook Ad from P.A.


Marshall Neilson


Christian Porter

n PIN (Parents’ Independent School Network)


Joy Bartlett


Kyra Fries


Chris DeBlois


Paul Newmark

Community Building Events and Programs


Judy Hale


LaToya Peltier

n Parent Dinners


Brian Cassie


Jerilyn Willig

n Hospitality


Dana Studley


Kat Callard

n Craft Fair Grants


Steve Kellogg


Andrew Segar

n After-School Advisory


Kathy Coen


Cyndi Guerard

n Springfest (Fundraiser)


Peter Bown


Carolyn Fugalli

n Craft Fair (Fundraiser)


Alli Raabe


Toni Gilligan

n Park Apparel/DVDs


Kimberly Formisano


Ted Wells



The Park Parent Editor: ANNE HARVEY KILBURN

September 7 Wednesday Opening day of school All students K-IX; half Pre-K Noon dismissal Pre-K & K After-School Program begins VI-IX fall sports/drama begin

Director of Communcations: KATE LaPINE Editorial Board Chair: TODD IDSON

September 8 Thursday All students K-IX; half Pre-K Noon dismissal Pre-K only September 12


IV, V fall sports begin

September 13


VIII, IX Parents’ Night (7 p.m.)

September 20


VI, VII Parents’ Night (7 p.m.)


September 22


Pre-K, K Parents’ Night (7 p.m.)

President, Parents’ Association: CAROLINE SCHERNECKER

September 23


Student Picture Day


September 26 Monday

VIII parent/student meeting on Grade IX (7:30 p.m.)

Chair, Board of Trustees: SUZIE TAPSON

September 27


III-V Parents’ Night (7 p.m.)

October 4


I, II Parents’ Night (7 p.m.)

Head of School: JERROLD I. KATZ

October 18 Tuesday Pre-K–V noon dismissal (parent conferences) October 25 Tuesday Pre-K–V noon dismissal (parent conferences)

The Park Parent is a newsletter that highlights academic, extracurricular, social, and fundraising activities at The Park School. It is currently published six times a year, and its readership includes parents, grandparents, faculty, alumni, and other friends.

Read The Park Parent online at The Park School 171 Goddard Avenue Brookline, MA 02445 617-277-2456 SEPTEMBER 2011

The Park Parent

The Park Parent // PAGE 10

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