Parks College Annual Report 2013

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ANNUAL REPORT July 1, 2012 - June 30, 2013

TABLE OF CONTENTS Message from the Dean.........................................................................................................................2 Mission and Vision Statement..............................................................................................................3 Academic Departments and Programs................................................................................................4 Featured Center and Lab.......................................................................................................................5 Organizational Structures: Deans Office............................................................................................................................................7 Aviation Science......................................................................................................................................8 Flight Training........................................................................................................................................9 Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering...........................................................................................10 Biomedical Engineering.......................................................................................................................11 Civil Engineering..................................................................................................................................12 Electrical and Computer Engineering...............................................................................................13 Physics...................................................................................................................................................14 Air Force ROTC...................................................................................................................................15 Enrollment............................................................................................................................................16 Grant Information.............................................................................................................................. 18 Feaured Internships..............................................................................................................................20 Featured News......................................................................................................................................22 Student Organizations.........................................................................................................................24 Alumni Merit Award Winners............................................................................................................26 Scholarships..........................................................................................................................................27 Parks College By the Numbers...........................................................................................................28 Parks College Events.............................................................................................................................30 Faculty Publications ...........................................................................................................................31


MESSAGE FROM THE DEAN Dear Friends of Parks College, The dedicated work of our students, faculty and staff has resulted in yet another outstanding year for Parks College. In comparison to last year, the graduating class increased from 113 to 121 the undergraduate enrollment increased from 657 to 693, the ACT scores of incoming freshmen increased from 28 to 29, and the graduate enrollment increased from 68 to 76. Similarly, the number of submitted proposals increased from 30 to 39, the number of funded proposals increased from 4 to 10, the total amount of research funding secured in the year increased from $1M to $2.74M, the total amount of research funding available increased from $7.25M to $8.12M, and the total research expenditure in the year increased from $2.00M to $2.54M. The number of archival journal articles printed remained about steady at approximately 1.6 journal articles per full-time faculty (58 articles in 1012 and 55 articles in 2013); and similarly the sum of gifts and donations remained flat at about $700k each year. The Civil Engineering program graduated many engineers from the mid 1950s to 1971, and the program was re-started in 2009, thus graduating its first class of 19 Civil Engineers in the 21st Century this summer. The growth of the graduate program since its inauguration in 2009 has resulted in another “first” in the history of Parks College. In May 2013, Parks College awarded the first PhD in Aviation in the world to Damon Lercel. This also constituted the first PhD awarded by Parks College in its history. With 76 students currently enrolled in the graduate program, several Masters and Doctoral degrees will soon follow. We had three junior faculty leave during the year (Drs. Braemsfeld from AE/ME, Dr. Wagenseil from BME, and Dr. Wu from Civil) and four assistant professors hired (Dr. Scott Sell in BME, Dr. Silviya Zustiak in BME, Dr. Amanda Cox in Civil, and Dr. William Lindquist in Civil). In addition, we had two distinguished professors of worldwide reputation join the AE/ME Department: Dr. Paul Paris (recognized in the field as the “father” of Fracture Mechanics) and Dr. Dave Peters (a world authority in Aeroelasticity). As this publication is being prepared, we have 34 full-time faculty, and a total of 8 additional academic posts open in the College: the Chair and 3 faculty in BME; the Chair and 1 faculty in AEME; and the Chair and 1 faculty in Civil Engineering, making these unique opportunities for a team hire in each Department. Thus the number of faculty is expected to grow during the next year. Meanwhile Drs. Bledsoe, Condoor and Hindi have graciously agreed to serve the Departments of BME, AEME and Civil Engineering as Interim Chairs. Parks College also hosted many sponsored events that brought many attendees to campus from near and far. The Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) is in its fourth year and this summer 15 undergraduate students were engaged in a ten-week long research activity with our faculty. Parks College hosted the annual summer camp for rising juniors and seniors in high school during June. Thirty-six students from thirteen different states participated in engineering and aviation themed activities for five days. A senior design team from Aerospace Engineering won one of the three $20,000 awards given by the Border Security Agency to design, build, and test a novel UAV. Parks College, jointly with CASR, was represented for the first time at the annual AUVSI Conference held in Washington DC during August. Under the leadership of Dr. Condoor, entrepreneurship activities in the College such as the weekly innovation challenges and elevator pitch competitions continue to thrive. Dr. Condoor was also recognized for the iBook he created during the annual KEEN meeting in January 2013. Dr. Manoj Patankar was inducted as a fellow of RAS in the UK. Parks College received two Claire Booth Fellowships that will support two female engineering students towards their doctoral degree. Dr. John A. George received two awards: one for excellence in teaching, awarded by the SGA; and the other, the Lindbergh lifetime achievement award, given by the St. Louis section of AIAA . Dr. Riyadh Hindi received the Oliver L Parks faculty award. Parks College students continue to participate in regional and national competitions through student sections of professional organizations such as AIAA, ASME, BMES, SAE, IEEE, NIFA, SEDS and SWE. In addition, many students have obtained summer internships, a valuable experience as they enter the workforce. Our alumni are in touch with us providing lectures on campus, leads for internships and employment, and donations. We are truly grateful for this and hope that they continue to be engaged with their alma mater in the coming years. Parks College is a unique family of engineers and aviators sharing a common vision for excellence in everything they tackle, an eye for innovation and entrepreneurship, and a shared vision to apply our work to the benefit of the global society. Every day I am humbled by yet another achievement of a member of the Parks community, and honored to be a member of our effort to take Parks College to new levels of recognition and performance. I hope you enjoy reading this summary annual report. Please drop me a note to share your thoughts and comments. Sincerely,

Dean Professor of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Professor of Biomedical Engineering


Mission and Vision Statement


ooted in the Catholic Jesuit values of Saint Louis University, the mission of Parks College of Engineering, Aviation and Technology is to form technically proficient and socially responsible engineering and aviation innovators and leaders for the world.

55 In support of its mission, the college vision is: •

to foster professional passion for learning and advance knowledge through curricular and co-curricular, as well as major and non-major, learning; to build innovative learning experiences through research and scholarship in the discipline as well as in the pedagogy; to influence self and global society through education, research, and service programs; and to inspire entrepreneurship, innovation, and uncompromising pursuit of socially-responsible solutions to 21st Century challenges.


Academic Departments and Programs AEROSPACE & MECHANICAL ENGINEERING B.S.: Aerospace Engineering Mechanical Engineering (ABET Accredited) AVIATION SCIENCE B.S.: Aviation Science, Aviation Management (AABI Accredited) BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING B.S.: Biomedical Engineering (ABET Accredited) Interdisciplinary Engineering CIVIL ENGINEERING B.S.: Civil Engineering (Seeking ABET Accreditation in 2013) ELECTRICAL & COMPUTER ENGINEERING B.S.: Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering (BSEE, ABET Accredited) GRADUATE EDUCATION M.S. and Ph.D.: Engineering Ph.D.: Aviation PHYSICS (COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCES) B.S.: Physics Engineering Physics (ABET Accredited)



Center for Aviation Saftey Research Saint Louis University’s Cetner for Aviation Safety Research (CASR) is poised to help SLU gain additional recognition as an institution that forms tomorrow’s leaders in avia- tion. Research results will be shared nationally through the Center’s own International Journal of Safety Across High-Consequence Industries, and related conferences will bring together professionals from non-aviation dis- ciplines to discuss new developments in safety research. CASR has the following 7 Systematic Safety Research Priorities 1. Safety Management Systems: Business benefits, implemen- tation, and development strategies 2. Safety Culture 3. Maintenance Aviation Safety Action Program 4. Next-Generation Safety Assessment and Lab 5. Incident Investigation 6. Multi-Risk Analysis 7. Next-Generation Maintenance and Engineering


Space Systems Research Lab (SSRL) A space system consists of all of the elements necessary to complete a successful space mission: spacecraft, launch vehicle, ground operations, etc. Often, it is the behavior of the system as a whole that determines success or failure, not the optimal design of any one part.

In the SSRL, our emphasis is on the end-to-end system; it informs our research activities as well as how we train our students.

The Mission of the Space Systems Research Laboratory is to perform world- class research in the design, fabrication and operation of space systems, and to produce world-class space systems engineers. 6

Organization Structure Dean’s Office T. Alexander, Sc.D Dean

Susan Bloomfield Development Director

Riyadh Hindi, Ph.D Director of Graduate Programs

Christine Hoffmann Development Assistant

Angela Coleman Program Coordinator

K. Ravindra, Ph.D Associate Dean

Jason Grubb IT Manager

Jennifer Masiulis Academic Services Manager

Frank Gause Senior IT Analyst

Jenny Kwok Academic Advisor Nancy Childrey Academic Advisor

Karen Fox Executive Assistant

Lauren Tancock Administrative Assistant

Department Chairs

Sue Ratz, MBA Marketing Manager

Kathy Barbeau Business Manager


Chris Penberthy Enrollment Coordinator

Ann Scales Finanacial Coordinator

Department Technicians

Melanie Rigden Events Coordinator

Administrative Secretaries

Patrick Yursik Web Marketing Coordinator


Biomedical Engineering

Aviation Science

StephenBelt, Ph.D Chair Assistant Professor Jean Kirby Administrative Secretary

Jennifer Ashley Instructor

Bruce Hoover Instructor

William Irwin Instructor

Terry Kelly, Ph.D Professor

Steve Magoc, MBA Professor

Manoj Patankar, Ph.D Professr

Saul Robinson Instructor

Center for Aviation Safety Research Damon Lercel CASR Program Director Yvonne Cuaycong Secretary

Shelly Reichert Program Coordinator

Richard Steckel, MS Researh Assistant

Matt Trani Visiting Scholar

Matt Vance, MS Senior Research Assistant

Reasearch Assistant TBA


Flight Training Stephen Belt, Ph.D Chair Assistant Professor

Michael Frette Chief Flight Instructor

Ryan Boyer Assistant Chief Instructor

Susan Corrigan Assistant Chief Instructor

Collin Bowman Flight Instructor

Judy Busch Flight Instructor

David Byrd Flight Instructor

Marco Canetta Flight Instructor

Nicholas Clode Flight Instructor

Tommy Doran Flight Instructor

Cecillia Ernst Flight Instructor

Mike Kisker Flight Instructor

Michael Pettinger Flight Instructor

Fr. Jim Sebesta Lead Instructor

Eric Heightman Flight Maintenance Manager

Michelle Scheipeter Dispatch Coordinator

John Becker Shop Inspector

Kenneth Lightcap Dispatcher

Martin Fielder Shop Inspector

John Severino Shop Inspector

William Melican Dispatcher

Phyllis Yount Dispatcher


Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Sridhar Condoor Ph.D Interim Chair Professor Frank Coffeey Technician

Kay Bopp Administrative Secretary

T. Alexander, Sc.D Professor

Richard Andres, Ph.D Professor Emeritus

Patricia Benoy, Ph.D Professor Emerita

Larry Boyer, MS Assistant Professor

John George, Ph.D Professor Emeritus

Sanjay Jayaram, Ph.D Associate Professor

S. Karunamoorthy, Ph.D Professor

Ray Lebeau, Ph.D Assistant Professor

Phillip Ligrani, Ph.D Professor Oliver Parks Chair

Jeff Ma, Ph.D Assistant Professor

Arif Malik, Ph.D Assistant Professor

Mark McQuilling, Ph.D Associate Professor

Paul Paris, Ph.D Distinguished Professor of Mechanics

Dave Peters, Ph.D Distinguished Professor in Aeroelasticity

Open Position Faculty/Chair/ Professor TBA

Open Position Faculty TBA


Biomedical Engineering Gary Bledsoe, Ph.D Interim Chair Associate Professor Emily Kalaf Lab Technician

Neva Gillan Administrative Secretary

Scott Sell, Ph.D Assistant Professor

Cecil Thomas, Ph.D Professor

Silviya Zustiak, Ph.D Assistant Professor

Open Position Faculty/Chair/ Professor TBA

Open Position Faculty TBA

Open Position Faculty TBA

Open Position Faculty TBA


Civil Engineering Riyadh Hindi,Ph.D, P.E. Interim Chair Associate Professor Darren Green Laboratory Technician

Vicky Pettiford Administrative Secretary

Amanda Cox, Ph.D Assitant Professor

Ahmed Ibrahim, Ph.D Visiting Assistant Professor

Will Lindquist, Ph.D Assistant Professor

Open Position Faculty/Chair/ Professor TBA

Open Position Faculty TBA

Open Position Faculty TBA


Electrical and Computer Engineering Huliyar Mallikarjuna, Ph.D Chair Associate Professor Linda Walthes Administrative Secretary

Wiliam Ebel, Ph.D Assiociate Professor

Roobik Gharabagi Ph.D Associate Professor

Armineh Khalili Assistant Professor

Kyle Mitchell, Ph.D Associate Professor

Habibur Rahman, Ph.D Professor

Open Position Faculty TBA


Physics and Engineering Physics William Thacker, Ph.D Chair Professor Ruth Hartsell Administrative Secretary

Leslie Benofy, Ph.D Professor

Gregory Corner, Ph.D Professor

Vijai Dixit, Ph.D Professor

John James, Ph.D Assistant Professor

Irma Kuljanishvili, Ph.D Assistant Professor

Martin Nikolo, Ph.D Associate Professor

Jean Potvin, Ph.D Professor

Thalanayer Santhanam, Ph.D Professor

Ian Redmount, Ph.D Associate Professor

Larry Stacey, Ph.D Professor Emeritus

David Wisbey, Ph.D Assistant Professor


Air Force ROTC Lt. Col. Aaron Dyke Chair

Katie Dohrmann Administrative Secretary

Capt. Mike Lee Operational Flight Commander Recruiting Flight Commander

Capt. Robert Santos Education Flight Commander

TSgt Michael Shain NCOIC, Information Management

TSgt Thania Triska NCOIC, Personnel



Undergraduate *Includes New Freshman, Transfer, and Readmit Applications. 2007-2011 Numbers are from University Fact Book, while 2012-2013 Numbers are from Applicant Reports of the respective year.



*2007-2011 Numbers are from University Fact Book, while 2012-2013 Numbers are from Fall Census Report of the respective year.






Total Award Amount

TURBOCARDIA: Mechanical Circulatory Sup-­‐ port Installed with Minimally Invasive Surgery

T. Alexander


National Institute for Health Research


PICS: Percutaneously Implantable Cardiac Support

T. Alexander


National Health Service


Indirect Injection Supercharged Engine

T. Alexander

Aerospace & Mechanical

Advanced Engine Re-­‐ search


Turbocharger Dervied Gas Turbine Engines

T Alexander

Aerospace & Mechanical



Dynamic Compass Network

Sridhar Condoor

Aerospace & Mechanical

Kern Entrepreneurship Educational Network


The Journal of Engineering Entrepreneur-­‐ ship—JEEN

Sridhar Condoor

Aerospace & Mechanical

Kern Entrepreneurship Educational Network


Small Group Grant Proposal: Three Idiots Movie

Sridhar Condoor

Aerospace & Mechanical

Kern Entrepreneurship Educational Network


The Entrepreneurial Mindset in Systems Engineering: Ten New Models

Sanjay Jayaram

Aerospace & Mechanical

Kern Entrepreneurship Educational Network


Study of Graphene and Carbon Nanotubes Employing Novel Scanning Probe Tecniques

Irma Kuljanishvili


SLU President’s Research Fund


Aerodynamic Characterization of Airfoils with Different Types of Surface Roughness

Phillip Ligrani

Aerospace & Mechanical



Airfoil Mixing Loss

Phillip Ligrani

Aerospace & Mechanical



Clare Booth Luce Fellowship for Women Pursuing PhD Degrees at Parks College, SLU

Phillip Ligrani

Aerospace & Mechanical

Henry Luce Foundation


Jet Array Impingement Heat Transfer: Effects of Jet-­‐Plate to Target Distance, Hole Spacing, Reynolds Number, and Mach Number

Phillip Ligrani

Aerospace & Mechanical

Solar Turbines, Inc


Shock Wave Boundary Layer Interactions (SWBLI) in Supersonic Ducts with Varying Cross-­‐Sections

Phillip Ligrani

Aerospace & Mechanical

Boeing Company


Reliability Based Design and Operation of Metal Rolling Mills Using Bayesian Theory and a new Rolling Model

Arif Malik

Aerospace & Mechanical

National Science Foundation


Aircraft Maintenance Training Development: Add-­‐on to the Existing CASR Grant

Manoj Patankar

AviaƟon Science

Center for Aviation Safety Research (CASR)

Manoj Patankar

AviaƟon Science

Hands-­‐On Engineering Design at SLU: Working by Land, Air, and Space

Michael Swartwout

Aerospace & Mechanical

Missouri University of Science and Technology


Space Grant Activities at SLU Year Two: Building on Past Projects to Improve Recruiting, Retention, and Diversity

Michael Swartwout

Aerospace & Mechanical

Missouri University of Science and Technology


Biomechanical Factors in Congenital Vascular Disease

Jessica Wagenseil


National Institutes of Health


Vessel Stiffening, Hypertension, and Vascular Extracellular Matric

Jessic Wagenseil


Washington University St Louis


Freeway Travel Time Estimation Using Existing Fixed Traffic Sensors

Yao-­‐Jan Wu


Missouri Department of Transportaon




US Department of Transportation US Department of Transportation

$2,000,000.00 $2,488,106.40


FACULTY GRANTS Grant Proposals Submitted and Awarded


FEATURED INTERNSHIPS TY DINKELSPIEL - AEROSPACE ENGINEERING 2014 Ty began his internship with Virgin America in June 2013 in their Flight Operations Engineering Department, which mainly deals with aircraft performance and fuel economics. He’s been responsible for conducting weekly fuel reports, moni- toring APU usage, and many other duties. He has worked on fuel saving initiatives and monitored some performance factors of certain aircrafts in Virgin America’s fleet. He was even able to sit in the cockpit during some flights to gather performance data from the plane while it was airborne. He has had an amazing experience and has loved every minute of working with Virgin America.

EMILY HART - ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 2014 As a second-year engineering intern at Ameren Missouri, Emily was given a small instrument upgrade project on one of the energy center’s generator cooling systems. Emily was very surprised at how much freedom she had to complete her work. She not only planned meetings with sales reps and ordered new transmitters, but she also made wiring changes on company drawings, created design change documents for the scope of the project. She also wrote new DCS logic to control the instruments and bring data back to the operator graphics. The internship has helped Emily gain some of the confidence and wide range of knowledge she needs to be a responsible engineer in project engineering. 20

FEATURED INTERNSHIPS MARY DISTLER - AEROSPACE ENGINEERING 2015 Over the Summer, Mary worked as a research assistant for the National Science Foundation in Darmstadt, Germany. Mary was placed with a Graduate Mechanical Engineering mentor at the Technische Universit채t Darmstadt, where she programmed and modeled the effects of various forces on car tires. After weeks of computerized lab testing, Mary and her mentor went out into the field and gathered data from maneuvers on a high end German car to see if the theories simulated in the lab were true in real-life scenarios. Mary was event able to travel around Germany and nearby countries on the weekends, touring major cities and experiencing the highly valued automobile culture that comes with German engineering.

MATT HURLEY - AVIATION MANAGEMENT 2014 In June 2013, Matt Hurley went to Boston, MA to be an Airport Management Intern at Norwood Memorial Airport (KOWD) for the Summer. Matt was given the opportunity to help perform the daily airfield inspections and learn about budgeting, construction, environmental oversight, security plans, emergency response procedures, and most of all, working with people. He did everything from attending airport meetings to typical errand-running for the airport manager. His biggest contribution on the job was as a radio operator for a large taxiway reconstruction project for three weeks. This project put him in charge of coordinating the safe movement of construction vehicles across the active runway with air traffic control.


FEATURED NEWS PARKS COLLEGE MARKS INTERNATIONAL MILESTONE IN AVIATION Just as in 1929 when Parks Air College was awarded Certificate No. 1, making it the first federally certificated pilot training school in the nation, Saint Louis University’s Parks College of Engineering, Aviation and Technology continues today to lead the way in aviation. On Saturday, May 18, Saint Louis University conferred the first Ph.D. in Aviation in the world to Damon Lercel. This historic international milestone also marks the first Ph.D. completed at Parks College.

PARKS GRADUATES FIRST CLASS OF CIVIL ENGINEERS Parks College of Engineering, Aviation and Technology celebrated its inaugural graduating class from the Civil Engineering Program in May 2013. The pioneering class of 21 civil engineering graduates is the first for Saint Louis University in more than 35 years and the first ever for Parks College. DEAN AWARDED $1.4 MILLION FOR MEDICAL DEVICE RESEARCH A research team led by Professor Theodosios Alexander, Sc.D., Dean of Parks College, was awarded £886k (about $1.4m) by the Invention for Innovation (i4i) Program of the National Institute for Health Research to develop a novel mechanical circulatory support device. The proposal is titled TURBOCARDIA Mechanical Circulatory Support Installed Via Minimally Invasive Surgery. Alexander and his team are developing two mechanical circulatory support devices: TURBOCARDIA, designed for stage IV Congestive Heart Failure, developed in London, England and PICS (Percutaneously Implantable Cardiovascular Support), designed for stage III Congestive Heart Failure, developed at SLU’s Parks College in St. Louis, MO.

SLU HOSTS GONZAGA UNIVERSITY FOR TINKER CAMP Parks College’s iScholars teamed up with engineering students from Gonzaga University for a Tinker Camp at Saint Louis University on April 12 – 14, 2013. Led by Sridhar Condoor, Ph.D., students came together to take on four projects that included creating an indoor Zen garden for urban environment, developing a new, one-cup, easy to clean juicer, building a payload for a rocket, and developing an app for conferences.


FEATURED NEWS BILLIKEN BEAMS - BUILDING A BRIDGE TO CIVIL ENGINEERING The Third Annual Billiken BEAMS (Building Engineering Awareness in Metro St. Louis Schools) Competition was held Saturday, Feb. 23. More than 100 high school students, teachers and parents joined SLU students, faculty and staff for the event at Chesterfield Mall. Hosted by SLU’s American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) chapter and Parks College of Engineering, Aviation and Technology, the event is designed to foster an interest in engineering among St Louis Metropolitan area high school students and help SLU students understand the value of good citizenship and service. billiken-beams-2013SLU civil engineering students and faculty helped train the high school students to design, draw and structurally analyze their balsa-wood bridges using computer modeling. This year, 22 bridges were made by metropolitan area high schools teams who participated in the competition. The objective of the competition is to see who can design, construct and test the most efficient bridge.

OLDEST ENGINEERING HONOR SOCIETY INSTALLED AT SAINT LOUIS UNIVERSITY’S PARKS COLLEGE The Missouri Epsilon chapter of Tau Beta Pi was installed at Saint Louis University on March 23, 2013. The national president of Tau Beta Pi, Dr. Larry Simonson, officiated the installation of the society’s 248th collegiate chapter at SLU. He was assisted by executive director Curt Gomulinski, and district nine directors, Brenda Kramer and Robert Huck. SLU’s initiation team included: Drs. Raymond LeBeau, K. Ravindra and Jessica Wagenseil. The new Epsilon chapter at SLU is comprised of thirty-seven undergraduate students and six alums. Included in the inductees was Mr. Frank T Lyons, IT ‘1959 as honored alumnus and Dr. Theodosios Alexander, Dean of Parks College of Engineering, Aviation and Technology as eminent engineer. Immediately after the formal initiation, the new members were constituted a new chapter in the ceremony of installation conducted by Dr. Simonson. The ceremony included the formal election and installation of the chapter’s charter officers and advisors.

SENIOR DESIGN PROJECT SELECTED FOR AWARD TO BUILD SUAS FOR BORDERS One of this year’s senior design projects, Skydda, was awarded funding to build a prototype of a Small Unmanned Aircraft System (SUAS) design they submitted through the BORDERS SUAS Competition. This project was under the leadership of Science and Technology’s Borders and Maritime Security Division (BMD) and Office of University Programs of the Depart ment of Homeland Security, challenged students to develop prototypes for SUAS based on government-provided design criteria. 23

STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS Aero Society of Automotive Engineers (ASAE): A student organization that designs, builds, and flies their remote controlled aircrafts in an annual competition. Air Force ROTC (AFROTC): - Detachment 207: A leadership training program which prepares young men and women to become officers in the United States Air Force while earning a bachelors degree. Alpha Eta Rho Pi Chapter (AHP): An international professional aviation fraternity. American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics (AIAA): The Parks College chapter seeks to educate and excite students about Aerospace Engineering and Science and to promote fellowship among students interested in Aeronautics and Astronautics. American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE): A distinguished organization representing the civil engineering profession. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME): An organization that enables collaboration, knowledge sharing and skill development across all engineering disciplines. Association of Parks College Students (APCS): An organization that represents each Parks College organization, as well as every Parks College student, to the Student Government Association of Saint Louis University (SGA). Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES): The professional society for biomedical engineering and bioengineering. Engineers Without Borders (EWB): An organization that uses engineering as a way to help improve the lives of those living in third-world countries.


STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS Flying Billikens: Official Saint Louis University Flight Team who compete in the National Intercollegiate Flying Association (NIFA). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE): An organization dedicated to advancing technological innovation and excellence. Parks Guard Rifle Drill Team: A Varsity “Class A� Rifle Drill Team. Parks Racing Club (FSAE): A student club that designs a race car that is part of the FSAE competition where collegiate teams design and build open-wheeled racecars. Parks Racing Club (FSAE): A student club that designs a race car that is part of the FSAE competition where collegiate teams design and build open-wheeled racecars. Rocketry Club (SLU Rocketry): A student club that designs, builds, tests, and flies model rockets and their payloads. Society of Physics Students (SPS) Society of Women Engineers (SWE) - A professional society which stimulates women to achieve full potential in careers as engineers and leaders. SWE also expands the image of the engineering profession as a positive force in the quality of life, and demonstrates the value of diversity. Students for the Exploration and Development of Space (SEDS): An independent, student-based organization which promotes the exploration and development of space. Tau Beta Pi (TBP): The official engineering honor society for Parks College. Women in Aviation (WIA): An organization for SLU students, faculty, and staff that have an interest in Aviation and support women being an active part of the industry.


2012 MERIT AWARD WINNERS Edward James “Jim” Dunne graduated from Saint Louis UniversityParks College in 1962. He earned his Master’s Degree from Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT) in 1964 and his doctoral degree from University of Illinois in 1971. Jim enrolled in the ROTC program at Parks College, which set him on a twenty year illustrious career path in the US Air Force, retiring in 1982 as a Lt. Colonel. During his military tenure, he served at Kirkland AFB and Wright-Patterson AFB including assignments to Vietnam and Thailand. His citations include the Bronze Star (1974) and the Meritorious Service Medal (1977) from US Air Force. Jim’s contributions and accomplishments cover a wide spectrum. Jim is an inspiration to alumni and students alike through his distin- guished career in the military and in academia. Inspired by Oliver L Parks, Jim has always known that education is the pathway to suc- cess. HE not only educated and mentored our future Air Force leaders at AFIT, but also continues to form young minds at the University of Dayton. His students say, “Dr. Dunne is tough, but fair.” He undoubtedly learned these attributes at Parks College, and they have served him well throughout his career.

John “Jack” E. Groneck, Jr graduated from Saint Louis University- Institute of Technology with a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineer- ing. He later received his MBA from SLU in 1974. While attending high school and college, he worked in the aircraft industry in the electrical/ radio shop, and later in the design office of Remmert-Werner. Upon grad- uation, he began a nearly 39 year illustrious career with McDonnell Aircraft and McDonnell Douglas Corporation, retiring in December, 1996. He spent his initial years on the F-4 wing assembly working with major tooling, eventually becoming an Assembly Line Liaison Support Supervi- sor. He then moved to the AV-8B Harrier aircraft as the Manufacturing Engineering Manager with a dual role as the AV-8B Production Manager where he and his team resolved the fuel wicking problem on the composite wing spars. He directed a major assembly area, MD-11 Nose Assembly. This was his first opportunity at directing the hands-on assembly workers. His final assignment was as Director-Swiss F18 Industrial Program. This program provided support in Switzerland related to technology, major assemblies, and final assembly. 26

SCHOLARSHIPS Patrick Lee Scholarship Patrick Lee Scholarship Graduate Fellowship Don and Nora Manahan Scholarship Peter and Barbara Jackalus Scholarship Peter and Barbara Jackalus Scholarship Peter and Barbara Jackalus Scholarship Peter and Barbara Jackalus Scholarship BSI Constructors/Shaughnessy Scholarship BSI Constructors/Shaughnessy Scholarship BSI Constructors/Shaughnessy Scholarship Roland Quest Scholarship Malcolm and Elizabeth Jacobs Scholarship GSLBAA Scholarship Gerald DreiĹ…e Scholarship Dr. Bellur Nagabushan Scholarship Jack and Mary Weber Scholarship Bouckaert Memorial Scholarship James L Cronin Scholarship John Manzo Scholarship William D Houska Scholarship Parks Books Fund Parks Books Fund

$25,000 $25,000 $20,000 $7,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $3,500 $3,500 $3,500 $2,000 $2,000 $1,000 $1,500 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $250 $250

Parry Draper, Aerospace Engineering Brian Kovarik, Aerospace Engineering Sally Warning, Aerospace Engineering (Doctoral) Emily Hart, Electrical Engineering Slatomira Atanasova, Biomedical Engineering Adnan Gabeljic, Civil Engineering Kristin Kalinowski, Biomedical Engineering Benjamin Lund, Mechanical Engineering Natalie Doty, Civil Engineering Patrick Jordan, Civil Engineering Rebecca Mitrovich, Civil Engineering Adria Serra Moral, Aerospace Engineering Yolatl Ruiz de Gordoa, Biomedical & Electrical Eng. Amelia Pries, Aviation Science John LaMaster, Biomedical Engineering Adria Serra Moral, Aerospace Engineering Jacob Jewulski, Biomedical Engineering Kayla Scott, Biomedical Engineering Kristen Lisac, Civil Engineering Ross Santee, Electrical Engineering Greg Geimer, Aviation Science Brenden Graczak, Civil Engineering Allison Hefferan, Aerospace Engine













3.8 GPA





H P M 0 288 IN THE







PARKS COLLEGE FEATURED EVENTS • Oshkosh EAA AirVenture– July 23-29, 2012 • SLU Homecoming - September 28 - 30, 2012 50 Year Reunion Scholarship Dinner • Santa Fly-In Breakfast - December 1, 2012 • Professional Development Course: Safety Leadership & Ethics– January 10-11, 2013 • Earthquakes: Mean Business– February 1, 2013 • Dean’s Community Lecture - February 16, 2013 • Allsup Suite Basketball Game - February 16, 2013 • Admitted Student Day - February 18, 2013 • Professional Development Course: Safety Management Systems for Managers– February 7-8, 2013 • Engineers Week (E-Week)- February 18-23, 2013 • Billiken BEAMS– February 23, 2013 • Safety Across High Consequences Industries Conference– March 12-13, 2013 • Youth Gateway to Aviation—April 6, 2013 • Parks College Summer Academy– June 9-13, 2013 • ExxonMobil Bernard Harris Summer Camp– July 8-19, 2013


FACULTY PUBLICATIONS BOOKS Sridhar Condoor • Condoor, S. Innovation Challenges. iBook. (2012) • Condoor, S. Modeling with Creo Parametric 2.0. (2012)

PATENTS Gary Bledsoe

• INTRAMEDULLARY NAIL DEVICE FOR REPAIRING LONG BONE, European Patent Specification, EP 1 804 698 B1. Inventors: BLEDSOE, John Gary Saint Louis, Missouri 63119 (US) MOED, Berton Roy Saint Louis, MO 63105 (US) CONDOOR, Sridhar Fenton, MO 63026 (US) April 7, 2012 • Method For Controlling Phase Transformation Temperature in Metal Alloy of a Device, US 8,216,398 B2 Inventors: John Gary Bledsoe, MOED, Berton Roy Saint Louis, MO, Dongfa Li, East Amherst, NY July 2012 Sridhar Condoor • INTRAMEDULLARY NAIL DEVICE FOR REPAIRING LONG BONE, European Patent Specification, EP 1 804 698B1. Inventors: BLEDSOE, John Gary Saint Louis, Missouri 63119 (US) MOED, Berton Roy Saint Louis, MO 63105 (US) CONDOOR, Sridhar Fenton, MO 63026 (US) April 7, 2012 • HUBLESS WINDMILL. Australian Patent no: 2008222708. Inventor: Sridhar Condoor Fenton, MO, 63026 (US) Patent Granted: April 4, 2013.

ARCHIVAL JOURNALS T. Alexander (Publishes as T. Korakianitis) • Imran, S., Emberson, D.R., Wen, D.S., Diez, A., Crookes, R.J., Korakianitis, T. “Performance and specific emissions contours of a diesel and RME fueled compression-ignition engine throughout its operating speed and power range.”(2013) Applied Energy, 111, pp. 771-777. DOI: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2013.04.040 • Wen, P.H., Hon, Y.C., Li, M., Korakianitis, T. “Finite integration method for partial differential equations.”(2013) Applied Mathematical Modelling. Article in Press. DOI: 10.1016/j.apm.2013.05.054 • Avital, E.J., Musafir, R.E., Korakianitis, T. “Nonlinear propagation of sound emitted by high speed wave packets.” (2013) Journal of Computational Acoustics, 21 (2), art. no. 1250027. DOI: 10.1142/ S0218396X12500270 • Ruiz, P., Rezaienia, M.A., Rahideh, A., Keeble, T.R., Rothman, M.T., Korakianitis, T. “In vitro cardiovascular system emulator (Bioreactor) for the simulation of normal and diseased conditions with and without me- chanical circulatory support.”(2013) Artificial Organs, 37 (6), pp. 549-560. DOI: 10.1111/aor.12109 • Anssari-Benam, A., Korakianitis, T. “Atherosclerotic plaques: Is endothelial shear stress the only factor?” (2013) Medical Hypotheses. Article in Press. DOI: 10.1016/j.mehy.2013.04.041 • Li, M., Hon, Y.C., Korakianitis, T., Wen, P.H. “Finite integration method for nonlocal elastic bar under static and dynamic loads.”(2013) Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 37 (5), pp. 842-849. DOI: 10.1016/ j.enganabound.2013.01.018 31

FACULTY PUBLICATIONS • Rahideh, A., Korakianitis, T. “Analytical calculation of open-circuit magnetic field distribution of slotless brushless PM machines.” (2013) International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 44 (1), pp. 99-114. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijepes.2012.07.030 • Anssari-Benam, A., Korakianitis, T. “An Experimental Model to Simulate Arterial Pulsatile Flow: In Vitro Pres- sure and Pressure Gradient Wave Study.” (2013) Experimental Mechanics, 53 (4), pp. 649-660. DOI: 10.1007/ s11340-012-9675-4 • Doulgeris, G., Korakianitis, T., Pilidis, P., Tsoudis, E. “Techno-economic and environmental risk analysis for advanced marine propulsion systems.” (2012) Applied Energy, 99, pp. 1-12. DOI: 10.1016/ j.apenergy.2012.04.026 • Rahideh, A., Korakianitis, T. “Analytical magnetic field distribution of slotless brushless PM motors. Part 2: Open-circuit field and torque calculations.”(2012) IET Electric Power Applications, 6 (9), pp. 639-651. DOI: 10.1049/ iet-epa.2011.0386 • Rahideh, A., Korakianitis, T. “Analytical magnetic field distribution of slotless brushless permanent magnet motors - Part I. Armature reaction field, inductance and rotor eddy current loss calculations.” (2012) IET Electric Power Applications, 6 (9), pp. 628-638. DOI: 10.1049/iet-epa.2011.0385 • Wheeler, A.P.S., Korakianitis, T., Banneheke, S. “Tip-Leakage Losses in Subsonic and Transonic Blade Rows.” (2013) Journal of Turbomachinery, 135 (1), art. no. 011029. DOI: 10.1115/1.4006424 • MA Rezaienia,T Korakianitis, IA Hamakhan, APS Wheeler. “Two- and Three- Dimensional Prescribed Surface Curvature Distribution Blade Design (CIRCLE) Method for the Design of High Efficiency Turbines, Compressors, and Isolated Airfoils.” (2013) Journal of Turbomachinery. 135 (4). DOI: 10.1115/1.4007443. Gary Bledsoe - Biomedical Engineering • Zehnder, S., Bledsoe, G., and Puryear, A. “The Effects of Screw Orientation in Severely Osteoporotic Bone: A comparison with locked plating.” Clinical Biomechanics, 24(7):589-594, August 2009. DOI: 10.1016/ j.clinbiomech.2009.04.008 Gregory Comer - Physics • Haskell, B; Andersson, N; Comer, GL. “Dynamics of Dissipative Multifluid Neutron Star Cores.” Physical Review Vol 86 No 6. September 2012. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.86.063002 • Comer, GL; Peter, P; Andersson, N. “Cosmological Two-Stream Instability.” Physics Letters B Vol 715 No 4-5 September 2012. DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2012.07.069 Sridhar Condoor - Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering • S. Jayaram, S. Condoor, M. McQuilling, “PRO/MECHANICA-based Structural and Random Vibration Analysis of Picosatellite Structure”, International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology, Vol. 4, No.1, pp. 90 - 100, 2012. doi:10.1504/IJCAET.2012.044585 Sanjay Jayaram - Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering • S. Jayaram, “Fault Tolerant Autonomous Rendezvous and Docking Architecture for Spacecraft in Presence of Control Actuator Failures”, International Journal of Intelligent Unmanned Systems, Volume 1, Issue 1, pp.5-20, 2013. DOI:10.1108/20496421311298116 32

FACULTY PUBLICATIONS • S. Jayaram, S. Condoor, M. McQuilling, “PRO/MECHANICA-based Structural and Random Vibration Analy- sis of Picosatellite Structure”, International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology, Vol. 4, No.1, pp. 90 - 100, 2012. doi:10.1504/IJCAET.2012.044585 Phillip Ligrani - Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering • PM Ligrani, Aerodynamic Losses in Turbines with and without Film Coolingm as Influenced by Mainstream Turbulence, Surface Roughness, Airfoil Shape, and Mach Number. International Journal of Rotating Machinery. Vol 2012, Article ID 957421, pp. 957421-1 to 957421-28 (DOI: 10.115/2012.957421), 2012. • DH Lee, HJ Park, & PM Ligrani, Milliscale Confined Impinging Slot Jets: Laminar Heat Transfer Charactersitics for an Isothermal Flat Plate, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. Vol. 55, No 9-10, pp.2249-2260, April 2012. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2012.01.041 • PM Ligrani, M Goodro, M Fox, and HK Moon, Full-Coverage Film Cooling: Film Effectiveness and Heat Transfer Coefficients for Dense and Spare Hole Arrays at Different Blowing Ratios, ASME Transactions Journal of Turbomachinery, Vol 143, No 6, pp. 061039-1 to 061039-13, November 2012. DOI: 10.1115/1.4006304 • DH Lee, JR Bae, M Ryu, and PM Ligrani, Confined, Milliscale Unsteady Laminar Impinging Slot Jets: Effects of Slot Width on Surface Stagnation Point Nusselt Numbers. ASME Transactions-Journal of Electronic Packaging, Vol 134, No 4, pp 041004-1 to 041004-11, December 2012. DOI: 10.1115/l.4007317 Jeff Ma - Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering • J. Ma, XJ Xin. “Elastoplastic Large Deformation Using Meshless Integral Method.” World Journal of Mechanics. 2 (6), 2012. DOI: 10.4236/wjm.2012.26040 • J. Ma, N Pelate, S. Lei. “3D Numerical Investigation of Thermally Assisted High Efficiency Ductile Regime Machining of Nanocrystalline Hydroxyapatite. Journal of Manufacturing Processes 2013. DOI: 10.1016/ j.jmapro.2013.06.007 • J Ma, N Palate, S Lei. “Thermally Assisted High Efficiency Ductile Machining of Newly Developed Nanocrystalline Hydroxyapatite” Ceramics International (2013) DOI: 10.1016/j.ceramint.2013.05.054 Arif Malik - Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering • Malik, A. S., Hinton, J. L. (2012). Displacement of Multiple, Coupled Timoshenko Beams in Nonlinear Elastic Contact, with Application to Rolling Mills. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 134(5), 10. doi: 10.1115/1.4007185 Mark McQuilling - Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering • Arko, B. and McQuilling, M. :Computational Study of High Lift Low Pressure Turbine Cascade Aerodynamics at Low Reynolds Number.” Journal of Propulsion and Power. 29(2), 446-459. March-April 2013. DOI:10.2514/1.B34576. 33

FACULTY PUBLICATIONS • Lyall, M., King, P., Sondergaard, R., Clark, J., and McQuilling, M. “An Investigation of Reynolds Lapse Rate for Highly Loaded Low Pressure Turbine Airfoils with Forward and Aft Loading,” Journal of Turbomachinery, 134, 051028-1 to 051028-9, September 2012; doi: 10.1115/1.4004826. • S. Jayaram, S. Condoor, M. McQuilling, “PRO/MECHANICA-based Structural and Random Vibration Analy- sis of Picosatellite Structure”, International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology, Vol. 4, No.1, pp. 90 - 100, 2012. doi:10.1504/IJCAET.2012.044585 Jean Potvin - Physics • Robert E Shadwick, Jeremy A Goldbogen, Jean Potvin, Nicholas D Pyenson, and Wayne Vogl; “Novel Muscle and Connective Tissue Design Enables Hyper-Extensibility and Controls Engulfment Volume in Lunge Feeding Whales.” Journal of Experimental Biology (2013) Vol 216 pp. 2691-2701. DOI: 10.1242/ jeb.081752 Scott Sell - Biomedical Engineering • Rodriguez, IA.; Sell, SA.; McCool, JM; Saxena, G; Spence, AJ; and GL Bowlin. “A Primary Evaluation of Lyo- phized Gelatin Sponges, Enhanced with Platelet-Rich Plasma, Hydroxyapatite, and Chiting Whiskers for Bone Regeneration.” Cells. 2(2) 244-65, 2013. doi: 10.3390/cells2020244 • Sell, SA; Wolfe, PS; Spence, AJ; Rodriguez, IA; McCool, JM. Garg, K, Ericksen, JJ; and GL Bowlin. “A Preliminary Study on the Potential of Manuka Honey and Platelet-Rich Plasma in Wound Healing.” International Journal of Biomaterials. 2012, doi:10.1155/2012/313781. • Sell, SA; Ericksen JJ; and GL Bowlin. “The Incorporation and Controlled Release of Platelet Rich Plasm derived biomolecules form Polymeric Tissue Engineering Scaffolds.” Polymer International. 61 (12) 17031709, 2012. doi: 10.1002/pi.4372 • Rodriguez, IA; Madurantakam, PA; McCool JM; Sell, SA; Yang, H.; Moon, PC; and GL Bowlin. “Mineralization Potential of Electrospun PDO-Hydroxypatite-Fibrinogen Blended Scaffolds.” International Journal of Biomaterials. 2012, doi: 10.1155/2012/159484 • Francis, MP; Sachs, PC; Madurantakam, PA; Sell, SA; Moghaddam, YM; Elmore, LW; Bowlin, GL; and SE Holt. “Electrospinning Adipose Tissue-Derived Extracellular Matrix for Adipose Stem Cell Culture.” Journal of Biomedical Materials Research: Part A. 100 (7) 1716-1724, 2012. doi: 10.1002/jbm.a.34126. • McClure, MJ, Garg, K, Simpson, DG, Ryan, JJ, Sell, SA, Bowlin, GL, and JJ Erickson. “The Influence of Platelet Rich Plasma on Myogenic Differentiation.” The Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine. In Press. DOI: 10.1002/term.1755 David Wiseby - Phyiscs • MR Vissers, JS Gao, SM Duff, DS Wiseby, KD Irwin, DP Pappas. “Proximity-Coupled Ti/TiN Multilayers for Use in Kinetic Inductance Detectors.” Applied Physics Letters Vol 102. June 2013. DOI: 10.1063.1.4804286 34

FACULTY PUBLICATIONS • J Gao, MR Bissers, MO Sandberg, FCS da Silva, SW Nam, Dp Pappas, DS Wiseby, EC Langman, SR Meeker, BA Mazin, HG Leduc, J Zmuidzinas, KD Irwin. “A Titanium-Nitride Near-Infared Kinetic Inductance Photon Counting Detector and its Anomalous Electrodynamics.” Applied Physics Letters Vol 101. October 2012. DOI: 10.1063/1.4756916. Yao-Jan Wu - Civil Engineering • Huanmei Qin, Hongzhi Guan, and Yao-Jan Wu (2013). Analysis of Park-and-Ride Decision Behavior based on Decision Field Theory. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour. vol. 18, pp. 199-212. DOI: 10.1016/j.trf.2013.02.001 • James H. Lambert, Yao-Jan Wu, Haowen You , Andres Clarens, Brian Smith (2013). Future Climate Change and Priority Setting for Transportation Infrastructure Assets. ASCE Journal of Infrastructure Systems. In Press. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)15.1943-55x.0000094 • Yao-Jan Wu, Guohui Zhang, and Yinhai Wang (2012). Link Journey Speed Estimation for Urban Arterial Performance Measurement using Advance Loop Detector Data under Congested Conditions. ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering.Vol. 138, Issue 11, Pages 1321–1332. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)te.19435436.0000429 • Yunteng Lao, Yao-Jan Wu, Yinhai Wang, and Kelly McAllister (2012). Fuzzy Logic-based Mapping Algorithm for Improving Animal-Vehicle Collision Data. ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering. Vol. 138, No. 5, 2012, pp. 520-526. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)TE.1943-5436.0000351. Silviya Zustiak - Biomedical Engineering • S. P. Zustiak, J. Riley, H. Boukari, H. A. Gandjbakhche, R. Nossal, “Effects of Multiple Scattering on Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy Measurements of Particles Moving within Optically Dense Media”, Journal of Biomedical Optics, 2012, 17(12), 125004-125004 . DOI: 10.1117/1.jbo.17.12.125004 • S. P. Zustiak, Y. Wei, J. B. Leach, “Protein-hydrogel interactions in tissue engineering: mechanisms and applications”, Tissue Engineering Part B: Reviews, 2013, 19(2), 160-171. DOI: 10.1089/ten.teb.2012.0458 • S. P. Zustiak, S. Pubill, A. Ribeiro, JB Leach, “Hydrolytically degradable poly(ethylene glycol) hydrogel scaffolds as a cell delivery vehicle: characterization of PC12 cell response”,Biotechnology Progress, 2013, In Press. DOI: 10.1002/btpr.1761. Grigory Yablonsky - Joint Appt with Arts & Sciences • Fei Xia, G.S. Yablonsky, and R. Axelbaum, “Numerical study of flame structure and soot inception interpreted in carbon-to-oxygen atom ratio space.” Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 34, 1 (2013)1085–1091. DOI: 10.1016/j.proci.2012.06.43 • A.N. Gorban, E.M. Mirkes, G.S. Yablonsky, “Thermodynamics in the limit of irreversible reactions”, Physica A 392 (2013) 1318–1335 . DOI: 10.1016/j.ces.2012.01.017. 35

FACULTY PUBLICATIONS • D. Constales, G.S. Yablonsky, G.B. Marin, “Intersections and coincidences in chemical kinetics: Linear two- step reversible–irreversible reaction mechanism” , Computers and Mathematics with their Applications 65 (2013)10,1614-1624 DOI: 10.1016/j.camwa.2012.11.005 • E. Redekop, G. Yablonsky, V. Galvita, D. Constales, R. Fushimi, J.T. Gleaves, and G. B. Marin, “Momentary Equilibrium (ME) in Transient Kinetics and Its Application for Estimating the Concentration of Active Sites”, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.(2013) DOI: 10.1021/ie400677b

ONLINE JOURNALS T. Alexander - Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering; Biomedical Engineering • Avital, E.J., Korakianitis, T., Miloh, T. “Sound scattering by a flexible plate embedded on free sur- face.”(2012) Advances in Acoustics and Vibration, art. no. 473531. DOI: 10.1155/2012/473531 Gregory Comer - Physics • Hawke, I; Comer, GL; Andersson, N. “The Nonlinear Development of the Relativistic Two-Stream Instability.” Classical and Quantum Gravity. Vol 30. No 14 July 2013. DOI: 10.1088/0264-9381/30/14/145007 Irma Kuljanishvili - Phyiscs • M. Minary, R.A. Bernal, I. Kuljanishvili, V Parpoil, and H.D. Espinosa. “Individual GaN Nanowires Exhibit Stron Piexoelectricity in 3D.” Nano Letters Vol 12 No 2. 2012. DOI: 10.1021/nl204043y • Walsh, KA; Romanowich, ME; Gasseler, M; Kuljanishvili, I; Ashoori, R; Tessmer, S; “Scanning Probe Single- Electron Capacitance Spectroscopy.” J. Vis. Exp. Vol 77. 2013. DOI: 10.3791/50676 Jean Potvin - Physics • J Potvin, JA Goldbogen, and R Shadwick. “Metabolic Expenditures of Lunge Feeding Rorquals Across Scale: Implications for the Evolution of Filter Feedingand the Limits to Maximum Body Size.” PLoS ONE 2012 Vol.7 No.9. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0044854

CONFERENCE PAPERS Stephen Belt - Aviation Science • S Belt, S Mooshegian, and D Sargeant. (2013) The 25th Hour: Promoting Accountability in the Classroom for Over Scheduled Students. Break-out session, The Center for Transformative Teaching and Learning Winter Institute: Engaging All Learners in the 21st Century. Riyadh Hindi - Civil Engineering • Doug Richardson and Riyadh Hindi, “Alleviation of Cracking to Improve the Durability of Concrete Bridge Bays”, accepted, First International Conference on Performance-based and Life-cycle Structural Engineering, Hong Kong, China, December, 2012. 36

FACULTY PUBLICATIONS Phillip Ligrani - Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering

• Heat Transfer Augmentation Technologies for Internal Cooling of Turbine Components of Gas Turbine Engines (PM Ligrani), Invited Keynote Paper, Invited Expert, Fourth International Symposium on Jet Propulsion and Power Engineering, 4th ISJPPE Meeting, Northwestern Polytechnical University (NPU), Xi’an, PR China, September 10-12, 2012 • Turbine Research at Saint Louis University (M. McQuilling and PM Ligrani), Invited Lecture, Turbine Engine Technology Symposium (TETS), Dayton Convention Center, Dayton, OH, USA, September 10-13, 2012 • New Developments in Surface Heat Transfer Augmentation Technologies as Applied to Internal Flow Environments (PM Ligrani), Invited Plenary Keynote Paper, ISTP-23, The 23rd International Symposium on Transport Phenomena, The University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand, November 19-22, 2012. Jeff Ma - Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering • J. Ma, Y. Yong, S. Lei. 3D FEM Investigation of the Effects of Nose Radius and Edge Radius on Turning of AISI 4140. ASME IMECE 2012-88333. ASME 2012 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition. November 9-15, 2012, Houston, Texas, USA. • J. Ma, S. Lei, H. Lu. 3D Numerical Investigation of Effects of Milling Process Parameters on High Speed Milling of TiAl6V4. ASME IMECE 2012-88235. ASME 2012 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Ex- position. November 9-15, 2012, Houston, Texas, USA. • J. Ma. Numerical Investigation of Dynamic Impact between Cellular Shear Band Based Non-pneumatic Tire and Sand with Obstacle. SAE 2013 World Congress & Exhibition. Paper number: 2013-01-0631. April 16-18, 2013. Cobo Center, Detroit, Michigan, USA. • J. Ma, X. Ge, S. Lei. Energy Efficiency in Thermally Assisted Machining of Titanium Alloy: a Numerical Study. ASME 2013 International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference, MSEC2013-1207, June 10-14, 2013, Madison, Wisconsin, USA. • J. Ma, N. Pelate, S. Lei. Thermally Assisted High Efficiency Ductile machining of Brittle Materials: a Numerical Study. ASME 2013 International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference, MSEC2013/ NAMRC 41-1596, June 10-14, 2013, Madison, Wisconsin, USA. Mark McQuilling - Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering • Keadle, K and McQuilling M. “Evaluation of RANS Transition Modeling for High Lift LPT Flows at Low Reyn- olds Number,” ASME Paper GT2013-95069, Presented at the ASME International Gas Turbine Institute Turbo Expo 2013, San Antonio, Texas, USA. June 3-7, 2013. • Potvin, J, Kavanaugh, J, and McQuilling M. “A Second Look at Geometric Porosity as Revealed by Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD),” AIAA-2013-1320, Presented at the 22nd AIAA Aerodynamic Decelerator Systems Technology Conference, Daytona Beach, FL, USA, March 25-28, 2013.


FACULTY PUBLICATIONS • Freed, N, McQuilling, M, and Potvin, J. “Investigation of Outer Ring Aerodynamics of an Annular Parachute,” AIAA-2013-1280, presented at the 22nd AIAA Aerodynamic Decelerator Systems Technology Conference, Daytona Beach, FL, USA March 25-28, 2013. • M. McQuilling, and Potvin, J.; “Forebody Wake Effects on the Aerodynamics of an Annular Parachute”. Paper AIAA-2012-3332. Presented at the 21th AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, June 24-28, 2012. Jean Potvin - Physics • Potvin, J, Kavanaugh, J, and McQuilling M. “A Second Look at Geometric Porosity as Revealed by Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD),” AIAA-2013-1320, Presented at the 22nd AIAA Aerodynamic Decelerator Systems Technology Conference, Daytona Beach, FL, USA, March 25-28, 2013. • Freed, N, McQuilling, M, and Potvin, J. “Investigation of Outer Ring Aerodynamics of an Annular Parachute,” AIAA-2013-1280, presented at the 22nd AIAA Aerodynamic Decelerator Systems Technology Conference, Daytona Beach, FL, USA March 25-28, 2013. • M. McQuilling, and Potvin, J.; “Forebody Wake Effects on the Aerodynamics of an Annular Parachute”. Paper AIAA-2012-3332. Presented at the 21th AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, June 24-28, 2012. K. Ravindra - Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering • K Ravindra, “Flight Vehicle Structure Revisited,” AIAA-2013-0979. Presented at the 51st Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Dallas, TX, USA. January 2013. 10.2514/6.2013-979 Richard Steckel - Center for Aviation Safety Research • Steckel, R. (2012) General Aviation Line Operations Safety Audits. Presented at the Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE) Conference in San Fransisco, CA, USA. July 2012. Michael Swartwout - Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering • Swartwout, MA. (2012) Argus: Radiation Effects Modeling on a University Nanosat. 26th AIAA/USA Conference on Small Satellites. Logan, UT, August 2012. • Swartwout, MA. (2013) Cheaper by the Dozen: The Avalanche of Rideshares in the 21st Century. 2013 IEEE Aerospace Conference. Big Sky, MT, USA. March 2013. DOI: 10.1109/AERO.2013.6497182 • Swartwout, MA,; Jayaram, Sanjay. (2013) An Introductory Course in Practical Systems Engineering. 120th ASEE Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA, USA. June 2013. Paper 6816. David Wiseby - Physics • DS Wiseby, A Martin, A Reinisch, J Gao. “Method for Determining the Quality Factor and Resonance Frequency of Superconducting Micro-resonators from Sonnet Simulations.” American Physical Society March Meeting. Baltimore, MD, USA. March 2013. 38


Terry Kelly - Aviation Science

• Kelly T, Meyer, R, & Patankar, M. (2012) “Safety Culture: Testing the Safety Culture Pyramid with Structural Equation Modeling.” Report prepared for the Federal Aviation Administration. Damon Lercel - Center for Aviation Safety Research • Sterckel, R; Lercel, D; Rieser T; Kostal, T & Patankar, M. (2013) “Safety Management Systesm for Aviation Service Providers: A Comparison with Current Federal Regulations, Industry Standards, and Programs. Report Prepared for the Federal Aviation Administration Manoj Patankar - Center for Aviation Safety Research • Kelly, T; Meyer, R; & Patankar, M. (2012) “Safety Culture: Testing the Safety Culture Pyramid with Structural Equation Modeling.” Report prepared for the Federal Aviation Administration. • Steckel, R & Patankar, M. (2012) “Adapting Line Operations Safety Audits to General Aviation.” Report prepared for Federal Aviation Administration. • Steckel, R,; Farnan, J; & Patankar, M. (2013) “Understanding the Nature of Past Corrective Actions and How Safety Management Systems Could Change the Scope of Future Corrective Actions in Aviation.” Report prepared for Federal Aviation Administration . • Sterckel, R; Lercel, D; Rieser T; Kostal, T & Patankar, M. (2013) “Safety Management Systesm for Aviation Service Providers: A Comparison with Current Federal Regulations, Industry Standards, and Programs. Report Prepared for the Federal Aviation Administration. Richard Steckel - Center for Aviation Safety Research • Steckel, R & Patankar, M. (2012) “Adapting Line Operations Safety Audits to General Aviation.” Report prepared for Federal Aviation Administration. • Steckel, R,; Farnan, J; & Patankar, M. (2013) “Understanding the Nature of Past Corrective Actions and How Safety Management Systems Could Change the Scope of Future Corrective Actions in Aviation.” Report prepared for Federal Aviation Administration . • Sterckel, R; Lercel, D; Rieser T; Kostal, T & Patankar, M. (2013) “Safety Management Systesm for Aviation Service Providers: A Comparison with Current Federal Regulations, Industry Standards, and Programs. Report Prepared for the Federal Aviation Administration.


3450 Lindell Boulevard McDonnell Douglas Hall St. Louis, MO 63103 314-977-8203

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