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Landmark Report Reveals the Size of the French Glamping Market
The leading French consultancy Hôtes-Insolites has launched its first glamping research, alongside the specialist firm Protourisme, which aims to shed light on the structure of the unusual accommodation market.

Adeline Lenoir, Founder of Hôtes-Insolites
The idea is to renew the research every two years – it covers many themes – a directory of the companies involved in the sector including details of the year they were founded, the types and numbers of accommodation offered, equipment and services, comfort levels, as well as management and occupancy data for 2021. “All this information makes it possible to draw up a concrete and precise panorama of the glamping market in France,” says Adeline Lenior, Founder of Hôtes-Insolites.
“This research was based on the dissemination of a vast survey of all French glamping hosts, which were exhaustively listed by the Hôtes Insolites agency. This upstream census required several months of research to lead to the creation of a national database, which had never been established before. All unusual forms of accommodation were the subject of research, including when the hosts were present only on social networks or ad sites,” she adds.
In 2022, the French market has 3,026 glamping sites and more than 9,702 pieces of glamping accommodation. All of these structures have generated Euros 220 million, the average price per night in these sites being Euros 142 and the average budget per stay calculated at around 241 euros. The study also reveals that the duration of a stay in unusual accommodation is 1.7 nights on average and 2.5 nights camping. Glamping accommodation simultaneously accommodates an average of 2.9 people and 3.6 people on a campsite. The average budget allocated to a night camping is Euros 89. In 2021, of all the hosts surveyed, it turned out that they opened on average 200 days over the year with an occupancy rate of around 57%.
Regarding customers, it appears that 66% are couples, 63% are between 31 and 45 years old and 47% live less than two hours from the unusual structure.