3 minute read

Around Park - 2021-22

The 2021–22 school year saw the return of certain well-loved traditions and the creation of some new ones.


Unable to hold the traditional Yule Fest indoors, the PreK-8 community—as well as returning young alumni—gathered out on the Main Field for a festive sing-along. Everyone got in the spirit with a rousing rendition of “Children, Go Where I Send Thee” and a heartfelt “Light One Candle.”

On Friday, March 11, The Upper Division Gender and Sexuality Alliance (GSA) led a walkout to protest homophobic and transphobic legislation happening across the United States.

In solidarity with the nationwide youth-led walkout, members of Park’s GSA spoke with their peers, faculty, and staff about the legislation passing across the country and how it impacts students. They also led the group through a moment of silence and read a list of requests for support from the Park community and administration.

The walkout was an empowering event for our Upper Division students and meaningful for our Lower Division students who looked down onto the courtyard to see older students using their voices to respond to the mistreatment of LGBTQ+ youth across the country.



Upper Division students performed SHREK! The Musical on March 4, 5 & 6—a joyful production full of song, dance, and laughter. A good time was had by all—even the dragon!


One of our favorite traditions returned in full force this spring as PreK students trained for and then completed their own marathon, coinciding with the week of the Boston Marathon. Surely, the combined mileage covered by all those little legs totaled at last 26.2 miles!


The Park music program expanded this year to offer students the opportunity to deepen their involvement in musical performance through participation in music ensembles. This spring, Upper Division students in band, orchestra, and chorus ensembles performed on the Discovery Playground.


May Day expanded this year to become a celebration for the entire PreK–8 community! Grade 3 performed Maypole and stick dances, and the full student body joined together in song (with the help of student ukulele musicians) to welcome the coming of spring.


After a COVID-induced hiatus of two years, Park Grade 8 students once again were able to travel internationally—to France, Italy, and Spain—an important capstone experience culminating their Park language studies. With China travel still not possible, Mandarin students joined Latin students in exploring Rome.




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