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Future of the Glamping Industry: The Year of Development
Letter from AGA founder, Ruben Martinez

Ruben Martinez
As we continue to look into the future of the glamping industry, we are kicking off 2022 and looking at what 2021 has taught us all. As we sit today and look back at where some of our predictions have landed and how far or close we were, we acknowledge that some predictions are still baking and need more time and others have taken shape and are clear as day. For starters, travel isn’t changing, it has changed. For yet another year the glamping industry is well positioned to have another record setting year all around and all data is reinforcing this simple yet vital truth.
What is also clear is that this will be the year of development and will shape the next decade in this industry. 2022 versus any other year will have more new, ongoing and completed glamping developments globally than any other year on record. The sheer volume and scope of these new operations in the space is cause for tremendous excitement for what is ahead of us. It also signals that even though the glamping industry is nacient compared to the hotel industry for example, the current development cadence shows us that the capital confidence and infusion is an indication that glamping remains a bright light in travel.

The year of development comes with a few caveats. For starters, the consistent truth in developing in the glamping space is that the two things you can always count on is that a project will always be more expensive than and take longer than originally planned. Until a more universal solution for local and state permitting is sorted a project finish line will continue to feel frustratingly far from the starting line. And the other key element to consider is that even with the massive amount of development happening, supply still won’t catch up to the growing user demand for this asset class. This will mean strong occupancy numbers for operators but continuing frustrations for guests looking for glamping properties to book. Which again is a problem, but a good problem to have at the moment.
The year of development will give us a lot to look forward to and even more to learn from and we continue to remain optimistic for what 2022 will bring us.
For more info please contact americanglampingassociation.net/ or info@americanglampingassociation.net