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Alumni News
Alumni Gather at IU
Park Tudor faculty and Development Department staff enjoyed visiting with alums who attend IU at a gathering at Mother Bear’s Pizza in Bloomington. Thank you to all who came out to join us!
Fall Alumni Weekend
We were thrilled to welcome hundreds of alumni back to campus for our fall Alumni Weekend, held November 12-13 on the Park Tudor campus. We celebrated Distinguished Alumni David Chambers ’58 and Cathy Ferree ’82 on Friday evening, along with Young Alumni Impact Award recipients Jacobi Petrucciani ’12, Prahasith Veluvolu ’13, and Colton Voege ’13, and held our traditional 50 Year Club Lunch and Reunion Reception on Saturday, November 13. View more photos from the weekend on photos.parktudor.org/2021-2022.
Save the Date: Spring Alumni Weekend on April 29–30, 2022
April 29:
• Park Tudor 50th Anniversary event April 30:
• 50 Year Club Lunch (celebrating the class of 1972) • Reunion reception (all class years invited)